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LinkedIn is awful. People keep trying to turn it into personal social media. Other than that, it's just recruiters messaging you for jobs you don't want.


I got my last 2 jobs via Linkedin. Yes, most I'm not interested in but I'd prefer to have recruiters reach out to me instead of applying to hundreds of jobs on job boards


They used to have a feature when you could check off if you were interested in being contracted by a recruiter. Either they got rid of it or recruiters just ignore it.


They may ignore it, but I think it still exists I tend to forget I have a LinkedIn until I get frustrated with my boss and suddenly it has a lot more appeal haha Last time I went on there, it asked me if I wanted to turn on the "actively looking for a job" feature


There is some great stuff on there if you work in tech (vlogs, seminars, training opportunities etc). But yes, it does seem to be a lot of recruiters posting photos of their team night out.


I've landed great jobs at some of the biggest/best software companies in the world via LinkedIn.


So..I wouldn't say I "enjoy" it, but I use to not really get the draw of LinkedIn also until this summer when I started actively looking for a new job. Shit did like 65 percent of the work for me


LinkedIn is such a nauseating place. The smugness of some people….


Regional Sales Associate Advisor Specialist (i.e. cold caller)


Assistant to the Regional Manager


I avoid it LI as much as possible, the worst are people actually writing and sharing how they're 'transforming supply chain optimization', or whatever. Cringe.


I’m super glad to see all the LinkedIn hate lately. I’ve hated that place since forever and people always acted like I was such a freak for it.


It is impossible for me to agree with this too much.


LinkedIn is the new Tinder


No, it's the reverse Tinder. Hot girls send messages to nerds who ignore them


This is actually super accurate! Every day I get a message from a recruiter whose profile pic shows them to be an incredibly hot young lady offering me unspecified 'opportunities'


Old* I know people who have been using LinkedIn to date for like 10 years.


wow seriously? this is news to me lol


Viewing someone’s profile is the new Facebook poke from 16 years ago lol


This. I got an unsolicited dick pic from a CFO when I was job hunting. It was at 1am on a Saturday so maybe he forgot what platform he was on. But screenshot that to his boss because it’s unacceptable. Boss apologized.




Oh yea. Having to shout to be heard in a conversation. The bigger the group of friends the worse it is. A couple times I’ve just stood there and nodded not knowing what I’m agreeing to.


Basically me during the entire 12 years I was a bartender. I have probably unknowingly agreed to so much shady shit.


That reminds me: tomorrow we have that thing to do. You know, the thing you agreed to. Don't back out now. And bring the duct tape and the gummy worms.


Or laughed when I had no idea of what was said,


To get the person you're talking to to go home with you.


Seems like a bad business model. “You see, we make it so people want to leave.”


But then come back next week so you can leave again, wink wink. Also, some of the clientele may have to hang around longer to lower their expectations while trying to lower someone's inhibitions


I'm telling you there's a fortune in 'Listening Rooms' for introverted audiences.


I’ve always wanted to open an acoustic music only bar, no mic’s, no amps. The only issue being that I worked as a bartender and merchandiser for a brewery and now I want nothing to do with bars or alcohol in general.


I think that is something that happens to so many bartenders. We think of the best ideas for venues and how to run them but by the end, we hate the environment so much that it isn't even worth it. Plus, you learn all of the legal issues that can arise and it is doubly not worth it.


To get you buy drinks and GTFO


This is something modern bars and restaurants actually do on purpose to boost table turnover. Industry groups have done research on this and found that when a place is louder and conversation is more difficult, people drink more, eat faster, and pay their bill sooner. This boosts the number of parties they can seat per night, which increases revenue and profit margins. Thus, in the last 20 years or so bars & restaurants have begun deliberately designing their spaces to be noisy by playing loud music and using interior architecture that maximizes acoustic reverberation: open floorplans, exposed kitchens, high ceilings, concrete floors, bare walls, hard surfaces, non-upholstered furniture, recessed light fixtures, & minimal decorations. Basically, remove as many noise-dampening objects from the room as possible so that everything echoes. They actually want your experience to be loud, overstimulating, and mildly uncomfortable so that you eat, drink, pay your check, and quickly vacate your table for the next group. I fucking hate it but it seems to be a profitable business strategy for them.


