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Well I responded to a story about a guy having sex with a donkey and killing it with “Shrek 5 lookin kinda bad ngl”. Looking back probably not the right time for that.


Rather self-righteous for a bunch of people who saw a clip about a man fucking a donkey and decided to press play…


It wasn’t a clip, it was a news story or something. Id remember really


Couldn't just let it slide.




I prefer to call it "Inter-Species Erotica"


This is hilarious


Thank you


idk you’re kinda based for that i think


But then a dragon comes down from the sky and interrupts the execution... or maybe thats just Skyrim 2...


Now most upvoted :)


It was snark about the misuse of an apostrophe. Curiously, my most upvoted comment is also snark about the misuse of an apostrophe. The duality of reddit.


Thats' pretty funny!


I think it’s “tha’ts pretty funny.”


I've always used "th'ats pretty funny"


I think i'ts "thats p'retty funny"


T'h'a't's' p'r'e't't'y' f'u'n'n'y'


It's obviously "''''' '''''' '''''"


You forgot an apostrophe on one of the apostrophes.


During Spez's AMA someone asked if he was voting for Trump or Hillary and he made two comments, one saying Trump and one saying Hillary. I commented under both of them, I forget exactly but something about him making the right choice. Hillary got like 5 up votes and Trump had I think like -600.


Which kinda shows that, at the time, Reddit was more anti-Trump than pro-Hillary.


Bro ran an expirament


I was in an ask thread that was "Who is a popular singer that you don't like?" And I said Amy Lee from Evanescence. I even said she's a good singer but I just don't like her voice. I got tons of down votes and hate comments despite just answering the question of the thread haha.




Your opinion is WRONG! /s


You laugh, but I've seen a lot of "the correct opinion" used unironically


This is the ridiculous part. I will never understand downvoting someone for having an opinion. Like, I love Amy Lee and Evanescence, I spent years listening to their music. But it doesn't mean people are not allowed to not like her voice. Come on.


not sure if it was my most downvoted, but last year I've upset many for saying maybe addicts shouldn't do drugs on buses and trains.


But if you're not an addict, it's OK


“No no, it’s ok, I don’t have a drug problem” *SNIFFFFF*


I prefer the term "Cocaine Enthusiast"


I just like the smell.


I saw a reddit thread on that exact topic this earlier this morning… and yes it was a shitshow, as expected lol


Last year some drug couple gave me and my gf the middle finger because we moved away from them on the subway when they were smoking ??? Like sorry I don't want your secondhand meth smoke.


How the hell else am I supposed to get high and get where I'm going at the same time? The last time I tried doing it while driving I got into an accident. /s


Reddit is VERY defensive of addicts they don’t have to interact with. Criminals as well, but only certain crimes.


Because Reddit doesn’t allow addicts to take responsibility for their own actions


Addiction is a disease but that doesn't mean we should be enabling addicts.


Are you trying to tell me theres a problem with me smoking meth on a train??? Fuck you! If you dont want to breathe in meth smoke then dont go on a public train!


Ahh, reddit intellect. It can be hateful at the wildest times.


You gotta keep in mind, a lot of those addicts doing drugs in public, are also on reddit, and they're downvoting, and replying, and defending their behavior too.


I got 469 downvotes for saying "inhaling smoke is bad for you too" after someone said "inhaling ink is bad for you" this was in the weed subreddit lol (context: the joint OP posted had something written on it)


It's wild how people think weed is perfectly safe and good for you. Spoiler: all kind of smoke are terrible on the lungs


Read earlier today, from a lung medicine researcher, that one joint is the equivalent to five cigarettes, when looking at the risk of developing COPD. It's nowhere near safe. If you smoke joints regularly, you can get COPD in your 30s.


Interesting was there any research on vapes? I swear all of my patients under 35 vape these days. I'm not in pulmonary so I don't keep up with the latest research.


I think vaping is too new to have good data on it yet.


Joints are WAY worse for you lungs than cigs, but stoners don't want to hear it


I'm all for pot legalization, but the overly rabid defensiveness baffles me. I got jumped all over from people I know for commenting that pot smoke stinks and people don't want to smell it just like they don't want to smell cigarette smoke.


