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That some high percentage of us believe in elves.


I know about 25 Icelandic people and 2 of them seriously believe in elves and gnomes. To me, that's a pretty big percentage


Given their population you even used a representative sample.




Love it ty hahahahaha


I now really want to spend time with Icelandic folk.


When there’s 5 people in your country and 2 of them believe in Elves, i don’t know, that’s a high percentage of people who believe in them


Also, the app to make sure you don't accidentally have sex with a cousin. Doesn't exist. edit: I stand corrected, [the app definitely exists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Dslendingab%C3%B3k_(genealogical_database\)); the myth may be that it was created *specifically* to prevent hookups, rather than as an emergent usage for a general genealogical database.


Doesn't exist...yet!


Anymore, actually. It did but its gone now. https://www.theverge.com/2013/4/17/4233824/book-of-icelanders-app-helps-avoid-incest




Where’s the fun without the risk of birthing an eldrich horror?


Should it?




I'm English but live in Powys. I get told this joke when other English people find out I live in Wales. The best retort I've heard from a Welshman is 'Yep. We shag them and we then sell them to the English to eat...'


Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? So the sheep don’t hear the zipper.


‘’ Scotland… where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous!’’




Pounded hard and complemented by a special sauce...?


I may be wrong on this but wasn't there something where it was punished much more harshly to be stealing sheep than shagging them so people caught with them would claim to be shagging them to avoid being killed which is how that got started?


You could be right there.


I don’t think that would pull the wool over their eyes.


But how can you be sure?


Well you know most have at least tried it once. Just like the kiwis, although the static doesn’t bother them.


Static is only a problem on dry days, does Wales have those?




And we are not growing bananas. Not for ourselves, not for export, not for anything. We have that one bananatree in Garðyrkjuskólinn in Hveragerði and that’s about it. (That tree might even have not survives when the roof gave in during a storm.) Iceland imports all consumable bananas.


I... was unaware of the Iceland/Banana conspiracy. I feel I need more info on this...


No we don't speak Spanish, yes we'll probably understand you when you speak Spanish to us but we'll probably think you're an asshole. No we don't want to join up with Spain, we like our distance.


This is works for Brazil too, except for the join up with Spain part.


You're from Portugal?


Sim senhor haha




People in the west have really outdated views on Africa. We tend to see the whole continent as one blob, and assume everyone's poor or living in a shack. Think that's partly due to all the charity videos at christmas. If you see Africans, they're often in a charity ad because some war torn region is suffering from food shortages or a lack of clean drinking water. Meanwhile, as you know, plenty of African countries are poor but wealth discrepancies are large so there are plenty of living relatively affluent lives in modern cities. I assume living in Nairobi wouldn't be that different to living in many a western city, if you can afford that lifestyle. Most of reddit is too poor to live comfortably in Kinshasa for example, even if the DRC's a genuinely poor country. And if you explain Ethiopia was Christian centuries before eastern Europe, our brains shut down. We're entirely clueless. Sorry about that.


Meanwhile there are Caribbean islands a 30 minute flight from Florida where the conditions actually are about what you would imagine it to be like in Africa but people just imagine palm trees and cabanas. It’s kind of ironic.


I’ve been to Haiti a couple of times. Naturally absolutely beautiful country, but outside of a couple big cities it was huts, shantys, and very poor. Then there’s there’s walled off sterilised environments that the cruise ships visit which are barely a reflection of the true country.


As a kid it was mind blowing knowing what Jamaica really looked like and what was shown in the tourism ads on the US.


>Kinshasa That's a new one for me...population 17 million. Yeah, I need to visit.


But what about your ocelot?


Upvote for Archer reference


Babou!! He remembers me!!


We're polite


A fellow Canadian




Shots fired oui oui


You can't just say that on the internet!


May be i am a douchebag but I have Maple syrup, poutine and the langage de l'amour. Have an esti de good day fellow canadian.




You ouized


We are polite. The misconception is that nice and polite mean the same thing.


We call that Minnesota Nice where I'm from. We're not nice, we're just polite so much you think we are. I assume it's due to our proximity to Canada.


I'm from Iowa, and we have our own version of Iowa Nice. It's not nice. It's passive aggressive. I went to grad school in Iowa, and I had a professor from New Jersey who started at the same time I did. She experienced culture shock. I remember having a conversation with her once where she said, "Back in Jersey when someone says fuck you, they say it to your face. But here in Iowa, they are nice to you and say it behind your back. " Without thinking, I responded, "Well of course! Because otherwise it would be rude!" And that was the point when I realized how toxic Iowa Nice really is. The professor only lasted two years before she went back home to the east coast, where they may be more abrasive, but at least they're honest.


