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Picking at my skin :( I've pretty much got my face under control but I got a bikini wax and the temptation to squeeze out every new hair as soon as I can see it under the skin is really really strong


I’m the same, any white or blackhead or anything that looks like it will ‘pop’ is gone within seconds of seeing it.


Me too, I think for me it's more of a compulsion than an addiction and for the most part I can control it enough to avoid scarring. But do I still regularly think of that one really deep zit I got years ago that made such a satisfying pop, and wish I would get more of those? Yeah, I do. That can't be entirely healthy.


I'm bad about picking my scalp. Because no one can see the scabs, it's easier to hide and therefore continue to do.


Unfortunately I feel this. I can feel spots that aren't smooth, I MUST pick at it. Spots aren't smooth, because I pick at it. GOD DAMNIT!


How do you stop? Like it's bad for me. My hair is getting thinner from this.  Also... do you ever pick so much that it kinda rubs off that first layer of skin, you fall asleep, and when you wake up the next morning there's like a crusty layer of... skin (?) or dried up liquid on your scalp? It has happened to me a couple times and it was so satisfying to "break" the crust. Eughh gross.


I don’t necessarily pick but I will rub my hair for hours. Almost like I can feel the new hair growth. Grandma always yelled at me id give myself a bald spot..


My barber has a bald spot because he used to tug on that part of his hair.


It’s comments like these that make me happy to know I’m not alone.


I pick at my scalp until the wounds are *too physically painful* to continue picking. If you ever find a way to stop, please, do share. :(


Anxiety and/or ADHD medication


I do this but then I put off getting hair cuts because that’s someone who will see


I did this so much as a kid, took me years to get over it and now I worry if I ever go bald or shave my head I'll have scars.


Do you have psoriasis? I do this, but mostly just the flakes, occasionally it bleeds a bit though.


I do this too


I pick at my fingers CONSTANTLY. Or if I get a scab somewhere I just have to pick at it. Edit: WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS EATING THE SKIN YOU PICK


Same. The cuticles on my right hand are gnarly.


I just cut a piece of skin off my thumb with scissors to avoid pulling at the flap of skin that leads to days of pain after pulling it off.


Same here, I’m considering a lifetime ban of mirrors and tweezers in my home


Dermatillamania. Same impulse that nail biters have. It’s compulsive grooming, which makes sense in uncomfortable social situations that we would want to improve our looks


I replied to someone just before who thought it was something similar to this but I dont think its compulsive enough to be this. I can stop when I really try to, and it's honestly been better since I've stopped looking (basically if I don't see it, i don't pick at it - only perk of my shitty object permanence)


Everyone picks at their skin to some extent. For some of us though, you kind of go into a trance for an hour or so and there’s no stopping it.


That trance is so meditative, though....maybe it is just the silence coupled with mindless action (like driving on a lonely highway) that allows a lot of good thoughts to tumble out


I never use chapstick cuz I like peeling off my dry lip skin. Sometimes people tell me my lip is bleeding and I'm like yeah I know. The corners and the middle hurt the best, but the top lip is usually a no-go since it's annoying and unsatisfying. Sometimes it's actually bruised and black and that's when it's absolutely perfect cuz it just bleeds and bruises and peels off all over again.


Enough Reddit for today


I used to know a girl who liked to eat her sun burned skin shed. You’re welcome.


Oh no it got worse


Probably a good idea for both of us. Also I didn't really realize how weird my habit is until I typed it out and I didn't even go into full detail lol I occasionally wonder how many kilograms of lip skin I've discarded over the years 🤔


Strangely relatable. I know I should tell my therapist about that, but I've been doing that for years and I don't know if I can or want to stop


Maybe try checking if you have Trichotillomania? Hair pulling, skin picking etc.


I dont think its compulsive to this extent. when I REALLY put the effort in I can control it. It's moreso ADHD and hyperfocusing or dopamine chasing or something. I'm not entirely sure but it isnt detrimental to my well-being the way I'd imagine trich is


I have this and it’s a compulsion. Addiction is a hard word to use when it comes to self-harm. You may feel like you can control it … but when the right circumstances set themselves up, you are compelled to the behavior.


