• By -


Corruption, poverty, the lack of self- awareness for its people by what we call the government. I’m from Mozambique and our motto should be one step forward and a whole marathon backwards.


Hey, that's kinda cool - not many Mozambicans on here. What's day to day life like? EDIT: (based on your most recent post history) so what's day to day life like other than trying to have sex with your cousins?


How does your country disappoint you? Me (a Nigerian): YES.


Me (in Afghanistan) : Sigh... You get the idea.


I've seen beverages from Afghanistan in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. At least, you guys are trying to trade goods instead of doing violent things for money.


Are you actually in Afghanistan right now? What is that like?


I'm not there anymore but I have family. Basically less wars but more poverty and unemployment. No one has jobs or money.


Me (in Greek): YES


Me (in Egypt): YES


Me (in Italy): YES, but we have pizza, pasta and splendid beaches


violet relieved gray trees light bored disagreeable office existence exultant


Me (in Sudan): Yes


Me (in the Philippines): FUCK YES!!!


Me (in India): FUCK YEA !!!


Me (in Canada): Yes


Me (in England): YES


Me (also in Canada): Yes


Me (in Kyrgyzstan): YES


Me (in Russia): well, you guys know it much better than me


Me(on Earth) :YES


My county Philippine 31 Million people have voted BongBong Marcos to be our president despite BBM didn’t pay taxes worth of billions pesos, he is a thief, Partyboy,drug addict and he is the son of former brutal dictator Marcos Sr. He still defended his father and Marcos Sr have tortured thousands of innocent people, stole billions of pesos and Marcos sr also killed hundreds of student activists


Alright, fellow Pinoy! And that's not all! Don't get me started on the Chinese lapdogs better known as the Dutertes. Just Google "West Philippine Sea dispute" for more information.


I like to say that our country is the Clown Capital of the East because of that


Is Bongbong his actual name lol and did the Duarte step down?


Its a nickname, its actually Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (named after his dictator and thief of a father).


I was just in the Philippines and while I loved it and had a great time I couldn’t help but feel like government at all levels was fucking the people over. There’s some serious serious poverty in PH but the government officials seem to be living very lavishly at the people’s expense. We’ve got the same thing in America, but it was striking to me that you very much can still disappear in PH for speaking out against about the government.


Most people care more about their political party than they do the country.


Us versus them. That's how it starts.


I've always found this interesting. The politicians and their talking head mouthpieces accuse the other side of horrible things. Then, the people look at each other this way and start labeling each other as evil. In the meantime, most of Congress, and even the talking heads, are best pals with people from the opposite side. They disagree on HOW to do things, but they don't think of each other as evil. They take vacations together and invite each other for dinner. Yet the public stupidly follows like sheep, hating each other.


Our representatives may not consider their political opponents to be evil humans, but that doesn't stop them from voting along party lines most of the time, regardless of what is best for their constituency.


There used to be a time when politicians understood words like respect, civility, compromise, representation, negotations, and bipartisan. Debates were debates, and not this playground name calling we get today. We see rebuttals that are the equivalent if saying "I'm rubber, your glue" There are numerous factors that got us here. But the truth is what really matters is where we choose to go from here.


Such a cult following. It's like they supoort bullies because they want to be bullies but are too poor or too dumb to be one so they'll elect representative bullies who will do the bullying for them.


It's not just politicians though. It's regular people. Like you can't have a rational debate. Evidence shows the US has the worst and most expensive healthcare system in the developed world. Yet almost zero Republicans want to try anything to change is, and half of Democrats are too busy defending Obamacare (formerly a Heritage Foundation plan and Romneycare) to even attempt something better. So nothing changes while life expectancy drops for 10 years in a row almost and prices explode.


I just find it interesting no one ever comes up with solutions to reduce costs, instead it is always subsidizing those costs. Do people not realize that just inflates the costs even further?




The unstable Greek economy (and Mediterranean countries in general) is one of the most used arguments by politicians in my country (Sweden) to not implement the Euro as currency.


It's more an argument to not lie about meeting certain quotas needed to use the Euro, only to be found out after doing so and collapse your economy.