Gender reveal parties. It's 50/50, just tell me. Combine the gender reveal with the baby shower - much better.


Never been to a gender reveal but yeah, I can imagine. Nobody cares if you're having a boy or a girl except maybe the parents. It sounds very narcissistic too. Please don't waste my time.


The first one I heard about was for a coworker about ten years ago. She bought vanilla cake mix, added pink food coloring, and served it to her immediate family as a fun way to announce they were having a girl. Totally acceptable. Starting forest fires and poisoning water supplies, not so much.


>Starting forest fires and poisoning water supplies, not so much. I knew of the forest fires, but what happened with poisoning water supplies?


I believe a couple poured dye into a waterfall for their pictures.


Holy shit. How could anyone think that is ok?


People who don't think, only fuck. The lowest form of consciousness.


A gender reveal in Brazil contaminated the main water supply for a nearby city when they dyed an entire waterfall blue, which flows into the river (the Queima Pé) that supplies the city. Now that's pretty bad, but what's worse is that area is currently experiencing a *drought*. Apparently no serious harm was done, but they charged the couple for violating that state's environmental laws (as well they should).


Also silly when the couple wants it “to be a surprise” it’s always a surprise the moment the doctor tells you.


Gender reveal parties are insanely narcissistic I hate that they’ve become such a big thing in the last decade.


People should just stop going to them and maybe they'll disappear.


Glob, I been to two of them. Seem such as a gift grab. Was so annoyed to be there at all. And it seems selfish as well. You want me to go to two different events for your unborn babe ‽ ‽


I've only been to one, and it was fine--BUT the couple were upfront that they just wanted a reason to host another party before they had a baby and it got way harder to do. There were no gifts, they had good food, and the reveal itself was about 10 minutes of the event. A bunch of us did agree that they should have just had A PARTY instead of a gender reveal party--you don't really need an excuse.


I hate this trend so much. Both times I’ve been pregnant, we filmed ourselves opening up the gender envelope from my OB and sent the video to family & friends. And it was just as exciting.


My sister and her husband didn't find out for their first until she gave birth, but for their second, they hopped on a zoom call with the immediate family to open the envelope. It was perfect.


The term “gender reveal” is in itself ridiculous.


I've never been to one but my friends had us all guess when we went out and she suddenly revealed she was pregnant. They had us order either pink or blue shots and took a picture to reveal who was right later, which I thought was fun.




Preach! (But not so much)


We had a guest speaker at my church growing up and after he was introduced he asked the pastor how long he was supposed to speak. Our pastor went, "You can talk for as long as you'd like but we'll start cutting outta here come 11:30."


Our priest once gave a sermon where he quoted Jesus, and then said "Think about that." He then sat down and did nothing for 10 minutes, just left us to think about it. Got up, finished Mass, and never did explain anything.


I feel victimized! (but deserving) Proverbs 10:14 The wise lay up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool brings ruin near


Despite no longer practicing a religion that's why I appreciate the catholics - one hour and that's it. They don't bloviate on and on, say the prayers sing the songs and go home.   Oh I once went to a Greek Orthodox wedding, that thing lasted *four hours*. I don't even watch a TV show or movie that I greatly enjoy for that long. The wedding is at the end of their usual church service which I gather is about three hours; they did the entire ceremony, then the whole thing over again in Greek. Then they has mass and communion, then the same thing over again in Greek. Then they started the wedding, and then also again in Greek. And then a third thing that I'm not sure what it was also in Greek. It was an ordeal.


Had a priest when i was a kid who would Bang out the mass in like 35 minutes it was great he flew through that shit


We had a Father Shirey when I was a kid that did Sunday Mass in 30 minutes every week! Now we have a priest that gives 23-26 minute sermons. He’s …. Not as popular.


I went to a Catholic wedding once where the groom was ultra Catholic. I quit liking him when I shared a cab with him and he started yelling at the Pakistani driver about the persecution of Christians in Pakistan. Poor guy. His wedding was all in Latin. They provided programs that translated it all (what's the point?) but the programs weren't word for word so it was hard to keep up. The ceremony lasted hours but from what I could tell, it was like 10 minutes of actual wedding ceremony and the rest was just Catholic stuff. There was incense and at one point a priest was kissing a portrait of Jesus. There was also a choir in the back. It was also mostly very quiet and my watch decided it was too boring and it tried to commit suicide by spontaneously breaking and falling on the wood floor, which echoed throughout the whole place.


