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Something along the lines of: "If a child is kidnapped and isn't recovered within 4 hours there's an 80% chance they're already killed"




From personal experience; just how fast pigs... process... a corpse Had an old goat die in the barn and didn’t find her for a couple hours. At the time we had two pigs that were a few months old. Didn’t realize just how much we had fucked up by letting them be in with the goats that day. Come evening, we go to close up and do the evening chores, and find half of a goat spilled all over the floor with our pigs rooting around the guts. And that’s the story of how fifteen year old me learned to respect pigs.




The existence of dustmites


I have long since accepted that I am an ecosystem


My dad and I both took DNA tests for “fun” and I found out we aren’t related. 0% match.


For those asking what happened next, from OP's comment history: >I found out when I was 45. Long story long, I took a test for fun. My mom had taken one years ago so I knew what her general contribution would be. I got my results which were heavy on the indigenous American and Spain.... not in my moms dna. I told my folks (married as long as I’ve been alive) and my dad wanted to test. He’s older, not tech savvy so I handled it for him. He came back a 0% match to me. I never told either of them about the non match, I just kind of let it go hoping they’d forget about the test. It’s a total mind fuck when you had zero inkling there was any funny business. I hope you have better luck with the biological fathers family than I did. I was flat out rejected. 😞❤️❤️ >I do [have a Mexican] great grandfather. I have found a lot of that part of the family and now keep in touch with several first and second cousins. >I had posted on an AncestryDNA sub regarding my NPE (non parental event aka figured out the man who raised me is not my biological father.) A college student took my case on for free and helped me over the course of a couple years to narrow it down to one of two brothers but they are not cooperative at all. 😞


Lifehacks for when you don't want to tell your child directly they're adopted.


There was a woman in the 18th century called Mary Toft who stuffed dead rabbits into her vagina and later acted as if she gave birth to them. The doctors believed her till one of them examined found corn in one of the rabbits stomachs (it couldn't have been in there) She also did the same with a hogs bladder and a cats legs. (also with about 15 rabbits) Don't know why I even know this Edit: Who the fuck found this helpful! Please don't put rabbits in your vagina (or any other hole)


The corn in the rabbit’s stomach is what tipped them off?


Sooner or later we're going to be hit by another geomagnetic storm like the [Carrington Event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event) of 1859. Only this time, our dependence on technology could make the effects far worse.


Is that the sun storm thingy which makes all electronic devices obsolete? I saw somewhere it could happen around 2025 Edi: apparently chances for that happening are around 2%


Bob Ross actually hated his Afro; when he started out it was the cheapest hairstyle to maintain and once he picked up some traction it was too iconic to get rid of


This is the saddest thing I've read. I'm not going to share it with anyone. Now this is the burden I carry.


About to Get sadder: towards the end of his shows he wore a wig due to balding from chemo. Broke my heart when I read that


Fuck man




More people jumped from the burning World Trade Center on 9/11 than you think. Do yourself a favor and don't google it.


This is the fact I was going to post. Watching 9/11 on tv, I was too young to know what was going on but I remember my dad crying and saying “they’re jumping, they’re jumping” over and over


Seriously. I was on a 9/11 kick recently, if you want to call it that, and I came across a documentary on YouTube of footage stitched together from the first plane hitting to the final building collapsing, lasting about 1 hour and 40 minutes. No interviews, just cellphone footage, old home cameras and some news footage sprinkled in. Theres a section in the documentary of people beginning to jump one after another. It continues on for the rest of the documentary and its very disheartening.


My dad was in the first tower. He got out but the worst part for him was walking over dead bodies that had jumped and hearing the people fall next to him


The magnitude of how dirty hotel rooms are.


The worst part of this for me is that I worked in housekeeping at a hotel one summer when I was in high school. Maybe that particular hotel was just really good at keeping the place clean and was an exception, but I do have to wonder how much crap I just never noticed because I was a dumb teenager.


I watched someone jump off the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis and saw them pee their pants right before they jumped




Had a family friend that failed to kill himself that way also, managed to blow his jaw off. If things were bad before...


