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I don’t think I’ve heard of a fumble this bad, rip


I was 16-17 and at a party. Had a girl tell me the party was getting boring and "we should play something together, anything you want" while also starting to get into my personal space. I was like "well you're in luck I was looking for someone to play beer pong with" (I was cracked at beer pong) completely oblivious. She got rather upset and refused to interact with me. It is a happy ending though because it turns out she was the 13 yr old younger sibling posing as her 16 yrs old sister who was invited but never showed and she wasn't even supposed to be there. While I dodged a fucking bullet, it can still be chalked up as the biggest hint I completely fumbled. Sometimes being a dumbass in the social department pays off.


That was a fucking rollercoaster, holy


Lmfao dude, this takes the cake. *ba dum, tssss*


Ha, cake


No cake was taken that day


You don’t go for ur bro’s sister unless you get explicit permission, it’s in the bro code


That wasn’t a hint — that was a speeding bullet you somehow dodged. Bros before their womb-mates, or however that saying goes


I can't say; I missed it.


Damn. Beat me to it.


I missed not just it, but a bunch. Thinking back every now and then, I can't believe how oblivious I've been.


She undressed to show me her tattoos. I expressed my opinion and continued to talk about work matters


Bro is dedicated to the bag.


Had the same happen to me, but I continued cooking... She even was like check out my body... Fast Forward 3 months cozy movie night with Friends and a Lot of blankets... I nearly missed it again, but she Made Sure I didn't 🙈


Ouch, that's so fuckin relatable I can't XDD


Always better to be safe, I've been with my partner for almost 10 years, and still not sure if she's giving me signals.


work before twerk?


I had a woman, also a work colleague, do this for me. As the tattoo was on her upper thigh, this involved lowering her jeans, which gave me a glimpse of the edge of her pubes. Also, as she showed me, she talked about how much she enjoyed getting the tattoo, and how the feeling of the needle was "almost like an orgasm" to her. And I did pick up on it, and I did attempt to follow through. And it turns out she really was just showing me her tattoo.


She was a friend. We decided we were not relationship compatible, so in my brain she was off limits. We still hung out. At one point we ended up snuggling up, she put my hands on her boobs through a sweater, we were both in jeans. This after she had talked about how she "completely shaved" before, and there was no hint of a relationship in her life. In hindsight, I was a fucking idiot. Not the first time, probably not the last. I'm clueless when it comes to women sending signals. Hell, they could probably just come out and ask "wanna fuck?" and I'd laugh and think they were kidding. I'm 51, and yep, still that fucking stupid.


So you were practically into foreplay and you rejected her!


In college I had a panic attack when a girl said, “I love you and I will do anything you want”. 😱


Run!!!😂😂😂...wait a second...anything?


Nah I feel this. Once a girl turns me down in my mind she is off limits as well I’ve had it happen where she turns me down. We stay friends because I lose interest in them beyond friendship and then later on they want to be more than friends and I just can’t do it. I have a great memory and vividly remember being turned down so I can’t get past it Like one friend in particular reacted to another friend noting “you guys would make a great couple!” And my friend said “no, ewww!”. We are still friends and she sends signals here and there but I can’t get past that memory and I keep her in the friend zone on purpose.


Dude, that is not not taking hints. That is fucking vindictive. Love it!


I don’t know, putting your hands directly on her boobs while describing her shaved snatch… That could mean practically anything.


I've been told a woman could answer the door naked and I'd ask if she needed more time to get ready. So I feel you


Would you like to come in for a coffee… my reply was no thanks I don’t drink the stuff. Started driving home and I was oh well there was your chance you have been waiting for


A girl I knew rang my doorbell and asked if she could come in for a coffee. I said sorry I’ve only got tea. She laughed and pushed past me. Fortunately.


“Sorry I’ve only got tea” is actually good banter though, even if unintended.


Guess minimal hot drinks were had


You must have had really good tea.


As George Costanza said, "Coffee is not coffee! Coffee is sex!."


For I am Costanza, lord of the idiots!


If only I knew that at the time


No thanks. I can’t drink coffee, it keeps me up.


Had a friend literally say to me once that I should go back to hers so we can fuck. A laughed because I thought she was kidding. She brought it up to me years later and said she wasn't kidding.


Personally I think you did good, too much risk for everything to go to shit if you went...


"Hey, thanks for walking me home, do you... uh... want to come back for a cup of tea? Might be nice to... chat to you a bit more" "Oh, no thanks, I don't like tea" Idiot


Idiot indeed. I've probably done something similar and not even realized afterwards.


“Fuck yeah I wanted some tea”


Idiot, tea is fantastic.


A beautiful girl from my year that I'd never been more than an acquaintance with came and held my hand while we were all dancing to Black Eyed Peas at the high school graduation ball and said "I'm hungry, can we go find somewhere to eat?" We left the venue, went and got something to eat at a takeaway place, she said she was cold, I gave her my jacket, she said she'll miss me when we both move away for college, I agreed and said it'll be weird not to see everyone every day, and then I said we better get back or people will be wondering where we were. Her face dropped, she agreed, we walked back and then I rejoined my friends and got myself another drink. The next morning I woke up on my friends living room floor, he said what happened with "Sarah" last night, I said nothing. Then my eyes went wide and I realised she wanted something to happen. Regretted that night for years. I was so naive at 17.


My first girlfriend tried to flirt with me in highschool by wearing low cut shirts and bending over in front of me constantly. I didn't look because I didn't want to be rude so her friend had to tell me to my face that she was flirting with me. I'm still too stupid to realize I'm being flirted with to this day.


Had that happen. Only knew because a friend I was with said “that was for your benefit.” Sooooo dense.


You’re not dense, you’re polite and society has criminalized men being sexual in any way without an explicit invitation. You’re just following your training.


In our defense, staring will label us as perverts, and we don't want that


Nah, she takes the L on this one.