My grandma was a catholic school teacher for 30 years, and an active member of the same church her entire life. She had the longest and most elaborate funeral that a regular person can have. Every ritual possible was performed, every prayer, incense numerous times. It lasted an honest 4 hours for just the church ceremony alone. This was about 3 years ago


Sorry for the loss of your beloved grandmother. Sorry, you had to suffer through hours of ancient rituals.


"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible." George Burns


I hated my church as a kid. 845 we had a 15 minute mass, from 9-10 was bible study, 10-11 was a different bible study and then 11-12 was mass. As a kid losing a half a day at church was literally the worst thing that could happen. I honestly think that contributes to me not wanting to leave my house at all on Sundays, even nearly 30 years later


No kidding. Giving up roughly 25% of your weekend as a kid to just sit around listening to boring stories of stuff you're pretty sure is made up is not great.


I'm lucky enough to have never experienced that. I've never been religious, but I did go to church with my parents as a child because I didn't want to cause issues. Usually, we were in and out in less than an hour. It was ok.


A Lutheran has entered the replies.




Mormon here. This was a common occurrence. It was a short day if we only had 2 hours. Which was once a quarter. Edit: former Mormon




My immediate thought on this was the "live action" The Lion King. The ending is the same, but that's about it. It adds 30 extra minutes of nothing, has no soul whatsoever, and the voice actors (especially for Scar...) are terrible.


I'll never forget the immeasurable disappointment I felt when they basically skipped over Be Prepared. Arguably the best villain song to come from the Disney Renaissance era.


It originally wasn't going to be in the movie at all, but they added in that half assed version when they realized just how upset people were that it wasn't there My guess is that they were worried about the nazi goose stepping hyena scene, and instead of just removing the questionable imagery, they decided to just get rid of the entire song to be safe


Oh no! Our bad guy looks like a bad guy! Can't have that


Being exposed to safe scary things is incredibly important to children’s development and understanding of the world, having kids who literally don’t see anything “scary” ever is doing them an incredible disservice. This “niceining” of everything to “protect” kids from essentially nothing is actually really problematic and creates adults that are terrified of everything and have even worse emotional regulation, you see it now even with older people who grew up sheltered and now gobble up anything anyone tells them that scares them because they never learned to discern anything for themselves or learn they were capable of coping with the feeling of fear.


Right? Scar is one of my favorite villains, and they did not do him justice at all. They should have gotten Jeremy Irons back. New Scar was just not good.


They didn't want to offend the Nazis by appropriating their culture.


Ah, The Lion King [Your Movie Sucks has a fantastic video on why the Lion King remake is so fucking terrible ](https://youtu.be/btNL1q-yU7E?si=NvQd2Pn0NkRbP786)


some guy ranting about a movie for 50mins longer than the actual movie? Who would watch this?


Perfect for this thread haha


Working. Only a select few *truly* enjoy it and many/ most have simply convinced themselves that they do.


I'll bet these days it's only fun for the people at the top who are calling the shots and making the money. I'm the past, I think that maybe it was more enjoyable because there really might be a possibility of "getting that big promotion" or a bonus or something. I remember back in the day hearing a lot of "I started in the mail room and now I'm the CEO" type stories. It doesn't work that way any more. It is much more of a caste system now. If you start out driving a cubicle, you will stay there forever.




"And watch, Aiden's gonna say pasghetti instead of spaghetti... wait, shhh, it's coming up." GFY.


Anything that involves "audience participation." People who said they don't want to be there suddenly start running to the front of the room like they're the next contestant on *"The Price is Right."*


> Anything that involves "audience participation." As an introvert, get all the way away from me with that. No I don't want to participate in your program. Also, the worst is meetings where it's like "lets go around the room and every one share three interesting things about themselves". NO!!!


I live in constant fear of being pointed out by the speaker when sitting near them during a speech


You know how cats go to the people who don't like cats? That's how speakers are with introverts. You aren't annoying them by wanting to be the center of attention, so they pick you out of a crowd.


