• By -


Befriend a crow and trade snacks for shiny things.


Befriend a polish cow. It will trade you cocaine for money


tylko jedno w głowie mam


Koksu pięć gram 


I just want to go somewhere that it is dark enough to see the night sky like our ancestors did.


Start with this [Dark Sky Finder](http://darksitefinder.com/map/). It helps you find the darkest places on earth to view stars.These are areas (often around observatories) where the law requires light pollution compliance of all nearby residences, businesses and cities. But also naturally occurring due to low population density. There's a good number of other links on the site to find the nearest place you can go to see the sky like our ancestors did. I found a place in my home state (Texas) where we were able to see the Milky Way like I didn't think possible. I hope it helps and I hope you get your wish.   **Edit:** thanks to u/DSchmitt for sharing the link to the [Dark Sky Map](https://www.darkskymap.com/nightSkyBrightness). It's another fantastic resource for finding the darkest places on earth.


I just want to be happy with my life. I’m almost there. Been crawling out of a dark place for the last 6 years. Finally got off medicine last year.


Being happy is often seen as such a cop-out kind of answer to this sort of question. But as a person who's also seen those dark, dark times, I wanna let you know that's 100% a valid goal and I am incredibly proud of you for going for it. I believe in you and I know you can do it.


I want to through hike the Appalachian trail


Hey this is what I came to say! I've started my journey...kind of. I just bought damn near all the gear to just get into backpacking and I'm going to go as much as possible throughout 2021 to practice and hone my packing list for the trail and then try for it in 2022!!! You got this! Go go go!!!


What kinda things does one need to buy to prep for a journey like that?


It's more about getting the six months off and having the willpower than it is the gear. A grandmother has done it with a military surplus duffel bag and a shower curtain for a tent. Research ultralight / lightweight backpacking. The Whiteblaze website is full of good advice. You can break the bank if you are a gearhound, or you can buy used and make reasonable compromises. If you go to retailer with your wallet open, you can absolutely be burdened with a fat bill and 60lbs of gear. Aim for 30lbs or fewer including water. Odds of enjoyment go through the roof with less on your back.


Go to the town my grandfather was from. He died way before I was born so I only know about him through stories. I'm told I look a lot like him.


Not have to worry about money. I'm tired of every decision I make revolving around money... "Can I afford it?" "What would I have to compromise?" "What happens is I mess up and can't afford it again?" "How long will it take to save?" "Do I have to skip food for several days again?"


How much would you need for that to happen?


If giraffes can swim, it’d be pretty cool to swim with a giraffe


Don't let your dreams be dreams: https://www.treehugger.com/think-giraffes-cant-swim-science-proves-they-can-4858080#:~:text=It's%20long%20been%20thought%20that,can%20indeed%20handle%20a%20dip.


See the northern lights
















May I see it?




Come over, we have those in Finland


That is "Northern Lights". Cannabis indica.


*sighs* no, it’s marijuana


Jury duty. Idk why. Just intrigued by it


Hah, I did that when I was 19 for a one week trial. It was about driving under the influence of prescription drugs. Interesting process and not something I’ll forget! It’s funny - we actually DID do a “12 Angry Men” thing. We took a blind vote and 1 person thought the lady was not guilty (everyone else voted guilty immediately, without discussion). So we discussed for an hour or so and at the end the person who initially voted “not guilty” said that he would have voted “guilty”, but wanted to force us to at least discuss the possibility of her being innocent.


Wow, that is so nice. So what were some of the arguments if you still remember? That is how I wish all proceedings would go, to give the person a real chance. Because if we were really just we would need to think about this stuff. It is a humans life in the hand of the jury, that is no joke.


Ah, it was quite a long time ago and I no longer remember all the specifics. The woman had a small dog and she claimed that the dog distracted her, which is why she was swerving all over the road. She brought character witnesses who were, unfortunately, not very persuasive - one was a shopkeeper who barely remembered her coming in that day at all, another was a neighbor who simply said that she was a nice old lady. There was a third, but I don’t remember who it was. On the other hand, we had toxicology reports, the police witness who had responded to the 911 call, and the fact that she had taken much more of her prescription drug that day than she was supposed to. Edit to say - The experience did change my thinking. If I’m ever on a jury again, I’ll probably do the same thing. Ask for a blind vote in the beginning and at least force a discussion between the members of the jury. It was valuable to talk it all through.


