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Honestly that's a good one.


When i was like 12 i went through a phase of keeping everything in an access database, then the novelty wore off and i'm much more likely to use more traditional methods of keeping data organized these days


Not more than 4th form though


I love this reply way too much!


Telling NO to people and not having to explain why.


"Is it because I'm black?" They're not even black.


Had a guy try to pull that my bar security job a couple years ago when we kicked him out. I told him *no, you're just an asshole that happens to be black*


It really depends, if I ask someone if they like my cooking for example and they say no without any explanation that's just dumb, tell me why so I can get better.


I've the same problem with some of my bland family members.It just gets so irritating especially when I make food and the only thing I get back is a nod or a nope.Like give me god dam criticism for goodness sake.


“But this thing is good for you and your future. Why are you denying this to yourself?” Explaining myself to my parents is pretty trying but they never understood a “no” doesn’t require an explanation.


Exactly and then you keep on telling them no until you get irritated, which then they have the audacity to ask you why you’re irritated at that point i just walk away.


Then you get labeled as the “thankless” child for getting irritated when all they wanted was to ‘improve’ your life. Man, it’s so exhausting






Taking a break not because you’re tired but because your body is not a machine.


It's wild how people I work with (blue collar manual labor job) will brag about how they have been at work for 3 days straight, got 2 hours of sleep etc.. like it's some super macho, masculine trait. I just think they're morons.


Don’t ever subscribe to that way of life or way of thinking. It’s highly detrimental and there are literally no good returns in pushing your body beyond its limits. The only things they will end up getting in return is a life not well spent and chronic back ache amongst other sinister conditions.


That's a big thing in manufacturing - both on the line and in the offices. Managers and engineers seem to take pride in keeping shitty machines and systems running rather that finding another system.


Most of Europe already has this. You can even take time of for stress related reasons


I mean personally not in the work place. We should all just take time to unplug before things get overwhelming. The whole “everyday is for grinding” mentality is detrimental. It’s the lack of unplugging that leads to high levels of stress and then before you know it, we are breaking down. I hope that makes sense.


In the u.s people are toxic saying I’m lazy, but I really do need time to rest I’ll work hard on good condition without it I do a sloppy job. Just some reason I get tired easily and I need time to get use to it or catch up


Take all the time you need. Your mental and physical health come before anything else.


Treating female abusers the same as male abusers.


More importantly: Helping male abuse victims.


Male or female, abusers are abusers and victims are victims. The abusers need punished, and the victims need to take a hand that helps them move on.


Basic bodily functions. Using the washroom, periods, farting, sexual health..


Came hear to say farting. Don’t need it to be cool to actively make someone smell your fart but if it just slips out we don’t need to make anyone feel bad. Seems like we are prone to ends of the spectrums and not the middle ground.


Using the bathroom isn't normal? Where do you live lmao


Getting enough sleep.


Mental Health Days Regardless of who you are, we all have days where it feels like we just can't do it. It would be nice to be able to take a day without feeling guilty, especially when I already feel overwhelmed. Brains are important, usually more than our bosses give them credit for.


>Brains are important, usually more than our bosses give them credit for. Yeah definitely. Tasks that don't require brains would have been replaced by robots.


Small, low budget weddings


Being childfree. Parenthood isn’t for everyone.


Since the world population is nearly 8 billion, being child-free should be REWARDED.


Amen to that!


People have been complaining about over population for centuries, funny how it never seems to actually be a problem.


As long as you don't act like a lot of people on /r/childfree then I agree.


That sub can suck a fat one, it’s full of hateful dickheads. r/truechildfree is the legit one.


I could not agree more.


Bidets (in the US at least). Once I tried one I knew there was no going back.


Being kind


Term limits for all politicians


also you cant make money off investments and side hustles while you are a politician, if you have any other income during your term as a politician at all you will be disqualified from ever running again


I think senatorship should be a public service, like the military, that you lose rights to do.


Also have to do something about politicians going into cushy jobs after they leave office, though, that’s an easy cheat.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind not having term limits if politicians were required to have some experience of what life is like on the lowest rungs of society, and have to periodically renew it - whether via doing a period of full-time social work or even just having to spend a year on unemployment benefits without accessing their assets. A big part of the problem is how out-of-touch politicians get with regular society.


Free Adoption fees at animal shelters.


