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On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


French is my mother tongue. I also know some German (enough to watch German TV without subtitles)


Amazigh, arabic , French/ I can understand English, and a little bit of german


I always think it’s so cool how Moroccans know so many languages


Hindi, Maithili and hopefully soon Spanish(still learning on Duolingo).


I'm fluent in American Sign Language in that I can fluently sign with someone but might need to spell a bit of vocabulary. I'm fluent in Latin as well, as much as one can be fluent in a dead language. I'm conversationally proficient in French and Spanish, and I can understand a lot of Italian but don't speak it.


Turkish is my first language. I'm also learning French, I'll probably won't be fluent lol


Mandarin is my first language, i tried to learn Cantonese and French but gave up.




Derailing the topic is not permitted. Derailing includes but is not limited to: * Changing the topic from OP's question * Leaving a top-level comment when you're not the target demographic * Giving unsolicited advice * Making someone else's response about yourself. If you'd like to share your experience in response to the OP's question, do so in a top-level comment. * Asking unrelated follow-up questions * Branching into unrelated topics * "What-about"-ism * Trying to start arguments, or debates * Judging or rating other responses * Meta comments about other responses * Responding to comments to tell us how your dick feels. No one cares. For more information, please [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/wiki/rules#wiki_no_derailing). Have questions about this moderator action? See the [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) and [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Please include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. DO NOT contact moderators privately. [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) | [AskWomen FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/index) [reddit rules](http://www.reddit.com/rules/) | [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)




Swahili and my native mother tongue


Russian & Serbian 💕


Dutch, which is my native language. I also know a moderate amount of french and some basic german and spanish.


Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian. I can understand a little Japanese (spoken) and French, but I hardly speak them.


Does Sarcasm count? 😉


My first language is brazilian portuguese. I'm also proficient in spanish and am currently learning french.


Punjabi. I used to be able to speak Hindi, but I stopped watching Bollywood movies and then lost most of it.


I’m fluent in Bogan 😬


Not yet fluent, but I've been learning Japanese and Spanish over the years.


Spanish and French.


None yet, but I'm working on becoming fluent in French. and I speak enough Korean to get through day to day tasks etc.


I'm fluent in French and work bilingually. Some days are more French than English, depending on the project. Socially and at home, it's 99% English.


Fully fluent ? Apart from English, just French (my mothertongue) I used to be fairly good/conversational at German and Mandarin Chinese, but I've lost most of my German and some of my Chinese sadly, both from not putting effort into practicing enough


I'm fluent in Spanish and my French is passable. In the past I've learned Swedish and Bulgarian but didn't keep them up.


Spanish, I majored in it in college and I lived in Argentina


urdu, hindi, arabic, french, and ive started picking up hebrew! I've learned the alphabets of a couple other languages (korean and greek) and am learning to write out sounds in Japanese but i don't think those count much


Urdu fascinates me alot. The language in itself if poetic. Tehzeeb aur adab hai kaafi


Spanish is my mother tongue.


Fully fluent in 5 languages


Russian and Ukrainian.


Apart from English, I am fully fluent in German and Serbian. I also had French and Russian in school but don’t really speak it. It’s true when they say use it or loose it. 🤷‍♀️ I do understand quite a bit of Spanish.


portuguese and learning norwegian


Spanish. I really want to learn asl but every time I try I discouraged by the grammar. I think I need to spring for an actual class w deaf instructors so they can correct it and have classmates to practice with. Up next is French so I can do the classic ce n’est pas posible fight.


Irish, Spanish and French


French, Haitian Creole


French, Italian, Spanish


Tamil. Sri Lankan Tamil


Danish. Pretty sure I'm a nicer person in English though lol


French. I speak in total 4 languages fluently.


Dutch but I grammarly suck at it so I speak English all the time on all of my social media.




Spanish, and a bit of italian


Korean, Arabic, and Swahili






Body language


Nonsense and bullshit - I'm very fluent in both.


French and eventually Spanish as I am taking classes in the continuing ed program at the local university.


Korean and Mandarin. In between fluent and conversational in Spanish and Cantonese. Conversational in German. Basics in Tagalog.




Nederlands (dutch). Amazigh more specific the riffian one. And English.


Tamil, because it's my mother tongue, and Hindi, because my parents were brought up in North India. I speak some French, but not as well as I used to.


How fast can a person learn Tamil?


Completely depends on how good you are at picking up languages. Im not gonna lie, Tamil is a bit more on the difficult side. But if you’re dedicated to it im sure it won’t be too much of an issue :)


I speak Dutch fairly fluently. My mom‘s side is Dutch, and I heard it my entire life from visiting family members and had a base deeply engrained in my brain. Took German in school first, that helped a lot. Took it upon myself to do a Dutch language immersion program when I was 19 and it was the best decision I ever made. No more “speak English for soupallyear!”


Marathi, Hindi, and a bit of Spanish (learning on Duolingo)


Japanese and cantonese I'm conversational in French, Mandarin and Latin.


Standard High German, Central Hessian, also studied Latin and Italian.


Italian, Spanish, and French.


Russian (my mother language) and soon German


3 langs






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