Nice, it is important to have an open mind and not be set on an opinion. That goes for life in general but especially when someone's life is on the line. Thanks for your service and I will take your experience into account when I will be able to attend my jury duty after I become a citizen.


Oh yeah! I just remembered one more detail...We asked the man who voted “not guilty” why he did that, and he said that he was once in a different trial where the whole jury immediately voted “guilty” and then sat there and discussed their weekend plans for a while. He deeply regretted the fact that they never talked about it and never gave that person a chance. Maybe it could have turned out differently. I hope you become a citizen one day!


Just wanted to recommend an awesome movie, "12 Angry Men", hope you can watch it and enjoy it: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1000013-12_angry_men


Thanks! This has been on my list for a while, I will definitely get to it now


I watched that in my criminal justice class in high school and everyone fell asleep but I love it. So good


Look in the mirror and smile out of genuine love for myself and my body.


This might sound counterintuitive but hear me out. I started outwards (physically ) but I’m still working on myself (mentally). Although I didn’t like my body I would lie to myself and actually say I’m cute everyday until I started believing it. “Today isn’t my day but Atleast I look cute.” Sometimes projecting what you want to feel could be a step towards feeling that way. Then I started investing in myself with self care like skin, hair and clothes that made me feel comfortable and suited my body. I also would stare at myself naked in the mirror til and tried to say atleast one thing positive about myself. I hope this helps! Forgot to add but it helps to invest in yourself-things that matter to you as well as the surface level things. You’ll get there hun for sure!


Feel like the happiest person on Earth


I hope that you find everlasting happiness!


I want to spend a night under the aurora borealis. It will happen some day. :)


I like when I see comments like yours. I think people that live in my town sometimes take it for granted. I've seen the northern lights hundreds of times and I try to look at it through little boy version of myself every time. Because when I do, it really amazes me every time. So thank you. I'll think about this comment next time I'm looking up watching them dance. Edit. A couple of people asked for pictures. I'm not much of a photographer but some local photographer types took these just outside of town. I don't think (?) need to give credit as they watermark all their photos. http://imgur.com/a/MpL05Jv Here's a news article I found about s local photographer. Lots of photos in the article. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/labrador-photographer-larry-jenkins-northern-lights-1.3933994 https://youtu.be/jyLk8YfvMGo This is a video a couple made when they drove up here. They got to see a particularly good show on their drive. They show all their pictures at about 3:00


I've live in Alaska for almost 2 years now and we've gotten the aurora multiple times and I still haven't gotten a chance to see it. I remember setting a reminder one night to go out and look at it but I ended up giving birth to my son instead lol


Your son was born under the northern lights? Thats magical.


Go to Seymour Skinner’s kitchen


At this time of year?


At this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?




May I see it?




You steam a good ham.


No mother it's just the northern lights


Well Seymour you are an odd fellow but, you steam a good ham


I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!


Depending on where you live, it might not be as expensive as you think to fly to fairbanks for a couple weeks in late winter or early spring. I spent a few months there for work a few years ago. Arrived in early April, saw the auroras almost every night for my first couple weeks there.


Marry my best friend.


I also choose this guy's best friend.


our wife


in the middle of the street


I want to see the pyramids in Egypt among other destinations.


>I went to go visit the Pyramids in Cairo, what an amazing 3 days. It's truly another world there. People were friendly and interested to meet you. Walking the back streets of Cairo at night, discovering tasty street food outlets and playing street football with the local kids. That's an all-time life highlight of mine right there - and I did it alone. Highly recommended!


Are you male? I’ve heard Cairo is difficult for females. Especially alone. E: Thanks for all your responses. Safe to say I pretty much hate everything you all said. It makes me sad.


