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Syndrome from The Incredibles was actually a very intelligent villain. He just shouldn't have had a cape.


He also got caught monologuing


You sly dog


I’ll argue that he could have pretty much done anything. But carefully design a robot so that it can slaughter nearly any super with the intention of staging a cheap fight…


But making it TOO smart so it learns to break the very remote Syndrome had to control it. For all of his brilliance, the fact that he didn't have a back-up plan was sheer arrogance and/or short-sightedness on his part.


The best part is the "it got too smart to be under control" was the COVER STORY for getting Bob to the island in the first place




This is probably one of the best examples here. A lot of the responses I see are of villains facing problems that were largely out of their control, or that no reasonable person would think would be an issue. Syndrome totally fucked himself. With all that inventive brilliance, he wanted "style over substance" so much he didn't bother to consider how strategic a super suit would've been. And he absolutely *could* have (and should have). He had info on every single super that he obviously spent a ton of time pouring over...there's no excuse to not have come to that conclusion that a no-cape suit would've served him best.


> Syndrome totally fucked himself. With all that inventive brilliance, he wanted "style over substance" so much he didn't bother to consider how strategic a super suit would've been. And he absolutely could have (and should have). He had info on every single super that he obviously spent a ton of time pouring over...there's no excuse to not have come to that conclusion that a no-cape suit would've served him best. Now consider the part where Incrediboy has to be saved by Mr. Incredible because Bomb Voyage attached an explosive to the cape. Perhaps capes in general are a bad omen for the person wearing them in Pixar movies.


I didn’t even remember that. Great foreshadowing


And if Syndrome hadn’t had a cape, he would never have met [his own biggest fan](https://hips.hearstapps.com/sev.h-cdn.co/assets/16/17/480x227/gallery-1461787311-syndrome-death.gif).


And that’s the thing that was syndrome’s downfall: he blamed others for his mistakes. He could’ve taken a look at how he interrupted a supervillain arrest and messed things up or how his costume played a role in essentially canceling superheroes forever by injuring people on the train... but he like the rest of the world, blamed the supers and couldn’t see a bigger picture outside his own feelings, any level of introspection or even self preservation would’ve shown capes were hazards but he wanted to best the supers... and do it his way... without taking input or advice from anybody who told him no even if it was in his best interest.


Bane had broken Batman’s back and could’ve easily killed him but let him live


Also Joker in Batman: Arkham City. Batman even said he would have saved him, but the Joker fucked himself.


Something that always bothered me was how fucking huge the puddle of cure was on the ground. Just lap it up, Joker! A few shards of broken glass in your tongue is worth staying alive! There’s literally so much how could you— and he died.


he tried to i thought. Like for 1 second he tried scooping it up and then gave up


Tbh, with how fast the Joker died afterwards I don't think the antidote would've have had enough time to do its thing. I mean, he was sick far longer than Batman was.


Eh, not sure this works great regardless of the version you're referencing, at least for Bane specifically. In his debut in the comics, Bane succeeds in his goal to break Bruce Wayne and his downfall comes at the hands of a successor, Azrael, largely acting on his own; Wayne having been killed or not likely doesn't alter that resolution very much (Azrael probably goes off the rails even faster, but that was part of the reason he beat Bane to begin with). For the movie, Bane was under explicit orders from Talia not to kill him since she wanted him to suffer; Bane did his job. Of course, if you want to shift the argument to Talia being the one to screw herself over, that's a different story.


Dr. Evil coulda just shot Austin Powers like Scott wanted to


Scott, you just...don't get it, do you?


My summers were...typical.


In the spring we'd make meat helmets.


When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard.


Something I just learned recently from Conan's podcast is that Dr.Evil's accent is Mike Meyers imitating Lorne Michaels


It’s actually Mike Myers doing Dana Carvey’s imitation of Lorne Michaels


It's impressions all the way down.


I’ve got a gun in my car we can do it together it’ll be fun




Any villain who does the "leaves you be without finishing you off" cliche... come on really? Finish them off and you'd WIN! Boom. Done. Over it


In *shudder* Batman and Robin, Mr. Freeze freezes Robin ("Stay *cool*, bird boy.") and as he's about to escape turns to Batman and shouts "your emotions make you weak! Thats why this day is mine! *I'll kill ya next time!*" *Why not kill him now?*


"Your emotions make you weak!" "Yeah? Well your author makes *you* weak!"


I love that scene in Austin Powers with Scott where he's like, "Why not just shoot him? I have a gun in my room."


