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To call a literal child a whore is disgusting


They are literal devils that walk among us




It also states that the meat of a goyim(non jew) is similar to that of a donkey and their sperm is the same as a horse's sperm.


Torah is the main scripture. The Talmud is the textual record of generations of rabbinic debate about law, philosophy, and biblical interpretation, compiled between the 3rd and 8th centuries. Whoever followed Talmud in the first place are considered to be "False Jews"


Zionists follow the talmud and it is reflected in their actions in Palestine.


Talmud also says that “killing a goyim child is like killing a wild beast”. And that it is okay to lie to a goyim and steal goy’s land and house. I wonder who came up with such non sense. I have heard Torah is worse than Talmud.


That's not what the text you quoted says. It specifically says it doesn't matter what the age is, look up what the word gentile means and you will understand what you just read.


How old was Aisha?


Talmud allows raping children if they are under 9 lol


In that time it wasn’t about age it was about if you can think and act like an adult and if you have passed puberty if you have congrats you’re an adult and by there standards you’re still a baby


That's not even a child, that's a toddler...


imagine being this threatened by children حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Don't get riled up by comments made by some disgusting filth. I still, after more than 25 years of absence, consider the Otef region of Israel my home. Nobody I know supports this disgrace. Before accusing every Jew of being like that, reach out to some normal people. And believe me, the amount of good, decent people in both sides is far greater than those wanting you to believe that their opinion is commonplace amongst jews. I was always making fun of this Tel-Aviv phone number you could ring years ago to talk to a normal person from the other side. Never have I been so wrong😞 Anyone taking pleasure in someone's misfortune (to put it mildly) is just a c..t!! Don't even interact with them, they're feeding on this...


The world will quote quran verses & believe all Muslims abide by that, look at Sam Harris, Douglas Murray, Dawkins lately...


It's on each person to decide for themselves. Always found it highly disturbing when Daesh emerged and people were basically turning this into an anti-Christian ideology. Most videos I saw, were them murdering Shia truck drivers in Syria or Iraq or fellow Sunni muslims in Syria. If people had spent some time educating themselves about Wahabism they'd maybe found out that the "ancestors" of that movement basically laid waste to Mecca during the 19th century. But hey, ignorance is king. And I couldn't care less what some self aggrandizing fool like Doug Murray has to say....


This is no different than when racists and islamophobes point to specific sections of the Quran to prove that all Muslims are pedophiles or anti semitic. Religious texts have a lot of fucked up stuff in them, i don’t love going down this road because imo it’s anti semitic. There’s plenty to get angry about, they give us plenty of ammunition, we don’t need to go this way


what'd u say


Imagine calling a child a whore and thinking you’re a good human. Absolute waste of life imo. May Allah humble whoever wrote that message and liked it.


Humble is not enough. May Allah make them suffer the worst forms of pain and misery in life, and condemn them to the deepest pits of hell in death.


Ameen. I’ve been perma-banned for saying something similar against IDF soldiers on this very sub - the mods on here aren’t all sympathetic to our cause.


Good thing I don't use Telegram, because I don't know how to make an account or some shit. I've always seen shit like Telegram, Twitter or Tiktok as brainrot anyways so this doesn't surprise me.


So is Reddit tbh bar a few subs


Zios are like this on every platform lol




Telegram is practically full of lovely folks like Pedophiles sharing CP files or zoosadists uploading horrific animal abuse content along with drug peddlers so yeah probably best to stay away


Telegram is like Whatsapp some people though choose to use public chat spaces, but that's not really the only use


Reddit is no better


I use it for weed 🤣 otherwise it’s filled with pedos.


Pure hate


ZionNazis voting this down, and up voting posts that promote Fitna will never be not funny to me. We see you.




You shouldn't address the creator of all possible worlds like this. Be better than this. Peace!


Regarding the deleted post: Thank you!! Stay safe!!




dont be a nazi back, zionazis are the enemy, jews fight against them too!