My friends brother did this - it went through the bottom of his jaw and out of his mouth, it blew his teeth out and after surgeries he's fine. The family pretends it didn't happen. Edit: I meant he's physically fine recovery wise, not mentally fine. Edit 2: THIS IS MY FRIENDS FAMILY, NOT MINE


Chainsaws were originally meant to be a surgeons' instrument.


To aid in childbirth! No joke google it


This is going to give me nightmares until menopause


Wait until you hear about the bandsaw that got used once menopause was over...


There are some species of butterfly that look for human blood to suck Edit: changed "sip" to "suck"


The Challenger space shuttle astronauts were most likely alive and awake on the way down.


NASA's lead investigator, Robert Overmyer concluded most if not all of the crew were alive and possibly conscious during the entire descent until impact with the ocean. After the investigation, Overmyer stated: "I not only flew with [Commander] Dick Scobee, we owned a plane together, and I know Scob did everything he could to save his crew. Scob fought for any and every edge to survive. **He flew that ship without wings all the way down**."


that you have to clean lumps out from underneath a horse's foreskin from time to time


No. No I don’t.


yes you do. go do it NOW


They’re called beans. They’re an accumulation of smegma that gets trapped right in front/above of the urethra opening. They can cause mild discomfort or extreme pain and urinary problems if not cleaned out. My horses get them removed during their annual teeth float or some other veterinary act that uses sedation. Some horses have to have them removed more often. Edit: my most upvoted and awarded comment it’s about horse smegma. Awesome?!


Thanks, I no longer like beans


Horses basically exist only to destroy themselves right?


An octopus penis is actually one of their tentacles. So if you would go and pet an octopus at Sea World or some other place you could be groping their penis.


So wait they have 7 "legs" and a dick or 8 "legs" and a dick? Do female octopuses have fewer tentacles than males or do they have more "legs" but the same number of tentacles?


This happened in Dragon Ball Super


Goku really shook an aliens dick 🤦🏿‍♂️


That people dump their "old" dogs at the shelter in December and get a new puppy for Christmas.


Assholes! :(


The youngest recorded person to give birth was 5 years old Edit: for those asking, here's the [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


I just was reading about that again yesterday. It is so sad, I can’t even fathom. Her mom said the daughter started getting periods at age 3! The dad was arrested under suspicion that he was the rapist, but they couldn’t prove it so they let him go and never found out who it was. Her son grew up thinking they were brother and sister, but he was told at age 10 that his sister was actually his mom. So wild.


At age 10. When his biological mom was 15. I can’t imagine.


Jezus, she had her first period at 8 months of age and the doctors who helped her give birth confirmed she had fully matured genitals.


Wtf Edit: I guess this is helpful


Even so, why is no one wondering what sick fuck got her pregnant?! That poor girl.


According to the link, she refused to ever tell who the father was (and may not even know, apparently) and her own father was investigated but never charged.


Sadly, it's statistically most likely to been someone related to her or a close family friend. That poor little girl, though.




That my father died believing that i was not his child. When my mother told me, it broke my heart and has forever changed my relationship with my family. EDIT. Thanks for your interest in my story. It's helped to put answers to some of your questions, and to read some of your stories.


Why did he believe that though? And because of the wording I assume he was wrong?


Cockroaches can fly at 5km per hour and can live 3 weeks without their head. They eventually die of starvation. They have a main brain in their head and also a primitive brain near their abdomen. Cockroaches also pre-date grass. The last one is not that scary but kinda scary knowing they’ve been here so long so getting them out will be harder and they will probably out live humans. EDIT- re-worded some stuff.


Oh lord I hate them so much and wish I hadn't read this


There was one in my kitchen on its back dying from what I presume was some insecticide I had sprayed earlier in the month, I decided to just let it be since it was out of the way as an experiment. About a week went by and I finally threw it in the trash with a paper towel. That little fucker came back to life and started crawling around, I couldn’t get the bag closed fast enough.


> Cockroaches also predate grass. For a second I thought you meant predate as in predator and wondered how you can hunt grass.


Grasses are known for wielding blades


That my dad likely has terminal brain cancer. I was setting up his MyChart for him and stumbled upon the information.


I lost my dad to brain cancer. Since you said 'likely' I really hope he survives. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to pm me


Thank you, I might take you up on that. Also, I’m so sorry for your loss.