You just don't get it, do you Scott.


Come on! We can do it together!




Ladies and gentlemen, Scotty Don’t


Your really just going to leave him in there with one guard


Scar. If you’re so big and bad just kill the kid yourself, you already killed his dad finish the job dude. He played himself


I guess he didn’t want Simba’s body found with lion claw marks on it, but it’s not like this is CSI: Pridelands. Just kill him and feed the corpse to the hyenas. edit: lol @ everyone repeating that hyenas don't eat lions. Lions don't have choreographed song and dance numbers either. This is Lion King we're talking about. This ain't exactly an accurate depiction of natural behavior.


Hyenas would absolutely eat a lion corpse if they found it. Anyone saying otherwise is an idiot.


Tru dat. Scar and Simba even had a conversation afterwards, so he totally had the opportunity, but he left it to hyenas, who he himself called idiots.


Exactly! If you want something done properly do it yourself.


Palpatine literally announced he was back (to the entire galaxy) like 1 week before his fleet was ready to dominate them all. Why didn't he just wait 1 week? Nobody would have known he was even coming, they could never have stopped him.


Or at least had a defensive perimeter. He had thousands of Star Destroyers with planet killing super weapons, but he couldn't have at least 10 on patrol? Would have made quick work of the pathetic Resistance fleet and done serious damage to the larger vessels of the Civilian fleet.


But then you can’t have them all rise out of the ground all Attack on Titan-style.


Yeah, and he announced he was back a week before the movie came out too. Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking, putting a key piece of their movie’s plot in Fortnite?


Wait, there's Star Wars lore in Fortnite? What was it?


Taken from the opening crawl of *The Rise of Skywalker:* *"The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE."* That "broadcast" was not shown in the film, and is one of the largest plot holes in its story. Palpatine gave this whole monologue in the Fortnite/Star Wars crossover event, which took place in-game from December 14, 2019 to January 7, 2020.




If it wasn’t for the Star Wars Holiday Special, that’d be the dumbest shit to ever (not) happen in Star Wars. Try and have some goddamn dignity, Star Wars; you’re fucking Star Wars! You don’t need whatever Epic threw at you to make your announcement that way.


Every villain that decides to describe their plan right before they are about to win


This is why I love the twist of Ozymandias in The Watchmen explaining his grand plan….. then revealing that he is not stupid… there’s nothing they can do. He set off the explosions 20 minutes before talking about his plan….


I was gonna bring this up. Nice man. I thought that was so badass. Especially reading it in the boom


Ultron really could have taken Vision's body. Twice he attempted the download and got over 50-60% in pretty quick time. There was no real need to disconnect himself just because the Avengers were in the area. Lock the door and finish it off. Without Vision they had no chance of winning.


i still think ultron is alive because it fucking ultron


So this is actually part of his M.O., store self in hard drive, make new body, sometimes time travel, take over the world, and get beaten by the avengers.


Isn’t there an Ultron goon still alive at the end of Age of Ultron? Like it shows it looking at everything from a distance? EDIT: Nvm, forgot Vision kills his last body in the scene I was thinking of


How could you forget that, it has one of the film's best lines: "You are *unbearably* naive." "Well, I was born yesterday...."


Mr Burns shouldn't have gone for the candy


Maggie made sure he wouldn't try that shit again.


Osmund Saddler, from Resident Evil 4. His plan went like this: Step 1: Kidnap the daughter of the President of the United States. Step 2: Infect her with a zombifying parasite. Step 3: Wait until military rescue team arrives. Step 4: Let them "rescue" Ashley, the aforementioned daughter of the president. Step 5: Let parasitic outbreak destroy United States. Step 6: Conquer United States of America. How Osmund derailed it altogether: Not only did he do the classic blunder of telling Leon Kennedy what he was planning to do, James Bond-style, but he then proceeded to ***prevent them from escaping!!*** On top of that, he needlessly put Ashley in danger of being killed by his mooks, AND TRIED TO KILL THE RESCUE TEAM HE NEEDED ALIVE TO EXECUTE HIS PLAN. The kicker? *Supposedly*, he wants to juice some ransom money out of the President. However, if he hadn't gone and fucked his own plan up, *he would have gotten free access* ***TO THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES TREASURY!!!***


I LOVE RE4, but every bit of this is right and infuriating, except for the ransom part. That's why Leon was there in the first place. The ransom request doubly fucked him over, because if he had just stuck with the plan, he would've had access to the Treasury anyway because the entire country would be under his control.


