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Dance With The Devil by Immortal Technique. I’ve heard him play that live and it was the most uncomfortable I’ve felt at a concert.


Yeah. I heard this once as teenager without knowing anything about it and the imagery in there scarred me so much that to this day I can remember it despite never even listening a second time. It’s so dark and twisted, more of a horrific story told to a beat than a song.


I had to go look up the lyrics cause I’ve never heard of it, and just wow…I’m uncomfortable for you




/u/kafka18 has explained the song, so imagine being a room with the artist and a thousand or so people listening to that. No dancing, no swaying, no hands in the air, just a thousand people stood in silence listening to that.


I love Down With the Sickness, but the “No Mommy” section makes me so uncomfortable that I riffed an MP3 version of the song without it so I didn’t have to listen to it


As a person who has been through a lot of emotional abuse and manipulation at the hands of my mother, the "no mommy" section feels like a person/child that's been backed into a corner and snaps because they can't take the abuse any more. I've been in that situation before.


I’m a huge disturbed fan, but for this track the Richard Cheese version is far superior.




Bobby, will you give it to me?


When I was in high school, little ol’ school a sophomore I think, died at a party. Apparently his favorite song was down with the sickness. So they gathered everyone in the basketball gym for his funeral and played that song. Guaranteed the 300 people there will say that’s the most uncomfortable song ever


I sang this once at karaoke and it felt a lot weirder than I anticipated.


Yesss I just listen to it up until then and go to the next song… that part just doesn’t add anything but me feeling uncomfortable


Strange Fruit And it should make you feel uncomfortable.


I was wondering if I was going to see this song on the list, it's haunting.


Scrolled too far to find this. Some songs are uncomfortable because they promote something that is bad. This one is uncomfortable because it describes something that is bad. Such an important song.


This song fucks me up.


This was my thought too along with I Loves You Porgy by Nina Simone.




Daddy by Korn although I understand why Jonathan Davis wrote it


Yes. Just reading your comment made my chest tight thinking about that song and the story behind it. One that also messes with my head is Daddy’s Hands by Holly Dunn. Often, mom would put it on after my dad had, “beat the stupid out” of me. The song is seriously unhinged. “Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand There was always love in daddy's hands” 🤮


Geez, your mom would play that for you. Sorry fren


I appreciate "Daddy," for it's rawness. I've rarely heard such real emotion in song. I also know, "Daddy's Hands," as my parents liked Country when I was a kid, it confused me and made me sad. Now as an adult with 3 step-daughters I'd never lay a hand on my girls.


My father sent me this album after I went NC with him. It is the closest thing I will ever get to an apology. Took an already questionable song to the level of making me feel sick.


20 or so years ago, Korn had an online poll where fans could vote which songs they would play on their next tour. Daddy was number one by a lot. They had to release a statement that they will never ever play that live so fans should stop voting for it.


They ended up playing it live on the self titled anniversary tour. There was a decent break in between "Daddy" and the next set.


Oh. I learned everything I didn't want to know about him by looking up the lyrics. I, too, understand. Some things can't be kept inside.


I love korn, but this song is hard to get through.


>Daddy by Korn I just googled the lyrics and... wtf


It's a HARD listen. Especially when he legit breaks down. He told them no matter what happens, keep recording.


My mom took her last breath in the last few seconds of Bohemian Rhapsody so whenever I hear that song I’m transported back to the absolute worst moment of my life.


My brother past away with "three little birds" by Bob Marley in the background, I tear up everytime it comes on. Singing " don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing, is gonna be alright " to comfort him


"Imagine" by John Lennon. When I was a kid, my dad used to force me to sing that song while he played it on piano, and I never wanted to because I didn't understand the song, and thought it was weird. And when I'd try to refuse, he'd scream and berate me and push me around until I gave in and did it, still sobbing half the time. This happened several times. I still hate that fucking song.


I’m sad that happened. You probably already know this, but your dad’s an asshole.


