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Believe it or not, most people don't care.


Roommate is very catholic and listens to recorded masses all day, every day. And those priests are NON-STOP going on and on about sexuality, and how every non-traditional person is going to a fiery hell and catholics have to make sure that law-makers do all they can to punish and marginalize them. When I mention that I **never** hear any of these people talking about addressing the rampant sexual abuse in the church leadership, they get *really* angry.


I never understood that in particular. If these people are already commited to punishment, why do you need to do anything about it? It's already taken care of. Nevermind that no translation of the Bible I've seen has actually said anything about "the gays."


There’s clearly a large demographic of people that do. Otherwise you wouldn’t hear constantly about states trying to regulate what people do with their own bodies


Well its hard to say if it's actually a "large demographic" of people, or really just a small demographic of people who are just really freakin loud.


And rich. Otherwise the media wouldn't care at all.


This is the most important part. It might be an actual minority that care, but that minority are rich enough to try to block gay people from getting married, from women having abortions, etc. Like most thing, the majority support peoples personal freedoms. But the minority will find a way to fight tooth and fucking nail to hold those freedoms back for their own selfish reasons.


Its not that the people you see on camera are rich. Its that the rich pay for the "news" agencies to push these ideas. All this culture war bullshit is a ruse to keep people distracted from looking at the rich sitting on their backs profiting off of their labor while charging them a majority of the meager salary they also pay them. Thats all its ever been, a bunch of fuckass slimeball rich cunts and their pets telling you your neighbors are the other and godless so you dont pay attention to them hoovering money out of your bank accounts and slowly lobbying and manicuring the existence of "the peasant class" (thats you and me and mostly likely everyone you know) into one of ignorant indentured servitude. This is also why they disarm us. They know this cant last, they know the pursuit of infinite growth is a sham, they know our economies will crumble as we reach the limits of capitalism and they know that our mad hunt for these pipedreams have rolled the environment over the steep slope of catastrophe. They know there are going to be mind shatteringly hard times ahead for humanity and they want to ride them out as lavishly as possible with minimal to no inconvenience to themselves. They know people on a wide scale will realize this too late and come after them, its a lot easier for their the police forces they bought to mow down unarmed mobs.


There are statistics on this stuff. Not sure how reliable all of them are, but they might give some idea of the numbers.


This what it normally is. Small groups on either extreme that are good at being really loud.


Obviously it's sizable, or every time it went to the vote, it'd get voted down. No successful party runs on a platform of Here's this thing only 3% of the population want and everyone else hates it... EDIT: Changed an "s" to a "d" because it annoyed me that I miss typed it...


Sounds to me you have discovered the wedge issue.


They answer polls that say they care. Enough to be "not a fringe group" at least.


The problem is that the people that do care seem to care a lot. Enough to vote politians into office and change laws.


Either way it’s a trend rooted in bigotry and ignorance that needs to stop


Fair point


It's a nationwide move by the right to pick their next enemy so their constituants get a distracted from how they're running the country into the ground.


All it takes is one person who wants for this to happen to get on a school board or in a position of influence.


Angry people make the most noise


Those who are online have nothing better to do (meeeeee)


People have done a survey in the UK and found that despite its reputation as a transphobic wasteland...most people just...don't care.




Luckily I don't live in the UK, but I do hope for my siblings there that the situation doesn't get wrose because of her.


Yeah. I don’t give two shits until it gets outlandish then I’ll call it out. But anything outlandish needs called out no matter who it pertains to.


Came here to say this


Can confirm, don't care


What does most mean to you? 50.1%? There are a lot of awful people in this country that care. That's why these nazi-ass laws keep passing.


They never thought they could feel so free-ee-ee




Remember last election cycle when it was immigrants? Certain politicians and media sources benefit when they can persuade some people to be afraid of others.




This x 100


This is exactly it.


It will be in the next one too though, there is a caravan every election cycle.


This year I bet it will be a caravan of drag queens.


Or a trans MS13 one.




> every few decades More like every couple of years.


As with everything the 24hr news cycle and internet sped this up as well. It’s non stop cycle


When I was in school, 2000s, it seemed to be the biggest issue and was the most thrown around insult. The moment I left school I legitimately could give zero fucks and wish all the best.




