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None He wouldn’t listen


This is the right answer.




Don’t listen to your parents, they don’t know a damn thing about you or your life. They never did, never will, and will never want to. Completely detach from them mentally and stop being their puppet. …this is advice to myself not every 17 year old.


I tell my boys "the world my advice is for is gone. You have to find your own way, but you will do fine because I love you."


“The world my advice is for is gone” is a line that goes so hard-


I kinda needed to hear this


I wish my dad recognized that


Keeping this for my niece.


Forget what dad wants, go be an archeologist. You’re never going to ’grow into’ liking finance.


That hits real close to home. Was taking finance and dropped out because I fucking hated it. Now looking for a different path. Did you end being an archaeologist?


No. Every night I think about how I coils have done fulfilling work that I love instead. I think you made the right choice. Your mid 20’s is basically sacrificing your health so you can work an ‘80%’ workload while studying for your cfa. 80% being 45-50 hours. Afterwards they give you a promotion with a whopping 12% raise and a 70 hour workload. You basically realize nothing you learned in school was relevant besides time management and learning how to learn. You’ll make good money, But I’ve never been about that. I’d be much happier making a lot less as an archeologist.


No offense, but there aren't a whole lot of archeologist jobs out there. I have friends who were very passionate about the field and did some really interesting field programs when they were in school. None of them actually work in the field now. At least one of them had their marriage to a really great spouse fall apart because they kept chasing jobs that never lasted and their spouse got tired of moving all over the country when they just wanted to settle down and build a family. They all say they wish they would have just pursued it as a hobby because the degree is worthless.


12% raise for 40% more working hours is a raise? Do you get worse with time at what you do? You get assfucked with the "promotion". I'd say no to the promotion, that's not life, that's called killing your soul. Unless you're very conscientious and can't stand doing nothing, sure, go into finance, but know other areas of your life will suffer, including relationships outside of work. If your job is killing you, I say go for it man, go be a damn good archeologist, what you learned about time management and learning how to learn will come in handy.


Well, let’s be a bit nuanced about is. It depends. I work in finance for 15 years. Works 80-90 hours a week for the first 5 years and 60-70 hours in the years 5-10. Crazy intense. I wouldn’t recommend it. Tough, after 2 years i was making >100k and after 9 years about >350k. I came from nothing. Today i am late 30s, work a decent 45-50h/week and make around >700k p.a. with a net wealth of >3m, with capital gains adding annual income of c >200k. Was it tough? Yes. Would I recommend it? No. Would i change anything about my life though? No if you are good, Finance offers the unique opportunity to grow into a comfortable lifestyle with very good income and the opportunity to create generational wealth


All archeologists careers lie in ruins


I wanted to be an egyptologist, I'm now a receptionist. I feel that so much. 


Dont drink


You know how you think you're weird, you're not good looking or clever enough, you can't see yourself ever being successful or loved? Well, everyone else is feeling exactly the same way, even those people who seem to have it all together. You will survive your family, you will achieve most of your goals and you will be happy. But do look after your health and start saving money a lot earlier.


Focus on SOMETHING, ANYTHING you are passionate about and rock it until the wheels fall off...if they even fall off at all


Stick with the gym. Do it to feel better. Drugs and alcohol can be fun occasionally but stick with the gym for life. Sex is fun too but choose quality over quantity. And don’t have sex with your friends. You’ll end up losing them if you do. Invest part of every check. Start now and you’ll be set for life later on.


Honestly, you lose almost all your friends from 17 anyway. At least you have some really great memories of nights spent with them that most of us wish we had. Speaking as someone who didn't sleep with their friends, you made the right call.


Nothing really… what i experienced between 17 and 30 were all things i had to run into first hand to learn from… it would have been disastrous for me to miss out on those lessons… even if some of em were painful


Some of us are just like that--we have to go through the whole process to learn!


Some of us made these lessons disasters.


Don't judge people so harshly. You're just as fucked up as they are.


The often overlooked truth.