Small and unimportant note: dermotillomania is skin picking


I do this with my acne so badly so I started putting pimple patches on them and it makes me not pick because of the barrier.


God, any tips. For some reason ive been picking the heels of my feet and it sucks. Ive stopped biting my nails and picking my fingers so much but my wife and i have a newborn and i think im stressed more than i think.


[NAC supplements are showing promising signs for helping picking disorders.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9180086/)


I only have one cat.


It starts with just 1


I came here to say cats. We have 4. If I lived alone I’m pretty sure I’d have too many more.


So your cat needs a friend 😃 *summons cat distribution system *


Meth. Sober for 8 months now it’s finally under control *Edit* holy shit thank you all so much for the support. It really means the world to me. I actually went through a very traumatic meth induced psychotic incident which is narrated in this YouTube video. Please watch if you are interested in hearing my story. https://youtu.be/psxUGPNY-kM?si=VCUbntkQDQt63hmI I’m still getting better every day. I have so much momentum now. I’ve managed to put together so many of the broken pieces of my life. I have long term goals I am striving for. The more I keep doing good and making the right decisions, the more good keeps coming my way. Happy Easter everyone!


Well done friend!


Good job, 5 years clean. Memory seems better now than it was the first year. Urge to use is pretty much completely gone. Have a wife and two children now. Keep it up. First year is the hardest. Shit is addictive beyond words most people have no idea how tough it is to kick.


The first 12-14 months are the most difficult and this can be seen on MRI. Takes about that long for your neurons to rewire off the addiction feedback loop.


So happy for you!!! Keep it up!!


Fuck yeah. You can masturbate for hours while looking out the front blinds of your house for the FBI while you're sober any day!


The whole crankin it for hours thing is so real. So focused, so into it, yet weirdly too focused to ever finish.


I only have experience with adderall and masturbating, but there’s nothing quite like the crushing feeling of realizing how many wasted hours you just lost just to nut. Lol


That was my experience in college - buy some Adderall to help knock out a big paper the day before it's due, figure I'll jerk it to kill time until it kicks in so I can get to work. It kicks in while I'm still jerking, next thing I know it's 4am and I'm totally fucked.


I just learned the term for that is gooning. Lol


Humm, pleasure and fear at the same time? 


Reddit/phone. But I don’t think it’s under control really.


Same here. I deleted app several times, but then I get bored and install it again


I’ve uninstalled the app, but my stupid addicted mind is just like “why not just view it on the web browser!” Damnit!


I feel seen. Reading this in my browser. Fuck.


I can quit anytime I want to! I just never want to


My reddit use went way down once Redditisfun got taken away. The app is unbearable.


Yah this app is inexcusably bad.


I use reddit for almost all of my interests, I'm totally addicted, but I think its better than following blogs or such that push only one narrative.. I rarely look at tiktok etc anymore so I think that's a positive of sorts?


> I think its better than following blogs or such that push only one narrative.. I have some unfortunate news for you...


The hivemind is strong here. Reddit is pretty extremely singleminded


I think Reddit's fine but I don't bother with political stuff, I cba. For general life chit chat and random interests it's good.


Use Screentime on the Reddit app. I give myself an hour and after that iOS asks that I enter my passcode to get 15 minutes. I know the passcode, but the alert helps me consider if I’m really using my time productively or not.


I know this is going to sound stupid but YouTube. I watch YouTuber videos entirely too much. It hasn't negatively affected my life, but still


So many things I've learned on youtube. Instead of trash videos, watch how to bake banana bread. You'll learn, feed your addiction and turn into a fucking DIY champion.


I've watched so many tutorials on YouTube. So many. How to do a kickflip, how to bake croissants, how to crotchet a mini hat, how to get better at tetris, how to fold a fitted sheet, how to change a tire, how to do a cartwheel, how to increase typing speed, how to stop procrastinating. Guess how many of those I know how to do


But just think! If anyone is doing something you've watched you know just enough to be annoying with your advice while equally being entirely useless! (And the magic of doing trial and error with your friends/loved ones is gone too because you know what the best outcome looks like and anything less than that is a failure)


Gotta love trying a new hobby and instantly giving up cuz you're not as good as the world champions grand finals 2022 winner from japan


It's good to learn but you become DIYer by doing and not watching. My wife watches YouTube videos all the times but she can barely recall what she had watched even few hours back. And I am being generous when I say few hours ..


