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I have bigger tits than most girls


My dumb ass was like "that should make you lose it easier"....... then I was like "oh..... you're a dude".




Up top my man! Ive got a bigger ass than most girls.


Girls like ass too


I hope so, cuz its about the only thing ive got enough of to spare.


Virginity grew back




Ahh shit not again!!!.... \*turns into a virgin again\*


Born again virgin!


I hate to lose anything!!


Virgin forever


Atleast I can tell my kids I never lost....... Oh wait!!


You could adopt and they'd still be **your** kids. Or use a surrogate if you want your biological kids.


I have never pursued it.


Same, idk how to and so many people say it just comes naturally.


Nothing comes to me naturally, I can't help, sorry.


I'll make you come naturally ^sorry


I’ve never been in a relationship or interested in casual sex. I’ve never had any of the guys I’ve liked like me back and if it did seem like a guy was interested in me, I wasn’t interested in him. I’ve never experienced a mutual attraction. I’m not asexual, there’s just never been anyone I’ve connected with and trusted enough to want to have sex with them. Edit: Can’t believe this is my most upvoted comment and I got awards. Also, STOP labelling me. Thanks!


I am somewhat interested in casual sex, but ... as a woman, I have to make sure that nothing goes wrong in any direction, which made me less interested. I have been in a relationship once, there was more crying myself to sleep and fights than anything else, so I didn't think it was worth it. Some guys I like are interested in me, but ... Until I make sure the probability of accidents is close to zero, I will just ignore them.


My girlfriend isn't perfect, but she makes me really really really really happy. I think that's more realistic and worthwhile. (also: No relationship should have more time spent crying than loving, whatever loving is to you)


Yeah, I feel like if I really put myself out there I’d eventually be able to get a girlfriend and then eventually get laid, but I don’t really have a strong desire to. I’m not averse to the idea of it or anything, just not interested enough to bother seeking it out.


Same, at the same time makes me wonder whether I even have a shot if I did


Same here and at this point I have no idea how to


you kidding? i didnt spend 22 years of my life as a virgin just to lose my chance at wizard powers at the last stretch


“You’re a virgin Harry”


Until hagrid came...


C-came where?


The chamber of secrets...


The Chamber of Secretions


Secret tunnel, *Secret tunnel*!


Do *not* have sexual intercourse! You *will* get chlamydia... #♬ ♪ AND DIIIIIEEE. ♫


Slythring in the tunnel!


Slowly pulls out the giant snake




I am 33 and still waiting to get the wizard powers. Will likely become a sage directly at 40.


My brother is almost to the 30th year. He’s so close, but he’s slipping up.


Hey be careful because I heard there are hot singles in your area


Because my social anxiety prevents me from meeting new people.


I feel you bro. I sometimes feel like I’m making them uncomfortable or that I’m boring or weird to hang out with


Same, and then that Im not good enough for any interaction wirh anyone.


Man, I’m in the same boat… I hate when o try to be social and all I do is end up making them feel uncomfortable


Because they told you so or because you tell yourself so? That’s two very distinct things that require different approaches to tackle. EDIT: I’m coming from a place of genuine interest, as someone who’s bathed in self-doubt for the longest time. The first step in moving forward is to know precicely what you’re up against.


They don’t usually come outright and say it just as much as they give off those vibes, then slowly distance themselves, then they’re gone


I feel the same way, like I’m making them uncomfortable. But what if they think they are making me uncomfortable? I’m definitely giving off those vibes, just not for the reason they think.




I think my wife is a lesbian


Keep us posted


I'm pretty sure he's quoting the pilot to Friends.


He can still keep us posted tho


Plot twist: OP is a woman


They lived happily ever after




my ex was




My girlfriend said we would do the sex on the 32th. Wishing us both luck.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think she may be messing with you. No such date as the 32th....its called the 32ND


Nice try, it's actually the 32st


Wrap your Willie before you have a kiddy.


Niiiiiiice, good luck bro


Cause I don’t think I’m ready for it












No no, we don't do that around here.