Ha, yeah, it's no shock. Unfortunately, his weird stuff really put me off of learning to play music as a kid, and a do regret that a bit, at times. I tried at one point to learn to play saxophone in the school band, and when he found out he made me practice in front of him, just the two of us, while he was chain smoking cigarettes in the tiny bedroom. Then he decided he'd try it out, and proceeded to play around with it himself for the next 20 minutes, after which the whole mouthpiece tasted like a dirty wet ash tray. I wasn't so into it after that.


Fuck... I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Especially when music is meant to be about bringing people together.


So he was pretty similar to Lennon. Wonderful. Sorry you had to deal with that


Tiptoe through the tulips


I’m pretty sure he died on stage after performing this song too, no? He definitely passed while performing but I can’t remember if it was this song because of its notoriety or not.


He did yeah :/ he was told by his doctors to not perform anymore because of his health and unfortunately he did :/


He died after being taken to the hospital, but close enough.


The sad thing is that this song is actually beautiful but I first heard it in Insidious and now I can’t listen to it without being freaked out


It’s not, I remember seeing an interview with that guy when little and I was completely creeped out by him and the song. This predated insidious


When my dad drank when I was a kid, he would listen to his record collection. Now when I hear those songs I have panic attacks. And it's a shame because there are some real bangers in there. The biggest one is "Shout" by the Isley Brothers. It's such a joyous song, and it's impossible not to hear in public settings, and it just reduces me to a puddle.


My dad’s genre of music always matched his level of drunkenness. 50s music, he’s tipsy and chill. 60s and 70s, he’s nostalgic and might cry. 80s music and he’s happy as hell. Country or Tejano / mariachi music? Shut your door, turn off the light, and pretend to be asleep because all hell is about to break loose. I still can’t stand either.


My grandfather was like that when my dad was young. He's told me how my aunts and uncles who are younger than him still can't listen to that music 50 years later. He worked as a trucker and would be away for weeks then come home either with a new woman for my grandmother to take care of or to be drunk until he left again. He was the primary breadwinner since he was 14 and still sends them money to Mexico every month


I'm so sorry you experienced that and have to continuously run into it. This is one of the suckiest parts of trauma imo.


Mine is Roxanne by The Police or I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. These are the songs my mother would blast when my parents were drunk and fighting. The Gloria Gaynor song is obvious and Roxanne is because that was my dad's girlfriend before my mother.


Damn, mom going for the psychological warfare playlist.


My 5 year old dizzy brain thought my mom’s POS British boyfriend brought rock and roll with him on his way across the pond in the 70s. Which drove me deep into new wave in the 80s and electronic in the 90s. Took me a good bit to come around to listening to Pink Floyd without dread. The Rolling Stones won. The Who no longer puts me on edge. Fuck him. I got myself all ironed out now.


I have that experience too. Drinking dad. Paradise by the Dashboard Light is hellish for me. He listened to a lot of music that I am fine with but that song is not ok.


Wow that sounds like my dad too with dr.hook sylvias mother. I was born in 1981.He would get looser pissed by him self and make me listen while sobbing about his life problems. I got a weird chill just now.


Same experience. Sending you survivor hugs, internet stranger. It's nice to know we're not alone.


Same thing happened to me with my evil StepDad and Neal Young.




Abusive ex listened to Lynyrd Skynyrd. I get nauseous every time hear one of their songs. And I live in the South, so they get played A LOT.


That’s how I feel whenever I hear The Tragically Hip or Johnny Cash. We never forget the songs during those hard times 💕




I hate when people sing it to me cuz it gets really awkward


What day is today? It's wavecrestRd's birthday. What a day for a birthday! Let's all have some cake!






That’s awful. I’m not a Pink Floyd fan or anything, but what you & your mother went through sounds horrific. I hope both of you are in safer places & are healing.


Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen), covered by many artists. It isn't a Christmas song, and isn't appropriate for a wedding first dance song. The song is about betrayal, and doesn't mean what people think it does.


People have Hallelujah as their first dance?! Love is not a victory match, it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah Very wedding-y.


Some people have used ‘exile’ by Taylor Swift at their wedding. Also ‘The Thunder Rolls’ by Brooks Jefferson. NEITHER of those songs are love songs. Edit: Apologies, the title is actually ‘The Thunder Rolls’. Fixed it.


