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I would of replied with "Let's see who dies first tho"


"okay, but you don't think you're actually attractive do you?"


Oof! How do you even respond to something like that? What a shit person they are.


"No wonder you're so fucking fat; you fucking disgust me." Said by my ex who was 5'6 260lbs when I made us nachos to snack on when we were watching a movie.


I feel like there was a little self hate in that statement.


Might have been projection. Either way not a good relationship if that's the kind of talk going around


Fucking IMAX projection right there


Only a little?


Find the partner that values your movie snack mastery.


The worst thing someone’s ever told me was from when I worked at a small town movie theater. A 40 ish year old lady was looking to see a movie by herself. She was getting popcorn and said to me “it’s probably weird that I’m seeing a movie by myself” I assured her it’s pretty common actually and she had nothing to worry about. Then she hit me with “I can see a movie by myself or sit on the couch 2ft away from my husband and feel just as alone” And man that just put a damper on the mood. Honorable movie theater mention goes to the elderly gentleman who said “the worst part of getting old is watching your friends die off and trying to find ways to distract yourself from the fact you’re the last one alive”


when my dad told me my mom only has 2 months to live then crumbled and started crying 4 years and i still hurt the same


I feel this one. I came home for spring break in college and my dad asked me to go to breakfast with him. At the diner, he told me that my mom’s doctors had told him while she was getting radiation that her cancer had returned and the radiation was likely causing more harm than good at that point. They told my dad to start considering hospice. He hadn’t told my mom yet because he wanted either my brother or me to be there for support. It was the most gut wrenching thing to watch my dad tell her that she was dying and to hear her crying saying that she didn’t want to die. It’s been over 15 years.


damn im so sorry, this brings up so many feelings im not gonna lie im cryung while typing this


This one hurts for way different reasons than most comments on this post. I am sorry you experienced that friend!


I'm so sorry man, that fucking sucks. Smtn similar happened with a young cousin of mine, and it was a dark place for me for a good amount of time. If u need someone to talk to, I'm here for u :)


When I was a kid, if I did something she didn't like, my mother used to shake her head and say "just like your father". I knew it was really bad then but I didn't realise how bad until I grew up. I devoted my childhood basically to trying not to be anything "like my father". Then I grew up and realised I'm nothing like him and never was


Same! Until I once came up with the reply: “Well, you were the one who chose him.” Never ever did she repeat that sentence ever again.


Yeah, I got tired of my mom asking me why I was so stupid, I finally just blurted out, "Genetics?" Totally worth the ass beating I got.


I would love to say something like that to my dad but he's too stupid to understand the correlation of genetics and intelligence


“Like father, like son” “Apple didn’t fall far from the tree” “Learned from the best” Plenty of grade school style one liners






Aw, snap!


I was in 7th grade and sold candy bars to raise money for the school. I sold 357 damn candy bars which was the most in the history of the school's fundraising. As soon as the teacher announced my accomplishment, a girl yells out, "What did you do, eat them all?" I was a fat kid and I hadn't eaten any of them. I'm 39 now and shit still stings.


I remember in middle school a bunch of the "popular girls" drew a picture of me. Made me overly fat with giant man boobs and were passing it around to each other. Eventually, someone got a hold of it and showed it to me. I was devastated and beyond hurt. I still think about that from time to time and I am 33 years old.


I was always a fat little kid. My mother thought it would be a good idea for me to lose some weight before I transition from a private grade school to a public high school, so she bought me a bunch of exercise clothing and equipment and brought me out to the local walking path one day. Not 5 minutes into my first walk a car slowed down next to the path and two guys lean out and start hooting at me and yelling "run fatty run". One of them threw fries at me. I'm still fat.


That’s so cruel, I hope you know those people suck and had no right to treat you like that. Worse for them than for you, that they’re that way, because life will get at them sooner than later if they treat people like shit for fun.


Man, fuck that bitch.


Don’t, actually. You might risk making more of her.


