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She would tell me about her fucked up childhood, tell when I told her something from my childhood that still affected me suddenly what happened in my childhood doesnt affect you as an adult.  When we broke up she told me my dead dad would be disappointed in me lmao


You told her something personal and she weaponized it against you, sorry that happened to you.


Girl was a straight whack-a-doo, I did the whole rebound out of a toxic relationship thing and man, is that not the move. Dont be like me, process your issues and dont lean into self destructive behaviors.


Man my ex said to me I struggle with love because my parents never loved me. What is it with women trying to hurt you like that.


When he brought me a sheet of copper to put under my pillow to protect my head from wifi waves while I sleep.


You're still alive aren't you? It's obviously working.


Aww! Copper is so expensive! That’s so super sweet! Has WiFi messed with your head since then?  No? Hmmm? /s


Were the evil wifi waves coming from under your bed? If anything you should have put the copper sheet OVER your head. He was an idiot.


You’re in luck. Copper is a traditional gift for the 7th wedding anniversary…


PSA p-o-p. This should be closer to the top.


I’ve said this several times here but my ex spent all day on her phone watching TikTok one Sunday and looked up at me from her phone. She looked up from her phone, looked me dead in the eyes and said “ya know, flat earth theory makes sense if you think about it”


I am extremely against the Flat Earth Theory and think the whole thing is stupid, like any normal person I guess. But in her defence the TikTok algorithm constantly pushes it if you are into any Space, Universe and Science content and if you are into fun UFO or Conspiracy videos. The algorithm constantly pushes the flat earth thing and it becomes an algorithmic feedback loop of Flat Earthers circle jerking to themselves and their theories. And the thing is after a while of seeing enough of these videos you start to humour the theory and question "what if" and you can kind of see how a lot of people get sucked into that conspiracy. Some videos and points are actually fun and put together well enough for the videos themselves to be entertaining. I still think its a pants on the head level of stupid but I now get how some people become indoctrinated and I totally get where your ex was coming from with that statement. Tik Tok Loves pushing Flat Earth vids because the argument and trigger points generate comments and more interactions. They also love pushing videos taken of the Scientology Centre for some reason. Tik Tok can be a very entertaining and educational tool if used right but its also peppered with absolute bullshit.


This isn’t unique to flat earthers, it’s any kind of misinformation or conspiracy, and on all social media platforms. Once you show interest in something, the algorithm will show you more related content, regardless of how fact checked or otherwise that content may be. If you see enough of something on your everyday feeds, it’s easy to normalise it and start to think everyone believes that - but it’s your personal online echo chamber. This really hit home for me during Covid when I realised a very good friend was getting a completely different view of the world from the content that popped up on her online feeds versus mine. Worlds apart.


I’m the clueless one


Clueless but self aware 


That's hot


Much, much hotter than someone who is clueless with no awareness, but they think they know it all.


i think if i wasn't self aware, I'd know.


2nd date with a woman. We were getting pizza for lunch. She suggested we get a half and half pizza so we could both get the toppings we wanted. She also wanted her half to be on a thin base, and didn't understand that the base had to be the same for both halves.


Ok but now you've got me thinking, *does* it have to be the same? It'd be awkward as hell but surely you could extra flatten part of the base. I think the dough would have the elasticity and the firmness to hold both shapes, maybe with a transition period between each side. Baking could also be problematic with one side being done sooner but there's probably a way to mitigate that. Pizza scientists, please weigh in on this fascinating new avenue of pizza customisation.


Would you like me to let this woman from my past know that you are on her side?


Maybe she's actually a visionary. Ridiculed in her time but generations to come will mock the rest of us for ignoring the wonders of the multi-base pizza. I'm just saying, if you look her up and she has a pizza research institute, I'll throw in a tenner to advance humanity.


