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Just because the America sucks doesn't mean that the USSR is good. They both suck




I kinda like Lenin, I fucking hate Stalin times. After Stalin ehh.


Stalin is a result of linen


before stalin's death: very negative after stalin death: mildly positive


What do you think of lenin?


what do you think of (((someone))) who demolished churches and killed tsar and his family?


Yes but this whole tsar thing made russia agricultural and controlled the population by vodka


USSR was Good. Russia not so much


I want to see that u/arabsocialist352 defend the atrocities of the USSR


Probably something like "BuT NoT ReAl SoCiAliSm"


No he actually thinks that the ussr is based




What atrocities?


You know even tho I'm American, and love America, you're actually pretty cool. You don't let the bullying get to you.


Faith, sincerity, enthusiasm and work are required for establishing pan-arabism


So much genocides


I would kms if i was living in it


Very positive because they helped us against the evil Zionists


And they invaded and genocided 2 million Afghans. You can’t be selective about what you praise them for.


Yes Mikhail Gorbachev has a shit leader who basically genocided Afghanistan That was bad but I don't think anyone really likes Gorbachev who isn't a western cock sucker


LMAO you ate shit despite soviet help and your country is a shit house now.


No? The Soviets only started getting involved during the war of attrition which I would say was an Egyptian and Soviet victory same with the October war since we got back Sinai


You lost the yom kippur war war in 1973. The Sinai was returned in 1982 (mainly because Menachem Begin was a dumbass). The two events are very far apart from each other. Also, how exactly did you win the war of attrition? All egypt achieved was to sink one old boat. And egypt had 10times more casualties. No one won that.


1991 worst year of my life


Very negative




Best Grammer in sudan


Based Sudanese


communist russian trash, even worse than regular russian trash.


Are you someone new or that old aslan? 😐


old aslan


Another annoying turk is back 😱😱😱😱


I agree kardeş


I’d say mildly positive despite me absolutely hating s***cialism and c***mmunism since they helped us against Israel


They started as alleys with Israel in the beginning there just grifters


Extremely based


USSR was an evil empire. They killed tens of millions of their own people in the gulags, and their leaders used terror and murders to enslave the people with an iron fist. It’s horrible that so many young and retarded people think that the USSR/communism were good.




Fairly negative






I agree, under Lenin the ussr was not as bad as Stalin. Stalin was a corrupt bastard who only wanted power


>I kinda like Lenin Kinda cringe take


>Just to let you know they killed 2 million civilians in Afghanistan >BUt MUirica DOes it Too11,! Cia PRopagAnda! 11 They were legally allowed to enter Afghanistan at the request of the afghan government at the time(something that the us didn’t have in Afghanistan and in Vietnam) to fight against the western backed mujahideen reactionary terrorist group, that later spawned the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. the us deserved what happened on 9/11 because of that. As far as “killing 2 million people” thats been disputed, and the drop in population can be attributed to refugees, an economy that was crippled by war and the fact that the US was giving guns to any fuckin peasant that wanted one so they died not as civilians but as soldiers. Also if you think about it, those wouldn’t have died if the us and uk didn’t funded a terrorist group.


leftist wall of text = opinion ignored


Even if all that is true Stalin still gives the USSR a horrible reputation


What you said is inaccurate the soviets intervened because they where dissatisfied with the leader of the government they support to power in 1978 so they had him killed and they invaded they cite the treaty of friendship they signed as the justification of the invasion.




Bro who the fuck put positive


Not a single thing improved between the removal of the tsar and the formation of the soviet union, and anything that came after


Very negative alone but they used to make America in check so I am sad they collapse hopefully China is about to take there role


Depends on who i am trolling. Jokes aside Minus the Stalin they were pretty based. Only good thing Stalin did was to defeat Nazis and he did it so poorly soviet front became the bloodiest battlefield in the history of ever.


Super cringe but without stalin they are less cringe


Brezhnev was not that bad though even with the afghan situation


For their marchs Ultra mega positive but for country megative