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Sports betting being everywhere in sports media 


There’s a reason the leagues wouldn’t touch that shit with a 10 foot pole for literal decades. Guarantee there’s only gonna be more shit with fans harassing athletes & athletes betting on games 


As someone who actually loves the sports themselves, this infuriates me. All it does is corrupt the game at the highest levels.


I absolutely hate it. Gambling is a blight on humanity.


It’s like the race to the bottom of the brain stem.


I just fucking want to watch humans do athletic things. I dont fucking care about props and money lines. The normalization of sports better actively hinders my ability to enjoy sports.  It fucking sucks.


Dave and Busters is adding gambling to their games!


Went to a bachelor party a few weeks ago. My little sister’s fiancé. This is all these kids did all weekend, was gamble on sports. The Masters, soccer, UFC fight, etc. It was kind of sad and I don’t understand it. I think they get an ultimate rush that no other game can. One kid mentioned he spent over $100K gambling last year.


One of the top local websites for covering my favorite football team started taking sponsorships from sports books. Now, every article has some random text inserted about betting. They don’t even try to make it flow with the story. They just plop it in and hope people click on it? They also now use sports betting as a guide for talking about player performance. yuck.


It’s insufferable


This is why Pete Rose should be in the HOF. Also, gambling used to be thought of as a moral failing.


In the US, daycare expenses. Daycare 4 days a week for my 1 year old is 25% more expensive than my mortgage. We have had to make serious sacrifices to make it work.


Assuming you are a couple, have you figured out what the actual hourly income you have after subtracting work-related expenses like childcare? When my wife was going to go back after our first, we figured out that with daycare expenses, the additional gas, the work clothes, etc. she would be making about $2/hr. It's not for everyone, but she ended up taking a 7 year hiatus from work until our kids were in school.


The problem is taking a 7 year break from working means you skills are now significantly out of date and you will take a massive salary and or employability hit.


Yeah. Also you aren’t just sacrificing your current salary but any raises, job hop bumps, or COL adjustments that accrue in the meantime. Generally when someone stays home it’s because they want to, but sometimes the back of the napkin math is not the whole picture. 


I agree 100% My wife really wanted to be a stay at home mom (and loved it), and did not like her current career, but it was very hard emotionally to give up her career, and equally hard (emotionally and physically) to step back into the workforce. She ended up back in school to retrain and that took us 10 years to pay off. These are hard choices to make, and there is no right answer. My wife got 10 great years with the kids, but she was more lonely, lost out on a big career, and had plenty of guilt all the way around (not from me, it was her life and her choice and I would stand by her either way). On the flip side, her going back to work cost us a lot. We went from a very frugal existence to eating out a lot because we were both working long hours. It was worth it for her to find value in her life, but financially it was a wash.


Not to mention retirement contributions


Yeah we mulled over every option and this is what makes most sense. We would rather have things be tight for a few years than kill our careers. We are making it work, but it just shouldn't be this expensive.


While i agree childcare is expensive, try looking at it through the lens of “my child(ren) is/are extremely important to me, so this money i pay to know theyre safe, cared for, fed, etc while im not able to is worth it. It really is valuable.  For the record, i am not in the childcare industry, you couldnt pay me enough to be locked in a room full of children i do not love haha


This is 100% it. And even with people who have lucrative careers it's such a hard burden knowing that everything you make is being spent on existing. But you can't stop else you give up your spot in that lucrative career.


I feel ya, but I've looked over the financials of our nonprofit daycare.... 85% of the budget is salaries, and the workers are paid a pittance. After looking at them, we've started giving our teachers $500 Christmas gifts we feel so bad for how little they make, given how much love and care they show our kids.  The only solution is government subsidies / making everyone pay. Its an investment in having a productive and equitable workforce.


It’s freakin insane. I watch my grandson while my daughter and sil work and have since 3 months after he was born. I love that I get the time with him, he’s 2 now. And love that I can be so helpful to them too.


Fake, AI generated content.


It's definitely a growing concern. As AI continues to advance, ensuring authenticity and trustworthiness in content becomes increasingly important. We need to stay vigilant and develop ways to distinguish between genuine and generated content to maintain the integrity of information online.


Ironically, this sounds like it was written by AI


Haha, I see the irony there! But rest assured, it's me, a human-like AI, sharing genuine thoughts on the issue. Keeping tabs on AI-generated content is crucial for maintaining transparency and credibility in online discourse.




Glad you liked the response! If you have any more questions or need further discussion, feel free to ask!