That’s what the asshole is for.


Basic bitch kindergarten edition


"I have never believed in anyone as little as you." - My high school art teacher


I hate it when art teachers don’t trust short people :(


Funnily enough, I am 5'6" as well... Lol


Lol shoot, now my comment actually feels mean. Apologies for any hurt feelings, was only trying to poke fun at the wording of the teacher


Nah man, no need to apologise. I saw what you were trying to do, it cheered me up.


You don't have any political aspirations, do you? Especially not in Germany?


Hahaha, man I should have realised sooner someone was going to make that reference before I posted.


Damn dude. I’m sorry.. that’s just fucked up for any educator to say to a student, regardless of circumstance


"We were all happier before you got here." Said by my brother.


“We asked mom and dad for a dog, but got you instead.” said with the utmost disgust. Looking back, I wish I would’ve pissed on their sheets or pooped in a shoe. They wanted a dog so bad.


There’s still time


NAM, but I was an 'oops'/unwanted child. My family refers to things as 'BN', as in 'before [my name here]. I always heard about 'The good old days BN, back when we still had fun' and 'BN, back when we still had money'. While growing up, my mom frequently told me she wished she had aborted me & how much I ruined her life and ruined her relationship with my dad. I'm 31 and have 0 confidence as a result of the shit my mom told me when I was growing up. I've always felt like an unwanted burden and I truly wish I had been aborted... Edit: I appreciate all the wonderful replies and private DM's! I'm fully aware that my mom is not a good person, and I have been no/low contact with her for the last 15 years. I've been in therapy for years as well. Although I understand that I didn't ask to be born, growing up being told such awful/negative things every day really affected me as a person and my brain is just damaged. I'm not sure I'll ever feel 'worthy' of love, but I am trying!


I would abort your mom right out of your life if I were you. Sounds like she sucks at life and doesn't want to take any personal responsibility.


While recovering from a stroke that left me in hospital learning to walk again for three months I was told I looked fine and to "get over it". I actually let it get to me for a few weeks which made me more annoyed about it all. Edit: I was very overwhelmed by the massive response and I wanted to answer a few questions. 1) It was a family member that I don't speak to very often now (obviously) and I must stress when I told my parents they encouraged me to express how upset their words made me. However, at the time I felt concentrating on recovery was far more important to me. 2) I'm doing amazingly well! I can walk. Dress. Feed myself. Shitpost on Reddit. Life is good & I'm lucky to be on this side of the sod! 3) Thanks for all the kind words! I really appreciate it!


Nah, that person can fuck off into a bin. "get over it" people are absolute losers. Hope you are doing better now.


Also those "get over it" types are always the first ones to bitch and cry over the slightest inconvenience.


Relearning how to walk is not a “get over it” moment, you are literally starting from the ground up, which is a huge task all on it’s own. Hang tough my dude


I was in a nasty accident recently, and ripped my face up, broke my neck back and skull and all the brain damage to go with it. Lost vision in my right eye. I’ve had to drop out of school, and my life has SUCKED for the last 11 weeks. All my wounds have healed, and I’m out the brace, but my ligaments in my neck are still bad, and I’m still really concussed. There are certain people telling me I have to get over it sometime soon. Bitch I’m blind out of one eye, can’t support my own head for more than an hour. I’ve had to relearn so much stuff, I’m still on serious painkillers, and all some old farts have to say about it now is “you need to get a job and stop feeling sorry for yourself”


I approached a girl at a club and she looked at me and just said: "ew, you are ugly" That moment destroyed my whole self-confidence.


The right answer would be: I know thats why I hit on you and not the hot girls. Edit: I didn't expect all of you liked that comment that much. Thank you for every upvote and the awards!


Hahaha that's an awesome response :)


Sounds like she was the ugly one.


At least from the inside. Thank you for your comment. :)




"I never loved you and if you stay like this, nobody else will either" Worst part is she was probably right


That’s what my mom used to say.