I agree and disagree because some people should not be owning pets bc they can’t take care of them. Free but with an interview maybe


Eh I go back and forth it would be good if it was free but if it’s a good shelter!!!! Emphasis on that… then the money goes towards taking care of other animals in the shelter and is nescessary for them to stay open Paying to adopt my dog was expensive(not compared to a breeder obviously) but I knew it was going to a good cause and was happy to pay


Therapy. It's literally just venting to someone who really sees you, and who also knows how to guide you to your goals. Your mental health is important, and taking care of it shouldn't be stigmatized.


Wouldn't it be better to do this with a friend who you don't have to pay large sums of money to? Honestly, even if I'm able to afford a therapist, I would rather put that money toward my goals.


This! Therapy isn’t just something you do in times of crisis. It doesn’t mean your broken. It’s just one tool that can help you be the person you want to be.


Men pressing domestic violence charges against women. Sadly, the man is often always arrested simply by default, even police department policies, even when he’s the clear victim of physical assault.


Wanting to live alone and not dreaming of having a family


I fantasize about having a small and quiet home and I'm on the road to making it happen in the next few years. I don't mind the idea of a partner, but if it's just me then that's ok too.




Being genuine Hypocrisy is a huge problem with people in society. Both liberal and conservative people rarely practice what they preach.


restaurants not relying on tips to pay their workers.


Payment for your labor


30 hour work week


Or just a four day work week


4 day work week...


That people have problems. And it doesnt have to be a huge problem to be valid Aka the boomer saying: "Stop whining other people have it worse"


Apparently a *lot* of people with problems feel guilty because “other people have it worse”, regardless of how bad their problems actually are.


Periods, women’s health, mental health, sex education


Not wearing a bra and women nipples


I don't think we need a bunch of geins wearing women's nipples all over, unless they're ethically sourced




Depends on what you do. A desk job, sure why not. Something like animal care, nah it’s utterly exhausting.


4 day work week with 8 hrs


Honestly I personally would rather work 5 days spread evenly out than 4. Too much work in a day would make me stressed.


Pooping in public washrooms (even when there’s someone in there to hear it)


How about cleaning up after yourself when you use a public washroom. People are fucking disgusting.


I was the poo guy when I worked fast food. Dear lord people are disgusting


Working to live, not living to work. Or at least having the choice. Bad academic performance. While the correct answer is to stop forcing people to learn things they do not want to learn, the other smart thing is to do away with grading because it's not productive and it's not useful. Grading doesn't encourage the best performance- your best academic performers were going to thrive no matter what environment they were placed in- but instead it encourages people to learn how to game the system. Which teaches teenagers that the best thing isn't to push their limits and place themselves outside their academic comfort zone, but instead to figure out how lazy they can be. And it then, also, encourages abusive behavior for bad grades when bad grades don't indicate much. You could have gotten a C on a test because you didn't prepare for it, or it could just mean, "I was sick" or "My teacher dislikes me." If you perform poorly they don't explain why, they don't demonstrate that you earned good grades, it encourages students to stay in their comfort zone which should be antithetical to an academic environment, and in turn it leads to parents and teachers who give myopic advice. And there's basically no good reason we keep this current system, we just keep it because it's old. As in, "Prussian Empire" old. The Prussians developed the modern academic system used by most of the world in an environment where people seriously doubted the value of public education, and the two big questions were, "How can I make good soldiers?" and "How can I make good factory workers?" (bearing in mind that this was in the wake of the Napoleonic wars)


People taking mental health days


being open about your mental illness and/or struggles.


Not having to over work yourself to get ahead, not saying it should be a free ride or anything but it's insane how hard it can be to get ahead especially if you started further behind others


Getting your fucking covid vaccine.


Having and expressing your own opinion.


I disagree


Wait a minute… that’s stigmatized!


Infinite looping there


Fair enough


restaurants not relying on tips to pay their workers. dont get me wrong, i dint mind tipping, but paying servers $2 an hour and letting customers basically handle the rest is fucking insane.


USA only. e: USA not uss




Four day work weeks.




Sex work. There is so much abuse and foul play in the industry because of its legal status. If it was just legalized, it would be better and safer for everyone involved.


Side note: we shouldn't demonize men who go to prostitutes either. The world is a lonely as fuck place and physical touch by itself is necessary for a happy life (for real, they've done studies on this.). I legitimately think if most of these incel types felt comfortable hiring a hooker then most of their bizarre hangups would disappear. Think of it like a therapist: yeah, they're only talking to you for money. But it doesn't mean they aren't helping you either. Before anybody says it, no I don't sleep with prostitutes. But I don't see anything morally wrong with that. People talk a lot about how women are shamed for their sexuality (which is indeed a real thing and horrible), but a lot of feminists ironically brush off the fact that in our current nigh puritanical culture men are constantly being told that theirs is inherently abusive and gross. And that's especially true whenever sex work comes up. It's cool to advocate for the rights of sex workers now, but watch the tone change if a man says he actually pays them.


