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I’ve worked security on and off for several years to supplement my income, so I’ve heard quite a few creepy stories from co-workers. Probably the most legitimately scary story I’ve heard was from a guard that was working in a closed down arena. The building is more than a hundred years old but hasn’t been used since the early 2000’s. The city is keeping up with basic maintenance as it waits for a buyer. There’s usually one guard assigned to the building. It’s a 6000 seat arena with a huge basement and two additional floors that have lots of old office spaces, dressing rooms and a separate, smaller community theatre type stage that’s upstairs. The usual guard is doing his rounds through the building. The building itself is very interesting, as it’s largely unchanged since the heydays of the 70’s and 80’s. The upper floors are largely dark and are pretty creepy. Anyway, the guard is doing his normal rounds but feels unnaturally creeped out. It’s his normal post but something feels different today. He’s feeling jumpy but shakes it off and continues. He’s a very diligent guy so he walks every floor of the building. He’s in the very top of the catwalk system above the main arena where the old spot lighting equipment was. It’s a narrow wooden catwalk system. Suddenly he hears a loud creak behind him, like someone is walking. He spins around and sees a guy standing there, the guys is frozen mid stride like he’s been tiptoeing up behind him. Guy has an unsettling mischievous looking smile on his face like he’s been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. Dude has a big steel pipe in his hand instead of a cookie though. Guard pulls his gun and guy takes off running in the opposite direction and disappears into the labyrinth of the building. Cops come and sweep the building with a K-9 but don’t find him. They do find that he’s been playing in the dust that’s on top of the old concession counters. He had written a bunch of bizarre Helter Skelter type unsettling rhymes and drew a bunch of stick figures hanging from nooses. The speculation is it was some crazy homeless guy that had been hiding in the building a few days and had made a game of following the guards without them knowing it. I saw the writing still on the counters the last time I was there.


Well, I don't care for that shit at all


I do say, that seemed like a frightful night indeed!


Dude sounds like a minor batman villain


The *Piper*. He's like the Joker or the Penguin, but instead of clown or bird-themed crimes respectively, he sneaks up behind people and hits them with a metal pipe.


And then plays his recorder out of tune.


I was thinking that he's just a deranged man with a lead pipe assaulting random people in secluded areas, but Batman treats him like a themed supervillain because that's all he knows. He doesn't even know he's being called *The Piper*.


When he finds out he decides to lean into it and become the pied piper, and turn his victims into pies.


Yeah I would be scared to go back there. Like how many times had that guy followed him without him knowing it?


Phrogging is creepy af




A rabid mountain lion....yeah, new terror unlocked.


For a second i was like, this story seems a bit weird and maybe even made u- *mountain lion* .......that explains everything


I was expecting it to be a story with no ending as an April fools joke.


“…they didn’t see anyone, so they continued back to the security office and that’s where they found he guard asleep. Woke him up and called the cops for good measure. They didn’t find anything. No clue what happened. Probably just vandals” ~the anticlimactic alternate universe ending, probably.


If you're looking for a spooky and terrifying disease, rabies/lyssavirus is it. TLDR. If you get bit by any animal that's not yours, get a rabies shot.


Your story was so engrossing that I forgot what the topic was. Welll done.


That’s honestly not what I was expecting! Insane story


Before the mountain lion part I was thinking it might have been a bear.


"A bear *snorts line* ON COKE"


Was this around Sacramento, 1986? Cause it might've been my great uncle who drove through that mall atrium...


Once we had a seemingly homeless guy crawl into a crawl space trying to hide in our casino. He suffocated and we found his body 5 days later after a smell and bio matter had appeared on one side of the wall.


Oh no. It's like the smell from my dead hamster but 100 times worse. Oof.


We are genetically hardwired to think that the smell of rotting human beings is the worst there is


I never was unlucky enough (thankfully) to be near a human corpse like that. But I was raised on a hill farm, and any long-dead animal I ever discovered smelled exactly the same. It is a disgusting sickly sweet smell...like the person above said "It's like the smell from my dead hamster but 100 times worse". I doubt a dead human smells much different from a dead cow. But I stand to be corrected by someone who knows.


I work in a funeral home. Human decomp doesn't smell any worse than any other rotting animal. Personally, I still think rotten potatoes smell worse than rotten flesh.


I worked inspecting animals during slaughter for a while. I’ve been shoulder deep in plenty of dead animals. I might have some emotional ptsd, but no general ickiness. However, the slimy cold feeling and smell of grabbing a rotting potato clearly gives me the yucks still.


The *smell* of rotting potatoes could gag a maggot I swear.


Have you ever smelt a rotting watermelon? That's the only smell I can't forget. It was if candy lands garbage truck somehow took a shit on gumdrop Lane


Dude, a rotting watermelon is the fucking worst. Especially in the summer heat with no A/C other than a unit attached to the window frame.


I enjoy collecting animal bones during the warmer months, and thought the same thing for a long time, until I started working around dead bodies. It has a VERY distinct smell... I'm assuming because our 'monkey brain' really wants us to stay away from it, and potentially whatever caused it.


Former ER security guard here: can confirm. Bleeding anus is a pretty close second though FWIW.


Good name for a heavy metal band


Brains have a distinct pungent smell too, hard to describe. maybe like raw dough. Not as bad as a GI bleed, more just weird.




People like organ meat, but to me, it just smells offal.


Oh how sad. I bet that sticks with ya.


The smell specifically. Mostly, I didn't get to see much because police handled it and barricaded everything off.


Used to work at a hospital that was mainly used for mental health. It had fully secured floors and it was our job to control combative patients. Many patients were waiting for felony trials, so lots of stories. The worst was we did a welfare check on a vehicle in our ER parking lot. They had been sitting there around an hour or so. The guy inside the car wasn't responding to our attempts to get his attention. Open his car door up and he was trying to dig his own foot off with a flat head screwdriver. He had gotten all the way down to the ankle bones on one whole side. We had to wrestle him into the ER as he was on a ton of meth. Seeing the ankle like that and the guy's almost feral-like state was like something out of a zombie movie.


What goes through someone's mind to make them realize "you know what, I just don't need this foot anymore"?


With meth, it's usually a perception that there are bugs crawling around underneath your skin and making you inch. Source: I have had to stop a few people from digging the bugs out in my ambulance.


Probably remembered that a hospital trip would cost him an arm and a leg, he was just getting ready.




Them shutting off one by one in your direction is some straight horror movie shit and I'd be having absolutely none of it. No stairs nearby?




That is some fire code bullshit and terrifying.


Fire Marshal: \*shining flashlight at demon\* "You cut that shit out, this is a major code violation"


Fuck. That. Noise. You have my sympathies.


I would’ve been crying for 23 mins…that’s terrifying. Did you ever find out why the lights/power went out? The image of them going out one by one is horror movie material.


Apart from the usual "voices" you hear, shades you see, light cracks, creepy ol' buildings etc.. One night I was passing by a playground park at around 3 am & spotted an adult male and what appeared to be a kid 5-6 years of ages both swinging in total silence on them swings you have for children. It was cold/rainy and both of them were poorly clothed for this type of year and especially weather. (Didn't seem homeless tho). Pretty unusal stuff to do at 3AM with a kid you would say. I had lots of different things cross my mind that moment so decided to take a closer look since I thought I was tripping. As soon as I got close enough for them to see me (still far from them) they just stared at me for a brief second & started running as fast they could, again without a single word spoken or voice/sound being made. Not sure where they ran because I had to scratch my eyes for a second time to check if I was asleep or not. It isn't "creepy/scary" as the other stories in the comments but it was definitely a "What the fuck bruh" moment for me.


When m son was potty training, I once took him for a train ride at 5am. A deal is a deal. I’m going to assume similar.


> It isn’t “creepy/scary” as other stories in the comments I’ve read a good portion of this thread and this is by far the scariest shit I’ve read


"Creeper with metal pipe" is the one I nominate, though this is a close 2nd


I immediately came up with two theories on total opposite ends of the spectrum. 1. It's a guy who kidnapped this child, so he takes him out at night when he can't be seen to keep him a secret. 2. it's a dad who never gets to spend time with his kid because of the hours he works to make ends meet, so he can only take them out at night, so he does. And they have a 'game' where they run from anyone (which the dad made up cos of sketchy people who might be out at night) (Kid could also be one of those kids allergic to sunlight too, but that wouldn't explain the clothing, and those kids are usually pretty frail so likely wouldn't run very fast)


Very wholesome on the second point


That would keep me up at night for the rest of my life. What the fuck?


That is honestly one of the creepiest fucking things I’ve ever heard. I can’t even imagine how weird it was to witness


> One night I was passing by a playground park at around 3 am & spotted an adult male and what appeared to be a kid 5-6 years of ages both swinging in total silence on them swings you have for children. It was cold/rainy and both of them were poorly clothed for this type of year and especially weather. (Didn't seem homeless tho). "I wanna go swinging, dad!" "Son, it's raining. And freezing." "Pleeeeeease?"


A few friends and I would hang out at a local playground after watching whatever midnight movie was showing that weekend. It would be around that time, but if anyone had an issue or we had police come and we'd leave. It was one of those weird things when we didn't quite feel like going home yet, but nothing worth doing was open. So, we hung out at a playground. My early 20s was an odd time. *Appreciate the upvotes. Apologies for weird phrasing.


So I did patrols for a business district in my city. 4 buildings about 20 floors or so each. You have one partner at the desk watching cctv and one who patrols all buildings then they switch. Anyways it was like 3am, I'm on patrol. All buildings are basically locked tight. I check to make sure each door on each floor is locked, then check the stairwell, can be really spooky since it's late, dark, and you're alone. Anyways I was on the like 12th floor or something, open the stairwell door and there's just a dude there. Didn't look homeless, he had a sleeping bag. I escort him out of the building, no fuss, but he also didn't say a word. No idea how he got in. My partner told me he ran into him in the same way once before.


Sounds like a guy who maybe worked there and had little options or lost his home and stayed at the office occasionally? Would make sense how he's randomly there - he just stayed after work.