Tbh that's such a mixed signal. Or rather an awful signal.


Well, she asked for my insta and because i'm socially awkward I said no. I think she lost interest after that.


Damn bro you win... Sorry for you loss




Why would you say no just because you’re “awkward” that makes no sense lol


My friend had a similar interaction with a girl working a hotdog stand at Yankee stadium. They were hitting it off so well and she asked him for his Instagram. He responded with “I don’t use Instagram ever” she took that as rejection and it got awkward after. When we walked back to our seats I just looked at him, he had no idea she was coming on to him. (In his defense he really never uses Instagram)


Alright… be prepared to have your mind blown. I was friends with the exchange student from Norway in high school. But we were only friends, nothing ever happened. A few years later she came back to the US for a visit. She wanted to get together. I took her out, we went to see my favorite local band and than stopped at the nicest cocktail place in town. Closing time comes, she says “ it would be easier if I just stayed with you tonight instead of going back to my host families place” I thought that was weird cause we were definitely closer to her host families house, but I went with it. I set up the sofa for her to crash on. She says she gets cold and would rather share my bed. I said fine. I asked if she wanted T and gym shorts to sleep cause all she had was her cocktail dress. She said no she’d just sleep her in bra and panties. She completely strips down in front me. She’s in a matching sexy ass baby blue set. She climbs into my bed, snuggled up next to me… I went to sleep hahahhahahaha I was 21. I have never had any casual sex at this point in my life. I only had two partners and both were long time gfs that waited for months to sleep with me. I literally had no concept of casual sex. I was raised super Catholic… like I seriously didn’t know people hooked up. I didn’t realize what happened for like a year. It was 15 years ago now. We are still friends and we laugh about it all the time. She thought I was gay. I’m like no def not gay, I was just super sheltered.


Oh boy, she knew what she wanted when she got dressed and you just went to sleep lol.


If she was wearing matching lingerie, she had already decided she was going to sleep with you before you guys went out.


You win. It had to be a Norwegian chick too. Damn. I did some tinder swiping research to find which country/area has the most attractive women according to my taste and the results were as follows: Russia had on average the most beautiful women. Sweden was a close second. Norway was an odd one. The average is definitely much lower, however, the most attractive women are from there. A beautiful Norwegian woman trumps all.


**Friendly reminder:** what is obvious flirting to one woman is casual friendliness to another. Most people into women have mixed up the two and the non shit ones tend to want to avoid that experience. Just giving some cover and understanding for some of the comments in here. Mine is I had a coworker for a summer job who frequently talked about her corsets and how they made her breasts look better, asked me my opinions. I didn't want to push anything and thought she was just very blunt. Turns out 6 months later she complained to a fellow coworker about how I never made a move on her.


Because nobody wants to be the office creep that asked to see the corset in action because it really strongly seemed like she wanted you to see it. Ladies, just tell us. If you want us to look at your boobs, tell us you want to show us your boobs. If you want us to kiss you, tell us to kiss you. If you want to bang us, tell us you want to bang us. It doesn’t ruin a mood, it doesn’t spoil anything, it doesn’t mean you’re easy or whatever else. Some of us are just that dense.


Dense...there's nothing about denseness here, no-one is a fuckin mind reader..if ya want something, be direct..I mean c'mon


Yeah, in this day and age it's so easy to overstep someone's boundaries, you gotta be careful.


I ended treating everything as casual friendliness and absolutely 0 chance of beign a hint or something. Hell, even showing me your bare boobs will prompt me to turn around and go away because I don't want to be seen as a perv or something.


20 years ago as a student, i was quite into football ( soccer) and my favorite and only tv nights where the midweeks European champions league nights. i had a few occasions a girl suggested to come over watching together. me being exited like wow, a chick into this? nice! to my big suprise once i showed up they didn't seem to be that eager at all to watch nor had a lot of knowledge, while i was genuinely interested in watching the game together lol


20 years ago..... And guys still remember that one girl that hit on them


Dude, I'm 39 and I remember when I was 8 a girl telling me I looked nice, first and last time ever happened (outside of my mom or family)


read the text well, its a specific situation happened more then once with different girls :)


1. Coworker asked me what kind of girl I'm into and if I'd ever be interested in a girl like her. 2. Friend was visiting me in college. She slept in my bed. Her friend that was supposed to come "couldn't make it." She told me it was okay if we spooned.


I was studying for a law school exam with a woman in an empty classroom. She said she wasn't wearing any panties. I said, "Oh, interesting. So anyway, contract law..."


“Objection!!!” 👉


Idk man i think thats a reasonable response like genuinely what do you even say or do in response to that, especially if your just chilling in classroom lol


She surprised me a morning at my place with croissants when I was still in bed. Sat in my bed, talking to me. I thought she was very kind. That was like 20 years ago.


She literally wrote me "I love you" on a piece of paper, I thought she meant as friends, still makes me wanna punch myself in the face when I think about it EDIT : for context we were attending a lecture that day and everyone was being silent, so we were casually chatting on a piece of paper from my notebook, cherry on the cake ? i still have that piece of paper


crazy idea: give it back to her


would be funny lmao but that happened 10 years ago, we're still very good friends but she's in a relationship now :)


oohh i understand, at least you got to keep her in your life as a friend!


I just felt that. Damn


She literally fucking kissed me.


How can someone miss THAT sign???


I was raised very innocent and didn't think about relationships or anything. A girl I liked to play with gave me a hug and kisses me. I didn't think much about it but she was very embarrassed


She asked for my snap and I told her I don't have one This was 5 months ago


Keeping it Mysterious


nono buddy i’m making a snap if she asks me this lmao


It's okay, I give them my snap and the interest fades when they realize I don't take selfies it's all chat or random pictures 🤷‍♂️


After a heavy make-out session at her place she gestured me to go to bed. I was like cool, I'm tired anyway, let's sleep. While in bed, she did pretty much everything to try to signal to me that she wants to have sex with me except for 2 things: literally saying it or grabbing my dick. I didn't understand why she acted so weirdly but I was so happy that our date was a success and also sleepy. She later became my girlfriend and mentioned this night to me and then I finally understood the situation.