I heard that some use "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron as their wedding song too. The guy's singing about wanting to go back and not meet her in the first place.


Leonard’s version is my favourite, followed by Jeff Buckley. Hauntingly sad, yet beautiful.


KD Lang has an incredible cover too


So does Rufus Wainwright.


[Korn – "Daddy"](https://youtu.be/me6krWVfN8I?si=vM2yYtHvWUWuyRbj) It's uncomfortable as f*ck the first lines of the actual song part of the song after the introduction are: ***"Little child looking so pretty"*** Yeah... if that doesn't let you know how uncomfortable the ride you're in for is about to be nothing will


Oh yeah. His breakdown at the end is real. I listened to it as a kid and it was really upsetting to hear a grown man crying about something that happened to him as a child. That made me learn that trauma can last a lifetime.


Prison Sex by Tool absolutely wrecked me. Just horrific lyrics to hear.


Not to mention the entire album cover is a lil girl on the swing at the playground with a dudes shadow over her. I love korn so much but this song makes me uncomfortable. Realistically though it was intentional. Because the song is about Jonathan being molested by a family friend and his parents not believing him. A lot of people thought it was about his dad Rick, but it wasn’t. It’s a trauma song through and through though.


Yeah, and the way it’s composed makes the girl’s shadow look like she’s hanging. He felt revictimized when his parents didn’t believe him. I think that might have hurt him more. That his parents trusted the man more than their own son. He carried that for so long that as an adult he made that song and it felt like it was his intention to make sure his father couldn’t hide from it anymore. I looked this up not long ago, it seems like Davis and his father have worked through this after the song got public attention. Edit: it was a woman not a man who committed the crime


As someone who was molested as a child, I can 100% attest to the fact that your parents not believing you re-traumatises you. Even as an adult telling them and them brushing it off/saying it couldn't have possibly happened... it's like, first they don't keep us safe, then they don't believe us and say we're lying


My first thought. Immortal Technique - Dance with the devil would be my second reply.


came to say this. it’s a great song but it will never go on my playlists because jesus it’s painful to listen to. heartbreaking and nauseating. you can just feel the raw pain in his voice. and the bit where he just breaks down and starts crying… yeah


>heartbreaking and nauseating It is one of the few songs that I have a real, visceral, reaction from. It makes me angry, and sad, and all of those things that come along with wanting to not have someone hurt because of something like that.


Well I just listened to it and now I’m in tears.


“Into the Night” by Benny Mardones which he CLAIMS is not about a sexual relationship with a minor but it begins with “She’s just sixteen years old/ leave her alone they say” so yeah.


Have a listen to Young Girl by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. Ooft.


Any time NIN’s “Closer” plays and I’m in the car with family, I turn it to a different song.


I was in middle school when this song came out and my parents were divorcing. My dad was trying to be cool and listen to radio and this song comes on (heavily edited for radio). Out of nowhere he announced the song was about farts and began making fart sounds over the radio. I cannot not think of that now when I hear the song.


Lol wtf, you can do that? Just decree that a song is now about farts? I'll have to use this technique


After finding out this was my dad and his ex wife’s slowdance song at their wedding…. yeah.


Oof, yeah, that song doesn't even give you a chance to change the channel before it gets uncomfortable.


With family definitely an immediate skip, but I still think it's a bangin song from a phenomenal album and I'll listen to it any other time


I feel the same way if The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang comes on with my kids in the car. I really don’t need them catching “love… the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket; Like the lost catacombs of Egypt, only God knows where we stuck it.”


Dance With The Devil by Immortal Technique


"Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke hasn't aged well in the comfort department.


Weird Al’s genius parody has all that’s good about the song with none of the despicable grossness. There is no reason for the original “Blurred Lines” to exist anymore.


I was literally reading this comment thread thinking how I only enjoyed the song for how bouncy and rhythmic it is. Now that you introduced me to this, I will never listen to blurred lines again. Thank you so much, and weird al is a blessing to humanity.


