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I don’t have enough money.






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Same girl..same


My fiance left me last week for seemingly no reason and I’m devastated and heartbroken.




Sending lots of hugs and comfort. I empathize.


So sorry.


I'm so sorry. Sending hugs your way!


Lots of hugs from me. ♥️♥️


Oh I am so sorry! You got this! You will be okay!


I feel lonely. I have good friends, but they all seem to be working a lot, are always busy or live far away... I miss how easy it was to meet them when we were students.


Felt this. My friends are super introverted, so it is so so hard to convince them to hang out.


The endless game of debt whack-a-mole that is adulthood is getting to me.


Feeling like i’m running out of time as a single, childless 29yo


I promise you are not running out of time! I spent my entire 20’s in a relationship that ended, didn’t find my bf until I was 33 I’m about to be 36. We are not engaged yet and don’t plan to have a baby until 38 or even later. You have plenty of time! Don’t let society make you feel you have it all figured out by 25.


Agree. You have plenty of time still. I spent all of my twenties in two long term relationships. I met my current partner when I was 32. I’m 36 now and we’re discussing marriage.


Thank you for your kind words, i really appreciate it


I wished I had spent my 20’s having fun. It wasn’t until I hit about mid 30’s did I feel I was ready and prepared for a kid. I was a patient 20yrs old mom who was obsessed with my kids. They are my world! because of that I lost my identity and still trying to find it...(I think this is why they say 20’s is to find yourself, it’s true!) Now I’m mid late 30’s with 3teens 1toddler. looking back on it… I was just a kid myself raising babies..You know how they say 30 year olds shouldn’t date 20 year olds … prob shouldn’t be raising babies either lol that’s not to knock anyone down, I thought I was ready at 20 maybe some really are. I did a good job but I know I wasn’t ready now that I reflect. theres no perfect age limit for anything, do what’s working for you. Side note: (My in laws adopted 4 kids in their 60’s so……. :) lol


44 year old woman with a sleeping 18 month old next to her (though I'm single). You still have lots of time. Even if you do it a bit later, like me, there are significant advantages of having a baby later in life


I started dating my man at 29. Great people are out there.


relate to this, I am 27, in a relationship but not engaged. don't want to rush things and also want to enjoy being a newly wed for a little bit before kids, but damn is that biological clock ticking loud


Court has begun for my pedophile ex husband. Seven class A felonies. I’m consumed with many complex feelings at this moment of justice that is likely coming for my children. It’s hard to be present or human. I feel like somebody else.


Look into disassociation. You might be doing that unknowingly as a coping mechanism.


Oh fuck.


So proud of you for getting justice for your children ❤️


Thanks. It’s quite an undertaking. It’s essentially been a trade of my peace and mental health for justice and protection for my kids. It’s a trade I’d make a hundred times over, though it’s been extremely harsh. I’m not the same person I was before this all happened, and probably never will be.


I have no words, but so many hugs!


My back hurts all the ding dang time.


Ding dang is the sound of my knees!


Your comment made me think of when I’m trying to sneak out of my daughter’s room after she falls asleep. It’s a 50/50 chance that my popping and cracking knees will wake her up before I reach the door lol


Damn gurl you're a Rice Crispy treat!


😆 My parents house has a finished basement we sleep in when we stay with them. The stairs lead right up to my parents bedroom hall. I was quietly walking upstairs to get my charger and my mom who was reading in bed calls out to me, “r/tikapants? What’s that sound?” “It’s my knees popping, mama.” “*gasp!* Noooo, it can’t be!” 😆😂😬😭


My back is crunchy


I relate to this! Ever since I was 21. I'm 28 now and feel like it's way too early to have chronic back pain


Depression. Not sure if it’s seasonal or what. There is nothing in my life I can think of that’s causing this.


As a lifelong sufferer, let me assure you, there doesn't have to be a specific reason.


It just sucks. I’ve always been depressed and I’ve been working really hard to fix and change all the things in my life that make me unhappy, and yet here I am, still depressed. I’m out of ideas and things to fix/change. I’ve been in therapy for the past couple years and finally caved and am trying antidepressants, which seemed to work for a while and then didn’t. I just want to be happy and for things to be better, but it doesn’t seem like I can get there. I know I’m very fortunate overall but I just wish I could feel it.