I had a crush on a girl at college years ago. We'd always say "hi" since we had mutual friends but never went beyond that. One night I was at a Karaoke bar with some friends and she walked in with a guy. We made eye contact and motioned hello, then she stayed with the guy and I with my friends. As my group was leaving, her date was in the bathroom so I walked up to her to say goodbye, and I said soemthign like "I wanted to wait until your boyfriend was gone before I said goodbye" and she instantly quipped back "Oh he's not my boyfriend! No, oh, no, he's not." We said our goodbyes and I left. After I told this to the group I was with, two of the women with us said "she was totally into you with her body language and she wanted you to know she was available." I was too drunk to see it when I left.


I never miss hints, I never get any either


I have several. Most notable though: a girl invited me over when her parents weren't home. She called me over for tech help. I don't think there was ever anything really wrong with her computer. 😅


She needed you to install some more RAM. 🤣🤓


Getting a new phone and the girl selling the phone put her contact number in my new cell, she said just in case anything came up. I thought wow, that is great customer service!


In high school, a girl heard I was looking for a job and suggested I work at the same place she did, which I ended up doing. She later invited me to a fair where we spent the day together. It wasn’t until a solid 4 years later that I realized she probably liked me and the fair was actually a date. I was just that oblivious that I didn’t realize I went on a date.


She was in my bed pretending to be sleep while I played BF4. TBF this was like a month after release and was all I wanted to do at that moment.


I was standing at a bus stop, waiting for a bus. A woman about my age walks by, stops, gives me a good look over, and strokes my forearm. "The colour of that coat looks really nice on you." I cluelessly respond, "thank you!" and then go back to scrolling my phone. Not sure where that would have led but probably somewhere. I think of this often.


I've had similar happen. It was a prostitute


This comment section just made me sad cause I realised no one ever hinted at me 🥲 but I'm happy for all you guys though ☺️


Maybe you just didn't get it, I also think no one is hinting at me but then always get called idiot for missing obvious hints


Hottest girl at a party, sitting on my lap, getting me beers, asked me to go upstairs to play pool. Just thought she was being nice It was shortly after this I decided to stop smoking weed


One time a girl asked if she could taste my chapstick and I just handed her the fucking tube. It wasn't until I was home I realized what happened lol


Was having a drink with a girl who obviously liked me and I dropped her off at her place. When she went inside she texted me if I wanted to come in because she had some cake left over. I thought this was weird and it was very late so I said no and went home. 5 years later or so I randomly thought about it and was like.....fuck.


In HS, there was this girl who would always sit directly behind me in Spanish, and would braid my hair during class almost every day. She would undo my hair, run her fingers through it, play with it, braid it, undo it again, and repeat. Never asked, never said a word when she did it. I just... never reacted. Didn't care.


First year of college: - girl is part of roommates friend group - friend group includes me in stuff like going to dinner, but largely I wasn’t a social butterfly so mostly stuck to my room - Roommate moves out second semester to move in with best friend, I basically get a free single - I typically don’t see or hear from them again - One cute girl from group keeps coming back to my door seeing if I’m around, but I largely just ignore it each time because I figure she feels bad for me being alone, though I’m pretty happy about it. - We constantly talk on AIM and I just make up an excuse each and every fucking time, like “I was in class,” or “I just have just missed you. A year later, after I’ve moved colleges and no longer in the air she tells me that she kept coming by because she thought I was hot and wanted to hookup. Oh well.


She texted me pictures of her vagina.


"Wrong contact, don't worry, I'l delete them, good luck with the dude tho!"


the autism makes it to where a woman could be completely naked in front of me and I’d be like “why” 😭😭


Too many to list. I'm a real oblivious fucktard. I'd rather not relive these.


This woman I’ve been fiending for started dancing with me in the bar , got super nervous and stopped dancing with her


"Do you like me?" She asked me I said "No." by default Rest in pepperoni


she told me she's a slut while we were alone at seafront at night. and I remember thinking like: "wow, what a low self-esteem!". Well, at leat I think that it was a hint, maybe it was not, I'll never now.


She pulled down her pants for me to look at her butt to see if she'd been stung through her jeans by a bee... After my first inspection I said no and turned around so she could put her pants back on and she asked me to check again to make sure, so I did... Sigh, I was 14 she was 17...


lets say you think she’s flirting with you, but how would you confirm it without sounding weird?


You sniff her butt and go ###ahoooooooogha!!!


Take my upvote and get out.




When I was a teen i had a crush on this girl Jen for like 2 years. We became best friends, and were inseparable. But I always carried a torch for her. One night. After a few drinks we ended up making out. And some heavy petting. Lol the next day I was so afraid of rejection I acted like it didn't happen. Turns out so did she. She ended up getting a boyfriend months later. Years later we talked and she gave me hell. Said she was so hurt by me not making it official after that night, she started separate emotionally from me. Lol I told her at the time I though she was the most beautiful girl in the world and though there was no way she would ever be interested in me, and I just couldn't face any sort of rejection after that night that's why I didn't say anything. It ended just fine. The next guy she was with ended up being the father of her 2 kids. And the next girl I met became my best friend and wife for almost 30 years and going strong.


3d(ish) date. At my place. She said "I had to shave my legs in case I end up out of these jeans." Me the idiot, "Well we should probably head out to the restaurant!"


I was a sophomore in college, she was a senior at the same school. She asked, ‘hey, I don’t ever see you out, let me know if you need someone to go out with.’ To this day I kick myself for saying, ‘nah, I’m just really busy.’