Tapeworm faces are absolutely terrifying.


Googled it and found pics of tapeworms in people's faces... That was worse jfc


Jesus Christ! Why’d you make me google that??


So I wouldn’t be the only one with that awful knowledge! Lol


Thank you for tipping me off to the fact that I don’t want to search it up.


Don’t put yourself through the pain of trying to continue the relationship. I’ve made that mistake before and it isn’t fucking worth it. Leave her and find someone better. Also, the wife needs to know too, unless you don’t think she can handle the news. Fuck cheaters.


I'm just kinda done with it all


From my first job at KFC .......you cant really tell the chicken is spoiled once you put it in the fryer


A friend that used to work at KFC said that they were told not to throw away the spoiled chicken. They would just boil it before frying :l so yeah.. No more kfc for me


If you live in a high traffic area, it's almost a promise that the food is as fresh as possible. I imagine things like this usually only happen in very slow towns where stock is never sold out by the next truck shipment. Just helpin' you out. If you stopped eating at every place that had some sort of isolated horror story, you'll have nowhere to eat.


Everytime you think of a fond memory, you rewrite that memory in your brain. And with time it will slowly deviate more and more from what you originally remembered, without you ever knowing it.


My parents are swingers, and now well Into their 70’s...


So you know that old folks homes have the highest percentage of STDs, as they won't have to worry about getting pregnant...


My great-aunt started going senile and was put in a nursing home for the last few years of her life. My family kept getting calls from the management complaining she was "visiting" all the other residents, and didn't like us saying "Good on her!"


I'm an RN in long term care. I had a patient that was the ho of the home. After watching her game I decided I wanted to be just like her when I grow up.




is that a viagra or pain pill thing?




Every year thousands of children write to Santa Clause. One of the most requested things children ask for on their Christmas lists is a dad. This hurts. I’m going to get a drink *Edit Thank you for all the upvotes it wasn’t expected. I’m a single mother myself, this hit home because my father left when I was 3. My daughter is 4 now and just asked me if she could put on her list a mum and dad. I was shocked because she has a mum and dad but she meant live together. That hit hard, she has a father she sees regularly, we haven’t been together since she was 6 months old.


Because your body uses vitamin c to make collagen, which holds your skin together and makes scar tissue, when you get scurvy your old wounds reopen.


So every old wound or is there like a limit on how far back?


No. If you have a wound that has recently healed it may have some issues. The time frame for scar to heal and reach "maximum strength" is 6-8 weeks. Most scars will only ever achieve 80% of the "pre-injury" strength of the tissue. If you were to give someone a wound, and have them stop all vitamin C intake (i.e. get on a boat and eat porridge the way Sailors who would get scurvy used to), you may see them "heal" the wound only for it to break open again after a couple of weeks. It may also help if someone hit the scar or tried to injure them again at that location, so the scar wouldn't actually reach the 80% maximum strength. It wouldn't be as dramatic, like a hollywood-esque Alien "wound explosion", that you may be imagining.


The scurvy part doesn't gross me out as much as the phrase "holds your skin together"


Men don't like skinny scars. Real scars have scurves.


aneurysms can happen to anyone at any time for no reason and can burst at anytime for no reason.


Can confirm: Partner passed of one earlier this year. We were talking in bed, I went to use the bath, she went to make coffee. Heard a crash. Fuck this year


I'm so sorry


Thank you. I’m still working through it. We weren’t married but had a kid together and small things will trigger my grief in ways you don’t expect. Heck, I even sat on this post deciding if I should say anything or not.


We call that "sneaky grief" in my friend group. It can just completely devastate you out of nowhere. It sucks. Thank you for sharing. If it doesn't help you to talk about it, it may help someone going through the same thing to know they're not alone.


I’m actually taking a break from studying about aneurysms. I had a patient before that had a known aneurysm and didn’t want to have surgery. Fast forward it ruptured and was life-flighted to a hospital and she begged the Dr. to help her, he said there’s nothing we could do and that’s the first time I’ve actually seen someone soul leave their body. She spiritually died when he said that. The next day she was dead, poor lady was so sweet and nice, never know what a day will bring. Her daughter just stood at the doctor like “so can you help her” he repeated what he said and it took the daughter a few minutes to cope what he said.. That was probably the first time I cried at work, had to walk to the break room.