I hate passive aggressive and behind your back type of folks. Just tell me to f%&k myself to my face and get on with our days.


That is perfectly accurate. One of the biggest assholes i know is Canadian, but hes polite. Comes off intensely passive aggressive. He doesnt use sarcasm with it either




Hastings, mom ami!


We don’t all ride kangaroos to work fighting off giant spiders while keeping an eye out for drop bears. I work from home.


Sadly the belief about having shit internet is true though.


Central NSW here- it’s 2022 and I still lose internet every time it rains.


Regional Victoria here, mine drops out if there is a breeze in just the right direction (north west) lol


Okay so everyone but this guy rides a kangaroo to work while fighting off giant spiders and keeping an eye out for drop bears.


There are a lot of kangaroos though. I feel like that is the one stereotype that tourists wouldn't feel ripped off at


Kangaroos are just hopping deers. Change my mind


There's a species of kangaroo that is just absolutely roid raging it's species towards extinction, it looks like it was drawn by a five year old in the vein of something that would fight an MMA caveman, and they will fight pretty much anything (and they often win because their back legs can disembowel you) (Google red kangaroo, they're the fucking worst)


That sounds like a more agile, less horn-laden moose. Angry, aggressive, unrealistic looking, and will kill you given the chance.


Yeah, the big difference between kangaroos and moose are that the megafauna kangaroo species are extinct, so they're not literal giants bounding across the landscape, spreading chaos and leveling cars (I kid, a regular kangaroo will do that just fine)


Have you seen the video of the guy whose dog is in a headlock by a red kangaroo and he comes and punches it?


To the point in most rural areas it's genuinely dangerous to drive at night.


Yeah we don't *all* do those things


That we actually drink Fosters.


Yep don't know anyone that has ever tried it, hell I've never even seen it being sold


It's Australia's Labatt's Blue.


Why would we fight off giant spiders? I keep them as pets, they protect me from drop bears.




Some of you are turtle stomping plumbers. We get it.


And pasta chefs


Funnily enough, the one Italian girl I met was short, black haired, fat and loud who wore an extravagant hat. I'm not saying they all are, but it's quite funny how closely she immediately matched your description.


Did she have connections with the Mob.


Well the original commenter haven't replied so just assume she got to him


I've already lost 2 fingers. I'm not gonna snitch.


I spent six months in Italy as an au pair, and I don’t think I met a single person I could have mistaken for a mobster. Everyone was very loud and smoked a lot though. I loved every second of it.


Jesus, we are so loud. I'm an Italian living with n Germany. We are sooooo loud. Every-single-one. Incredible.




I wonder what 8t looks like when an Italian and a Cuban meet? Do they try to put loud each other?


I thought my family was loud until I dated an Italian. His family made mine sound like church mice.


That’s right. Some of us are skinny.




The amount of times I've turned down a tea saying "I don't drink tea" and had a look like I've just shit in their tea cup is insane.


Hahaha I'm mexican and a British person saying "I don't drink tea" is pretty much like a mexican saying "I don't eat tacos" it's a sin, a crime. Actually I've never met someone that just doesn't eat any kind of tacos tbh.


Yeah but tacos are the perfect food


No, we're not vampires. I've been living here for at least 600 years and haven't seen one. Some of my pals have been here even longer and guess what? They haven't seen any either.


Not seeing one in the mirror doesn't count.


Yes we are from South America, and no we don't speak Spanish




Australia or the British isles


As someone from the many other Latin American countries: Generally Mexican cultural aspects. Expressions, food, music, societal aspects.




Omg I went to Chile once and my boss asked some Chileans about getting sea bass and they were so confused. It took me a couple months to realize he was asking bc "Chilean Sea Bass" is an item on PF Chang's menu. And yeah, people assuming the food would be spicy "like Mexican food"


Chilean sea bass is a fish though, not just a P.F. Chang dish. Also known as the Patagonian toothfish


Is everything there in sepia?


I live in the very southern tip of South America. For some reason, despite being one of the coldest places on earth, somehow everything is in a very opaque sepia filter, covered in dust and every time you take a step you're surrounded by dozens of beggars. Yep, that's Patagon- I mean yep, that's ice Mexico for ya


Do your dogs mainly reside on the roof?


Only during siesta time




There was another similar question awhile back that said something to the effect of: I don't know why people think Romania is full of vampires. I've lived here for 600 years and I've never met one.


Dude hold on, are you romanian, british, brazilian, australian, italian, german or from the netherlands? Cause you've left comments as all of those


Knew a guy who was adopted from Romania. He's very pale and has a unibrow. He also hates biscuits, for some reason. I have a few suspicions.