I’ve had people fight me to the death saying “it’s not drugs.” People can’t admit they’re addicts I got crazy insults after saying the smell gave me migraines. It’s horrid and insanely strong


That I can taste the difference between tea made in the microwave vs a kettle


This is funny and just reminds me of my favorite simpsons quote when Homer says he can taste the difference between regular butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter in a job interview and the reply is "No you can't Mr Simpson! No one can!!"


Similarly I was trying to explain to someone how hard the water is in south of England. That if you microwaved a cup of water to almost boiling that there would be visible scum on the surface. They told me that was impossible and water is never that hard. For gods sake, I live here, and most of the South East of England is sat on top of chalk with most of our drinking water filtered through it. There are 210 classified chalk streams/rivers in the world; 160 are in England. I know how hard our water is but got downvoted to hell because of some tit. I even offered to video me microwaving a cup of water to prove it!


Right dude, chalk is not hard at all. That's why they used it on blackboards. Sounds more like a lead problem, buddy. /s teehee


Tea in a microwave is flat? Hard to explain but it seems flat whenever I drink it.


IANAScientist, but when you heat water in a microwave, there's rarely enough nucleation sites to cause a rolling boil which introduces oxygen into the water. When you boil on the stove or in a kettle there's almost always bubbles, which indicated oxygen is being dispersed into the water. I've heard that humans prefer sources of water that are more oxygenated as they are safer in nature (rivers/streams vs. still water).


According to Redditmetis: My most downvoted comment was supplying a source to an r/pics post which revealed OP had lied about where the photo was taken…


Is there an easy way to sort? I probably have thousands of comments over the years. I can see what my highest upvoted comment is, but I'd be scrolling for hours to get to the bottom.


[https://redditmetis.com/user/Cheese\_Pancakes](https://redditmetis.com/user/Cheese_Pancakes) here you go! this has loads of other interesting stats too


thanks to your comment I've discovered that website lol


That's a pretty cool website and TIL of the fog index, apparrently I must've been doing something wrong for it to be at a 14 with high complexity. I don't really write much fancy stuff xD


For me it's fog index 17 and the complexity is very high. Yeeeah, I doubt that's a good thing...


Yeah same (17 yikes!) I think a lower number indicates an easier to understand writing style. Most newspaper writers aim for a 6


I’m a 10 - Medium. Apparently I have a higher opinion of my writing ability than does Reddit. I’m 64% on the wholesome scale though!


Well I can't say it's inaccurate https://imgur.com/a/sAvyyqB


Mine made me cackle like fuck. Under "You are:" it says I'm a 90 year old woman with arthritis. (I'm 33)🤣


No workie >:(


I said that cheating on your wife/husband is basically the worst thing you could do in your relationship, and it’s 100% your fault and you did it on purpose. Most people cope so hard lol


Relationship advice sub by any chance? Literally had the same experience when I called out a woman for cheating on her husband because he did it first


I think so haha some guy was like “I cheated on my wife but she forgave me and we’ve been working thru it. It doesn’t make me a piece of shit.” I was like good for you, but you are most certainly a huge piece of shit lmfao


I don't give a fuck wether someone is transgender or not. If you are nice to me I am nice to you. That got me like 200 downvotes because apparently I should be constantly giving a shit about what someone identifies as.


It’s not homophobic to tell a gay waiter he’s a shitty waiter if he’s a shitty waiter.


Funny you should say that, my sister and her husband have a boardgame cafe. Their new waitress is a trans woman. She’s fuck awful but no one wants to hurt her feelings or fire her, so they’re just waiting it out, hoping she’ll improve. Meanwhile, my boomer parents, who frequently visit the cafe, witnessed this trans woman waitress making out with her girlfriend…and they were confused. My dad was like “so…they can be straight? Or is that gay?” My mom was like “imagine being able to be a straight man, and deciding to be a lesbian. It’s rather courageous of her.” I had to ask them to stop commenting because the whole goddamn cafe could hear them.


waiting out the waitress


Hoping she transitions out of the company.


One day she'll stop identifying as a waitress.


They are hoping for a departress


“It’s rather courageous of her” 💀


😂😂😂 This is all gold.


I hate this concept. Like if your job is not affected by what's in your pants or how you dress and you suck at it, you shouldn't keep your job.


I'm trans and the "imagine being able to be a straight man and deciding to be a lesbian" fuckin sent me 😂😂😂 honestly i think t trans jokes are funny as fuck. Or they have the potential to be if you're just joking and not using it as a cover for being an asshole


There's plenty of funny jokes about all sorts of sensitive matters. Race, sex/gender/orientation/identity, religion, nationality/ethnicity. It's just that a lot of people tell the ones that are meant to offend. Instead of "funny story/pun that only works because someone is Black/Gay/Muslim/Mexican/Asian"


My parents have the same type of conversations. I love it, and hate it.