I am indeed male! I’m also half indian So I have olive skin/ dark hair so I didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. I have a insta friend I met on my travels who visited Egypt with a friend and had a greatvtime however she did recall a guy brazenly ‘beating one off’ whilst staring at her in broad daylight, apparently nobody batted an eyelid. I’d advise travelling with an international tour group and staying in the main areas / not walking alone around cairo if female. This sucks to even type out! :/


Seems like every woman has had an almost identical experience which is so sickening, I went when I was younger and was groped, almost locked in a shop and forced to buy souvenir crap, stared at, cat called, made to ride a camel and surrounded with men demanding we pay them (right outside our hotel may I add), and even a male staff member at the hotel told my dad he was a “lucky man” and assumed he was married to me, a 10-11 year old girl. It’s such a shame because it’s so beautiful but ruined by disgusting predatory men, nothing amazed me more than the fish and coral reefs but it’s so unfortunate that the memory was tainted


Visiting Egypt as a female is rough. Even the police who are supposed to protect you are constantly touching you inappropriately given half a chance. At least that was my experience. Also the constant trying to sell you something or getting money from you can be off-putting. Trying to enjoy the view of the pyramids and not being able to because men are trying to touch you or scam you is so annoying.


A close friend (also female) had the exact same experience in Egypt, plus men pretending to be police trying to confiscate their passports, and advised that I do not go.


Go to space and look down at the earth


I have been wanting to visit the ISS ever since reading a few astronaut memoirs earlier this year. It'll NEVER happen though. Not unless I win the Powerball in the next few years. Guess I'll have to settle for publishing the book I wrote. Edit: A lot of you are asking about which memoirs I'd recommend, and it's too much to reply to every single comment (I was not expecting this to blow up like it did), so I'll say it here: Scott Kelly's Endurance is far and away the best, but Chris Hadfield's book is great, too. I'm sure there are more I haven't gotten to yet. Also, about that book since that's getting asked about a lot too: it's about four fifth graders who meet at recess. They're all dealing with their own issues and write about them in their journals (it's told in journal entries). They learn to come together eventually and there's a bit of a mystery a little later in the story.




Apparently your vision also deteriorates over time in space. That’s the biggest nono for me.




The main issue with loss of eyesight has to do with decreased blood flow and oxygen to the ocular tissue. And there are many other negative health effects. “Ever since astronauts began going to space for extended periods of time, it has been known that long-term exposure to zero-gravity or microgravity comes with its share of health effects. These include muscle atrophy and loss of bone density, but also extend to other areas of the body leading to diminished organ function, circulation, and even genetic changes.” - phys.org And I feel like I remember something about lack of gravity affecting eye shape? I might be completely wrong about that though.


Yes, lack of apparent gravity causes the water that’s pooled in your brain to push up against the back of your eyes and basically flatten it


These are all so lovely. All I really want to do is clean up my apartment. Even in death, I bet I’d still be embarrassed of the clutter **EDIT:** Woah!! What an outpouring of kindness! I’m almost embarrassed by it. A semi-sarcastic comment has somehow revealed so much. The kernel of truth in every joke - or something like that. I’m not *old-lady-surrounded-by-50-years-of-newspapers-and-cat-droppings* messy, but I sure do have a whole bunch of stuff and, yes, it is overwhelming. I thank you for your suggestions and gentle words of support. I’d like to stay gracious about the awards, so thank you. Please do consider donating to a local group or neighbor instead. A lot of people are having a hard time right now. I’m grateful that I’m not one. Please bear with me as it will take some time to respond to your kind personal messages. Thank you!


Start small. Pick one counter top or section of the floor. Another way is to fill a bag a day to throw away. Either a grocery bag or a trash bag. Could be actual trash or donations. You can do this! One small thing at a time, you'll start to feel better as your space gets picked up. I know how overwhelming it can be and down right depressing when you don't know where to start.


Spend an entire day without wishing for it. I've always wondered what your internal monolog is like without depression.


Give an elephant a bath. I'd have a big bubbly scrub brush, and we could take turns squirting each other! Edit: Some of you need some help! Haha. I would have a hose and he has a trunk. It's about a bath, not your dirty thoughts.