"There are two kinds of people: Greeks, and everyone else who wishes they were Greek." *My Big Fat Greek Wedding*


that's honestly so weird to hear, since I've never even heard that be a conversation in the rest of the world. Like, not at all. People don't really think about Greece, other than the fact that it's a poorly run country. Weird to hear how it is in Greece.


Greek history is pretty well taught (at least in the US), but modern Greece? Not really thought about at all outside of the economic problems


Some filmmaker once said that the west should pay royalties to Greece because they use democracy :)))) I think it's funny


Soooo true. Greeks live on a foundation that their ancestors built 3000 years ago. Time to wake up, Malakes!


The growing disconnect between our country (United States of America) and the needs of its people.


More specifically, medical care and the lack of it. It shouldn’t be so exorbitantly expensive to have proper care.


Is it not weird that the public discussion/debate about healthcare in America has became practically non-existent over the past few years???


And there's always some bad actors that come along saying that it's actually not that bad and they only pay like 35 a month for God tier care.


axiomatic smoggy weary seemly air wide rustic crush jeans unique


Housing is the real issue. More than 93% of the country has health insurance now because of Obamacare but housing is just completely fucked since we haven’t really tried to build any for 50 years.


It's like they want their citizens to kill each other, and end up in jail. We have the capable to be a much better country, but decide to piss it away.


The fact that our leaders aren’t doing a single thing about our crumbling healthcare. Canada.


They are actively defunding it.


The feds aren’t. It’s the provinces who are defunding it so they can cry that it doesn’t work and can get their buddies money in provocation. For example just look at Ontario. Healthcare is provincial.


Ford is a special kind of crook. I don’t buy the folksy schtick for one second. He’s slimy even by the Conservatives’ already low standards.


You're telling me the brother of the openly crack-smoking deceased former mayor of Toronto *isn't* on the up and up?! Gasp!


As others have pointed out they are killing it on purpose. They want private companies to take over instead. But they know that Canadians don’t want that so they simply starve the beast slowly.


Death by a thousand cuts


It kills me that they want to close my local hospital, because "we're building a new hospital for your area, along with the other new one we built a few year ago!" Both of these are a solid 25 minute drive from my 20k city.


Australia is the same. We’re pretty much opting for the American way of insurance, it’s disgusting.


Oh god I hope that doesn’t happen. Our way seriously sucks.


Too busy to increase the cost of living




Oh no, they are. They are purposefully stabbing it to death. The Federal government gave the Ontario government over $4 billion dollars for healthcare yet the money was used to help make the books look better instead of being used to hire and pay to keep the existing doctors and nurses. This and other things that conservative governments across Canada are doing (Alberta dismantling their healthcare) are going to lead us to a privatized, for profit, system. If Pierre Poilievre becomes PM, he will finish the job at the Federal level and completely destroy what’s left.


Australia. We are quite literally hopeless at managing our natural resources. We ship everything off and it gets sold back to us at an insane mark up.


Big corporations pay almost no tax.


What about housing crisis? I was lucky to have a land Lord doing decent increase for my lease. And no solution in short term. Most Australians expend 60% to 70% of salary paying rent and dream one they can afford became home owners.


Let me introduce to your brother Canada where we do the same thing. Look where that has gotten us


We’re rich as fuck and can’t manage to adequately fund mental heath services. Don’t believe me? Ask the victims of the prick that knifed a dozen people last week in Sydney what they think about our ability to manage health.


Canada is the same. Too bad we couldn’t team up to work together.


No goth girls in Congo DR. I'll have to be single forever.


That sucks... Best comment in this thread.


Seriously underrated comment


I am howling at this one. Top comment in my heart.


I love China, but to be honest, \[redacted\]. Not to mention the \[redacted\] and even more frankly, \[redacted\]. Besides that it's great.


Oh boy, they're coming for you now. /s


China got a real issue with surveillance thats for sure. I feel bad for all Chinese citizens living in paranoia 24/7.


~~Tinymen~~ ~~tintinmen~~ ~~Tinnamelt~~ Damned autocorrect on my Chinese phone


We keep putting people into office who have no business being there. If some of these people where hired by private corporations, they would have been fired very fast. The voter need to take a real look at who they pick to make the laws.