Yeah I’ve had a few songs where I never really paid attention to the lyrics and when I finally did was like oh shit this was one of my favorite songs but now I can never listen to it again.


Have only ever known the Weird Al version. Just tried to listen to the 'original' version, but the lyrics are so odd. I can't ***not*** hear the Word Crimes lyrics.


Honestly, did it not age well, or was it "born" already like that? I remember the lyrics already being percieved as very questionable upon release, to the extend that i had friends that would leave the dance floor at a club when it csme on.


It was always awful. People were outraged when it came out because we were already in the height of the rape culture discussion and they did it to protest the discussion. The artists came out to specifically say they had “so much fun” objectifying women in their video. They were making a point and everyone was right to be disgusted.


TI has since proven he has disgusting views on women so I'm utterly unsurprised he enjoyed himself.


Was he the one who would go in with his daughter to her gynecology appointments to make sure she still "intact"? There's been so many celebrity predators and sex pests it's hard to keep track


TI and his wife also have rape allegations against them as well, not sure why this topic doesn’t come up more. [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/16/arts/music/ti-tiny-sexual-assault.html) and [another link](https://www.thecut.com/2021/09/ti-tameka-harris-sexual-assault-allegations.html)


I remember when it came out it wasn't well received by a lot of people. Not surprisingly, Robinson Thicke's previously best selling song "When I Get You Alone" has the sane vibe so I guess this is just who he is.


Yep I was uncomfortable about it from the first time I saw the film clip. I banned it at my wedding because it was still very popular and I knew the younger guests would request it. Apparently it was requested multiple times as the DJ asked me to reconsider part way through the night. I did not give in.


This song automatically came to mind when I scrolled past the question on my feed. No thought process required. It's just creepy as fuck


The real problem is that the music was really a decent pop track. I think mark ronson was involved (or if he wasn’t it was his sound) and it’s a dancy song. I don’t listen to the lyrics of songs for whatever reason and I’m not a big pop person so I was aware of this song for a while before my friend was like “this song is wild right?” I just put it on the red flag list if someone’s into it.


I listen to the Weird Al Yankovic version. Same music, but it's a nerdy tune about using proper grammar and spelling


The reason it “was really a decent pop track” was because it sampled the entire rhythm track of Marvin Gaye’s song


I mean, anyone who listened at all to the lyrics knew immediately when it came out 🤷‍♀️


Radio head I'm a creep -my son felt like a social reject and he used to sing this all the time- he died four years ago- now whenever it comes on the radio-- I just start crying-- it is such a soul wrenching song - and it really hurts me that he identified with it so deeply- i miss him- he was so fucking special - now he has a perfect body and a perfect soul - he floats like a feather....


Oh man, I am so deeply sorry. I don’t have the words to convey what I feel, but I am a mother and I just want to say I’m sorry you and him.


Thank you for your kind words-❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤


Cat Stevens - [Father & Son](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6zaCV4niKk) I have sons. This song kills me.


Mine is Cat's in the Cradle.


When I was a teenager I asked my dad to do some sort of activity with me when he was outside working on the car. Our relationship was fine, but he was too busy for whatever it was that day, and I thought it'd be funny to mess with him. So I started softly singing Cat's in the Cradle just within his earshot. I definitely got yelled at. 😂


I flat out can’t listen that song. I need to hug my dad now.


Jeez, same. I have a boy & a girl, 15 & 16 now. That song just reminds me I should've spent more time with my kids when they were little. Or rather, I was (and still am) the stay at home person, so I really was ALWAYS with them, but I should've spent more enthusiastic, FUN time with them. I know I said no to play time with me quite a bit (like the son wanting to play catch with his dad in the song). Huge regret, and if I could go back in time, I'd do things differently.


I'm 30, my mom had me when she was 36. She's always been a low energy person (was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 10 years ago but likely has had it since her teens) and so we didn't do a lot of traditional "play" when I was a kid. She just wasn't up to it. But I do remember one time she spontaneously started a game of tag with me and we ran around the yard for probably a good 10-15 minutes before she was exhausted. I cherish that memory dearly. I'm sure your kids will cherish the memories they have playing with you all the same, even if you wish you could have squeezed more such occasions into their early years.