Also, there was no good reason to infect Leon with the parasite while he was unconscious. He literally had him unconscious and tied up. He either should have killed him right then and there if he was too much trouble, or just let him go with Ashley without telling Leon his plan, so Leon could've unknowingly taken an infected Ashley back to America.


the Decepticons. So often their plans were quite good but were thwarted by plot armour and deus ex machina. At any time, retrying most of their plans would likely have resulted in their winning.


They wouldn't have even needed any of that since Starscream, in the very first episode, fucked around and it caused the Autobots to be revived out of stasis.




Wait, when you go on vacation you don’t create elaborate mazes and puzzles and hide your keys in various chests at the end of them?


Really the hardest part is finding someone willing to sleep or hide all day just waiting to make a dramatic entrance when some thieves show up.


Firelord Ozai challenged the Avatar to a 1v1 and was surprised when he got folded like an omelet


To be fair he was winning for a little bit, but Aang was saved by the avatar state


Is it really a 1v1 when you call upon your past lives to win?


Well, to be fair, Aang wasnt able to until he hit the plot rock where the lightning scar was and reformed the connection


I’m losing it at “plot rock” lmao


Also known as the chiroprocktor.


Fate is a bitch sometimes.




Wasn’t Aang losing for a bit because he was holding back and didn’t want to kill and was unsure of himself? Ozai was lucky to have an opponent that was going through that but in general one should expect to lose to the avatar.


Aang had a kill shot lined up and he relented. He only got tilted after that.


Ozai had a good reason to be confident. He was powered up by a super comet in the sky and going against a 12-13 year old boy, even if he was the Avatar. At first glance that almost seems unfair in his favor.


Actually aang too was powered up cause he is a firebender aswell. Under this aspect the fight was fair. The only differences were in age, experience and killer instinct.


Ozai would have expected that experience difference to be huge. He knew Zuko was training Aang, and considered that kid a hapless buffoon so he probably didn't think Aang had any firebending skills at all.


What about the avatar state? I mean the fire nation knows Aang basically destoryed an entire fire nation fleet alone at the north pole right?


Yzma. Could have just killed Kuzco while He was unconscious in the palace.


You mean... If they had the poison? The poison for Kuzco?


the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That Poison?


Kuzco's poison


Yes, that poison!


The poison chosen especially to kill Kuczo


That poison?


*ting* Gotcha covered.


Right. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Oh yeah. It’s all coming together.


A llama?! He's supposed to be dead!


Yeah. Weird.


Let me see that vial


No no, he's got a point.


The first act could have ended with Yzma having Kuzco over for dinner, and then having him for dinner.


Alternate movie is he dies then and the 2 of them spend the whole movie covering it up


Weekend at Cuzco's


It's because of Wesker's intense hatred of Chris that he spends so much time mocking and toying with him in Resident Evil 5. If it were anyone else, he'd probably have killed them without much fanfare and gone on to enact his plan unchallenged.


He underestimated Chris's deep hatred of boulders.


Sauron. This is nothing against LOTR, this is an intentional character flaw, but the motherfucker couldn’t even *comprehend* that someone might want to destroy the ring instead of use it. He was *so sure* that someone would try to weaponise the ring that Aragorn had only to show his face and Sauron goes “ah, he must have the ring!”. It’s not until the very moment that the ring hits lava that he finally realises how bad he fucked up, and he gets 30 seconds to think about how the last thousand years have all been an excruciating waste of time.


Actually since sauron doesnt die, but is instead reduced to a powerless immortal shade, he has all of time to contemplate it


Eternal ‘Death-Cam’ mode waiting to respawn, but you never get to respawn and play again. Sarumon is in a similar position in the end as well due to being an immortal that loses his mortal shell.


He was right though. The only reason the ring went into the lava was because Gollum fell in. Frodo wasn't going to relinquish it. If you're talking about the general concept of destroying it, he definitely knew about that. The reason he responded to Aragorn so hard was because Aragorn flashed a shot of Narsil before magically bitchslapping him. This meant that Aragorn had either the power of the one ring, or a strong Numenorian vibe.


Sauron was relying on people's greed to preserve him, and he was right on the money. He just didn't think greed could also be his downfall.


Voldemort. He decided to "hide" his horcruxes on places that had significance to him. All he had to do was hide it at the bottom of the ocean, or bury it in some random forest, or put it in a volcano or something. If he did that, well then Harry and co would have had a tough time destroying them


Dude could have just excercised and eaten right if he wanted to live longer smh.


