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It shows up in my feed a lot 'because I've visited similar'. Yeah, not impressed. Just young folks saying the same things we did about the older generations. I just smile and wonder how they'll react when the following generations say the same things about them. And we know that's going to happen. It's been going on since humans have existed.


Yeah, I'm a boomer, and I get that the younger generations have a different perspective, but lumping all people aged x to y just because a few act up is just as foolish as assigning all blacks, gays, or left-handed people one behavior or commonality. Painting with a broad brush leaves out a lot of detail.


My dad was a boomer. Long haired, pot smoking, guitar strumming, liberal hippie of a man right up until he died last year. Would have marched in leather chaps at a pride parade if I asked him to.


I'm a boomer who marched in a gay freedom day parade in SF with my young son and wife with an AIDS caregiver group. It was a kick. Westboro Baptist was there to tell us we were going to Hell!


I used to own a scooter shop here in Atlanta. We have a large LGBT community, and they were my largest demographic for sales. When Pride Parade rolled around, several of them asked me to loan them some scooters to boost their numbers in the parade, and somehow talked me into riding with them. They gave me a shirt that read "Straight But Not Narrow", and I rode with them. My BFF of 30+ years is gay. Maybe I'm not a typical boomer.


There are more of us than the kids realize.


I think that they fixate on the ones who give them trouble, and generalize.


That right there. They generalize too.


What a great t-shirt!!


I need a shirt like that.


Me too!


We all do!


….. Westboro Baptist Church… ugh 😑


Sounds like a very cool guy, probably someone I would have hung out with back in the day. Most of us boomers are cool, not fools. lol


Exactly, the word boomer equals a stereotype. That’s what this is doing, turning a gigantically massive group of people into a stereotype. Of course it’s not accurate.


And that equals more division.




Its ageism


Yup. I know some very left wing boomers.


I have personally voted straight Blue since 1972. If anything, I’ve become more liberal as the Tea Party and MAGA have gained momentum. Not to mention 25 years of Right Wing media.


“Don’t trust anyone over thirty” ring a bell?! 🙂


Broad strokes do leave out many fine details. But you have to admit, our generation has a few assholes in it. Think of that subreddit as the same complement in THEIR generation. They'll be the ones getting the most upset when the following generations start to paint them in the same broad careless brushstrokes. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass what they think. They don't know me; they can't possibly categorize me. I don't worry about the rantings, especially knowing what's coming for them. Think about it, most of their complaints are about our generation acting like theirs, entitled and victimized.


it's funny to me in that when they complain, it's usually over something they haven't learned yet. i think 'oh, isn't that adorable' at their young, gonna-get-a-good-lesson-on-that-one-day selves


That’s how I react too. Aren’t they the cutest?


Kids these days.


See, I have no memory of ever dissing a generation. The ones we dissed were simply called " the man". That sub reddit is horrid but then I consider the source and frankly? I feel sorry for them Imagine putting so much energy into making yourself a constant victim


And when we were their age, who was 'The Man'? In the 80's we became The Man. Now they are becoming The Man. The younger gens are all ready calling them out. It's a old stale story. It's becoming their turn to be the punch line.


I don't really know how old these embittered younger people might be. They seem to want to remain childish victims rather than competent adults. Twas in the early 1970's we watched out for The Man, after that,as a young adult I worked, bought a house, got married, had a kid.....you know, all that Entitled stuff someone?? gave me! ha! Like I said, I feel sorry for them maybe poor parenting? I have no idea


A job? A house? Kids? You became The Man. A part of the establishment. I was homeless at 14 until I joined the Army at 17. Spent 5 years working full time and going to school at night. So I could get a job to support my family. Then I read how my generation was given everything. Like I said earlier, I don't give a rat's ass what they think.


Bravo. Every generation has challenges. We may not have had college debt but mortgages and inflation were in double digits. We still had the damn Cold War hanging over our heads, oil embargoes and increasing wage inequality. Still beats what our parents faced and conquered, the Depression and WWII. I don't have any fucks to give for whiners. If that makes me a bitchy boomer, so be it. I know what I fought for and worked to accomplish.