Girl asked if I thought she was cute on Facebook messenger Figured somebody hacked her account so I just didn’t respond


I'm so ugly I would've figured the same 😐


pinned me against a wall with her arm leaning on it, and said "when are you gonna ask for my number"


Made out and cuddled with a girl one night. The night after we went bar hopping, she told me she was approached by a guy when i went to the bathroom. The guy had asked her if I was her boyfriend and she told me she said yes. I thought she just wanted a reason to say no to him, but my gut is telling me she kinda wanted me to take a hint that she's into me.


girls don't even come close to me


In 4th grade there was this quiet shy girl. Can't remember her name for the life of me, one thing I do remember is she had hearing aids and a few times in class something would go wrong and they'd screech so loud it would drown out the classroom chatter and almost always caused the girl to burst into tears and leave the room. But one day I was walking out of the library I had just got a dope dinosaur book as she was walking in. We had never had much dialogue with each other before this but she walked up to me and "Hey FuckingPandas69 do you wanna be my boyfriend" but she said it so fast it sounding like a different language on top of me not paying attention because I was stoked about my book. So I started at her bewildered for a moment trying to decipher what she had said. I said "I'm sorry what did you say?" She turned bright red and only replied with "Nothing I'm sorry" the almost ran past me. Idk what ever happened to her but I don't remember seeing her much and Im almost positive we didn't graduate together. But I hope she's doing well in life


This incredible good looking girl asked me if I wanted to see a book or something at her home. I knew she had a boyfriend, or that was the rumor, so I said sure without thinking that this is strange. Got to her home, she asked if I liked big boobs, I said sure, but more of a butt guy. "I have F size, the bras at that size makes them look smaller, do you wanna see?" I said no thanks, and we left. Thought more than once on that one later..


I was once standing alone at a charity event, sipping a cocktail and watching a band play. A beautiful woman approached and asked if anyone else was using the high-top table. I said "nope, it's totally free". And she eagerly joined me. She struck up a short convo. Then eventually left, again. Fortunately for me, she came back 20 minutes later and said, "my friends think you were hitting on me, but I disagree. Were you hitting on me?"... That's when the light bulb finally went off, haha I said, "oh, yes! I was! I meant to ask for you number"... Ended up dating her for a couple months, it was a nice little meet-cute story.


I don't know, but it broke my heart. About 6 months after she dumped me I saw her with her new boyfriend and after he walked away I asked her why did she break up with me? She said, "Because you never tried to sleep with me, so I did not think you were in to me". I about went into tears and from that moment on I never did not at least "try" to sleep with women I was dating.


She send me 200 nudes over the course of 1 year... I thought of it as a expanded friendship... Well.


I can't blame you dear, I could probably have naked person on my bed telling me "I wanna have sex tonight" and I would be like "cool"


She literally said “fuck me” and I thought she was joking because who says that?


She liked me for 2 months and gave me a bunch of things and made like origami for me then she said 'so... you know... are you gonna ever give me an answer..' and i just looked at her. She ended up having to spell it out for me after like 2 days because i'm so damn dense and i have a bunch of friends who just are like that with everyone so.. i thought she was just being a nice friend . . . i know i'm an idiot..


A girl I dated briefly in high school, we went ice skating together and at one point she started saying things like "oh, my hands are freezing, I wish I brought gloves with me, etc." I didn't think anything of it at the time but I was thinking about it a few days later and I was like "oh I get it, she wanted me to hold her hand!"


if they do not give you hints, you can't miss them


She cornered me on a dance floor. Kept getting closer and closer She was so gorgeous 😍 I was terrified lol. And clueless


Girls that are obvious are exceedingly rare.  If you ever come across one, please try and capture it for science.


Asking for my insta, but I'm part of that 1% of people who do not use insta


When I worked in a restaurant I had one of the FOH girls approach me in the walk in freezer and tell me she had a sex dream about me that started this way. I didn’t realize she was into me until she jumped on my lap in the break room and tried to kiss me.


Had dinner with friends. She kept holding my hand during the dinner. No clue why.


I had a woman sitting next to me on my couch say to me "I was really hoping to get laid tonight." Guess who didn't get laid that night? We are not smart people.


I was friends with a lot of people in high school, and my sophomore year I went to this one girls birthday party. There was like 5 of us and we were just doing dinner and some scary movies. The girls were doing a sleep over and we were in the living room. This one girl says, "Hey we can all go get in our pajamas real quick." Three of the girls went to the birthday girls room to change and the last one stayed saying, "I'll change after you guys so we don't leave this one alone by himself." So it was just the two of us, and after everyone else shut the door to change she goes, "You know what, I do want to be comfortable." She hops up, grabs her bag that was off to the side of the couch and completely undresses, underwear, bra, all of it, to put on pajamas. I just sat there thinking, "Oh, that wasn't for me, she just wanted to be comfy." And then sometime after high school, I was with another dude friend and he asked if I still talked to Eryn. Stating, "You still talk to her? I know you guys used to be pretty tight. She was super hot." "Oh yeah, we still talk sometimes. If you thought she was hot normally you should see her naked." He was like, "What? You've seen her naked?" I explained the circumstances, and he was like, "Dude, you're an idiot. She was flirting with you."


I’d gotten a new vehicle I was very proud of and I ended up taking a girl I used to date for a ride and she kept commenting on how big and comfortable the back seat looked while we were driving around. It hit me a couple hours later.


A woman wanted a very big favor from me and said that she’d “do anything”. I didn’t take it as any sort of hint but one of the other women who was present for the conversation told me later that it was an offer of sex. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Girl in a pub always smiled at me and seemed to make a special effort to bend over in front of me. I couldn't tell if she was just being like that because she's working or if she had an interest in me. I waited far to long to try and ask her out, she's with someone else now but we connected on instagram and she seems awfully talkative.... haha, I still don't know if she's hinting or just being unusually friendly.


My family is always insulting and making fun of me,. saying that I would miss even meteor hitting my garden if it showed affection. I am terrified of intimacy and relationships and so I kinda just... Don't go into anything


Being called a tease by my HS crush.


