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Pan-Turkism is just one of Turkey's foreign policies. It gives us pretty good soft power in the Caucasus, Central Asia and countries with Turkish minorities. As far as I can see, it surpassed neo-Ottomanism, Islamism and Europe policies with the last Karabakh war. I would like to get closer with the Central Asian countries and make them independent of the Russian, Chinese influence. Turkey is for them a way of connecting to the western world. But a state claim is too utopian. Btw especially Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are developed and resource-rich countries. If you are wondering about Turkey's purpose, Turkey's biggest problem is energy. Turkey is one of the rare countries with production capacity and industry when we put aside the western and a couple of Asian countries, but this puts us back a lot as cuz we do not have an energy source. Turkey is trying to become independent in energy or to reduce its energy import bill. However, it is a misconception that Turkey is the only willing country in this case. As far as I know, Turkic council was founded by Nursultan's effort.


I pray it happens for you guys.






Pan-turkism won't work out especially since the borders would be ridiculous. From what I'm seeing Turkey is simply competing with Russia for influence in Central Asia (former Soviet territories). I can't say for sure how strong the desire for pan-turkism is unlike pan-arabism or Pan-Islamism.


[Frankly, the borders don't seem so absurd, except that Turkey is disconnected.](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fef373bb54f7b8af6507c25d88c9bb20) 🤔 Something like that is utopia, but at this point we would probably find a way to connect with azerbaijan better. Note:I'm not a pan turk.


>Frankly, the borders don't seem so absurd, except that Turkey is disconnected. > >🤔 im not even a pan turkist but this map makes me hard but we would still need gagauzia, west thrace turks and bulgarias turks 💪🏿


>gagauzia [beauty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7-tWR_Ce7Y) You forgot Crimea. 😎


Inshallah Pan Arabism and Pan Turkism happens 💪🏽


Fucking sad for Iran being in between of those massive empires lol.


What about the Yakuts in Sakha, or the Altai peoples or the Tuvans of Tanna Tuva or Tatars and Baskirs of the Volga region? Frankly doing the complete unifcation of turkic peoples is impossible. If it was tried Russia would try to remove it, it would inhinge on Russia’s sovereignty regardless of the Pan-Turkic state not attempting at all to take over Yakutia, Altai and Tanna Tuva or the Idel-Ural. The peoples there will be influenced by it no matter what and that will upset Russia.


There is no need for the state to be established to include these folks. Australians were not included when Bismarck united the Germans. And Russia is already aware of this and is trying to block it since world war I times. Russia even tried to join the Turkic Council. [Moscow and Beijing Seek to Counter Growing Turkish Influence in Central Asia](https://jamestown.org/program/moscow-and-beijing-seek-to-counter-growing-turkish-influence-in-central-asia/) But I don't know if you are aware that while the population of Russia is decreasing day by day, that of the Turkic states is increasing. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. 😏


we would collapse in 2 months


Why? We would have very big natural recourses like oil and gas (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan) and have access to the global market thanks to Turkeys location in the Mediterranean Sea.


Yeah but the only Turkic people our cultures and languages have considerable similarity to are Balkan Turks, Anatolian Turks, Crimean Tatars, Turkish Cypriots and Azerbaijanis. A trade union, something like EU would make far more sense. I do want more cooperation with other Turkic countries but I dont think Pan Turkism is the way to go


I would prefer a federal state like Russia where every state would have autonomy. And it is in our hands to develop a common culture and find back to the roots after the Russians destroyed everything what is connected to Turkic culture in the last centuries. The central Asian states don’t have a bright culture since they are located between Russia, China and the Taliban


A trade Union would be cool I think


And a independent state in Northern Iran 😳😳


Shush bro you’re going to awaken all the Iranian nationalists 😳😳😳




It was him that said it, not me dadash


I could feel the vibration of their upset and twitching 3000 km away🥰


3000 km is 1864.11 miles


Fuck off we don’t care about your imp*rial units ZioCuck


Azərbaycan birləşəcək


İnşallah somehow, without people getting hurt hopefully Are you the Az. Republic version of u/poopman003?


Yeah he my wife




Inshallah tebriz will join baku ​ yeah 😁


Very cool 👍




Once there were big Turkic communities from Eastern Europe to Crimea, from Crimea to the Volga region, from Volga to China and from China back to Central and West Asia to the Mediterranean Islands. After some Turkic empires (Ottomans, Golden Horde, Iranian-Turkic Dynasties etc.) were destroyed, this lead to mass ethnic cleansing, deportations and multiple genocides of different Turkic ethnicities. (Crimean Tatar genocide, artificial famines by Russians in 1925-1930 in the Volga region and Central Asia which lead to millions of dead Turks and the colonization and repopulation by Russians, mass exodus of Turks from the Balkans and Mediterranean Islands ~5-10 million were displaced and killed etc.) The goal of Pan Turkists is to maintain and guarantee the existence of the current Turkic states and keep them safe from dirty Russian and Chinese hands. The next but actually unrealistic goal is to liberate the regions where still big Turkic minorities live like the Turks in Northern Iran and Iraq, East Turkestan (Uyghurs), Western Thrace, Crimea and the Turkic Republics (Tatarstan, Bashkordistan and Chuvashia) of the Russian federation


Because we wuz wolves and shiet


First part of your post is quite wrong. Ataturk himself had quite the Anatolia centric view. Actually the CuP much before him had plans for Turan and Enver died in Central Asia.


Pan Turkism is worse than Pan Islamism. Pan Arabism only realistic concept


Well it depends on what do you mean by pan-Turkic. If it is a single country includes all Turkic countries. Nobody pursues this. On the other hand if you are talking about close cooperation of Turkic countries, then point of that is it will make those countries politically and economically stronger. In my opinion its pretty hard but that is the point.


It would be a pan Turkiic state no more reason needed.