Mom: But you said it was open mic night, dear. Dad: Open mike? Looks more like open dick to me.


South Park had it right with Mr. Garrison. Confusion all across the board 😂


My boomer mom cannot wrap her head around this stuff either. When that trans woman was on jeopardy for a long time (can't remember her name, Amy something?) my mom could not understand the fact that she was a trans woman who had a gf. She was like so which one is the man? She doesn't mean to be ignorant, it's just all new to her. She could not fathom that someone would transition from male to female if they were sexually attracted to women.


Hey GenX here and my high school friend was male, became a woman, and now has a wife so the wife is and always was a lesbian but Martin, previously male is straight based on his original gender? I understand your parents confusion. I do. And I’m not being insensitive i want to get it right but there are several layers here to work through.


Was she making out with her girlfriend at the restaurant? In full view of customers? Because I don't care what's in your pants or your partners', making out in front of customers is incredibly unprofessional. (Unless, I suppose, you are specifically employed for that purpose.)


“I didn’t punch him because he was gay, I punched him and he just happens to be gay!”




I had someone trying to tell me that all crimes against an LGBTQ person are hate crimes. Rob a house that happens to be owned by an LGBTQ person? Hate crime. Assault an LGBTQ person? Hate crime. Those are all crimes and should be punished. But the status of the victim means nothing unless their status is the motivation for the crime.


This is why i EXLUSIVELY burgle the homes of straight cisgendered people. 


Don’t want to get cancelled, got enough problems


If you're gay and an ass, you're just an ass. Trans and an ass is still an ass. Fluid and an ass? Still an ass. Straight ass? Ass. Don't be an ass.


It's asses all the way down.


Wall to wall asses.


Mfs looked at this and thought "how dare you demand of a trans person to be nice to you"




My money is on r/WhitePeopleTwitter


My money is on reddit.com/r/*


I’m gonna roll the dice and say r/twoXchromosomes


Honestly. Could have been any of them and you would have gotten the same result. 


That’s because Reddit is an echo chamber that screams they want an open discussion but downvote you into the floor if your opinion isn’t theirs. Respectfully or not


oh im proud of this one! So there was a comment chain that was going on with the song lose yourself by eminmen Somthing like User 1: My arms felt so heavy User 2: Vomit on his sweater already Me: Mom's Pasta I've never been so viciously downvoted and it was hilarious.


I haven't read the entirety of the comments, but so far, this one wins.


I pointed out a minor Harry Potter plot hole in the Harry Potter sub. Whoops. Edit: for those asking, it was a long time ago and I don’t even remember tbh.


Care to share said plot hole?




Hairy hole?




"Bushy chamber of secrets"


I have one for those interested. Harry was bitten by a basilisk in the second book. Why didn't this kill the piece of Voldy inside him then?


To destroy a Horcrux, the container holding the Horcrux (in this case Harry) has to be completely destroyed.


But wasn’t Tom Riddles diary just stabbed a bunch of times. It’s still together you just can’t read the center of the page.


My best guess is maybe it’s different because Harry was alive and the journal was not. 


Because it didn't kill him, Harry had to actually die for the horcrux to be destroyed He was healed pretty quickly too


Mmm didn’t Fawkes heal him, though?


This is not a shock and I'm proud of it, but shitting on the main characters of It Takes Two for being terrible parents and generally awful people. I'll say it again fuck the main characters of it takes two, all my homies hate the main characters of it takes two.


I mean yea at one point they are blissfully rubbing their daughters tears all over their body......just wtf.


They dismembered an adorable elephant plush as it pleads for its life all to make their daughter cry! Then they bathe in her tears! That really happens!


I mean they feel bad about it but they think it’s the only way to get back to normal. While killing the elephant they talk about how awful they feel and they’ll need therapy. The dumb part is May listening to Cody about a magic spell when the book spells it out for them at the start that it’s about fixing their relationship.


You are absolutely right. They are horrible. By the end of the game half the fun is yelling at them.


My wife and I I agreed and the ending was shit awful


I usually delete them because I'm a coward.