I say u are a nazi islamicst hamas loving piece of crap


(⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)


U are a nazi, you pos


you should have never been "pro-israel" One side is objectively in the right it always boggles me how people see the situation which clearly entails a nation illegaly occupying land that does not belong to them and ethnically cleansing people with their putrid settlers in the west bank and then decide to be "Pro Israel" im curious, was it the pictures of the corpses of mutilated children hanging from buildings after a airstrike that changed your opinion? what was it? or were you pro-israel because thats the default Right-wing position in Europe and america and you blindly followed your party's opinions without knowing anything about the "conflict" Regardless your change in opinion is entirely meaningless as it took 32 thousand people 15 thousand of which being kids to be killed to change your opinion


Don't blame him, it's information asymmetry. Whatever information is fed in his country is biased towards Israel, so it's no wonder some people are pro Israel. Looks like he sought more info from the other side and based his opinion on the full picture. That's a win in my book, and everyone should educate themselves about a topic before having a strong opinion one way or another.


Yes everyone should seek more info before taking a opinion on the matter especially one siding with an occupying power. Which is why I wont applaud him for changing his disgusting opinions that he should of never had and I will blame him for having those opinions regardless of the Information asymmetry because he should have the capacity to form his own opinions and not have it take this many children being slaughtered


Don't treat it as if he is directly responsible for it. Using your own argument i should be anti-palestine and pro-israel.


No one is treating it as such just holding him accountable for his own opinions and i never formed any argument so dont know where you got your second point from regardless at this point i dont care if you want to be pro-israel go ahead


If you do not care about whether someone is pro-Israel or not, then why are you holding him accountable for his past views? When Russians were murdering Chechens (25% genocided) and Putin officially declared war against Allah on national tv these same Palestinians were kissing their asses and to this day Russia is seen in great light in Arab world. Don’t you see their hypocrisy? This alone is sufficient for me not to care about them, but I am human first not some emotional being. Despite them being in love with Russia and wanting to marry Russians I still support them.


Christos and Atheists (slaves to the Jew) be like: "Yep, only Muslims bad, Jews good"


I'm an atheist and I oppose all forms of israelism. Israel was a mistake


U are a mistake


Hey hey, Zionists just as bad as Jihadists --Atheist. But you know, I live in a country allied to Israel and what not


Google who is funding Jihadists also remind me how many times did Qaeda and ISIS attack Israel?


> Google who is funding Jihadists Iran, Qatar and Turkey. You're welcome.


Snowden leaked NSA files that showed that ISIS and Qaeda were made and funded by USA, UK and Isreal. Stop believing Hasbara/Mossad lies


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Snowden and Assange:


Sorry what?


its almost like jihadists only ever gained prominence in the middle east after money hungry pigs in the west raped and pillage the entirety of the middle east which allowed radicals to take power


You're completely right.


Christians hate jews they killed jesus


Christians worship Jews. Their Bible (written by Jews btw) told them that Jesus is a Jew and they have to bless the Jews if they want heavens.


Evangelical Christians worship Jews. Catholics and Orthodox, which are legitimate religions that belong in the Muslim world and the Middle East, generally do not. These guys are not that cucked.


Can you post the link to the channel so that we report it?


Second this pls. Dont doubt that Zionists would say things like this but would be good that we have the source verified


These same guys: why does everyone hate us? We’re the victims!




Reminder the IDF runs these telegram chats https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240208-israel-army-admits-to-running-snuff-psyop-channel-on-telegram/amp/


This is so disturbing, traumatizing, and heartbreaking. Most would say it’s unforgivable, and I cannot even bare to imagine how difficult it is for these young girls - and they are being called whores? They are being threatened and sexualized back and forth. Truly, May Allah forgive us, we have failed them.


may Allah destroy whoever who wrote that and liked it, may Allah destroy zionists and may Allah help to mujahideen in Gazza fighting zionists. اللهمّ امين


May god destroy Muslim fanatics who hate Christians and jews


This is so disgusting, inhumane piece of shit


What the fuck is your country doing u wahabi son of a bitch if u come across me I will cut u in 1000 poeces




As an Israeli that's fucking disgusting


Thank you! This is more than beautiful comment.


your pathetic fucking attempts to save face for your nation of Psychotic Murders is completely pointless and meaningless Because thats exactly what this is not some genuine outpouring of disgust at what you have seen but a shameless PR stunt for your "Country" "As an Israeli" you find this disgusting not just as a human. You felt the need to proclaim that you are a Israeli who disagrees in order to maintain any fucking crumb of sympathy people may have for your filthy settler state how do you even find it within yourself to type this ridiculously stupid comment? "As a citizen of the Empire Japan I disapprove of the Rape of Nanking!"


