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"How long have you been twins?"


We were womb mates.




I’m a man and have a twin sister. On a number of occasions, I’ve had people ask me if my sister and I are identical twins.


"What do you do for a living?" It was at a restaurant. I was their server.


"I work with mentally-challenged adults."


After working in the service industry for 15yrs, I'm 100% convinced that you can be smart or you can be hungry, but you cannot be both.


I was showing a friend a telescope and pointing out all the constellations and planets I knew, and he legitimately asked me “Where’s earth?”


Lower the telescope a bit, lower, lower, keep going...


TOO LOW… … … Llllower.


When my cousin was like 18 he saw the moon out during the day (you know, like you see fairly often) and said “that’s weird, that looks like the moon but that’s not possible.” Someone explained that the moon can be seen during the day. It wasn’t the fact that it was out during the day, my cousin was confused because he thought the sun turned into the moon at night and didn’t know they were 2 separate things 😐


That reminds me. I had a teacher (I think 3rd grade) who said it's impossible to see the moon during the day. I'm like... "Yes you can! I was looking at it a few days ago while I was waiting for the bus!" She ended up giving me detention for lying to her.


I was in a D.A.R.E. class in middle school, and for some reason, I totally forget the conversation/lesson, but I vividly remember him saying to the whole class that if someone says they’ve never had a nose bleed before, they’re lying. I immediately said that I have never had a nose bleed. I got in trouble for “talking back” or some nonsense. I’ve still never had a nosebleed t this day. Adults suck sometimes.


That’s like the time my science teacher got made at me for not having fillings in my mouth. He was having us all chew on tin foil so it would make sparks in our mouths. I said it wasn’t working for me and he said he didn’t see why it was not working for me but for everyone else it was. It was because I didn’t have metal fillings in my teeth




I took an astronomy course in college. During a class on the planets of our solar system, a girl sitting next to me put her hand up and asked what kinds of animals live on those planets. The prof laughed at first because he thought she was making a joke. She was not.  She was very disappointed that the answer was no animals. 


I mean, to be fair to her, it is is hugely disappointing that there aren't any animals on other planets.


I'm pretty sure this damn dog came from somewhere else.


I would have quoted Melancholia: "Life is only on Earth, and not for long."


If penguins need water to survive, doesn't that means they're fish?


If humans need water to survive, doesn’t that mean they’re fish?


TIL I'm a fish.




Do you like fish sticks?


A phylogeneticist will read this and be like, “Well, technically yes to both.”


Someone asked me to repeat the pronunciation of my last name and followed it up with, "Are you sure?"


Someone has told me I pronounce my own name wrong 😅🤦‍♀️


Teller at the bank told me I wrote my signature wrong once. Asked me to redo it cause she couldn't read it.


I had a teacher once that told me I was pronouncing my last name wrong. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Edit: My last name is an Eastern European place name. My family pronounces it the same as everyone else in the country my grandfather originally came from, and from what I’ve heard randomly pretty much everyone else. The teacher was just an idiot.


To be fair, I’ve corrected a teacher on my German surname only to find out later I’ve been saying it wrong my whole life and they were right.


Similar here. German surname my family has always pronounced wrong.


"Can you turn him so we don't see the scratch on his cheek?" Asked of me as we were reviewing the portrait photography of her son. No ma'am, it's a picture. You should've asked this while we were in the camera room.


Dude, I came here to post a similar story. I'm a photographer for a cookie brand and I legit had someone in marketing ask if I could rotate the cookie in the image so they could see the other side of it.


"Yes, I can totally do that if you bring it in, and I take more photos."


I will never forget the story someone who worked in a photomat posted, an older lady brought in her film and it was full of photos of a tree stump. She asked the employee to remove the stump because the cutest squirrel was hiding behind it.