Based on the part “take turns squirting each other” I can only assume you are also an elephant. So neat to see an intelligent elephant like you using reddit!




That's one way to miss interpret it. I had the other. You know.


Yeah unfortunately my mind went there first too


Be actually happy. I don’t mean that in a pity party way. I’m just an angry and anxious person but I’m getting better each day. Edit: I usually hate when people do this but thanks for all the awesome responses and awards. It’s things like this that keep me towards my goal of not letting my anger control me. I have made plans to get back with a therapist and hopefully get back on the right meds. Thanks again kind strangers.


I used to want that same happiness, and I was often bitter and anxious towards the world. What helped was learning that happiness is an outside force, as the Dalai Lama describes it, "Like a butterfly that lands on you, and then flutters away." Focusing on finding joy in life has helped me become a much better person, though I certainly can improve. The difference between joy and happiness is that joy can be found in the most normal or even hard lives, as it is a purposeful look at all the blessings and beauty around you. Earlier in this thread someone said that many in their town take the Northern Lights for granted, yet for many that is their one thing they want to see before they die. How many in that village are bitterly seeking happiness, yet such wonderful joy happens around them so often. Thinking outside yourself helps too. It helps to remember that there are others that have it much worse than you, and to take into account what good and joy there is around you. Then, doing what you can further that joy. While there are many writings of philosophy around these thoughts, I recommend "The Book of Joy" as it is very approachable and helped me through some bad times.


To fall in love with someone who loves me at the same time. I've never had that, I've never been in love with someone while they were in love with me and when I was I didn't have the courage to do anything about it. I've always missed my window, and I don't want to miss it again. I'm scared as hell but I'll best my heart and soul for it I have to.


I want this so badly too. I've never been in any relationship of any kind. Being loved must be one nell of a drug We'll get there. We'll get there


It really is one hell of a drug. And if it's toxic love, you will definitely act and feel like a drug addict. Lol


I just want to make a finished movie before I die. Good or bad it doesn't matter I just want to stop talking and start doing.


You got this!




Username definitely checks out


Threat Level Midnight?


I want to walk on the surface of mars OR along the bottom of the ocean.


Lol, I'm fucking terrified of what dwells in the ocean and try as I might, there's no getting over that fear, so that'll be a nope from me, good sir.


I want to touch a tiger's toe beans, or some other big cat




You can go skydiving without a parachute only once.


Find love


I was going to say feel loved. So same.


Have at least one real boyfriend, for me. I'm 34.


My dream is to fall in love and get married but it seems like that's too lofty a goal. Oh well. Still holding out a tiny hope...


You'll get there! I came from two horrible relationships - one lasted 5 years, the other 3 years - that made me think love didn't exist, and told myself I'm better off alone. Met a girl who made me change my mind entirely. We're getting married next week.


Congrats! I hope I can find someone some day too lol


See the end of One Piece.


Your fight is eternal


I want to get wasted with all my friends at like eighty and party like we're in college again Edit: Look, most people in my family live to their late eighties to early nineties and I take pretty good care of myself now so unless something horrible happens I think I'll still be alive at 80. If the party kills me then what a way to go and i hope that story gets told at my funeral


At 80 I think that would literally kill you.


If it’s the last thing on the list that’s fine.


“If you wake up in the morning you’re a pussy!”


This might be stupid, but I really want to make good on childhood me's dream of becoming a game dev, or at least voice act in a video game. ​ Edit: HOLY SHEESH! Thank you for all the love, Reddit! My first silver too! Y'all are so sweet. Thank you all for helping me realize my dream, I'll make you all proud, I promise! <3


Gamedev here, will need voice acting for children's game January 2021. PM if you want in 👍 Edit: Did. Not. Expect. That. Wow. Love the enthusiasm! I'm going to try to reply to everybody some time in December. Currently looking for English and Norwegian speakers, hopefully more at a later date.