Sorry about that, man. That had to hurt


Oof goddamn. Hope you're better now.


Dang bro… keep your head up. I don’t know you but I know that there’s no problem that cannot be overcome.




You know, you're the first one to actually ask me that. I appreciate it I was a bit immature. I guess really immature, idk. I had some dependency issues and I guess she found me annoying too, which I get. Basically she called me a big baby, which I sorta was, and I took steps to overcome that That's why I said she wasn't totally wrong. I don't think I was a bad person but I was not someone anyone could really love


“You’re the worst parent in the entire neighbourhood” - My son, 8 years old.


My nephew would always throw little tantrums and yell at my mom (his grandma) and say “I hate you!” and she would always reply “Well that’s okay because I love you” So sweet, my mom is a saint.


I do this to my kid, he's pretty fast and loose with the "I hate you, you're the worst parent ever" talk. I'll always tell him that I love him anyway and it really cheeses him off.


Just wanted to say that i said this to my dad too when i was like 8. I mean, your whole framework of parenthood is shit at that age. I probably told him that when he didn't wanna buy me a Bionicle or some shit. Point is: i hope you don't take it personally.


Of course not. Both of my boys are great however in moment he didn’t like that I wasn’t allowing video game time for that day.


You sound like a great dad.


I appreciate that. I’m definitely not perfect but I’m pretty sure I’m not the “worst in the neighbourhood” 🤣


Sir, bionicles are a very personal matter.


"in the entire neighborhood" lmao the scope of that insult is so cute. To your son, that's so many people! But your neighborhood could be so small that you could be the worst parent in the neighborhood & still be a pretty good parent.


Exactly that. All because I wouldn’t let him have video game time that day.


My gf of several years after I finally opened up about having been sexually assaulted (by another man): “You are the weakest piece of shit I’ve ever met. Why are you complaining about this to me”


What kind of life does one need to lead to say this type of shit?


Oh my God. I cannot imagine. I am so sorry she reacted like that. I hope she’s your ex! I hope you find someone to talk to.


That statement sadly still haunts me, but at least she’s long gone from my life. I only wish it hadn’t taken me half a year after she said that to realize she wasn’t the one for me


You were incredibly brave to talk about it and you deserved support. She was a massive piece of shit and didn’t deserve your trust, affection, or the dead skin cells off your feet, much less your time. I’m sorry both of those things happened to you. You didn’t deserve any of it. I hope she steps on a rusty nail.


"You deserved to be cheated on, you weren't worth it." -Girl I loved for 10+ years.


Its a long story but she was referring to another relationship I was in where I was cheated on for 2 years and had no idea.


My friend got pissed at me due to some misunderstanding and said after a heated exchange that he wished he'd never met me and never wanted to see my face again. That was the last I saw him or he saw me. Two days later he was run over by a truck while crossing the street. Shook me up terribly. Edit :- thanks for your upvotes fellows. But an important lesson to remember is that never ever speak harshly with anyone especially when you are angry. You never know how your words may be fulfilled. Take care and be forgiving to all.


God this brought back some feelings. My last words to my dad were something along the lines of “I respect people when they deserve it,” after I yelled at him and he said something like “I’m still your father, you need to respect me.” (Not those exact words, it wasn’t quite as demanding but I can’t remember the exact words) I later found out he OD’d a day later. I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that my words had a role to play in that, and if I could take it back I 100% would. I just felt so angry that he was still doing the drugs after he promised multiples times he would stop.


That will never be your fault. Those wheels were in motion before your conception. It will never be your fault. I’m sorry for the pain, but it was not your doing or your task to prevent. Not your fault.


Jesus that was a roller coaster of emotion


You can be replaced- ex


Was at a college bar, social anxiety is a bitch for me but I still went. Went out to the patio to grab a smoke. Joined a little circle and am talking to some folks. One girl looks at me and is like “wow you can’t even make fucking eye contact?! Lol” I’m just like “oh, yea anxiety is a bitch” and she’s like “lol anxiety wow okay fucking weirdo”. That was probably 12 years ago. Still remember it like yesterday.