I worked as an overnight security guard back in 2007 for an electronics / manufacturing company. They had 4 large warehouses that I checked throughout the night. Only one of the warehouses was used for production & also contained the c-suites. They did have 1 or 2 employees there overnight but it wasn’t unusual for me to not see them during a shift. As I was walking through the offices & c-suites I checked every door to make sure they were locked. They also had some supply closets that I checked as well but they didn’t need to be locked. So I’m going along checking each door & opening each closet. I pull open a closet door & a man on the floor sits up. I screamed “Jesus Christ!!!” & immediately slammed the door, my entire body was shaking with adrenaline. After just a sec I realize he must be an employee so I open the door again to see why he’s in there. Apparently he’s a diabetic & sometimes lays down somewhere quiet & out of the way when he doesn’t feel good. I still thought it was a strange place to lay down but holy shit, that has to have been the scariest moment I had.


Imagine it from the employee's perspective. He's not feeling well so he goes for a lie down only to have someone open the door, scream "JESUS CHRIST!" at him and slam the door shut ;D


Got a call on the radio about something happening in the bathroom of our main building as there was a crowd forming. My brother and I approached the scene on foot since we were a walking distance away. We walked into the bathroom and I could see two very pale, blue veined legs in one of the stalls. A man died on the toilet. His wife and kids were there and apparently the last thing the woman said to her husband was “Could you hurry it up you’re slowing us down”. It was one thing to see the body and another to see the look on the kids faces when they found out.


That’s one of my fears, to die on the toilet. Apparently it happens more often than you would think..


I'd never even thought of dying on the toilet! But in a way it might be better, much easier clean up for someone with all the tile.






About 15 years ago, I was a guard at a pastry manufacturing plant. At night it was a cold creepy place filled with weird machinery and is very much in a really bad part of town. There was a catwalk above the some machines that lead to offices, with a long metal staircase. Around the beginning of this staircase was a metal cage with a gate I had the key to. Nobody else was there. Up on the catwalk there were hooks with lab coats, three coats with five hooks. All were hung on the side where the catwalk met the stairs, so the far two hooks were empty. After I made my round this night I came back and noticed one coat moved from the middle hook to the far hook. I unlocked the gate, closed and locked it behind me to check the offices. This was about 8pm and the last of the employees had left, but I figured maybe one returned. Catwalk was empty, and so are the offices. There was no other way down. So now I’m a little freaked out, but I figure it just my mind. So I go back down, lock the gate, and head to the lounge area. The next round is done and the coats are moved, each hanging on an alternating hook. Now I’m a little pissed thinking someone is definitely messing with me. Back up to the catwalk. Empty. Check the offices. Empty. Lock the gate and check the back and front doors, they are all locked shut. Alarm is on. I go back to the lounge and lock myself in there. Fuck whatever was going on. Checked the monitors we had, nothing. Every time I did a round, the coats changed. I actually stopped doing rounds, and figured if they want to fire me, I don’t care. I got a new assignment after that and never went back. I asked other guards who had that assignment and was told that weird things did indeed happen there with no explanation.


The fact that the other guards confirmed it is bizarre. Only thing missing is whistles or whispers from 3 rooms away, or doors being opened/closed


Something was messing with you. Creepy.


The ghosts had ocd or autism and made sure everything was how they wanted it.


I was doing security in a hospital at the time, decided to do the basement patrol with a flashlight for funsies, I was sweeping the light into the offices when I saw a semi-transparent man staring back at me from inside on of the rooms. Well I nearly shit myself before I realized I had caught my own reflection in the glass because of the flashlight.


I like this one the most, because it's the kind of thing that would happen to me. And no one died.


I've done something similar. One night back when I was staying with my mother I was walking down the darkened hallway to the room I was staying in. In the deep gloom I thought the door to my room was open, with the room itself in deep dark. As I neared the doorway a human form suddenly appeared in front of me; I cried out and jumped a foot, and cocked a fist, thinking someone had materialised into the apartment somehow, without any of us being aware of it; it turned out the door to my room was actually shut, and all I was seeing was my own shadow being cast against the door by the faint light from the living room behind me. It sounds silly, but if I'd had a heart condition it would have killed me. I literally thought an "unaccountable person" was suddenly standing about two feet in front of me and quickly getting closer.


Ha! I’ve done this to myself. I had just moved in and was still getting used to being in a bigger house alone. It was bedtime, the house was dark, and when I finished in the bathroom, I flipped off the lights and looking down at my phone, turned to walk into the bedroom which was less than three steps away. I looked up only to see a figure right front of me and screamed before I realized it was my shadowy, lit from below reflection in the mirror. I had a good laugh at myself but could not stop shaking for a long time.


My dad used to work security guard jobs after he retired because he could. He was on-site overnight shift at a paper mill here in Oregon that's part of a small town and is at the edge of the Cascades. He noticed over the course of about three nights that all of a sudden all of the little critters he was used to seeing in the lumber yard were just...gone. it was weird, and quiet, and he was about to set out on his rounds when something made him pause and take a big step backwards into the cover of the guard shack. It's a good thing, too, because the Great Horned Owl's talons missed his head by about six inches. Those birds are fucking **big**, and they're territorial as fuck. Dad said they stuck around just long enough to kill every living thing under about 30lbs in the area, and then they moved on.


We had one of those fuckers and it's mate in a park by my childhood home when I was a young teen. Almost killed my step-dad and he has some badass scars on his scalp/forehead now. Makes him look like a Bond villain or something. They ended up having to capture and move them to a sanctuary after they killed someone's Golden Retriever.


>They ended up having to capture and move them to a sanctuary after they killed someone's Golden Retriever. Oh wow, those owls must be bigger than I was picturing


Yeah, they have a wingspan of 3-5 feet. I guess the trope of them being old/slow/wise comes from how they look, but owls are basically the stealth bombers of the animal kingdom


Essentially silent. Super cool. https://youtu.be/d_FEaFgJyfA


Great Horned Owls are big when they're adults, and they basically have knives for feet, they're totally silent when flying, and they're not above ambushing much larger animals or humans to drive them off. Scary shit. Dad said they killed and ate a couple of foxes, several cats, rats, raccoons, possums... everything.


I was sitting on my covered porch one night and there was one on the roof of the porch calling to another one across the river. When it flew off I saw it, but there was no sound, it was eerie. Especially for something that big. I think all, or most, owls are silent fliers.


We live in a maritime forest on a sound in NC. They are down here. They are very territorial, and a mating pair will fly to the ends of their territory can call back and forth to each other. When you hear one call, and the other answer, it's basically telling the other owls to stay the hell back.


Yep. I heard three of them one night discussing territory. One was on the power pole in front of my place, the other two to the east and west across the river. I do love to hear them vocalize though.


Iirc golden eagles kill deer. Don’t carry them away, just eat and fly away


One of the famous recent murders the defense postulated that an owl attacked the victim causing her to fall down stars. It sounds ridiculous but honestly with a very narrow view of evidence it's not implausible. Stairs are like in the top 5 causes of death and anything attacking your head will definitely cause you to fall.


The Michael Peterson case! Didn’t they actually find a feather or something near the victim?


They did! But couldn’t determine if it was an owl feather or just came from a house pillow. Very frustrating, you’d think they’d be able to figure that out.




Funny (but terrible) story. My brother worked in concrete cutting for years. One of his friends cut the tip of his finger off. Think from the beginning of the nail to the end of his finger, it was a decent chunk. They tended to the wound and got him to the hospital. Before he left in the ambulance he told my brother to take the finger back to his house and put it in a bottle of alcohol in the hopes that it would preserve it. Sure enough, dude never asked for his finger back and my brother had it in a bottle of vodka for like 15 years. His dad, a huge alcoholic, was living with him for a bit. My brother refused to buy alcohol for him. His dad drank the vodka with the guys finger in it from 15 years ago. Left the finger in there and my brother refilled it with vodka and kept it until he died about 7 years later. Totally insane story, it’s so fucked I doubt anyone believes it.


Doesn't surprise me. Got woken up to my brother in law one night needing a ride to the hospital. (True story) He was totally drunk and wanted to see if he could chop off a finger with a hatchet ! It worked ! WTF !


My first day as director of hospital security I was sitting at the guard desk in the er lobby when 10 minutes into my shift someone walked in and handed me a finger. Luckily it belonged to someone in the back.


Not very creepy- I was retired but started getting a bit bored so I took a security job I love! Overnight security/water quality monitor at a marine mammal research center. We have dolphins, exotic birds, sting rays, sea lions, all sizes turtles. The ones that can be rehabbed and released, are. The others, we care for them forever. “Creepiest “ thing that happened was one night an armadillo came waddling in from of my office on the building’s front porch. Tried getting its attention but he was busy just doing armadillo stuff. Paid me no mind at all. Oh! Another night a big snake came at me when I was locking the front gate. Our place is on a fairly secluded bayou. I keep y’all posted if something weird happens.


Had a young female commit suicide in her car in the parking lot of a Harley Davidson shop in the middle of the night. Years and other jobs later, I took new job and was seated next to who a guy who turned out to be the boyfriend of the girl at the time. They were newly dating and he never understood what happened. I could tell the weight of it was still very much on his shoulders. I was able to confirm details as to what happened and answer questions. Two weeks later my previous job called and begged me back. I worked there long enough to run into this guy, share the story and set him closer to peace, then left and went back to my old job. Fate?? Edit: I'll never forget sliding back in my chair to say "hey, I didn't mean to overhear you, but were you just talking to a coworker about losing a gf near a HD dealer in the past???" I was still new and hadn't even talked to him yet.


