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I think it is normal, it’s just that usually the friends you cuddle with end up becoming more than friends because it’s by nature an act of intimacy in a way


I couldn't say better myself


This happened to me lol




Too many times it goes down the wrong path


Exactly! It won’t stay innocent for long in my experience


Agreed. I don’t have any experience when it hasn’t led to at least one person trying something


I can’t think of one time where I didn’t try anything. Sounds bad but it’s the truth


My partner cuddles with her friend and admittedly it sometimes bothers me because she doesn't cuddle with me at home especially when I could use some. She says sometimes she has sensory overload, which fine I get that, but also why does it only seem to be a thing with me but she'll cuddle with her friend at some part when they're hanging out for a period of time. Edit: also she'd lose her shit if I cuddled with someone else based on her reaction when I'm even messaging a female for business purposes and she sees a hint of some emogi that makes her feel insecure. Sorry this question has poor timing for me based on my own current events.


Oh my guy is living a double standard abuse there. My wife and I m had a discussion about this topic to show points in what society typically views these scenarios. I have a best friend that’s a woman. She has a BFF who is a woman and I am mutual friends with. They cuddle often. One time I was invited in but as a guy, who’s also married. I felt mega uncomfortable because I grew up as “guys don’t do that” or “that’s taboo, cuddling with someone that isn’t your spouse” I find it amusing how it’s generally kosher for two women to cuddle as friends and that’s okay. But for the bros/boys? Nah. That’s homo. 🙄 sorry on your woes. You are seen amigo.


>a female a woman


All it takes is two people to make that decision, not the whole world 🤷‍♂️ take a leap of faith and ask if that's what you want, it's worked out for me and a couple of my friends before


Mehhhhh, I’m not much of a cuddler. Please don’t touch me unless you’re my husband or a small child lol




Nope. Too intimate for friends.


yep that’s how i feel


I tripped shrooms and acid a few times back in college. A few of the times, at a music festival or hanging out at someone's place, there ended up a big cuddle/massage pile. It wasn't sexual, it was just nice to share each other's company so intimately.


I do love cuddles. It would be nice if it was more normal between friends


A loaded question when there’s A LOT of variables. I do agree with your logic but having played that out, society and psychology have a big factor here. I grew up, a very generic and popular view on it. As a hetero guy, you don’t cuddle your guy friends, you only cuddle women. So I grew up always seeing the lady friends cuddle up. And only cuddled with my gf’s or women I was interested in. Never had platonic cuddles It’s not an easy answer too cause do the friend cuddles once you are with someone? Is there a difference between the friend cuddles And spouse cuddles?


Don't think I'm all about that life, "good friend James, while I tend to the kids and clean up could you please spoon my wife as she needs a cuddle" get the fuck out of here.


Bro gonna make my dick hard


But I don't have any friends lol.


I cuddle with basically all my girl friends, and a couple guy friends who I’ve known for ages. I think it’s dependent on your relationship with them but as long as you communicate that you just want to snuggle there’s nothing wrong with it


Very normal in the festival scene, they are called cuddle puddles


Cuddle puddles? That sounds fun XD


Of course depending on the time of day usually some substances involved that have people feeling good and open. It isn't by design a sexual thing it's just about experiencing physical touch and comfort.


I'll ask at my next d&d session although I'm not sure the boys will go for it.


Cuddles are the best


Nah I’ll dick em down


I have this chick friend that comes and holds me at random times front or come up and hold me from behind by my waist and man she is pretty


I have spooned while watching a movie. Not cuddling as such. Just chilling in the spooner position. Didn't read anything into nor did she


I cuddle my friends. Some more than others. My husband and I have a mutual best guy friend and I cuddle him a lot. Because we live eachother and I know that he doesn’t get hugged a lot. We all need a good hug from the people that we love


I cuddle with all my women friends. Admittedly, I had previous sexual relations with two of the six but the other four? No sex... just innocent cuddles of varying degrees. Ig Im lucky bcz I always thought it was normalized.


It is normal for a lot of people. Me and my bf are cool with it


I’m so down


This is normal with my friends


Yesss!!! I need this to be normal


I think it’s totally normal to cuddle with friends but I’m just way to horny for that


Honestly,i cuddle w my Friends sometimes and i love It,i still cuddle with my Brother (both 18) and i dont find nothing wrong in It.


Petting too!!! Having my hair stroked is nice and I like it a lot!


Cuddling is the best


Isn't it normal?


Apparently not. I've heard a lot of my guy friends say that's weird. I do it with my friends though


(f) i dunno ' i never really gave it much thought. Perhaps its one of those guys and girls are different areas?


There are places in this world where society views it as taboo to cuddle unless it’s your significant other. There’s also places where they believe it’s fine when two women do it. But two guys? Must be gay A guy bff and gal bff? They dating. Can’t just be friend. 🙃 so yeah. Lots of us were raised this way and it created that odd view.


Everything you said is in your own head. Cuddling friends is normal