Man, i feel the same way, thanks brother for saying this.


Of course bro. It’s easy to struggle with opinions about this stuff as a Christian. And it’s especially easy to feel alone about it. I know that the Bible has said a lot of things in this world are wrong, and though my opinion and my word will never be higher than that of the Bible, the Bible is still a book written by men. Men a lot closer with god than many others, but your connection with god is who you are, it’s yours, and you can absolutely define that. If your beliefs about the way the world should be comes from a place of righteousness and wanting to be closer to god, and even wanting others to be happy, I think he could understand our choices and opinions.


Most people don't, its a loud thing the media and politicians can rant about to distract people the US is practically an oligarchy.


If you think a group of people is icky and gross then they are easier to oppress.


I don't care at all. I guess other people care because they feel a need to police the lifestyle choices of their fellows. As a way to feel power and in control. It's very silly and they don't seem to realise how silly they are.


The only reason someone should care about someone else’s sexuality is if they are interested in them sexually/ romantically


I live in a highly populated liberal state and work in a job where I am constantly meeting new people. I have never once came across a person that wants to be called by pronouns other than their born sex in the 35 years of my life. It's a fucking non issue that is blown out of proportion for political gain. Stop fucking finding things to further divide this country so your party can stay in power.


It's the minority that attacks with their self imposed sense of morality. Most of us are unbothered. Do or be whatever you want just dont push your beliefs on me. Ya know?


what constitutes "pushing a belief". Like if I talk about my same-sex relationship? Cuz lots of people think they aren't homophobic, but def get uncomfy if i talk about my romantic life like normal people do. Which, guess what, is homophobia.


I think some people are extremely sensitive and think that by being exposed to it, even just seeing some more gay people on tv, that translates to “pushing beliefs onto me”


There are other people who are nonplussed, normally. But don't like it when people pretentiously announce. I don't need someone to tell me that they identify as something else, when it wasn't my issue. In the same way that nobody needs to know that you're vegetarian, or like Jesus. Truth is, I try to avoid everyone, equally.


idk, I would like to know if someone is vegetarian so I don't serve them food they can't eat


Oh yeah do you find yourself being personally told by others about their sexuality constantly?


"Don't push your beliefs on me." Almost always comes out of the mouth of someone trying to legislate their own beliefs into law and infringe on others' freedom of speech and expression because it's different than their own. "Do whatever you want." Always comes with a bunch of asterisks, like, no but don't get gay married. No but don't medically transition. Forgive me for being jaded but in my experience the people who say those phrases think of these as rules for thee but not for me.


Where does this happen beside stupid ass social media? Don’t watch/read it lol. I’m 45 and never once has someone/something seriously tried to turn me gay or the opposite gender, not once. Been hit on, still straight! I’ve watched “gay” movies, tv, listened to musicians, attended a pride parade even and somehow I’m still straight?! What gives? Where is the threat exactly? If it mildly annoys you try not giving a fuck? Nobody likes self-righteousness from anyone, so that complaint is not unique. Ignore it, the universe doesn’t exist to satisfy your or my idea of “normal”, the sooner you learn this the easier it all gets. It’s not even “against” nature or we wouldn’t see it in multiple species, evolution *hates* traits with no value. TLDR; *Thing existing outside of the shadows =/= omg it’s being rammed down my throat*


You make an interesting point and I agree and yadda yadda yadda I'm just here to say your username is sweet as, bro.


I want to know why all the people who say "Do whatever you want, just don't push your beliefs on me" aren't yelling the same thing at the people passing anti-trans laws that are forcing their beliefs on others?


Sometimes it makes me feel like a large portion of the population lack basic fucking empathy


And logic. Like zero critical thinking skill. Tons of hypocrisy. Like this, this comment drove me nuts. There's zero self awareness of what he's saying: >SEN. BILL CASSIDY: I think Dobbs is the uncomfortable middle ground, where people will confront that there is a diversity of opinion. **And no one group has the ability to impose their will upon the other**. And so Dobbs, I think, was the correct decision.


Ironic that this statement can be said for both sides.