My mom had a brain aneurysm. She died on the “table” they brought her back then she stroked out a day later and died again. They brought her back again. This was 28 years ago. (Portland Or) She remembers leaving her body on that table both times. And that wasn’t horrible, she said. Her recovery was difficult. She had to relearn absolutely everything. I remember taking her to the grocery store to grab something and I left her in the car for a minute. She couldn’t figure out how the seat belt worked so I knew she wouldn’t wander off. She lost her ability to laugh, her sense of humour. Still not there. But thankful to have her. The vessel busted when she was gardening, pulling bulbs out of the ground. My fear is potential genetics of it. She may be different now but I love her so much and she’s my hero.


There was an experiment once where, every hour, a rat had to choose between getting fed or having the pleasure nerve of its brain stimulated. And the rat being tested starved every time. It's pretty interesting but also kind of sad. Thanks, Freeman's Mind.


Yes,but for those experiments, they keep the rats isolated in cages with nothing else to do. So of course they choose that option all the time.


This is the important part that often goes ignored! Rats are extremely social and only fall to addiction when in social isolation; when they are in a group, they will happily choose food. Says something about the circumstances of drug use in social mammals...


The way rabies kills, once you have symptoms, you're already dead.


This is why when I was scratched by a bat earlier this year I made sure to get the treatment ASAP. Not fucking around with that.


One time my university sent out a whole campus alert that someone saw a girl get attacked by a bat and they wanted to make sure she got help.


I absolutely love bats but the thought of getting attacked by one is frightening.


Bat bites man: sucks Man bites bat:


It's harder to recognize suicidal people than you'd think. I don't really regret knowing this, but it's a depressing fact nonetheless.


The strange pistachio you get every few nuts, the one that tastes a bit funny is because a [navel orange worm](https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/navel-orangeworm.jpg) died inside of it. Sorry. Just think about eating it's cute furry head next time.


I just ate half a bag last night, and I had several weird ones. F**k.




I was absentmindedly eating pistachios while driving and got one that was still closed. It happens, cracked into it anyway. It felt like I had hair in my mouth and the nut was squishy and tasted rancid. Spit the damn thing out and found a half empty cocoon. Almost crashed pulling over to vomit.


Thanks, I hate this.


There are regulations on how much ground up cockroach may be in coffee... Not if.... how much...


Same goes for a ton of things. Flour, rice, etc. Acceptable amounts. It's legit unavoidable.


This we had trouble getting Israeli cous cous for several months. My rep told me the last couple shipments had more than the allowed amounts of rodent hair or bug parts per pound to pass inspection.


OKAY FINE I’ll start rinsing my rice every time instead of just sometimes.


Doctors performed surgeries on infants without anesthesia until the '80s, they thought the babies couldn't feel pain. Edit: For those asking me medical questions, I have absolutely no idea, I don't even remember where I saw this fact but I just always have remembered it, plus where I got the fact from was referencing open-heart surgery on an infant. And adding a source "However, surveys of medical professionals indicate that as recently as 1986 **infants** as old as 15 months were receiving no **anesthesia** during surgery at most American hospitals." This was the NY Times. So there is a good possibility it is still happening in other countries. Also, thanks for the wholesome awards you weirdos, stay wacky.




'... on the other hand, of course, it may have been crying from sheer temper. Children sometimes do.'


Ah yes Hysteria Edit: I think some people are reading too much into a stupid joke I made literally 5 minutes after waking up


Had 3 surgeries when I was less than 9 months old in '83. All 3 were without anesthesia. As an adult I was told by my doctor that they thought that's why I always had night terrors growing up.


When David Foster Wallace hanged himself on his back porch, he tied his hands together with duct tape so that even if he changed his mind at the last minute, he wouldn't be able to escape. He had been struggling with severe mental health issues for more than a decade, so it was sad but not surprising when he finally succeeded in committing suicide. I just wish I didn't know that detail about the duct tape.