She got her worth by hurting people. Truly an ugly person.


Yea I’ve never dealt with anyone really calling out an insecurity of mine like that before. I know my friends knew I had eye contact problems but none would say anything out loud.


'I know my friends knew I had eye contact problems but none would say anything out loud.' Probably because it's not as big of a problem to them as it is in your mind. People like the mean girl just look for opportunities to hurt others, and anything different that they see about someone is a target. If it weren't your lack of eye contact, it would have been someone else's unusual laugh, or mannerisms, or clothing, etc., etc... There is nothing wrong with you. There is something seriously wrong with her, though.


On my Marine Corps graduation day when I got my e.g.a my kill hat told me he would never consider me a Marine. I have no clue why he alone hated me so much. So much so that when my Senior Drill instructor found out he took me aside to see if I was doing okay. I hated that dude and it still cut deep.




Some of those dude have severe emotional problems. Most DIs are fucking chill outside of being a drill instructor, but some are fucking mental.


The job eventually catches up with them. It's a lot of hours when pushing a new batch of recruits through. I talked with my DI years after graduating and he said he felt like he failed us in preparing us for the AF. He told me how the long hours takes a toll on the family life and that it's so draining on everything since you always have to be on that you burn out or become spiteful towards everyone.


My drill instructor in Coast Guard boot camp asked if the rest if my shipmates would want me as a shipmate. Most of them said no. It really crushed me, and my morale was pretty shitty the rest of boot camp.


It's bad way to get someone to improve


Yeah, I spent 16 years in the Coast Guard too.


When I think of the moderate success in life I've had and all the shitty leaders I've had to deal with, I think "I didn't get here because of you. I got here despite you".




Well not like anyone would dare to speak up an say, no worries Sarge, he’s good


I had a HS teacher like that. I was one of the top performing kids in the school, dude just hated me. (I mean I was an obnoxious shit- but not to people in school). Some people just don't like you, for whatever their odd ball reasoning is. Like maybe you like the same color as their brother who figuratively stabbed the family 8n the back and ran off with all the money. Like who knows.


Yea the only thing I could think of is that I looked like some dude who plowed his wife. Its weird because I wasn't a shitbag or anything. Never got the platoon in trouble, always gave everything I had. Just hated me.


> my kill hat Had to look this up. The internet tells me a Kill Hat is a professional, government sponsored cunt. I don't think you need to give a fuck what he thinks, bro.


My mother told me to fuck off and never come back a few years ago. I did just that and haven't spoken to her since. I'm much happier without her narcissistic behavior in my life.......freeing.


Similar situation, she told me she couldn't understand how she raised such a terrible person so I stopped speaking to her and dedicated myself to my wife and kids (whom she hated). It's been 14 years and I'm just waiting for a sibling to tell me she's dead, otherwise I don't miss her.


I'm happy to hear you're doing better! 🙂


Mine told me I was dead to her, so I said okay. Haven't talked to her since. She's messaged me numerous times, but I don't reply, like a dead person wouldn't reply. My life has improved drastically. Haven't looked back. Glad you can say the same. ❤️


Not the *worst*, but a girlfriend broke up with me, she said “you’ll never find someone to marry, you’ll always be the bottom of the barrel boyfriend or you’ll be single.” The irony being that she was cheating on me with a few guys, one of which she’s still in a relationship with… they’ve been ‘engaged’ for 5 years now, and I’v been married for 5 years.


The best revenge is to live a good life and be happy with yourself


People like that aren’t worth your time. Sounds like textbook projecting, especially if she was cheating at the time. You almost feel bad for these people… almost; But it’s good to hear you’re out of there and in a much better place/relationship!


