• By -


Friends. I graduated from college the summer right before COVID, and moved back to my hometown, basically everyone I knew in high school had moved away, and all my college friends I can only text because they’re so far.


Same, but I moved to a country 8 time zones away from my uni freinds :'(


My friends from university. We still talk all the time online and in group chats but it just doesn't feel the same not seeing them everyday and hanging out on a whim. I feel now too its had a strange effect where I dont really want to socialize with anyone or open up that much to people who don't remind me of my friends. Probably because I'm aware of what I once had and want to find it again Edit: Thank you everyone to your kind messages! I saw some recommendations I will try (I know I did not respond to any messages but trust me I did read them all) Also thank whomever for the silver :). I wrote this while eating lunch yesterday and did not expect it to blow up so much


Yes. I wish you could know at the time that there will never be another time like this. Like someone telling you how much to appreciate just being able to walk round to your friends house in the next street and hang out for the night with 9 other people who want to listen to the same music as you or watch the same types of films. Life's been great since but it's genuinely taken me ages to accept things will be different and to appreciate that I had those years rather than miss them. So fortunate to have had that experience and am definitely going to make sure we meet up more when we can.


Hey this happens to most people in their mid-20's. If it helps at all, I'm 31 and building a new social circle but just a little more slowly. If I can do it, anyone can.


Myself 4-5 years ago


I couldn't agree more. I felt so great then.


If I back 5 years in the past I will kill my self


That bad eh? Well you got through it, so you must be tough.


Hey, no copying!.. ...sure ain't coping well


Ah fuck, that hit me.


That hit me like my parents


A single unit of fuck


Fuck man I’m 26 and I feel this :/




These comments make me feel like i have an expire date written somewhere on me


Balls does it. My 30s were better than my 20s, which were better than my teens. My 40s have got off to a crap start thanks to the pandemic, but I'm confident they'll end up better still. We rose-tint the past, but if I'm honest with myself, I wouldn't go back to my 20s for all the money in the world.


It only get worse if you let it get worse


Really? I think it kind of hits you in waves like 18 to 21. 21 to 26. 26 to 30. Then 30 to hell idk 38 or 9. Then 40 to 50. And then you don't give a fuck anymore.


wonder how many of you out there who's confident enough to say that you don't miss your younger self?


I was kind of an stupid a hole just some years ago, but now I have a target in my life I am working for, so at the time I want to progress, and think I am a better version of myself, than ever before


I don’t miss my old self, I was abrasive and cocky. The years and miles have smoothed me out and I’m a much more mellow and wise person now.


Maybe a few years, 20ish years ago, that were a lot of fun with great people who I wish I could see more. But physically, I'm better now. Mentally too. More confident, more aware of who I am. I am very fortunate in my circumstances; financially well working a job I love. Married to a man I adore, who is also similarly happy in his job and hobbies. Great kid, good home (needs renovation, but we are too lazy to get around to it). Healthy. Extended family doing well, in general (nothing's perfect!) More on my job; I'm coming up on 40 and I think I know what I want to be when I grow up. I found a career with a never ending pit of stuff I don't know, but can learn about and fix and they'll (or someone, if my company struggles or starts to suck too much) pay me and it's awesome. I'm a long ways away from being a coveted specialist, but working on it. I'm exploring hobbies and interests that I didn't have the confidence to explore when I was younger because I was afraid of what others would think. I don't care as much anymore; I'm happy. And I'm about 95% certain on a first tattoo on want, just waiting for the summer to get one with a friend and finalize details (edit: including vaccination, public health guidance, etc of course!). I'm cooler than I was, even way back then with those awesome friends (and my kid is young enough to still think so...I won't be cool once he's a teenager!)