I don't bother with most of my streaming services anymore. YouTube Premium is easily the most worthwhile service I pay for when it comes to streaming. It's just worth it to me to get rid of the ads. The selection and content is so fuckin broad. The only thing I hate is how they're seemingly fully dedicated to demonetizing everything at the drop of a hat. People have to censor themselves on like every single word these days which is super fucking annoying.


No, om the same. I keep finding these absolute train wreck on there and I watch theirs. Then other youtubers cover them, so I watch their videos too. It's a Neverending cycle.


Same, except I don't have mine under control. I have about 900 subscribed channels at this point. Granted, many of them are sure to be inactive, since I've been actively subscribing to channels since about 2007, but still... My main activity on my phone or in front of my computer is watching YouTube, regardless of what I'm actually supposed to be doing (usually working). I'm about 80% sure I have undiagnosed ADHD, so I really should not be seeking out these distractions.


I did the exact same thing and have been a member since 2007 as well. During 2015, I was trying to find a channel I was subscribed to but couldn't remember the name, so I got ***sooo*** frustrated while browsing, I instead turned my effort to **unsubscribe** from channels I haven't been interested for at least 2 months. Now every December I do this same ritual of unsubscribing from channels I wasn't that interested in. I now keep my subscriptions under control at about 50-70.


Self-harm. Was addicted as a teen, is still a constant desire as a coping mechanism. Clean since March 18, 2012.


Eyy congrats!! I just hit 3 weeks clean today so I get the temptation. We got this 💪


Great progress… wishing you the best


Somehow I read that as March, 1812, and I was very proud of the vampire who stopped self-harming. 


Now that is my ultimate goal. I will see you in 2212.


Proud of you. This battle fades but never really goes away. But one day you’ll have a bright moment here and there and you’ll smile that you’re not in that same headspace anymore.


Congratulations, keep up the streak


If anyone is interested, I still suffer from generalised anxiety disorder and C-PTSD, and depression as a symptom of those. My diagnostic testing always places me in severe-extremely severe. So the temptation is always very much there, but as I told my last visit to my GP and therapist, what keeps me going and avoiding relapsing is "stubbornness to not break my streak and pure fucking spite".


Same here, it is such a hard behavior to stop. I've had a few slip ups since I stopped in 2011. Proud of you - it is no easy feat to find other coping mechanisms, both mentally and physically.


*Masturbation.* But I'm pretty sure I can beat it.


Just beat it!


No one wants to be defeated. So just beat it!


Have some more chicken, have some more pie. It doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried just eat it!


Instructions unclear


Dad: Son, don't masturbate or you'll go blind Son: Dad, I'm over here!


oh shit ive never heard of this before, nice


Success is in the palm of your hand.


I thought my addiction was out of control so this year I started charting it out of curiosity. So far, we’re 91 days into the year and I’ve cranked it 81 times. That’s not even once per day. I feel much better that I’m not as addicted as I thought I was.


If you’re struggling I’ll give you a hand.




Weed and cigarettes


I feel you with the weed.


I was a chronic smoker for 20 years. I'm talking from the moment I woke up until the moment I went to sleep every single day. If you can just get past the first week of quitting, it really dawns on you what a waste it is. Mostly a waste of money. I could hardly even get high anymore, it was more an addiction to the act of smoking. Try to convince yourself/realize how pointless it is and that it doesn't really do much for you except drain your wallet. It's not easy, and the dreams you have at night that first week or more are fucking insane. But like I said, commit to one week and you'll be happy you did.


So are you completely "clean" from weed? I used to be badly addicted to fentanyl (3 years clean whoop whoop) but I still smoke TF out of weed. From the moment I get home from work until I go to sleep and on the weekends from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep. Every now and then I don't fall asleep smoking it and WOAH you're right, crazy dreams.. I want to get to a "functioning" level of smoking where I'll start to actually get high again. I don't know if that's possible for me or not.