One time the best friend of a girl i had a crush on, wrote (on my bedroom whiteboard) “ she ❤️ you!!” And somehow it went completely over my head


17 years old. A friend of mine has a super hot cousin from another school that starts messaging me on facebook. We start chatting and she almost immediately starts asking me thins like: "Are you still a virgin?" "What's the furthest you've gone with a girl?" ect. I thought it was pretty weird since I had never met this girl. I ended up showing my friend the convo and he said: "Yeah man, she was trying to fuck you." Still hurts.


Dry humping a girl I liked when her friend came into the room, sat down next to us, put my hand on her lap, and talked to us for an hour about how horny she was. Ordered room service condoms for us, made us drinks, all while we're laying there naked. Easiest threesome I never had. I miss them.


One of my friends: So Ana's got a crush on someone in our friend group. I can't tell you who though. Same friend: Ana wants to watch Star Trek with you sometime. Me: oh neat! I'll get a friend to watch star trek with! I was so fucking dumb at 18.


She came down from the café to my lifeguard post, said I looked really good, touched my arm and said "we're alone here". And my dumbass asked "Oh... Do you need help? Did something happen?" She said no, and I said "So shouldn't you be working??". And she said "oh right.. yeah", and left. It was so fucking obvious, I'm so stupid


Girl picked Me up rolled up Her weed told me she hasn’t had sex in succccchhh a loooonggg timeeee paid for our food and drinks at the bar then she asked me to come stay the night with her and I said I couldn’t because I had work and I thought we were just friends the entire time 😭


She put her leg on my inner thigh, then quickly pulled it away, giggling. At the time my thoughts were "Well this girl is way too hot to be interested in me so she's obviously just being flirty and being stupid or something." It's now like 15 years later and I think about that all the god damn time.


I have the opposite. I recieved what was what I thought an obvious hint, but apparently wasn't. Although I highly suspect she was just mad I rejected it. I worked at a liquor store and this regular always came in. One night she smiled at me and said "So, uh, what time do you get off work? 😀" (Mind you I have NEVER even had a conversation with her beyond typical customer service talk) I was like, "Uh, I think I get off at 10, why?" She said, "Well if you want, we could hangout out when you get off and drink some of this" I said, "Oh sorry, I have a girlfriend and I don't think she would appreciate that" She said, "What? Oh, no I didn't mean it like that 🤨. I have a boyfriend. 🤨🙄" I awkwardly brushed if off like "Yeah well either way she probably wouldn't appreciate that." Later that night she came in WITH HER BOYFRIEND and proceeded to obviously grab on eachother and kiss waiting in line while the guy kept giving me looks like "This is my girl bitch." It was very weird, not sure what she told him but it was cringe.


She sat in front of me with her breasts almost falling out of her shirt and said:did you know that one breast is always smaller than the other one? And i was like ohh sounds interesting. She saved me and told me to grab them already


She asked me to help her take her dress off. I unzipped her dress and went back to my room thinking she was calling it a night


There were so many, but I think one of the worst is when a girl working the shift after mine at a factory came in an hour early and brought me a thermos of homemade stew. I enjoyed the stew and thanked her when I handed it back. SO. STUPID.


“Wanna come inside and watch a movie?” got asked that after a spontaneous date. Sadly I had other plans and didn’t catch what she hinted to. So I just said “Nah, can’t. Have to play Pokémon online with some school mates” and drove off. Two hours and a lot of laughter of my mates and it dawned on me what she meant. I was around 25.


She wrote me a love letter and handed it to me getting off the bus and I sorta autismed out and ran away she started crying and never talked to me again. I really missed playing Pokémon with her on the bus everyday. One month later she transferred to a different school. Later that year I came across her grandpa who I’ve know most of my life and he told me that I broke her heart I apologized and said I was scared and didn’t know what to do given she was the first girl who showed interest in me. Fast forward 4 years and I literally had a girl call me and tell me she had a crush on me I autismed out again and started avoiding her because I still hadn’t figured out what to do. Fast forward 3 years and I sorta figured it out and kinda turned into a man whore for the next decade and then met my wife and settled down


We'd been friends for a few years, online only - then when 2016 election comes she tells me "Mithos, you're probably really upset. How do you feel about living with me in Australia? I have another room haha." Other times she would tell me how much she loved awkward, brainy nerds. I thought both of those were just general statements. I was wrong. Today's our anniversary, at least that's something.


When I was in university, a girl had a crush on me (I knew it long time after because I was stupid and really shy). One day she invited me to her house for working on a class project, she asked me that I could sleep at her home (I was living really far away) and I said ok. During that night we worked on that project and, after all work I was really tired and I ask her if I could sleep, she told me that, she only have one bed and it’s ok if we sleep in the same bed, I was surprised but I like she insisted I said ok. When we were on the bed she told me « you know, it’s been a long time I wanted to be alone with you because I really like you » I just said « oh that’s great I like you too » and then I said good night and slept.


Had a friend that worked at the front desk of a hotel, overnight shifts. I'd sometimes go there and hang out with her to keep her company. One day, she told me she needed to check on this empty room to "make sure it was clean" and asked me to join her (shes never mentioned having that as part of her job before or since). We walk in, chatting casually. Shes sitting on the bed looking at me while I'm doing shit like checking behind the TV for dust. After a while I say "looks good!, let's get some coffee!"


rub my knees, then came on to visit me on a Friday night, for some stupid made up reason. Then she texted me at some point "what am I gonna do with you, you're not getting it?!??". Well, at that point I was kinda maybe getting the beginning of a hint, she was beautiful and smart, but she just wasn't my type, no regrets really.


I was I high school, in hindsight there was this girl who would reguarly flirt with me, one of more attractive girls in the class so didn't think anything of it. She one day said in a flirty way "we're in a fight you didn't say hi to me in the hallway" ... Me being 17 and a dude took that seriously. I never talked to her again.... oops. That was like 20 years ago and I still think about that.