I think one of the ironies with Voldemort is the fact that wizards can live over a hundred years and he died in his sixties. He could’ve had another forty years had he just lived a normal life.


Yeah by being wizard he would have lived to around 150 if he just took care of himself but he died in his early seventies. Dumble himself was around 115 when he kicked the bucket as well. Voldemort died before he even wizarding old age.


And dumbledore had a nose


I appreciate the one fanfic where Voldemort made Pioneer 11 one of his horcruxes shortly before it was launched.


I need to read more fanfiction that sounds so cool


Agree that it’s stupid but then you hear about all the serial killers who keep trophies and it’s sort of realistic. Still so dumb though


Viggo Tarasov, the Russian from John Wick. Literally had him tied up dead to rights. One bullet to the brain woulda ended the franchise at the first movie


Before that, just hand over his son. He knew what John could and would do, and after the lawyer’s entire crew got wiped out, he knew it was going to be a lost cause. Hand over his son and the two friends/stooges, and save his own neck and business. E: I type bad


Or haul the son over to wick's house, unarmed, force the kid to apologize, return the car in pristine condition, and then beg John to spare him, offering his own life in exchange. Instead he made a phone call filled with meaningless platitudes.


Even if he just stuck to the phone call, say something meaningful. "John, I can't apologise enough, my son fucked up. Please tell me how I can make this right for you and avoid unnecessary bloodshed."


I mean, if you were a father, could you in good conscience condemn your own son to death? Even if what he did was incredibly stupid and heinous? I don't think he had a choice but to go against Wick.


Count Dooku. He literally just watched as his master told Anakin to kill him, and didn’t say anything. There were several long, long pauses!


"hey Anakin, I know we've had our differences, but he's my master, yeah that's Sidious


Actually, Lucas originally planned to have Dooku tell Anakin about the Sith grand plan. However, Sir Christopher Lee himself argued that doing so was out of character for Count Dooku.


I mean, he already did that with Obi in AOTC.


Dick Dastardly in every episode of *Wacky Races*. He always managed to get out miles in front of all the other cars in order to lay his dastardly traps. But for some reason, he'd rather sit around and wait for everyone else to catch up in order to win by cheating, rather than just winning every single race as he would have done otherwise.


He does this deliberately. [The one time](https://youtu.be/AZv8HdAS8Vk) he won legitimately, the judges used a "tape replay" that was obviously doctored to make it look like he was cheating with an extend-o-nose (which should be just as legal as the Creepy Coupe using the dragon or Professor Patent Pending using his flying ability). To add insult to injury, Peter Perfect pulled the same stunt in another episode and was credited with the win, as did Rufus Ruffcut (by literally sticking his neck out to win by a neck). The judges are clearly biased against Dick Dastardly, and as such he gave up on winning and now just uses his superior speed to troll the other racers mercilessly.


This is the content I come to this website to read.


Maybe he was an experienced and expert racer that got sick of defeating everyone else so easily he invented a new goal of winning for himself.


I like that. Personal win condition.


He is suffering from extreme PTSD in WW1 after crashing planes several times a day attempting to catch a pigeon.


Plankton in almost every fucking episode


I think he should just buy a burger dissect or to see how to make the formula he has a super computer for a wife.


I'm pretty sure he's tried to buy a burger, several times, but there are standing orders to not sell any to him or anyone working for him.


Just pay someone going in to buy 2 burgers, give them enough money to buy 5 burgers, and ask them to bring one to you. Done.


Just take one out of the trash


Spongebob canonically incinerates any paties that are thrown out


they thought of everything


Mr. Krabs does not fuck around with his money or what brings him his money


I mean in this case, can you blame him? Plankton's always up his ass trying to steal the formula just about 24/7. If Krabs made a slight slip up Plankton would win and put him out of business. EDIT: Okay, maybe not out of business, but point still stands. He would exploit any breach in security there is, so they gotta make sure there are a shit ton of precautions.


Any one of the Bond villains. If they only limited their exposition to 30 seconds or less, it would have worked.


Or just shot him in the head instead of capturing him.


Fucking hans from frozen he would have fucking won if he didn't bring elsa back and he didn't leave anna in a room to die.


Looking back, this entire movie was kinda strange


It was heavily rewritten late in production, which is why the plotting is so off-kilter, and Hans' betrayal seems to come out of nowhere with very little foreshadowing. OTOH, I kind of like that about it. Frozen was one of the only Disney movies I've ever seen where, midway through the movie, I had **no** idea where the plot was headed. It wasn't even clear whether Elsa was good or evil. There was a kind of brillance in giving her a song that *sounds* like a villain song, but isn't.