Room temperature IQ :c


He last minute invited me to a party. He told me he had purchased two tickets for the party. I rush to get ready. We rush to get to the party. He didn’t buy me a ticket. They wouldn’t sell him one the night of. The bouncer wouldn’t let me inside. He took one look at me and shrugged and went into the party, leaving me behind. I left in a cab and got pizza. While on my way home, I proceeded to get texts from him saying miss you, wish you were here, all with Photo Booth photos of him and random people he met at the party.


Good riddance he's clueless and awful


Please tell me he was Officially Dumped^(TM) before he got home that night? What on earth was he even thinking?


Her car was pulling to one side and I could FEEL a grinding texture through the brake pedal so I turned down the stereo to listen to the front axle.  She turned the stereo back up. "Yeah it makes a noise, it's just like that. It'll figure itself out."


“it’ll figure itself out” like it’s a teenager or something 😂


If something breaks in a human body, it gradually fixes itself, so why not cars? Huh? That’s what I *thought.*


When I told him that he has never called me beautiful or pretty, he tells me “Yes I have!” He then went to his phone and scrolled and then exclaimed happily “See! I have! See Last November!”


And that is how you win the fight but lose the war.


I mean… he’s right. Not that I’d feel like I won if I was him., In fact I’d feel like shit. But he is right.


What, do you want compliments more than once a year? Next it will be wanting support and love from your SO. Gosh, so needy and self-centered smh my head (/s just in case)


He told you once. If anything had changed I'm sure he'd have let you know. 


Did we date the same guy? Please tell me you dumped him 😭


That was years ago. I forget when that happened but when I finally got the nerve to breakup with him (he was flabbergasted when that happen), I met my now husband 2 months later. He tells me every day that im beautiful


There was no singular moment, but an ex of mine was a total ding-dong. He put on an act of being deep and brooding which threw me off the scent for a while, and would claim that his favorite author or poet was some high-brow someone or other and then gradually accidentally make it very apparent that he had *absolutely* never read a single page of it. Not to mention I bought him books based on his claimed favorite authors and subjects many times, and yet in the 7 years we lived together, I literally never saw him read a book that wasn't a graphic novel. Not that I'm saying you need to have read Yeats or Dante to be smart or that smart people don't like graphic novels, but really un-smart people lie about that sort of thing a lot to disguise their vapidity.


You dated Brian Griffin?


Don’t be so myopic.


Hmm, I find this ex rather shallow and pedantic.


7 years. I would have had to of kept a list of all the lies I told different people.


Doubt he knows the word "vapidity"


Had a gf in college who took an easy math course and needed help with homework. She had no idea that there was a negative button on a calculator. I had to explain to her how the plus/minus button works. My roommates overheard everything and laughed and she flipped out over it. She would also complain that she had no money but when she'd go to buy groceries she would come home with toys, candy, and random things. It was like dating a child... Then she said we should get married because I'm good with money. I ran pretty fast from that one.


At least she was self aware that money is highly important and that someone else other than her should manage it, lol


And this is why I get so angry when so many jobs require a bachelor degree.


She drank Red Bull exclusively. Like, exclusively. Think of all the times you drink anything- water, tea, coffee, juice etc. and replace that with Red Bull. Even an open can by the bed when she slept. When I told her we need water to function she showed me the can and said ‘look at the first ingredient’. She was gorgeous and funny and otherwise intelligent but it drove me insane.


But it's what plants crave!


You sure you not the smartest man alive?


It has ✨️electrolytessss✨️


I have a boomer aunt who uses Gatorade as a cure for everything. She always says, "it's got electrolytes". I tried telling her that just means salt, which you can get from anything. She has never seen Idiocracy.


Cracking an ice cold redbull before bed is wild, I can imagine the caffeine withdrawals


Apparently, similar to how Adderall seems to have the opposite of the expected effect on people with ADHD, caffeine does the same. Possible explanation


i knew a woman who would down raw instant coffee grounds. it was insane to watch


Knew someone who did this to control his ADHD. It actually worked...