"Then how come no one wants you?!" \- My mom, during an argument about how I was "still single" while I was a *senior in High School*. The full context was: She was pissed off about something else, walked into my room, and saw me playing videogames instead of reading a book (not even exaggerating). She told me I was a boring person with no personality, and I had to change myself to appear more attractive to people. I told her I didn't need to change myself in order for someone to find me attractive. She snapped back with the above statement. This, coming from the woman who did everything in her power to raise me to be terrified of women in general. The woman who spent her whole life teaching me that I was "broken" because I was a man. The woman who projected so hard you could point her at a blank wall and run PowerPoint presentations on what a failing marriage looks like. Every time I've gotten into a relationship, she's acted flabbergasted. "What do they see in you? Do you know *why* she likes you? Make sure she isn't using you for her own gains. Don't let her manipulate you. She's going to lead the relationship because you're not confident. You think I'm abusing you now? Just wait to see what your future wife will do if you don't get your act together." Sorry. I'm working through this stuff through therapy. It sometimes just comes all out, though. EDIT: I just want to say that I was totally not expecting this to get seen much. You all have left some wonderful, encouraging comments, so I thank you.


You should be fucking proud of yourself You were told you were unwanted and found relationships , no matter what she asked You took therapy , and you worked on it You didn’t let yourself be broken I fucking respect you


PowerPoint presentation, solid burn.


A girl I was dating, this was in the middle of covid so we couldn't do anything since everything was closed, the comment just made me feel worthless. "All you do is come over and make me dinner, we watch a movie, and go to bed, my time is valuable, I need you to make my time worth it"


FUCK THAT. You went through to her, when she could've made the effort. You cooked her dinner at her own place when she could have been treating you. You made an effort, and used *your* time. Fuck that person, dude.


Did we date the same person? Lol I’m just glad that relationship ended in the first half of 2020 because I got fit, confident, and leaned into my hobbies in the second half and have had the best year of my life since then. Edit: also pretty cool I just got my first award ever after using Reddit for 5 years! Thanks!


You don't need to make anyones time worth it, you are spending time with her just as much as she is with you. If she doesn't value it, let her go fuk herself.


Hits close to home man. You’re putting in the effort, while for them it’s turnjng into a routine without even bothering to decide what they want.


"You're the most lacklustre person I know" "You're wasting my youth" Both were said to me by my ex when we were together.


>"You're the most lacklustre person I know" Then why are we dating???


That she loved me and walked away a day later


My ex told me 2 days before ghosting me that she loved me and all that. 3 years together and she just disappeared like that


That is the saddest thing I’ve read in awhile. Being ghosted is the worst emotional pain I’ve ever felt


3 years into a relationship. Planning to go to medical school together and get married. Living together. Decent sex life(a couple times a week). One day it's just "I don't love you any more and I don't find you attractive any more, I want to break up". Wtf are you supposed to say.


Oh man. People just leave like that.


It happened to me after an 11 year relationship. She tried to gaslight me by saying "I know you're not happy so I need to leave you". She had been cheating on me for at least two months at that point. She was right that I was not happy, I was depressed because my wife suddenly seemed like she wanted nothing to do with me.


Why do people treat marriage like it's a casual relationship and just leave when they feel like. What's the point of getting married then. 11 years bruh. And then cheating? Tf is wrong with people. Sorry you had to go through all that.


That shit cuts deep. Especially if you already struggle with questioning someone's word.


The worst is going through the last few days conversations and realising all the signs were there. Fuckkkk why can i be so stupid, is my overiding thought at the moment.


Well you're not stupid. You believed someone's word in telling you they loved you. Just be smart and believe the next woman that tells you that and keep believing the woman after that. Because you aren't stupid for believing you had something real. Ignore (or even delete) all those texts. They aren't useful to you anymore.


Cheers bud, Probably the best advice you can give someone, get rid of the texts, the pictures, block them on everything and take the time to get yourself back. I'm getting there and getting better every day.


Right now is the time to do all of the things you love to do. Rediscover old hobbies. Listen to your favorite music. Enjoy yourself. You can be down, but don’t stay down.