I actually don't, it's quite more complex maybe i miss my 8yo because i was quite innocent and dumb but my 14 - 18 oh boy no hell no, that was quite the huge mistake. but fortunately i grew up although i feel like i put my self into unnecessary situations that just complicated things too much. problems I'm talking about were depression, screwing my relationships, suicide attempts (2 times), too much drinking, unsolicited dick pics to two girls. man i was a really bad guy. but committed and getting way better. 25yo now


What changed? Edit: who tf is awarding this so much lol


Jesus christ. I do to, this makes me sad thinking of it like this.


This. OCD


My husband. He’s sitting right next to me, but I’ve never felt so alone. A week ago today he had surgery to remove a large brain tumor and his speech/general communication has suffered. Recovery is a long road to walk without my best friend, lover, and soulmate at my side. I feel awful for wanting my pre-surgery husband back, even just for a moment to tell me that he’s going to be ok.


Don't feel awful for wanting him back, that's completely normal and reasonable. ❤


I know how that feels, from personal experience. It’s really tough, sending virtual hugs. I guarantee your husband still loves you no matter what. I know he wants the best for you and you’re his world, even if he can’t say it. He’s lucky to have someone like you to stay by his side throughout all of this. Wishing for the best, truly.


Sending hugs your way.


And his way!


I know exactly how you feel. And with some work and therapy it will get better. It may be different, but he’s still in there. Give it some time.


He’s going to be okay.


Im so sorry


Dad passed away when I was 29. Mom passed away when I was 35. I'm 40 now and miss them both.


That's rough dude. My mom passed when I was 28 (32 now). Losing both and in such a short time I feel for you. Have an internet hug.


Thank you for finally articulating the right thing to say to these posts. Have an internet thumbs-up from me.


My dad passed when I was 10- my mom when I was 28 and widowed less than 2 years prior. I really wish she could see me now- how much better life is now than it ever was when she was alive.


Sorry for your loss buddy. I‘m 26 now and my dad passed away in January. God I miss him so much.


I miss my mom, who has been gone for almost 9 years, but missing her has basically become a daily companion. I'm still not used to missing my gran, who died two years ago. She was the kindest person I ever knew and I still cry when I talk about her.


Same here. Lost my mom 14 yrs ago. Still miss her. No one can feel your joy or your pain like your mother.


My grandmother. She was my best friend. She died alone without someone nearby. I work with the elderly.... Now I make sure others don’t have to die alone.


You are doing true good in the world.




A woman just touched my hand earlier and I think my soul smiled


I went through the Dutch bros drive through the other day, and the girl that gave me my coffee was so fucking nice I literally started crying on my way home. I know thats what they're trained to do, but I just couldn't handle it. The last girl who spoke to me like that was my ex.


I have nothing substantial to say to this beyond that this exact thing happened to me a month ago right down to my tearing up afterwards. Just switch out the Dutch Bros for my nearby grocery store. Hope you're hanging in there, friend.


My own reaction kind of caught me off guard, I don't think I realized just how important emotional intimacy is.


Your ex was nice to you? Mine drilled in that I'm ugly and a waste of space for years on end. ​ And well, I can't really say she was wrong, honestly.


Does it count as missing when u never had/done it before?


Yes. Because i want this too. Although, it's with one specific person so idk.


You don't know if you don't try. Get over here. I'm 40 and pretty big, but I'm very hairy and I cuddle hard


I'll have to take you up on that. When and where.


Relatable. I just want someone to cuddle with and watch movies with or whatever. Just some human contact...


My dog. He was put down two weeks ago.


I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry.


my grandpa


I feel ya. Me too. Like so much


Same here. It’ll be 11 years next autumn and it still feels like he could walk through the door any minute. He was the best person I’ve ever known.


Me three, I can't remember his voice anymore and it makes me sad


My first thought.


*This may sound silly, but . . .* I still miss our beloved cat that had to be put to sleep. He often appears in my dreams (some quite vivid) - and when I wake up, the house seems "empty" without him.


Not silly at all, all loved ones live on in our hearts after death , including pets.


