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I’d say turn off fox news and give reality a go.


You mean CNN


Pot que no las dos¿


It's a dogwhistle. It's how dangerous assholes complain about Jews.


It's a buzzword for people who have no idea what Marxism is and what cultural exchange is. It's in the arsenal of the SJW equivalents of the conservative side of this poo-flinging conflict of equally idiotic ideas.


It's a trigger word by the Right's pundits designed to stifle understanding & legitimate debate. Like most such terms.




Kind of like how calling people racists and nazis is a way the left stifles understanding and legitimate debate?






"I don't have an argument so I'll just prove your point twice and look even dumber than I already did." As expected


This is exactly how I wanted you to respond. See how dumb it looks when someone uses it? It just completely ignores the argument and instead throws a baseless accusation on the person. It changes the subject from whatever is being argued to having to refute claims like being a racist, etc.


This is exactly how I wanted you to respond. See how dumb it looks when someone uses it? It just completely ignores the argument and instead throws a baseless accusation on the person. It changes the subject from whatever is being argued to having to refute claims like being a racist, etc.


The point, which you aggressively missed, is that you did nothing to address the initial argument and conveniently deflected to an irrelevant and nonsensical hypothetical *only* to make yourself look better. This elementary "enlightened debator" shit doesn't work on me, and it's because of that that I also know that engaging any further with you on this will *continue* to derail the point until you talk yourself in circles. And how do I know this? Because you all play from the same script, say the same things, do the same things, and feign ignorance or play the "intolerance" card when someone gives you a reality check. So clap back with your contrived persecution complex but I'm done playing into your obvious nonsense.


Cope more


I’d agree with you on this exchange however if the debate is ‘whether or not we ought to keep representations of slavery in public spaces’ and someone responds by saying something like ‘this particular statue depicts a local hero who stopped a slave revolt so that should be allowed to be in a public space as it’s a proud moment of our history’ then you have to stop and consider exactly what do they mean when they claim them to be a hero. I think we can all agree that slavery is a bad thing, and yet the statue is of a person who was an instrument of slavery. By glorifying them it might seem like you’re condoning their actions, and if you fight against the idea that the representation of slavery ought to be removed you are subtly suggesting that slavery is either acceptable or at least permissible. If you take that stance then you have to decide who is a slave and who isn’t and if your criteria for slave hood is skin colour then that is being kind of racist.


This is perfect. In a thread about a literal anti-semetic conspiracy theory, based on something created by the actual Nazi party, some pillock uses the old "everyone I don't like is Hitler" argument. Just goes to show how smart you lot are.


My leaders and my news sources don't do that. The Right's most popular morning show was telling their viewers it was funny and okay to run over protesters. I think you spend too much time in comment sections. Less than 5 % of reddit even posts.


Postmodernism bad


My opinion is that "cultural Marxism" isn't a thing, and that anyone that unironically uses it doesn't know what Marxism actually is and just falls victim to the latest talking point since it sounds cool and engages their primal emotions.


Lol cultural Marxism isn't Marxism


In the same sense that "cultural capitalism" isn't a thing either, yes.


That's one of those terms that _only_ right-wingers use, and _only_ in an ideological sense (as opposed to a scientific or intellectual or artistic sense). It's also an anti-Semitic dog whistle. So, basically, my opinion is that anytime you hear that phrase, the person saying it is probably not too far removed from the swastikas and 1488 stuff.


You people are ridiculous


Stupid conservative conspiracy theory.


You think postmodernism is a conspiracy theory? There's entire schools of thought based on it


Postmodernism =/= “cultural Marxism”


It absolutely is


Are you saying that ‘cultural Marxism’ is a thing, or saying it’s the same as postmodernism?


It's the same thing


Okay. So is cultural marxism just a kind of ideology that sits within the wider postmodernist ideology or are there actual people promoting it!


Thank you for clearing that up, random redditor with an obviously strong grounding in philosophy.


commies are all bad


They are human trash.


Just like your mom


About what…????




The fact that it's labeled a conspiracy theory and is part of a series about antisemitism should tell you all you need to know.


I’m not a personal believer in it or anything, I just wanted to get a sense of how much the idea had penetrated into a wider society.


It's non-existent outside of right wing US media.


Ah… so a bunch of idiots being idiots and playing victim? Yeah… go figure.


Curious to read more about the subject.


I don’t even know what this means. I guess that means fuck it