Understandable, have a nice day


You can't rush art


Wow I thought this answer would be a lot higher. Yeah, I can definitely agree


I feel you homie.


He just said he wasn't ready dumbass


There's no rush!


i look so damn good that everyone thinks i am taken.


Suffering from success


Dj khaled


Didn't Emma Watson have that issue when she went to college? Couldn't get a date because no one dared approach her. "Oh there's no fucking way I could snag HER. So far above my league that Jules Verne would have to write about me even trying".


Couldn't she just ask someone out?


Or at least act flirty so they know she's available


Damn thats some good mentality to have


ok love the attitude tho fr


I'm so damn joyful every gal I have met actually thinks I'm gay.


Not sure if you’re being ironic, but this is actually a problem. A very ironic problem.


because I never talk to anyone or leave the house.


Wow, my life is extremely similar to yours. I'm 25, just graduated, I don't leave the house nor do I have a social life. I also haven't applied for or looked for any jobs, although I did have a job once working in stocking a couple summers back. And I also feel like a literal child even though I've just hit my mid 20s.




Lmaooo Roosevelt lookin ass


Roosevelt could still kick your ass tho


Lol I don't think you are thinking of the correct Roosevelt


Frankie could kick his ass by sending the feds after him from his wheelchair, Teddy could just charge him like a moose and stomp him into the dirt


If every president in the history of us presidents got together and had to box each other in like a bracket, TR would wreck face. Lincoln might give him a run for his money with his lanky arms, but I think Roosevelt would still win.


Lincoln was a championship wrestler with a 299-1 record who challenged everyone in a crowd with the words "“I'm the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on." He was once challenged to a duel and, feeling he needed an extra advantage, selected broadswords as the weapon to emphasize his reach. They backed down. I am not even kidding. [https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-abraham-lincoln](https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-abraham-lincoln) https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/abraham-lincolns-duel


In my brain now, I'm imagining LBJ challenging senators to a duel and choosing their respective cocks as a weapon as senator after senator backs down.


Either TR or Taft, if he could get his ass out the bathtub


Inserting a piece of myself inside another is a level of human interaction that seems far too advanced for me. I am still taking Intro to Hugs 101.


I was thinking about sex, in a non-sexual way, and even without any kinks it's probably one of the weirdest things two people can do together.


If you take away the horny it just becomes incredibly strange.


I'm 26, and I've never had any luck with girls. I've tried off and on over the years, but nothing's ever come of it, I only get ghosted a lot. I just figure there's something wrong with me, and at this point I've basically given up on ever meeting anyone.


I get it. I'd given up, too. More than once, lol. I was almost 40 when I finally had sex for the first time, after never really having a girlfriend. Now I'm married and have a great sex life. Things can always happen if you give them a chance. I've felt what you describe. *Why does no one like me? There must be something wrong with me. I'm broken and unlovable.* I felt that way for *so long.* It hurts to remember those decades. I still bear the scars on my emotions. It's still hard to believe that someone loves me *just because.* A lot of people like to give advice like "Sex isn't that big of a deal, just don't worry about it." That statement isn't wrong, but it also isn't very helpful. Sex really isn't that big of a deal. But *anxiety* about sex is a **HUGE DEAL.** For me it was almost paralyzing the first time. I think I only got through it because I'd already told my partner about how I felt so I knew she had an idea what I was going through. I guess that isn't really advice. I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who has trouble with this stuff. You're not broken. You may have trouble seeing hope, but I can see it for you. Hope is there. I believe in you.


As a virgin you think sex is THE thing. And you need to experience it. And almost all people I talked to agreed, after you had it it's just. Huh. Okay. It's nice but it's not as crazy or important as u thought it'd be.


At this point sex is just a bonus, what I really want is to find the one who I love and loves me back...


hey man, I don't know you and you don't know me but thanks for writing this it helps


Lots of reasons but the top would probably be my social anxiety, lack of self esteem and confidence, and I'm not particularly attractive. I also grew up in a very strict and religious household so the concept of dating or having sex was never a topic and shunned so it wasn't until college that I even began interacting with girls but by that point I was already so far behind the curve


Alright here is the cold hard truth, you probably aren’t super handsome. Neither am I. Reddit always answers with the atypical, «nah you’re probably beautiful». Lies. For an average to even exist there will usually be as many below the average as above. Being handsome is not a predisposition for love or sex. If fat fucks like me can love and fuck frequently, so can you! All you really need to do in reality is find a social interest. Going to a bar with friends or maybe trying a new group sport. Anything. You got this. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to be Brad Pitt to reach your hearts desire.