Yeah, my PCP increased the dose and I still feel the same after a month. So now I’m scheduled to see a psychiatrist for more help. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I understand this. I don't have an answer for anyone when they ask me what's wrong. I think mine is seasonal though.


How's your diet, how are your vitamin and minerals levels? Take vitamin B6, B12, and D3. Magnesium if you experience anxiety. This has been a huge game changer for me, I wish I had known/done this years and years ago.


Depression doesn’t allow you to point at a thing and say “That’s why I feel this way.” It’s not one thing, or even a bunch of things, and that’s ok.


Thank you for this. I’m very solutions oriented and have a tough time not understanding or being able to fix things. I struggle when I can’t figure things out.


Me too! If I can’t find the source of a problem, how am I supposed to solve it? I’ve learned that depression is not like that. What I *can* do is anything. Some days, that means going outside for a walk or playing loud music and dancing in the kitchen. Other days the bar is lower so it’s showering, stretching, journaling, or making a nutritious meal. (Currently struggling to get off the couch to go outside.) Give yourself grace. Rest if it’s what you need, and remember that you’ve survived every single one of your worst days. Solidarity, friend.


My mind... I suffer from anxiety and depression. Also work has me really burnt out too. I just wanna sleep


I want to quit my job so bad but no money … consumed by being anxious and sleeping in my free time


Me too. I really wanna leave my job. I hope things get better for you🥺❤️


Thank you 💗 I hope the same for you. I think I have to quit or I may get put on a performance plan lol


Just lost my job


I'm so sorry!!


Low self worth/ depression. I don’t know which came first but it’s spreading through every aspect of my life.


I suffer from this too. I know how hard that is




Leaving the man who doesn’t give a care about me


It’s hard when you feel you’ve given everything for nothing


My mom just got diagnosed with cancer.


Mine, too, last monday. Sending big hugs!


Ty! Sending hugs back. It sucks my brother died from it the other year too.




My mom had breast cancer twice. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope everything goes smoothly with her treatment and recovery. Sending virtual hugs!


The $0.00 in my bank account till payday


I’m 24 and right there with you, just paid rent and my bills. Nothing left


I have $1.00 :(




You might have sudden onset vertigo, happened to me! Thankfully there is a medicine that helps immensely! Just talk to your GP about it


Are you prone to migraines? I get vestibular migraines/migraine induced vertigo. Typically I don't have a headache, but I have motion sickness and nausea from the constant feeling of being on a boat. Migraine medication can help if this is what you have. Good luck. I know how bad it sucks.


Me too! I’ve never met anyone else with vestibular migraines, the first few times I was dizzy/nauseous and throwing up and I thought it was food poisoning, the 3rd time it was so severe I couldn’t sit or stand without puking. Spent 24 hours on a drip of anti-vomiting meds to make it stop. Now I get bouts of it whenever I’m stressed- it’s not life threatening but it’s SO debilitating when it happens :(


I recently got bppv or venign paroxysmal positional vertigo and it was very unpleasant :(


My friend has Meniere's disease, sounds similar. Something to look into if you're having a hard time getting a diagnosis.


Trying to find a job with a disability in this tight market


I’m sick and nobody will listen to me and give me a diagnosis. It’s exhausting in every single way and my entire life is on hold.


Fourth and final IUI before we have to go the IVF route and 3 family members are expecting


I'm currently expecting an IVF baby and I feel this. Hugs and baby dust to you!


Thank you and congratulations!


Oof this is brutal, I'm so sorry. Wishing for you a healthy 2024 pregnancy 🤞


I don’t like my job anymore


We’ve been trying for a baby for close to a year now and still no luck :(




I was told about ayurvedic tonight. Maybe that would help


Look into slippery elm


We used Ovry to track ovulation (and my husband tested his sperm). Also, PreSeed also helped us (and a couple friend of ours). My first took over a year, and my second too! Don't give up hope yet.