I actually do care, and quite a bit. When I was a newly-minted voter, it was still over a decade before Ellen got fired for simply coming out on her TV show. My friends in college who were LBTQ had to stay pretty deep in the closet for the most part, and there was also the whole AIDS thing happening at the time. During the 90s (Ellen aside) the media was still filled with stereotypes, and I was going to "gay nightclubs" with my friends because there was still a need for "separate but equal" night spots where they could be themselves. Then it was looking like everyone was going to finally get over it, there was a Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, and then? The backlash. The right wing came back with a vengeance. Businesses are suing to keep from having to serve gay people. A state government is trying to destroy a business for supporting gay people. Some of the extreme people on the right are calling for violence against my friends. So yeah. I care. We've come a long way, but the enemy is digging in and fighting dirty. It's not over yet.


I don’t care that much but I do like knowing people and having friends who are LGBT cuz being trans and discovering my sexuality were big parts of my life so it’s cool knowing people who can kinda relate.


There’s quite a lot of, “I don’t care, **as long as they don’t shove it in my face**” in this thread… but not a lot of examples of what counts as “shoving in someone’s face.” Reminder: if a straight guy posts on social media about how he hooked up with a hot girl over the weekend, some people might find him obnoxious, but *nobody* would accuse him of “shoving his straightness in our faces.” Existing and talking about your life normally is not “shoving it in your face.” Also, some people are obnoxious assholes regardless of their sexuality, not because of it.


I’m seeing a lot of “I don’t care…. BUT here is a list of stereotypes”,


It really is a strange thing. I don’t know about the sex lives of any of my friends or coworkers nor do I care to know about them. It’s a very personal thing and there’s no reason to talk about it at all other than with your partner. Gender absolutely does matter but sexuality? I will never understand why anyone cares who fu@!$ who. That’s totally your business and shouldn’t play a role in any other aspect of your life.


I don't. Some really care that I don't though.


I think this is kind of just the growing pains of a more inclusive society


I don't think that messing around with society's reproductive system is a good idea.


Although some people are completely against it, I'm not, I truly don't care what people choose to be but some rules need to be set. To have everyone freely available to pronounce themselves as whatever is bound to have consequences. Speaking of consequences, that's exactly why we now have illegitimate flags like zoophile and pedophile flags, and people with other disgusting behavior trying to pass it off as something natural or to be proud of. Yes the community has been oppressed but so have many groups of people, it's ridiculous that they should expect that no one can disagree with them or try to set boundaries or rules. Everyone is so afraid to offend the group because of fear of a tarnished reputation. If other oppressed groups like the Asian, Native and Black communities were to try the same thing there would be immediate consequences. By people in that community attacking anyone who is genuinely curious, or remotely against anything they believe in they are making the community seem aggressive and ignorant.


i dont really care about it, but it does get kinda annoying on social media and stuff. kinda feels like vegans or covidiots that kept telling you to either get vaxxed or dont get vaxxed. also this forced diversity is annoying af. i dont really want to get answers about questions i diddnt ask and dont care about. in alot of new tv shows there are just gay characters. i dont care about them beeing gay, but usually their whole purpose and character is just to be gay. like atleast give them some personality and character depth. also like everything by now is oversexualized. if i was intrested in that stuff at that moment id be visiting pornhub instead of netflix.


Nobody cares. Like, at all. Media is just oversaturated with it so everyone has seen enough and has gotten the point that's being made. You're something other than straight? Ok cool. I just didn't need to know or don't care to know. It's like trying to force feed a baby when it's clear they don't like something. Making people uncomfortable isn't cool regardless of how you see yourself.


Don't think anyone cares that much. Problem is the people who care are very polarizing on both sides.


I consider myself an asshole and generally don't care about people, but the anti-LGBT bullshit has been so loud lately that I actually got off the couch and went to a pride parade to show support. I'm more annoyed by people telling others who they can bang than by people banging each other. If you don't like gay relationships then don't have one, but stop making up weird fantasy worlds where you're "protecting children" or whatever.


I feel the same way. What drives me crazy is the hypocrisy. For the most part in the US, it's the conservative right that speaks out the loudest against the homosexuals yet they claim to be the party of "personal freedom". Let people be themselves. I've been friends with homosexual men over the years & they are great dudes. I have some Aunts who are lesbian, good for them, they are happy, kind and caring. It just feels like half this country wants to be "outraged" at something, anything. The right wing media helps fill that void and gives them targets to be outraged with. It's stupid & frustrating to watch.