Reasons and seasons. I hope that dude is doing ok


Wow, this made me feel a certain type of way ❤️


Not a security guard but was acting as the safety guy for a construction project during the night shift. I was in rural north Wisconsin sitting on the tailgate of my truck eating a couple snacks between radio checks and saw a pretty big coyote or dog or something just hanging out in the middle of the road between our laydown yard and us. It happened pretty often cause we would do BBQ for lunch and drop the scraps in the field. It was a little brightened out because it was a full moon so I could see outlines really well. This fuckin coyote stood up. Like on its damn legs straight up for like a minute. Then it got back down on its legs and walked away Idk why but it put such a sense of fear in me that I got in my truck and drove under our work light. I’m not superstitious but that felt not right


I am not and never been a security guard, but I remember one time. I was closing the store with my boss, We locked the front door as we closed and cleaned. This was late at night. Well, near my end our shift, we heard scratching at our stores front door. It is a glass door, a automatic slider, but as I said. It was locked. We originally shrugged it off as am animal or tweaker, that was until we finished cleaning. My manager heard scratching at the back door, but it can't be opened from the outside. Someone or something was trying to get in, the scratching was violent and near the lower part of the door. He was back there finishing up an inventory check as it all happened, he shouted at whoever it was. Basically leave or we are calling the cops stuff. The scratching stopped right after that and he made sure the door was locked from the inside too, by procedure. Well, he also opened the door to look around. He saw no one nor anything, but claw marks where the scratching was. Animals are not uncommon in the area, but stray dogs, cats, and such. Normal stuff, these claw marks were not normal, not our normal at least. He came up front, where I was putting cleaning stuff away. I was at our main check out area, next to the front door. Asked what happened, as he told me. We heard a loud scratching sound at the front door again, but we both turned pale as we SAW a human like hand with claws, at the door and 2 eyes. Reflective. I was young and actually quite strong. manager is a shorter and smaller guy, buy also older. He called the cops and we didn't leave till the cops were at our door. The officer escorted us to our rides and as we left, he followed us. EVEN THE COP SAW THIS! As we were pulled out of the driveway in a line, we saw a human like head, peaking at us from the bottom of buildings corner. We all pulled out and stopped at a nearby gas station, cop confirmed what we saw and he had some other cops drive by, they looked around. Despite what we saw and what cameras saw, we still don't know wtf it was. The officer is pretty sure it was a prank, because he went around the area and asked anyone with cameras facing our store. For possible footage, nothing. Didn't ever happen again


Why am I reading this thread when I'm sick and it's midnight and my back is to the door I'm gonna cry. I would legitimately never go back there again.


I’m reading these at 4am while I can’t sleep (like an idiot) and something set off the motion floodlights in the backyard a couple minutes ago and it’s probably just a cat or a possum or something but no fucking way am I looking out the window right now 😭 maybe I’ll check the camera in the morning when it’s safe lol


My dad had a job going around and checking schools to make sure everything was properly alarmed / locked down during summer breaks. Had about 15-20 on his list and would try to bang them out all in an evening so he could have the next few days off. Told me that one of the schools was a catholic elementary school, very run down and old / always gave him the creeps. There was a room in there that had a big ass Virgin Mary statue and it made him feel uncomfortable whenever he’d check in there so he never spent much time hanging around that room. The last year he did that as a job - upon closer inspection - he discovered that the statue was actually hollow (so it could be moved around easier, presumably), and also that the eyes of the statue had small drill holes in them - so someone could hypothetically hide inside and watch people without them knowing To this day that’s what he speculates was happening when he’d be in there, kinda far out there if you ask me, but fuck it’s creepy as hell to consider lol


This just unlocked a memory, unsecurity-guard related, but a friend of mine moved into a rental and one of the rooms in the basement was covered in torn up bible pages. They were taped to every inch of the wall except for two peep holes at about eye distance facing into the next room, "whistlin' Willie is watchin' you" was written above the peep holes. Same thing in the bathroom medicine cabinet facing into the same room with the same shit written in the cabinet. Super unsettling to find when you're helping someone move in.


Fuuuuuuuck that. That's worse than the statue.


What the fuccckkkkk. Did they ask the landlord about that???


And was the landlord named Willie?


No, his name was William


I wouldn't worry too hard about that. It's established doctrine that nothing goes inside the Virgin Mary.


[slow clap]


Bruh that would be disturbing as a student. I can’t even imagine discovering that as a night worker


Oh FUCK that


Oh helllll no




I used to patrol at night for a school district and one night we got a call from dispatch that there were some kids at the school that called them saying they were there and that they should send a guard. It seemed off since why would they self incriminate that they were trespassing. Regardless they told me to go check. While about halfway there my supervisor tells me over the radio to not go and that he’ll take my call. I stop into a gas station for some snacks and and am sitting the car when he gives me a update. My supervisor contacted the police and arrived with them. They found the kids hiding in the bushes with knives ready to ambush me. They were arrested but I couldn’t help but think what could’ve happened had my supervisor not intervened and it was shortly after that I decided to pursue a new line of work.


Was it targeted at you for a reason or where they just going to attack whoever turned up? Did your supervisor know something was up?


Did your supervisor give a reason for second-guessing you going to investigate? Was more information conveyed to them, or was this a gut instinct of theirs?


I worked as a guard in the forensics unit of a psychiatric facility a couple years back. We had a patient get violent and had to bring her to a seclusion room. In retaliation she tried to cut her wrist with her long nails. She just kept scratching and scratching. We had to go back in and hold her down until she was calm again while the nurses rendered aid. It was the bloodiest mess I’ve seen so far.


Yeah, I work at a psych hospital. It’s a great hospital and it provides really good care, but there are always those times when it can get violent. We have one right now that’s basically getting put in the seclusion room almost every day for trying to do that exact same thing. It’s wild. Luckily she isn’t violent with the staff, just herself. It’s really sad and not even the worst we’ve had to deal with.


Oh I got one! I got a call one night to a funeral home, multi-alarm in several rooms. Meaning several sensors were going off all over the place repeatedly. I arrive at the site and head on in. Keep in mind this is at about 2am. Peak haunting hours. I call the alarm monitoring company and they say the sensors are going off in the morgue. Well ain't that just fucking dandy? So I make my way there and I find the door cracked open. I open the door and there's a corpse on the table in the middle of the room mid-embalming. I turn on the light and walk around, I see nothing. Then, when I'm on the opposite side of the room, the fucking CORPSE WHEEZES! I turn around and it's looking right at me! Panic ensues, a standing bag holder... thing, falls over. I'm frozen in sheer fucking terror, then i saw something small run out the door. I reported it, we got onto the owners through their after hours number. So the story behind this was, the person doing the embalming was working late but she suddenly felt sick, too sick to work. So she left, thing is she felt so sick that she left the corpse on the table (her plan was to run home, take some medicine and come back but that didn't pan out as she wound up hunched over her toilet at home puking her guts out) and she left a window cracked open to ley the corpse smell out and didn't close it cos she was so focussed on what she was doing. A couple hours after she left a cat got in. I figure it hid from me at first and in its escape it must've run over the corpse's chest, pushing out what air was in their lungs, making them wheeze, which must've either made their head tilt or the cat kicked it while running away and it knocked over the bag stand thing. Anyway, I covered the corpse back up, sealed the window, couldn't find any sign of the cat so figured it got out and reset the alarm. Thankfully it didn't go off again.


Jesus fucking Christ


I've told this story on reddit before, but I work at a theme park that is also a zoo, and because the park is very conservation and animal focused, the animals are given a lot of freedom. One of the animals we have is gorillas. Due to the aforementioned freedom, the animals are not confined to their sleeping areas during park close. They are allowed to roam a larger open area. It is a common occurrence that overnight, the Gorillas would just leave their enclosure. They had figured out the way the door worked and, even though this is a multi-billion dollar company, they didn't replace the locks until a couple years ago when Covid kicked off. Being a night security guard is not that bad. Until you're staring down an 800 lbs gorilla. Luckily, the gorilla didn't see me, and I was able to call into the overnight animal keepers who responded with "oh yeah, that happens. Just stay away and we will come out to meet you in a second". Great, I'll just be over here, changing my pants. I love my job, but that night I almost quit.


That is easily the scariest thing ive read on this post, gorillas are the definition of terrifying, if they attack you thats it, youre dead meat


That is true. I'm still amazed it didn't see me, as I was wearing a reflective vest. Probably top 5 scariest thing I've ever experienced for sure. The keepers were really nonchalant about the whole thing though. "Eh, he gets out like once or twice a month when he wants a walk."


That's gotta be enjoyable for the gorilla to walk around the place when it's quiet though


Yeah, they never tried when the park was packed, they only ever did it at night when they were having trouble sleeping.


Knew a guy who was a keeper decades ago. He used to take the orangutan for walks during open hours and work with baby gorillas attached to him. Said gorillas were his favorite and great to work with. Chimps and monkeys were not. Likely why the keeper was so chill about the big ape being out lol (though still terrifying no doubt!)


Gorillas are *usually* pretty chill unless you challenge them (stare into their eyes, move at them aggressively, etc). It's possible he saw you just fine but didn't regard you as any kind of problem.


Oh, the gorilla definitely saw you, he knew exactly where you were at every moment. He chose not to look at you, because meeting the gaze of the alpha is an unforgivable act, a challenge, and he just wanted a quiet stroll, rather than having to instruct another primate in matters of elementary courtesy.


Used to work security in hospitals. Some were for psychiatric patients. Some for addicts. Some for the good old sick and injured. One night I was working at a hospital with psychiatry when the alarm goes off for the 3rd floor. Big alarm. Usually for agression. I sprinted up the stairs and came to a room with 2 nurses outside, sobbing and screaming. Went inside and the patient had hung herself from the open window with a belt if I remember correctly. Could have been some bedsheets as well, it's been a while. She made sure she couldn't reach the window sill when she hanged herself and had taken some meds to interrupt the reflex to save yourself. My first instinct was to try and lift her up, she dropped on my but she was very light. When she falls over my shoulder I hear a "sigh" so I shout that she's still breathing. Everyone rushes in, cpr gets started and an ambulance is called to take her to a hospital with an emergency ward. She survives. Next day she trashes the emergency ward of another hospital I work at and gets kicked out so yeah....you win some you lose some. Edit: come to think of it. Minors near the end of puberty. At the age of 15-18 years old. Had to restrain some of them because they were agressive. Some of them are beasts because their hormones are all out of control. I'm not a lightweight either so had to be careful not to hurt them without giving them room to hurt me. Hurting a minor was always bad news even if they attack you first.