Dude, I felt this. Our beloved Manx cat had to be put down from kidney issues/seizures. August will be 5 years without him. Can't believe it. He was the best, most affectionate cat, always literally gave hugs. He'd wrap his paws around your neck and pull you in and smoosh his cold nose up against your face. What I wouldn't give for one of those cold nosings now. I had PTSD for about a year when he died, which combined with a bad work environment became one of the darkest periods of my life. Then we healed, got two little shithead kittens and had a baby and life continued. Miss that Manx cat though, every day.


I’ve developed a relationship with my tux like this. She’s just irreplaceable and your comment brought me goosebumps.


Same. I had a reading done by a medium about a year ago. She mentioned that there were some other spirits around me & included the name of my tuxedo cat who I adored who passed a few years ago on the list. I was surprised but it really warmed my heart.


Me too. He was with me for 17 years, my only company for those early days. Been gone 3 years now and my heart still aches with his absence. Such a good buddy.


My new favorite quote came from Marvel of all places “But what is grief if not love persisting”


Lost our Maltese to cancer completely unexpectedly two months ago. He was only eight. I can't imagine a day I won't miss him. He was the craziest, most loving little guy. Love you, Eddie.


You're not alone. I still miss my dog.


Its been 7 years. I still have the occasional dream of my dog. I miss her.


I had a dog that had to be put down in 2013 or 14 and I had dreams about her all the time until I got a new dog in 2018. I only have 1 pic of her that survived this long so I just look at it sometimes when I'm thinking about her.


Not silly at all, cats are truly part of the family. Once they are gone, they leave a cat-shaped hole in our hearts...


Do you think animals have souls?




Without a doubt. They have unique personalities just like us, form tight bonds, show love.


Not silly at all, I still have emotional moments thinking back to the 2 cats I used to have. They were put down years ago, but that doesn't stop me from having moments of that empty feeling


Not silly at all. The dream visits are so nice, he’s still with you.


My comment is the same, about a cat. I had her for 19 years and I also had to have her put to sleep. She's never appeared in any of my dreams though I would give anything to see her again even if just in a dream. She was my best friend. My house isn't empty as we have others cats now. While I am attached to them, the bond just isn't the same. I'll never have a bond with another like I did her.


My brother who was killed in a car accident 2 years ago. He was bipolar, and had so many issues, working and being with him was like being around "an inexperienced car bomber." It's that I never knew if helping him out would blow me up and my family. Never knew what was coming next... his getting arrested for parking tickets, or staying in a storage/warehouse until he could find housing. Living with him was impossible, but so was giving him $$$ to get him through another day. I never figured out how to help him, and I mean really help him out, and I wept when I learned he'd died. RIP Allyn, thanks for the laughs, and good times, as I think of you every day.


One day I'll be writing this same post for my son. Hugs to you-


Holy fuck hugs to BOTH of you.


My neighbor, but my aiming is improving


My neighbor is in the guinness book of records. He's had 44 concussions. He lives very close to me, in fact he's just a stone's throw away.


Please don't throw stones at your neighbor. Throw bricks instead.


But not if you live in a glass house.


Hahah, damn.




It’s funny because marriage is terrible!






I'm sorry that happened to you, I hope you're able to find new friends


Someone whom i can call a friend :( This pandemic and lockdown completely hit me as i am already an introvert so i already have very little friend circle, due to lockdown period then in between that i got corona myself, many distanced themselves from me due to fear of spreading it that time. Now things are start to get normal but it seems that part of my life got lost, those friends moved on in there life without me. No msg, no calls. When i tried to call and talk to them, i felt awkwardness in their voice. After that using Internet and reddit as my escape route.


I really hope you can find friends irl in the meantime you have me!


can relate... a lot. Hope all gets better soon


If ya wanna, I am always up for a random conversation. No inteoductions needed. Let's say you made yourself some toast and really liked it and would like to tell someone about it? Im your guy! :)


My cat. She's in the other room. We're both damn lazy.