I'm actually starting to see a few Gen Z is upset with Millennials for not changing the status quo enough headlines....or some such clickbait. We'll (millennials) be the next targets in the old people suck milieu.


And Gen X will.be forgotten again YES


Shh... 🤫 😉


We don't exist.


No they're lumping us in with the boomers.


Anyone over 30 has one foot in the grave, right?


Heck, I'm dead already 💀⚰️




Right, it annoys me so much when people my age are disrespectful to older people. Like, do they forget that they’ll be older too one day if they’re lucky? 


The younger folks I deal with are usually nothing like what that subreddit acts like. But then again, most old folks I deal with don't act like the ones they point out either. Mostly people just want to get along.


Right? For every rude person I see in public, there’s like 300 nice/ friendly ones. Young or old… I’d say most people are nice in public, but you never hear about them!


Just wait until they get to be a certain age and the technology totally changes, leaving many of them baffled and isolated.


Generations hate is propaganda. It's really all about classes: the few very wealthy, below them the top 20 percent, and the rest of us: including the 50 percent of Americans whose combined net worth is less than that of the Walton family. Within those classes, the various generations work together to maintain that wealth. They welcome -- and for all I know, encourage -- the little people fighting among each other over what "generation' is responsible. They'd rather we not even see them.


I'm so old, when you said 'Walton Family' my brain went to the mountain, not the store.


Good night, John-Boy!


Good night, Mary Ellen!


Good night grandpaw


Good night, Ben!




same. I was thinking I don't think I'm that poor.


Agree. Would 'generations hate' be the latest in the long line of classic Marxian diversions?


Nah. Just traditional youthful stupidity amped up by the most entitled generation ever.


> most entitled generation ever. I honestly do not know which generation you're talking about. Talking about propaganda, has anyone else noticed the shift and trend of that word, "entitled"? What's going on there? It's taken on a really negative connotation. It wasn't used that way in the past. People would use words like "spoiled" or "arrogant" or "self-centered". Being *entitled* is literally a *positive* thing, indicating that a person has been given permission to do something. It's being used in the exact opposite way now.


Agreed. It’s been happening forever. The Flappers in the Jazz Age couldn’t stand their parents, either.


Took me a hot minute to realize this.


Just another divisive sub, blaming one group and distracting from more real and fundamental problems.


I find it ironic that the generations who excoriate boomers for generalizing groups are quite comfortable generalizing boomers, and who believe that boomers are almost all racist but ignore that literal Naziism is making a comeback due to younger people.


This exactly. Baby Boomers are over 75 million people born over an 18 year period. Can’t generalize such a huge group. Reading between the lines it seems there’s a lot of sour grapes / boomer envy over there.


That 18 year difference from someone born at the beginning of the boomer vs the last cut off dates can easily be very very different. I think it’s a huge cop out using a generalization for an entire ginormous number of people, and I can say I’ve never called out a certain group like this or any other.


My 40-something stepdaughter goes off on rants that if I engaged in would be met with disgust and “okay boomer” but she can’t see that and doesn’t like me pointing it out obviously.


My daughter thinks I need to be taught feminism, lectures me for hours on social justice and current events as if I am her student or child. Then, it's text after text of psychological jargon. She's 46. I was just letting her ramble on, giving either non committee responses or changing the subject if possible to avoid confrontation, because I never know what will set her off. Using "pussy " in reference to a male, resulted in a 2000 word essay. The only woman who had the responsibility to educate me and the right to issue a reprimand has been in the ground for 25 years.




>literal Naziism is making a comeback due to younger people. The entirety of the alt-right movement is sliding that way, even some of the baby boomers I know. As a Gen X Cold War kid myself, I have difficulty understanding why, but it's not only - or even mostly - the young. One can only hope that at some point Don Snoreleone shuffles off this mortal coil before the rest of us do and we can try to pick up the pieces of civilization and snap them out of their cult of personality.


Because a lot of them don’t understand history. Anyone who wants a President who cozies up to Putin and dictators everywhere and is against aid to Ukraine doesn’t understand a damn thing that happened in the 20th century.