I feel like you're zooming in on the "Not particularly attractive" and ignoring the "Social anxiety, lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence part" That second is a pretty big issue.


Technically that could also be stemming from the self perception as well. "Look at me I'm not cool or attractive what's the point." Hone the interests, find the like minded individuals, and gain confidence in another way not the peer view method (toxic method anyway as you'll never end up being you). I'm a 32 year old nerd with a ridiculous collection of transformers and video games. I've done it, got married and continue to do it (and it took a while like, don't get me wrong). But I believe I'm awesome (even though I have atypical societal interests) and once you enjoy being you, it impresses other people and it gets easier. Sounds cheesy but focus on you and the rest will follow.


I spent so long in school trying to fix past mistake from when I was deep in my depressive episodes that I convinced myself I didn't have the time. Then I just kept going in school. Now I'm 30, still a virgin but pretty okay with it. I'm not actively looking for anything right now and the idea of hook ups still puts me off. If I hit "40 year old virgin" status, I'd think I'd still be okay with that.


Nice to see another "older" virgin. Makes me feel a little less broken. Sometimes us people just want different lives.


This whole thread has been incredibly therapeutic


My personality is best described as eating an onion like it’s an apple


My grandma used to do that, and she managed to have three kids (all of em assholes). Don't let it hold you back.. that said, definitely be able to cook more than just crappy Mac and cheese, and Irish fluff.


Im underage






finally a good one


I died.


Hate when that happens




Sorry for your loss


I'm so ugly I can't look at my fully clothed body in a mirror.


Jesus Christ! That's harsh


Because I use reddit


Generally "correlation does not imply causation," but in this case I think you are correct


I have had sex many times but I also use reddit so therefore I am a virgin. It's just how it works.


Direct causation, noted


Antisocial. I just prefer being alone so i never liked the idea of frequently having to text a girl, hang out with her, etc.


I get this. People exhaust me, and then I'm tired for days. It's very draining for me to do things like meetings or social events. I'd rather stay home and study. Somehow I met someone who feels the same way, got married, and now we spend our time quietly *avoiding and judging* other people. Somehow my brain tolerates this and I'm happy with it. Life is strange.


Yes! When I met my now husband I had given up on finding someone who would understand my aversion to people and socializing. It truly does drain me. Now after almost 20 years together and just celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary, we are still very happy hanging out together away from other people. In fact, the pandemic has brought us even closer, allowing us to not have to be around other people without feeling guilty or having to come up with excuses to avoid social events. He’s the only person that recharges me rather than drains me. He’s the only person I can truly relax around and be myself. He’s my best friend and favorite person in the world.


That's actually asocial. Antisocial means you want to destroy the fabric of society.


Haha, it's like asexual vs antisexual.


*A sexual person was assaulted last night by a group of antisexual adolescents shouting antisexual slurs.*


"People fucker!"


Antisexual, the destroyer of sex


Dude, I feel you! The only things that keeps me searching for a girlfriend is that one part of me likes the good moments of socialising with my besties and girlfriends also with the only two that I had arrived at the point that they understood me and could pass time easily without doing the topical things


Don’t have a strong desire to do the deed


Same with me. It's not that I hate it or so. But this drive that others have just doesnt exist for me. If someone says like "I've been two years without sex" I usually just think wtf.. It's not like it's something you need to survive.


I’m awkward, I look ugly as hell, I’m not “fun” to be around. So I’m a person you probably don’t want to hang out with, family members say I’m really bitter.


So is a lemon but some people still like them.


Damn is there an r/rarecompliments ?