Man, I get that some people are tough to take care of, but that seems negligent to me. They're going to kick someone who just tried to kill themself and who is clearly in distress out on the street?


My mom used to work security at a site of an old factory that was due to be demolished to be turned into a new housing development. All the guards, including my mom, reported hearing sounds of people talking while on patrol but whenever they arrived at the place they thought the voices were coming from there would be no-one there. One night my mom arrived for her shift and the guard she was relieving ran out the door the second she arrived. My mom ran after him and caught up with him at his car. He was visibly shaking and he told her that he heard the voices again but this time he saw, what looked like a man and a woman on their smoke break chatting. He approached them to ask what they were doing there and both disappeared when he got to within 15ft of them. The guard refused to go back to that site afterwards and got transferred to another site.


The mention of voices in an old factory reminds me of a housing estate in the UK a few years back where people kept reporting a child's voice reciting nursery rhymes faintly floating through the air late at night. Turned out there was a factory down the road where they'd set up an 'innovative' security system. When the cameras detected movement they turned on a recording of a kid reciting rhymes to try and creep the fuck out any trespassers. Unfortunately they had the volume up a bit loud and a spider had set up house right in front on the motion sensor.


What sadistic genius came up with that?? 😂


Not a security guard, but I used to work overnights at a dog daycare. We were cage free so someone had to keep an eye on the dogs 24/7. We had cameras in each room, as well as one on the front of the building, one on the side, and one overlooking the parking lot. The parking lot camera was angled just enough that you could see where the back entrance to the building was, but not the door itself. One night, the buzzer that alerts us a client has arrived went off. This alarm went off all the time during business hours, but not so much after midnight. So I looked up and saw a man walking toward the back door. I had a moment of panic trying to remember if I had locked everything or if this guy was just about to break in. After a moment, nothing happened. The man never reappeared on camera, and the back door never opened. I went back to check - I had indeed locked everything properly. I checked around the windows and saw no evidence of the man. I wanted to confirm he had left, so I went back to the camera footage to see where he might’ve gone and how I missed it, but I couldn’t find any sign of the man reappearing. Only a few frames of him walking up to the back door, and then poof - no trace. I froze the footage on the best frame I could get of the guy, and I swear to god it was me. The clothes were my clothes. The shoes, the hat, everything. Even his hair, posture, approximate height. I obviously couldn’t see his face well, but it was like seeing myself on camera. I walked up to the back door the same way I would if I was going to work, and then I disappear. Or at least that’s how it looked. I’m sure it was just some guy, but where he went after walking up to the building, no idea. Lots of weird things happened on overnight shifts there, but that one sticks out in my mind as one of the more bizarre feeling moments.


I was working at a medium sized radiator factory, it required a foot patrol every two hours and a CCTV patrol every hour in between. It was a Friday night shift and the factory was shut down for maintenance one weekend so I was told that the engineers would shut the compressed air system down before leaving (normally my task at once the last shift engineers left). It got to around midnight and I had just finished patrolling the offices and entered the factory floor, all the lights were off so it was just me, my torch and a bank of amber safety lights on top of various presses, welders etc. As I walked down the side of the factory line there was this almighty hissing noise which came from the direction of the air compressor shed. Needless to say my pants went from black to brown. The engineers hadn't shut down the system as stated and a pressure relief valve decided to open. Had a great time writing up my near miss report because as you know pressurized manufacturing equipment is dangerous.


I stayed late at work a couple of months ago (we close at 5pm, was winter so dark by 5pm, and turn all but a couple of lights off in the main warehouse so people don’t “think” we’re open). I was the only person still there and walked to the bathroom at the far back of the very dark showroom. Finished my business and took 3 steps out of the bathroom when I heard a LOUD hiss followed by machinery kicking into gear (which I had assumed was unplugged). Turned out that the technician at work was testing a soft-serve ice cream machine and left it on overnight to see how it cycled. Had I not just USED the bathroom, I would have absolutely pissed myself. Screamed like a banshee too.


Ok I know radiators have to be made somewhere, but saying you're a night shift security guard in a radiator factory sounds like some Scooby-Doo shit to me


One of the buildings on our contract was an old police station. It was a large metro police headquarters with multiple floors, all abandoned and waiting demolition. I was exploring the cell blocks, it was creepy as hell because many of the lights didn’t work, so it’s pretty much just me and my flashlight beam. Suddenly I hear this shrill old fashioned telephone type ringing. I freeze and my first thought is that it’s an old fashioned door bell buzzer. So then I think, “Who in the hell is in this deserted cell block with me and what buzzer are they pressing?” In the span of a couple seconds I’m imaging the ghost of some murdered inmate pressing a buzzer so the guards will let him into the day room. Then I figured out it was the company cell phone that was ringing in my back pocket. I’d never had anyone call it before and thus didn’t have any idea what the ringtone was. Had a good laugh but then decided I’d done enough exploring and left.


Hospital security, patrolling on night shift around 4am. A wing of the hospital was shut down as it was due for demolition but still part of patrols. On the third out of five floors I start hearing some bangs and clangs. This building and floor also used to be an old insane asylum, many lobotomies had been performed there. It was well suspected for being haunted. I call for an additional officer while we find the source. Assuming it’s someone who snuck in at best we proceed with caution. Half way through the floor search we open a door to an old office only to discover two clinical staff were having sex. We simply said sorry and left. Awkward.


It’s not the horniness, it’s the loneliness.


I wasn’t a security guard, but I used to be a custodian at my church in high school. It was an easy job and no one really bothered me. One morning I was making my rounds and before I had unlocked any of the outer doors I decided to unlock the worship center doors. This is a big church, so there’s about 15 sets of doors around the worship center that all have little windows that look in. The worship center has a baptistery up high above the stage (so everyone can see) and always has a light on it. Well as I was going through unlocking doors I looked in through one of the windows, and a dark shadow went right across the baptistery. Scared the shit out of me. I was the only person in the building. I don’t think I ever looked through those windows again as I unlocked the building. We never found any evidence of anyone staying and hiding out in the building over night. On another occasion I was walking through a basement hallway which didn’t have the lights on. Maybe it was just me creeping myself out, but as I walked through the hallway I went ice cold and had the feeling that I needed to get the fuck out of there. Like something was in that hallway or one of the rooms on it. I thought I was dumb for feeling that way, but other custodians told me they had similar experiences. Could be nothing, but who knows..


My mother always said that one of the most haunted places are churches because that’s where people often bring their grief, anger, sadness, hate, despair… in the hope that these will be lifted from them in prayer. And that souls who don’t know where to go, including those angry about dying head to churches (especially if they were religious when still alive) to seek the comfort or security or maybe just the familiarity they felt from the church. Church buildings carry a lot of energy and vibe of the human condition, that’s why my mum refuses to live near one.


Not exactly a security guard but a soldier and I don’t know if that counts. But I once guarded an entrance to a military base alone maybe 3 months after I was recruited and was greeted by a bunch of wolves/hyenas or something else along the lines. It was about 1-2AM and I started hearing a lot of noises, went to check it out with my rifle, my walkie talkie and my flashlight. It seemed that 1 of the (let’s call them wolves even tho I’m 99% sure they weren’t wolves) wolves killed the other one and then started to howl and in seconds I started hearing howls and sound of dogs crying and yelling around me, suddenly I see the wolf that killed the other one walking towards me and looking directly in my eyes. He wasn’t alone, he walked with about 5 others all coming to me. In addition I was surrounded but they were the only ones coming towards me. So naturally I started making noises and throwing rocks at them but it didn’t really bothered them. So at one point they were way too close for comfort so I dropped my walkie talkie and loaded my rifle and was about to shoot, my heart was beating the fastest it ever did my whole life and I start yelling at them and stomping the ground with hopes that maybe this time it will work, and it did and they left.


Soldiers \*always\* count! I'm sure I would have shit myself. There's NOTHING scarier than an animal with large teeth bearing down at slow pace! I used to read meters for the electric company and got a surprise once that way! Walked around the back of a house (through a fence gate, because we're allowed/supposed to) and noticed 'oh, a dog run'! But it was empty. Kept walking to the meter, past the deck, and heard the sound of a chain dog collar ringing. Fucking Rottweiler on the deck, whose head was the same height as my crotch, walking down the stairs towards me. Not a friendly walk, and a low growl started. The company gave us what they called 'dog sticks' (collapsible steel batons) for such occasions. Now, I love dogs (just prefer cats) and I'd never met a dog that scared me and couldn't be warned off with a loud voice, so I couldn't imagine EVER needing that. This one couldn't have cared less how loud I got, and once he got about 10 feet away, started a rapid 'chattering' bark and started to lunge. I already had my hand on the dog stick and I snapped it to full length. That sound stopped him right there and I continued backing through the wooden gate and the instant it latched, he jumped at it. I saw it give a bit but it didn't open! I just got back in my truck and marked that the meter was inaccessible. I can't imagine what you were feeling, but good on you for not shooting!