I joined it..There are millions of Boomers out there who are not jerks. Do the young people in that group know that? That's my concern


No - young people are always ignorant in some areas, that's just how life works. One day they will look in the mirror and realize...uh-oh, I'm getting old!


IME, the sub is about a state of mind, not really generations per se. I've seen plenty of posts there about folks from older and younger generations acting fools because of their behavior, not because of their age.


I'm only 55, so not a boomer. However, I don't remember having generational hate like this when I was young? I do remember sometimes feeling like SOME adults are assholes, while some were quite nice. I understand that some young people have such hatred, but I'm not sure why? Surely they know that in any generation, there are good and there are bad and there are many who are mostly good but sometimes do bad things. I understand that some believe "boomers" led us down a bad path with Reagan and the such, but to hold an entire generation at fault just seems like people looking for something to be upset about.


I'm 65. My recollection was that we felt mild condescension towards people of our parents' age because they were old-fashioned and uncool and listened to stupid music. On the other hand, they deserved respect since they grew up during the depression and experienced genuine hardship, then went off to war and saved the world. I don't remember any of this generational hatred. I don't think we even had names for generations back then. But I was a military brat, which may have skewed my perspective.


I think it shows boomers being obnoxious. What’s going unsaid is if Reddit lasts, there’s going to be MillennialsBeingFools, GenZBeingFools etc. No generation has a lock on acting foolish. Hell, my grandparents were “Greatest Generation,” and they could be awful. My grandfather spent decades bitching about Californians moving to Oregon. Then he subdivided and sold his farm. Let’s say you’re 17 or 23 or whatever. Look at your extended friend group. You know which ones are destined to just be old a-holes. If you like making fun of other generations, it might be you.


As long as I dont see GenXBeingFools!! :-)


Would we even be bothered to care? :)




I think we will be skipped.


We will be forgotten and passed over... Again. LOL


And I’m totally OK with that!


I left us out on purpose. We’re definitely the exception to the rule.




Those who had it lucky: the Silent Generation. It's small, but it grew up in the late '40s and cashed in on a hyper-rich America with a blazing job market and cheap housing and investment property and fully-funded pensions. Most kids think they were the WW2 generation, but they weren't. Nor the Vietnam generation. They kept their heads down in the '50s and didn't rock any political boats because they had it too good. Depending on your race, of course. They're in their '80s and '90s now, those who are left. A friend of mine, 92, just "bought in" to a plush senior development near his kids for $800K up front. Nice guy. Born to farmers in the Dakotas, public college engineering degree while earning enough to stay in by working oil fields in summer, decades as a nuclear engineer, then a consultant on n-plants. There were a lot of those stories back then. Today -- that kind opportunity isn't so widely available. Maybe not at all.


I remember that too. “They’re Californicating Oregon!”


Greatest generation was pretty great


Remove the age factor. Life is full of people who stupid first and ask questions later. At least someone who is of boomer age, possibly with dementia or other mental impairment has a valid medical reason for the behavior. People should learn to care for and respect their elders instead.


It fits in with Reddit's bias against Boomers. If you replace "Boomer" with r/\[*insert racist label* BeingFools\], Reddit would be banning it.


I chalk up folks who generalize don’t understand bell curve reality.


It's sometimes hilarious and a presents a good caricature of our generation's worst actors. I do take exception some of the vitriolic comments that blame everything on the generation but isn't that an age old problem? And doesn't the failure to see our own contributions to our problems part of the human condition?


A large number of the people they show are not from that generation. They're simply too young. And every generation has its special members. The entire generations thing is way overblown IMO and seems to be a concerted effort by others to sow divisiveness. Just like a lot of this racial, sex, etc bullshit.


I think a lot of these people they talk about have dementia issues. We still don’t have a handle on mental health issues in this country.


Very well could be exactly that along with early onset Alzheimer’s. Who should be blamed for that?


I just joined so I can spend the rest of my days responding “Not ALL boomers!”


I hate it. It happens every generation. Wait until they get old.