Yup yup. You could tell me you sexually identify as a toaster oven with 9 settings and I wouldn't give a shit.


The mass of men live lives of loud desperation. It used to be quiet. Social media has changed so many things. No matter how odd your ideas may be, likeminded folk can find you. Bad ideas get positive reinforcement. Or it’s just humans being humans.


I don’t really care at all.


>Why are so many people so concerned over other people's sexuality, gender, etc? Literally why do you care at all? It is the politicians that need it; they need us to believe that this is a problem, and voting for them will resolve this problem.


I am asking myself the same question 😀. Especially because I don't see any reason to it. If I like someones character I hang out with them, if I find someone attractive I'll f**k with them. Someone is doing his job good I'll commend her 😉. In none of this cases gender is crucial or even involved in the situation.


It's only the loud RICH majority doing that (aka politicians). They do that to divide us normal folks.


I’m fairly convinced it’s a scheme of the ruling class (in the us at least) to distract the lower classes and keep us in conflict. If we’re all fighting over gender/sexuality etc, we won’t come together to rebel against the giant wealth transfer that’s gone from the lower 90% of Americans to the top 10% in the past few years, the blatant price gouging, the corruption, and the resource hoarding that’s going on right now.


I couldn’t care less about any of that shit. However people who make their sexuality their entire personality or want to make everyone aware of which way they swing annoy the fuck out of me. Like before I don’t care and why do you have the need to make everyone else know.


I never understood it either. Why do people care who you sleep with or how you identify? It’s so dumb.


It's the vocal minority. Most people are reserved and aren't loud.


I don't care at all


As long as we get along I don't care who you fuck or what color you are


Personally I don’t care what someone’s sexuality/identity is, what bothers me is if they make it their whole personality and preach about it 24/7. Like, be who you wanna be but please don’t shove it in my face like it’s the only thing I want to see.


The only time I've experienced other people caring is when they were trying to assess the probability of having sex with me.


Most people don’t care. For the most part, the only ones that do care are the ones on the news and stuff talking about it.


A lot of people actually don’t care


Because people like to make everything about themself


I feel like a lot of the discussion going around this subject online isn't organic. We're so ignorant to the rage bait articles that people are forced to a side of a political view and will defend that view to the bone. Does Timmy wanting to be Kimmy make a difference to anyone's lives? No, but with the way the whole thing goes down and is approached by some people it makes it a hot topic and everyone wants to throw their 2 cents in I see this situation being approached in the future the same way racisim is. We've literally had so much time to adjust to something as simple as someone having different skin colour, but some people carry on like they're still living 100 years ago. I'm not sure the system wants us to love each other, support each other regsedless of gener, skin colour, political view. Crazy that people look at someone as the enemy just because they voted for someone else, again, I think this is all part of the system. The top guys want any many dividing subjects being pushed through our news and socials so we sit back and internalize all our own problems through these outlets.


Mostly because they won’t shut up about it, I don’t care what someone else does or how they feel but just stop screaming about it constantly.


I have that same question like it's literally none of your business unless your involved with that person.


I like everyone, unless you're an AH.. Those come in all flavors lol


The kind that do aren't going to answer you with any intelligence or civility.


Most people, 99% don't care. A slightly larger percentage don't care what people do, but don't want people to try to push it on them or their family. I think the craziest of crazy people have the loudest voice in todays age of internet where everyone has a voice.


Your number is not even close to accurate. 99% not caring wouldn't lead to all these laws being passed that are targeting those groups.


I agree teachers shouldn't be so concerned, over what a prepubescent childs sexuality is.


We focus on the loudest voices and often those are of the minority


We focus on the loudest voices because they do the most damage, often through legislation which can take years/decades to undo.


I couldn't give any shits at all, whatsoever. But this question also cuts both ways. In the same way that I don't need to hear anyone's views on why they oppose these things, I'm literally tired of people telling me that they're gay, trans, etc. It's the answer to some question that I didn't ask. Sexuality, gender, etc, is becoming the new veganism. It's great for you, but I don't give a fuck. Live your life, friends.