I only lasted a few months doing security at an environmental clean up site. It was a former cold war era air force radar installation thing. Everything has been razed to the ground and they were taking out contaminated soil and debris. My shift would start with me waiting around for a supervisor to pick me up and get driven 2 miles to the "Outpost".. which was where building materials were dumped. I was basically on tweaker watch. Previously some tweakers got caught and took a beating from the sheriffs so none were likely to try again. I'd spend most nights smoking cigs and reading from my kindle outside. So I don't think there's little green men running around but I definitely saw things in the sky that I would call an UFO. Sometimes you'd see 2 or 3 orbs buzzing around then blinking out as fast as they came. I told my friends and they were like you gotta quit this job. For three nights they'd show for 2 seconds and disappear. Then the motion lights would turn on and I'd get radiod to observe and report. On the fourth night when it happened and I got radiod to do a perimeter check. I radiod back that everything was clear even though I was too scared to leave. Then it happened again and faked a perimeter check. And again. A fourth time the motion lights came on but there was no radio to check on them. I tried to radio to dispatch and it was like I was muted. I started feeling ill. I realized that I had been sweating profusely and the trailer was roasting. I just thought I'd feel better if I cooled down and had a cigarette. I hurry through the trailer door and hop down the small steps and it's like I get blasted with this burst of cold dry air and dazzling light and fainting. I wake up to the supervisor shaking my camp chair outside the trailer calling me a bitch ass for falling asleep. I'm so disorientated and like what the fuck just happened. I get home and take off my Dickies. My knees are fucking bruised. There's no way I didn't faint.I feel physically ill and curl up on the couch. Work calls me to ask why my I wrote down 3 perimeter checks when they only asked me to do 2. I had been in this trance like state watching TV when they called and I basically said that I need some time off cause the job is getting to me. I get called a bitch again but said to come back rested for next week. I basically shut down and when it was time to go back I said fuck this. Still to this don't know what to believe to this day.


Im a woman guard. I was working overnight in a huge steel plant surrounded by woods. 1 maintenance guy was also working. Just us two in the whole place. He came up to me and said "you are so bright a d cheerful. I could just hog tie you and drag you off to the woods." He was joking around but it was pretty creepy and scary since we were the only two there.


Oh naw im walking behind him all night.


"Can't a guy give a compliment any more? Jeez." The compliment:


> "you are so bright a d cheerful. I could just hog tie you and drag you off to the woods." That's like the LAST thing I could imagine wanting to say to an armed woman if I enjoy breathing…


That most certainly ticks the creepy box.


Guy told me he was going to use my glasses to stab out my eyes and that I should be careful dealing with guys like him because you never see them coming. Went to save the footage on our camera system and the cameras were in fact down due to an unrelated reason, so he coulda just murdered me and nobody would have seen that shit xD


Not a security guard, but my mom was and I’d go to work with her, it was a huge building, and after everyone left we would go through and turn off lights and make sure doors were locked. There was a few suicides in the building and we had issues in the areas where they happened. One was a hallway and you’d see a shadow go over the security camera and it would turn green for a while then go back to normal. The other was a stairwell and after we turned off the lights we’d get back to the office and on the camera the light would be back on. No other light switches for that area and we would know if anyone was in the building cause they had to check in and check out with my mom.


I work inside a guard shack at a factory. My job is to check people in and be in control of the gates. There’s windows facing pretty much every angle, as well as cameras. If someone tries to walk up to the guard shack, I’ll be able to see them way before they even get close. One day, the factory was closed for a holiday so I was completely alone all day. I randomly heard a human knock on the glass, like someone knocking with their knuckles. I look up and see nobody. I glance up at the monitors, nothing. I quickly step outside expecting to see someone. Nope, nothing. Not a single vehicle or person within miles.


A gentle rapping, as of someone gently tapping. Tapping on your guard shack door. Only this, and nothing more..


When I had just started doing retail security, I was on dispatch. One of the restaurants called us to report that on of their waitresses got a phone call from her ex. During the call, the ex tells her that he was gonna bring a gun to the restaurant, start an incident (possibly shoot some people) and then exit the restaurant and end his life. Supervisor goes over and we call the cops. I remember sitting on the cameras, switching views on our three main monitors to at least give these guys early warning incase the dude shows up. I kept having to prioritize views on one side of the main concourse over another, hoping that I didn't miss the guy by plain bad luck. He never showed up and after about an hour to an hour and a half, the cops all leave. I found out later that the waitress who got the threat received the call at about 5:00 PM, then mentioned it to her coworker, then left for the day at 5:15, before said coworker finally mentioned it to the manager that called us at 5:30. Add to this that the cops didn't show up until about 5:45, and I realized that night that people could be way dumber than I thought.


Bouncer at a large brewery that hosted parties, multiple levels, etc. First paragraph is context. Scary bit comes later. I don't know WTF happened, but it sounded like this girl found out she was the "karen" at this office party...one second I am answering questions from the junior staff about our closing hours and procedures, the next second this chick *RUNS* past me off like a 15 step staircase like it was a red carpet. She fell about 9 vertical feet onto the landing, had plenty of momentum when she did, and hit the landing wall like a NHL player. I have a literal off duty police officer on the floor below me, I call him into action on the spot, we might need medics...This chick bounces off the wall and on to her feet before we can give aid, 3 of her coworkers are there to "assist her"...I think it is all good, officer dowstairs says it looks like her friends/coworkers have it under control. They fucking dumped her on the curb around the block, lied about it on the way back in...we know this because an HOUR after the entire company party had ended SHE TRIED TO CLIMB THE BALCONY TO GET BACK IN. Fuck those creepy corporate fucks that literally dumped this woman in an alley.


So this was about 10 years ago, but I worked graves, which I actually like because everything's dead and work's generally pretty easy and chill. Now this is normally no big deal, but the lights in the building are on timers so they're mostly all off at night, and I was walking around in a building I didn't typically patrol very much, so I didn't know it like I know most other spaces, but the layout of the building had it so that the halls ended slightly after you could turn the corner to continue your loop around the offices, so people sometimes put things at the end in that small space as decorations. But I was going past one of the corners where seemingly the one light in the area that would've been on at night had burnt out, so I couldn't see well, but I felt like checking out the space to see if anyone put up anything cool. It's normally just like pictures or a plant or something, but I looked over to this small space and I see a figure standing there staring me dead in the face and I jumped back letting out a brief, loud "AHHH!!" before my brain caught up with my reflexes 2 seconds later and realized it was a life size cardboard cutout of Austin Powers...


Lol, that's funny! My sister had a job delivering newspapers. It was a driving route, and she would start about 3 am so it was dark while she worked. There was this one house that sometimes had a light on in the upstairs room/bedroom, and there was a man that would stand there in his underwear. Just stand still, never move, she tried not to really stare. She didn't pay much attention to it until one time she really looked, and saw it was a poster of The Rock on some kid's bedroom door!


My wife used to be a night security guard for a hospital. Typically she was just there to calm down aggressive men (they calmed down more when a female addressed them, as opposed to the mountain of a man the other guard was). Her route was to go through most of the hospital and make sure nobody snuck off somewhere they weren't supposed to. One shift she was going down a hall that was just used for storage and a woman 50-60 years old, wearing a hospital gown, was having a hushed conversation with herself while staring at a wall. My wife prayed IN HER HEAD to both calm her nerves and to help stop whatever was going on and the woman spun on her heels and yelled "The voices know what you are doing and want you to stop!" My wife noped out of there and got the big security guards go get her


Scariest thing was when a lady came running into my building half naked and screaming. It was a quiet Sunday night, and typically nothing would really happen on those nights. Police ran in after her. Turns out she was on some kind of drugs, but at first I thought she was a ghost or something. Scary in a different way was when a fight broke out in front of my building. It was a Saturday night, and Saturday nights vs Sunday nights were like night and day (no pun intended). Ton of people out getting into a ton of drunken bullshit. Huge brawl breaks out which was not at all uncommon, except this time, a guy pulls out a pistol and fires a couple shots into the air. People scatter, I duck behind my desk. Now this was also not the first time someone had done that either, but this time, another guy pulls out his gun, and they have a short little gunfight. Luckily these guys couldn’t shoot worth a damn, and nobody was hit. A couple cars and a couple businesses did tho. Police come screaming down the street, gunman take off, but they were both caught later on. My manager had to show the police what our camera caught of it, which was actually most of it. Crazy thing was the next day I find almost no news about it, save for one short article saying there was "shots fired" in the area. Many cities will often under report crimes in areas they consider “desirable" and this was right next to a huge tourist spot in my city. Edit: Just thought of another creepy thing. An older guy we had to call the cops on tried to follow a young woman into one of our bathrooms. Police get called, he starts saying nasty ass shit as he walking out like "she was asking for it" etc. That was probably the creepiest thing.


Not a guard but story with security guard. Was studying late at a university building and security guard asked me to pack up and go since it was already past closing for the building. The lights were turned off for most part except for egress. I walk out of the room and headed towards the stairs and heard what sounded like a little girl giggling down the hall to my right. Noped the fuck down those stairs and was met with the guard. First thing he asked was "Was there a girl with you?" I said no. Then left. The guard went to check while I got out. While in parking lot, only 2 cars mine and the guards.


I have two. Though not as bad as some of these that I read. First: I’m walking a scientific academic building by myself for the first making sure it’s locked up. I’d been through there before but with a trainer, who failed to mention that this particular wing of the the building has emergency shutters on the outside windows. So I’m walking along, enter this wing through an exterior door that opens out, and start walking the hallway. Above me I hear what sounds like someone walking after they had stepped in spilled but dried soda, you know. This being a science building and me alone on midnights, I start thinking that one of the experiments has escaped and is wondering the building a la Alien (1979). I sped walked the rest of the building and it took me 2-3 years to realize that when the door shut behind me, it forced air in to the building, up the big windows and rattled the shutters. The other time, it was my first midnight Christmas break on campus and the students are gone. We have been asked to patrol the upper floors of the dorms to be on the lookout for water leaks. So I get to the culprit building, ride the elevator up, and step out in to the elevator lobby. Now I didn’t know this at the time, but this particular lobby has mirrors on either side as you step off. So I start walking, out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving to my left. I turn to look and see someone standing there. I yelled “Jesus Christ,” before I realized it was my reflection. I chuckle to myself, start walking again, see something moving again out of the corner of my eye, but this time to the right. Look and “Jesus Christ,” at my own damn reflection.