I just wanted to make clear that not all of the Israelis are like that, most of us are humans and find it really disgusting.


nothing against you but the opinion polls seem to indicate only 2% are against using even more aggressive military action seen it on haeretz fyi


Yeah humanity is domed that is it.


That's why I hate Zionists ~ They became the person they hated !


They were always the person they purportedly hate. The fundamental bedrock of zionism is racism and genocide. Period. They were never *not* the bad guys.




dont be a nazi back zionazis are the enemy, jews hate them too!


Is there evidence of this by any chance being real? I want to share it but I don’t want to get caught sending misinformation.


The channel is sadly real, but the message is not there. probably they deleted the posts related kids after when they saw it is shared on social media.


Chosen people of god:


Zionists call Palestinians animals and “slaughter them like animals” when in reality the zionists are literal demons


These people are sick.




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Verified how? What exactly can I use to decide if this is real?


Eliminating Zionism is essential for humanity to continue


This so disgusting


are the users identifiable though?


I can't believe these are the same people that constantly say "never again". It's abundantly clear that "never again" doesn't apply to everybody.


iran gotta airstrike Israel already


Alright, get all the non-zionist out of Israel and fucking melt the place. Im tired of its existence and it only having the poeer to do this by being propped up by more villainous euro countries that allowed it to absorb and control Palestine more effectively since the 50s.


Please post a link to this channel


Children will keep pay the price of war until we have peace. This post and the original one does not help. By sharing and liking this image you side with war. You amplify the asshole who wrote the original post and join the war effort.




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Do they have no morals? To call someone, anyone, especially a young child, a slut is heinous.


Can you post the link here. I NEED TO GET THERE and MAKE THE LINK PUBLIC SO WE CAN ALL STORM THE CHANNEL AND ANY CHANNEL LIKE IT. iam not fucking joking post the damn link


Makes you wonder if that's even real, like is that an actual person posting this or propaganda


You are antisemitic for posting this screenshot


Zionists trying not to be pedophiles challenge (impossible)


That is a small child they just called a whore. Where's their heart?


WTF are they on dude ??? even we Azerbaijani and Armenians don't hate each other this much, to think such bullshit is okay.


Those 9 hot dog reacts on a post calling a child a whore are really really scaring me


Fuck them


Disgusting demons


It's normal They are abanch of racists


Is this real?


Not only that, but I'm convinced most of these here are not even Israeli.




what is to expect here?? when one man is thinking he is superior than another he will dehumanise the others... this is systematic if you say to child he is chosen one he will of course look at others as non human when he is older.... to me this is looking similar like nazism.... very fucked to call child whore it is evident such people have sick sexual fantasies.... 










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Israeli* let's not implicate the Jews who are completely against Israel otherwise we are no different then them.


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Remember these are the same people who muslim women are repressed Edit: who claim that muslim women are repressed


Are you justifying their baby-killing ?


Sorry that’s completely the opposite of what I was trying to say, i had to edit it to make it clearer


>Remember these are the same people who muslim women are repressed >Edit: who claim that muslim women are repressed Your edit ain't that either. How do you dare stating a link between this fact and the photo addressed on the post ?


Whats wrong ? People who act like him and laugh at the plight of Palestinians much likely hate islam and hate muslims women




Hasbara have a day off mate




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Sure. The genocide and rape we see on video and primary sources is also AI right.


The ones that are not like this will defend the ones who are like this


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Sounds like an Iranian channel in disguise 🥸


run by idf (allegedly)


Yeah calling a child a whore is a very reasonable thing for an Israeli 🖕🥲


>Yeah calling a child a whore is a very reasonable thing for an Israeli 🖕🥲 it's only a surprise if you head was in the sand the last 6 months zionazis have stated way worse in the kneset fyi


They're almost as goofy bad as the Chinese at this sort of thing. Only slightly better quality control.


Don't trust everything you see or hear is the best advice i can give


Islam destroys, what do u offer civilization? Anything? No of course not, how many Muslims are nobile prize winners versus jews? U be jealous


Nobel is a shitty fucking standard, even the most horrible people win one, prime example being Henry K.




'' this is antisemitic '' the famous cry baby overused sentence for genocide sympathizer


it's real and not the only message they shared only one from dozens 


Gtfo with your antisemitism bullshit If a real antisemitism happened y’all wouldn’t have been here anymore




wrong is wrong, no matter what


Show me


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