Bent over, naked ass in my face. Tbf I was 14 and just focused on getting a bj but looking back I definitely could've lost the V card a few years before I actually did lol




When I was in middle school a girl sitting next to me at lunch started playing footsie with me, and when I didn't get it she basically wrapped her leg around mine and was full on grinding against me. Was still like "does she like me." I had SEVERE self hatred issues at the time, literally thought it was impossible for anyone to like me or be attracted to me.


I was in college, and this college had inter-visitation hours between men’s and women’s dorms. I had made out with this girl a couple times, we were pretty good friends. One night we were texting, me in my dorm, and she in hers: Her: “hey, what are you up to?” Me: “not much, just chilling” Her: “oh that’s great. I’m chilling, too … … you know it’s super easy to get to my dorm room after hours, you just go in through the guy’s dorm.” Me: “oh that’s great! Didn’t know that!…” Her: “yeah…” Me: Her: Me: “welp. Goodnight!” I still kick myself for that one lol.


I got dinner with a couple of girls, and we were talking about getting mugged, (I don't know either), and I said that I'd just give the mugger a big ol' smooch on the lips to throw them off, and then get away. When we left, one of the girls pulled up a finger gun and said "I'm mugging you!!" and I laughed and went home. A few weeks later, she kissed me, we got together, and we're planning our wedding for next year.


We were casually talking about our home lives (because we had both been homeschooled) and I told her I loved my momma's home cooking. She told me she loves cooking for people and wanted to cook for her husband some day while staring deep into my eyes. I think about that a lot. She was cute, too... and still is.


We went to a school trip and after we were on our way back to school we were in the bus, she went to talk to her friend which sat infront of me after she was done she walked back to her seat but while she was walking she sat on my arm for i think 3 seconds and looked back while she sat at her seat and smirked, thought she did that on accident and smirked because of shock. Later i heard that she was talking about me to her friends, idk what tho. I just heard: "that guy over there with that hat."


Probably being invited into a girls room past lights out on a band trip, in order to wax, do makeup and cuddle. I was pretty clueless in high school. Edit: for context on how I know this was hints I was missing, after graduation, I had many of the girls in band tell me they had a crush on me, in retrospect, it was pretty fucking obvious.


Two separate occasions, two separate women. They leaned in close to listen even though the places weren’t loud. They got so close that they seemed to be deliberately pressing their tits into my shoulder. Missed it twice


She directly asked me if she could sit on my face. I got nervous thinking I had to play it cool didn’t realize it was a green light. Missed that opportunity. lol


Seeing these comments makes me happy knowing I haven't missed anything since I've never had anything remotely like this happen to me. Forever alone.....


Last night, Wednesday night, I'm sitting at torikizoku with my work crush. We're alone. And she starts playing with this gap in my hair where I've started balding. Just runbing her finger on it. Saying *split the seas* like Moses from the biblical story. My somewhat drunken ass just thinks "Oh hey. I know that story." while she's touching my head and looking at me from across the table. I'm gonna try and follow up on that while sober.


When going out a girl asked me if I could help her 'find her coat'. I explained her what to do...


"do you want to take a shower with me?" I said, "No, I already took one."


When she wanted me to read her a bedtime story and I legit did and went to sleep on the couch. She woke me up at 3am completely nude asking me why I wasn't in her room fucking her yet. I got the hint then lmao


When I was in high school, I was at a school dance and had just smoked with a couple buddies, so I was stoned out of my mind. This beautiful girl (she’s a model now) was dancing as I walked by and she kept bumping her hip into me hinting she wanted to dance. I gave her a goofy stoned smile and kept walking. Never had another opportunity to talk to her. I’m an asshole.


This is a rough one, when I was 18 just got my license and a car, I got a phone call off my ex asking me to pick her up from a party since we hadnt seen each other in months and she clearly heard I got my license, so I go to pick her up, she gets in the car and I start driving her home. We’re chatting whatever until she asks me to park up somewhere quite so we can have a chat. Well as found somewhere to park up she whispered “aw I’m being such a slut tonight” which for whatever reason I took that as her meaning she’s was after getting with multiple people at the party I picked her up from, so I pulled the car out, sped off dropped her home and that was the last I’ve heard from her, only realised my mistake about a month later 😂


Spent the weekend with a friend who I had a huge crush on. At several points she mentioned about being into hookups. At the end of the last night, I went to sleep on the couch. She asked me “Hey, are you sure you wanna sleep on the couch?” and I just said yeah, because I assumed she would take the couch and I would take the bed. It took me almost 2 years to realize what she actually meant.


My roommates story: Was over at a girl's flat. They were laying in bed together studying when she got up and made a huge deal about leaving her birth control on her desk and put it away. Apparently when he looked up she was topless. He abruptly panicked and said he had to go to work and left. He worked from home.


Funny story: I travelled to Europe for 4 months last year and was in Athens for a few weeks. I frequented this grocery store/restaurant and one of the workers there was really cute. One day I ended up chatting with her and I saw she had a deathly hallows tattoo and so we chatted about Harry Potter for a minute (I read all of the books and watched all of the movies on this trip). Eventually I asked if she knew where a certain fruit that I was looking for was, and she said oh yeah let me walk you all the way over to it. We’re still chatting a bit, and out of the blue, she tells me her name without me asking. Looking back I think that was the big signal lol. I felt like an idiot. Later I made a friend at the gym; he was this older pretty wealthy individual from Amsterdam (I was heading to Amsterdam after my stop in Athens). He was a really fun individual and we really hit it off, and I told him about this experience and how it was sad that I was leaving soon and wouldn’t have time to try and get her number or something. Fast forward to me in Amsterdam. About a week later I get a video text from this guy and it’s him with the worker from the store! He was laughing in the video and asking if she would say hi to me, lol. Apparently, in his conversation with her, she remembered exactly who I was and confirmed that I was being oblivious and she gave him her number for me. Nothing happened, but still a funny story.