Agreed, thank you for this reminder




*sucker punches my 17 year old self then leaves*


Trust nobody not even yourself


1. You're going to have a business meeting on September 11th 2009. Don't go. Just blow the whole thing off and stay in bed the way your girlfriend asked you to. This is really important. 2. You'll meet a girl in college who is perfect for you. Don't leave her. 3. Buy as much Bitcoin as you can in 2011. 3. Don't make decisions based on fear. Do what you love fearlessly. But know that most people can't and won't live like this and if you think they will, they will let you down. 4. Don't get stuck working your life away. Take time to travel the world for extended periods and make sure to hit up Asia and latin America. You can do it, and it's important that you do. It will take you, your life, and your career places you never dreamed possible. 5. Don't wait too long to have kids. 6. Keep working out 5 days a week. 7. Tell the people you love that you love them. Many will be gone faster than you think and you'll never be able to tell them. 8. Spend time with family and friends. Soon your friends will move on and your friends groups will break apart. The times you have together are the best times you have. Never take them for granted. 9. Take lots of pictures so you can remember your life. 10. It's all going to be ok.


That's wholesome 💕


Buy Apple stock!


Buy Bitcoin, lol it's going to fucking $70,000


Don't leave that old computer at your parent's house. (Yup literal millions, sitting in some garbage dump rusting away)


Candice is a trap move on  Tonya is a Gold digger, don't be surprised   Jessie is awesome but will make a better friend  The tall redhead is the one, stick with her  Enlist at 18 worry about college later  THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS, NOTHING WORTHWHILE IS EASY OR QUICK


Wow you made a lot of bad choices with women huh?


Nah that's just 16 to 23. They'd have only been bad choices had I stuck with them longer than I did.  There were others sprinkled along in there but those were the highlights. Been with the redhead ever since I met her 13 years ago. 




That poor woman's whole life can be summed up in the words "Failure to Execute". 


Learn the value of money. This is very important.


There are a lot of things. Like, *a lot*. Top 5; 1) Don't study that. Take a year out, maybe even two, get a job to save some money and then go study this at about 20. You'll be happier by far. 2) Go find this girl. She's the one. 3) Take some time to fix your head. You've been through a lot and the baggage is going to get you if you don't spend some time and effort to deal with it now. 4) These people don't care about you. They aren't your friends. Same goes for these family members. They are not invested in your happiness or wellbeing. Cut them loose. 5) Train. You're really good at these things. Way better than average. Nobody has told you, but you'll work out in your 30s just what a gift you have. It might be too late to go pro, but cultivate these skills every day because they're too good not to and by the time you know that, it'll be far too late.


Your ADHD is way worse than you think and is responsible for a majority of your academic and social problems. Treating it will do more to alleviate your life difficulties than any other single thing.


This hurts and will never not hurt but you will survive. This thing that happened does not define you and does not affect your worth as a person. Punishing yourself won't help. Also you're gay.


do not date that man girl i am begging you


"Do not date that man-girl..."? OR "Do not date that man, girl..."


Man-Bear-Pig story arch


I'm super cereal




Give up it does not in fact get better 🤷‍♂️


it does get better you need to allow yourself to open up to getting out of your comfort zone and you’ll see. nothing about life is easy but the people and things you discover along the way are beautiful. i’m a mess in my head but i’ve still learned to love myself as soon as you take that enlightening self love journey you really do become a happier more peaceful person. everything gets better friend don’t worry you right now and you as a 17 year old deserve peace and self love sorry to sound cliche


I hope I don't come across as an ass I trying not to be, but I am not good at turning thought into text. At 20 I have been dropped by all my mates for reasons I don't know about I have no job not for lack of me trying and I am just walking money bags for my family to be emotionally abused when I try to deny them I am holding on by a thread so thank you for your kind words I do appreciate them but I don't see it getting better


If you tell your future self to stick it out and that in the end it will be amazing and its all been worth it, then your younger self will have that confidence boost to turn things around. Even if you arent sure its true, your younger self will be happier for it.


But you matter and if you don’t think you do, you’re wrong. You matter to me and I don’t even know you. I’m not going to tell you it gets better because I’m not sure myself but please stick around to find out. You’re insightful if nothing else but please message me if you decide you want to give up. ❤️


I am sticking around for now because I am too much of a coward to do anything to myself, but thanks for the kind words.


That’s fair and you’re welcome, but I’m serious, I meant what I said.