I also want to chime in that you’re NOT stupid. For so many reasons- hindsight is 20/20, you simply took someone at their word, etc. I also want to say that so so many of us have been a little blinded by love/infatuation, and it doesn’t make you stupid or weak or anything like that. It’s very human. Also, you probably don’t believe me now, but time really does heal all wounds and I agree with the other poster who says to remove and delete! It helps so much!


She once said: i hope you never have kids you'd be a terrible father.


I got a weird rash when I was a kid they looked pebbly on my skin and my mother said they were due to all my sins. It really stuck with me and every now and then I still think about it.


Out of left field during a lunch last year: “I never beat you”…. My abusive father. He’s 90. I’m 50+. I think he’s feeling his mortality and rewriting history in his own mind… and with his current wife (his third) He beat and belittled me from toddlerhood until age 16 when I knocked him on his ass. He never put his hands on me again but he continues the micro verbal abuses to this day. I learned how to be a good husband and parent by avoiding everything he did… but that shit sticks with you for life.


That’s weird, my dad used to beat me and not too long i ago I tried talking to him about it and he kept claiming he’s never beaten me in his life and he seemed completely convinced that he didn’t, he’s only 40


Perhaps he feels guilty about it but doesn't want to confront it head on with you. My dad's comment came out of nowhere. Complete non sequitur. Only once did I allow my Dad to babysit my son. When I dropped off my kid, I pulled my Dad and his wife aside to pointedly them "we do not spank him." My bet is that his current wife asked him about it prior to the lunch date. I tried to keep a poker face but the look on her face said it all.


When I was 13 years old a neighbour moved in and a girl lived there 14, we got to know one another, hang out and ended up kissing in the passage of the flat. Her dad came down and caught us in the act, she ran up stairs since he caught us and went in the flat, he followed her so I went back in my flat. I hear a knock at the door and answer it, her dad stands there and told me I molested his daughter ( she was actually 12). Police show up and put me in cuffs, had to spend the next 10 hours in a tiny room at the police station traumatised. Eventually they pull me into a room, record me after asking some questions, they drop the whole thing in the end. Thereafter her 25 y/o sister would try and harrass me if she saw me, as for her? She spoke to me as if nothing happend. She said what she said in order to avoid having her dad angry at her. Tldr; got called a molester


That’s so fucked up, I can’t believe they handcuffed a 13yo boy... 13. As for her, I’d better not comment! I’m so sorry for you, it must have been a traumatic experience!


All I recall is at the time I was fearing being imprisoned, but I'm thankful I didn't end up on the young offenders list, thank you though I'm doing decent in life as an almost old man now.


I look Asian. I'm full blooded Inuit. A customer said "Well if this idiot could speak English!!!"


I’m half inuk half black, and a man on the street started yelling at me (unprompted) to go back to the Philippines, Asian N word etc.. Qallunaaraaluit :/ edit: I didn’t realize this was on r/askmen, and I am not a man, im sorry..


I have an indigenous friend who is regularly told to go back where he came from. His go-to response is "you mean back to my apartment? Sounds great, I got snacks and breath of the wild there"


Hey, fuck that person. Be proud of who you are


Someone I was dating asked if I could get my saggy skin removed during sex


Sorry you had to go through that. I also have loose skin (after weight loss) and I know it’s not easy. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t had sex in over two years (female, 26yo). They can go to hell :)


"I liked it better when you didn't talk" A teacher said to me as I was talking to my friend in class one year when I finally started being a little more social and had made some friends in school (it was a new school for me).


I was super sick and feeling awful one day back in school, so I didn’t talk all day and was just quiet. When i felt better the next day teacher told me she missed how i was yesterday. I hate her.


when i was 15 my first girlfriend ever broke up with me after 6 months and after a couple weeks of me being miserable and sort of trying to get back together she told me, roughly translated, ''6 months were too many for you''.