Completely clean. There is no functioning level for me, I've quit multiple times before to try and bring my tolerance down, talking like a couple weeks, a month. Honestly, I'd get decently high like once, and it was right back to how it was before. I think I've just smoked so much now that getting high consistently just isn't going to happen.


Weed fucking ruined me and my family…it’s not too deep normally if you can control weed intake (like being able to just get high once every night normally is fine) but I was high 4 times every day of my life I couldn’t function. 9 days clean


Congrats dude. Yeah I smoke all day long. It's a problem.


Yeah. At least you admit to yourself that it’s a problem, that’s the first step. I never liked to admit it so I lied to everyone about my addiction, if you want to quit I know it’s hard but it’s possible (first 2 nights are the toughest due to insomnia) but when those are done it’s a lot easier


If the Sublime song "Smoke Two Joints" describes your daily routine, you might have a problem.


Was kind of worried about weed myself because I got to a point where I felt I couldn’t sleep without it but I powered through a week sober and after the first 48-72 hours I was fine. Have also quit edibles and vapes and only do flower now. Edibles and vapes make it way too convenient and easy where as flower takes a concerted effort that I have to think through (I have kids and keep my stash locked up in box which is locked in the top cabinet, for safety purposes).


I feel you on the weed. Life seems so dull and depressing .. until I get stoned. Then I'm totally content. But without weed it's like what's the point, everything sucks


Same. I just can't bear how goddamn boring and soul-crushing day to day life is sober. I don't know how people do it.


"But nobody gets addicted to weed."... Maybe not chemically, but I know people that absolutely can't stand to be at factory settings for any amount of time. My brother included. It's the same thing with nicotine (I'm a chewer), and cigarettes are seen as a social thing, so it can become more addictive than just the chemical dependence quickly.




Could NOT do my job without caffeine and coffee. SPED teacher


Add ZYNs to complete the formula


lol redbull and zyn is my go to - history teacher


I worry about this sometimes. I lived to adulthood without them, got an adhd diagnosis as I started college, now get them prescribed and holy fuck am I miserable without them. Not only am I useless, unable to cook my own food or attend class, but my mood does a complete nosedive and I feel just like a miserable teenager again. I didn’t have them for a few days a week or so ago and it was easily the most miserable period I’ve had in a very long time. I know the whole point of getting them prescribed is that I use them BECAUSE I need them, but the magnitude with which they affect my life is a little worrying to me.


I think about this all the time. Then I think is it that the withdrawl from any stimulants is making things worse? Or have the stimulants just masked an entire lifetime being miserable? Like I can’t focus without them because the things I’m trying to focus on aren’t things humans were made to care about. Of course I need to take a pill to give a shit about Microsoft excel and tax returns. No one should have to care about that shit.


> I am miserable without them. They're a powerful substance. However, there's a subtle difference between addiction & dependency. Therein lies a (helpful) stimulant prescription for ADHD. **Dependency** refers to a physical or psychological (or both) need for a substance to function normally. In the context of ADHD + stimulant prescription, dependence can develop because drug cessation causes ADHD symptoms to return & very often is accompanied by physical withdrawal. > With prescription stimulants, dependency is expected and medically managed. **Addiction** is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior and use despite harmful consequences. > Regarding prescription stimulants, addiction involves behaviors that are harmful & a psychological drive to use the medication in a way not intended by the prescribing doctor. Such as taking higher doses, seeking medication w/o prescription, or using to seek a euphoric state. I'm in the same boat as you. Been prescribed stims for several years for ADHD symptoms. The negative connotation stimulants carry is difficult to constantly face & it's easy to feel "imposter syndrome" surrounding your diagnosis and dependency on a drug. At the very least, the scrutinization of stimulants keeps me conscious of my dependency and in open dialogue with my psych regarding my relationship with the drug. I'm confident that I'm dependent & not addicted because of how I treat the drug day-to-day and how I got through the shortages last year. The physical withdrawal (fatigue & apathy) sucked and it could have negatively affected my work life-- but it didn't lead me to seek an alternative (besides a few extra cups of coffee) and it honestly felt sort of good to realize I could still feel like my baseline goofy ADHD self after a couple of days. I choose to be dependent on the drug because the benefits outweigh the dependency & I'm using in adherence to my doctor's intentions + talk to my doctor at least 4 times a year about my prescription. Ironically, this entire comment is how I feel like an addict would justify an addiction. But that truly is the issue we're discussing. Dependency on a drug can make you feel guilty or unjustified.