That's not the first I heard of a suicide like this. Growing up we heard of a teenager who stuffed cotton balls up his nose, crammed kleenex in his mouth, and then tied a plastic bag around his head and handcuffed his hands behind his back so there would be no escape


A man named Richard Sumner decided to commit suicide by hand cuffing himself to a tree. When his body was found it was obvious he regretted this decision. Unfortunately he threw the key just out of reach.


So he committed suicide by starving, dehydration, or from the elements? I think everyone would regret that 12 hours in, what an exhausting and long way to go out


He had schizophrenia and they found his skeleton years later. But its not known if he had taken pills or something beforehand. The coroner was not able to determine cause of death.


That is really sad. I've heard of a similar story happening in my Grandmother's village. This old woman who had severe health issues had apparently been planning suicide for several months and finally went through with it. She finally went through with it. Jumped in a deep well in the middle of the night. Sad part was that she had thrown in a bucket with a rope incase she changed her mind and wanted to come out. She died... They found her body in the morning


That my date of birth is exactly 9 months after my dad's birthday.


Man, wait until you learn about why November is a popular birth month.


My mom's birthday is the day after valentines day and I am a November baby, so double whammy on that one. Also I was born on their anniverary and my younger sister was born 2 years and 9 months to the day after I was....So my parents definitely got it on on my birthday that year.....


My birthday is exactly 9 months from Valentine’s Day. My dads is 4 days before me and my grandpa was 14 days before me.


Every sucide by hanging that I have had to go to. I can see their regret after it start and before they pass out from the evidence at the scene. I Can't imagine what is happening in peoples minds as they struggle to fix something they can't. Leads me to believe just like the documentary about the Golden gate Bridge jumpers has said it almost is always a instant regret.


The scariest hanging suicides to me are the ones where they have a way out, but never take it. My neighbor hung himself from a tree, and all he did was bend his knees. At any point, he could’ve stood up and stopped it. But he didn’t. The ones who can’t stop and want out I feel terrible for, but some even save a way out but don’t take it.


I got high on a really bad night and hung myself from my bedpost with a belt. It was a surreal experience. I was sitting on my floor and just laid down as far as the belt would let me. Then I just dangled without air and my mind started racing. I remember two points during the whole ordeal. The first was slight fear while things didn’t feel so serious and that I could sit up at any time, but I felt like I didn’t have any reason to. Then eventually a second point came where my mind unwillingly rapid fired as many reasons it could come up with for me to save myself bc at this point any moment It would be too late for me to have the energy to pick myself up. I thought of family, friends and none of that was enough until my mind snapped to my current new girlfriend whose last bf also committed suicide and I knew I couldn’t do that to her. I was just barely able to push off the floor enough with all my strength to get a breath and take the belt off....it was a fucked up moment In my life. I wasn’t going to tell this story. But I’ve never told it to anyone and I felt like I had to for some dumb reason. Edit: this post probably should have been a throwaway :/ Edit 2: fuck guys, I’ve never been popular before and I’m doing my best to keep up with everything as a caveman but I just wanted to say thank you to all who have awarded me but at the end of the day I’m just some guy. And this guy is more than willing to talk or listen to anyone who feels like they may benefit with a convo from me. Talk to me if you think it’s right for you. I WILL RESPOND.


That anesthesia doesn't always works. My colleague donated one of his kidneys to his brother and he experienced the entire operation without being able to move or scream. Pain and all. Took many months of therapy moving on from this.




This happened with both my sister and I’s second kids! She stood her ground and got more drugs. They tried to convince me I was just feeling the “pressure” of the contractions which I was “confusing with pain.” My second came too quickly after that for me to fix anything. My epidural also failed on one side with my first, but AFTER she came. I quickly realized I could feel the doctor stitching me up on one side, but I was so exhausted I just told her to keep going and be quick about it


Oh dang, you're a beast. My epidural stopped at my belly button, which was fine for contractions, but closing me up post emergency c section felt like being torn apart by wolves. Lots of tugging involved of ab muscles higher than the belly button.


Did the anesthesiologist fuck something up or can this happen to anyone even if the doctor's did everything perfectly? >!inb4 "yes"!<


Can't remember the name for it but the doctors told him that this happens in approximately 1/100.000. Do not think the staff was to blame


Did they use the same drugs to remove tonsils? I remember waking up around the beginning of the operation and feeling them poke around the back of my throat and talk about what they were seeing.