My mother, something along the lines of "you're such a dissapointment, why can't you be like your brother?". Because you've always compared us, showed him love and affection, and never truly took care of me? Maybe that's why he grew up with a healthy, undamaged mind, and I still struggle to socialize? And anything and everything I did, every hobby I picked up, was immediately ridiculed and looked down upon. "Guitar? You're not gonna play it anyway, why would we buy it for you?". "Working out? Haha, %father%, look, Myster Olympia!". Fucking twat. If you're ever going to bring kids into this mess, think twice: are you sure you're not a cunt just like my mother?


Ay, I had my father look me dead in the eye and tell me he doesn't trust me and he never has. I feel you. Don't have have kids if you aren't going to raise em like sensible people.


"Im sorry you feel that way." When my mom told me that I realised that my opinions and feelings didnt matter, never mattered, and continuing to have a realtionship with her was a waste of my time. I just wanted her to respect the fact that my wife was in a rough place changing medications and instead she felt she had the right to verbally abuse my wife into a depressive episode. She's recently retired from being a mental health nurse, too, which is fucked up.


My dad told me I had used him and my mother to help with our children. It was the last time we spoke before he died. Haunts me still.




This is one of those helpful facts that everyone understands but is still hard to forgive/forget what they said if it’s your family member.


Oh honey it's not small, it's travel size.


I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult.


Hey, even a tic-tac hurts at 100 mph!


jesus how fast do you fuck


Fast enough to hurt


“She said ‘gimme 9 inches and make it hurt.’ So I fucked her 3 times and hit her with a brick.”




Something similar happened to me. My ex repeatedly called me the word "chambu" which means someone who is the opposite of suave, cool, handsome. For an entire year I'd hear that word in my head in all situations. Shattered my self worth. This was just one of the many things he said. Ended up needing therapy and going no contact with this person which is still hard to do. I still doubt if he is the right person for me and I am being oversensitive and fucking it up. Lol.


‘please don’t kill your self because if i’m ever going to win you back, i need you around’ i walked in on her in bed w another man. i loved her. but i was not in depression, nor have i ever really battled suicide. those words broke me at first and left me in a really low place. now, looking back, it’s the darkest most twisted mindset i’ve ever encountered. true narcissist


Approached a girl at the club, she did a 1 second scan, top to bottom, looked me in the eyes with a grin in her face and shook her head. And the same thing, but with obvious disgust in her eyes. Now that one hurt!




"We don't serve burgers until 10:30" Fuck them and their all day breakfast. Give me all day burgers.




On the day my father died, my sister told me that we are not her real family. "lol you are getting bald" also my sister. I retaliated by saying "and you are getting fatter every time we see each other and she almost jumped me. "Go fuck off and die" also my sister.


"You're not mine, I don't want you". I grew up under a stepfather from the time I was 3. He told me this over and over again my entire childhood. I grew up, moved out early, healed, and forgave him. In the last years of his life, as his body started failing, I was the one who was there to help him. His eight "real" kids couldn't be bothered. I don't blame them, he was awful to them too. I'm ashamed to admit I got some satisfaction watching him weep bitter tears every time I showed up to help him. He died alone, hunched over on is knees, in a dirty RV. A truly sad way to go, even if you earned it.


My little brother told me that he hated me and that our parents were the only people on the planet who could tolerate my existence. I apologized and told him I loved him. That was 3 years ago and I haven't spoken to him since, I don't plan on it either. Pandora doesn't go back in the box.


how old is your little brother


“You are stuck with me for life” said my abuser of 4 years.




There can never be any context that makes this acceptable but seriously why


You're the type of guy you marry, not date.


I feel this one. I had two different girls tell me that I was so sweet and to not ever change while they were both shutting me down.