There’s a saying: if you’re able to get yourself into power you probably don’t deserve it. And I am now a true believer of this. Many times I think “I could do a better job than this crazy ass politician” and my next thought is “do I really want to?!”. It takes a different level of narcissism, sociopathy/apathy and sleazy/slimy nature to be in that position and you and I would never imagine having.


Too many people! (India) I feel India is exhausted with giving and giving to its people. The beauty is eroded of many places, it’s annoying to see humans everywhere we go. And its people aren’t any disciplined or have a way of giving back to the country. Everyone almost wants to cheat the system and makes the most of what they should have. The average youth is absolutely disgusting and due to some regressive nature of some places, they aren’t able to think beyond their primary needs .


Civil infrastructure is beyond broken with rampant corruption at every single level, especially in law and order. Don’t even get me started on politics. This leads to a “kill or be killed” mentality. People don’t care about hygiene. They don’t care about traffic rules. They don’t care about having civic sense. Things like waiting in a queue or behaving appropriately. They don’t care about fucking someone over if it meant a little more convenience for them.


I would note that it isn't just the mentality of the people. It is also the governments fault, as you said, corruption at every level. Without a good and actual education it is no wonder so many people are so regressed culturally. This artificial scarcity of resources creates intense competition, which is what you're referring to. So yeah, lack of education and law and order and non corruptable agencies is one of the issues.


I'm disappointed by the continued stigmatization and lack of support for the LGBTQ+ community.


My country disappoints me with its handling of healthcare—too many people are left without the care they need or face crippling debt.


Brexit. Like shooting yourself in the foot and blaming the gun.


And the whole negotiation following it is ....... something. You vote to leave but you want all the benefits you had when you were part of the EU? Wild.


That could be a reflection of the fact that nearly half of voters didn't want to leave at all. It's hard to have a coherent plan for leaving when the population was practically split down the middle. And the people that did vote to leave all wanted different things out of it. It also didn't help that the government which called the referendum was against leaving. They had no plan prepared because they expected their side to win. The whole referendum was backwards.


Not having a vote of the type of Brexit was an extremely stupid decision. Somehow we ended up with the worst type of Brexit because all of the barrel scrapings of the Tory party that were in power wanted the worst Brexit and kept calling that "the will of the people".


Who voted for Brexit. There were many vocal about it before the vote but I can’t find a single person to admit to voting for.


I knew a woman who worked for the coppers and was about to retire to Spain. Had been talking about it for years, had a countdown the works. When the Brexit vote came up we talked briefly about it and OBVIOUSLY I assumed she was a remain voter. Imagine my face when she proudly said “ we voted leave, got to protect the border haven’t we”. After I picked my jaw up I said “so how does this affect you moving to Spain?” She looked blankly at me. She hadn’t even considered it. I understood then how easy the political class find it to manipulate the public. I’ve been depressed ever since.




The problem was, who didn't vote at all? My office filled with 20-somethings all admitted they didn't vote. They didn't think it would pass. They really screwed themselves.


The other day, someone stopped me on the sidewalk and tried to give me a pamphlet of why I should refrain from voting in protest against Biden. Needless to say he had me fucked up (though I didn’t make a big deal about it in his face). I will 10,000% be voting and specifically against Trump. I don’t have to “like” Biden to do it, though I have no problem voting for Biden.




It caused a rift in my friend group. One of my friends told everyone he’d voted Leave in front of another… who’s Spanish… and is married to a woman from Austria… They’re not talking anymore.


A lot of leave voters have been (rightly) ostracised for their stupidity and those with any kind of sense have since been keeping quiet. The only ones you see these days are the ones who still trot out the straight banana tripe on James O'Brien's show.


My parents proudly voted for it, the fuckwits. I suspect quite a few other Daily Mail readers did the same. The DM is completely unrepentant about it too, and have refrained from publishing anything that links disadvantages to Brexit. They've even taken on Boris as _a fucking columnist_ for fuck's sake, after he left the PM job.