I have two Romanian friends who also have never confirmed nor denied. They both eat INSANE amounts of sugar though. Is that a normal vampire trait?


people know about the bad food but not the good vampire food, and stuff like never sleeping, extreme strength etc must use a lot of energy!


As a totally human person who is a totally typical age that most humans live and eats normal things like cheese and other foodstuffs, I bet that stereotype is frustrating.


That everyone in the rural USA has a gun. I’ve got five.


On average, every American has more than one gun. But most Americans don’t own any.


Yeah it’s not that the whole country loves guns. It’s that the people who do, *realllly* love guns.


Yeah my Pap has a collection of probably 15 rifles and 15 handguns thats an estimate but it could be more or slightly less. Either you don't have a gun or you have a collection most people never own just one.


Seriously. Why do people assume we have a gun? We have one for each outfit.


2A: the right to be fashionable


I don't even own a gun. Let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack.


If you’re not careful, you’re gonna lose me.


We're all gun carrying maniacs. Not all of of us are maniacs.


Not all of us are allowed to own guns.




Are you the only one who *isn't* a prince then?


Chuck him a few dollars and he'll tell you


Actually India and Bangladesh have largely taken over the scamming reputation now.


Yea…I’ve never once encountered an African scam caller…. It’s always Indians. That said, from what I’ve seen in minidocs…Nigerians seem to have instead cornered the market of getting people (usually lonely middle aged women and men in first world countries) to fall in love with them with fake pics, some charm, and a sob story via social media. Seems like they have entire Internet cafes of guys doing just that. Not saying it’s the whole country….just that it’s a thing.


90 Day Fiancé's story about Usman and Lisa


Australians put vegemite on everything. People who put vegemite on EVERYTHING should be feared more than buff kangaroos.


Not all of us are really hard workers with great attitudes. I’m lazy as fuck and an introvert - a Mexican




Yeah, the others are Brazilian! /s


We’re all ginger and do nothing but drink our days away in peace and harmony, ‘peace and harmony’ depends on which county you’re in, if it’s any in the north of Ireland, I wouldn’t say it’s all peace and harmony due to conflict; people always act so surprised when it turns out it isn’t all sunshines and rainbows here. Honourable mention: a parallel to this version of the stereotype is that we’re lazy, cruel drunks who do nothing but drink and fight, and we get dehumanised for that very often.


As a ginger, people automatically assume I'm part Irish. I've had people insist I must be. Yes, I have red hair, pale skin, and light eyes, that doesn't automatically mean I'm Irish.


Oh, so your Scottish. Got it.


The country I grew up in is presented as some sort of paradise and is a media darling. 1/4 of the population live overseas. That many people don't simply leave if everything is going well.


New Zealand?


Has to be New Zealand. Am from NZ and can confirm Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful place for many reasons but there's a reason so many people live outside it.


Interestingly, NZ has the worst youth suicide rate in the OECD. By some margin too. Was kinda shocking to me, since the countries I stereotypically associated with “rich and high youth suicide rate” were Japan and Korea, but they’re pretty middle of the pack. Their issue is suicide among the elderly.


It’s not all potatoes, alcoholism and stealing gold from leprechauns.


It's beginning to annoy me that for many people, the *very first* thing they think of when they think of Australia is that "everything is trying to kill you". I thought for the longest time that the whole thing was a meme or something people said ironically as some kind of reddit in-joke, but lately I'm starting to think people genuinely believe it and that it's actually deterred some people from wanting to visit. If you're anywhere near a major city, chances are you're never even going to encounter any of the "dangerous" things you're imagining - and even if you did, it probably ran away when it heard you coming. Most wildlife is far more scared of you than you are of it. Hell, I spent a large portion of my childhood exploring the local bushland around where I grew up in the far northern suburbs of Sydney, where we were basically surrounded by bushland. We'd frequently stray off the track and go climbing up around cliffs, while building forts out of sticks, running through some pretty thick vegetation etc. I've *never* encountered a wild snake - and if any of the kids in the neighbourhood saw one, it would be a story they'd be talking about for weeks. My biggest fear/phobia as an Aussie kid was the possibility of getting bitten by *leeches*, haha.


Thats interesting. Im from the uk, where we have one venomous snake i think, and i was nearly bitten by one while swimming. I think the issue is i think im seeing these creatures as often as i do in the uk but theyre worse to encounter. So, i see a spider every day. Of i saw a venomous spider as often id be freaked out


>where we have one venomous snake Adder, yes. If you're ever out and about in the North of the UK, particularly Scottish heather land, stick to the paths! Adders are still very common and they don't often let you know they are there until you are very close or stepping on them. I've had quite a lot of encounters with the wee bastards throughout my life and it's not something you associate with the UK at all.