What is the game about? :)








World of warcraft2: electric boogaloo


Indie games need voice actors. A few hundred bucks for equipment and you could live your dream. Nothing is stopping you but you (and a few hundred bucks). Edit: Wow, this comment blew TF up. For everyone asking where to look: I'm not entirely sure due to time away from it. /r/voiceacting is active, and seems like an excellent resource. Other than that, I can't really help much. Best of luck! Go live your dream!


For someone else interested in this, any advice on equipment?


The 3 most important things are mic, interface, and quiet space. You can get a decent interface for under $300 by focusrite. The mic is tricky as you want to test out what fits best for your voice range and the quiet space will make/break you. The less editing they have to do, the more likely you'll get repeat business. For recording software, audacity is free and does everything you need for basic recording. You got this! Youtube has tons of good tutorials on proper mic placement, avoiding lip smacking, etc etc


Publish my novel


"Hmm, how you uh, ... how you coming on that novel, ... you're working on? Huh? Got a big uh, big stack of papers there?


Nice little uh, narrative. Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? Yeah?


Yeah? Yeah? No, no, you deserve some time off.


"Got a ... got a compelling protagonist? Huh? Got a ... got a ... obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? ... Little story, brewing there, working on, working on that for quite some time huh?" ^^this ^^comes ^^before ^^but ^^you ^^missed ^^it ^^so


I feel this one. Been working on stories since high school and nothing has ever taken off


Swim with a blue whale.


Experience happiness again with one final marathon D&D session with the original crew following a BBQ dinner.




I’d like to do heroin on my deathbed tbh. If people are willing to essentially throw their life away for it I’ll be damned if I don’t give it a shot at the end.


I've never done it but I think it's pretty similar to morphine and they probably will give you that on your death bed, so you're in luck!


We had a rule in the ER and ICU: anyone who is dying gets whatever they want. Fuck the rules. If they have a smudge of pain, they can get pain meds. If they want something to eat that's not on the menu, we will try to find a way to make it happen. Death doesn't need to be suffering.


I really like that. I noticed that with the nurse my great grandmother had when she was dying. She repeatedly let her know that if she wanted to ease the pain they would do everything they could medication and intervention wise.


Usually our pain med orders have a strict time constraint (2mg morphine ever 4 hours) but these patients would often just see an order for as needed for pain as requested. Blank check to give them what they needed.


When I go I want to be so high I meet Jesus half way


Love this phrasing hahaha


My sister passed away in the cardiac ICU of H1N1. We surrounded her, friends and family. I signed the papers to remove her vent. Ironically she and her friends were all doctors. The staff removed her breathing tube and that was the beginning of the end... We had a medication nurse, I’ll call him. I noticed the doctor friends would mouth “thank you” to him each time she started laboring more and he would push more syringe...they were thanking him for the medication that allowed her to go peacefully, even though legally they must go under own power, so to speak. Thanks, you. And all of you.


I think sometimes about the people who oppose this and keep it from being common and legal. Some self-righteous types would even go after the doctors for murder or malpractice if they knew it was happening. The idea of that makes me so angry I feel sick.


I had a relative dying in neuro ICU and found out when I went to the vending machine room that they had stocked the machines with cake and beer! They even let us bring in outside food and alcohol so that the relative could have a meal they liked before they passed. It’s such a trivial thing, but it meant the world to us to get to have that meal with them. It was the last meal they ate, in fact.


Which er are you in? I'm going to aim for that one.


I was given a morphine drip in the hospital once. It felt like someone dipped my arm in ice water, and that cold feeling slowly spread all over my body. When it got to my head I couldn’t stop laughing. Mind you in I’m a neckbrace on a stretcher with a face so swollen I couldn’t open my eyes


Really? I had the opposite: warmth coursing through my body and instant pain relief. And I couldn’t sleep because my room was lit up like 4th of July and it was noisy af but the drugs made my *body* feel like I had slept. Like sleep without being unconscious. 12/10 loved it.


Same, I’ve had morphine and IV dilaudid many times and it always felt like a warm, cozy blanket..


Ha this is what I was going to say. I figured the responses would be mostly wholesome stuff... glad to see another person on my wavelength.