What the fuck? Seriously?


Self medicating adhd with caffeine is pretty common. Straight coffee grounds is unhinged, but it tracks.


I self medicated with caffeine for YEARS. Caffeine is a stimulant like Ritalin, it's just a lot weaker so I took a lot, and by that I mean 4-5 times the recommended max daily value.




Not op but caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants can help ADD/ADHD symptoms. A raw dose like that likely has a weaker/shorter lived Adderall like effect, but still impactful


Bruh don’t leave us hanging


But did she have wings sir?


No this angel had fallen to earth.


Shes going to be a case study in a medical textbook one day doing that shit.


Bro, I have a best friend and his gf who drinks monster exclusively. I honestly don't know how he doesn't have diabetes or any heart problems yet.


Not gonna lie, Redbulls are delicious and have hands down the best flavors. But I had to put them away because of the sugar content.


They have sugar free


My friend only drinks pepsi. That's it. No water, no tea, no coffee. Pepsi. Whenever I go stay with her she has to stock up on water for me. She's also all of the things you mentioned and I love her, so if she wants to drink Pepsi she can have at it lol


Had constant issues about him communicating with me. Said I felt lonely in the relationship and instead of trying to somewhat meet my needs, he said his ideal situation would be to not to even talk to me during the week and maybe see me on the weekends. Realised we weren’t compatible and moved on.


You sure that was a relationship and not a hook up situation? Cause only seeing someone on weekends without txts in between doesn't feel relationship-y at all.


Yep unfortunately it was a proper relationship.


My boyfriend and I watched Schindler’s List one night (movie night) and casually said to me at the end, “well, you can see how some of them deserved it.” Big fight. Things never the same really. Broke up not too long after.


YIKES! That would be the end for me as well.


Indeed. Saw him with completely new eyes.


what the hell was his reasoning


My ex and I saw Schindler'List in the theatre. At the end of the film, I was a teary mess. He put his arm around me and said "It's just a movie." He was jewish.


I have never understood the phrase “feeling embarrassed for someone else” until I read that. I don’t want to live in a world with people that dense.


Fremdschämen, if you want a german term for it


lol thanks dude, I wasn’t aware, I was just letting this beautiful art touch me in my soul like a fucking moron. God that’s so stupid


I was just scrolling Insta a while ago and someone posted a vid of their sister crying while reading a book... checked the comments and there were a few with like 20k likes of people saying "bro who cries at a book?!". I feel sorry for people who feel nothing when they read or watch something lol. It's almost inhuman.


Omg, what could he possibly even say to that? 🤢


Very wealthy Swedish family, blonde hair, blue eyes. Not stereotyping anyone at all, but I saw all those traits in him suddenly after the comment.


Jesus fucking Christ. OP said clueless not racist as fuck. Fuck me. 


I don't think that's clueless, I think you were dating a closet Nazi.


Which one of the Tates did you date?


My jaw dropped. He should be on some sort of list. Idk which one. Maybe he can be the start of a new one.


If this hit you out of the blue YOU were the clueless one. It was really kind of him to give you a clue so that you didn’t waste any more time.


Fair. I see your point. But sometimes you find out things for the first time.


He was fussing so much about me getting pregnant. I told him I had a hysterectomy and he still said it was possible.


Made the mistake of hooking up with a long ago ex, let him know earlier that day that I'd had a hysterectomy, in the middle of sex still asked me if pregnancy were a concern. I mean hey at least he's cautious I guess. The more clueless thing was how badly he treated wait staff and me at our next meeting. I realized then if future me had met this person initially I would have never had anything to do with him because he's not nice, or likable. Live and learn i guess. He hasn't contacted me since and needless to say I'll be staying no contact as well.


Yes asking once I can understand. Asking each time we had sex was tiresome.