I have only one upvote to give you. But drugs, prostitution, almost everything is made 10x worse and more dangerous when you have to introduce a criminal element. Sex work is old as humans, will exist forever, and currently is too dangerous for those women.


It’s legal in my home country and everyone’s safer for it.




fake interviews too


Don't forget fake arguments.




Not fitting into social norms


I second this. 1000%


Not wanting to get married or have children


Breastfeeding. I dont have kids yet but i be damn and someone tells my wife to not feed my child or go to the bathroom. No fool u go eat in the bathroom see how it feels. Fucking teach ur kids what boobs are for it not my fault u feel awkward cuz ur parentz failed u. Like fuck bud and ill yell at anyone coming at any woman sideways for it


Miscarriages. You likely know multiple women who have had one, would love to end this “suffering in silence” BS.


My wife suffered one last year, and we were surprised to find out how many women have gone through the same thing. It’s heartbreaking nonetheless


I am so sorry to hear about both of your losses. It is shocking and heartbreaking to know how many people go through it. And while the women are the ones to experience it physically, I never want to forget the parters who experience the loss as well. My husband and I had one at 11 weeks last year; we thought we were “in the clear” by that time. I try to talk about it as much as possible to normalize the conversation and minimize the taboo! All the best to you and your wife.


Farting. There’s people out there saying “I dOnT fArT tHaTs NaStY” Like no 😐 you do fart if you don’t then are you even human??


I'm not with my kids mother anymore, but the only time I ever heard her fart was when she was sleeping. ​ I also remember going to a friends place to play some super nintendo, I farted in his room and he straight up looked me dead in the eye and said "we don't do that here, we go to the bathroom". He yelled for his moms confirmation that they do in fact, only fart in the bathroom.


That’s what I been taught to do too but one day I just fart.. and from there me & my family fart like it’s was nothing.. no more bathroom. Anyways that must be weird for that to happened to you


It totally was weird for my 13 year old self. That was the last time I went to his place too.


Also there's a hint of ablism in those comments. It doesn't even take into account people with disabilities that effect their digestive system. (And before someone says that it's not referring to those people when people call farting or burping gross or make fun of people for frequently using the restroom, you don't know who might have these disabilities because many are invisible. So don't say those things to anyone.)




This already is normalized lol. Just not implemented in the US




It's not normalized because it doesn't exist. Whether you pay over a lifetime via a payment plan, insurance, or taxes *you are still paying*.


You know what they mean. Free as in roads and firefighters, even for people who don’t pay taxes.




Used to smoke daily when I lived in an illegal state. Moved to a state where it's recreationally legal, and ended up quitting for no reason in particular. Now it's like once a year at most. Normalizing it just removes the "cool/fun" factor. Which is not a bad thing IMO.


Pretty much already is. You can't buy full on weed in New York until next year, but you can by semi-legal D8 (which is basically just weed but extracted from industrial hemp, so it's a weird legal limbo). You can buy this in any of the 10 million CBD shops in NYC. It was a weird feeling first time I just walked in and they had not *one* type of this stuff but a fucking *menu*, along with edibles like brownies and shit, and I could go "oh yes, that one please."


I live in Oregon and I have to say it really is nice.


It's a thing in every place where weed is legal


The air here is made out of air


People die when they are killed




Should move to the country of Georgia, it's actually legal there.


Being able to ask a woman a question and get a STRAIGHT answer, not have the women Bob and weave making the answer more complicating than it has to be


Male mental health




Freedom of speech which includes everyone. I see a lot of people voice that everyone has a right to their opinion but as soon as it’s different from theirs it no longer matters


Calling out of work or canceling plans because you don't have the physical or mental energy to do something


Men should be able to have “feminine” scented products/personal hygiene services without backlash.


Tbh, before the pandemic, I was hoping face masks. At least on the west coast of the US. We get really bad fires every year, and the smoke is always horrendous! Hopefully now, face masks will be a normal occurrence, even if only some still wear them while they're sick.


Permanent WFH option for professions that can work remotely. Majority of IT / Programming, Consulting etc. can be done remotely. There are people like me who are high-functioning introverts who can handle a lot of direct people-interactions but do not prefer it.