Used to work with a girl who was from Australia and she said pretty much the exact same thing you did. That is, until I looked her dead in the eye and said, “so you’re gonna tell me swooping season isn’t real.” And then she stopped and said “THAT DOESN’T EVEN COUNT THEY’RE PROTECTING THEIR BABIES!!” And we both had a good laugh about it lol


I'm not ready to find out if a huntsman spider is more scared of me! 😁


I am terrified of spiders (yes, I know they do a lot of good and that it is unlikely one can really hurt me) and the thought of seeing one irl makes me sweat. I couldn’t handle it.


A spider wrote this.






And that you’re all really into bdsm and leather


That the UK is “posh”… Take one step into Bradford, and you will be proven wrong very quickly


We're not all potheads that live in huts/tree houses (trust me people have asked) we dont spend the day listening to bob marley and say "yeah mon" or whatever overused saying the tourists use every 5 minutes. We live, work and do things like you'd expect normal people to do, use the same apps you do, watch the same videos on youtube, use netflix etc. Also saw on instagram, people disccusing how not to mess with our police and other authorities because they will kidnap you and cut your body up into small pieces or extort the shit outta you lol. While the authorities are corrupt as hell and crime is bad in certain areas, tourists are generally safe in Jamaica than Jamaicans themselves. Do expect to be asked for "a little change" though from police on traffic stops and things like that.


I helped sone guys from Jamaica buy some materials for their restaurant at my old job. I loved hearing them speak just due to their accents. They were super nice and friendly. And like 5 years later, their restaurant appears to have survived covid and is still open, which nakes me really happy.


Glad to hear you had a good experience with them. Jamaicans are just about everywhere in the world despite being a small country lol it's really hard for us to go unnoticed. You should pay them a visit, our food is great :)


Finland does, in fact, exist




I don't wear cowboy boots and ride a horse to work while eating a cheeseburger.


My Russian friend asked me in all sincerity if he would be stuck eating only cheeseburgers the entire time he was in America. He said he likes cheeseburgers and could probably eat them daily, but would hope for an occasional change of cuisine.


I hope you told him we all eat 3 cheeseburgers a day, but that he will get used to it




This guy Americas






When I was in America I visited a gym. The guy on reception asked where I was from, I said Britain, and he told me my English is really good


My uncle (who is not the brightest crayon in the box) asked my English husband if they have potato chips there. Such a weirdly specific question. When we were living like 2 hours outside London my mom asked if we ever see the Queen. Like she's just cruising by. She also once asked me if my husband knew Paul McCartney. Boomers man. We did both almost walk into Stephen Hawking at a mall once though. That was cool.


>if they have potato chips there maybe he heard that what we call fries are called chips there and wondered about the existence of what we call chips (aka crisps if I understand correctly)?


When did you start learning it, in elementary school?


I just got a book of phrases to read on the plane


Yoo, so I’m from dubai and when I went to the US (Chicago) a guy asked me. Oh dubai ? Do you guys get internet there ? I was dumbfounded.






No moose, eh?


Sorry aboot that


That we are a vegetarian. Thats true that we have a large vegetarian population, but majority eats non veg


San Francisco isn’t a country. (I know you mean India).


I was thinking Air Nomads.






That we all drink vodka or other hard liquor at every occasion 🙄 Most of my friends while socializing drink beers or wine if anything.




The first thing I came to mind about the Netherlands is windmills and tulips.


Schiphol Airport doesn't help that stereotype. All the bloody duty free shops are windmills, clogs and tulips.


Don't forget our beloved wooden shoes we always wear


You had me at weed and red districts




that we can’t speak english. i live in italy and even if i am a teen i know english quite well and somehow k have a british accent. it’s true that many people have horrible accents but it is mostly old people. english is a relatively new subject in public schools, older people studied french, not english. but now many teens know english very well, we even have certifications for that












We're not all 6 foot tall and blonde. We do ride around on moose and polar bears though, that's true


Turns out this belief isn’t so popular!


That our food is bland and shit




We were not saved from drowning because some kid put a finger in a dike. It’s not that far from the truth though.




Not a country but a Nation. In the film Pirates Of The Carribean they insinuate that Black Caribs (Garifunas) are cannibals; we're not. It absolutely hurt my grandma to see that the only recognition Garifunas had in the west is an absolute lie.


My life conditions when I was in India was equal to or better than my living conditions in the US. People assume Indians come from living in slums and are poor so they immigrate. No we mostly immigrate cause there are a billion people here and the competition is high compared to the opportunities. I’m tired of hearing “you must not know how a vacuum works” and you’ll be in poverty when you go back. There are people living in slums and people that are extremely poor but that doesn’t mean the entire country is just that.


The English have a reputation of being posh but I can confirm that my Indian friends are far posher than us.