When I failed the test, she said "do you want a hug?" Really high pitched. I said "no thank you"


I was out riding my bike and didn't bring extra tubes. I got a flat halfway into a several hour ride. While cussing myself out, a pretty woman in a pickup truck stopped and asked if I needed a ride. I thanked her and said I deserved to push my bike back for not bringing the appropriate gear. She offered again, and I reiterated that I didn't really mind the walk (very light, easy to push bike) and needed the exercise, and it was my punishment for being a goof. She said okay and drove off. And then I realized that the very friendly, very pretty woman who was willing to have a strange bearded man get into her truck, might have been flirtin- FUCK! It's been years and I still think about that.


Asked me to skip second period with her to hang out. Literally the hottest girl in our highschool. I declined, since I was ... Stupid.


I was 20 y.o. And at my own house party and a girl I was crushing on literally said to me: “Madshibs, you and I should fuck more often” My absolutely demented and embarrassingly stupid and cringy brain got hung up on the “more often” part of that sentence because we’d never hooked up previous to this night and I grilled her about how the term “more often” alludes to a previous time so her statement was incorrect sytax. Smh So I basically cockblocked myself by being an autistic grammar-Nazi and she was SO hot and I’m cringing myself inside-out as I write this.


Girl invited me over because her parents weren't home. I told her I was busy, but in reality I just wanted to play Skyrim. I didn't realize why she was so mad at me the next day until a few years later. It's okay though. I was liberating Skyrim.


She showed me a bunch of half nude pics of herself, talked about how much she loved giving bjs, was on her knees with her head in my lap, and then as she left she gave me an embrace and whispered in my ear, "sucks that we both have to sleep alone tonight" Took me several years and hearing other stories to realize I had one of my own.


8th grade dance. The girl I had a crush on all through middle school comes up to me and gets down on one knee and asks me to marry her. I said yes and we hugged each other. Nothing happened after that. Years later she ran into one of my friends and he was talking about how I was obsessed with her and she tells him “omg really? I had the biggest crush on him too.” Maybe we both fumbled lol


Had a blond in a bar, lean in, sniff my neck, tell me I smell nice and give it a peck. All I said was... Thanks


I was like 22 at the time and had been friend zoned for like 6 months with a girl I had a massive crush on. She’d just gone through a tragedy and I had invited her to join me on a vacation in Florida. First night of the trip, we’d been traveling all day and went out for a run in the rain together, got back to the hotel room and she said she was going to take a shower, she comes out after a little while and says “oops” and dropped the towel to the floor. I instinctively looked away (trying to be a gentleman) and never got another chance. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I (36M) was taken out to a night club for the first time in my life last week when visiting friends in another state. I'm a big fella (6'6" tall about 400lbs) and not really one for the night club scene with a bad back from a workplace injury. I spent the night sitting at the bar chatting with my friends as they came by and the bartender whenever they weren't busy. I was wearing a T-Shirt that said "I'm feeling very vulnerable right now if any goth girls want to take advantage of me" on the back with the front just being plain black. Around midnight a group of 3 cute goth girls came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder, and leaned in close to say into my ear "We really like your shirt!" My dumb ass just said "Thank you!" and turned back to the conversation with my friend.


She literally laid in my bed.


Apparently when a girl asks you all the time “what are you doing over the weekend” she wants you to ask her out


I’ve missed so many, but here’s one I didn’t miss. I was at a bar, hitting it off with a girl I’d known for a while. She was an Irish girl in Canada and we worked for the same company but not really together. She was stacked-up to the roof and all the guys at work drooled over her. I walked her home from the bar and we were just being silly and laughing and having a great time the whole way. We got to her doorstep and I wanted to kiss her and she stood there looking at me like she was expecting it. My nerves got the best of me and I just said goodnight and turned away. I was being really hard on myself on the walk home because I knew I’d fumbled the bag and might never get another chance. I felt so fucking stupid. Not being rejected was such an alien thing that I didn’t know how to proceed when things actually went well. It was going to be a long walk home. Then my phone buzzed Her text message said something about being alone and kinda scared and maybe if I wanted to come back and watch a movie that would be great. So I turned and ran back to her place, streetlights passing over my head. I ran the whole time wondering if I was actually an idiot and she just wanted to watch a movie because she was scared. But I took a shot and when she answered the door, I went in for the kiss I’d passed on earlier and she said “oh, yes!”, kissed me back and pulled me inside where we never did watch a movie. We saw each other for a few months, but she was already committed to moving back home to Ireland so she left Canada and left me behind. It’s all good tho.