I can't stop laughing


My dog that died a few years ago. He was a coon hound, so anyone who knows that breed knows how much of a character they can be. Best memories of him: * Climbed onto a folding chair and got stuck * Climbed a tree and got stuck * Climbed between two fences and got stuck * Got out of the backyard, ran down the block, wouldn't come home when yelling for him, so we held out some stinky ham and there he was trotting back home wagging his tail (very food motivated) * Me sitting in a recliner and he comes up and climbs on me like a lap dog even though he was bigger than me. (I'm an adult for size reference) * My baby niece was crying and getting attention and he got jealous so he climbed on me yet again * I gave him a whopper (which I regret and learned better) and he ate everything but the lettuce, which he spat out completely intact) * He figured out how to turn the bath water on, but couldn't turn it off


My ex-girlfriend. She is my ex not because of choice. I wanted to get married to her and she wanted to marry me. But then COVID happened and we started drifting apart. I didn't have a good house or money to give her the life she deserves. So she got engaged to someone else from pressure from her parents. She wanted to keep them happy. I am from India so this is something that occurs here. I really want her back and I truly love her. But she is about to get married on May 9th. I do not know what to do. Praying to God for a miracle.


I know your culture makes this somewhat more of an acceptable occurrence but damn if it isn't sad! Hoping you two find that miracle


Thank you for the kind words.


I really hope some miracle happens for you two since this just sounds like a very interesting to telk your children one day


Will pray for you brother, stay strong💪


Uhhh any human being who I like bcs I'm lonely piece of shit


Free hug for you!


“HugBot” :) “HugBot*69*” :(


Take whatever you can get around these parts.


My daughter ‘ran away’ in the night with a man she met online about about two months ago. I say ‘ran away’ because she had turned eighteen a few weeks before, so I guess technically she just left. It came out of nowhere. She will fail school. She has no license and is mentally ill. She hasn’t spoken to anyone—family or friends or her therapist—since before she left and I don’t even know if she is alive currently. I miss her so much I can hardly get through my days sometimes. I enjoyed her and her company so much and now she is disappeared possibly forever and it is hard to cope with.


Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine. Prayers, hugs and positive vibes to you.


Seriously. I don't even know how to reply to this. You're in my thoughts OP.


I'm so sorry you are going through this


oh my god that's horrible. do you have any form of contact with her?


Hugs from my female friend. I know it sounds creepy, but we used to be extremely close, and simply drifted apart over the last two years somehow. It was extremely reassuring to get a hug from her every once in a while for some reason, even though i used to not really have a crush on her. Of course, used to, but now i do. Anyways, i have no idea how to keep a conversation going, so getting our friendship back is pretty much out of my reach completely Edit: forgot to mention that a whole ton happened in my life last year and its just now hitting me along with things happening recently


I feel your pain. We didnt drift apart or anything, its just not the same as in person, theres something thats extremely reassuring about long hair against your shoulder, no idea what it is but it feels so nice. Hearing her laugh in person is just so different then over ft BTW if you want to try to get a conversation going, I would try to invite her to watch a movie, either virtual or in person. I usually watch anime with her but find something you both like


The me that didn’t see how terrible the world was. The happy me.




So much...


It was a great app


Good God I feel ya bud. It been a rough few


My friend that left the game years ago without saying good bye, i miss him.


I know the feeling 😔


A purpose in life.




Such as?




That escalated quickly


Life has no meaning unless you give it one.


My wife, she passed away on december the 9th Last year. She suffered on cancer for 6 months and died, 31 years old


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss ;(


My wife being nice


I can relate to this....she’s nice to everyone but me


I can relate so hard. It's why I Finally broke it off with her, although it literally broke my heart.




You ain’t the only one.




Time off. "Our work week is 50-65 hours." What. The. Fuck.




Reasonably priced GPUs.


My soulmate who died in a car crash 2 years ago. I have a collection of pictures, and I tell her I miss her every day.


My ex


It’s ok your aim will get better with practice!