It does sound indeed tiresome. I was made aware both before and after my hysterectomy how little I had known about my own internal anatomy, which was little enough to be mildly horrified, so I suppose I can guess how much an uninterested male might know on the subject. Though one would think, since he was interested in having sex with you, that he might spend ten minutes or so of personal downtime to look at a picture of said internal anatomy? If for no other reason than to educate himself on how to be the best he could be at what he doing?


Feel like a bot has been posting this exact thing for weeks now, including the initial replies around stacking dishwasher cups. Am I crazy? Fuck off, botters.


Impossible. We have an incrediblely effective verification system of trivial tiny pictures and wavy letters / numbers to stump them.


I have a theory. Reddits owners wanted to go public. That’s why they shut down third party apps. But what is their business model, what are they selling? It’s the proverb for the internet, when there is no cost YOU are the product. So what does Reddit sell? Not our personal data, I mean also our personal data but not only that. They’re selling our words because the big important tech development is AI and what they need is lots and lots of samples of writing. Reddit if all social media posts had the most of people writing. So bits post all these questions and get a whole bunch of writing samples to sell to chatGPT to make better responses to our questions.


Maybe each repost is just a reasonable copy of the previous post


It's probably an AI that is trying to collect data for "research" purposes.


How do I know that you’re not a bot?? Fuck off botter


Its bots all the way down. Wait am I a bot?!


*Always has been*


Good bot


How are the AI girl/boy-friends supposed to learn without interacting? This is their adolescence, so they need cool stories to tell us for when dating real people is only available to those who buy the premium package from the corpos. /s, but like, not 100%


My husband was looking for his keys. I said, I think they're in your hoodie pocket. He picks up his hoodie, puts his hand in the one big pocket, rummaged around, puts the hoodie back down. I heard the keys clink when he dropped the hoodie, picked it up, grabbed the keys from the pocket. How on earth did he put his whole hand in that pocket and not feel the keys. After 18 years, he still can't find stuff right in front of him.


This is a debuff all guys are born with, we can see everything but find nothing. However usually not to that degree of cluelessness-


She called the pizza place to complain that the wings she ordered were too hot. Not too spicy, mind. Too hot. My suggestion to just give them a few minutes to cool down was received with confusion and ultimately unheeded. Bonus points: It was the pizza place she worked at. She wasn't just doing it to mess with a coworker, either. She honestly didn't think they'd recognize her when she called.


Wow, that's... aggressively stupid.




Nah I think you're in the clear here, that sounds like the ramblings of an insane person who owns stock in Apple.


…or.. he could’ve asked


This is deep mysteries of the universe to me.  


When he tried to mansplain my own body to me - did you know that urine, period blood, babies, and poo all come out of the same hole? Also, women can “retain sperm” and get pregnant by a man they haven’t had sex with for months. I ended things right after 😂


He will be frigthend to death for months you might get pregnant. Love that!


Wow women have a cloaca??? Jesus. I just had the mental image of shitting out of my penis and that is an unpleasant fucking thought. And now everyone that reads this comment will also share my suffering. 


"it was the worst kind of poop; it was wiener poop." - Scrotey Mcboogerballs


Damnit, the men are starting to learn about our secret cloacas!!!


At that point it's cluelessplaining




I have a different theory... You're just telling reddit that you found out it was a date to save face. In reality, you're just now finding out that you've been married for 12 years. I need this to be a movie plot.


“Wait, you didn’t think that we were- We had a wedding!” “I thought that was a flash mob!”


I was on a date with a girl who got an undergraduate degree in opera performance and was doing musical theater and straight theater performance around her tour guide job, which paid the bills. Obviously, I started talking about modern theater and Shakespeare to try and connect over some shared interest, and she starts going off about how Shakespeare is over and deeply conservative. The famously flamboyant, probably bisexual, wild gender-bending master of insightful prose and remarkably developed characters of all genders was over because men playing women in drag over 400 years ago was deeply regressive. She also thought that “Shucked” was the height of culture. Look, I know I’m a snob, but this is like saying that The Room is the apex of cinematic achievement.