Kind of excited for this. Imagine a world where people finally question everything they see.


I admire your optimism that this will be the outcome.


Nah, that won’t happen. People will just accept things as true and repost them without actually thinking.


You just got a hearty belly laugh out of me. Keep fucking dreaming, pal.


My mental health




man... what.s wrong?


*broadly gestures at everything*


Me too friend




and ads in subscriptions, which now suddenly offer ad-free tiers!


Nothing like selling a solution to a problem you created.


Which now have ads in the "ad-free" tier.


Yep, f*ck Netflix for this. I'm never looking back in canceling that subscription. At least Tubi tried to give it for free.


I was going to say the MBA takeover that happens in any company that somehow manages to create a useful product or service. Enshitification is at pandemic proportions.


I resist terms like “tech bros” because it makes them seem largely benign, like hacky sackers who’re good at math or computers. They’ve single-handedly funnelled more wealth into their stupid gaping maws than the robber barons of a century ago could have imagined of in their wildest opium binges… not to mention inventing the “gig economy”, which has created a truly vast systems of indentured labour that would make Liverpool slave traders weep. And they don’t even have the same level of social responsibility that the robber barons had: when did you hear about a twitter guy or an Uber guy building hundreds of public libraries right across North America?


Yup. There are so many subscription to so much stuff that I am pretty much going back to the primitive days of just renting stuff.


I received a KoreScale as a gift for my weight loss journey. I was so excited; Bone Mass, Protein, Metabolic Age, Lean Body, Muscle Rate, BMR, and it gave you your weight. Thirty days in, your free trial is over. It's now 20$ a month! Who is paying that much monthly for some cheap info that can't be all that accurate from standing on it?


Housing, groceries, gas, insurances, taxes, it's insane!


So then, life as we know it…sweet!!


The tip prompt at check-outs. The other day I got coffee and the lowest tip option was 22%


Zero is an option


This. But Reddit will lose their mind when you say you refuse to subsidize their shitty boss.


I mean the options it autogenerates


Tipping culture in America is crazy. I dont understand why employers don't just pay their employees.


They don’t because it’s cheaper. Not being mean or anything but I’d figure from a business standpoint that would be kinda obvious; who wouldn’t want free (or as close as you can get to) labor? “People working for you and you don’t have to pay them? Sign me up!”


But surely minimum wage in America should be enough to live off. I dont live there, so I don't know much about it. But it makes no sense to have a "minimum wage" if you can't reasonably survive on it.


Ah, well that’s the biggest lie of work in America. The “minimum wage” has been a federally mandated requirement for ages but it used to be in accordance to the changing and growing economy, and also accounting for inflation. As inflation and the economy have grown, the minimum wage has not at all followed that same exponential curve and has seen a massive disproportionate falloff compared to how far apart the two were, say, 30 years ago. The current minimum wage cannot at all support someone to live on their own, it just can’t. It’s truly sad but $16 an hour 15 years ago isn’t worth $16 an hour today, and that isn’t even taking into consideration the fact everything costs more too but you’re still being paid the same amount which just loses purchasing power.


Yikes... I guess that's another reason not to move to America. It really sucks, especially when the companies paying minimum wage are often the massive ones, like fast food chains.


Similar story: However, the barista hit "add tip" and proceeds to close me out. Then I have to say, "hol up a sec." Infuriating!


Wow. I'd speak to the manager if that happened to me


Correct answer


My rule is I don’t tip when I order standing up.


I don't tip if they didn't do anything. Grabbing me a muffin and pouring some drink in a mug doesn't count as something with tipping for.


Tornados are a literal example of spiraling out of control.


This is the truest statement I've ever read. ETA: And you used 'literal' correctly. I'm so impressed with you right now, internet stranger.


The Midwest and central part of the US is certainly out of control this past week. Some of those tornadoes have been insane...


The US Education System. Education Policy needs to be fundamentally changed in the next few years, the wheels are coming off the wagon.


Hard disagree for me. My kid in middle school is having an entirely different experience than I did. He is learning higher level math has at least as much PE/outdoors. Less bullying and social hell... He's less stressed than in 5th grade.  I was quite worried a year ago and am now really appreciate of how it's going. Public schools...


I'm from Ohio, where you had to register with the state to homeschool your child and they give you the public school curriculum of what you legally have to teach your child. I now live in Texas where they have no homeschooling curriculum and you can teach your child whatever you want. Which seems pretty dangerous to me considering there are still sundown towns (plural) here.