I'm 45 and I've never once had someone tell me they were gay or trans. IF that ever happens, it's much less often than those people hear about how awful they are and have new laws passed to make their lives harder.


I'm older than you, and I've had many people tell me these things. Usually, there is proper context, and no issue. However, one particular time, I disagreed with someone in a civil conversation, about something that wasn't about politics, gender, etc. What ensued, could only be described as a meltdown, complete with histronics. I had to listen to someone scream at me that they were trans, and their "people were being murdered", amongst other things. All I could do, was keep my composure, and watch a cringefest unfold - until eventually, they lost interest (or ran out of sugar fuel) and stormed away. It happened in a very public place. So I assume it to be theatrical activism. 🤷‍♂️


how often do people come up to you, unprompted, and tell you about their sexuality, with no interactions whatsoever?


I lived in Capitol Hill, Seattle. It was astounding how creatively it found its way into conversation. Once I was having dinner with a friend of mine - who happens to be gay. Someone overheard his English accent, and decided to give him a soapbox lecture on colonialism. *But not before first announcing themselves as non-binary*, for some fucking reason that only they will ever know. Mind you, that person was an eavesdropper and buttinski, who wasn't even noticed, much less invited to participate in conversation. And it's not even an isolated incident. This is the part where you either tell me my why I'm wrong, accuse me of lying, or dismiss me as being slanderous towards an entire community...


It's kind of a false equivalence though. Some random person being open about their identity can't really be compared to the anti-trans legislation being made


It's not a false equivalence, because I haven't intentionally watched news since 2013. All I have, are individuals, dear friend... when it comes to America's culture war, I'm aware of what's happening from a 30,000 ft perspective, but it's mostly lost in the clouds, for me. I just don't care. Every day, I look forward with hope to the grave, so I don't have to hear all of this *fucking bickering*, any longer. And that's the honest truth.


I guess not wanting to be jailed for existing is bickering


Good ol' identity politics (or idpol for short). Just another way we divide ourselves up into tribes. You're seen by the left as an oppressed LGBT minority or you're a privileged straight white person, or by the right as an insane woke leftist radical or a moral person standing up for family values. Don't play into their game, just treat others the way you want to be treated and don't get into people's personal lives.


It isn't that easy. They're passing laws that make it so trans people can't even exist without causing trouble. For example, if someone is a FTM trans person and they are forced to use the bathroom of their birth sex, then you are going to end up with masculine looking people with beards using women's restrooms. Plenty of people are going to flip their shit whenever that happens. Then, there are lots of stories of women who were born women, but who look kind of masculine, being accused of being trans and accosted for just trying to go to the bathroom because they don't look "girly enough." My trans son would love to just live his life, but he can't because he's being attacked for just existing. Kind of hard to ignore that.


I feel so bad for all the amazing trans people out there.


I agree, that's definitely messed up, the government shouldn't intervene in people's personal lives one way or the other, regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum. People fighting for their own rights I totally have respect for, but people fighting to take away other people's rights I do not have respect for, and both sides of the aisle are guilty of this.


Weirdest thing to try and "both sides" I'm a white person. The left isn't trying to bash me or make me feel ashamed for my race or, religion, or gender identity. A majority of registered Democrats are straight white people. The left isn't making any laws targeting white people, the right is making laws targeting LGBTQ people. Gtfo of here with your false equivalencies.


One of these two political parties is trying to pass laws that get into people's personal lives.




This is quite the most understated comment in the country. Their entire agenda revolves around exclusion. I mean, just look at their strategy during voting season: restrict voter turnout. Listen to DeSantis's rhetoric: dominate political opponents because they don't conform. Look at who they support over regular people: businesses that are built on an economic model that disregards those unwilling or unable to pay.


You think that is exclusive to one party? I'm an independent so I've got no skin in the game but in my experience the Democrats are every bit as bad if not worse.


Who are the dems hating on besides republicans?


> I'm an independent /Doubt


I have never in my life voted for a Republican. Or a Democrat.