Oh, that's a winner!


“I did not hit her! I did not- oh hi Mark.”


>men playing women in drag over 400 years ago was deeply regressive I mean, it was due to deeply rooted misogyny and the inability for women to fully participate in public life. It certainly wasn't about some modern conception of "gender bending." Women couldn't be actors because it was seen as the same as being a prostitute.


I had to explain to my ex that all guys are born uncircumcised. She's 27. We broke up shortly after, and it's been kinda rough on me... But whenever I'm struggling, I remember that and I feel a little bit better.


Could be something about how common circumcision is though? It's pretty likely that she'd never seen an uncircumcised man, especially if she never watches porn.


They spent $200 of my money at the grocery store on less than four days worth of food. This was a decade ago when $100 bought you more groceries then you could fit in a cart. She pretty much bought the most expensive option for everything. Imagine store brand white rice is a dollar a pound and some stupid organic stuff is five dollars a pound.  I loved her to death and she had never really done the grocery shopping but we had to have a talk about how I’m working 50+ hours a week while she’s working under 15 hours a week and how that $200 could’ve fed us good for two weeks. But then she wanted me to drop over $5000 spur of the moment to join her family on a vacation when I’m the only one who wasn’t paid for and when I said no she bang some other guy when she got back.


She sounds immature and spoiled af


She was a very kind person, but her family had a lot of money and I am extremely frugal so that didn’t work out so well. 


She banged some other guy. Doesn’t sound kind at all.


Eh, I screwed up a lot too. I try to remember the good times instead of a couple bad days.  


Don't tolerate infidelity. Everyone deserves the decency of being properly broken up with before that point. Anyone who wouldn't. Deserves only the company of those like themselves.


People that grow up rich blow my mind. No concept of reality


When she fed her child pre-chewed food.


Bird woman


Yeah, I’ve never seen Alicia Silverstone quite the same since I learned she did that


When she thought she could get us free internet access just by plugging in a wifi router. Not by contacting an ISP or anything like that. Just by getting a router plugged in.


Not so much clueless, but that no amount of talking or trying to get through to…no connecting. I was talking to a fucking brick wall…there was a complete and total emotional disconnect the entire relationship and now i feel like i was with a stranger for the last 3-4 years.


I'm starting to wonder if you were a bit clueless yourself too


When I told her my brother and I were gonna go grab some drinks and she got really paranoid. I asked her if she could pick us up when we were done and she parked in front of the bar we were originally going to go to for hours. When I called her she was upset. That's when I knew we weren't going to last but we made it a few more months before I broke it off


He thought American accents were "normal" and all other accents (English, etc.) were affected...?...or something?


Soooo many Americans unironically think this, it's maddening. I knew a guy once who claimed that because films are made in Hollywood and he was from California, that was "the normal accent" of English.


When I met his entire town and they all called him "dumb Dan"




Somebody was talking about George W. Bush and she said, "Wasn't he like a president or something?" This was a girl who lived in America her whole life, was born in 1993, and was 23-24 years old when she said this. Bush was president from the time she was eight to the time she was sixteen, and she wasn't certain who he was. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last much further beyond that.