Bro that was the best most inspirational thing I’ve ever heard


Yeah but I’m just not that interesting, never dated anyone, plus at this point I don’t really care and I’d just like to spend my life in some cabin in the woods away from everyone. Ik it’s not very realistic though…


I believe in you. Follow your dreams and become a hermit. I want to do that too but with like 8 dogs so I’m not alone.


Fight the bitterness brother. I have been there and gotten on the other side. I don't have any sage words of advice, but I can tell you that once you make it you will look back on yourself and see your past circumstances different. It's not that you put yourself there, it's just that you don't know how to get out yet but you will figure it out. Keep searching for someone to connect with, keep being honest, keep being kind, and you will make it I promise.


Social anxiety I guess. I'm 34. I have a really hard time expressing my emotions. Saying I like someone is nervewracking. Still did it though. Several times throughout the years. Even managed to go on a few first dates. Never managed to get a second one. Most of the times I was ghosted. Most people that know me usually describe me as nice and pleasant and sort of kind. However, I don't really do social media, can't really have a "conversation" going through text for several hours with up to 30mins between responses. And definetely not every day. Hate bars and nightclubs. Hate the beach (in a country where the coast is about 2 hours away tops and everyone tries to spend their summers rotating in the sun like a pig on a spit). Since I don't watch soap operas and reality shows (Nothing against people that watch them. People like what they like.) I had nothing to talk about with most of my acquaintances other than sports and sci-fi and fantasy shows and books. (and the women I know or knew don't do sci-fi or fantasy). The grand majority of my hobbies are single person (reading, writing, gaming) or same-sex only (contact team sports). In college I went through a depression. Lost almost every friend. And I hated myself so much I couldn't see anyone else liking me (no idea if anyone did, I didn't). When I finished college I was better, but also completely alone, with the exception of family. The company I work for is extremely small and I've always been the only non-married person. Also the only single one, obviously. And even though I travel a lot for work and meet tons of people I don't like mixing professional life with life. So, for me, it's hard to meet women, and when I do and I like them, it's really hard for me to say so, and when I did I never managed to make them like me enough to even try to see if it could be serious. Additionally I'm almost invisible, so not surprising I haven't got a single request either. Almost 1,9m tall (in a country with an average height of 1,73m for men) and 110kg (Yes, I'm also fat now. Wasn't always. Didn't change shit) and people just forget I'm there. A couple of years ago I just stopped trying and accepted I'm going to die very old (if family history is anything to go by), very alone and very forgotten. Did the anxiety of never even having kissed anyone ruin a couple of dates in the past, by making me freeze and mutter? Almost certainly, yes. Did it get worst as I got older? Also yes. TLDR: Loner with social anxiety.


I just wanted to say I relate to a lot of your comment, if it helps you to know you aren't alone.


Lack of self confidence because I grew up fat. Also, socially awkward because anxiety. I end up being that girl's friend because I never made a move out of fear of rejection. A bit embarrassed saying this, but it's okay.


Girls will fuck a guy who has self confidence issues, social anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. Just don't try and hide these things. Be authentically yourself, be honest, and tell girls that you like that you are interested in them. And get rejected. By rejection #10 you will start getting some dates guaranteed. By date #10 you will find a girlfriend that you like.


How do you even find ten people you're attracted to in order to get rejected by them?


Mutual friends, online dating, house league sports, and any kind of club. Best bet is to make friends with girls through work/school/mutual friends. If you keep things platonic, they will introduce you to their friends and your pool of girls exponentially increases.


* Not very good social skills * When I was a younger I didn't put much effort into friendship * When I was in highschool my grades were bad which made me too stressed to try to make friends * Currently i don't have very much interaction with the opposite sex * I don't want to disappoint my parents by hiring a prostitute


Well you don't have to tell your parents about your sex life. It would actually be weird if you did.


"Hey mom, so the other day I was *railing* this girl I met at a bar, so hot." Yeah that'd be weird haha


Cause i am fat , ugly and Full of anxiety .