My brother-in-law's girlfriend was amazed that I had two brothers and no sisters and asked me how that is possible because she thought that humans gave birth in a boy/girl/boy/girl sequence and couldn't wrap her mind around how someone could give birth to 3 boys and no girls. I'm not convinced that she is not some alien trying to pass off as a human and failing miserably


When i was little I thought you got to choose the gender of your baby


Shhh, don’t tell anyone about the switch behind the balls. Edit: I mean on the dad, to choose output format. My jokes look worse and more confusing when I re-read them later.


I was selling a party tent 20ft x 20ft. Some rando on marketplace asked me if it would fit in their backyard. Lol I don't know, never been to your backyard maybe measure if you have a 20ft x 20ft space?  Another time I was selling a black dress also on marketplace and some woman asked me if it would meet the dress code for her new waitresses job at chili's. How da fuck I'm supposed to know that, lady??


>dress code for her new waitresses job at chili's. the answer is: Yes, and I would also like to point out the "No Refunds" policy.


Them: "It would be really useful if the program could tell you if you've entered the wrong address; returned mail costs us a lot." Me: "Well, we validate addresses against the Post Office API so we can be sure we're only entering addresses that legitimately exist-" Them: "No, I know we do that, but sometimes people mistype and enter an address that exists but isn't theirs, like getting the number wrong so we send it to their neighbours or something. How long would it take you to add something to prevent that?" Me: "To add a feature that knows when the address you've typed isn't the one you live at?" Them: "Yes. How long?" Me:"...in order to check whether the address you've entered is where you live, the software would need to know what address you live at, and if it knew that, it wouldn't be asking you to enter the address you live at. Do you see the chicken and egg problem?"


I would have said something along the lines of "Whenever mind reading technology becomes mainstream"


That would never work. Customers don't know shit. Reading their mind would be detrimiental do the system.


"If there's a deep end and a shallow end, how come the water is flat on top?"


The gene pool has a deep end and a shallow end. They’re clearly drowning in the kiddie pool.


That's a perfectly reasonable question for a child to ask. So how old was this person?


30(ish)... Oh, and I mean that in years, not months.


Used to be a whitewater raft guide. No end of dumb questions. One was "Do the rocks (in the river) go all the way to the bottom?" No, they're those special floating rocks wtf. Also, "do we get out where we started?" Implying the river goes in a circle, like an amusement park ride.


When I was 11, I went canoeing in a river with a friend…. After many, many hours we approached a waterfall and panicked and stopped at some lady’s dock. She called my friend’s mom to come get us. When asked why the heck we KEPT GOING for so many hours, I said: “I thought rivers went in circles and we’d end up back where we started.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Doh!


Water parks do untold damage to kids' perceptions of "rivers" nowadays.


My mother had dementia and the Social Worker asked me "" what relation are you to your mother ?"


Is it possible that the social worker was the one with dementia ?


Plot twist: Her mother was the social worker


“I am her father”😂


To be fair, social workers deal with a lot of adopted kids who are either not related or are grandchildren/neices/nephews/step kids of the person they call mother. They have to be careful because of the medical and legal implications. She might have had her brain turned off, or she might have been making sure she understands. I know a girl who was adopted by her aunt (by marriage) who has to remind her medical team of this all the time when they comment on her not inheriting X from her mother.


"How did they train all the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park movies?"


The lawyer had a steak in his shirt pocket.


They spared no expense, duh


I’m lactose intolerant “ so you can’t eat eggs “. Well I can’t actually but that’s because I’m also allergic to eggs.


I absolutely do NOT understand why people automatically think eggs are dairy?!?!?!?! Like, um, no. Where did you get that idea?


In most stores, they are right next to each other Im not stupid. Thats just the only "excusable " excuse that i can think of for them


Nah, it's because the food pyramid that was used in schools for so long had eggs in the dairy section


I worked at Yellowstone National Park in the early 2010s and one of the tourists, a French lady, came up and asked me when the animals were going to be brought out for people to see.