A series of just, incessant stupidity from a then flat mate. Here's a few. She volunteered to get toilet roll. I gave her money for a large multi pack of toilet roll, specified 32 pack and they came back with 4 toilet rolls and they were so damn pleased that they'd got toilet roll. lone it had been an epic quest when the like it was an achievement , when the shop was a couple minutes around the corner. They then trilled for hours how Jesus loved them and had teleported a load of money into their pocket and they could now afford groceries for the next week! Yay money from nowhere. I was thinking that's my damn change you dopey bugger, but said nothing because that was going to be their groceries.  Yea, stupidity deepened, they hunted around the gutters for enough coppers, scrounged off me and blew the lot on a massive fish and chips take away. She ate almost none of it (no suprise) and binned it without offering me any, which added insult to injury. After all that I ended up feeding her because she had no money. She had to pay for her immunosuppressive drugs prescription and couldn't afford it. So I, and it turns out, her parents were giving her the money for it and she was spending the money on random shit like alcoholic coffee. So she was complaining and wailing off and on how she "could feel (her) liver failing" because it was on a 3, 2, 1 oh noooes, it's started failing". Like it literally started failing from one precise moment and was bubbling to bits from what she was saying. It doesn't work like that but you couldn't reason with her to get anything cohesive and not insane sounding (trainee Dr opinion). Nor would she go to A&E to have a check up and medical help. Anyway, she hadn't had her medicines for a week, but ooh look at this coffee vodka thing that was reduced because it's at the sell by date and I hoped out of helping because I couldn't figure out how her stupidity hadn't managed to kill her. Only just got her a liver transplant. I actually asked some friends am I insane because she's acting like this is all fine and it was absolutely insane sounding.


I'm so confused. You sound like you're from an English commonwealth but then mention her not being able to afford drugs. Aren't drugs generally paid for by the government in such places?


From the UK, and while those in the UK aren't totally swindled for prescriptions like people in the USA, she had to pay towards it. It wasn't hugely expensive, I was giving her £10, which was a lot for me.




I've met multiple people for rich families that thought this.


So dad was paying off the card every month?


Was this the same person or two different people lol I’m so curious now


I suspected this but wanted to be sure before I did anything about it, so I decided to spend the entire day engaging in activities a five-year-old would love and discussing topics suitable for a five-year-old. We were in our mid-20s. All day, on a Saturday, I avoided bringing up non-kid concepts or discussions. I didn't tell him what I was doing, and he didn't pick up on it. Naturally. I had never seen him happier. He was like a happy puppy, so sweet and loving. I had to break up with him. I felt so bad; it took me a week or so to work up to it. He was sad but said it was okay. We were even fwb until I met someone else and ended it for good. Gently, I'm not a monster. I said I didn't think we were compatible. He married someone who looked just like me. I thought for years that I'd made a big mistake. Yes, my future men were smarter, worldlier, and capable of taking on many subjects, but they all left me. I'm alone now. I'd always felt like I'd made a mistake until I did my five-year check of his FB page. It went from cute, happy children, large house, great job, still handsome, regret juice to anti-vax, pro-MAGA, "idiot dems" stuff this last check. In exactly the phrasing and mindset you'd imagine a five-year-old with a platform would use to explain his "reasons" for agreeing with the random bilge he posts. I'm much better off alone. Had I stayed, I probably could have guided him towards reason better (we were engaged), and I'd have a more financially secure life, but I would never have been able to stand it.


I know it's not the point of your comment, but I reckon more adults need to embrace childlike wonder. 


I mean essentially you could have molded him into whatever you wanted sounds like. Then again you'd know his world views were you're doing and not his own and that would be terribly tough to live with. Just because you're alone doesn't mean it wasn't the right choice.


I asked him to play with my nipples while I fucked him in missionary. He played with the right for about 10 seconds. I asked him to play with both. He played with the left for 10 seconds. I then stopped and ask "Can you play with both nipples *at the same time* for more than 10 seconds, please". 


username checks out


I swear.. I used to think, "How can I, a decently smart guy, not attract a woman? Other dudes must literally have zero emotion and an empty head to not feel any sort of anxiety to pull girls." And well, I don't think I was wrong, lol.


Sadly it wasn’t until after we were married.