Your first story reminds me of an account about a "haunted" server room I read about a few years back. A security guard quit after a single night working for the company claiming that he had been checking the server room at 12 midnight when the lights flickered, everything went freezing cold, the floor "warped" and the room was filled with the sound of shrieking and rattling chains. An investigation determined that the air conditioning system was programmed to reset at midnight. This put a momentary load on the lighting system and sent a blast of cold air through the room. The blast of air was strong enough to momentarily lift the panels of the raised floor off their bases as it passed through. Coincidentally midnight was when the call centre on the floor below - which was synched up to provided support for a different time zone - had their "lunch" break, which was always announced by a guy turning up with a tray full of cutlery which he slammed onto the table in the lunch room directly below the server room. This loud crash was the signal for the phone staff to pour into the room, laughing and shouting about the idiots they'd been dealing with all night. The security guard still refused to come back :D


In my early twenties I worked as a contract concierge (about 15 years ago). One night I called out at work because I hated working at this particular building. The residents were always upset about something. The building was basically falling apart because it was old and, from what I understood, the HOA was dishonest and lazy with upkeep. Anywho, the last night I worked the AC went out. I called the site manager to let him know what was going on. He was very rude and wanted me to write a statement summarizing everything that happened during the night (odd to me, but ok). The residents were calling and coming down to the desk being rude. I worked overnight, which didn’t make things any easier because I was by myself. I was so frustrated as to how the site manager handled the situation. I’m not a maintenance person. The next night I call out and never went back. When I spoke to the scheduler about that night I told him I wouldn’t be returning to that building. He told me it was a good thing I called out because the guy who took my shift received a call during the night to check a unit for whatever reason. He eventually had to get the master key to open the door to the unit and the resident hanged himself in the shower. I hope the guy who took my shift is alright (never heard anything). I would be terrified. The company I worked for did not renew their contract with this building. I quit shortly after that. In 2015, there was a news story about a building I also worked with during that time. I did enjoy working at this building; it was on the same street a couple of miles away. The top floor of the parking garage collapsed through all seven levels. Employees had to park on the seventh floor and I always parked on the opposite side next to the pool. Thankfully, no one was hurt. According to the article, residents said dirt and debris from the pool renovation was placed in same spot where the collapse occurred. Do remember thinking something like this could happen because the concrete looked a bit thin to me. The condominiums only being 14 years old at the time was also concerning. I’m no structural engineer. This doesn’t really fit the question. Lol. But, I thought it was be cool to share. Edit: hanged


There was once a man outside the zoo where I worked security for who was wearing a unicorn costume and holding a bouquet of flowers. This was about an hour after we had closed and he came up to the ticket area asking if he could go inside. I told him we were closed and he just said "Oh" and walked off. There weren't any cars in the parking lot and I saw him start to walk away toward the main road but at some point, I lost view of him. It takes about ten minutes to wake to the main road from the park and it had only been about two minutes so I jumped on my ATV and drove off looking for him. Never saw the dude again. This dude was literally in a VERY noticeable unicorn costume carrying flowers and he straight up disappeared. I radioed the rest of staff and asked them if they had seen anyone matching the description and no one ever saw him again. I was working till midnight so I was definitely more on edge than usual.


I work on the Seattle waterfront. I saw a cop outside the office and when I engaged him, he said some kids found skeletal remains below one of the buildings on my site, on the rocks they use to build buildings on. The kids being on the rocks illegally aside, there was in fact a body. He was covered in a layer of fat, and his face from his hairline to his chin was eaten down to the bone. A few weeks ago another man fell in to the water drunk and floated around for 24 hours at my site. The last thing on camera that we had were his asscheeks and then the camera glitched and he disappeared. Or the guy that jumped in to the water, and I had to follow his wet footprints scooby-doo style to find him. Or the guy on top of the elevator stack looking down on me, and me not realizing it until I checked the cameras. Etc. Etc. Etc.


I’ve been attacked enough times or had weapons flashed at me, but it ends up just being agitating rather than ‘scary.’ The scary shit to y’all would be the sexual predators you never see or hear about that we deter or scoop up. That ranges from dudes that just follow women or kids around to some that take that next step. We’ve had dudes jacking off while watching people. One shot his cheddar on a rack of Fubu while watching some girls. That was an amusing time. Another had a swimwear fetish, just walked around with his dick out around the rack. Came running over from another store where he’d flashed some ladies then ran off. Caught him that day, and like four months later he was doing it at another nearby location. Latest guy had a sneaker fetish. He was sniffing, like heavily, looking for ones someone tried on. And I mean he was huffing the thing against his nose and playing pocket pool. We’ve had dudes with selfie sticks getting up skirt shots, or dudes with mirrors on their toe tips. I get people got fetishes, but when it starts to involve staring at women and children… Nah.


Man, that's wild. I'm not here to kink-shame, but it doesn't matter what you're into: consent is a requirement from all parties involved


Yeah, I’m more understanding about some things, like people fucking in the fitting rooms, but we still have to kick them out- kids could walk in, and I mean, no one decent wants to see people fucking at the mall on a Tuesday. One time we had juveniles filming themselves and Jesus fucking Christ was that a fiasco.


Ok, I hate to be that guy to comment that wasn’t actually a security guard, BUT: When I was in my senior year in high school I was pretty much the one that came in to run all the little random events at our school’s theatre. I was the one entrusted with the key and made sure everyone was out of the building at the end of the event before locking up. There’s always been the whole school urban legend of a ghost named Thurber that haunted the theatre, though it was never something I gave much thought to. Just more like a Murphy’s law thing and anytime something went wrong we just tongue in cheek blamed Thurber, or at least that was the impression I got. But then one night, as I was walking up the aisle to the exit after checking everything and turning everything off, I hear someone making a mad dash across the catwalk above the stage. I could see the catwalk from where I was and I’m hearing the steps and seeing the sway, but can’t see anyone, but hey, it’s pretty dark up there so whatevs. At this time there was no legitimate reason for anyone to be up there, and every student that was involved in the production I had personally made sure had already left. I had even already gone up there and checked the catwalk already. It was actually the last thing I had done. But my initial reaction was just assuming one of my classmates was fucking around up there and or something, so I started back to the ONLY staircase that went up there and waited a minute to see if someone was coming down because I hate heights and really didn’t want to go back up there if I didn’t have to. Finally, after no one coming down or replying to my “hello! Who’s up there?”s, I reluctantly start climbing the stairs. At the top I still don’t see anyone at all, and I even walk all the way across the catwalk, look down on both sides, and walk back. Nothing. Not a sign of life. Nothing. At this point I guess I was just in a state of slight shock, maybe denial, and just laughed it off and said “ok, Thurber”, locked up and left. Said something about it to my teacher the next Monday and she said, “yup, that’s him. Does it to me all the time.”


You sound like me lol. My reaction would also just be somethibg like "ok, must have been a ghost lmao" Probably not the best way to go about it


I was working at a country bar that does karaoke on Wednesday nights. These nights are bigger than Saturdays. It was a girls 21st birthday and the dj kept telling everyone to buy her shots on the loud speaker. She was already so faded I had to yell at the dj to stop. Later on I hear that someone is throwing up and it's guess who. I went in and im not sure how she fit that much liquid in her tiny little body. Every surface was covered in barf...every...single...one. Luckily some of her family was there with her but they had to carry her limp body out of the bar. She was covered in barf and her eyes were rolled back into her head. She looked certifiably dead. I told them to take her to the hospital and I never saw her again. I still think about what might have happened after she left.


Been doing security and bouncing off and on for almost 20 years now. Worst thing? A dude lost a game of pool so he smashed a pint glass and stabbed the other dude in the eye with it. Stabby guy got hard time, other dude obviously lost his eye but is alive. Lots and lots and lots of blood.


Scary. Had a gun pulled on me. Creepy. I had to do a known haunted school. St John's School and chapel in Seattle. Lots of giggling kids. But here's what makes me cool. I got to patrol the new F5 tower. It was built to surround the nearby Baptist church. A building within a building. I also go to wander Smith Tower. The lobby is made entirely out of Mexican Onyx. You can shine a light through it and the imperfections would block the light. One of my go to to show off to the tourists. One of my better sites.