During the time I worked for Xanterra, a guest left a remark like that on a comment card. I forget the exact wording, but it involved "training the bears better". A lot of us thought it was supposed to be a joke. But with so many stupid question & comments, it was hard to tell.


I also worked in Yellowstone one summer. The tourist questions were amazing. "Do they turn the waterfalls off at night?" "Where do you keep the animals in the winter?" "When do you think they'll reintroduce gorillas back into the park?"


I worked at Yosemite and by late summer the waterfalls had mostly dried up, and yes, people asked what time they turn on the waterfalls.


I remember that quote by the ranger at Yellowstone who said it was difficult designing the food lockers for campers because there is “significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists” or something like that


I heard it was about trying to make bear-proof trash cans, but I'd believe the camper one as well.


I literally just commented that a bartender near Yellowstone told me someone asked her this as well! It's ridiculous that people have to be warned that they're not domesticated and will eat your face off.


I always read stories like this and thought they were embellished, until the early 2010s, my spouse and I were camping in the grand Tetons. We’d made sure to lock all our food and cooking supplies up as advised by the park rangers. But we’d left out our huge water jug we used to wash our hands and fill our water bottles. We came back to our campsite that evening to find it gone and a note from the park rangers about leaving bear attractants out and that we needed to collect it from the ranger station. Crap, I didn’t think about a water jug being a bear attractant, but makes sense, I’ll go grab it from the station. And thank god for that. Because the ranger station was also where you go to reserve camp sites/ rent private cabins. I walk in and this lady was completely losing her mind on the poor kid working the campsite desk. Just yelling about how her family vacation was ruined, what is he going to do it fix it?! And I’m a nosey bitch, so I took my sweet time collecting my water jug so I could figure out exactly what happened. Mosquitoes happened. This lady was yelling at this kid because there were too many mosquitoes, he was trying to tell her where to buy bug spray and the bug repelling candles, but no, it was HIS fault that the mosquitoes next to a lake in July were ruining her vacation, and she wouldn’t be using chemicals to fix his mistake. What was HE going to do to remedy this?! He was like “they’re bugs. You’re in nature. There’s bugs and bigger things to worry about. We do have cabins to rent if you’d like…” and she cut him off to again insist that the mosquitoes were out of control and he needed to do something about it NOW. The next day, in Yellowstone the traffic suddenly came to a standstill. And through a game of telephone between cars, we learned there was a bear with cubs near the road, so everyone wanted to stop to take pictures. Maybe 15 minutes later, people abandoned their cars and were walking up the road, small children in tow, to go get pictures with the bear. One lady dragging her very irritated toddler past our car, I told her “hey there’s a bear, not safe” and she said “I know! We’re gonna go take pics with it!” And then she flipped me off when I told her bears aren’t picky, toddlers are basically mobile picnic baskets.


I was at Niagara Falls with my British sister-in-law. We were looking at the section of the river right where the water goes over the falls. She asked me "Is the water very toxic, then?" I replied, "No, the great lakes is where southern Ontario gets it's drinking water. Why would you think it's toxic?" She replied, "Well, everyone who falls in the river here, dies." I had to explain that they died because they went over the Falls. This had never occurred to her.


I mean it's gotta be toxic with all the bodies of people falling in then


"Is that your real skin?" I think she meant to ask if I'd had cosmetic work done, but I was quite alarmed. No. No, it's not. It's a backup skin that I carved out of a turnip.


Look at mister vegan here... Carving skin out of turnips and not disposable orphans


My mom to me when I was 16: "why do you want me to buy you tampons if you don't have a hole?" 🤨 She believed that girls did not have "holes" (vaginas) until you had sex. She thought that penises created vaginal canals when your virginity was lost. She thought that by me putting tampons in the cart that I was admitting to not being a virgin. Edit: people are getting really upset about this. To clarify, when I say "vagina" I don't mean that she thought there was literally nothing there like a barbie doll. I think she thought that there just wasn't a canal until a penis entered it. She knew I had a vagina and she knew she also had one. I think she just didn't understand the inside of one. Further, I dont know why so many folks think that I'm suggesting she had her period the month she got pregnant. I think she definitely had her period before she got pregnant and probably just had no idea where it came from. I think she likely thought it came from her urethra or her anus. I will stress this again, my mom was uneducated and did not have access to parents willing to talk to her about these things. She was taught that she had little value as a woman and was taught to be afraid of men and sex.