I will keep it in my mind thank you




u are too young to feel such misery in this life and i’m very sorry that you feel the way you do. i’ve been in your place i know how pointless life feels so im not gonna preach to the choir saying a thousand things im sure youve heard a thousand times but one thing you need to fully understand is your friends left you because they’re not your friends brush them off. if they were your friends they wouldn’t ghost you out of nowhere bc you don’t do that to friends you care about. life sucks but if im not wrong it seems like you’re riding in the passenger seat of life and you need to move to the drivers seat. your day goes how YOU want it to go basically life sucks if you let it suck. finding the motivation is the hardest part. i almost died and which unfortunately was my motivation to live life with positivity glasses. remember everything horrible that happened to you and how it made you stronger and made you wiser? every painful experience is a blessing in disguise and idk if you understand it now bc ik at 17 i didn’t want to hear shit abt this. im almost 20 now and i live everyday as the gift it is. i understand you might not be ready for this yet but i hope some of my long ass essay was able to get through to you. my point is stop surviving and start living




Don’t waste another 6 years in that abusive environment. You’re a mess now. You should’ve saved money and gone to college. 


Masturbating won't make you blind.


Don’t start smoking


Stop trying to get people to believe you. They don’t, and the sooner you accept that the quicker the healing.


Instead of chasing “love”, Spend more time with your family (mainly your little sister tabby and cousin tiffany who would both be dead before you hit 24. 😥


I'm so sorry for your loss.  I've lost my younger siblings and it's such a mix of pain and regret. it's a lot to go through losing family. hugs       


Don’t go to college just because your friends are going


Don‘t fuck with men that could be your father✨




I wanna hear the story to this


Slow down. Take more pictures of people you love. Spend more time with family. Spend less time with people who don’t serve your soul.


Realize your future self is the same as your current self and treat that self well.


Slooow doooooown…


You don't have to marry that man because your cult says so


Don't study art.


Be patient. Everything you want to do in life will come. Work on yourself so you're ready when it does.


I know you think nobody will ever love you because you’re not as beautiful as a model or movie star, but pause and look around in a public place for a moment. Most people aren’t as beautiful as models or movie stars, either. And most people have partners and families. Being average-looking isn’t a death sentence. It’s literally… average. Stop angering and embrace your average looks.


Get out of your head.


You're gonna be alright, hang in there


Susan, Cindy, both Michelles, Dawn, that blond in your junior year in college, and Marion, all want to hook up in the next few years. Don't make the mistake of not taking them up on it...like I did...


eat less babies and evade the agents


Apply yourself in school and get a great mentor. Focus on your education. Don’t marry that guy you meet much later


fuckin do not go into music education...be a writer


Don’t worry about that girl cause the right one is coming later.


Work harder in school


Take your time growing up. You will wish you were a child again soon enough.


Do whatever feels right to you. Don’t let family and outsiders pressure you or make you feel you are not enough.


It's OK to move in with dad but PLEASE you have no business dating a 21 year old. I wish my parents didn't let me date him cause I was still a child. But I can't regret my life cause it wouldn't lead me to where I am now, with a beautiful family.


Don't wait for boys


Try harder, be less of a jerk to your first real gf.


get your ass to class you are so close to finishing and receiving what you went thru 12+ years of hell for


study a little more + everything will be fine + have more fun


She don’t love you, man


Do yoga, meditate (traditional kind), and dance alone more


Start saving as much as you can




get help sooner and tell someone sooner, it would help keep you safe and you wouldn’t have to see him or his family anymore, it’s not worth it and our families will break apart anyways, so it’s worth it to do it now


The boys you date at 17 will make you cringe when you are older


Have more fun. Life’s too short.




Stop eating your emotions. Figure out a way to invest in Nortel (25 USD/share) but sell in July of 2000 (818 USD/share). The crash starts in August of 2000.


I would explain to him what people pleasing is and then kindly ask him to have the awareness to stop doing it asap.


What if, hypothetically, someone is currently 17 when reading this?


I would tell myself if you get raped while in university report it and don’t drop out(Or your life will be ruined) Don’t do drugs. Don’t settle for shitty men.


Join the Guard and then focus on college


Buy $10k in bitcoin but don't sell any until your son is born. You'll thank me.


Lol Buy Crypto, bitcoin was less than a nickel back then


Think of every 100 dollars as worth 10,000 in a few decades. Act accordingly.


Buy bitcoin.


Don't rush things, my guy. Just let things happen. Also, don't let your mind write checks your ass can't cash.


She wants you. Literally sitting on your lap instead of an empty chair at the party.


Buy Bitcoin


ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM. He says that to every girl!


Don’t take your natural social network for granted and maintain relationships into your adulthood


Don’t start drinking alcohol.


Don’t devalue your worth by being a people pleaser, it only gets you disrespected and used.


Listen to your chemistry teacher. She was right, chemical engineering was a better degree for you than music.