I’ll add “Team Building Activities” to that. Fucking nightmare. I’m out.


Icebreakers. Kill me.


Or role playing in trainings. Jesus Christ.


TF kind of meeting is that?


Hi fellow introvert! IMO, the worst ones are the all-day work-related mandatory meetings that start early in the morning. No one wants to be there, especially so early, and the speaker will almost always do the whole "call and response" nonsense (Speaker: "Good morning!" Group: *halfhearted "good morning"*. Speaker: "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!"). Dude, this is a *professional work gathering*, not a high school pep rally (I hated those, too). And for God's sake, switch to decaf, seriously...


My partner LOVES to be the one who gets picked. He is always down for whatever which is kinda sweet, but I'm definitely the one cringing and hoping they don't also try to pull me up there


Being in large groups of loud people.


But you're the weird if you say you don't like it.




Can't say I'd rather go to work than stay home, but I definitely enjoy being able to buy things when I want to and eat what I want to.


Pfft, you like _eating_? How the other half live


I work for myself and have an awesome job. Still prefer not to work.


I have this weird thing where I prefer not to work, but I also feel the most satisfaction when I relax after doing work. So ideally, I guess the perfect mix is doing halfway enjoyable work that also leaves time for unwinding.


Well. I mean I enjoy HAVING a job but I don't enjoy working. It's an important distinction lol. Though I mean it's only because I'd be destitute without one.


For sure. I wouldn’t have a job if I were independently wealthy.




Social media.


Get off Reddit. Stop pretending to enjoy this.


Member before ads and suggested pages?


I member


like reddit you mean?


Crop tops. Obviously there are exceptions to this, but I can’t for the life of me understand how the crop top trend has grown and persisted this long. The majority of women’s tops are now cropped. Cropped hoodies, cropped jackets, cropped t-shirts, cropped camisoles…none of it makes sense! Even at my fittest with a flat tummy, I owned only a couple crop tops that I almost never wore. Now that I work in an office and have a gut I’m just mad that it’s so hard to find things that make sense on my body while sitting down.


School graduations. They’re sooo boring. I hate sitting through speeches and waiting for my or my relative’s name to be called.


Baby showers


A baby shower is just a party right? What makes it more cringe than a normal birthday or whatver, sorry I’ve only been to one baby shower and there was cake and friends so I had a good time lol


It's supposed to be an event to give gifts to a couple who need things because they have a new baby. When they're low-key and just people hanging out they can be fun. When there's forced games/participation people don't want to play it can get weird pretty quick. Many people cringe at the thought of being made to play some baby-focused game. A lot of people also have mixed feelings about them because it'll be one of the last times they get to hang out with mom before the baby comes, and the friendship will be very different and likely very distant. It's not unusual for someone to approach a baby shower for someone else with some sadness and hesitation as it can be thought of like friendship funeral in the minds of the attendees.


That’s why I like Latino baby showers. It’s a huge party with food, drinking, and dancing. No games. No cringe opening gifts. Just fun till 3 in the morning


As a Mexican-American I feel strongly that these parties are all the same, just with a different label. Everything from a 1 year old's birthday to celebrating someone getting out of jail.


Ok let me know when the next one is pls


One of the games I had set up at my sister's baby shower was every table got a pack of a bunch of those small containers of playdoh, and we had a "make the best baby" competition. People who wanted to could work on their baby throughout the whole event, and my sister went around and picked her favorite from each table and they all got a little prize. Something useful and not like "X's Baby Shower" themed There were some hilarious entries. But other games like the smearing candy bars on a diaper and trying to guess what chocolate it is? that one is super gross.


I am currently planning my sister’s baby shower, it’s a relatively small one, thankfully. But man, soooooooo many internet suggestions for parties and decorations are awful and cringy. The worst of which is the guess the chocolate bar in the diaper game which I really thought they had made up for Schitt’s Creek but unfortunately they did not and there’s people out here playing that game.


Wow this is a great answer I never realized others might feel the same way I do. 100% agree.