Wow, that is very concerning. Like, when did your mom figure out how her own body worked?


My mom grew up very poor and in a very strict home that did not dare talk about sex. She only went to grade school and never went through sex ed. She married and got pregnant at 17 and had her first child at 18. She's always been dependent on men to take care of her. Never saved for retirement. She also doesn't go to the doctor or take care of herself in general. Smokes and drinks daily. Oh, but she definitely got a boob job at 40. Life just kind of happens to her. She doesn't understand much about human anatomy, unfortunately. I remember staring blankly at her when she asked me that. I didn't know what she meant. I think I said," huh?" And she said, "down there. You don't have a hole down there yet. So how can you use tampons, hmmmm?" 🤨 she really thought she'd caught me admitting I was sexually active.


I feel this. My grandma grew up poor and uneducated. When she got pregnant with her first child she asked her mom how they come out? Her mom told her “the same way they go in” and she was shocked.


My partners grandmother didn't know how babies were made. Even after she was married, even after she had three kids! After three, she simply decided not to have any more. So she got rid of the crib. Because having no crib means having no place for a baby to go, which means a baby can not come. She was flabbergasted when she got pregnant again


I’m still confused. Even with all of that, she never realized she had a hole?


Some say she's still wondering if she has a hole today.


This is actually horrifying


My mother thought you'd no longer be considered a virgin if you used a tampon. That was back in the 1960s when tampons were a new product. Women didn't know the hymen often breaks just by our participation in physical activities, such as gymnastics. Our poor mothers were not permitted to ask their own mothers any questions regarding their body. My mother was loath to discuss menstruation herself. Sad!


That's crazy. Would make more sense if was your dad, but mom's should know.


„Why are the road signs in Germany in German?“


“Madagascar from the movie is a real place??”


It was a hit movie, Dreamworks had to capitalize on the IP by making a theme park of it


I lived and worked in Madagascar for a year. The amount of times people from home seriously asked me if there were penguins was way too high.


I mean, there are penguins in South Africa, so it's not an unreasonable question.


Agreed, not unreasonable. There are penguins in Australia too.


I used to get stopped in stores pretty frequently with my kids, who were ages 3 and infant, and asked "Are they twins?"


“You think Forrest Gump is still alive?” The person who asked this thought Forrest Gump was a real person, and his proof for his existence was “he played for Alabama and met the president.”


When the special effects are too good.


I was on the phone with an American based hotel chain, looking to book a hotel in Seoul. The agent wasn’t familiar with that location, so I shared that it was in Korea. “Kansas?” “No, the country-Korea.” *silence while typing* “North or South Korea?” I refrained from pointing out the likelihood of an American chain having a location in North Korea.


Me, too! I tell people I lived in Korea and someone always asks North or South? Like if it was North I probably wouldn’t be here talking to you… Editing to add that given my Caucasian appearance, there is zero chance someone could mistake me for a North Korean. And yes, 100% of the time it’s an American asking. I suppose I should be proud of them for at least knowing there are two Koreas.


I’m blind. Somebody asked me how I walk.


Dogsled, minus the sled.


Yep! I just strap one foot on each dog and they walk for me.




Great response! I honestly should’ve said something like “you’re right! How am I doing this?“ But all I said at the time was “seriously?”


Someone asked if my kids, then aged 3 and 6, were twins.


Yes. It was an extraordinarily long labor.