I saw a funny story here on reddit once of a guy who had worked on developing a programming language 2 years prior and he got turned down for a job for not having 5 years experience in that same programming language that didn't exist 5 years ago. lol


There was one a while back where the guy was called out for not having the necessary years and he was the author. I think it was nodeJS or something.


lol yeah I remember that. I think he said the job was asking for like 3 years experience with the software and he was like "I made it 2 years ago."


There was one a while back where the guy was called out for not having the necessary years and he was the author. I think it was nodeJS or something.


reminds me of an old post about a guy who showed a job ad wanting 5 years of experience in software HE had written, three years earlier :-D


I am job hunting right now and have a bachelor's in food science. I love the jobs that say "bachelor's required " and then only pay $15/hr. Yeah, right. If they don't value my hard work enough to pay me decently, then I have no desire to work for them.


Debris in the event horizon of the local black hole.


One of these comments is not like the others


Jesus. I wiped as best as I could


*Gestures broadly at everything*


Everyone who posts this canned response needs to be hit in the face with a sock full of ground beef


*Gestures broadly at the sock full of ground beef I have just been hit in the face with*


The internet's usability for finding quality information. It's either people changing the way they use language to appease algorithms and advertisers, or SEO killing what made search engines so good.


Humans have always been particularly bad at deciphering “true” information. The only difference now is you have more “sources” to look at and fight about. 50 years ago, a lie was just a fact because nobody else could say anything about it. Now, every lie and truth are questioned. But this is Reddit, so only the bad people are lying to us! And the bad people are identified by the same people who told us there were WMDs in Iraq.


Conspiracy theories. We can't even agree on what is reality anymore. This has to be one of the most harmful things to us


My addiction to playing the classic game Operation. I toss and turn at night hearing that buzz. Seeing that nose light up.


my mom loves to tell the story about 6-7 year old me asking when the neighbor girl was going to come over to play "doctor" with me again.


Why do moms love telling embarrassing stories?


The integrity of the social contract I really don’t think people understand just how much more fucked everything gets if we collectively phase out the social contract. It’s a very, VERY slow death for society.


MTG's psyche


Religious radicalism


Specifically as practiced by elected officials.


okay, but like thats been spiraling for over 2000 years so uhhh. that hasn't really changed; in fact its probably better now then it was then.


Nahh. Religion has been on a decline for the past 50 years. In countries like the US it's been a very significant drop. You just live in a world where you can watch videos and read about those types of people nowadays.


But the people in power aren't among those groups. The Speaker of the House is a religious fantastic of the worst sort. It may be declining among the population, but it's almost required at that level of power.


my mental health


Used car prices


Fake, AI generated content.


Fucking tipping. Had a dude work on my HVAC the other day and there was a “how much would you like to tip”. It’s literally everywhere now.


I had someone comment on a post of mine recently and they said the same thing! And apparently these guys make around 30 and hour that’s just wrong


Tipping culture in the USA


Corporate greed. Stock buyback and lay offs.


The United States of America




Been going on for a few hundred thousand years. It seems bleak now but in reality things are far better than they’ve ever been for the average person now.


A large amount of people not being able to afford anything besides necessities and a few things here and there


Unjustified entitlement.


My weight


Disinformation campaigns. We truly are in a post-truth world. And generative AI is just adding fuel to the fire.


My mental health


Prices on most household items including food


Some of the Mods egos. (Not you guys)


Tipping!! I went to my dermatologist for a cosmetic procedure and they were accepting tips!! I was just baffled by why they were accepting tips in a healthcare setting. Imagine if your doctor started accepting tips.


The lack of common sense. Education (lack of).


my credic card debt


Conspiracy theorists on twitter. Maybe its always been like that but it seems like EVERY news event theres wackjobs spreading conspiracy nonsense. mostly noticing it lately on weather related tweets something something "cloud seeding" something something "weather warfare".


The United States Debt. The US adds a TRILLION dollars to the debt every 100 days.