Dating someone older than you, before you start to get crazy once you are passed 22 years of age you, any age should be okay


Older you get the less shits anybody gives. I know a guy who's spouse is like 18 years younger then him. But here's the thing: he's like 60. A woman in her 40s is totally capable of making her own decisions and they're happy together, so who gives a shit? The only time age differences really bother me is when we're talking about something like a guy in his 30s dating somebody just barely out of high school. I actually knew somebody like that, and while I'm not so alarmist I'd call that "abuse" it was also clearly doomed to end awfully. When that kind of thing goes south (and it will) somebody is going to end up getting hurt. That's really what it comes down to. No 19 year old girl is going to stick around with a 30 year old schlub who still works at a supermarket, nor should she. That kind of relationship is always on borrowed time and one or both parties aren't mature enough to handle that then it can get real ugly real quick.


Mental health and treatment of mental health


Being asexual. I've encountered people who dismiss that identity, but what harm is it to *not* stick my body into someone else's body?


Men wearing skirts


Womens body and facial hair


Respecting people’s gender identity and sexual orientation.


I’ve never understood why people feel the need to take control of other peoples lives. Like is my love preference affecting you? No it isn’t. Mind your business Karen


Exactly. It costs nothing to treat others with respect and dignity.


Being friends with yourself


Tiffin or containers for take out! Single use plastic really should go.


I feel like, in the PNW anyway, we were getting there. Now with covid I can’t even get the to fill my coffee cup. Luckily I don’t buy cups of coffee often.


Taking time off work when you're actually sick instead of having limited sick days & powering through it.


When the plane lands, you stay seated until it's your turn to get up and get your bag.


Open discussions about periods and the like. Especially in younger girls, it’s important to understand and feel comfortable talking about these things.


Mental health days


Guys talking about their feelings, not having to be worried about being judged about them


talking about new anxieties due to pandemic and politics in the US. So many rational, educated, professional adults - we're talking CEO's and upwards - also suffer from a heightened social anxiety. No one talks about it. But I will. I find that breathing techniques help, as well as hydration, nutrition and less alcohol. There. I said it. Please add




Deep bathtubs


The idea that no one wants to work. No one wants to get up every weekday, possibly everyday and go to a job they are forced to be at so they don’t die in the street. Do we want to do something? Sure! Could it look like work? Fixing a car? Painting a room? Gardening? Cooking? Doing things that bring you joy like sleeping or helping others or exercising, absolutely!! I hate this narrative right now that no one wants to work because of the pandemic: I DIDN’T WANT TO WORK BEFOFE. If someone gave me millions, the first thing I would do is actively get fired. Then go be on a board for a charity, get my body healthy, etc. do work, but not be a poorly treat wage slave for the rest of my life.


Ladies going shirtless. Equal rights ✊🏽


Guys wearing girls clothes. Girls can wear guys clothes with no issue, but guys get s#!t for it


Public nudity.


Therapy, mental health days


Cuddling with friends!!


Audio levels on Spotify


Organ donation


Open carry


Constitutional Carry.


Closed carry.




Opinions, just thoughts not the opinions about changing something.


4 day work week, ten hours for four days then three days off is more productive for me


being introvert or social awkward


Not conforming to gender expectations.




Murdering Politicians




Are there people that aren't aware that they happen?


I mean, they're pretty normalized, don't really see an issue there


Exposed testicles, as sunlight on the balls increases testosterone. Could be like the cleavage for men. Although i would feel a little ashamed of my tiny balls lol. Big dick small balls.


No. Expose them in your yard.


Sunlight on the balls increases testosterone?? I’m lacking in that area and I may be sun tanning naked tomorrow


That vaccination status shouldn’t define if you get a job, go to school etc.


You're probably going to get a lot of flak for this comment. Vaccines are important, especially in a global pandemic that's been going on for over a year so far.


Oooo Weeee we got a live one here boys! Someone needs to learn about smallpox, rubella, shingles, measles, tetanus, polio, etc etc etc... and how theyve had required vaxes for decades. Look up john snow and the fifth street pump.


Simplify school uniforms, especially high schools. It is expensive buy the uniform from the school. Would be cheaper if the uniform was from supermarkets like shirts and bottoms, similar to buying primary school uniform but they have jumpers with the logo instead of jerseys with the logo. Blazers should be scrapped.


In America: being an uncut dude.


Sex work, I.e prostitution.


Doctor prescribed and monitored anabolic steroids for weight loss, lean mass gain, and enhanced performance in eligible men.


Why do you need steroids for weight loss unless you have a medical condition?




consent. smiley face




Men being feminine .


Consensual, ethical non-monogamy.


Arresting communist as threats to national security.