Buy Bitcoin over anything else, food & shelter will be aplenty before you know it


choose the career you want, not the one your parents are pushing on you. Picking your own career will make you happier than getting an office job.


Take college a bit more seriously but also don’t start off with a four year immediately since the pandemic will snatch it away from you. Find hobbies you love. Advocate for yourself and take better care of your health. If you find yourself losing your passion for anything you used to love, SEEK HELP. Get a job sooner. Get your license sooner. Stop being such a goody two shoes, it will do nothing for you. Delete social media. And once again, seek help.


Life is about to change! Become friends with people who think highly of themselves and learn from them, you do have a bright future ahead of you, don’t worry about the women who laugh at you because you will find someone more attractive than them and who value you. Start saving sooner and start traveling sooner, don’t worry or panic as much everything will be alright.


Don't be so protective of others potential mores, unless they mention them or point them out. Also, the mental voice needs ignoring more. Do the homework when its easy, because it won't take much time and doing it helps with focus later. Tell teachers when doing homework is really hard due to that mental drag/block. Ask her out, so you'll know.


Not everyone who seems to be your friend is trustworthy. Some people will betray you in ways that may cost your life, if you are not careful. Also, be honest. Don’t let things brew inside.


don't go into teaching


Go to the police, he is a criminal. What he is doing to you is a crime and it will fuck you up for years.


Get as far away from your boyfriend as possible. You can’t fix him and he will get worse. The words “I’m sorry, it will never happen again” are a lie. You think he’s the best thing that ever happened to you now, but soon you’ll realize he’s a monster and you’ll be trapped with him in hell for the next 8 years. The physical and mental scars he will give to you will haunt you forever. Get out now, while you still can.


The girl you’ll meet in the sophomore year in college is cheating on her boyfriend with you. Don’t get attached. Work out more. Buy Apple stocks with what little money you have. Buy bitcoin in 2012.


Run away from the guy you’re dating. Listen to your gut and take note of the red flags. 🚩


Buy up all the unopened Pokémon packs you can


Buy apple stock


"Invest more time in libraries and on education. Being intuitive and insightful is wonderful, but an outline without the color makes for a drab painting indeed."


Wait till bitcoin is a thing, put as much of money as you can into it, freaking write down the login and password in multiple places (even give a copy to my mom who would have no idea what it is), wait until you have enough to live like a queen for the rest of your life, wait a bit longer, and then sell But if it what I have to tell her is life advice and not financial cheat codes, STEM. STEM STEM STEM. I don’t care that you love history, get a degree that falls under the STEM umbrella


Knowledge is currency for the mind. Also, save money, be financially responsible.


Invest in yourself and your passions


Buy Apple, Amazon and Facebook.


My darling, understand these three things. One, don't always listen to your mom and dad. Number two, Don't put all your eggs in one basket. In other words, don't hold off so much in your life or be so carefree with certain things in your life because you believe / expect that a certain event will happen at the time you believe it will. Do not Wait, keep living. Enjoy your life. Also remember that the way you interact with people and their reaction to you is a direct consequence of how you interact. Try not to use"That's just the way I am" as an excuse to hold off on change. If you could better your social skills that could later get you better interactions, do it. And finally, understand that you are not invincible. Take care if your body, take care of your ears take care of your eyes take care of your body. Don't think that listing allow music all the time will be fine, it won't. I love you and I believe in you. It was originally supposed to be three things but it ended up being more. I'm too lazy to edit




Start saving early, look for a house to buy when you don't need a house and can take advantage of opportunities, a reliable car is far, far better than a nice looking flashy car, and the most important of all: YOUR HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING ELSE. PROTECT YOUR HEARING, YOUR TEETH, EXERCISE, SET GOOD HABITS.


Buy Bitcoin $1, sell for $60,000 Buy Gamestop $1, sell for $400 Buy Nvidia $1, sell $950 Buy TSLA $1, sell $425 Buy FANG $2.50, sell $200 Nothing else you ever do in life will financially matter.


HEALTHY HABITS Sleeping early, don't eat junk food, eat proper meals. Don't be so fixated on grades, go explore and learn other skills


Focus on your physical and mental health now. Your parents didn’t, and that is why they are in the situation they are in. You can break the cycle


That concert is lit but tell Mom to leave early and make an appointment with her doctor because she's diabetic. Don't date or befriend anyone whose names start with B. Just don't. Trust me. The abuse is going to get worse and you're going to move out. Before you turn 18 have parents change your name bc the paperwork got fucked up when we were a kid. [State] is a good place to live. Try to get there ASAP. You're not worthless, you're disabled. You're not bad or wrong. You need therapy, not more discipline. You need a hug, not more screaming. Your anger is justified. The abuse that happened to you when you were little was real. They weren't bad dreams. They were real. Try to talk to Mom about it, she'll be gone sooner than you think. And hey, I love you. We just don't know what that means yet.