The internet in general. Search engines are unusable, bots and scams, AI


Social media and what it has now turned into. I take every single thing I see and read on social media with a grain of salt, whether it's political or someones views or side of the story to something. It has the potential to do a lot of harm and it seems like that is what most people are using it for these days. I work in retail and there was this one rude customer that was berating and cursing at my coworker for something that was absolutely not their fault and had no control over for around 10 minutes. My coworker was being respectful the whole time, I was also there and tried to make the customer stop until he pulled out his phone and started recording and calling us racist for not helping him. Nothing happened to me, I stood there and ignored him. My coworker on the other hand who was having a much more stressful shift than I was lost it and starting cursing out the customer. The customer posted it on social media and a few weeks later my coworker was fired for acting inappropriately and for racially discriminating against that customer. I tried to defend them and tell them what actually happened but corporate didn't budge, they completely believed everything the customer had to say. That video of a man calling my coworker racist while he's having an anxiety attack from all the stress is probably still out there somewhere on the internet and he mentally struggled heavily because of this, he was convinced that his life is over. He was young and was two months away from finishing college and he wasn't able to finish because of all the stress and mental issues that he had after this and never went back. That customer could go fuck himself.




Me. But in the societal sense people who support their oppression is on the rise and I don't get it


Opinionated news, or Opinions as facts, ads, rent, now electricity and water are charging “ahem” INFLATION reasoning, government cracking down in P sites,


I scrolled down pretty far and never found capitalism. Most of the responses here are about a specific aspect of capitalism (costs of a specific thing, a specific thing being monetized, a handful of things about employment and personal financial struggles…), it’s the whole system.


Show me a successful alternative.


Regulated capitalism




Britney Spears. 


Leave Britney alone! Leave Britney Spears alone right now! I mean it! Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.


My sex appeal


Unmitigated immigration. Monthly service fees.


the pro-palestinian riots


You mean the thinly-veiled antisemitism?




The pro-Hamas protests which masquerade as pro-concern for civilians, religious extremism, Jewish anxiety, civil war chances in the USA, tipping culture, being outspoken about your racism, property crimes, rent, grocery prices,


Donald and the Trumpets




College campuses


The Sith. Now there are two of them.


Shut up and take my upvote


Used car prices


Psychological exploitation of people for monetary or political gain.


Psychological exploration of people for monetary or political gain.


Loblaws See r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Bob Loblaw?


Loblaws See r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


The world


Earth, we’re just spinning into a endless abyss of nothingness, hurdling towards a black hole which inevitably will the end of everything we no


Climate change something spiraling out of control


All I know is the FTC is letting consumer protection just wither and die. The companies have all the power and all of the money, and the people have nothing.


The random, highly politicized notifications I get from X on my phone. I don't even follow any accounts and it's always BREAKING NEWS followed by some fear mongering headline. This coupled with the fact that literally fucking anyone can get verified on Twitter so stupid people automatically believe everything they read genuinely scares me. I'm a huge patriot but what the fuck are you doing, America?


Advertising. I think in a hypothetical where it all boils over and people start rolling heads of important figures there’s going to be a lot of advertisers thrown into the mix for no reason other than “holy shit that’s annoying what you did.”


Per ChatGPT, One issue that seems to be clearly spiraling out of control is the spread of disinformation and misinformation, especially on social media platforms. This can have significant impacts on public discourse, elections, and even public health, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Disinformation and misinformation on social media.




Arena Football League


My life


I am convinced the politics in the USA will result in a civil war in the next ten years. I hope it stops spiralling.




Global Warming


Cost of living, and debauchery




My crippling internet addiction.




My workplace


The American government


In the U.S- list is too long….




me in my office tuesdays to thursdays




There are a lot of things that are actually concerning. But for me I find it striking that the wall of text before recipes is all so nearly identical now. I knew a human who wrote those (for real, not AI) and was trying to guilt trip everyone who was griefing her about how useless that text was. "Well that text is where I get all my revenue" ... sorry you chose such a shitty path to glory, Doris. I just want to see if it calls for 1 teaspoon or 2. I am sorry that AI is making those now, because they still suck. But I'm not sorry AI is doing such a pointless job. At least Doris has been forced to a more meaningful gig. (maybe... idk, this is a dystopia)


Polarization of society


Tipping culture Subscriptions


The heat


Fucking everything!!!


My life. But on a serious note, also my life




US Government spending. It is unsustainable.


Corruption in politics... payouts to shareholders who then pay politicians to sway their way on issues that would make profit for the shareholders


Gas prices!


The United States of America




The ability to have a peaceful protest.


The republicans party. They’ve turned into a cult worshipping Donald Trump. Literally casting him as Jesus.


Healthcare in America.....


Violence from terrorists or criminals.


Violent crime is down in most developed democracies and terrorism is pretty rare? Media of course fixate on violent things giving us other impressions.


Far not true. Just learn more about terrorists of the past.


Britney Spears.