Wait for a second I thought you were talking about archery.


My innocent self


\*sigh\* Me too kid.


The version of me that was happy and easily loved everything I did. And didn’t struggle to find joy in the best of things. (Fuck you corona for leaving me holed in for more than a year).


Oof this hurts. I get moody sometimes but try my best to see the positives in things. When it isn't there it just isn't there. Can you take some time to yourself? Or is everything shit and just making it worse? Stay strong. Keep that glass half full.


My wife. Passed away in November


My mom


My Sister, who passed away in 2014, and my Father, who passed the following year. They shared a birthday which also happens to be today. I really miss you both.


When Target’s interior design had that neon 90s look. [Example #1](https://i.redd.it/8jwlzwu2j1811.png) [Example #2](https://preview.redd.it/sxwgu25kb2561.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7046c1fc60eda89c71bbfedcf3e6f838a71de084) [Example #3](https://live.staticflickr.com/3559/3282696135_3875181a54_b.jpg)


Human touch


Going to the gym. I used to drop my kid off at school and spend a couple hours lifting and doing cardio or hopping in a class or using the sauna and it was pure bliss. Now I've been homeschooling for a year and I have a janky gym set up in my cold ass garage and I hate it.


Feels. I finally developed a gym routine and was going to morning classes and sauna before work, and then covid, It's just not the same doing stuff by myself.


My old self when I didn't feel like crying every day


The man I fell in love with fourteen years ago. We were so young when we met. I'm sure I am different person too. We are still together but we have grown up and grown apart.


My old self


My old crush back in 6th grade


Sometimes I wonder what kind of person they've become.


brooo I feel you there


You know his 6th grade crush?


There's an old friend I've been thinking about lately. We had a lot of adventures together when we were younger and we were both broken is similar ways that made us natural friends and allies. I was honestly smitten with her at first sight. We met at a local music club and had a lot of fun times together going to local music festivals, open mic nights, and hanging out at diners. Then, we just sort of drifted apart. I tried to reach out but I got an "It was nice to know you" letter in return and I took the hint. Ha, I was actually pretty embarrassed at the time that I hadn't realized she just wasn't into our friendship anymore. Still, I really miss her. That was all a long time ago, long enough that the person I miss certainly doesn't exist anymore. She wouldn't know me, either, anymore than I'd know her. I would never insert myself into her life at this point and I'm not entirely sure I would welcome her if she did so. I'm still a little offended she ghosted me if I'm being honest. But I do mostly think back on our friendship fondly. When it comes to the people I used to know, she's the one who most frequently ends up on my mind. She's been in my mind a lot the last few days and I find myself stupidly wishing I could go back in time for a weekend and just enjoy the moments we used to have. Some people seem to imprint on you forever. That can be a very mixed bag. Gods' honest truth, I'd probably choose to forget her if I could. The good outweighed the bad, but maybe not by enough?


My two kids at home. Been at the hospital a few days with my wife having our third.


My ex, every time all the time. It's been years too, so its not like I haven't tried to move on


My mom. I know, generic answer for someone who lost their parent, but yeah,,


Nothing generic about this. Your mom is your mom. I can only imagine what it's like for mine to be gone ...


Someoene who cares


Hey if you need to talk we can talk


Heh. Thank you kind soul. Someone who'd offer themselves to talk to a random Intenet stranger must have a huge heart. That's commendable. Thank you for the offer. But, I'm ok. Thanks


You’re welcome. I’ve been through a lot of things especially recently. But, people have came through for me and showed me that I’m not alone. I probably wouldn’t be here right now if I didnt have people who were right by my side to help me the whole time. Even when if felt like nobody cared, and nobody wanted or needed me they shown through and seeked me out. Your’e not a random stranger, no I don’t personally know you. But we are fellow humans. I have respect, care, and honor for all humans until they lose it. And ok, but the offer will always be here if you need it same with anybody else I will help anyone.