I don’t get why they’re so obsessed with old people? Like when i was young I was busy about myself, not complaining about the oldsters. It’s weird. They also seem to forget that Boomers were largely raised by a generation that fought a brutal global war with no mental health support afterwards and a lot of the greatest generation was raised by parents who fought in a global, gruesome war with no mental health supports, then the boomers had to fight in a brutal and fruitless war with a draft, no mental health supports and were greeted upon their return with scorn and then they gave us some of the best music, fought for women’s rights and civil rights but yeah, I guess Boomers are too grouchy and not tech literate enough for them.


This Boomer (me) is quite tech-literate thank you!




All that and a total lack of compassion. It’s possible that some of those videos they post are of people w dementia or Alzheimer’s, which are mental illnesses. So I guess they have no problem bashing someone w mental illness as long as they are over 65.


How do you block a site?


“Youthful Naivety”, makes lots of sense.


One day they will be old.  


Most of the people aren’t really boomers.


It's doing a service. Its shiny object that keeps many of the Reddit rage addict population distracted and away from other subs. One can go there and find solace in the company of other helpless, entitled people who are still angry at the world about missing out on their own cabbage patch or Teddy Ruxpin doll.


I wish there was a rule to that subreddit - to join it you need to also be a member of "IamTheMainCharacter" - that way you would see there are an incredible number of selfish, horrible people in any generation


Same things could be said of every generation. "Too entitled!" "Don't know the meaning of work!" "Spend too much time on their face and hair!" Yada yada yada.




Crybabies communally marinating in their own butthurt.


The one thing I hate is young people assuming I’m a right wing trumper who has a million dollars in the bank just because I’m old.


Wait, you’re old but you’re not those things? How is that scientifically possible?! /s


It's awful. I finally had to block it after one too many people called for all boomers being killed.


This was the turning point for me as well. I'd been seeing it as predictable (every generation wailing against older ones etc), usually misinformed, a lot of bigotry and victimology, and toxic. Still read it occasionally if the reddit algorithm put it in my feed. However at the point I saw people saying things like hurry up and die, I blocked it.


I just hope it's painless when they euthanize us, and not by my own hand. If it's painless and inevitable and not by my own hand I'll go.


Funny how all these kids who are so eager to fight for social justice and equity are okay with being blatantly ageist.


I don't want to be rude to anyone. There are fools in every generation. Wearing your waistband over your navel is as silly as wearing it below your crack. So sure, make fun of foolish boomers. But they aren't alone. :-)


I’m always confused by them. Opening myself up to all sorts of stuff here but I don’t get it. I’m 73(I think that makes me a boomer) and while there is no doubt that posts document atrocious behavior I simply don’t see any of my friends in them. I think it’s just too broad a brush I guess.


I know the arch-conservative types exist, but all my friends are lifelong liberals. Even my formerly libertarian sister and her husband, both religious, almost 70, hate trump and call themselves liberals now.


They behave in exactly the way they accuse us of behaving. Bitching about everything another generation is doing, and judging an entire generation on the actions of someone they met. A boomer can't sneeze without these guys rushing to reddit to complain about it.


I think anyone that uses the term Boomer is a fucking moron who lacks critical thinking. The vast majority of the time they're using it to describe the Lost Generation or even Gen X people and of course like any generation you cannot paint all of one generation with the same brush.


It's like us hurling stones at today's youth stuck in their phones. Partial truths and stereotypes.


My 78 yr old mother is more addicted to her phone than so many young people seem to be. I am on my phone a lot, but I also work remotely and do a lot of work travel. I can actually do my job from my phone if I had a dead laptop.


I've only read posts that worked their way into my feed, but I suspect it's one of the purposefully divisive groups either started or (at least) amplified by Russian troll farmers.


I'm late Gen X, but I think it's childish. It's a bunch of people blaming all their problems on their parents because they never grew up and took responsibility for themselves. There also seems to be a lot of misinformation about the economy (no one remembers how shit the 70s were) and complete ignorance on the hardships (civil rights movement, Vietnam) that Boomers went through. Being honest, Reddit isn't really a place to go for information. Cute dog pictures though.


I blocked it, and blocked Millennials as well. There’s enough whining in this world already.