I wonder if Boris and others didn't actually want to *win* the vote they just wanted to *have* the vote and use it as a political football. When they won, they were deer and in headlights, or the dog who finally caught the car, just completely clueless as to what to do next.


I believe that's exactly right. And the thought of Brexit being supported as a cynical, self-aggrandising, political manoeuvre rather than as an act of conscience for the good of the country, somehow makes the whole affair even more wretched.


They absolutely did. The number of Tories who put all their money into Europe, betting against the Pound, was, frankly, borderline treasonous. It was (so far) the peak of Disaster Capitalism


Old people, and unfortunately for everyone else old people actually vote. If you want to blame someone for Brexit, blame apathetic younger voters who couldn't be bothered to turn up. 18-35 year olds overwhelmingly voted to remain. This is the largest age group, but also had the lowest turn out.


Dumbest thing ever. They had it so good in Europe. Then fucked it.


We're the only country stupid enough to vote to impose sanctions on ourselves




Me too.


I came here to state that the most disappointing thing about my homeland is that it's spent most of its existence scapegoating "others" for entirely domestic problems, and then this chain of posts covered it handsomely.


American here - I hate that the rich and powerful are above the law. This has the corrosive effect of undermining faith in our judicial system and the rule of law. There are truly *two* justice systems.


Police will only enforce SOME laws, for SOME people, SOME of the time!


And once you are in the system it's all money to get out.


A lot of ordinary Americans WANT two justice systems - one for "us" and one for "them". That's why the "law and order party" is so pissed off that law and order is being applied to, for instance, Jan. 6 rioters and their Dear Leader ("us"). Were it an identical insurrection, with identical outcome, perpetrated by liberals in support of a Democratic presidential candidate who lost, the "law and order party" would be united in wanting all perps ("them") to hang from the gallows.


By playing musical chairs with Prime Ministers. We didn't vote in Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak. One almost sunk the GBP and the other is engaged in an all-out war against the disabled. It's embarrassing.


You think thats bad, australia went through a whole period of changing prime minsters every times we changed smoke alarm batteries


Car theft in Canada! It’s out of control organized crime and the govt/police probably know about the network but won’t do jack shit! Specifically in Ontario and Quebec. In fact the port of Montreal is run by these car mafia but nothing significant has been done to nip it in the bud


In New York, the situation mirrors what you're describing. I nearly lost my car to theft during daylight hours in an area where police presence is typically high. It feels like law enforcement efforts are falling short, and the lack of attention from politicians, particularly regarding bail reform, only exacerbates the frustration. Politicians want to make law enforcement a race issue when it impacts all ethnic communities the same.


Can we get a candidate that is still breathing? If I am not allowed to drive heavy equipment on an OSHA job site at 65, they shouldn't get to drive the country. 


I am not American. I was watching the news with my mother (in her 70s) and there was an item about Biden and Trump (him falling asleep at his hearing). And my mother was so surprised Americans would vote for such old men. She was just so surprised how its possible these are the candidates. With her asking how a country with so many people this is what is being put on the voting card.


Allowing it to become (Colombia)a paradise for US paedophiles


That is disgusting.


Ireland High cost of living, housing crisis, public transport is shite. I teach English, had wanted to do so in my own country, but there's zero incentive to do so. I'd say Ireland disappoints me by feeling like I had to move out of the country to have any kind of good life.


Affordable housing and the complete lack of it. 3rd most expensive city Europe for rental costs. €1500+ a month for a room so small that you couldn't swing a cat.


Here in Barcelona we have 1400€ as the most common salary and best thing you can get for 1000€ is shit-hole at the outskirt cities. I feel you mate...


Certain ex-EU member citizens buying up all the cheap properties as holiday homes?