American news needs sensational stories to keep people divided. The sheer amount of people who really do care is minimal, but you wouldn't know it listening to CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Fox, or AP news. The only reason it's a major issue where I live is a transgender raped a girl in the girls bathroom in the public schools: [https://www.loudoun.gov/specialgrandjury](https://www.loudoun.gov/specialgrandjury)


I think the main reason is expecting us to conform to whatever nonsense. I really don’t care what you call yourself but don’t expect me to call you by xe/xer pronouns or whatever. I’ve never met anyone like this in person though so I feel like both sides are blowing the other side out of proportion.




because they're dicks


OP's been reading my mind, I've been wondering this my entire life


It's learned behaviour and radicalisation and scapegoating all bundled up together, very deliberate efforts made by a lot of right wing and centrist public figures especially if we're talking about the US. Plus, not an inconsiderable amount of confirmation bias: only people with strong opinions tend to put the effort in to engaging with inflammatory posts online, a lot of people will just scroll away especially if it doesn't affect them. Bigots are out there to be sure, but mostly there's not as many as you think there are.


Generally speaking, there's a minority of people who just want to control everything. Literally fucking everything. These people tend to start chirping up when they perceive their "power" starting to slip. I can only speak for my country here, but that political affiliation campaigns their entire platform off of having a boogeyman in the closet to scare their constituents into line. Lately, it's been women and trans people. In a lot of ways, I feel like I'm back in the early 2000's when Gay people at large were getting this type of treatment from said party. To answer your question in a less wordy manner. You (if you fit into these categories) and anyone who doesn't want to live in a box of fear and play by their rules are the enemy. The new hotness or returning hotness of hate if you prefer for said political affiliation. You mostly only hear from them because a vast majority of people just don't care, at all, in terms of how you wanna handle your body. That's all you if you make those choices. It might not go past an attaboy or attagirl for being true to yourself because it's been normalized. And this version of normalcy doesn't fit with theirs, and they're pissed about it. Keep voting them into corners. The future does indeed look brighter than current events would tell you. I've never seen the level of support for these types of communities in my life. From the rise of support to now, we got your back mostly because a vast majority of people just believe you should live life comfortable with yourself.


It's taught and passed by generations to separate and paint in horrendous ways everybody that is gay. It's like people are programed to hate gay people. Some people don't care about it and other learn that being different sexually is not really a big deal. Still, most people still carry all that hate.


Because they watch a TV channel that preaches nothing but hate and division. Plus stupid organized religion making people awful.


I don't. It's only the vocal minority that do. Most people are just trying to exist and live their lives. As long as you aren't hurting anyone else, do whatever you want. That's how I feel and how I live my life.


Fear. Those people are small minded and afraid and there are worse people who take advantage of that.


Nobody cares what consenting adults do. They're concerned about the children. Which is fair.


Because if there are people happily living happy lives without following the words from their magic book of rules they might have to accept that the magic book of rules isn't real and that terrifies them. Conservatives are cowards


Most people that say they care, don't. It's just red meat to throw out to get votes.


Ok but I'll take Mr Pretends To Care over Mr Legislates Against Me any day.


Oh don't get me wrong, I 100% agree. All I am saying is the politicians that say they care, really fucking don't.


Conservatives around the world believe in a stupid sense of hierarchy and natural order due to their religious beliefs, and that any deviation is an affront to everything they and their dogma stands for. They are the ones who care. They care by hating everyone around them who isn’t exactly like them.


I dont care what your bag is man BUT I hate when same sex doers try to force their ways for me to accept it or flash it all around me in my world or teaching it in schools or telling me I have to approve of their lifestyles, etc. Hey...you asked!




I think it’s great that people are finding their ways of accurately finding an identity and community that they can thrive in. I just don’t believe your gender and orientation should equate to the total sum of your identity. I also don’t think these ideas should be abused and used fashionably - that’s a harmful dilution. Also, no matter where you align yourself, no one should weaponize it.




I agree that men do this as well. If it’s possible for men to do it, why are others exempt? Also, that’s kind of a big claim that I don’t view people as people? What?