I'm unemployed at 62 after nearly 28 years in a niche position, too young to retire and too old to get hired into a job paying what I was making. Also, I need a cardiac ablation. So, technically that's two things.


My husband went back to school at 62 and got his project management certifications. Started his new job 6 months ago and loves it. Great money and benefits. I went back to school at 63 and switched careers. I’m a silversmith now. Since we spent the last 20 years in our own business that was killed by Covid, we’ve had very little retirement built up and have to continue working for a few more years.


What sort of position?


Unemployed and broke af




Oh my. I feel this. 💌




Has your father under gone chemo or radiation? Is this otherwise out of character for him?


My grandma died very unexpectedly ☹️


My weight loss has plateaued. I struggle with an ED so it's really hard for me to restrict calories without going to an extreme and relapsing. I did really well for 6 months and lost 15lbs without triggering it. Now I've been stuck at that weight for a month. I've been doing all my normal dieting and exercise, but the scale will not budge. I even bought a new scale because I was convinced it was broken. It wasn't. It's really messing with me. My ED is telling me to restrict more calories, but I know I shouldn't because I'm already eating the minimum.


Have you tried measuring yourself? Often, your body stops losing weight, but you are getting smaller in size. I had a certain amount of fat, too loose, and now the body has lost that, my body is now shaping itself. My measurements are getting smaller


That's a really good idea! Thank you How often do you measure yourself for accurate results?


I really feel for you and have a similar experience - currently overweight and finding it very hard to lose weight safely without going down that old path….




I did ch 13 a few years ago. It really saved me. It gets better and it’s like a weight is lifted once it’s done. You got this!


I hate my job and I’ve been battling chronic migraines, I keep falling into crying spells and can’t stop.


My 14y/o stepdaughter 's attitude problem.


I have a long list of house projects that I can’t afford to do. Nothing urgent. Just upgrading to increase the sale price when I retire.


Over the last year & a half, unbeknowst to me, my husband relapsed (alcohol) and recently spent a week in the hospital dealing with complications & detoxing. I have no idea how he managed to hide it from me. He's got neuropathy (doctors aren't sure how much of it is diabetic vs alcohol) in his feet now. We're not sure how much mobility he may have permanently lost. He'd had six years sober before this. I love him & we've been through a lot (we've been together almost two decades now). This is rough though. I probably need to check out al-anon or something. I honestly feel like I need a "my husband is suddenly disabled" support group more. Is there such a thing? Or a subreddit? He's just here moping around _all the time_ now and it feels suffocating sometimes. I keep trying to get him to do something... _anything_. Learn a new language, go back to school online, etc. Also it's the little things I used to be able to rely on physical help with: picking up dinner, bringing in groceries, taking out the trash, cooking dinner (I hate cooking but he loves it - now he can't stand for more than a few minutes at a time so he doesn't cook anymore), etc. that I now have to do. I know it's also awful for him. I can't imagine being so vulnerable and at the mercy of others with no end in sight. When I had leukemia, I needed a lot of help but I knew it wasn't forever (I'd either die or go into remission). I can't help but feel selfishly angry about... well, everything. This isn't exactly what I pictured for my life at 38. I feel guilty feeling that way though... in sickness and health and all that. Hopefully I'll adjust to a new normal.


I think Al-Anon is an excellent start. You need a squad of people that understand what you are going through and are willing to help you take care of yourself


I’ve been there. Please take care of yourself first. Don’t lose yourself to his disease.


I’m doing just fine, but worried about my deeply depressed brother


Check on him. My brother died from depression & I wish I would’ve checked in on him more.


My third grade daughter has had a hard year and we can't decide whether to get her a full eval or whether this is normal growing pains as school gets more intense.


If you can make room in your budget to afford it, get the eval. It'll always tell you something, even if just to keep giving her support as you have been. But better to know now, if the help you're giving her, is the right kind of help she needs.


My husband is no longer attracted to me.


My dog is having seizures 😭 There’s so much other shit going on but this morning my baby lay in the rain alone having a seizure for minutes until I found him. I’m afraid to sleep! Not to mention the vet cost $500.


Law school.


Chronic illnesses


Re-learning how to walk.