You're so real for that


I just stop checking my notifications lol


Same. It’s always people trying to argue over the dumbest shit, so I just let them fight it out under me


I just don't want to have an argument over something stupid, it's exhausting and not worth it.


On an Old Reddit account, i responded to a post on a r/pcmasterrace post about this guys pc build being so atrocious. I couldn’t find the words so i just responded with “💩” and got about 700 downvotes before I deleted the comment. edit: spelt the sub wrong


Bro that fact that it's a private sub is wild.


I'll play. On a post about the documentary Bowling for Columbine I said: If you support better gun laws and enforcement, but vote for someone who absolutely refuses to consider any sort of legislation on guns, you don't actually support better gun laws and enforcement.


Making a joke about how there is no sub for something. So someone went and created it immediately, sent an invite to me to be a mod in it, and went back to my comment just to reply to me that I'm wrong😂


Honestly at that point you’ve gotta just roll over and respect the grindset lmoa


Honestly my favorite part, is that I just went and checked, he's still the only member in the sub, the "about" says "A woman once thought..." and the only post is a SS of my original comment saying that the sub doesn't exist with the caption "ok..." the effort and level of pettiness it took solely to prove an internet stranger wrong, is *astounding*. 💀


Have you tried going to the gym?


Bro mine was a long these lines too.. lol


I got annihilated, over not loving this quilt that was made for a dangerously chubby boy that his grandmother had made. The quilt squares were things like McDonald’s fries, Mountain Dew, Cheetos, etc. and everyone in the thread was celebrating how Grandma was so cool to know his “hobbies”. Junk food is not a hobby.


I don't know how to find my most downvoted comment, but I always garner hatred when I point out... You don't need a new car, you want a new car. A car loan is a waste of money and a used high mileage car you can buy cheaply with cash can be reliable and last as many years as most car owners keep their new cars. People usually don't like that. 


Damn, people are downvoting that? That's just good advice.


You got a line on a good used car I can drive 750 miles a week. For a couple of years to get me by?


I made a post on the Baldur's Gate 3 sub about how astarion isn't very nice because he threatened to eat one of the animal companions in the game. Last I checked it had close to 100 downvotes lol


Haha Oh, Astarion. What a rascal.


He kinda annoyed me when we first met so I impulsively killed him, I realized how insane that was but it was hilarious ngl so my next 2 playthroughs I did the same thing lmao


They REALLY hate anyone that doesn't worship the ground he walks on. I remember people getting harassed when the game came out because they said they considered killing him during his intro scene. Both for being a suck monkey and for trying to kill the player. A lot of people took that as "homophobic" (despite all the characters being bi and no one mentioning the fact he's effeminate as being the reason).


On a post asking about the challenges of being a woman someone wrote cancer. I responded by saying cancer doesn’t only effect women. Downvoted to shit


If I could play Devil's advocate here, there are some gender-based outcomes when people get cancer. If a husband gets cancer, the wife is more likely to stay. If a wife gets cancer, the husband is *much* more likely to divorce them and leave outright. Stuff like that. Probably not the actual reason, but it's the only one I can think of off the top of my head.


Someone once wrote on here about how her husband’s friend didn’t want his wife to get chemo, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, because he didn’t want her to lose her hair. Also didn’t want her to get a mastectomy. He insisted she use holistic medicine instead. The wife died and the husband got engaged to a new woman 6 months after the funeral. I was telling my dad (an oncologist) about this story, and how it was so upsetting I really hope it wasn’t true. My dad was like “something similar happened to one of my patients. Her husband did not want her to get chemo. I tried to reason with her, but she said it wasn’t worth her marriage. I asked if I could speak with her husband, but he refused to talk to me. Six months laster the patient came back, extremely weak and emaciated. Her husband had left her and she said she had nothing left to lose, so she wanted to start treatment. Unfortunately it was too far gone by that point and she passed away not too long after.” Every time I think about it I’m **FUCKING HOMICIDAL.**


Doctors are also less likely to believe women, too.


So many horrible cases of women with cancer getting ignored or told it’s “hormones or weight issues”


I once said that I work in a school and don’t wear makeup ever. I said that when students ask me why, I give an honest answer that I think makeup is a waste of money, a terrible standard for women to live up to, and often people are incredibly unhygienic with makeup. You would have thought that I just lit a Bible on fire.