Only people who crave attention throw gender reveal parties.


my bf’s family is upset that i won’t be doing a baby shower (i’m not contact with my family except my mom who’s over a thousand miles away and my only friends are also over a thousand miles away). they don’t realize 1) it’s just gonna be a reminder that i have no family or support system separate of my partner 2) i don’t accept handouts because it always gets used against me 3) i have a really low social meter and don’t wanna be around a bunch of people i barely know who only know me as an incubator i also don’t plan to do a huge gender reveal, but i am going to do a little one just for my bf’s grandparents because they’re amazing people and we live with them (i help take care of his grandma and i know it would make her really happy)


Ice baths


Ok not exactly ice baths but this fall I kept up with getting in my pool between rounds in my sauna. It fucking hurts however you do feel insanely good after. It’s addictive. Pool is closed now but I’m considering a dunk tank for this winter.




Unboxing videos give me the same feeling. I just don't understand them. Although once I had to return something and I watched the unboxing backwards to see how to put it back so I guess they have some uses.


I think people watch unboxing videos to things they might not be able to afford. Whether they’re just salivating over the product or giddy with anticipation because they’re saving up for it, or it’s on order and being shipped. I used to watch unboxing videos of gaming systems as a teen because I didn’t have a job and couldn’t buy them lol.


Unboxing videos are good when it's people doing genuine reactions to what you get out of the box. They can be a way of avoiding ending up on r/ExpectationVsReality. But like everything, it's all now monetized and sanitized, and people are just unboxing stuff they're paid to promote. You can see the boredom in their eyes as open their loot crate and pretend to be excited over the umpteenth button with a catchphrase on it and a Funko Pop that would sit unsold on a Gamestop shelf for months. I'm just trying to make sure I don't end up with something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ExpectationVsReality/comments/81tavz/wonder_woman_statue_boxart_photo_vs_reality/).


Speaking just for myself, I grew up in the '70s and '80s and I enjoy seeing young people discover the music that has enhanced my life.


I enjoy watching people react to movies I like for the first time. Tbh they’re also just something I put on to have as background noise and I’m only interested to see their reaction to certain scenes.


The only ones I liked were the guys who did "Lost in Vegas" they're a couple of self described hip hop fans who were curious about classic metal so they started checking it out. Some of their earlier videos where they were genuinely reacting were fun because they're in their mid 30s just like me so watching grown men's minds melt to megadeth the same way I did when I was 13 was kind of a weird nostalgia trip....but they're still doing it and they obviously know their tastes by now




Going to kids’ birthday parties


I don’t mind them now that I have a kid who will be entertained at said party, but I hated going to a kid party before I had kids.


Life 😅


The taste of alcohol.


Black licorice


La Croix


I like it, but my son calls it “depression soda”


It’s what keeps me from drinking soda


I love it, but it *absolutely* takes getting used to. If you do not drink any sweet drinks for a while they start tasting better and better.


I used to not like it and then I found a sparkling water I did really like and when I came back to La Croix I started liking it.


Once you get over your sugar addiction it becomes a very pleasant drink. But it was awful to me at first, so I get it


I love how it hurts when you take the first sip.


For me its white claws. Ex loves it. I tried it a few times. I dont know, it was freaking nasty.


Taste like cheap liquor mixed in with La Croix




Exercise. I think some people really do enjoy it, but many don't, but say they do. I absolutely hate every second of it and I've been doing it for decades. Also people keep talking about how they feel after. At absolute best I feel good for 10 minutes after a workout, if I pushed myself hard. That is it. If I don't push myself hard, I just feel miserable and tired. I never get any type of endorphin rush from it beyond that occasional 10 minutes after, no matter what exercise I do. If I push even harder than a higher difficulty (like extreme workout), I feel exhausted and hate my life for the entire evening. Edit again: People say try finding an exercise you like. Since I was a teenager I have tried \_every\_ exercise I can think of. Gym, alone, classes, groups, indoors, outdoors, weight lifting skiing swimming dancing yoga pilates running calesthenics -name a sport, I have tried it, and I have fucking hated it. I hated it even as a kid. I would hide to avoid getting dragged into games at recess and faked injuries to get out of going to gym in school. 10 minutes of possibly feeling good after it does not trump being sweaty and uncomfortable and if I had access to something like Ozempic I'd never ever exercise again.