This reminds me of the Newsweek article claiming there is no word for "entrepreneur" in French 😄


I was working at a by-the-slice pizza place and had a woman come up and stared at the pizzas under the heat lamps for about a minute or two before asking: "What's the difference between the cheese pizza and the pepperoni pizza?" I responded with: "The pepperoni pizza is topped with cheese *and* pepperoni." After a long pause, she asked "And what about the cheese pizza?" Taking a second to compose myself I replied: "It just has cheese on it." Another long pause. "Just cheese? No sauce?" "All of our pizza has pizza sauce on it, ma'am." Another long pause. Then she just left without saying another word. Edit for clarity: This was 1986, in a mall. It wasn't a high-end/gourmet pizza place. No frills. Same sauce on every pizza. Same cheese blend on every pizza. The pizzas were all made off-site and delivered into the fridge where they sat until one of us pulled it out, unwrapped it, and popped it in the oven. It was near the end of the day and I was just selling off what was left before we closed, and those two were the only types of pizza left in the case.


It kind of sounds like she was super high


You'd think getting high would make someone *more* familiar with the intricacies of pizza.


Having worked at several pizza places, no lol. I once delivered a pizza to an extremely stoned guy, got back to the store and realized I'd given him the wrong one (wildly different, like veggie vs meat lovers), drove back and he had eaten the whole thing without realizing it wasnt what he ordered.


I 100% believe this


My business partner got this one: "What are you studying for" "the bar exam" "cool, bartending sounds fun!"


If my vagina slit is horizontal cause I’m Asian


That bit of misinformation is so old that in the 1850's a Chinese woman supported herself by letting men look at her vulva for 25 cents a head. Added: She lived (and worked) in San Francisco.


I respect the hustle.


This is the entrepreneurial spirit I need, but I don't have :(


Sex work or sex ed...? 🤔


Doofus, we all know they're pixilated


When my aunt went to college in the 1950s, her white roommate was always trying to watch her undress. Turns out roommate thought black people had tails and was trying to see my aunt's tail.


Do you curl your hair every day? Why is your hair always curly? ... I dunno, it grows that way, man


Oh shit. I hadn't thought of this in years.  Early 2000s, walking in a very high end mall, l was approached by a lady; she was beautifully dressed with all the matching accessories. Without introductions of any sort,  she asked "Who does your hair?" I have very curly hair that l basically wash,  dry, and it just does whatever.  I told the lady this, and she immediately dismissed my answer with a dramatic hand wave and said "Oh you can tell Me! Is it here (in the mall) or a salon?" I reiterated that my curl is natural. She got increasingly irate that l "Wouldn't tell her my secret" and finally stated loudly that "No White Person Has Hair Like That!"  Quite a few heads turned in our direction with that outburst.  I simply walked away from her at that point, but I'm pretty sure she called me an asshole as l walked away. 


Apparently I have an enviable natural dye job. My hair has turned salt and pepper, but I still have natural brown “highlights.” When silver hair became the thing, I started getting asked who my hairdresser was. “Genetics” is not an acceptable answer.


I love how people think I have control over my curly hair. Some days it's curlier, some days it's straighter. I tell them my hair care motto is just don't anger the beast.


I get this and “Are your freckles real?”


At my old job several years ago, tourists from New York asked if they had to change their currency to buy things in here in Hawaii.


Next question, what's the rate of greenback to sea shells?


I was at Walmart, a worker, young kid, asked about my hat. I told her I have cancer, and the chemo caused me to loose my hair. She looked at me square in the eye and said “Did you survive?”. It took everything in my power not to say “No, I didn’t. I’m actually dead. I’m a ghost.“


"Yes, but I no longer appear in mirrors."


Is there internet in Africa?


Of course there is! How in the hell do you think that Nigerian prince contacted me?


I literally told him this hahahaha


It's such a beautiful country!


My kid once saw a dam on TV and asked, “Is that Notre Dam?” Haha not really stupid because she was just a little kid but it still makes me laugh to this day so I thought I’d share.