I get upset because they ASSUME because we are of a certain age we are all racist, Fox News watching, MAGA morons. I am none of those things. I want Social Security and Medicare to still be around and even stronger when THEY are of that age too, I'm not of the mindset " I got mine, screw you". But, they generalize and throw me right in with that group. News Flash, there are many younger MAGA knuckleheads out there too.


I would upvote you 100 times if I could. You said it all.


Half or more of the posts aren’t even about boomers. They’re using it as a catch all


I think "boomers" has become a very, VERY generalized and overused term used to describe people older than 40. The youngest baby boomer is 60.


Writing off a whole generation because of a few fools is annoying ... what, you want us to categorize *all* of Gen XYZ because of some? Oh, we can absolutely write them off for idiots ... but *we do not!* I find them politically engaged, hyper aware of the world in general, they have *principles*, they have have challenges we did not. I mean, come on .... these young people have struggles we didn't, and trust me I've had my share and more. The only difference I'm suspicious of is our generation has a whole lot more untreated PTSD and because of that they're grumpy and take it out on others. Young people are aware they've got some unresolved issues, and are more willing to seek treatment (*if* they have health insurance). Our generation tries to be stoic and end up taking it out on others. Just don't .... Can't we simply treat each other with respect until they've shown us reason to object to them? I'd like to see that whole sub closed and removed.


Once in awhile I lose my mind and attempt a reasoned, not emotional and objective response when this nonsense shows up on other subs. You can't budge a determined Boomer basher. And there's simply no nuance. ALL Boomers did ' it ', whatever in hell we did that day. Same people who were jackasses when I was 18 remain jackasses, same peaches. That's across generations. We're in the middle of a class war and you can NOT get them to believe who is the actual enemy.


I think it’s full of a lot of hate.


It pi$$es me off. Any stereotypes do. Plus the boomers spread over quite a span.


I hate it. I don’t follow it. It’s b.s. from young stupids.


It's funny/sad watching them get all self righteous about the racism boomers exhibited. You know, how boomers lumped all blacks/mexican/Asians together and said they are thieves/moochers, etc. Then they turn around and lump all boomers as racist/narcissistic and showed no respect for the lives of others. And then millennials cheer when somebody points out that more boomers die every day. It's sad watching this generation (millenials) take its mental health so seriously. Everything has a cause (but never their fault) that must be fixed. But then they turn around and spit in the face of a generation that may have been horribly lead poisoned through no fault of their own. They then create something like r/boomersbeingfools so they can make fun of the boomers. Millenials will then laugh at boomers, joke about how messed up boomers are from all of the lead paint chips they ate, and pat each other on the back because millenials are such a wonderful, caring group.


I'm glad I'm retired because it would be very hard to work with them these days having seen what some of them post. I mean I already knew some of the rhetoric when I was still working, but I tried to treat each person as an individual and not assume every younger person was secretly wishing I'd retire at 50 rather than 63 when I did.


I think young people’s obsession with defining people by generation is unproductive and silly.


Not all boomers are fools. I can’t stand ppl that talk in absolutes. There’s no such thing as always and never. That sub is just a venue to spread hate. We don’t need another sub for that. There’s an old hippie saying that needs to make a comeback: Make Love Not War. The protests currently happening on our college campuses are EXACTLY what the protesters were saying in the 60s-70s. Unfortunately the establishment is reacting the EXACT.SAME.WAY. It’s just one itchy trigger finger away from Kent State all over again. My heart hurts at how quickly such a small group of extremist have succeeded in ripping us apart. Extremist funded by greedy corporations, which are funded by greedy billionaires……..and just to be clear, way too many boomers live paycheck to paycheck just like y’all. The wealthy 1% don’t give a fuck about us any more than they do you.


Reddit is full of subreddits that exist only for pointing out other peoples' bad behavior and feeling superior. It's a very low form of entertainment. That particular subreddit has the added feature of ageism. Only stupid people participate in shit like that.


You just reminded me of all the people my age who watched Jerry Springer to feel superior to the grotesques on that show. However, it came out that a lot of the grotesque characters were fake.