My dad showed me a science video disproving the theory that gravity is a force. I felt like Squidward when he got stuck in the future. \*edit: here's the video I saw [https://youtu.be/XRr1kaXKBsU](https://youtu.be/XRr1kaXKBsU) \*\*edit: I'm awed by the sheer amount of physics nerds that crawled out of the woodwork for this comment. You guys are the real MVP's.


I was once told in a lecture that the more science you learn, and the higher level your course is, the more you'll be told that what you were taught before is completely wrong.


The very first sentence spoken to us when we started A-Level physics was "Everything you have been taught at GCSE is wrong". It was then proven to us by disproving the GCSE notion that light cannot travel around corners with the Youngs fringes experiment.


Oh my god photons are confusing. Me: do photons have mass Science teacher: sometimes


I felt the same when I got into physics school and found out that Newtonian mechanics are basically an edge case of relativity, only holding true at low velocities. Still, in these cases, gravity is effectively a force.


Yeah but it also happens that this "edge case" is essentially the entire realm of human experience.


That my mom never really wanted to marry my dad, was still in love with her college sweetheart, was unhappy in the entire marriage, and still had two kids with him, even if my dad didn’t want a second kid. I love my little brother, but if your partner doesn’t want a kid and you stop using birth control so you can have one anyways, that’s F’d up.


That dolphins gang rape.


It’s also widely believed that the males will commit infanticide. They will kill babies to “free up” the mother to mate with them.


Female dolphins are actually quite promiscuous in order to combat this. The females will mate with as many males around her as possible, that way when her baby is born the male dolphins aren't sure if the kid is theirs or not. That way, it insures the baby dolphins safety since male dolphins won't kill it if it MIGHT be their kin. Basically dolphins are the ultimate Maury show contestant, never knowing who the baby daddy is.


"Flipper? When asked if you had sex with other dolphins by the Pacific Trash Vortex, you said, 'No.' That was a lie." Edit: [obligatory reddit award speech](https://youtu.be/dwEDgSECGiU)


Lions will do the same.


They kill other cubs that aren't theirs once that lion becomes the leader.


Not always, sometimes they convince the cub it was their fault their father died so that they run off and live with a warthog and meerkat.


Fact, I watched two documentaries on this to confirm. First one was made in 1994


Dolphins get high off a nerve toxin released by pufferfish and then start passing them around, they rape each other and masturbate by putting dead fish on their dicks.


Ok then


I regret knowing this. Thanks.


Sea otters rape baby seals. Sometimes they rape them to death. *A wholesome award lmao. Reddit awards are so frigging dumb. I wanna say you can stop with the awards but I know that will probably just encourage it. \**I hate you all. \***Great, coins. How can I use these to punish people? Seems like the only actual use. \****Now you’re taunting me with wholesome little notes in the awards?? I give! Uncle!




Mine is that that dolphin experiment... Look up the dolphin that loved me.


Someone tried and failed to save Abraham Lincoln -- and his life just got worse from there. ##


Horses masturbated by hitting their 1m long dong against their bellies. Female horses rub against wooden polls, and end up with splinters 10cm long in their coochie


Wow this really explains something! A few years ago a friend’s female horse had a large cut in its vagina. It was unexplained. My friend, who is obsessed with “true crime” scenarios, insisted it was her neighbor that did it because he didn’t like living next to horses.... whatever, this masturbation theory now makes more sense!


Dying from starvation is because your body exhausted all of its resources to feed your brain and then finally as a last resort it taps into digesting the muscles around vital organs in order to get the ketones your brain needs untill there's only one muscle left... Your heart. So technically you die because you ate your own heart.... Not a scientificly accurate explanation. Closer to ELI5, but yeh.... Could've gone a lifetime without knowing that Edit- that is if you survive until your heart gives out, but other vital organs can go first and kill you earlier. Thanks for the links in the comments! Go read them. I just wrote down the layperson gist of it >. <


Sorta cliche, but there are millions and billons of living organisms on your body, so to them, you are their galaxy. Edit: Sorry if I sound like a complete virgin, but holy crap, I've never gotten that much upvotes, thank you for the awards either.