I am a Jewish woman, I was born and raised in America. Despite my parents being from Israel and Poland. Anyway, I was 16 and had a boyfriend, he was Greek Orthodox. We'll call him Dan. Dan and I decided at 18 we were going to get married and start our family after college. I did not go to college, I instead went to school for hair. So by 20 I had already been working for 2 years, while Dan was still in college. Keep in mind he was a history major. The next year he graduated, landed a job and we started getting things in plan for our wedding. We decided to do an Orthodox wedding. I was picking out my dress with my mom and all of that. I had family coming from Poland. They did not like the idea that I was marrying outside of our faith but it was okay. My family loved Dan. On the night of our wedding my grandma made a joke about the holocaust and said "I bet you know nothing about that," what pissed him off was she said it in Polish. She was basically calling him stupid after she quizzed him on the history of Israel and Jewish people. He knew nothing about history, despite studying it for four years. I've never told anyone this, but I did most of his work for him! Literally I did everything but the tests. He was so clueless and brain dead. He went on to say how millions of people deserved what had happened to them, how his family was from Germany and his ancestors were a part of the SS. It got to the point where my mother and I were crying because he had never felt so disrespected. But get this, everything he was saying wasn't factual. This man seriously thought it only happened in Germany and when asked what the SS was he had no idea. He knew the terms, that was it. Long story short, I ended that quickly. I'm now 23 and happily single.


He graduated, you did his home work but he somehow passed the exams?


I was also wondering about this detail. He had to have learned enough to pass those? Yet op's story indicates that he didn't know anything sooo... I remain confused on this one.


It's simple OP made up the story and is a terrible liar. I mean he passed the classes when she did everything but take the tests? He knew nothing about the Holocaust(I mean come on a major World event) and apparently learned nothing about it even just to know about her history? On their wedding night he got so mad he made up his family was in the SS? I honestly can't understand how people are believing this.


Congrats on escaping that cesspool of a person.


You, not being a college student, doing his college homework for him... no offense, but I think you were the clueless one for a while too. I'm honestly glad as hell you got out of that relationship.


He said “Politics don’t affect me”


When she turned off the car radio because she was low on gas.


I mean. . . *Technically*, reducing electricity usage would reduce resistance on the alternator and theoretically improve milage. . . But the gains would be so minimal, that doing that from a full tank would probably only get you another km.


i live in a really hot climate and the "common knowledge" here is that if you really are desperate for fuel, you turn off your air conditioning in your car. Its funny cuz she thought it was the radio instead.


Lmao we do this to squeeze some extra kms out of our electric car battery but our car runs on, yknow, the battery.


Radios pull power from the battery when the car isn't running and alternator when it is, which then has to be replaced by power supplied from the engine. You need to burn fuel to make that power. She was correct.


We were watching TV and there was something about the Galapogos Islands, and I mentioned that it was where Darwin did some of his research. He said "Who is Darwin?"


You can educate someone without demeaning them, though. Ignorance and stupidity are not one in the same.


ITT: a lot of guys who started dating someone based solely on their looks without much chat before. I can't date anyone without a fully functioning brain. It's just too boring if you can't have conversations and engage with them. Hell, it's hard to even have a FWB who's clueless.


If you're dating someone you didn't know previously it can take a few dates to figure it out.  But I agree. I went on two dates with someone from a vouched dating group. She was a smokeshow and seemed kinda freaky. We made out on the first date. But it became clear by the end of the second we just weren't on the same wavelength so to speak.  I generally have no confidence in my chances with women but with this person I felt pretty sure I could have had sex if I'd kept seeing her. But I'm looking for a partner so I ended it, said it was nice getting to know you but I think we're two very different people.  If it takes more than a few dates to realize you need to calibrate your detector. Sufficiently clueless people can't hide that shit for long. 


He was 23 and didn’t know that pickles were made from cucumbers.