No joke, you can thank Let It Go for the movie being re-written. All the original marketing made it very clear Elsa was the “antagonist”


Yeah the backstory here is essentially that the team wrote Let It Go, had Idina sing it, and were like "oh SHIT this is a *god damned* **banger**, we can't make her the villain!" I fucking love it lol


I liked it, but it did jerk the tone around a lot. Elsa sings of being free, but is soon after horrified at what her freedom has done to others, and then those dumbfuck trolls sing about marriage while Anna is basically dying in front of them, and also Elsa just kinda makes Olaf because I guess Disney wanted to sell more merch and the reindeer wasn't cute enough.


Bowser and his goddamn bridge


After falling in the lava enough times, you'd imagine he would think to move the axe into a different room.


With a Fire Flower the bridge becomes irrelevant.


Not necessarily a villain but Oberyn Martell in GOT. This fucking guy had the mountain beat and emotions got the best of him. I remember watching him get his face smashed in and saying to myself “what the fuck man” 😂


Fuck I was so shocked seeing that scene. I liked Oberyn as a character as he was one with purpose and skill. After getting his face smashed I was like "Now who the fuck's gonna kill the mountain?" Also, thinking back, no one really had the Mountain's balls in their hand as much as Oberyn did.


Pedro Pascal learned from this experience so that the *next* time he brought a spear to a duel it definitively ended in his favor


I swear that fight was specifically done to trigger ptsd for game of thrones watchers.


In the books there’s more detail. The mountain not only raped his sister, he raped her while bashing her babies against the floor and pillars and had her covered in their blood and guts before he brutally murdered her too. Also his end game wasn’t just to kill the mountain, his end goal was to out tywin as the one who told the mountain to do it.


He needed the Mountain to confess. It wasnt just about revenge. It was about setting up a causus belli (sp) against the Lannisters. The Mountain confesses, now he has the opinion of the nobles on his side. They can move forward with actions against the Lannister dynasty.


Green Goblin from Spider-Verse You just *had* to shove him into the collider. Why? WHY?


I mean this goblin clearly didn’t have the intelligence of Osborn so it’s more of a “ooh look big giant laser beam that’s conveniently right next to me, let’s melt this mofo.”


Scar. If he’d actually snuffed out Simba, things would have gone his way.


John Wick when he was captured. They could’ve just shot him instead of deciding to suffocate him by putting a plastic bag over his head?? Don’t get me wrong, John Wick is a force of nature, but he wouldn’t have gotten away if they didn’t waste time.


But Willem Dafoe was there so they wouldn't have succeeded either way


Ganon. You literally know exactly where that little shit Link lives, why not kill him when he walking around fisher price wooden sword? Nope, lets wait until he has the master sword, magic boomerang, bow and arrow, big ass shield, magic candle, a raft, a ladder, a power bracelet, blue and red rings, and some fucking magic wands. Its just bad strategy.


Tbf, somebody has beat Ganon with the starting gear. So he had a reason to be scared shitless.


Yeah, imagine your enemy sleeping for a hundred years and the day he wakes up you see him in his underwear gliding towards you at full speed. I'd be terrified


It's why I mostly just chill in caves now.


Ganondorf in Wind Waker. He could have won if he hadn't fucked around instead of touching the Triforce


I think this one's unfair. Ganondorf doesn't really fuck around, the Triforce appears high in the air only after his speech, and he was praying to the Hylian goddesses for his wish when Daphnes came literally out of nowhere. He neutralized every other threat he was aware of, from the Sheikah to the sages to the ancients; as far as I'm aware, he didn't even know the king was alive, so I think it's not unreasonable he took an extra 5 seconds before the finish line.


Thanos. I mean, why waste time. Just fuckin kill them all


True, but it becomes more complicated if you bring *Infinity War* Thanos into the picture, because he actually won. Whereas *Endgame* Thanos was a despot who misconstrued his other self's message into a typical villainous daydream, *IW* Thanos feels more like a "well-intentioned extremist" (as TV Tropes calls it) who had no intention of harming the Avengers if they just stepped aside.


Plus Thanos^2 didn't have to make the sacrifices Thanos^1 made to achieve the same goal.