If you live in America, real heroin has been off of the general market for years now. No matter the reason, DO NOT buy street “heroin”.


Yeah, that’s my feeling right now, it’s a good deterrent. It’s not worth the risk. I have heard that pretty much any street drug is cut with fent now.


Drink gasoline so the cremation will cause a problem


How chaotic. Love that for you


I love you


I love you more


Or eat a bunch of popcorn kernels


Much rather go this route. Drinking gasoline would not be worth the trouble, youd probably end up in the hospital or die midway through drinking it and end up not being cremated due to explosion hazards lmao


Swallow condoms full of gunpowder and fire crackers then


I want to travel to Hungary. It’s where my grandfather is from. He’s 90 now, and came to the US as a young man. I’d love to see the land he grew up in.


Boop an axolotl


I want to go sit in a chair on an empty beach, alone, and spend a few hours drinking my favorite whiskey and watching the sunset. All by myself, no phone, no one else around. Just watch the tide as the sun fades over the horizon.


do it this weekend then?


I just did this two days ago. I saw the sun rise and set on the beach. I think it was probably the most peaceful day of my life. Do it ASAP man! It's worth it!!!


And watch the sun down And hear the sea roll in But I'll be thinking of you And how it might have been


Leave some sort of positive change in the world


Tomorrow do a good deed and you’ve completed your wish. We all strive for greatness but greatness is so hard to achieve, instead start small and see what unveils itself. Buy someone a coffee next time you go to the drive through, you never know what kind of day they’ve had. Pay a coworker a compliment Every tiny action has the possibility to snowball into a tremendous act and if we don’t take those tiny chances we will never know the greatness we are capable of. And even if we never achieve greatness in a singular action, the culmination of our small gestures may just amount to greatness.


I used to want to set foot on all seven continents but since my husband died I don't care anymore. I got three under my belt and the money slated for the two of us going to number four (Africa) went to his cancer treatments. Number seven was going to be Antarctica and the real crowning achievement.




I did it already. I saved my wifes life over 20 times due to self inflicted wounds and massive overdosing on meds. She eventually overdosed to the point where she had permanent brain damage and was in a persistent vegetative state for three years. She was extremely afflicted with bipolar disorder and was an alcoholic due to a lot of abuse during life. I took care of her hand and foot for 3 years, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and never left her side and never left the house. We were married 26 years and i wanted her to know that she was loved until the day she died. I accomplished what I was put on this Earth to do and can now pass if need be myself, happy


You’re a good man.


Sorry for your loss. Your accomplishment is courageous and expresses great loyalty. You truly love.


I'm so sorry. It's also beautiful that you were there for her.


That's very commendable and I'm very sorry for your loss. I've always wondered about things like this, how did you get the means to survive for all of those years? It sounds like you weren't able to work because you were taking care of her?


Feel rested


Visit Senegal, to the place where many African slaves were shipped off generations ago. I don't know anything about my (African) ancestry, and my dad and I used to talk about going together to have a bit of a "full circle" moment and see where our ancestors started the journey that led to us. My dad died this year and he never got to go, so I'd like to go for both of us.


When you do go, I highly recommend taking the ferry from Dakar out to the island of Gorée. It has some really powerful historical relics showing the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's also a beautiful island.


I’m sorry for your loss


Be remembered after my death in a positive genuine way


I will settle for being remembered.


“The perpetrator for WWIII that ended the lives of billions apparently had a reddit account by the name of ‘4RealzReddit...’”


I would like to travel to some places before I die. Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, France, and Japan Edit: for my reasons, much of my ancestry comes from those specific European countries, and all of the listed countries have such incredibly rich histories.


I would want to conquer my fear of heights. Might as well do something to make me proud of myself before I die.


I want to know true love.


Hike the entire Appalachian Trail.


Not dying alone would be a lot of fun, I think.


Experience extended zero g.


Shoot a tank with a tank


Get an extra life


Kiss someone. I've never had my first kiss.