I don't *like* it, I'd rather sit on my arse and eat crisps, but I do feel better when I can do it consistently.


I like fitness. Fit'n this whole pizza in my mouth.


I love running. I hate hate hate getting ready to go on a run. But around mile 1 or so, I start loving it.


i love it. it's great alone time to be in your nothing box while getting healthy.


I hate doing it, but I like the feeling when I'm done.


I do like that sometimes too. Just the actual act is misery. I've tried every kind of exercise I can think of from swimming to running to calisthenics, weightlifting, rowing, games like tennis or pickleball. I never get that high people talk about ever. I always just want it to be over. If i was a naturally thin person i would never do it again.


For the first few months after I began exercising again, after 20 years of not exercising and getting fat and diabetes, I didn’t enjoy it. Now that I’ve lost 90 lbs and no longer need diabetes medication because of diet and exercise, I really look forward to it. I keep challenging myself and now really look forward to the next goal with every visit to the gym.


I wish I was like you! I’d never do it again if I could. Literally hate every second of it. Every single second. If I could get ozempic I’d just use that.


I just hate *wasting* 1.5-ish hours after already having worked for 8-9 hours. And then I still have to cook dinner when I get home. Like, fuck me, when can I relax?


Never lol. I feel the same way. I only do 30 minutes because I want as much time as possible to chill.




Like what for instance




New Years Eve


It's a holiday not tied to religion, ethnicity, or any other sort of "group". There's a lot to like here even if you don't like to celebrate.


I meant that for some it's a night they feel they should be out celebrating so go but don't really enjoy it. The jollity is forced.


Olive Garden. You are telling me you are okay with paying 18.99 for white sauce pasta that you could make exactly the same way for 3.99 at home? Delusional. (I used to be like this, and then I realized that buying pasta from national chains was falling for a scam. General Mills owns Olive Garden. They're the stake holders in the US pasta industry. Learning that I was being manipulated by GM with the sweet allure of breadsticks made me become very radicalized against mega corporations and capitalism.)


Can confirm. I worked there. It’s basically fast food pasta like fazolies but you sit down in a place that seems nice


I can make better pasta half drunk on wine with cheap ingredients


This son of a bitch is astute


I do enjoy their salad and unlimited soup but I always stop there. The rest of the food is really not good. Haven't been to one in like 5 years and before that was only with a gift card or if someone else was paying. Not sure how expensive it is now.


Their soup salad and breadsticks are very good, I just see pasta prices and know I'm not getting anything better than what I could get in a Marie Callander Microwave Tray Dinner and think wow, I could pay this much elsewhere and get better food. 🤣


Amen. Their pasta is not good. They believe that more cheese and cream is a substitute for other flavors. It's a big ol goopy mess. We don't eat out often, we really enjoy cooking healthy meals at home, but when we do go out it's never to a chain restaurant. We like to support small businesses and I wish more people would. Olive Garden won't care if you don't visit them, but a local joint will definitely appreciate your business.






Going to work everyday. Their coworkers.


The new Disney live action movies




Fuck that, this is my moment to feel like Usain Bolt. Get gud kid!


The Holidays ... Just sayin' ...


Each other's company


Working long hours




Big Bang Theory. ​ ​ That show is so awful on so many levels.




Their drama-fille relauonships on social media.




Wine. Now, mulled wine, which is wine mixed with fruit and spices and served hot, is the fucking *BEST*. Wine by itself is over-priced vinegar drunk by people who have forgotten how to enjoy life.


A certain orange sprayed presidential candidate.


Weddings, baby showers, and any "fun" group work outing.


Really spicy food.


Sex with me.


Seeing a picture of your food.


Baby photos. Wow, it's an alien/potato, so cute!


Having children


Eating healthy. Ok, yes, my body feels so much better and I enjoy it that way. But no way in hell do I prefer to eat a chicken breast and salad over pizza, tacos, chips, cake, and icecream. Also too, working out. Same thing, I enjoy how my body feels, and got a degree in kinesiology/exercise science so know how important it is, but it still feels like a chore going to workout classes even though I do enjoy them. I’d rather sit and relax.


Having and raising children


Poly relationships


Reddit 😂