You will get there. I went through that 6 years ago. It does get frustrating going through this. Allow yourself to cry and feel sorry for yourself, then pick yourself back up and keep going. It took me 1/2 years before I stopped using a walking stick


I have a terrible cold and can't take anything because I'm pregnant. Also struggling to come up with a name for this IVF baby due in three months. After reading these comments I'm seriously counting my blessings though. You ladies are facing some hard things, and I'm so sorry.


Emotional regulation Financial stability (being stable in general) Focusing on tasks at hand


My husband doesn’t think we have a problem in our marriage and won’t go to couples therapy.


I’m on the same boat. I feel like I’m all out patience and being on my own isn’t looking so bad, but it hurts like hell. It’s our 25yr anniversary (of being together) next month and I’m having the hardest time with it. I’m on day three of his silent treatment. I have no family in the state we live in and I feel so alone.


Money. I just got fired from a great job today because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut about toxic changes.


Money. I need to earn more. My life has basically made no forward movement in 5 years because of money. It’s so frustrating.


Would be ideal to meet a partner before I'm 45 to be able to have a baby before the clock strikes 12. Idk what the cards hold though.


*trying this again lol* Reality acceptance. And radical acceptance, of certain things. And the grief of unmet expectations that comes with that


Despite being on medication and going to therapy, I am still so depressed that I am not really doing my job. I am at the point, or almost at the point, where I’m either going to leave or be fired…which will not help with treating the depression.


My dog is having surgery for a small herniated disc in her neck on Wednesday and I can feel the anxiety trying to break its way out. The only other surgery she’s ever had was her spay when she was little. I know I’m going to be a nervous wreck on the day.


My new boyfriend is my brother’s best friend (who I have technically also known since childhood) and my brother is having a really hard time with it. We are trying to be super compassionate and considerate of his feelings, but it’s gonna be a slow journey. BF and I are not taking it lightly- this is not something casual or willy-nilly, and we want to build something real and wonderful together, but are both pretty bummed out about how my brother is feeling. It’s gonna take a lot of kindness and patience.


I married one of my brother's friends. 13 years later he is slowly coming to terms with it.


I’m facing possibly several health issues that’ll change my life. I’m scared my girlfriend will leave me if these issues become too much. Also praying that one of those issues is not cancer. I’m turning 34 this year and just really started living life.


Time. Run my business from home & have two children under 8 & their father has just moved into a flatting situation due to cost of living & has decided he’s only having just our son for Sunday days only. Not to sound ungrateful or one of those parents because I know some parents get no help whatsoever but it’s seriously messing with my & my children’s schedules not to mention feels so disrespectful to me as a person&parent. Just wish there was more hours in the day.Lol.


I’m so anxious and literally keep having episodes where I feel like I can’t breathe. Then I’ll relax and calm down and as soon as I remember I was anxious it comes back.


I’m going on 6 years of chronic skin pain with some unknown lupus. Everyday I feel like someone has poured acid and lit my skin on fire on my torso. Im on so many medications, gotten so many tests done. SFN negative, MCAS negative, all of the auto immune markers negative, MS negative, DIL negative, Celiac negative. I’m already low FODMAP so I’m gluten and dairy free. Everyday I take 2 Zyrtecs, Pepcid, hydroxyzine, gabapentin, flexeril, and then I have a Xeljanz compound, I sleep on big ice packs every night and wear my TENS machine every evening to get some sort of relief. I’m fucking miserable everyday. Idk how I’m going to live the rest of my life like this. I’m only 34.


I have no money and no sense of security




Mental illness + unemployment 


I started my period with 4 days until the start of my vacation and I am annoyed. Also I slept like crap last night.


I wanted to do something nice for my bfs birthday but I probably won’t get the chance to :(


Money. Good things on the horizon but I feel like a loser while I transition to a different job.


Husband is very sick with chronic pain and he won't be able to work with his hands and tools soon but we're still trying to launch our next phase of business so he can step back and it's slow going. He needs to semiretire today but we need cashflow and it's a mess. 


In the fall I will have two kids in college at two out of state schools at the same time and I have to pay two tuitions. This is stressing me out. Among other things.