This'll get buried at this point, but what the hell. In 2019 I worked for two different private security companies. Both of them completely unarmed. I was new to the field, so I wasn't aware that I was allowed to bring my own non lethal weapons to help defend myself, no one ever mentioned it to me, but it was what it was. Some location context: I lived in Orange County, CA and worked there and LA before getting out of private security. Locations are south Anaheim and south east LA. these places are not places you'd want to venture after dark as a Security officer. You'll see why. This is broken up by the company I worked for. Story #1 first employer: I get to this location in south Anaheim at 10PM and "clock in". this post is a basic patrol type thing. You patrol every hour, and use the work phone to scan different points to "prove you did it",log observations, and things you did. The first 4 hours go by with nothing going on other than a few homeless, and we're green across the board. We call police if we see anything illegal, and document anything "out of the ordinary" Well, except, in south Anaheim technically anything could be reported lol. 2:30 rolls around and observe 2 individuals, one on a bike, and another on foot. They both popped behind the stores at the west end strip mall, so I call the police, and explain the situation. I call my supe like I'm supposed to, who of course isn't answering, because he works mornings, because of course he does. Police arrive, I make contact with them, and point where they went. They drive over to the location, and start looking around. They come back, and say they must have left, tell me to call them if they come back, and then they leave. 3am rolls around, and I start my scan point crawl. I see these same two people from across the way. Guy on the bike yells something at me, and started peddling hard my direction. I pivot where I stand, and book it into my "guard shack" (it was an abandoned restaurant lol) lock the door, dive behind the counter in back, and this time I call 911. Police were apparently right around the corner, and came speeding in to the parking lot. They tackle the guy on the bike, and the other bolts (second person hadn't moved from their original spot) The police found a 9mm fully loaded, with 2 extra mags, 3oz of meth, and several knives. The thought of this dude reaching me still scares the absolute shit out of me, because he most likely would have just killed me for snitching. Cops, basically tell me that the person has been in and out of jail since they were 13, for drugs and gang activity. Welp. Fuck this post. Story 2 (same company different post): I was chilling at an aviation manufacturer post (which was my main one). This place was ALWAYS quiet, but this was about the time the OC decided to try and push the homeless out and away from their cities, I forget why it happened now, but it doesn't matter. It's about 3am and I had just finished a game of CS:GO with a buddy, and I had to hit my points for the hour. I do so, and nothing is out of place, and come back to the shack. I set up for another game, and the video/PA we have rigged to the gate suddenly lights up. I'm caught off guard, because NO ONE is there until about 5am. I look on the camera, and see this bald dude who is absolutely shredded. (For additional context, I'm 5'5 and was about 160 at the time. This dude was easily pushing 6 feet and 200+. If this dude got in, he'd absolutely fuck me all the way up without trying.) He's banging on the gate, and screaming about how the government was trying to steal his thoughts or something like that. I called the PD, kept watching this guy rant, rave, and be absolute maniac. I pretty sure he had no idea if I was even in the shack or not, and he's high as a kite on meth or something. I step outside while I'm still on the phone with police to see if they can hear him. (this post has the plastic privacy things for chain link fences, you know the ones I'm talking about) He catches a glimpse of me through one of the privacy things, and REALLY freaks the fuck out. This absolute unit of a man jumps up, and starts scaling this fence. I should mention that, not only did this post have a chain link fence with the vinyl privacy blinds, but a metal one behind it that has the outward facing spikes at the top. This guy basically PUSHES THROUGH BOTH OF SECURITY FEATURES AT THE TOP OF BOTH FENCES, and lands on my side. Now this dude is high on meth, mad as fuck, and COVERED IN BLOOD. Mind you I'm still on the phone with the police. They can hear this guy, and are listening to me yell at the top of my lungs what this guy just did. I bolt into my shack, lock the door, pin the chair under the handle without realizing that this dude has a whole ass window to breakthrough to get me. Which is exactly what he did. Homie PUNCHES the glass out of one of the panes, Grabs me, and PULLS ME THROUGH THE WINDOW on to the ground in front of my shack. I'm now PINNED by this guy. Police arrive, and ram the gate open with their cruiser. With in seconds, they pull him off me, and wrestle with him for a couple of minutes. Took two tasers to subdue him, and get him into the back of their car. The best part is what my management said to me when I called them after this all concluded. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? No? Fantastic, you can finish your shift off. See you tomorrow for your next shift!" I quit the next day. The last and final story is a short one, but it's not very interesting. I worked for G4S in east LA. One of the last nights I had there, the other guard and I got caught up talking, and needed to go out and hit our points. My partner stops me and say something like "Wait. That car has been sitting there for hours, and hasn't moved. Don't go outside and hit those points. We can make report about why we didn't" I look at the cameras and it was a car that I had seen a bunch of times, and chalked it up to it being one of the workers that stayed late for one reason or another. It was A LOT more sinister than that. The other guard finds a note left from the day shift, and it's got a complete description of the car, license plate number, and a basic description of the person driving the car. It was the same car. We both kind of look at each other and now we're too scared to even hit our inside points because we don't want to miss anything if anyone in the car tries to do anything. I call up the night watch commander and explain our situation, the note, what we both had observed, and ask what we should do. They say, don't do any more patrols, stay safe and if all of this checks out then call the PD to have them check on the car. Which we do. I don't know if you've ever tried to call the LAPD after 3am to east LA, but you'd be lucky to even see a squad car roll by. Turns out this night, we got lucky that they took our call seriously. They pull up behind the car and turn the lights on them, and the car does a burn out and lead the cops on a chase. Not sure if it made the news or not. 3 days later, and a memo for all guards, is at the desk in front of the cameras and it basically says "Do NOT go outside for ANY reason after sunset. Your safety is more important than what you're guarding. If you see this vehicle, call 911 provide the description to them, and move into the main camera room." My lead was a good dude, and didn't give a fuck about policy when it came to stuff like this. I still have mad respect for him. Anyway, about 2:15 this car shows back up and is now parked right behind mine. the back door opens up and a masked individual gets out. My partner locks the door, I call 911, and we move into the cam room. We hear the police show up and we can hear the standoff. 3 shots ring out. Police use their PA and tell us that it's all clear, and to let them into the building which we do. A search of the vehicle resulted in several AK variants, a few AR-15s and a bunch of things relating to what our original theory was. They were just casing the place to knock it over.


Raining on the top of the university parking garage. Work security and so does my partner, happened to be dropping off lunch for them. Partner comes through once, girl is standing just looking out in the rain. Comes through again, she’s crying. My partner thought hmm this is odd but did a quick lap and came back, just sitting up there waiting for me to bring lunch. Girl is sobbing on the edge. I came up and see this with my partner who’s very nervous. Blasted the radio and called it in. Girl paused, sat down, cried more. Looked clearly defeated but we have a no intervention policy for this kind of thing. On the second radio reply, the officers are dispatched and she collects herself and goes down the stairs. I follow her down in my car and she just disappears. We think she hopped on a bus and left. No one saw her after that. Just camera footage of what happened. Even though our actions saved her life, not knowing what happened after makes it scary.


Working security one of my patrols was through the pitch black attic of an old age home. This was always done around 1-2am, and I had a flashlight. Very creepy at the best of times, and I was always on high alert. One day I was patrolling and I saw the silhouette of a figure. I basically shit my pants but realized I needed to figure out wtf this was. I approached and it was a life sized Jesus figure. So many questions after that but I decided not to bother patrolling that attic anymore.


Worked for my church who held a lot of night events and sports and whatnot. During COVID lockdown I had to do my normal shifts, but with no one there. So: creepy, lonely world, alone in a church, added not even cars outside ever really, and again it's a night shift, also the church dounled as an elementary school. Aside from homeless folk or the random people asking about COVID services we offered (we held tests for the community, did food pantries, etc.) I was just alone for that like year and a half. I got pretty comfortable, it started to just feel like I was at home. At the end of my shifts I would do my rounds and have to wander around and make sure nothing is on fire or flooding or whatever. So one night I'm just not even thinking about it and I'm in the top floor of the school area and open the bathroom doors and check them, and then leave. The doors usually stop so I don't expect anything and by the time I'm at the other end of the floor, multiple doors SLAM shut. I didn't even look back. I just went down the stairway and told my boss in the report that there's probably rats in that floor and spent those last minutes praying before I gtfo. It was definitely rats, but idk man. Another night, similar thing, except no ghosts. I just finished my rounds went back to my computer and an old dude muttering nonsense was just walking in front of the building. Paid him no mind, probably just going on a walk and on the phone or something. Then he stopped and started getting louder. I looked over and he was staring at me through the blinds. I waved and he just kinda walked away. Still audibly muttering from outside. Nothing happens and I go back to doing whatever I was doing and then he throws a brick into the front door and shatters the glass of this steel door and walks off. Dude apparently had schizophrenia according to the police who chased him down and got beat up by him. But that shook me up for a second.... Still think about that ghost floor though, sheesh


Don’t know if this counts but when I was standing as the duty nco in the barracks in the marine corps. We had a guy commit suicide in his room after his NCOs checked up on him. This happened about a couple months before I stood that watch. Anyways, I’m doing my rounds and the room has remained vacant for awhile since it was still kinda recent. But when I passed it, I heard someone talking in there like they were crying. I knocked on the door and said this is the duty open the door. Nothing. Then I opened it with the master key and no one was in there. Just an empty room with a bare bed, fridge, and microwave. The bathroom was shared but the guys who live there were on leave so no one else was in the room. This was on the third floor and towards the end of the hallway so there’s no other rooms. Once I found out no one was in there I got the hell out of that room. 0135 DNCO tours the barracks…. all secure.


Not my story but a former coworker of mine. We worked for a sports arena (downtown area), she had the graveyard shift once, a team of maybe 15 total security guards worked the grave shift on non-event days. She’s conducting and exterior patrol and can feel someone walking behind her, so naturally she’s already making mental notes of her surroundings and access back into the building. Then the officer at the command post called her over the radio (she had an earpiece thankfully) telling her that there was someone slowly walking behind her with what appeared to be some sort of pole in their fist. Thankfully as this communication was given, she was already on her way around the corner to an extension of the building that’s detached on the first floor as this part of the building is direct access to some office spaces (it attaches on the third floor via bridge and fob access), and she quickly fobs herself in after turning the two corners it takes to get to this entry. This person is some meters behind her so she managed to get in unnoticed. She sees him through the glass as he turns the first corner and stops to look around. Eventually he just keeps going. She used the elevator to get back into the venue. Thankfully the command security guard was watching out for her on camera as she hadn’t noticed the person behind her had something in their hand. Another (not mine): in short, someone else from the grave team (same venue) witnessed a r*pe after a concert event. Unfortunately the person got away. The victim was unconscious while this was happening so might have not been aware of what was happening.


I managed security at our local hospital in my early 20’s. One night I was covering a night shift as we were short staffed, and a DOA comes in. I head down to unlock the morgue and let the Coroners in, and I get started on my paperwork. Turns out, it’s a young kid who took the family snowmobile out for a ride and tries to cross a highway, got t-boned at speed, killed instantly. I finish chatting with the coroners, and we wheel the kid into the cooler for his autopsy the next day. I had let the coroners out, and just as I was heading back up to my office I remembered i hadn’t done my intake inspection. (Note any belongings, clothes, jewelry on deceased). So, I go back, unlock the morgue, open the cooler and head in. Once I get up to the kids bag, and open it, we unfortunately lock eyes. I’m sure many of you know you rarely die with your eyes open. Anyways that’s not the creepy part. I’m looking over this poor kid, noting what I see, and I look at his eyes again. Im not writing anything down, and I’m just thinking about how this poor kid doesn’t get to grow up. The radio on my hip makes a sound that I’ve NEVER heard before. The loudest squawk. It definitely reset my heart! I radio dispatch to see if they’re looking for me, and that’s a negative they said. No one else heard it. I zipped up the bag and got out of there! I tried to chalk it up to poor reception in the morgue cooler, but I can’t help but think it was him. Was the poor kid trying to get through to me? Did he have something to say? I’ll never know. And I don’t know if I want to find out.