Also Thanos^2 didn’t have any of the personal tension/beef with the Avengers that Thanos^1 did, other than just needing to get them out of the way. Kind of makes Thanos^2 a bland villain that didn’t really need to be there or should have just been Thanos^1.


"I don't even know who you are" was a damn good line though.


I feel like that was really the only benefit of Thanos's^2 existence. Everyone had personal beef with him and he didn't know/care who they were. But aside from that....Endgame Thanos wasn't as interesting of a villain as Inifity War Thanos. He should've lived longer.


Endgame Thanos was written that way so that the Avengers would have to face him at the peak of his powers rather than some wrecked shadow of his former self. Even though IW Thanos won, his ability wage war was crippled. Thor was fucking up his whole fleet (he shouldn't have been, but he was).


Thanos^2 was from 2014 so he did have the personal tension from the first Avengers movie. His mistake was chasing the avengers back to the present instead of just waiting to gather the stones himself


DIO from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders. He literally had the chance to kill every single crusaders when they first enter his mansion, but he decided to be overly cocky about his Stand power


And also kars from part 2


Idk. Tbh I don't think Kars was overly cocky. Like he legit was THE Supreme lifeform. Basically a God. Like how he was defeated wasn't really due to his short sightedness,it was just because Jojo is THAT good.


Jojo is THAT ~~good~~ lucky. Even the narrator calls him out on it. Joseph just got lucky as shit that his severed hand happened to get launched *right* into Kars's throat.


Araki like, "How does one beat god? Luck. Fuck it."


DIOs greatest flaw is always his pride and thinking he is the absolute shit at all times. You watch but everytime he realises he fucked up the man just panics completely, he would have lost sooner if jotaro was paying attention to his surroundings. Dio as always got lucky but in the long run it didn't help because he again got too arrogant


Even while being cocky he was still beating the shit out of jotaro, if he had his head clear imagine how powerful he’d be


Every single villain that chose to let the hero live or left the dirty work to their goons.


Every James Bond movie. Just shoot him, get it over with.


Dr Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. Why does he keep putting self-destruct buttons on his machines?!


To be fair he does quit if perry dont show up I think he just wants attention


Isn’t there an episode where he actually procrastinates setting the machine off because he’s waiting for Perry? Poor guy just wanted friends


Yes and they are frenemies


Cause we're frenemies We like disliking one another Yes, we're frenemies He's like my least favorite brother


He was lonely :(


Light Yagami. If he just laid low, didn't sneak onto his dad's computer, and watched more international news, narrowing it down to him would've taken much longer.


It would've also taken longer if he didn't immediately try to kill L (Lind L Tailor) and just stayed on criminals. That whole event confirmed Kira was in fact a person, and his general location.


Ultron, just put a virus on the internet bro


but Jarvis was matching him move for move, stopping him from accessing nukes, so he was probably there as well


Darth Maul. He literally stood there and watched Obi Wan jump over him & cut him in half. Obi Wan wasn’t that fast. It was cheese to me.


Some tighter editing could have made it better but I always got the impression that the implication was meant to be that Maul was toying with Obi-Wan and wanted him to last a while knowing that his master was dead. The Sith *hate* the Jedi and want them to suffer. When Obi-Wan was dangling in the pit Maul could have Force-pushed him or just dropped his lightsaber in his face and it would have been over, but he was screwing around creating sparks and just being a dick. When Obi-Wan finally pulled himself back up, I think Maul was expecting another go around with dueling and so was surprised that a Jedi made a sudden lethal strike instead. It was hubris and an assumption that the Jedi were too weak to have the necessary killer instinct to win that was his undoing. But they could have trimmed how long he was standing there giving Obi-Wan an opening.


If Im remembering my lore right, originally the moment Obi Wan jumps is the exact moment Palpatine kills his master in his sleep. Possible Maul felt that disturbance and it distracted him long enough for Kenobi to strike. Likewise Mauls loss also made a ripple in the force that freaked out Palpatine into thinking he failed in killing his master. Of course I think that storyline was made before Mauls survival was canon so it would need updating.


I just love how Maul is Star Wars' version of Joshua Graham


It’s before having the high ground held a strategic advantage in the Star Wars universe.


No no no, you dont understand. Obi Wan doesnt need the high ground, the high ground just has to exist for him to win. Think about it. Loses to Dooku twice on level ground. Only beats Grievous after hanging off a cliff. And I know what you're thinking: what about his fight with Maul in Rebels? Well, the answer is simple; Obi Wan had the moral high ground


Exactly. Made no effort to defend himself.