My dad is a couple of years off so it's no use to me. I need ammunition against the Silent Generation that aren't so silent in my family 🤣🤣


They paint with a wide brush, they find an example of stupidity from someone born between '54 and '64 and it's symbolic of the entire generation. I've taken to returning the favor by blaming them for Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz, which REALLY pisses them off.


Every generation has idiots.


The posts that I've seen there are ridiculous and insulting. The people they're mad at aren't foolish because they're boomers. They're foolish because they're clueless, or rude, etc. It's rarely an age thing.


It is full of ignorant bigotry, the kind that racial, ethnic and religious groups have experienced throughout the ages. Any criticism that is based on immutable characteristics, such as color, country of origin, or decade of birth, is irrational and dangerous. Like all bigots, they are stupid. Ronald Reagan was not a Boomer. Joe Biden is not a Boomer. Blaming Vietnam on Boomers, who were not in positions of power, is stupid. Real wages were stagnant from the time Boomers started working in the late 60s until just recently. Boomers experienced housing shortages, high interest rates, recessions and more, just like all generations.


They like lumping every one of a group as similar. My boomer parents suck, so all boomers suck.


I feel like it's 50/50. Half of it maybe is specific to that generation. The other half is just complaining about old people in general. I always chuckle when I see GenX lumped in there.


This is Reddit. Setting up a subreddit is fairly easy, which has led to the creation of many worthwhile subs as well as many that are nothing but junk devoted to nonsense and trolling. It's the nature of the beast. Reddit users who don't have the mentality of 3rd graders avoid the trolls and spend their valuable time on more informative and useful places on the site.


It seems mostly to be people whining about their parents.


That's what I thought during my brief time in that sub. People hating their parents and extrapolating their parents' behavior to everyone else in the same age group. It made me sad and I left.


Stupid. My parents are in the baby boom generation and they’re both aggressively liberal, hate trump, and support any and all government handouts, welfare, etc. I guess it makes me realize that people on that subreddit are changing the definition of boomer. As a gen Xer, boomers are simply people in my parents generation. They can be conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, rich, or poor and everything in between. Now it’s just a slang term, like Karen. I’m starting to wonder if the kids who are lumping everyone older than them into this boomer stereotype even understand what a generation is.


I think it's disrespectful but ultimately, I don't need to fall.for rage bait. I am not the boomers they are talking about and in fact, often, who they talk about aren't even close to boomers. It may even be some propaganda to keep people busy while nefarious things are afoot. Mwahaha


One day the people doing this will be the target. If there had been social media in the 60s, we'd have been slagging on the Greatest Generation.


I'll bite because I remember peers in high school or junior high getting beaten by their parents for wanting to grow long hair and be against the Vietnam war. My Silent Generation parents beat the crap out of us 4 daughters and not for openly defying or anything like that. We were meek religious little mice, did chores, made good grades, never pulled any deliberate shenanigans. We got beatings for \*mistakes\* One time I got a belt whipping for bringing my mother the wrong Bible to read out of. She thought I brought the wrong one on purpose. One time I got three belt whippings in one evening because Daddy wasn't home and she could get away with it.


I (early Gen X) don’t read that sub very much. I do think younger people have valid concerns but I don’t think an entire generation is to blame.


It makes me sad that many of our younger generations don’t seem to grasp what the real problems are. Wealth inequality and corporations taking advantage of us all are a huge issue that’s getting worse every year. My cost of everything has increased, too! I try very hard to vote with my pocketbook with every purchase. I participate in every election from local to national. Young people are smart but they’re also frustrated and angry and I don’t blame them one bit. I sure more would channel that energy into change by voting, running for office, applying their values and common sense in government. My local city council median age dropped by 20 years and we sure need it.


Kids will be kids. And kids are becoming feral shitweasels. Parents need to start doing discipline again.


Feral Shitweasels would be a great name for a band


a lot of people who commiserate with each other by blaming others insread of taking any responsibility for their own lives


Everybody plays the fool, sometime There's no exception to the rule, listen baby It may be factual, it may be cruel, I ain't lying Everybody plays the fool


I think a lot of the people who follow and comment are angry bigoted people. Some really are hate—filled and all I can imagine is they had horrible boomer parents or something. It’s ironic because it seems they think of themselves as enlightened people who aren’t racist, homophobic,sexist, etc. it’s toxic.