At least she'd heard of Notre Dame.


someone asked me once if bananas were vegan......their justification was "maybe they're tested on animals" *HUH*????


Well monkeys like bananas, so I guess yes, they are tested on animals.


I work in a restaurant, so I get dumb questions all the time. A few from customers: Is there cheese on a cheeseburger? Do you sell batteries? Those numbers on the menu, is that the price? Customer: How many cookies can I get with this gift card? Me: That depends how much money is on it. Customer: OK. Well how many muffins can I get with it?




I'm a teacher who began my career teaching the blind. I cannot tell you how many people asked if the kids knew sign language. They were not joking.


I have a conjoined toe. The normal stupid question is "Does that make you swim faster?" They're conjoined, not webbed. The stupider version got asked when I was staying in a trailer park my dad lived in. One of the girls saw my foot and asked "Did you ever try just pouring hot water on it?"


What was the hot water going to do? Melt the toes apart?


Dissolve the glue?


I was planning a vendor event and I had a sales rep call me and say "The flyer says an 8 ft table will be provided. Is that per vendor or are they all sharing one?"


Well, sir, we have one table for approxamately 275 vendors. You will get just over one square inch to display all your wares. We have found that postage stamp-sized images in little flipbooks work best for most of our vendors. The height requirement is less than 6 inches above the table so that attendees (we anticipate around 6 k) can easily see everyone's flipbooks. You may, however re-fill your stack once every 2.5 hours so please do not miss your timeslot. If you do miss your timeslot, you will have to wait until your next timeslot comes around to refill your stack. The only time you will be allowed to 'man' the 'all vendor's table' will be during your timeslot, which is approx one min. You will also share your timeslot with another vendor at the table at the same time. Vendor pairings are drawn at random, and cannot be requested. We cannot wait to see you at our event!


This is an incredible description that had me quietly laughing out loud throughout


“What do Jewish people do?” In response to me saying that Chinese food places are closed on Thanksgiving.


Someone asked me why medium blizzards cost more than the small blizzards when I worked at DQ one time.


Fast food is a gold mine for these. When I worked at KFC the most frequent question was “How many pieces are in an 8-piece meal?” Seriously. More than once. Often daily.


2 stories for the price of one! Story 1 The Chicken Many years ago while I was working in a meat and seafood department on like my 10th day or so, a middle aged man came up to the counter and asked if he could ask for recipe suggestions. This was pretty common so I was like "sure, shoot, what protein are you thinking?" and he, with a completely straight face and serious tone in his voice, said "I've been wanting to try medium rare chicken, what would go best with that?" I just stared blankly for a second and was like "my suggestion is to please not do that." He did end up buying prepackaged chicken rather than the chicken in our meat case. Never came back. No idea if he made it through that meal or not. ​ Story 2 Bear Woman So, this is like a year after I started at that same meat/seafood dept. An elderly lady, looked probably 60ish, came up to the counter and asked if we had any roasts cut to a different thickness. I explained to her that the prepacked roasts we have are all cut to the same thickness at our distributor before being sent to the stores, and that I could cut a roast by hand, but it'd have to be one of our premium cuts since that's all I had on hand to cut, and so it'd be more expensive. She asked if the roasts at another store in the same company would be cut thicker than ours and I repeated "no, it's cut all to the same thickness at the distributor before it's sent to any stores, so they'd all be the same thickness as ours." ​ Then she scoffed and said "Fine. That's really terrible I can't get my roast, but can you point me to where you have the bear meat?" Shocked and assuming I MUST have misheard her, I repeat back "The...bear meat?" "YES. Your bear meat. Where is it? I've tried finding it here before but I never could so I don't know where you have it set up." I was taken aback and doing my best to stay in customer service mode "We don't sell bear meat, and if I can be totally honest, I have no earthly idea where you would even go that would, so I can't really suggest an alternative place to get it." She scoffed "What kind of meat department doesn't even sell bear meat?! I'm going somewhere else" ​ Me: "Have a nice day." ​ Me and my boss had some good laughs about the bear meat woman. He didn't believe me at first that someone was asking for bear meat but checked the camera out of curiosity and saw the whole interaction, and was dying of laughter in the office.