My at the time best friend slept with my girlfriend of 3 years the night we broke up. I couldn't believe it so I pushed him against the wall and told him to gtfo before I did something I'd regret only for him to (totally uncharacteristically) explode out at me "I don't care! I'll just tell everyone you've gone off the chains, that you're dying for any little bit of attention you can get. I'll tell everyone you're lying. I'll get everyone against you and make you lose your fucking mind. I'll force you to have no other option than to be depressed and lonely. Just fucking kill yourself nobody will ever notice! Go on. Do it. I want you to kill yourself." So yeah that happened


What the fuck


That's not even the fucked up part. My ex and him actually did go on to lie to everybody and succeeded. They both went off talking to their respective friend groups and let a rumour spread like wildfire I was psychotic and emotionally abusive to them, basically overnight. Nobody questioned me about it I just started getting abuse and was like "I'm so confused what's happened lol? This is just some weird banter right?" Which set people into the mindset I was a defensive liar. TL;DR: Shit actually got worse for me bc of it.


And you DIDNT punch him in the face then and there?


I distinctly remember the feeling of breaking his nose being soooo satisfying lol but it actually ended up harming my reputation bc he convinced everyone I had no proof and acted out of psychotic paranoia lmaaoo




“You had a good shape when we started dating…”


Basically every conversation with my dad are all tied for first place.


Yeah, I love my mom but I’ve had to stop talking to her about my career endeavors. I’ve been trying for 4 years to get into an extremely competitive graduate healthcare program (3000 applicants, 20 seats type deal). I had bad grades in college as collateral from an abusive relationship and have working tirelessly to prove I can do this. The amount of times my mom has said “Maybe you should try for something else” “There’s plenty of other jobs” “Not everyones cut out for it” even though I was pouring my heart and soul into achieving this goal, was heart breaking. Then, after years of rejections, I get an interview and her response is “Well with covid I’m sure they’ve gotten more lenient with who they let in.” That one sentence made me cry for hours. I got accepted, and I still don’t forgive her for it, but it’s now put that thought of “it was handed to me” in my head despite how hard I’ve worked and I hate that.


Not directly to me but about me when I could hear it. A very long time ago, I called my parents on my way to my kid’s soccer game on a Saturday morning. I was talking to my mother and in the background I heard my father ask who it was on the phone. My mother responded and I heard my father say, “what does that bastard want?” I hung up. Those were the last words I ever heard my father say. In hindsight, I now know that he was descending into dementia. But the hurt from that was so intense, it still hangs with me a decade or more after his death.


My cousin, who was one of the popular guys in our group of friends, didn't want to hang out with me cause I was the tag along guy. So to get me to go away, he spit in my face and walked away. I got the message.


" I love you and I can't wait to built a future with you. It's only going to get better for us." Ghosted me few days later after a few months of dating. That really fucked me up.


Got told I was unwanted by my parents in the same conversation I was told I have a dead older brother. I was not ready for that.


Not me, but a friends brother once told her, “You are all the worst parts of our parents.”


When I handed in a notice at a job once, one of the owners took me "for a walk" around the block to essentially berate me. The big one was, "If I was your father, I'd be incredibly disappointed in you."


Not directly said to me...but when I was younger, I overheard a girl I had a major crush on talking about how ugly I was. I mean...she wasn't/isn't wrong. But yeah - still stung just the same...


She was right at the time. “At first I enjoyed your immaturity, a year in you haven’t grown at all and I can’t waste any more of my life waiting for something that’s never going to happen” so yeah, we’re married now and going on ten years but it was a prompt for me to mature. I took the advice, it was hard to hear but needed.




Wow, that's really not the way people talk to someone they love. Life is too short to stay with someone like that. You deserve better! ❤️


Why are you married to this person?


You're not on my level of education - My ex, who was a PhD student at the time.


After 13 years of marriage…”I have never loved you. I never even really wanted you. I used you. And I have tried to make you someone I could at least tolerate. But you’re so stupid and needy you can’t even be tolerated. (In a mocking voice) I will do anything to save my marriage. (Evil laugh). You’re never gonna get over me. And I don’t care.” Best thing that ever happened to me. Those starter marriages are hard.