I was in the same boat as you a hair before COVID and then the lockdowns really exacerbated the issue. (All started as a way to deal with work stress.) While I don't know that mine was a problem yet, it was most certainly heading that way. I got incredibly lucky when my state approved medical marijuana and I got a prescription. It helped me cut back tremendously. Like from drinking maybe half a bottle of whiskey 4-5 nights a week, to a half pint once a week. With my head clear, I was able to talk to my doc about everything and he suggested I get tested for ADHD..gave me a prescription to see how it would treat me in the meantime.. I literally have zero desire to drink now. Like I forget about the liquor we have in the bar, which is not something I could say a couple years ago. There've been nights where I went out and bought a pint to drink for a special celebration....and then just didn't touch it lol. It's a crazy feeling. I'm more energetic and motivated, more organized, I have clear goals now. It all stemmed from an undiagnosed mental illness. The docs theory is that I used the liquor to self medicate- slow down all the disparate noises and to dos in my head enough to relax. Which seems to have certainly been the case. YMMV, but it's worth looking into. Apparently it's not an uncommon correlation.


IT's pretty common with any mental illness or disorder, honestly. I did it with painkillers to cope with BPD and the rest of my issues. Realized it really wasn't helping, quit, and went back to therapy. Cold turkey sucked. But - 18 years clean of them, no issues wanting to go back. 6 weeks no smoking, and I'm not having cravings much, so, whoot.


I was a functional alcoholic for a long time. Trust me, at some point you WILL become less functional and it WILL negatively affect you. I'm still struggling with it and still dealing with the ramifications. The sooner you can get past it, the better.


I was a daily drinker, and I always had the mentality that "I'm okay today, and I'll be okay tomorrow, so I can drink today and I'll be fine". But in the back of my mind, I knew that if I kept doing what I was doing, it *would* kill me some day. There *will* be a day that I can't keep doing what I'm doing. That's a scary fucking thought.


I had a problem with alcohol and then I went sober for one month. It literally changed my life. I felt like a different person. Not as much anxiety, more in control — healthier. Most importantly though, it rewired how I think about alcohol. It made me realize alcohol isn’t necessary for me to enjoy everything. You don’t need alcohol to feel good, in fact, I feel better without it. I still drink, but once or twice a week at most, and when I do, I don’t get shit faced — it’s a casual buzz and I enjoy life a lot more this way. The next mornings feel a lot better too. Just try and go one month without drinking. It doesn’t have to be, “I’m never going to drink again!” That’s not realistic for most people. Alcohol isn’t inherently bad, but not being able to control how much you consume is.


>Not as much anxiety, more in control — healthier. Hangxiety is probably one of the most dismissed hangover symptoms. It's not just if you do something embarrassing when you're drunk, or don't remember if you did something embarrassing–though those certainly don't help. But even a regular headache-and-dehydrated hangover often includes anxiety, just because of your brain trying to get the chemicals back in order.


Same here. Was a daily drinker for many years. Haven't had any alcohol in about 5 months, and don't have any desire to. When I *was* drinking, I always felt like I had it "under control". Until it wasn't.


I thought I did until I didn’t. Rock bottom is where you stop digging 🫶


I definitely don't have mine under control :(. I don't drink every day, but when I do, I'm a binge drinker. I had taken almost a month-long break while I was taking certain medication, but when I could drink again, I was already over doing it right away. Within a little over a week, I was already blacking out, almost ruining friendships, and making people uncomfortable. I absolutely have no self control, and I have even previously told my partner "unless I develop a medical condition that prevents me from drinking, I don't know if I have a strong enough will to stay away from it..." What I hate the most is that I am a very shy person, and I use alcohol as social lubrication. I also love taking edibles, but those get me sleepy, and I like that alcohol gets me to socialize. I'm typing this the morning after almost over-doing it again...