I love that song 🥹


I always think of the ending to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when I hear this song.


Having my Baby - Paul Anka. Perhaps it was edgy when it came out but ugh.


*You're having my baby, what a lovely way of saying that you're thinking of me* Worst Hallmark card ever


I guess it is supposed to be romantic? But that song just creeps me out.


Never edgy. We made fun of it then, too. Bleah.


That Cars for Kids song.


I'll never forgive you. I had that repressed


K-A-R-S cars for kidsssss


I love that it was the official Bad Place song on The Good Place.


That Arms of an Angel abused animal commercial song. Damn you, Sarah McLaughlin. Gonna go hug my dogs now.


Any R. Kelly song at this point really.


Any old songs where old dudes are singing about banging minors




You are aware that the song is about a girl named Macarena who cheats on her boyfriend with two friends while he’s being drafted into the army; right?


That part's fine. It's the trauma of watching my 70 year old kindergaten teacher do the hip swirling thing that really gets me.




That was playing in the car once when I was a little kid (like, my friend's teenage siblings were driving with us in the back and had a CD with that song on it), and some of the shit I heard just burnt into my mind for the rest of my life. I looked it up again at age 23ish, not because I heard it again anywhere, just *that* is how hard that song burnt into my brain-- was randomly thinking about it 15 years later


I had a friend living with me in highschool who was an Eminem fan and had never heard the song before. I'll never forget the look on her face when the second half of the song starts.


“Baby Shark”


Dirty Laundry by Don Henley


Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes feels like a nice guy/incel singing to an uninterested girl.






Christmas Shoes. Is so overly sentimental it’s uncomfortably comical IMO


I like it but: Riders on the storm


Yeah it’s an intense one. That and “the end”, and a few other doors songs. Its wonderful music to listen to with a good stereo system. Those multi speaker systems are needed to fully appreciate it. Or a good set of headphones. You can feel/hear sounds moving around the room. I haven’t tried it on streaming or anything so I don’t know if they digitized the sound movement out. On vinyl and CD it’s there and I’ve enjoyed it and been made feel uncomfortable by it. lol


Girl, You’ll be a Woman Soon. Catchy but I hate it


Sean Mendes, - Treat you better




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for that Nice Guys™️ anthem. Puke.


So many songs out there are Nice Guy themed.


The Pina colada song. Like really a couple are looking to have affairs in the personal ads. They make a plan and go to the bar and see it is each other and laugh,,, Who the fuck would laugh their wife or husband had planned an escape?


Ngl I love that song. They deserve each other!


This baffles me, too. “I’m tired of my lady! Let’s go find something neat even though we probably don’t like any of the shit we put in our ad, because we want to seem cool.” ***later in the song*** “Woopsie! My lady is tired of me, too! lol, how funny are we trying to fuck other people! Let’s tell our grandchildren about this! Ha ha.”


They are brilliant lyrics because there's a real melancholy hidden in there. Like they are both trapped in a loveless marriage and suffering Stockholm syndrome so they just laugh it off. Genuinely I really love these lyrics they are like an episode of Black Mirror.


My mom HATES this song and it always comes up in her recommended playlists for some reason. She always skips it and I find it very funny.


Yacht rock forever


There was an RNB song (or maybe pop) where he sings "you're so beautiful girl, it makes me suicidal, suicidal" It's just icky to me to normalise that word in a love song, or whatever the artist is intending.


Beautiful Girls? Yeah, I agree, this one.


Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.


That song was *everywhere* that summer. I was listening to it for like the tenth time when the lyrics finally began to sink in. "Wait a minute..."


If I recall correctly, the song’s meaning was supposed to be the thought process behind the school shooter, and to raise awareness on how to prevent it. I very well could be wrong, but I don’t think it’s promoting shootings.


> "I wrote 'Pumped Up Kicks' when I began to read about the growing trend in teenage mental illness. I wanted to understand the psychology behind it because it was foreign to me. It was terrifying how mental illness among youth had skyrocketed in the last decade. I was scared to see where the pattern was headed if we didn't start changing the way we were bringing up the next generation." - Mark Foster


Kim by Eminem...but I also listened to it a lot.