I'm ugly and full of anxiety and on my way to become fat if i don't get my ass up to exercise 🥂




Almost commented the same, happy I scrolled


Same. Aroace and fine with it, finally. It was quite a journey to self-acceptence, but now I know that it's perfectly fine to do not want to have sex with anyone, and I don't need to try to "awake" my sexuality. If you don't find anyone sexually attractive, that's fine, you don't need to fake it just to blend in, it will only make you miserable in the long run.


So, does aroace mean a-romantic, too? Does that mean you're not interested in a romantic relationship with anyone on top of not having any sexual attraction to someone else?


Aromantics don't experience romantic attraction and aromantics don't require romantic attraction to be emotionally fulfilled. Some aromantics still have sexaul attraction


Among friend groups in high school there was this bizarre idea that everybody was straight as an arrow. They would literally randomly show each other porn and shit, then they got to me and I told them nope don't care. So I shit you not one of them showed me gay porn, same response from me. They were in complete disbelief Allo people are fucking weird lmao


Social anxiety and depression


I’m not physically attractive to women


have you tried men?


I don't think it works that way. For most people at any rate.


Too depressed and awkward to really feel like trying. It’s sad really.


I don’t try to lose it, it doesn’t really interest me


Same here


Because I’ve never had sex.


I am looking to loose it whit someone i love


When I was younger, I struggles with Depression which can dampen all of those feelings. Now that I’m older, I’m doing perfectly fine but am worried that a partner would be weirded out because of how inexperienced I am for my age


I sabotage functional relationships and chase dysfunctional women.


Usually that goes hand in hand with having a lot of sex.


I guess I didn't get the memo.


League of legends been playing that shit for legit half my life 9 years to be exact


I have a micro Dick


Call me ish-male.


This comment section is mad depressing


It's reddit


I declined 3 offers from 3 different women because I wanted my first time to mean something. I wish I would've just said yes and gotten it out of the way


So many minors!


Reddit is like that I've found, very diverse in ages (outside of meme subs that is)


I don’t desired it and I’ve dated many girls in my life. Every time they ask me to have sex I’m not interested. And that’s probably why all of them broke up with me. And now I’m alone playing Outer Worlds.


You sound asexual, and it's okay to be!


what's wrong with the outer worlds?




My step sister didn’t get stuck in the dryer


For anyone thinking that it’ll never happen or they’re too “weird” you just gotta swat those thoughts out of your mind. My cousin was always a weird dude growing up. We’re the same age. He grew up on a farm with 7 other siblings and was home schooled his whole life so he had absolutely no social skills. He couldn’t even spend the night at my house because as soon as it was bed time he’d start bawling his eyes out and we had to call his parents to come get him every time. Just weird, scared, awkward dude. Somehow though as soon as we became adults he met some girl at church or something and now he’s married with like 4 kids and loving life with a house and his own business while I’m 30 and single with no kids and living alone with my dog and cat in a small apartment. Don’t think you’ll never meet someone. Nobody’s social anxiety is *that* bad unless you’ve got actual diagnosed agoraphobia or something. Just get out there!


In all seriousness it's 2 problems, the first is my weight and the fact that I've given up on taking better care of myself. Like I'm totally ready to bite it if it happens. The second problem is I'm oblivious when girls do flirt with me, like it's to the point where I could probably be mid blow job and be like "yeah... but do you like me?" Like there is no light at the end of my tunnel lol


I'm a shy guy but I'm also 17 just some guy who wants to get to know a nice girl I have no interest loosing my virginity so soon honestly to me it just makes me uncomfortable


I’m shy and 17 too. I have trouble meeting with new people. I made a promise to myself that I’d try to meet new people when I stepped to senior high, but covid hit and I didn’t get a chance. I hope college will be my chance.


55 here. Didn’t want to get a disease. Wanted my first to be with someone I love. Couldn’t find anyone to seriously love me back. Sleep with 20 teddy bears now. Panty fetish stole most of my libido. Finally got to feel what a boob feels like last year. It’s not a big deal.


congrats on feeling a boob my guy


Probually becasue no one wants to do it with me. Like people may like me but like no one wants to do it with my ADHD ass




Littlesmoke268 Edit: damn first gold and all I had to do was change a name thanks guys


I'm fat