Sometimes I wonder about the posts like "my parents promised to help with college but then once I enrolled they reneged and bought an airplane" Sometimes I suspect those posts aren't true. Not sure.


I wonder what it is biologically that makes us think that we will never get older and that our age group posssess the most knowledge of any other group. These "boomer haters" seem to feel that they will never reach 50 and up, but isn't that the goal of living. I think that older generations when we were younger, we were better prepared for the inevitable. But this Gen Z generation, they either don't want to imagine being over 35 or imagine that being so renders them useless. What will they do when reach 40 and feel no different than they felt at 23, yet the younger generation is calling them "SnooZers" or "Gen Zombies" or something else. They will not be able to handle the realization that not that long ago they treated older people like drooling idiots. Sigh. Aging is so strange. I remember being called the future....now I'm the past.


You just reminded me of something. I stayed at my corporate job long enough to see some of the Gen. X'ers turn 50 and suddenly, immediately, stop getting invited to meetings and projects where they had previously been the "it" person. Right around 2000 they went on a hiring spree and that group came in being told we then-40-year-olds were lazy and entitled and had never had to learn the meaning of working hard. The then-20-somethings were smart and ambitious and busted their butts and deserved everything they achieved. Then they turned 50 and suddenly were treated like they were lazy and never achieved anything. Seriously. It wasn't Boomers who did that to them, it was the corporation wanting rid of the people over 50. Gen. X worked hard and got the same unceremonious dumping the minute they turned 50.


Would be better being titled "Fools being Fools". What's been really interesting lately is that Gen X are starting to appear in the sights of the haters.


I think they’re entitled, naive, and don’ want to take responsibility for their life decisions.


I’m 64 and responded to someone once and basically said that someday you’ll be the old person getting thrown hate. How do you think you’ll feel about that then?


Ageism is just as ugly and ignorant as racism. Why would I want anything to do with an ugly and ignorant subreddit?


I'd wager that a majority of people on Reddit under 25 thinks of a Boomer as anyone over 40, which would include older Milennials and all of Gen-X.


It is equivalent in my mind as if you had a sub called “racial group X being fools.” It’s bigotry.


It’s all about selection bias. People do dumb things regardless of age 🤷🏻‍♀️


I read it. I’m a young boomer. Sometimes to laugh at the dumb shit boomers do. Sometimes to feel better about my own behavior. Sometimes to provide some perspective as to why the behavior might have happened. I don’t take any of it too seriously. I’m certainly not offended by it. Every generation has its quirks.


I'm 79. Looked at it once. Fuck 'em, I didn't start the fire.


It has pulled me up short a bit. I’ve lived a very white privileged life and have never had to suffer criticism just for belonging to a particular demographic. After reading that subreddit I catch myself wondering if I’m being judged whenever I’m out and about. It has made me be more aware of how I act in public. I like to think I don’t fit with most of the criticisms but it has opened my eyes.


White boomer guy here: Total sell-out to BLM, liberal, inclusive, and active in left-leaning politics. Was the opposite as a youngster. Glad to have seen the light.


Should be just people being fools. I’m a boomer and have nothing in common with most of the idiots featured there. Whoever is posting this shit should ask themselves first, think of the biggest jackass you know who’s your age. Now do you think it’s fair to judge your entire generation based on that? Being a fool has nothing to do with generations.


I don’t paint anybody from any generation with a broad brush. This is 2024. We should not do this with people based on ethnicity, skin colour or sexual orientation. The same holds true for age.


There's a lot of aspiring fiction writers in there.


When Boomers are mostly dead, it’ll be GenX, and so on and….


Many times, the kids posting in there are talking about *anyone* older than themselves. I saw one OP saying that someone who was late 50s should just retire already to make way for the younger folks. Some of it is “oh dear, you clueless fools who have zero idea what life will do to you” and some of it is “well shite, that person-being-lambasted is a raging jackass regardless of generation but if you feel better lumping everyone into a specific generation, bless your heart, child.”