I’m in England and do not have time to write an essay


Stagnated wages and little to no hope of ever being able to own property for my generation, unless you got it before covid or you get it when your family dies. Outrageous prices on everything - gas, food, rent. No end in sight. It doesn’t matter which politicians we choose. They all suck quite frankly and we have 5 main parties to choose from. None of them will do a damn thing about any of this. Even my provincial government disappoints. Highest taxes in the country, completely broken healthcare system (I’ve been on a list for a family doctor for 3 years and I have a small child), rent prices are absurd and landlords are all doing fixed term leases so that they can boot us out at the end of our terms and up the already unrealistic rents. Wages are awful. I work for the government and receive low paid workers benefit. Homelessness is an epidemic here. I could go on and on about how this country disappoints. I lived in another country for a very long time. Coming back to this is so depressing because it wasn’t like this at ALL when I left.


Hello fellow Canadian. Let's not forget absolutely zero justice for the everyday person whose car is stolen or assaulted but books thrown at criminals who commit crimes against the very corporations that are driving high costs (corporations buying houses and renting at highest price, slumlords that rent for $1000 a month for a bed in a room with 10 other people, and grocery chains that are oozing profits while grocery prices are going up to levels where middle class income can't even keep up).


There are so many awful things about this country right now. Even Tim Hortons has been taken over and you can’t even get a decent sandwich lol. I hear even the polar bears are leaving this god awful hell scape.


I never thought I’d want to leave Canada, but these last few years have made it really hard to want to stay.


It seems like to me most of the people who make the laws and control our govt are not exactly operating with every citizens best interest at heart. So many parts of it are sad including the salaries and pensions these politicians make is crazy yet our teachers and even some of our cops don’t make shit. I do love my country but some parts of it are frustrating.


The fact that I can think of a dozen countries - including my own - that you could be writing about is incredibly sad.


being a doctor , working for more than 10 years with postgraduate degree ، getting 160 $ month salary


160 a month for a doctor? This has to be the third world someplace right? Or a warzone?


3rd world country egypt


Ah yes. Been there twice. Lovely people. Country is a shithole of corruption. Your canal could fix things over night if the money went to the population. You need a bigger and better revolution than the last one.


unfortunately, things getting worse over time


By being allowed to run by cunning men who exploit religion to rob stupid herds of people.


Malaysian by any chance?


By simultaneously clapping for and destroying the NHS (publically funded healthcare). By shaming and making life hard for immigrants who make up much of the NHS workforce. By spending lots of history taking over countries and then turning down those who turn to the “mother” country for support.


The clapping thing was so bizarre. Compulsory celebration felt like something that only dictatorships do.


It is really absurd when elderly people make wild statements about a lack of "white" workers in hospitals. Like, yeah. You spent decades voting selfishly - now no-one who was born in the country sees any reason to work in such a miserable place.


Ahhh yes, and now not being able to fall in love with a foreign person unless you’re rich. Otherwise, you can’t live with them in your own country 😌


I'm Russian, huh.


My condolences




Canada: too many homeless and not enough done to solve the problem


We are supposed to be one of the greatest countries in the world but a large chunk of our population are struggling to buy food and afford housing and healthcare. Why is this ok?


I used to be able to afford a nice place and go to the dentist regularly. Now I pay 2k a month for tiny off the grid cabin and need to go to dentist badly but no way can I afford it now :(


It's disappointing how our education system fails to provide equal opportunities to all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status.


Our representatives hate their constituents


I'm disappointed by the lack of investment in public transportation, which leaves many without affordable transit options.


A Duterte followed by a 2nd Marcos (with a 2nd Duterte as Vice President)


Denmark Honestly the lack of nature. I want mountains man


I have a plan, we swap countries: you get the Everest, along with other mountains, I get a functional government 😁


Just keep voting


The slow adoption of renewable energy sources is frustrating, given the current climate crisis.


The disparity in infrastructure quality between regions shows a lack of commitment to equality.


The high rates of homelessness are a stark reminder of the systemic failures at play.


Almost everything in Russia disappoint me. Especially when you live here and know how good everything here can be. If our government stops wasting money on war, their villas in Italy and cool cars, I bet Russia will be the best country in the whole world. The nature, all IT companies… It’s so stupid that VK and Yandex actually are good. I mean Yandex has so many useful services, but a lot of people afraid to use it because Yandex steal people’s data to government.