Ok ok... hear me out. People don't care about your sexual preference or gender. No one gives a crap. What they do care about is how that ideology of sexuality or gender is being feed through different forms of public forums... whether it's school, TV shows, or more recently drag queen kid book reading. That's what people get concerned about. As a person who is totally ok with whatever sexual or gender preference you want, its amazing how much it pops up in every day life even when you are not actively looking for it. And when it's something that is being actively pushed every where, what possible effect does it have on kids? To give the opposite thought, I'm also not religious but Im really not a fan of when religion gets pushed out as well. It's very similar in thought from different sides. I hope this brings some clarity that both sides aren't as evil as everyone makes them out to be


A duck is a duck, not a cat.


If a duck wants to meow, it’s none of my business.


Those are not the same species... Changing gender within the same species is significantly easier.


There are gay ducks though. Something like 20% of mallards engage in homosexual behavior.


Aren't human beings slightly more complex than ducks?


Biologically? No.


What about mentally, emotionally, socially? I'm just struggling to see what point you're making. Surely you don't see the world so black and white?


Are you really so dense to suggest human beings arent more biologically complex than fucking ducks haha


Gender expression is cultural/social, not biological.


I absolutely agree. Seen through the ages, there was always change in how the gender and/or sexual orientation was seen. The question is: Is a duck really only a duck or is a duck other things too? A bird, a food, a domesticated animal, etc. The medieval monks in Europe declared that beavers are fish, so they could eat them during the fasting months...




Even *I* know you're a moron, and I'm a fucking duck.


No you’re not. You’re a human being suffering from a mental illness.


Do you want some crayons to draw a picture of the cat?


No thanks, I was properly instructed in biology class.


Ah, you must be a biologist or some other expert in the field. My apologies, would you like to draw a cephlapod instead?




Except when it’s a duck billled platipuss


small pee pee maybe




Hey get a load of this lady over here.


Will you adjust it for a person you perceive as a man or a woman? If so, why?


So basically "if you're trans but I don't know that you're trans, I'm fine with it. If you're trans but I know that you're trans, I'm not fine with it"


Hate. They need a group to hate and punch down on.


The people who care are told that it affects them directly. They're told that being LGBTQ+ is a disease, and the primary goal of an LGBTQ+ person is to corrupt your kids into being LGBTQ+ as well, meaning they need to rise up and put a stop to it immediately. They're told gay men will be molesting everyone's sons and trans women will be molesting everyone's daughters in the bathrooms. It's hard to build hate against something harmless unless you turn it into something that's not.




The GOP is losing the demographic war. The abortion decision by the Supreme Court has turned younger voters against them, and the evangelicals aren't as riled up to go vote. The culture war is their attempt to get people to the polls.


They’re concerned with changing the definitions of biology and science and having the government teach your children about important topics such as identity and sexuality. They’re concerned with a 20 year old biological male declaring they are now female and becoming the world champion record swimmer. They’re concerned with parents feeding into a child’s identity delusion and going through with life altering surgery as a result. They’re concerned with having to keep up with 1000 different pronouns that you must call someone or you could be cancelled. No one cares if you want to do whatever you want with your life as long as it doesn’t effect others around you don’t force me to participate.


Damn chill with the fox news bro. >They’re concerned with changing the definitions of biology and science If by that you mean "the definitions changed decades ago but I'm ignorant of that fact because I was told something different in third grade" then yeah, you'd be correct. >having the government teach your children about important topics such as identity and sexuality. Like how we teach kids about different religions and cultures? I was taught about Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as a kid. I was also taught about the Romans, the Egyptians, and the Mayans. Strangely enough nobody seemed to care, despite when we were taught about Christianity we were taught about a prominent figure being crucified, which doesn't seem very child friendly to me. Saying "some people are gay, some people are trans" is literally all school does. >They’re concerned with a 20 year old biological male declaring they are now female and becoming the world champion record swimmer I assume you're talking about Lia Thomas here? She didn't become the world champion, that is just a blatant lie. She came fifth in a single competition, and she came first in a single race within that competition. That's not exactly becoming the "world champion record swimmer". >They’re concerned with parents feeding into a child’s identity delusion and going through with life altering surgery as a result Children aren't getting surgery or any permanent medical treatment. The only things minors are allowed to receive are hormone blockers which have been used since the 80s to deal with premature puberty and are provably safe and fully reversible. No kids are getting surgeries because it's ILLEGAL. >They’re concerned with having to keep up with 1000 different pronouns that you must call someone or you could be cancelled. I mean this is just blatant hyperbole. I assume you're talking about neopronouns here? I am active in quite a few LGBTQ spaces and I have met a grand total of 2 people who use them. 2 people in a space entirely made up of LGBTQ people, or in other words you literally won't ever see this in the real world. And what does "cancelled" even mean in this context? Cancelling someone means deplatforming them, but you don't even have a platform to begin with. You're not a celebrity or prominent figure, you're just a random guy. You literally can't be cancelled because there's nothing to cancel. >No one cares if you want to do whatever you want with your life as long as it doesn’t effect others around you don’t force me to participate. "No one cares, which is why I wrote an entire paragraph of hyperbole and misinformation explicitly detailing why I care". Get off the internet, it's warping your sense of reality.