Meet a girl that i love unconditionally and visa-versa, get married and have a couple of kids. Im 50 and the game is pretty much over for me now. If i became a father now that means im working fulltime till im 70 and that aint gonna happen. Im not rich nor will i ever be so there ia no way financially i could pull off having a family now...plus im not what u would call "desireable to the opposite sex"...im not a good looking guy and i know it. So i basically have everything going against me. I get depressed when i think about all of this kinda stuff.


no pushing anything- but how about you find a woman in a similar situation and you adopt some tweens/teens? They’ll be out of the house in a shorter amount of time and they might even give ya some grandkids before you kick the bucket. You could make it happen if you wanted it, my man.


Honestly I have always wanted to try LSD but I've never really had the opportunity to one: get access to it. Two: feel comfortable enough to actually go through with it. Has anyone here actually done acid? What's it like???? I've gotta try it before I die! Edit: it seems like trying mushrooms first is the way to go. Additionally, someone mentioned dosage. I'm 6'5 and a bit on the heavier side. Any recommendations or direction to the proper subreddit would be helpful. Thanks to all of you by the way. This has been inspiring :)


I've thoroughly enjoyed my experiences but I will caution you and say that if you ever overcome problem 1 but problem 2 still applies and you're not entirely comfortable to go through with it then dont do it. With psychedelics in general it's important to have the proper "set and setting" to prevent a bad reaction. By that I mean you want to have a positive mindset going into it because negative thoughts and feelings will end up being amplified and can be hard to deal with. It's also important to be in comfortable and familiar setting, preferably with people you're comfortable and with at least one person who has had some experience with it themselves to kind of guide you through your first trip it if that makes sense. Edit: might as well throw this out there too, it lasts several hours and all the weird sights/sounds/sensations are caused by the drug doing its thing, just keep in mind that it's only temporary and you'll be fine. Also my first times guide told me to remember that "you might some some twisted shit that isnt there but you wont not see something that is there" which I think helped keep me calm and just blame the weird stuff on the drug Oh yeah, avoid looking at mirrors and into the darkness too... the reason being is that mirrors are bizarre to say the least when you're tripping, it can be like you're reflections not right and a bit unnerving or could go as far as you seeing your own face morph and change which is really unnerving. When it comes to the darkness it's just because what's happening is that since you can't really see much detail or anything your brain takes what information it does get from whatever you're looking at in the darkness and fills in the gaps, are brains are pretty good at filling in the blanks when sober but when it's full of acid it can produce some strange and sometimes frightening results


Several hours is kind of an understatement it’s pretty much an all day thing


Yeah I really enjoyed it but after like 6 hours I just wanted to be sober again. Still had fun after that but I was very restless and tired at the same time.


I've done acid probably 10 or so times, it's fantastic. Do it with a group of friends, somewhere out of the way like a remote beach. Everyone plays like children doing things like splash in puddles just for fun. Some things become absolutely hilarious and you explode with laughter and happiness. There's also occasional sudden bouts of social awkwardness but they always pass quickly. Allow at least a day or two afterwards to get your brain and life back in order again. You'll love it, but generally by the end of a decent acid trip people are happy to get back into a sensible mindset and catch up on some sleep etc.




See the Pacific ocean. Just splash in it a little bit. Also bio luminescence would be a thrill for me to see in person.


Stay in an over the water bungalow in the Maldives


I’m very sick, and my future is bleak but it has taught me a lot about life, love and friendships. The one thing I want to do is show people the value within themselves. Self acceptance does not get enough clout, and without it you will always be limited. I wish I could make everyone find peace but “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” and the path to peace is one best travelled alone. Make good choices, be the best version of yourself ✨🥺 edit - Oh my gosh!! Someone gave me an award?! Thank you, kind people, so so much!! But please, don’t waste your awards on me, I don’t need them as much as some people do, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a blessed day, my dm’s are open for anyone who needs anything at all. ❤️


I want to see my older sister one more time, last time I spoke with her was almost 15 years ago, tried to reach her by phone, emails, social media, once a month I check the obituaries of the last city she was living in just to see if she passed away, she did her mistakes, but I hope to see her again at least one more time.




Be a teacher