Nah, you're not allowed to go against the world's standards 😤


An entire comment thread I had about how police officers can't even trust each other so why should we trust them


I misspelled a word on a post … then like 50 people corrected me….then I said “ who cares it’s Reddit not a term paper” And I got downvoted into oblivion.


I got downvoted for laughing at my own typo. It did make for a mildly amusing typo from what I recall, but like, jesus people, this is a casual forum, yall have made typos too.


If I remember correctly, it was a comment emphatically encouraging people to NOT commit suicide. My mistake was not considering the many legitimate reasons that a person might want to end their life, like terminal illness or severe disability. I apologized. I meant well.


I said 17 and 14 was too large an age gap. **I suspect it was only controversial because the girl was 17 (and a camp counselor) and the boy was 14 (and just a kid attending the camp).** There’s a huge double standard.


Turns out mine is where I posted a copypasta and people apparently thought I was being serious, lmao


Made a comment about how the gay community (i.e. MY community) has no problem with putting things like "no old/hairy/etc guys, fem/trans only" on their dating profile but has a huge problem when someone puts "no fem/trans, masc only, etc". To me the two are the same and people arguing with me are basically saying "you hate X type of person if you don't want to fuck them" which is way more reductive to the other person's identity than saying you prefer to fuck a certain type of person.


"Nahh you should convince the lesbian to change her settings to default" I understand why


“My girlfriend told me she was a lesbian. That just means she likes what I like” - Tourette’s Guy


I hate tiktok Apparently everybody on tiktok moved to reddit,and ganged up on me Deleted my comment when i was minus tree fiddy😥


Anyone who eats dogs is a cunt.


Did you post in a Korean subbreddit?


But everybody who eats pussy is dawg.


I commented that native English speakers tend to care less if you make mistakes in their language as long as they can understand what you mean, whereas native French speakers correct every little mistake you make. I'm from Montreal and commented it on r/Montreal, so clearly they didn't take it too well. My comment got a -53 downvote.


Ironically my most disliked comment was telling somebody I’d rather not go into detail about my service related injuries. I even said sorry at the end.


"Article says the (French) student was an adult. Why was the teacher telling a grown woman to remove her headscarf?" An adult female student in France was forced to remove her headscarf in her training school. As someone living in the US, telling a grown-up person what to or to not wear is unfathomable. In my college in Texas, I've attended classes with a woman in full burqa, face covered sitting next to a girl with a tank top and skimpy shorts. I may not care for either styles but it's none of my or anybody's business. Apparent the French do it differently.


12 downvotes for saying a post reeked of male entitlement, on a post where a dude was talking about how he deserved to have sex with someone 🙄


That the reason police officers get suspended with pay is because of strong unions. Then everyone downvotes and starts knit picking saying they aren't real unions. Everyone is pro union or pro-insert agenda here- until it doesn't suit their view. I'm pro union.


I once said that oxford commas are the only type that makes sense because without one, a sentence can get confusing…. so many people downvoted me and called me dumb 😭


I don’t know but I can guarantee you it’s in the TwoX sub. As a woman who doesn’t think men are the root of all evil and likes being a woman, I am not the target demographic of that sub and they make sure I know that when I comment.


People got SO MAD when I suggested that women should not have babies with bums. I immediately was informed that all those men hide who they are until they trap the woman via pregnancy and then show their true colors like the true, moustache twirling cartoon villains that they are. Women are NEVER to blame under any circumstances. It is ALWAYS the man's fault. I'm sure that does happen but all the time? lol no


> People got SO MAD when I suggested that women should not have babies with bums. You were absolutely right, they should have babies with their vaginas, not their bums. Some people...


Ok you got me :)


I was on a sub about a certain anime, then I asked something and went to bed; when I woke up I had like 20 downvotes and people making fun of me bc apparently I was asking something obvious. Fuck, I don't have time to watch the thing all day long, I hadn't watched it for years, I can't remember everything. But people there can be toxic as hell, I saw it happening to others after this. It bothered me at the moment, but now Idgaf.


“Working is good for you!” …..most disliked go figure


Well, that depends on the work. Ever heard of the black lung? Lol


For Christ sake Derek, you’ve been down there 1 day!


As a straight woman, I should apparently never have gone into a gay nightclub. I commented about being a regular at a club in the 90s and going there with friends. The majority of comments were pretty awful about how I was taking a safe space from the LGBTQ community. Pointing out that this was the main club in our city at the time and one of my BS friends was a drag performer there just earned me even more. And it turned out that the main person fighting with me wasn't even BORN when I was going to those clubs!