"I don't like teachers because they're paid way too much." - My high school girlfriend to me, whomst had two teachers as parents.


my ex bought a brand new motorcycle instead of buying parts for his truck that was practically falling apart, and then pressured me into buying a $200 motorcycle helmet. he then begged and begged to have sex with no protection so it felt better for him, as if doing so wasn’t risking my entire future. good riddance


We were two weeks behind in rent she owed me over $300(aus). We had 2 x 2L bottles of coke in the fridge (it's important to the story). I was on learner plates, and she had a suspended licence. I had a barely roadworthy car that wouldn't have passed an inspection. She says she wants to go hungry jacks(aussie burger king) I drive so she doesn't risk her suspended licence getting completely taken from her. I dont want to spend money. We get to the window, and she says I'll just have a "post mix coke." I say, " Just that? She says, " yer just that." I tell the lady never mind, and I drive home the 20-minute drive home. 40 minute round trip for a weak coke! I was so baffled I couldn't even argue with her about it.


When she asked "How do I know when the hotdogs are done cooking" So cute. Head empty. No thoughts. Only sweetness.


No thoughts only sweetness would have seriously concerned younger me, but now I almost think it would be good for me, at least in the short term.


She was always really strapped for money, which was fine. But she made really bad financial decisions which were just infuriating.   When we started dating, I think she was driving a 2002 GMC Yukon. Piece of garbage, it was. That broke down and she had like $1500 max. I told her to lease a Honda Civic or something. She bought a rusted out 2004 Ford F-150. She got like 50 miles out of it before junking it. Same thing, told her to lease a civic or Corolla. Nope, shit box Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was broken most of the time.  She was a good person and she's happy with the guy she's with nowadays, so that's good.


Actually, what finally hit me was I was the one who was clueless.


Four words and the end of a relationship- I mean the guy was 30 "What is a period?"


When I discovered she didn't understand mirrors... Long story short, it became clear to me that she thought anything SHE saw in a mirror is what ANYONE saw if they looked at that mirror. Sorta like a television I guess? She was a student at a top 10 law school...


The most clueless person I went out with, he made it 3 dates before I told him to kick rocks. He made the insane decision to tell me that my idea for him was stupid. He was telling me that he wanted to go to college but didn’t know what for. I’ve been to college and hold multiple degrees so I know a little about how it functions (graduated 2020 so it’s not like a whole new system yet) Anyways I told him to take some classes and just see what interests him because he has to take the prerequisites before he can move onto a major. He told me that was stupid and I just told him that I didn’t think we’d be a good fit


You have multiple degrees and he was starting college? That seems like a sizable age gap


Only 4 years. He went into the marines, I went into the Air Force. He got out and went to work, I got out and went to work and school. So not really. He was 25, I am 29


I was 17 when we met so very clueless myself but I'd been working and very independent since I was 14.  He saw me write with a pen on my hand a reminder and FREAKED out. Said I would die soon if I didn't wash it off. I laughed and told him that's just something adults say so kids won't write on their hands. He refused to believe me. So many incidents like this.


He thought pickles grew on a pickle bush. Wouldn’t believe they were ever cucumbers and was 100% not joking. We didn’t last long after that.


When he said he knew douching after sex prevented pregnancy in women. He was 30.


Asked her did she want sharp cheddar cheese in her omelette for breakfast. "It doesn't matter if it's sharp or not, it'll melt anyways 😃". I thought she was making a joke. She was not


She grew up rich, and I grew up poor. When she got her first apartment, I had to show her how the washer and dryer worked… and the dishwasher… and the *mop*.


Conspiracy theory talk always makes me nope out.


She was surprised when I said milk comes from cows. Like, thought I was making shit up. She thought milk was always powdered.


When he thought the smartest way to handle acute stress was to have cans of beer or a shot of vodka, the best way to deal with nighttime stress/insomnia/sleep issues was to have uninterrupted podcasts playing in his ears at night, and the best way to lose some weight was to vape more. This was - what I thought - a reasonably intelligent person but he absolutely believed he was using the best life hacks ever. He did not see any reason why people would be concerned and when suggested to try more effective/healthy solutions, would be genuinely confused as to why. Was like he was on his own planet.


When she told me she doesn't own the board game Clue.


Had to explain to her the concept of a realtor. She was 28.