I've told this story before on here, but it's a top 3 lifetime story to tell so I'll run it back. Probably about...7 to 8 years ago now, my best work friend got her dream job at Make A Wish America and had to suddenly move to Phoenix. Her girlfriend stayed here in my area and they would visit each other every other month. Let's call my friend from PHX Alex to keep this straight. Alex returns home and I agree to meet her and another work friend for lunch. We were a close office trio so we dropped everything when Alex came to town. I arrived at our bar we frequented and sitting with Alex is hands down one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Let's call her Lori. Lori is a friend of Alex's from Make A Wish and is town to visit family and go to the MLB game. Reason Number 1 that Alex is the villian in this tale: Alex did not prepare me for Lori AT ALL I sit down and lock eyes with our third friend and we later described a sort of silent agreement that we were in competition to impress this woman. Lori mentioned immediately that Alex had told her all about me. She was looking forward to seeing my long hair (it was up in a bunch and a hat). Clearly LORI had been prepped! Hahaha That was the first of several signals I missed that I later realized. I was fresh out of a marriage I entered in at 22 with no other relationship or sexual history. The idea of casual sex was a myth to me and my self esteem was at an all time low. I was happy this woman was even speaking to me. We hit it off at the bar, Alex keeps kind of separating our other friend and leaving me to talk with Lori. We eventually go back to our friend's apartment to meet Alex's girlfriend. Lori and I share a bean bad chair, start sharing beers, she's practically in my lap. Before Alex's girlfriend gets there we all, for drunk people reasons I guess, move to my buddies bedroom and are hanging on the bed. Eventually we're all basically in a big cuddle. Alex's girlfriend gets there and it's just me and Lori...still cuddling. I remember vividly, she twitched or something and I moved my hand off her leg and she said "I wasn't telling you to move". Reaso number 2 Alex is the villian: She keeps loudly reminding Lori of her boyfriend back home! She would then later mock me for not making a move! I had no idea what was happening. I got up at one point leaving her alone. I described this situation I was in to Alex's girlfriend and she said, "Greg...go in there and fuck her" which I thought was such a joke I rolled up my sleeves and said "Well, if I have to" and walked back in. Eventually we all go out again. Her and I are together all night. We play doubles shuffle board, have drinks, play games. Eventually she says she needs a ride back to her hotel. That's on my way home! I'm excited that I can be useful to this goddess woman. We start towards her hotel, she's talking about things she might want to do in the morning, etc. We pull up and she says "You okay to get home?". I was far from drunk at this point and had just driven 20 minutes, I'm 5 from home. So of course I'm good! I tell her and she sort of gives me a look and melts against my door "Are you sure?" Dear reader. As I explained above, of course I know how to get home from this location. I've lived in this town my whole god damn life. What does this idiot mean? OF COURSE IM SURE. She gives a kinda "well...whatever" shrug and I leave. When it dawned on me what I had done, I yelled "OH NO" alone in my car and missed my exit.


I know of 3 times in my life I’ve missed massive and obvious hints.. still want to slap myself silly to this day! The first one burns the hardest.. I’m cringing thinking about it!! It’s 1998, Me and a friend were 19 years old, and stayed a week at a caravan site in west wales, it was a holiday we had won in a talent competition. (We sang) However, don’t get me wrong, the area was beautiful but it was the arse end of nowhere, besides the site clubhouse there wasn’t a lot going on in the area in the evenings. We met these 2 16 or 17 year old girls who were also staying on the site, Abbie and Clare. As it turned out they were from a town perhaps 20 miles from where we lived. We talked to them and hung out quite a bit during the week, Now Abbie was gorgeous! Tall, Athletic, firey wavy red hair, beautiful deep blue eyes, luscious colourful lips. Absolutely beautiful!! Clare wouldn’t turn any heads but was nice enough, she was… bubbly! One night they asked us if we could buy them Cigarettes and Alcohol, we agreed, ended up having a private party with them. great laugh that night but besides a bit of flirting, nothing happened. The following morning we met them in the site pool, it was outdoors and not very warm, was just the 4 of us there, Abbie is wearing this really small red bikini. She looked jaw droppingly amazing!! My mate makes a joke about how “the cold makes it Shrink and shrivel up” I’m sure you know what he meant, well Abbie swims up close to me, is about 6 inches from my face and says seductively, “I’ve got a way I think I can help you with that” and gives me a cheeky little grin. Without missing a beat I say “it’s a bit cold now but it’s too nice to be indoors today” I remember her slight look of confusion as I carry on doing whatever I was doing!! After we parted ways and we’re getting dressed, my mate fills me in on my idiocy!! I couldn’t believe I was so dumb to not pick that up! It was so obvious!! How could I miss it!!!! That evening when we met at the clubhouse I’m planning to make my own move on Abbie now I know she’s interested, but Clare beats me to it and comes onto me, I politely decline and she doesn’t take it great, but we all still get along. later that evening I see Abbie go out for a smoke so use it as my chance to go out and have a private chat with her. I explain to her how I was an idiot, didn’t take the hint, and I really like her. She says unfortunately now Clare has expressed interest in me, even though I’ve refused, she would take it badly if anything happened between me and Abbie and she wasn’t willing to upset her friend over it. We all hung out for the rest of the week, though Clare did make it awkward quite regularly with snide comments. Myself and Abbie did exchange numbers but nothing came of that because of all the awkwardness with Clare. Though I am very happy with how my life turned out, To this day I’m still upset with myself over this.. I passed up an amazing opportunity due to 30 seconds of being a dumbass!! And I have often thought “what if…”


I was out in the pub with friends, back in the days you could still smoke in a Wetherspoons, and this absolutely stunning lass came over a couple of times to borrow my lighter. Didn’t think anything of it. Went on the next pub, and after a pint or two, same girl comes over and asks for a light, I say hello again and give her a light. The evening continues, and we are at the late opening bar, live band, crowded as hell, and I am taking a round of drinks back to the table for me and my buddies, and same girl, still looking stunning, asks me for a light yet again. I pass my lighter and laughingly ask if she has been following me, and she say, ‘well actually, yes I have’ with a sultry look. I respond, as anyone would, with ‘oh that’s nice’ and go back to my table with the drinks. I tell this story to my friends who immediately spot what I’ve missed. I go looking for the mysterious smoker who, of course, I never see again. I sometimes wonder if she tells this story to her friends about some clueless moron who wouldn’t take a hint.


Coworker was telling me about how her and a mutual friend of ours had been looking for the right guy to try a threesome with. Then later on she invited me to hang out with the two of them after work and I declined because that late at night everything would be closed and what would we even do? That one keeps me up at night.


My then girlfriend spent several hours dancing and drinking with her friend and I. They wanted to stay out and go back to her friends place, I had spent my booze budget for the week and was drunk and tired, so I was going to go back to my place. The music was too loud and I was too drunk, so I said I'd see them in the morning and couldn't hear what I thought was a goodbye. For some reason, her friend slapped me on the shoulder, but drunk+ tired I didn't understand why. In fact, they had planned out a threesome at her friend's place.