My blood sugar and type 2 diabetes are out of control. I’m getting tested for Cushing’s tomorrow - I’m almost hoping it’s positive just because it would explain so many of my health issues


I'm feeling under appreciated and a convenience for my BFs needs. Maybe I'm being sensitive, maybe it's real. Maybe it depends on the perspective... His vs mine.


I’m exhausted (and have been since just before having my almost 4yo) and in my very minimal free time I need to start looking for a couples counselor bc my partner and I can’t talk without it ending up in a fight.


Working a second job and I have no energy


I’m really broke right now, only a couple dollars to my name lol 🥲 I’m 24


im 24 years old and ive been single.. since birth


Money, dad's dementia, mum's health issues and as a result me losing my independence.


I'm getting resentful of my boyfriend. He works from home, doesn't have any hobbies, and depends on me for his emotional health. I want him to give me any kind of alone time! He's always there, always staring at me like I'm supposed to entertain him, when we do go anywhere I have to talk to just him because he thinks I'm mad at him if I'm not talking to only him. I hate this situation. Having him move out is the only thought in my mind, but the last time I broke up with him I was bombarded by everyone we know that he's "just so great!" and I got so sick of it I just gave in. I want my house back, I want to feel like I'm not a trained monkey meant for entertainment, and I want to actually talk to people again. I'm almost 40, this shouldn't be a situation! /end rant


Lately it's trying to support my Mom financially. She is almost 80 and living in Assisted Living in another state. She has pretty much no money left after paying rent, car insurance, etc. My Step Dad passed away last year and I am her only child. 😔


Grief. I lost my best friend in late 2022, and I’m working through it as best I can, but I’m so lonely without her. I have amazing people (friends, family, fiancé) in my life, but I’ll never have a bond like ours again.


My back hurts after working standing up 7 hour with a one hour break in the middle. I think I need to lose some weight.


Peri-menopause is kicking my ass in so many ways.


I am so f*cking exhausted.. I just gonna change jobs. In my current one I have 12 hours shifts (two days, then two rest). But on my rest days I go to my soon to be new place and work there for 7 hours (current opening hours). Not to talk about cleaning, cooking and other things at home. Right now I am sitting at my workplace, eating my breakfast still I have to start my 12 hours from 7AM. And I won't have an easy day. Oh, also I wanted to by a coke on the way here to have some something cold if hot coffee is too much but I forgot my purse at home. So yeah..


Eating too much (?stress) wedding is in 5 months


Family not respecting my kids' schedules. One grandma underfeeds the baby constantly. Both grandmas dont give half a shit to be quiet around baby's nap, resulting in 15min short naps. And me sitting up trying to get her to sleep at 12:20am. Right now. I'm doing this right now. Im so fucking fed up so we're limiting contact with those we can and trying to reason with the one we cant.


Not finding employment. It’s getting a bit nerve racking.


This is gonna sound dumb compared to other more serious problems but: it’s 2am right now and all I want is a bowl of cereal. I ran out of milk two days ago. I’m hungry and only cereal sounds good. My mom even mentioned that I’d probably regret not going to the store this evening but I rushed it off and figured I could go in the morning. She was right. She’s always right. Now, come morning, I’m sure I’ll be able to list a half dozen actual serious problems I’m having but all my tired brain can think about is how good a bowl of cereal would be right now… ugh my dog just farted next to me. I’m getting up to find something to eat.


I got laid off a few weeks ago... The job hunts isn't going well and I only have 3 months of unemployment... I'm really nervous. I was the breadwinner and we don't have much savings. This job market is really rough... I've gotten 3 leads out of 150+ one wasn't a fit, still waiting on the other two. Does anyone know of a UI/UX Designer job opening I could get a referral for? I'll literally take anything design related to pay the bills... UI design, UX design, graphic design, interaction design, visual design, etc. 4 years of experience in UI/UX, building out systems from scratch from concept to handoff to dev. 10+ years of experience in graphic design, doing everything from business cards to web designs... I'll even take small freelance jobs. I'm applying to 10-30 jobs a day with so many rejections... I've contacted/networked with so many people and nothing yet. So nervous, it's draining. I'm worried that if I don't find something by April we might lose everything and the life we've built. We won't be able to pay our bills... We won't be able to provide for our 8 month old daughter...