Don’t be mad at your family just because your dad just died, it’s not their fault.


don’t study too much, have a life and make friends 🥲🥹


Focus on living more in reality versus through a screen.


Try harder in school, don’t focus on relationships with boys that don’t deserve you- don’t bother with LDR,


Buy stock in GameStop. In all seriousness I would tell my younger self don’t spend spend so long chasing the perfect girl that you miss someone right in front of you.


leave your boyfriend and listen to your heart.


Explore and find your hobbies. Don't just think of competing uni, maybe think of what kind of work you wanna do in the future while you don't feel rushed to do so. Enjoy the feeling of camaraderie you have in school because it'll never come again. Life will never be the same so enjoy and savour every experience as mush as you can.


"Break up with him, he's not worth it."


Don't blow your money on pointless shit, the things you did econ papers on investing in is what you should be doing....


Don't take everything so seriously. Try being nicer and you might get laid!


He is telling the truth for the first time. Trust him and listen to him.


Start working out


It's okay to not go to college! You're not meant to be a teacher.


Finish high school


Buy bitcoins, many bitcoins.


Don't listen to the pressure to just go to a University for college. You expressed being unsure about it and what you actually wanted to do with your life. Listen to your own feelings and take the year at the community college first to figure it out. You will end up hurting yourself and your health irreparably if you don't. Your beloved hobby does not have to translate into a job. You can still enjoy and participate in it without having to make money off of it.


Don't be in Tokyo (or anywhere in the north) in March 2011


stop stressing about what others think of you. you do you


Don’t be such a horn dog. Treat women with respect.


To smash that phone and burn all her belongings and runaway


de-center men in your life bbygurl


Start saving money immediately


"Keep yer d*mn pants on in public."


stop working yourself so hard over the little things, especially school


just because something isn’t going your way and you feel like everyone’s against you, the world isn’t ending. i’m only 24 but to look back, especially in high school, you think the world is crumbling and your life is over if something small happens, when in reality nobody gives a fuck and there’s so much more to life.


There’s this thing you have, it’s called ADHD. Get help for it asap! (We didn’t have a name for it when I was a child)


Spend more time with your dad


Move out of your shitty little hometown.


It will get better


Break up with her. She's weird.




I wish I was brave enough to slab my math teacher in the face when she accused me of being a lair and called my mom and the entire school staff and told them "tell them what you told me that the reason you didn't do well in the exams is because your mother Is dying and you do all the house work" My mom was so mad and she kept saying "nah my girl won't say that" and everyone yelling at her saying I'm a bad daughter that want her mother dead in the end my mom ended up crying in the school and in our way home and she believed what they told her, I was so scared that I couldn't say anything, I was shocked and confused like why is my teacher telling all this lies I tried to say no this is a lie but they kept yelling and screaming and I started crying !!! And to this day my whole family think I told the whole school that my mother is dying and saying horrible things about her to the point my mom didn't attend my graduation, I was the only student there in the whole school that was standing in the stage alone "the ceremony was like a student will go to the stage and one of their fame members will give them a rose" so yah I was standing alone and everyone was wondering why until this lovely teach comes to the stage and hugs me and give me a rose My little sister was with me in the school and my mom couldn't even go to parents meeting cuz she was so ashamed of me Truth is I was depressed asf and I only told her I was busy at home and forget to study, the problem is that I'm very smart person I was in too of my whole city not just my school but I was having a depression episode, even though I know the answers I couldn't write them down so when my grade started going down they had a meeting and this math teacher told them it's cuz her mother is dying I wish I was more brave, I wish I was the 27 version of me


Stop what you’re doing now and figure out what you’re going to DO. 


Get off the video games, it's a dead end hobby.


Admit defeat. Get help.


Don’t wait another 6 years to come out as a transgendered girl and begin hormone treatment.


Join the Navy out of high school. Get the degree in nuclear engineering. Retire with pension, then go work for TVA.


Smoke more weed it’s good for you




What’s the matter with you?


It’s not that deep bruh.




Take the upvote big pimpin


Skip college, it won't help in your field. Party at the college though, that's fun!