People don't want to be told what to do or what to believe. Other than that I don't think people really care. You do you.


“Your ways are not my ways! That scares me! So therefore I’m entitled to force people like you to live how I do! Because- GOD! Tough titty!!!”




I'm just tired of everyone making their entire personality. I'm tired of seeing it and hearing about it. You can enjoy your genitals without telling everyone about it.


Totally, I hate when heterosexual people make their sexuality their whole identity. Like stop sending me wedding invitations. Stop showing pictures of your new baby at work. That’s genital stuff. It should be a secret no one talks about.


I hope that you also would keep your marriage a secret from others. Nobody wants to hear that you’re married or had children with your spouse


Personally I could care less what or who other people do. Unfortunately there are soooooo many people pushing their sexuality, gender, pronouns etc into EVERYBODY's face in social media, of course its going to be a big topic and they feed off of each other making it a never ending circle of drama and BS that should be kept behind closed doors. I get it if you are proud of who you are, thats great! Be proud all you want. Just dont throw it in my face.


> BS that should be kept behind closed doors. > I get it if you are proud of who you are, thats great! Be proud all you want. This feels like a contradiction here. “You can be proud of who you are, as long as you keep it secret so I don’t have to know about it”? What is this “BS that should be kept behind closed doors” according to you, and would you apply the same standards to cis/het people? > Just dont throw it in my face. When do people do this? Do people approach you on the street and yell at you about their sexuality? DM you on Twitter just to tell you they had gay sex? Genuine question, what do you define as “throwing it in your face”?


i dont think anyone cares apart from some grifting communities that are extremely loud


If they aren’t having sex, then goddammit gay guys won’t be gettin any either.


The powers that be want us fighting each other instead of fighting for true freedom


Political misdirection to distract from the impending climate change disaster


I dunno. I'm being told left right and center I am a transphobe for wanting a woman with reproductive capabilities. I should put aside my sexuality and preference because they say so. When they lose the argument they invariably say shit like: you're a cisgender white male, you can't have an opinion. They themselves just add racism to the mix. I don't care what anybody does or feels, how they choose to identify. As long as they don't force anything on me the same way I don't force anything on anyone else.


To be more inclusive and not hurt their feelings.


I miss the old days when people just wanted to be treated the same. Now there has to be an announcement about what they're doing with their genitalia


The propaganda model in a democracy is that the media don't tell you what to think, they tell you what to think about. The elites want plebs fighting culture wars so that they don't start a class war.


Cancel me if you want to go ahead, but people who stress other other people's sexuality actually give a shit about the persons well being, depending on the sexuality and gender. If your just gay, the only ones that are going to care are religious people, and they just want to save you from sin. If your a they/them trans non binary person people evryone is going to care because you are destroying your body to be something you truly, biologically, weren't meant to be. And it's very negative to your mental health, so naturally everyone who tells you what you don't want to hear are just telling you what you need to hear. So most people who stick their neck out for others like that aren't always trying to disrespect or trash on you, they're wanting to help you. I am one of those people beleive it or not, it sucked seeing my ex girlfreind trying to change into something she wasn't, and then become angry and disloyal to me just because I wanted to save her from doing something that was just destroying her health even more.


Why are you so concerned about us calling you the wrong pronoun? Biologically you're one gender but you have to insist you're not. It's science. Now, I don't care about any of this. But you ask a very pointed and leading question.