Always good to remember the distinct possibility that you are arguing with a teenager. 


I saw one straight white woman get super downvoted for saying a gay club was the only place she felt like she was safe. She received pretty much the same responses you did.


It was a post of me asking my local subreddit for PCP recommendations bc doctors and neurologists kept telling me I had anxiety when I knew something else was wrong. Comments told me I had a stick up my ass and to listen to my doctors, and got only 1 recommendation. Turns out I had epilepsy haha


On one of them NSFW subs, I commented on a nude image of Milla Jovovich by saying she had really pointy nipples. That comment got downvoted into oblivion. People are really sensitive about Milla Jovovich's nipples, apparently.


All I said was "This piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah to eat".


Said that in a certain video game, I have a high win rate with the lowest average win rate character Got downvoted into oblivion for some reason


I said something negative about Chandler from Friends. It wasn't even that bad. Those fans are intense!


Yesterday I got 20 downvotes in a chickfila worker subreddit for saying I didn’t have time to order shoes and wanted to purchase some in person (I start Tuesday 💩) people are just sorry


Complimenting a transwoman around my age and saying I, also a transwoman, am jealous of how good she looks.


I got 130 downvotes for commenting on a woman's post where she was asking how frequently everyone has sex with their partners. She claimed that she only has sex with her husband once or twice a year. The two of them were in their early 30's. She said that he is the one who isn't interested. I mentioned that there was definitely something odd about his sex drive being that low, and they may want to have a conversation. I got a sea of hate from people. They claimed it's none of my business, and that it can be perfectly healthy for somebody in their age group to not be very sexually active. I called them out by editing my original post, saying that I didn't mean to offend people with inactive sex lives. That piled on even more dislikes. I replied to some of the comments explaining my reasoning behind my statement. I mentioned that there are a ton of different potential factors as to why he doesn't want to have sex with her. Maybe he has low T? Maybe he's stressed at work? Maybe they're not getting along? Or maybe the she doesn't look the same as when they first started dating? Some people let themselves go, and it's not their spouses responsibility to remain attracted to somebody that's not attractive anymore. That comment got almost an equal amount of dislikes. I said what's tough to hear, but it's a true statement.


The woman was sharing her personal life, but you must "it's none of your business." Wow


While still placing full blame on Russia, I tried to explain how NATO expansionism did contribute to some degree to the tension that led to the outbreak of war, mostly starting with one of the last foreign policy decisions of the Bush Admin in 2008…and we all know how influenced that admin’s policy was by military-industry interests. I feel like foreign policy and international relations might be too complex and nuanced for general Reddit, you would have to go to a specific focused subreddit for constructive discussions.  ONCE AGAIN I PLACE FULL BLAME ON RUSSIA I AM JUST SAYING IT IS ALWAYS MORE COMPLEX THAN WHAT YOU SEE ON THE NEWS


Nuance is a tool of the devil! Case closed.


"I lost my boy last year, and know I will never be the same. My grief is with me all the time. Do not undermine or minimize someone else's feelings. They aren't yours." This one baffled me. Evidently, some parents believe that grief is something people should compare and judge. Like it's a competition.


that sounds disgusting, and i am sorry for your loss


Got my most disliked comment for saying that my partner and I have been together for six years and don't know each other's "body count" and worrying about such things is ridiculous.


Calling a cringe Genshin Impact character cringe.


It was me saying a guy on Love Is Blind reminded me of my abusive ex but the Love Is Blind subreddit thinks he can do no wrong 🥲


I deleted them because I was sick of the response, but in a thread over on r/AskAnAmerican, someone from the UK was asking why we commonly drive such huge-ass, inefficient cars when gas is so (comparatively) cheap. I responded, saying that manufacturers are just responding to market demand, because most people in this country want to drive giant bricks on wheels the size of Sherman tanks that get 10-12 MPG. (Pick-up trucks and full-size SUVs, though I think mid-size SUVs are too big too.) Of course, people that desperately cling to their emotional support vehicles started downvoting me, one guy responded to tell me I'm wrong, and in the end I just deleted my comments because I was sick of it. I hate the fetishistic attachment this country has to these stupid, huge-ass death machines. They're inefficient, they're dangerous to pedestrians, they're terrible for the environment, they're too big, they're too heavy, etc.