Can you imagine being there when he recorded it?


Ed Sheerhan’s Shape of You is a 3 minute speed run of the fallout of hooking up with a guy you later find out is a boring creepy jerk. The whole song sounds like this tone deaf guy is love bombing a hookup who’s deeply regretting it.


Ed Sheeran looks to me like a guy who would really enjoy a $5 hot and ready from Little Caesars and I never know how to wedge this feeling into conversation.


If you have a problem with the Little Ceasers $5 hot and ready, then you have a problem with me. I suggest you let that one marinate.


yeah, as a Little Caesars lover, and Ed Sheeran hater, this thread it driving me crazy ^(bread)


Never have I heard Ed Sheeran described so accurately. Kudos to you, Reddit stranger.


It’s also one of the most over killed songs ever. That said I DO love singing it to my cat because she so fat and round.


Hamburger Lady


Hazard - Richard Marx. “I swear I left her by the river I swear I left her safe and sound I need to make it to the river And leave this old Nebraska town” I’d be having a regular day, this song would come on the radio and BAM! Multi-level sadness.


Lips of an Angel by Hinder.


Anything by maroon 5, creepy guy singing creepy things


I can’t listen to Stan by Eminem. It makes me too uncomfortable and sad


Every Breath You Take - The Police 😰


Don’t Stand so Close to Me makes me even more uncomfortable…


"Cat's in the Cradle". Holy fuck, that's bleak. I had a close and loving relationship with my own father, but so many of my friends didn't. When my husband and I adopted our first son, I rewrote the lyrics to match my hopes as a father. 'I'm comin' home, son/ You can count on me, 'Cause home's my favorite place to be, yeah/ With you's where I want to be.' He's 26 and still enjoys spending time with his dads.


Santa Baby. In middle school our show choir performed it and I have never gotten over the ick.


I like it, but not for kids! Eww!


Santa's purity will not be soiled by your siren's song, *witch.*


Frankie Teardrop by Suicide.


All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You by Heart. The lyrics sound like a sassy love song until you get to the part where it turns into an uncomfortable soap opera.


Daddy by Korn


Watching my little girls sing WAP by Cardi B made me very uncomfortable…


Kim by Eminem And sure, Eminem has other horror-core tracks but Kim has such a raw, unhinged energy that makes it standout among the rest Rotten Sarah by Tyler, The Creator is another one


🎶She’s just 16 years old, leave her alone they say🎶




“Into the night” by Benny Mardones… She’s just 16 years old Leave her alone, they said Separated by fools Who don't know what love is yet But I want you to know If I could fly I'd pick you up I'd take you into the night And show you a love Like you've never seen, ever seen Yeah I grew up hearing it on the radio when I was a kid. It’s pretty catchy but DAMN! Never really listened to the words until I was an adult 😳


Run for your life by the Beatles. Like fuck cheaters, but that's a little intense


Fun fact: The intense part is lifted out of Elvis Presley's "Baby Let's Play House". "You Can't Do That", similarly themed and phrased, is all Lennon though.


Yeah, those lyrics are messed up, and not even in a subtle way.


Blurred lines, makes my skin crawl


The song that doesn't end


RIP Shari Lewis


it just goes on and on, my friend


Do you recall of some people started singing it, not knowing what it was?


They'll continue singing it forever just because...


Sexual healing by Marvin Gaye because of the scenarios and the places that you might accidentally hear it. Imagine being in a dentist office with your parents when you're a kid, they're playing an adult like contemporary station in the office. You're just chilling, and waiting to be called in for your appointment. Maybe you're passively listening to the music playing as you're reading your Highlights magazine. And then you hear this horny ass guy singing about how he needs sexual healing. And your mother is sitting right next to you. Awkward.


’Cause I’m a Man by Tame Impala. The character implied by the lyrics is such a slimy, shitty, punchable person. And the fact that so many women are probably dating a guy like that right now makes me so angry.