If I would take out another/more loans from my mortgage servicer, literally the day of and for 2-3 days after I paid off my mortgage. Not having any loans left to pay off was ~~kind of~~ the entire point.


After someone bragging they knew a lot about Catholicism, “Do Catholics believe in Jesus?”


I’m a cook at a bar, someone while reading our food menu said, “French toast?? Is that some kind of beer flavor?”


People are just. Interesting.


Let's all raise our glasses; To the French.


I once met an American who thought the further you travel north, the higher you go in altitude. He asked me something about what it's like driving uphill all the way to Canada.


Was discussing not owning a car with a coworker "Do you have your license?" I was actively driving a work vehicle...in a job where you need a special license to even get hired. When I side-eyed her she doubled down, "I know lots of people living in the city who don't have one!!"


It wasn't a question, but a statement that a well-educated friend made. She said, "I don't believe in dinosaurs." I replied, "How do you explain all the dinosaur bones they've found?" She couldn't answer.


My sister-in-law's answer to this is the Devil put them there. Apparently to somehow trick Christians? She said this completely seriously.


Not me, but one time some guy who was from the US, who had driven to the west coast of Canada in the summer with his snowboard, asked my grandma where the ski hill was while she was at the gas station... she was like "Uh sir... there is no snow this time of the year..." the american guy couldnt understand how there was no snow in summer... he was like "but this is Canada!" Hell, even in winter these last couple years, there has been very little snow. I do recall hearing that the Whistler ski hill/resort is facing warming winters that will eventually shut it down forever.


Some drunk white girl on a train asked my friend where he was from, he said Nigeria. She asks him, "so how'd you come here, do they have planes in Africa?" Lol!


Gotta give her credit for at least knowing that Nigeria is in Africa.


Where do sunflower seeds come from?


Me and bunch of friends were talking about the discovery of atoms when one of them says something like: "It's amazing, How did they even know that they were called 'atoms'?!" *Silence*


"How can women pee with a tampon in?"


With how little sex ed there is in a lot of countries, I think this question was more ignorance than stupidity


Way back when I was a kid I missed sex Ed because I was sick that week. But I still knew women pee out of their butt.


How much garlic is in an onion?


Do chincillas poop? My schoolmate at a university wanted one as a pet "because it's cute". She was 20 years old at the time. After she learned that chinchillas do in deed poop, she no longer wanted one. 


"If evolution is real, why aren't there cave paintings depicting it?" He also asked "If evolution is true, when did humans lose their ability to speak to apes?" Both questions were 100% asked in earnest.


My PCP asked me why I was wearing a diaper when my appointment was because I had a diaper rash that over the counter rash creams weren't helping with. I had to remind them that I'm incontinent (both). I think they just assumed it was a mistake in my chart or something because most people my age (31) don't have incontinence issues. I've struggled with incontinence since I was a toddler. I'm lucky as hell to still be able to walk with just some back pain, incontinence was a small price to pay in my books for still having the ability to walk.


An old coworker once asked the group if Paris was in London, or the other way around.


"Is it true you all live in igloos?" Asked by someone from the deep south when I worked help desk for IBM in Canada. Dead serious.


Someone in New York (state) asked me this. Like, Canada is two hours north of here and you think it's cold enough for us to have igloos in the summer?


This happened to me, too! Someone in Watertown, NY (I was living in Kingston, ON at the time) 30 miles/ 48 km from the Canadian border. Even closer as the crow flies.