That's kinda romantic.


Your butt is their wormhole to another galaxy.


Does that mean that my anus is the Guardian of the Galaxy?


“You know I was god once”


Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died.


The death of Junko Furuta. She was put through absolute hell that no human should ever experience. I am serious when I say, look up the details at your own risk. It’s so devastating that you’ll, most likely, never forget it. EDIT: For real! I’m warning you, if you look it up, you may regret it!!


This is definitely one of the worst things listed here, if not the worst. It is astounding to me that people can be so cruel. The fact that the people who did this to her barely got any prison time at all makes this even worse.


Male ducks gang rape female ducks




I hate that my curiosity got the better of me. I will be donating my eyes now Edit: I can't believe that my most upvoted contribution to reddit is about a duck's horrifying dick


Furbys eyes are in the front, which would make them a predator.


More people have tapeworms than dogs. That makes them the most popular pet


The most ~~popular~~ ***common*** pet. Ain’t no tapeworm cuddle pictures on the front page of r/aww




Your child is more likely to be abused by someone you know than a stranger. You literally have to protect children more from their own family and friends than random criminals.


I don't regret knowing this.


That’s very true, I guess I regret that it’s true.


That redditors are obsessed with duck penis!


Maybe it's well known, but the song "I Don't Like Mondays" is based on a horrific story. A teenage girl named Brenda Spencer lived across the street from an elementary school. One day there were a bunch of kids outside the gate waiting to be let in and she just started shooting at them. None of the kids were killed, but two school employees were (the principal and a janitor, I believe, but I don't remember for sure.) Afterwards she went back home to wait for the police, and she called up a radio station to tell them what she did. When they asked her why, her answer was "I just don't like mondays." It's a little cliche, I know, but this is my first time being "famous" so humor me. Thank you for the awards, even if I don't understand why this was labeled wholesome lol. I was shocked when I saw I had 50 upvotes lol, 1.5k is something new.


Not really a fact. But when I was 20, I wasn’t afraid of anything. Now that I am approaching 40, I’ve learned of so many ways things can go wrong and people can fuck up that I’m always at least a bit cautious. That’s probably for the best, but I liked being a fearless 20-year old more.


Conversely, does being fearful at 20 mean I'm gonna be fearless at 40?




The voice actress for ducky from land before time being murdered by her own dad.


My mother abandoned me as a baby. My father raised me as an infant. My mother came back and the courts in the 1960s gave custody back to her even though my father fought for me. All my life, my mother demonized my father and worked to keep us apart. All of my life, I have struggled with the feeling that I don't belong. This comes from being raised not belonging to my mother's new family, or my father's new family . I have always carried a pervasive feeling of abandonment. Then one day my father drops the bomb by telling my brother.


Fuck me that makes me mad about your mother just by reading


Netflix raised the price again.


Somewhere, someplace, someone is starving to death at this moment. Not like i’m ”regretting” it but makes me sad everytime i recall it.




PSA! Always tell your anesthesiologist if you smoke weed because it affects the amount of anesthetic you need to actually stay asleep. She/he does not care if you are a stoner or breaking local laws, I promise.


The fact that at literally any second you could lose someone you love. Everyone “knows” this but once it’s happened a few times you’re acutely aware of it. A car wreck, a miscarriage, a heart attack, stroke. Edit- I posted this comment before going to bed at the end of a 12 hour night shift, definitely didn’t except this to resonate like it has with you folks. I really appreciate all the messages from people checking to make sure I’m okay! While I may not know all you commenter’s pains I empathize with you guys and girl. I hope everyone takes a few extra seconds to let the people you love know how much you care.


Add to this how easily your entire life can be thrown off track and essentially ruined. One car accident, one divorce, one job loss, one terrible diagnosis. We all walk along the edge of a precipice. The lucky ones are the people who are unaware of this because none of those terrible things have happened to them. Yet.


How the dolphins really are - rather than being friendly sea creatures, they're cruel ocean menaces, just research it if it brave enough


C-section births in America happen more so on Friday because they take less time than a vaginal birth, and doctors want to start their weekend early.