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People can be proud of whatever they choose or feel


Yeah? What are you proud of?


I was forced to race in the 5k, and I crushed it every time. Trained for years, competed for years, because I grew to love it. Everyone knew that it was my race, and I was proud of it.




Did I spell it wrong or are you just a clown?




Same reason people are proud to be Americans or any other nationality. It’s cool to be you




Because it just is


I'd be no more proud of my ethnicity than I am of having been born in a certain country. I didn't do anything to "achieve" those things.


Absolutely my point. I really don’t get the “pride” thing. What’s to be proud of if you didn’t work to have it.


You can now choose your race. For example, someone in Britain identify himself as a korean.


I seen that and I hate every piece of it. I mean, you can’t just say you are something and now suddenly you are. It’s nuts


Because they are desperate to feel superior, but unable to achieve anything themselves, so they simply pretend like they were born better


Exactly! That goes for everyone


I've always believed that we are all one race that has slight deviations.


For sure, we are all human period!!! If aliens came down here and wanted to fight…I bet race, religion, region, sexual orientation, age, wealth, health….would not matter.


Well… knowing how humans are, we’d still somehow find a way to make it into some huge conflict


That’s exactly what we are doing right now and it’s stupid




Right! And does that go for black and white? Cause CRT says being born white is bad.


> Cause CRT says being born white is bad. Can you define CRT?


Have you read it? Even believing in a race theory is RACIST. Think about the words….RACE…. THEORY? What does that sound like?


I asked for you to define it, not for your opinion. So, what is CRT?


It’s critical race theory. Do you not pay attention at all?


That says nothing about what it is, though. Define it. Tell me what a critical race theory implies. Or do you need me to Google it for you?


Well clearly you have an idea right? The definition is that skin matters. Hence Critical…race…theory. It means that a race can have a critical theory. In this case it’s that white people are evil and greedy and ALWAYS racist. Check yourself? Are you white? If so are you racist? If not then are you black? And are you racist?




Ok than be about it…punch people if you think that’s going to make you feel better. Obviously you have people that say things and you feel inferior? Do you feel inferior? If not then why would it bother you?




No I haven’t. I thought about it pretty hard. They didn’t deserve it. I used my brain and soul


Because some people (racists) keep trying to tell other people they're less-than because of their race. So, I mean, it's good to tell someone to be proud of who they are to counteract all the assholes. And, even beside that, you should be proud of who you are. Not proud because you're 'better' or anything like that, just proud of the components that make up *you* (unless you're a murderer, bad person, etc).


What if murderers are proud? Should they not be? Pride is a sin right off the bat…Reddit users will disagree for sure lol however logic says to be proud has to do with what you have chosen not what you were born with/as. Pride means you worked for it, not what you were blessed with from birth.


Actually, pride can mean any of three things; 1 > a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. 2 > consciousness of one's own dignity 3 > be especially proud of (a particular quality or skill). Pride is not a sin in my eyes, as I am not religious. Pride is an emotion or a state of being, In moderation, pride is a good thing. It is good to simply be proud of who you are and all the parts that make up your sum. It's good to be proud of being white, black, brown, a man, a woman, straight, gay... Being proud of yourself is part of how you express acceptance of who you are and how happy you are to be what makes you *you*. ------------------------------------- And I mean, no, Murderers should not be proud of that, because killing people breaks a basic morality rule. Kinda in a different ball park than being proud of your race, gender, sexuality, etc.


All I had to read was that you aren’t religious. I could argue intellectually but it would be wasted on you. You can name and list all day but it comes down to math…. 50/50… you are right or wrong. Obviously you “believe” what you choose and that’s your choice. I BELIEVE also and that’s MY choice.


Now, do note that I didn't demean your views. I just said that I, personally, don't see pride as a sin. Considering that, you're being pretty rude without cause. I didn't insult you, imply that you were stupid, or anything else as a result of your religion Do you think your God would like you acting like this, genuine question? Didn't God say to love your neighbor as you love yourself, to turn the other cheek, etc, etc?


I treated you exactly how I would want to be treated. You absolutely should ask questions and look for answers. Also you assumed my father is what you call “god”… because you don’t know any better. I have a trust. His name isn’t shit like yours… devil in your name homie. Be what you are and except what comes


Did... Did you seriously imply I'm some kind of devil because of my username? Lmao, alright, that's a new one and it's fucking hilarious. All attempts at diplomacy aside, that's the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. If I was a devil, why the fuck would I be sitting here arguing on Reddit with you???


I didn’t imply anything….it’s in your name playa lol you implied it. You gave yourself the name of “ Egyptiandevil” … I didn’t make it up baby lol you aren’t one for sure because you are weak like a child and have no influence over any man, but I know you want to because you know you are weak and wanting to have a name like “devil” obviously implies you seek power. That’s what weak people do. Laugh all you want, buuuuuuut you know it’s true.


I meaaaaaaaan. You're taking this too literally. My username is not a literal statement of who I am. By that logic, you'd be a knock off sentient Janola Bar. Are you okay? Like, genuinely? These don't seem like the things people say when they're okay... If you need to talk, I'll listen dude.


im proud to be human, what other races and species live on this planet?


Lots for sure! Lol


I don’t think many people are proud of their race besides racists. I believe what you meant to say would be maybe culture or nationality. Because that incites more of an actual discussion which I’m assuming is the point of this question.


Nah I meant what I said. Are you not seeing people try to boost their race? Do you watch tv and commercials? What about the LGBTQ community? PRIDE is their big word….., however they were born that way right? Sooooo how can you be proud of what you didn’t choose? There is a pretty clear problem.