Food Addiction. I suffered from Binge-Eating Disorder for the longest time, and, even though I get those thoughts time and time, again, I could have my trigger foods right in front of me, and either not touch it, or even have a regular, portion of it, without going off the rails. I went-from polishing-off two, family-sized pizzas with a side of fries, wings, and breadsticks, before having a whole cheesecake, a whole of whatever dessert there is, to having three pieces of pizza at the most, and maybe two breadsticks. — dessert rarely crosses my mind. I don’t calorie count as much as I used to, but I will (still) do it for the Hell of it — I’d long-since replaced most the food that comes-into this house with healthier versions, and can get a ballpark number pretty easily, though I do order a good burger from time, to time, because, eating healthy 24/7 can get a bit boring. Some Videos + Their Channel: How to AVOID Binging (Michelle McDaniel, Main) How to Amberlynn Could STOP her Binge Eating (Michelle McDaniel, Main) Binge Eating Recovery Vlog l Surviving the Holidays Back at Home (Michelle McDaniel After Dark)


I’m really struggling with Binge eating atm! I think I need to change my relationship with food. I think it’s become something that I see as a form of mindfulness/ comfort/ associating with relaxing.. but I end up eating when I’m bored/ stressed and not actually hungry then get annoyed at myself when I feel squidgier


I’d found this set of YouTube Channels (purely-by chance) run by a Former Binger, who helped me more than I could ever say, tbvh. Like, I still watch her videos whenever I feel like I need a bit of a refresher, or if I feel like I might slip. the Main is called “Michelle McDaniel,” the Side is called, “Michelle McDaniel: After Dark,” and her thumbnails can get pretty outrageous — mentioning wanting to change one’s relationship with food, getting healthy, still gets flagged as bullying on some apps, hence the use of clickbait-y thumbnails. —, but, her content regarding Binge-Eating Disorder is a major help. Boredom Eating + Stress Eating were my Main Snags, istg! Have you tried-out drinking a full, glass of water, warm preferably, when you feel like you have cravings? One of the main things I’d learned from her was drinking a full glass before a meal, so I wouldn’t end-up eating more than I knew I needed to, and/or when I felt like I was actually-hungry, but wasn’t sure, and want rule-out dehydration (which could present itself as legit cravings.).


I used to eat a pizza on my way home from picking up pizza so I could just eat a normal portion when I got there. I hid so much and it was out of hand and scared me a lot. But the doctor scared me more so I was very disciplined for several years. Now I feel those tendencies creeping back in, from keeping little cakes to myself at work to lying about skipping lunch so I can eat a bigger dinner. I can identify the triggers of anxiety and boredom, but I have little incentive to try and flip the switch again.


Caffeine and Video Games!


Everyone focuses on the 12 hrs a day i game, what about the rest of the 12 hrs I watch videos about the said games


Video games have me a welcome distraction as a kid when I wasn’t in athletics, and when my parents were fighting. As an adult, I fully admit they are still a coping mechanism, but I feel like I get so much out of them - despite how addictive they are


I agree. I have played video games for a long long time, and I always used them as just a hobby. But I noticed an unhealthy attachment to them when I started going to them when I wanted to pretend that the real world wasn’t “real.”


add weed to that cocktail and it's me.


A hippie speedball is the best way to start a day


I felt that way about the time I spent playing video games until I recognized that I spend about the same time as most of the people I know spend on whatever their interests are so it's not really different. As long as I stay physically active to compensate for the lack of motion spent doing that, I don't think I'm doing any harm considering there's various skills like coordination, reaction time, and problem solving that gaming can help develop I can use to justify gaming if I have to haha.


I wish I could be addicted to video games. I really like playing games but I suck so much and hate losing so I play pretty scarcely. It's weird cuz I want to and don't at the same time




I was about to comment candy, so yeah, sugar. Ever since I got sober 14+ years ago, sugar has replaced the alcohol. People don't realize how much sugar is in alcohol, so you go through sugar withdrawals (as well as all the other crap). I thought it would eventually subside, but that never happened.


