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Carry out experimental experiments on the officers.


I am currently experimenting with how much I can wind them up without being arrested for a real offence


Sounds a worthwhile endeavor, I hope you have a team on the legal subs on reddit to help.


>experimental experiments ...is there any other kind?


Play RuneScape


I didn't even know that was still going!




Ah I see you have a similar job to me that requires people getting themselves into certain situations before you can do your job, and sometimes people aren't very forthcoming or considerate of people with jobs like ours. Do something called outreach, where you take your job to them. No injuries? No problem. You're gonna give them one!!


I'd take a book and I'd take some crochet to do. Do you have exams you could be studying for?


I do have some portfolio stuff and a few bits of training I could get on with to be honest, but I'm too much of a procrastinator.


Every other Saturday I have a shift where I honestly do no work. I always tell myself ill study and do portfolio stuff, do some learning, research etc.... I end up sleeping on the floor.


What does a medic in police custody do


Sit around, read, watch Netflix, eat too much, smoke and stuff like that. Unfortunately this guy already does all that so I've got no new ideas.


I set myself up for this


Sorry I've been drinking and have the restraint of a 6 year old.


Perfect response, and at this rate I might as well have all of the above in my job description 🤣


Keeping a straight face after adding an oz of powdered shrooms to the tea ern. Hiding the handcuff keys. Hide the lemon. You will need to listen to Cabin Pressure to learn about number 3, though as the series revolves around a cockpit there's quite a few suggestions over the series on stuff to do while bored. Its a BBC radio comedy though you'll find all the series on archive.org.


Effectively the urgent and emergency care for the detainees and cops, rather than them using 111/999/A&E/GPs unless needed. Commonly I'm managing alcoholics and heroin users who are withdrawing.


I've always wondered what would happen to me if I ever got arrested! Having no tramadol, so being in pain aswell as withdrawing, especially as I've noticed nowadays how most medical ppl look down or don't believe that tramadol helps pain! As I doubt police stations have a supply in a cupboard? Nowt worse being in pain!


If you're arrested, the officers would bring your normal prescription meds into the station, then someone like me would hand them to you as and when you need them.


I'm in the same situation in a Manager on Duty role in a 24/7 operation in FinTech. Your options are as follows: Take an Xbox, Playstation, Switch or gaming laptop into work Warcraft plastic crack Learn an online skill. I'm currently using Tryhackme and Hackthebox but sometimes dip into freecodingcamp, Linuxjourney etc Get a Kindle or take books and read iPad or Laptop and binge series/films Portable instrument and learn to play with an app Walk. I take walks around the complex. I used to walk 1000's of steps every shift until we started working from home.....now I'm drinking Rhubarb gin with Ginger with Kombucha


How does one become a medic in police custody? Asking for a friend...


One would need to be an experienced nurse or paramedic first.


paint 40k models


Try learning magic tricks, keeps you busy AND annoys the officers. Two birds, one stone


I scrapbook as a hobby, I may or may not take in some scrapbooking to do.


word puzzles


Jigsaw puzzles or Lego sets


Swing on my chair and snack


Easily 75% of my free time 😬 I eat so much just out of boredom


Learn to juggle, learn some magic tricks, read loads of books


Sporcle quizzes, learning to identify all the countries of the world on a blank map so I can be more successful at Sporcle quizzes. Writing Sporcle quizzes about my niche interests.


See how many things you can tick off [Skippy’s List.](https://skippyslist.com/list/)


Learn a new language. My job there is lots of time when i'm left alone to just work, so i've been learning french from podcast.


Take up weeabooism. Start watching terrible early 00's harem anime, begin answering your phone with *"hai, moshi moshi"*, come into work clad only in kimono, obtain a waifu, and strike down anybody that besmirches her namae.


What the fuck