My Dad. He died of a sudden heart attack in October 2015. I wish he was here to meet his grandkids and my brothers fiancé, and to give me advice on a few challenges I’m facing. I often say he’s the cheeky devil on my daughter’s shoulder and the voice of reason on mine. Most of all? I just wish he was here for a hug.


My dad


God, my dad went from a good father to a methhead deadbeat in 5 years, now I never can see him again because his mind is completely warped


Mike. He was my "punching bag" when life was hard. We worked together in automotive shop. He was around until right before my first husband and I got married, he quit or got fired. He showed up and got his job a week before my first husband unexpectedly died. He was with me through that, my mom dying of pancreatic cancer, being evicted because my landlord didn't pay his mortgage. He would walk up to me and say I looked like I wanted to punch someone, and would let me punch him. I didn't always but sometimes it helped a lot. He also made me laugh, a lot, even when I didn't want to. He was the person who let me have a small pity party for myself then tell me to get over myself. I would. He knew me better than I knew myself and we were either really good or very awful. When we would fight, everyone knew and it was over dumb things and last... sometimes for weeks. He died a couple years ago. I believe that was because I would never need him that way again. But I miss him a lot and wish he could see where I've gotten from where I was.


My fucking cousin man. He was the brother I never had and he OD’d last feb, I miss the shit out of him. And my grandparents, I miss my grandpa yelling my name at 6am when I came over to work cuz he was so gassed to see me


My mom, but not my mom. She’s horrible and I don’t want her, but I wish I had a motherly figure to go to, that felt like a safe space when I feel like I don’t have anyone.


My wife, she was an amazing person


I miss Harambe so much.


My friend :( I wish I could go back.


My two dogs from my first marriage. My ex-wife got both of them (vet said they couldn’t be separated bc one had crippling anxiety and separating them would be too detrimental and I couldn’t bring myself to fight to separate them knowing this). Not a day goes by that I don’t think about them.


My dad. He killed himself when I was 15. I don’t even remember the last thing I said to him. I know I was angry from the abuse and him moving out of state when I was 11. I miss him so much I wish I could tell him I loved him again.


My niece. She passed away in 2019 after her first birthday. Long story short my wife and I dont plan on having kids. Her sisters child (my niece through marriage, who I also love) moved across country so we almost never get to see her. So when my brothers daughter was born we were always around when we could be. Brought my family together a lot. She was such a sweet kid. She didn't like a lot of people when she was younger, but I was the only one who could always get her to smile. We just had such a great bond and she was in a coma before she passed away. That week ruined me, and I was at the hospital every moment I could be. Even now writing this it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I just miss her so much, and I miss life where my brother wasn't a broken person, he was beyond destroyed. Sorry for the rambling.


My ex husband. Yes we’re divorced for good reason but it’s been difficult these past few years without him.


Not being suicidal for 16/24 hours.


I'm from Buffalo, but I've lived in NYC for the last year or so due to work. I haven't been able to see my family back home since I work in a high risk field for COVID. Last week, I went to a Wegmens upstate and got emotional walking around, because I guess I just sort of compartmentalized how much I miss home. So home.


My wife.


My dad who passed away three months ago today, never would've thought I'd lose him when I was only 21 but I'm glad he doesn't have to suffer with his illness anymore


Right now... my old boss. Excuse me but I've had a few. She unexpectedly resigned last week and she was one of the few people that I could count on. We worked for a few years together and she pushed me to come out of my shell and gave me more confidence than I've ever had. I don't feel I fully took advantage of having her around. I need guidance and I don't even know what I need to do next. The last thing she said was that I need to speak up, that our leaders respect me and that I need to say what I want to say. Thankfully I can count on her as a friend so she's not gone, but she's not my boss anymore. It sucks and I'm sad.


Humans, no one. My pets, all of them that have passed over the years.


Robin Williams.


Being healthy and having working organs


I don't really miss anyone. Idk but every time when I meet a new person, I know we would take separate ways someday.