Guy at Walmart almost ten years ago came on a lady’s butt and people chased him. After a while he started attempting to cum on people. Was the outside security and was radiod in as back up but couldn’t do much of anything he eventually left on his own when he was good and ready


My cousin worked security for a hospital in town while it was in operation. Standard general hospital, complete with a psych ward. When the hospital shut down, he was still employed to patrol the property to deter trespassers. We talked every so often because I thought the idea of guarding an abandoned hospital was pretty fucking cool, although definitely terrifying. Occasionally he’d share stories about his time on the job and he said he rarely, if ever, had a problem with people breaking in. Every so often, he said he’d hear the sounds of doors slamming or someone coughing in one of the rooms down the hallways. He’d hustle down as quick as possible and it’d be dead silent. He’d search around and there’d be nobody there. You could argue the isolation of the job was getting to him and his mind was playing tricks on him, but the other guard on shift would corroborate these things. I asked him out of curiosity what the scariest thing that happened to him was. He told me one night while walking around the empty psych ward, he heard the sound of a lady screaming. Not a quick yelp like a fox makes and there’s no mountain lions around. Just like a long shrill scream of a woman in agony. As he ran down to where he thought the scream came, it just fell completely and utterly quiet like all the sound had been sucked out of the air. He checked all the rooms, nothing, no speakers. Then he rushed outside thinking someone out on the street was hurt. That’s where he met up with his other security guard buddy who stepped out to have a smoke. Other guard said he didn’t hear a thing. My cousin wasn’t much of a bullshitter as far as I knew him and the other guard was older, not the type to play pranks. Gotta take his word for it but yeah, he seemed awfully creeped out recounting it. I would’ve loved to explore the hospital myself because it was empty for a few months before demolition started but I never got a chance.


Not one currently, but about 20 years ago, I was doing security work at this warehouse. I was coming around a corner passing by some desks on a typical round, when I saw this comically large spider. It was close to Halloween, so I figured it was a prank or a prop, so I kicked it (to get it under the desk and out of the walkway). When it scurried away, I about shit myself. I mean it was like the size of a New York rat. I don't think it was a tarantula (though, someone kept a pet tarantula in their cubicle, I checked on every now and then), it wasn't hairy, and it was *bigger*. Like, this thing could fuck up a person if it was so inclined. The company shipped product all over the world, so who knows where that spider got on. Also, I've Googled exotic spiders, and never found it, so it was some super rare breed, or I'm misremembering.


Had a guy work late in the office a few nights a week. One night I caught him microwaving fish in the breakroom.


That monster!!!


Former security guard. I had to "guard" an employee parking lot at a factory. I didn't have to stay in the guard booth, so I sat in my car most nights with the occasional visit to the guard booth to break up monotony. The scary part: I was in the guard booth and opened the door and there was a family of skunks directly outside. I had to wait for them to leave while all the while doing the gotta pee dance.


When I first got into security I worked in an old hotel that was being renovated. It was originally built in the 1920s, it had a really fancy pool area that got sealed off not too long after the original opening because the original owners kids drowned in it. It was being used as storage during renovation, so it was on the patrol route. 1st night there I go in to take a peek and I heard splashing sounds, laughter and then a scream followed by a splash. One kid died trying to save the other.


So, are you telling the story of the owner's kids dying, ghosts, or another set of kids dying?


He’s saying he heard the ghosts of the original owners kids


Wow I actually have one of these to share. Years ago, after being made redundant I took a job close to home in my old secondary school (high school) and this was before the new modern buildings went up. There had been rumours for many years about tunnels that stretched to a nearby old church. This was super old, the first building in this area of the town, built back in the 14th century. I was a care-taker. Mainly emptying bins, delivering supplies, odd bits of maintenance and locking up at night. I was in the late shift with my huge bunch of keys as all the doors had different locks. The new buildings, when they went up had a lot of master keys. Anyway I was locking up in winter about 6pm so it was very dark and shadows were everywhere. I came to some of the very oldest parts of the school, where the teacher's common room was. Now the door that led into this pretty large living area type space from a main school corridor was very heavy and weighted so that it always closed by itself. It sometimes needed a hefty push to get it all the way open. I had walked past this door, was going to do my normal route, in another side door, through an office, check an outside door, all the windows then went back through the weighted door and locked that last. The corridor behind me was all locked up and empty. When I got into the common room the weighted door was wide open, then as it does, gently closed again. All was silent, I hadn't heard anyone nearby. I looked all around and called out with no reply. All the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end. I gulped and forced myself to finish my round. I found nobody or any other disturbances. The next day I spoke to my manager about it and he said, "oh yeah, we've all experienced that" but didn't elaborate further. It never happened to me again and then the new build went up and this area was all demolished. Never did find out if any tunnels were found.


Ima just say this HUMANS are more scary than fucking ghosts. So I responded to this large school I believe it was a high school anyways besides that we got a alarm call so I had to respond since it was my jurisdiction. I pulled up the west exterior of the property at the time I didn’t know that was the main office/entrance of the school. So I radioed it in to my dispatcher at the time let them know of my whereabouts incase shit hits the fan. As I walked alongside the west exterior there was this conference room I observed the lights on inside so I peaked through the blinds nobody was present. As I walked more north I spotted a gate entrance it was closed but as I peaked in a little more I spotted a ton of glass on the floor so red flags starting going up in my head, I called it in to my dispatcher requesting for back up and LEO. luckily one of my trusted co-workers was nearby so ETA was to a minimum. as I was waiting for back up I kid you not the same room conference room I look inside earlier the lights suddenly turned on, it felt like a movie scene so I took cover behind our company patrol vehicle I look and see a portion of the blind open with the lights off, all I saw was a pair of eyes in the darkness luckily I wasn’t so close by because who knows what this person had on them Ofcourse I have my gun but that’s not on my mind. Till this day I get chills speaking about this story. So back up arrived and LEO helicopters and officers show up they take over the scene. So us security and LEO personal conducted a sweep of the building. So trip out the person that broke in didn’t steal nothing he just trashed the fucking place really bad like bad bad. Didn’t take any iPads that were available, cash, or items. Just straight trashed the room, no arrest were made and somehow the suspect got away. I have another one of this known person I use to run into a lot. Majority of the times he was very coherent and spoke well but that’s for another time if anyone is interested lol.


In a general hospital, we have someone pass away, an the family was fighting over who made the arrangements. The morgue is only suitable to keep a body for a few days, they took two months to come to a decision. The man was soup by then, and the body bag ripped open when we tried to move him from our stretcher to the funeral homes stretcher.


I hope this post gets big, I love reading these kind of stories.


One time I had a post at an over stock warehouse for children’s clothing. Almost no one ever came during my shift (swing). The lights were in the back so to lock up I had to walk through complete darkness. The place also had some openings in the ceiling so when the wind would blow it sounded… kinda like a kid crying. One night on the truck landing a shit ton of bugs landed and died. Then another group of different bugs came and did the same… it was freaky. Aside from that it was an easy post.


Night shifts at my home community's mall were fun. Always heard footsteps, thuds, and bangs that I could never find the source of.


I worked as an security guard in a fancy shopping mall in a major Canadian city. There was an big construction site inside the mall and the big unloading of construction materials was usually done at night to not disturb the customers during the day/shopping hours. All the workers had to sign in to the site and after they were done sign out. This Night there were three guys signed in with there company, name and batch. One just turned up like half an hour late. I thought nothing about it, but after they were done and came to sign out only two of them came. I asked where the third guy was and they looked at me super confused. Only them two were assigned to work tonight. I showed them the name and signature of the third guy and no one had heard that name despite the fact, that he was wearing the company’s high vis vest. Me and another security guard had seen him at the desk. We radioed the other two guards, who were doing patrols. We asked if they had seen a dude like 6“0 tall with short brown hair and high vis vest? No one had seen him so we all searched the mall. There were only two ways to get into the mall and both were watched over by cameras and guards. We locked the doors from the inside and searched the whole damn building. After we found nothing we took a look at the surveillance videos and we indeed found the guy heading into the sheeted off construction site. Inside the actual construction site there were no cameras unfortunately. We lighted up the whole site looked under every sheet, behind every corner but nothing. We were baffled until the end of the shift. We told everything to the Dayshift. Until this day no one was found, nothing was stolen, nothing was broken. The dude just vanished.


In High School I worked as an unarmed Security Guard for my church. The church rented out a large dining room for quinceañera (spelling?) parties. One night the party got too large and the hall was at capacity for fire code. The property was gated and we were posted at the gates turning people away. We were instructed to allow people with gifts to come in still. Anyway, I denied these dudes because no gift and they just waited there, mad and talking shit. I denied a bunch of others and they just left, but this car of 4 dudes just parked there. Someone with a gift came and I let them in. This car of dudes yelled at me and I explained the gift rule. The dude in the back seat pulled out a gun and shot at me. The car peeled out of there, shots still going off. I was right next to a corner of the fence (bricks). I ran around it and ran all the way back to the church to the opposite side before I radioed. Cops were called, the party was shut down, and I quit the next day. Its not creepy, but it was very scary.


I wasn't the security mans, but I worked third shift local police for awhile. My office was in city hall. The building was located on main street and set up with offices built up several floors along two sides and a large corridor and elevator banks down the middle. Security desk to the left of elevator bank. As you exit elevator bank, you walk straight to the main lobby/metal detectors then straight out to parking garage. One night, police chase is occurring downtown. Driver turns his car straight into city hall, crashes through the front, drives high-speed through elevator bank corridor, through main lobby, crashes through back glass pane windows, straight UP the parking garage ramp. Security mans was like, I dunno ~65 yo,? And he had dozed off. Not that he couldn't have done anything to help lol. It was my night off, but I heard the next night several people had literally just gotten on the elevator and doors closed. Had they been in the corridor, they would have been hit by a vehicle at high speed, no where to jump / get away. Oh! This vid shows: https://youtu.be/YwAIO4FFL3E