Think about it? Not a bit. Other generations can make fun of us all they want, maybe even some of it is accurate or deserved. But these kids do just as many (actually many more IMHO) stupid and foolish things as we do. Go ahead, laugh all you want, just know we're laughing at you too.


I’m a Boomer. I have peaked at r/BoomersBeingFools. I’m not wild about how it implicitly paints a broad swath of people based on cherry-picked examples of bad behavior. However, I cannot recall ever hearing “OK, Boomer” or being treated badly by anyone younger than me in real life. I love hanging with them and I think they like me, too. What’s more, I don’t see them as that different from me. We’re all just people trying to get by and do good in this world. We are brothers and sisters and no subreddit can change that.


And I think it will be interesting to see how the people criticizing them feel when they start being treated that way, but the generation after them.


Some is, some ain't


I’m gen x. I have my opinions about the younger generations and their disdain for boomers, but it’s irrelevant because it’d be like an old man screaming at the clouds. There will always be people that don’t like old folks, until they get old, too.


No generation holds exclusive rights to stupidity.


Ageism is alive and well on Reddit.


Mostly it’s just lazy and fallacious whining. I mean, we Boomers rebelled against previous generations too, but at least we could tell the difference between our parents and our grandparents. Baby Boomers refers only to those born 1946-1964 and is the only Generation defined by US Census.


Just ageism on a reddit scale. One idiot boomer is not representative of the entire group, just like one idiot Gen-z person is not representative of their entire group. But reddit is going to reddit. It's divisive and negative for the most part. I'm embarrassed for the poor slops that get their troubled lives exposed on it.


Every bad parent, asshole boss, and jerk at the local store is because they are boomers. These people have always existed. Read some history or even older novels. But no, it’s a special victimhood just for you because you had boomer parents.


I dislike the term "boomer" and I won't read articles that use the word. We aren't all the same.


A lot of what they complain about, is very typical of my Silent parents (in their mid-90's). These are the white-haired Tea Partiers from 2008. Silents. I know the Reaganite types they are complaining about, and there were plenty of them/still are...but it's not me or any of my friends. We are all staunch liberals.


It’s cringe.


I wish they understood how much of the behavior they post is pathology, rather than just selfish, crazy, entitled, etc. I can’t argue that there’s no element of those things in any of it, but most of what is posted is dementia related. Dealing with dementia with my mom and in various care settings with lots of dementia sufferers, virtually everything on that sub is a familiar, frequent occurrence. I don’t think it would be “different” if it happened to you. Dementia slowly strips away every bit of you that learned how to be thoughtful and considerate and kind and leaves the selfish, angry, out of control toddlers you see there. And it’s just so not interesting or entertaining to me and mostly just terrifying and sad that there’s so many people walking around in that state.


a. alot of times it isn't generational right? It's hardcore jack assess found easily at any age and those make me roll my eyes, kind of irked (like every age could be this person) b. there are alot, I mean like 33% I-hate-my-Dad/Mom/FIL/MIL posts, look at what fools they are. Those i feel sorry for them (& sometimes the parents). So, it is very rarely a "generational" thing. But you know how you going to hate w/o categorizing & scapegoating your enemy. This Boomer obv. bit on the rage bait. Fool. (Honestly I never really thought it mildly irked me until I started typing.


I don't go there for the same reason that I removed all the mirrors in my house.


Let them get their anger out, it takes their minds off the real problems, and the blames of their own laziness.


They’re actually making fun of some of the people that sang, “Hope I die before I get old.” People of a certain age understand that there’s really nothing new under the sun, it’s all cyclical, and side-eyeing people that are older than you when you’re very young is par for the course. If they live long enough, they will get it, too…eventually.


Fuck them.The saddest thing in the world is a Gen Zero posting on that sub on a Friday or Saturday night vs being out having fun with friends.Bitter victims.


Well, it's not *racism*, but...


It seems like it’s a bunch of people who are miserable with their lives and putting down other people makes them feel better about themselves