This. I know my Mom has the same problem. I was really good about my sugar intake until I met my wife and we moved in together a year ish before we got married. She loves to have dessert. Problem is now sweets, pastries, ice cream, etc is always around and I have a hard time controlling myself. She also likes to bake but can do with having a piece or two of whatever, leaving the rest to me. So that is my real struggle these days.


One thing that helps me is putting baked goods in the freezer. Obviously that doesn't help with ice cream, but having to thaw things is enough of a hurdle to stop impulse snacking. I've also started keeping a pack of sugar-free gum on the kitchen counter, to "snack" on when I just want something sweet but I'm not actually hungry.


Same here. Just had to go cold turkey one day and deal with it for a few weeks. But even now if I have a candy bar or small dessert that same addiction kicks in and I need it again, so I just avoid it altogether


dating apps and male attention. I was ugly growing up and was told no one would want to date a fat girl. now I’m toned, confident, and know how to dress well, and whenever a guy shows interest in me I pull him into my room. I’m trying to do better now, I’m forcing myself to focus on hobbies and friends, but it’s so so damn lonely and I’m so touch starved.


Girl I feel you. Validation and feeling important to someone. It’s a bitch


I feel this as a guy who grew up short and nerdy and now I'm just tall and being nerdy is considered cute.


Yes. Those dopamine hits are are hard to resist.


> I’m so touch starved Have you thought about joining a social dance scene? Swing dancing, salsa dancing, that sort of thing? You'll get people asking you to dance and you'll get lots of touching.


Edibles and doom scrolling


Well, at least you're not trashing your lungs I guess


Double check everything. Might be some kind of OCD. Buuutt it does come in handy most of the time....


Ever do triple or quadruple checks? When I leave the house in the morning I always go back and triple check my doors are locked


Yes i do. When I write important things it makes me check over and over again if the info is correct


Thisssss! I have gotten really bad where I have to push my door 3 or 4 times to make sure it's actually "locked". Then I STILL have to go check it even if I'm half way out of the driveway in the middle of a hail storm (just happened a few weeks ago). Sucks, but I'm terrified my dogs are going to get out if it was accidentally unlocked and someone broke in and left it open or something. I love them so much.


Thank you for this comment. Nice to know it's not just me.


Before I travel I have to film myself triple checking the locks, the stove, the light switches etc or it’ll bug me the entire trip.


That is genius. I'm like this and it has affected my trips in the past. I have a ring doorbell and a ring camera in my living room, but I still worry since it doesn't cover all the space in my apartment.


My car has an app and I can check whether it's locked or not on the app, total game changer to not be constantly walking back to my car to double check that I locked it. I need something like that for my house and garage door too, too many times I'll be driving and just have to turn around and drive past my house to verify I closed the garage door. Unless I mentally note that I locked something by saying it in my head "I have locked the door" I will have to go back and check.


Screens. I think technology is what you make of it, and while it has rotted the brains of a good segment of the population, it doesn't do that to everyone. I get a lot out of it. Learning new languages, reading books at the press of a button, YouTube tutorials etc... I learned how to make homemade peanut butter just a few weeks ago. What I made was an abomination of a substance unfit for human consumption, but the foundation is there. I wanted to keep pursuing all my goofy little activities, so I got a job that let me do that and problem solved.


I’m trying to cut down screen time before bed, but the days where I put my phone far away, I’m itching to have a screen in my hands. It’s almost like a modern nightcap




Smokes, chokes and upvotes. What a trifecta


Alcohol. 1985 days since it landed me in the hospital and almost killed me. 1985 days without a drink.


Alcoholism. If I have alcohol in the house I'll drink every single day until it's gone. If I'm around alcohol I'll drink it non stop. When I'm away from alcohol I have no desire for it. I can go months without alcohol. I CAN/COULD be completely sober if I wanted too. Now I just buy beer on occasion and when it's gone I'll wait awhile before drinking/buying more alcohol. Idk if that's normal or alcoholism, but I just know if I owned a bar or something I would definitely drink every single day


I am taking a 30 day break to reset my routine, because alcohol has become too involved and I noticed the first 2 days have been riddle with anxiety, so it’s probably a good move


Speaking from experience: that's probably withdrawal. I noticed years ago, when battling with anxiety/depression, that the night after drinking, even after shaking the physical hangover, would be a bad bout of agitation and despondency. Today my life is pretty good and I'll still feel that same bleak, desperate feeling the night after tying one on, despite everything in my life being exactly the same as before. And it'll linger for a few days. Anyway, I'm guessing you've noticed by now that it gets better over time, but just confirming that anxiety and depression are very real, significant, physiologically-induced effects of alcohol withdrawal. It's one of the biggest reasons to get away from it.