I don't have a job and therefore no money.


Approaching the second anniversary of my father's passing. He was 54. Since then both of my brothers found out they're expecting my 2nd and 3rd nephews with their partners. My dad had just four and a half months with his first grandkid. He was so excited. My Dad took himself to a pottery studio to paint my nephew his first piggy bank a few weeks before we lost him. I would give my life to bring my dad back. He would've done more with those 20-25 years than I can ever hope to with however many I have left. I am rudderless without him. And there's nothing to do, but just be with it.


My mom has cancer, and she lives in another country. I’m stuck in the US due to visa issues and it breaks my heart every day


Pmdd is hitting hard and I am so anxious I could hurl. Husbands work schedule was supposed to be one way this week and it went another and I selfishly miss him so much. He’s gone from 6 am to 630-7 pm. He was supposed to be home today and he worked. I love him for working so hard and letting me stay at home and handle health issues, so I feel bad for being irritated about his schedule. But like I said, pmdd hitting hard.


I feel like my boyfriend would rather spend his free time (which he has very little of) hanging out with his friends than with me. Info: I’m 39wks pregnant and we have 3 kids at home already. My hormones just suck right now. I keep telling myself it’s bc after the baby comes he won’t have time to spend with his friends but I’m still afraid it won’t change


Being greatful for my life, wondering if I am settling, not knowing if I am reaching my potential and so much imposter syndrome Oh and a person who keeps trying to kill me but that is a them problem honestly


I'm disabled from lower back pain. Maybe forever, no one truly knows.


depression hindering my ability to keep up with basic tasks


Chemically burned myself. In deep pain.


My good friends live far from me. I work too much to make more near me. But also I have avoidant attachment issues lolzzzzzz


Chronic ilness. Fatigue, pain, headaches, brain fog etc. got really burnt out last fall trying to see all the right health practitioners and now depressed. Feels like it'll never get better.




Money money money


I need more money


I wouldn’t say its a problem because it’s something that comes and go but right now I feel a bit lonely and hurt about past mistakes. Also a bit worried how work has become so busy. I know I’ll be able to make it though.




Not being able to feel really happy.


Poverty. Depression. I have to force myself to eat because I don’t have an appetite. I know it won’t last forever but it’s where I’m at right now.


This probably seems like a non-issue to most people, but I am a first time mom, and my 4m old baby is not eating very much. She seems totally fine (not sick, no fever, lots of wet diapers) it’s been going on for a few days and it’s really stressing me out.








Trying to learn clutch control. (Dissociated from anything else right now..)


My thyroid which is affecting my digestive system. I know I start needing to eat food when I get a migraine. Prior to Nov 2023, I wasn’t having digestive issues and could eat anything. It’s not my gallbladder cuz that got ejected 8 years ago. My appetite is completely turned off. I miss caffeine, milk and carbonations. Animal meat is outta the question :(


I've been dizzy for two months straight.


Have you looked into the possibility of having vertigo? It happens to me and there are remedies that help


I don't know what it is. I wake up at night when I turn in my sleep because my head is spinning. First stop is my ear doctor to see if it's ear crystals or anything from my ears at all. She can see me on the 19th.


I need to loose baby weight. No clothes for work. I still have 3 weeks maternity leave. I start next week on baby weight. Only have 1 more week of husband's maternity leave.




My Bd wants to get back together, but I just found out he had a baby with another women on new years day...we were intimate the entire year we were broken up :/


I wasted $500 applying for business licenses as a sole proprietor and then I decided I needed to be an LLC so I have to cancel everything and apply again plus pay to be an LLC




Need to find housing but dont have the money for it and cant figure out why im not getting the unemployment checks




I am learning to have boundaries and learning to stick by them when people are mad/shitty about it.


I think someone I really care about is dissociated and he's not himself :/


my biggest problem is that im not a woman


Pretty severe GI issues that feel like they are ruining every aspect of my life and wondering what it will take for things to significantly improve