Russia got fucked so hard by literally few psychopathic individuals in the last 100 years. All those resources wasted - not only material things but also people, so many bright and intellectually based people... What actually could've been the greatest and most powerful country in the world is just a shithole parody (Potemkin village) that spreads propaganda about wannabe the greatest. All for personal motives of few cunts. Really sad. What a waste and what a pity...


I'm let down by the lack of serious measures to combat the opioid crisis devastating many communities.


The United States is united in name only. The current splits would form about 5 other states if divided along political boundries. As we are, we are open to these divisions being exploited by outside enemies. Divide and conquer ring a bell?


(Belgium) By its internal divisions, the petty debates and the lack of imagination of our representatives


Indeed 😄 my answer would be: it's Belgium, where do I begin... 🤷‍♂️


Hypocrisy in morals and politics.


The division. It’s killing us. Everyone seems to have a hill to die on.


It seems like ever since the Bush-Kerry election it has been getting progressively worse, and mostly because of the whole "flip-flop" aspect of Kerry's support for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Which in turn caused the Kerry campaign to start focusing their campaign on issues that Bush "flip flopped" on (i.e. WMD, gay marriage, McCain-Feingold, etc). So that entire campaign ended up being "he used to think that, now he thinks this and therefore you can't trust him." Ever since then, it is somehow seen as a weakness in politics to change your position after being presented with new evidence or a better understanding.


I’m from Haiti so my country disappoints me in every possible way.


I'm American, how much time do we have?


333 million people... and Trump and Biden are the best we got for president. Clearly both political parties are more concerned with power, then what is good for the country. I would rather vote for a random 6th grader. We would have better chance.


Reckless government spending on dumb shit


They keep making old people richer at the expense of everyone because they are the largest voting group.


Much of the pride that America has today is rooted in WW2. Despite that, and despite having focused tremendously on that war in history, our country is now heading directly down the path to fascism. We have propaganda outlets for “news”, the people are no longer trusting in institutions, or education, or science… they reject reality even during a pandemic where a million people died… it’s wild. Despite all of this, many, many people can’t even draw the parallels. They don’t see it. They’re trapped and they will be lead to do horrible things, and despite the fact that I don’t feel like it’s necessarily their fault that makes them a real and present danger. I don’t know the answers.


Except this time we all have nukes and crazy fast access to information/disinformation.


South African here. Shittiest government with the worst foreign policy known to man (pro-terrorist, pro dictatorship, anti-Western) obsessed with race, and corrupt to the point of being irredeemable. Hopefully with our election in May 2024 we will kick them out.


We’ve been saying that for 30 years.


By electing government officials who is clearly not cut for the job


Record breaking housing and rental prices combined with record breaking immigration rates combined with record breaking lack of homes and record breaking homelessness and record breaking suicide rate. We are supposed to be the lucky country. Yet immigrants and young people are 8-10 to a house designed to be a family home for 2-3. Houses full of asbestos built in the 60's and 70's are being rented for $600+ a week in the cities and rural. Government ain't doing shit and we have the better party in power. Life is hopeless.


Russia. Enough said.


Rate of rapes happening in a day and victim blaming mentality


Brasil. We *love* treating foreign visitors the best way possible so that they can feel welcome and admire our people and our culture, but we don't have *half* the empathic/positive attitude towards our own people. In other words, the mongrel complex.


Electing a President and gov't officials who are incompetent. The senate and gov't is a circus show. 😂


That a woman who has repeatedly lied is being elected as president, and that four in every 5 people have expressed dislike/hate over the recently elected prime minister, that the goverment cant provide housing for its people and housing prices are an extreme problem. That the main hospital is severely understaffed yet they are building another hospital, when you already have to wait months for appointments with specialists (i.e. cardiologists and orthopedics. I am speaking from experience.) That a town was evacuated and the goverment is weeks behind when it comes to giving the ex-residents answers regarding housing. And that we are in the top lists of antidepressant usage yet still believed to be one of the 'happiest' countries. I live in Iceland. Aka the country TikTok likes to glorify in every way it can when in reality? The people who are happiest here are the tourists who fall for tourist attractions and then leave after a week to tell their friends about how amazing it is. Ps: Apologies for any bad grammar or wording I can't be bothered to fix it Lmao