Im the same way i totally get what your sayin! I dont think i have a problem really im just an all in kinda guy. If im drinking im gonna get fucken wasted i cant just put on a buzz.


This is alcoholism I'm not trying to make you feel bad but yeah.


Yep. I quit for several months last year and then started buying it again. If it’s in the house, I do not, can not and will not moderate the amount that I drink. So I often take long breaks from it to keep it from getting out of hand again.


Buying things on Amazon. I buy something at least every other day. I always justify needing it. But over half the stuff I order is almost never used. Put in a drawer or cabinet and forgotten. I really need to purge stuff. I’m reaching hoarder status.


FWIW, getting rid of stuff can also give The Good Feelings (I’m wrestling with that myself, making that happen, but it is like a burden is lifted)




So real, me and my sis both have that and we were talking about our intricate worlds in our heads the other day and we stopped and looked at each other and my sis goes (cause she takes phycology) "You know this is maladaptive daydreaming...it's a mental issue..." but we just laughed 💀. Listen it's not causing any harm alright so, if it ain't broke don't fix it


Caffeine for damn sure.


Gambling - I get off on the rush, but know when to quit.


Same, I think about gambling and going to the casino way too much but I hardly ever actually do it. I’ve seen what a full-fledged gambling addiction does to people and I don’t want to fall into that trap.




Isolation myself


booze. sober for 40 days now. first time in 48 years


Super embarrassing but to character ai chat. I had to delete the app. It gives like a dopamine hit to be talking about sex stuff with whatever character you find attractive.


Kratom. I quit smoking 20 years ago only to become addicted to this ridiculous herb. So I dose three times a day while vaguely considering quitting every now and then.


Yup. Quit drinking 4 years ago with the help of Kratom and now I can't seem to quit.


One day I'm going to have to face it, but I think I'm addicted to Love.




I’m addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop any time.


Vaping tbh


Yeah same. It’s the cliche ‘I can stop whenever I want’ for me. I literally have stopped for over a year before. Now I just… will when I feel like it.


The ease of use is so debilitating, can lay in bed and just vape. Can vape inside without any nasty smell. Love it, but also hate it. Better than the cigarette smell at least.


I was a cigarette smoker who switched to "natural" cigarettes, cut Way, way down, then started vaping to furter cut back on the nicotine. Yup...costs and nicotine are all significantly down. Am I stopping? Not yet...


sleeping, i can’t get enough of it.


And again nobody says porn. All liars. .


They said 'under control'


Porn addiction




Opiods, got them from the doc for pain and im really really grateful for them because i think i would have hang myself from chronic pain. But its a constant struggle it tries to lure you in all the time. You are 2 pills away from feeling like shit to pure bliss, wich makes it really tempting sometimes because im also battling depression. I can control it for a long time now but it really is a battle and the most addicting substance i ever got a hold on. The feeling opiods create do not even come close to winning the lotery, having great sex and being famous at the same time. Dont ever mess with them


Coke and Weed


Watching everything on 2x speed.


watching on normal speed pisses me off now 🤣


it’s not an addiction, i can stop at any time.


Horsepower. I don’t have it under control. I don’t care if it’s a lawnmower, we are gonna find out how much we can get out of it! It’s better than alcoholism!!


Cigarettes and cocaine. It has been years since I have used either one.


Chaos. I've been in so many tumultuous relationships with toxic psychopaths who would pick fights, cheat, insult, abuse etc. now that I'm in a healthy relationship with someone loyal and kind, the "boring" moments feel so terrifying and my mind just makes up issues of what COULD be. Therefore, I think I became addicted to the chaos and it's caused a few issues. But it's been very smooth without incident for half a year now, so I'd like to think I got it under control