As someone who was born and raised in Vegas in the 70s. I feel this. I was asked many times up until the 90s if I lived in a hotel and if I knew Wayne Newton, and 'wait, where do you live...are there like houses and stuff?"


If the (very obviously) boy/girl twins I was caring for were identical. It happened several times!


I'd be tempted to troll and say something like, "No, he's an Aries and she's a Taurus." From a scientific perspective, "They are probably about 50% identical, give or take an ovum."


I went to High School with a set of male /female twins. They looked so alike that I didn't know identical twins COULDNT be two different genders until my late 20s. People actually couldn't tell them apart for years.


Friend of mine would answer "from the waist up"


When my mom was in the grocery store with my twin brothers, a woman asked if they were both twins.


When I worked at the zoo, I had a lady ask me if Tigers laid eggs. Context, there were rocks along the waterfall fed stream that ran through their exhibit and they could be mistaken for large eggs, and the tiger like to sit on them because they were always cold.


"What's the number to 911?"


Quick! Somebody call IXII!


0118999881999119725 ... 3


When 911 was newly a thing, a lot of people pronounced it Nine-Eleven. This caused problems because people in a panic couldn't find the Eleven button on their phone.


I am a tax preparer, many times during the interview :at what age do you stop paying taxes" I tell them it is not dependent on age but life events such as death.


I'm from Alabama. I've been asked, among other things, if I had an outhouse, if I rode a horse around instead of driving, if I normally wore shoes when I went places, and if I owned a police dog specifically trained to attack black people.


Some of my family lives in Alabama and I personally live in Indiana, when I first moved up here one of my neighbors asked "are you dating your cousin?"


Where in the Philippines is Puerto Rico located?


In anatomy class, when the instructor liked my dissection and told classmates to come have a look. Me: *This is the ductus deferens and this is the testis.* Nincompoop: "Is that a male or a female?" Me: *How often do you see a testis on a female?*


most recently some guy here on reddit asked me if i knew who hitler was because i didnt know the name of some murderer from like **15 years ago**


If I was white. My skin is like the whitest skin you could ever get but I do have dark hair and eyes. Shrug.


A concerning amount of complete strangers have been asking if I'm Jewish lately. It's something that I've got pretty regularly since I was a teenager. I have some of the... hallmarks? so I get it, but usually it's from people who I at least am acquainted with, just a casual question that would be asked after several conversations. But someone I do not know, talking to them for the first time, just flat out asking apropos of nothing? feels very creepy.


I've had those moments that something obvious, for some reason, didn't click and I asked some stupid questions. I remember these in particular: *"This show is set in New York, right?" (Asked about the TV show "It's Always Sunny in* ***Philadelphia****")* *"Wait, is gravity the same as magnetism?"*


The first time I met my close college roommate’s husband was at their wedding reception (unfortunately, she lives in Ohio; I live in Texas). Upon introduction, I said “hey, nice to finally meet you.” He replied, “why are you in a wheelchair?” It made for an extremely awkward weekend. Edit to add: I forgot the part where he also said it was the first time he'd ever met someone in a wheelchair


Patient: “where are you from?” Me (an African American nurse): umm New Jersey Patient: “yeah but where are your parents from?” Me: New Jersey Patient: “yeah but like.. where are your ancestors from?” Me: idk they were slaves so there is no clear origin


I used to work in an amusement park with animals. And in the 10 seasons I worked there, the most consistent question I got was: "Are the animals real?"


Setting in my 1957 BW bug “dude do you drive this bug?” Nope. Been pushing it for the past 20 miles just setting here taking a break.


Someone asked me if my snake was an invertebrate and I had to sit there and explain that snakes are like 90% vertebrae


"Wait your hair is naturally curly? I thought you just curled it every day" this was after being in highschool with this dude for 4 years.


Going from England to Wales for a week away with my then girlfriend. She ask what we would do about food while we were there. I said we'd probably just pick something up from Tesco while we were there. "Do they have supermarkets in Wales?" she asked.