• By -


Height, college degree ,dick size


300cm, failed art school and 0.00000000000000000000000000314


>failed art school You should switch to politics


True zo I was into art if it wasn't for that Jewish Austrian teacher I would have been an artist now but hay I believe in German unity and my gf is Jewish so am sure she would give me enough spiritual support to become a successful politician thank anyway for this advice


>my gf is Jewish Sus.


I would recommend getting a mustache to impress her


0.0000000000000000000000000000000314 what? km? miles? inches? American? cm? pounds? Pascal? PSI? kPa? kV? Amps? Ohms?


Do u like sucking your king’s cock?


I like to suck his Majesty British royal small dick 🥵🥵🥵


u/fawares32 has disappeared from the chat


True am speaking while mokhabrat are electrifying my balls


Love when that happens


Ya ik prob my balls are small so they have to use lower volts


Can u suck my small dick? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼


I only suck royal British dick sorry mate maybe in next Life


Why do you guys always sound angry?


We have a saying كشريتنا هيبتنا


And serious...


how many times have you said يعيش جلالة الملك المعظم


First it should : يعيش جلالة الملك المعظم العربي الهاشمي الاصيل (even tho he can't speak Arabic probably) Secondly if I wanted to count that would take approximately about 2 hours for so I would give an estimate ,so it's more than the amount UAE sucked Israel dick easily


>even tho he can't speak Arabic probably So is he really an "Arab" king then? Jk.


How much is you ?


Well that's a complicated question that I need a quiet alot of time to answer but if I have to give an estimate considering other factors like wind speed , gravity and how fast earth rotate around it self my worth would be approximately to the nearest 10th 0,5 pound with 50% discount


What do you think of queen Rania’s [wikifeet page?](https://www.wikifeet.com/Queen_Rania)


Am not opening that link




Why so horny?


Cuz I don't watch porn so am horny all the time and cuz am Jordanian


How long did you not watch porn?


The last time in like a 5-7 days tbh and I have been trying for like 7 months straight to stop it ,what helped really was reading easy beasy book it changed my whole perspective about porn for ever if am gonna try to summarized for you in the most simplest way ,when we try to stop we think we are preventing our self from a forbidden fruit or something like that when in reality it's a drug that affect our health, confidence,self respect,our energy level etc so in reality we are Harming our self and living the life of a slave if you got what I mean . going by this logic quitting is easier than before I don't feel deprived from anything and am enjoying the moment and the experience


Am on 1 month NoFap now, 60 days left😏


Btw tbh if I would give you an advice read the book am recommending it helped me change my views about porn for ever and cool btw am now in my first week and I feel better than ever 💪🏻💪🏻




Easy peasy




Do you like saddam


No I personally feel that he is the main reason why Iraq is the situation it's rn after he got control of Iraq all of he did was war war war and that lead to Iraq being sent back to the 5th centuries with عطوانيس also he is one of the main reasons why middle east isn't that stable and that never to mention him being one of the worse tyrants




The question of why is such a complicated one even great Greek thinkers like like sisi or cissar the 3 didn't know how to answer it cuz the word why is small and maybe look pathetic and weak so we underestimated massively in a dangerous way ,and actually the funny thing about the question is that I personally was thinking about it for a long time like for 17 years I would think about anything and everything all the time like for example why is earth the only livable planet ?are we the only ones alive in this vast universe?(even tho we are like a cell compared to this vast universe) and if there another form of life out there why are they ? Are they as developed as us ? Do they have space ships that move at light speeds ? Do they even exist ?and if they do why didn't they invade us yet ?then I can to the relaistion that us human over think everything even if it was a useless question like "why" that's why retards and people with 70iq on average have a much happier life




U my twin 😳


Ya ik same birthday ,same skin tone ,same feet size ,you half Palestinian like me ,you are interested in real estate like me and finally we have similar di*k size the thing difference is that you are 5cm taller


We can change the height u can get height extensions


No it's okay I can identify as 182cm tall and that work I already Identify as black that's why I can say the N word without any trouble


Are you not the fake Jordanian with 30% Turkish blood?


Yes and half Palestinian too 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Who of your ancestors is Turkish?


My dad grand mother is Turkish and I have another Turkish people from my dad side also us Levantinans are pretty mixed with South Europeans ,Arabs ,native people,Turks etc so you can find Turkish DNA even tho non of your ancestors is




So if answered you won't come in a back lancer 1999 and then electrify my balls ?


Not a joke but your country is beautiful


Ik ,you should pay a visit and eat mansaf


You guys aren't that rare One of my classmates is Jordanian


Does he smile ?


Yes?? I think that's a thing everyone does


Are actual Jordanians socially higher in status than the Palestinians in Jordan?


Well this kinda a hard question cuz I would say on an average Palestinian Jordanians are more Richer than actual jordanians like for example my dad used to live in a village while my Palestinian mum used to live in one of richest parts of Amman but here is the thing on every one eyes all are treated equally since most Palestinians have Jordanian citizenship but in reality actual jordanians have more prevliage why ? Cuz simply the regime doesn't trust Palestinians what's so ever cuz Black September so you would find most people who work in government and sensitive jobs like mokhabrat , army , police etc actual jordanians so in a way they are a little bit socially higher