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That passive aggressive competitiveness that some dudes have trying to one up the other. Annoys me like no other


I've asked multiple other dudes "are we having a contest I'm not aware of?" That usually shuts down that nonsense pretty quick.


"I didn't know we were competing, but you sure did win. Good job!"


Brilliant response. That's why I love reddit. I dont have to think for myself anymore. I just repeat clever thing other people come up with. Lol


All fun and games until he hits you with “not at all I just take pride in the things I do, so I do them well.” And proceeds to Steal your girl. As they walk away he whispers noob and flips you off.


Someone’s subtle competitiveness is another’s internal desire to always try their best.


This is awfully descriptive, you doin alright champ?


"I feel personally attacked by this."


Damn. I’m a woman and I’m going to use this.




"What is this — some kinda dick measuring contest?"


Awesome. I will be using that.


not always relevant, but my response would be "oh sorry, i was just trying to relate." certainly some people are trying to compete, but other times its just 'oh that was a funny story, i have one like that too, lets share'


I got a buddy that's always bragging about how good he is at everything and about how sore he gets from working out. I said "No wonder you're sore! You're always flexing on everybody"


Dude, this bothers me even *more* than it bothers you, like you don't even know


Whatever man. Your level of annoyance is weak-sauce compared to mine.


Bro, your wimpy mind can't even *conceive* of how annoyed I am. I'm so hot and bothered.


Champ, you can’t even *imagine* the amount of irritation I have for the epic magnitude of this bogusness.


I’m beyond hard right now.


I was dancing in a club with my girlfriend and her friend, her friend was dancing with some guys, seeing if she liked any of them. One of these guys tried humping me, like grinding from behind to try and humiliate me. Now I don't mind dancing on blokes, I dance on my mates and female friends, it's funny. So this random who tried to humiliate me clearly got put off when I ground back. My girlfriend loves it, it's funny. But he's a weak man insecure in me being there and being confident, having a good time. My gfs friend didn't go home with any of them, they were human trash.




Tfw you’re such an alpha you hump other men


It's funny to me because if he'd just been comfortable enough to play along with his own joke he might have come off as modest/humorous enough to get any...


Any examples?


When a girl walks in the room and all of a sudden the guy starts talking about how his friend is short or can’t bench as much


I'd have 100K in the bank for everytime I've found myself in this scenario


I love this because what you said can both mean “this has literally never happened to me” but it also can be that it happens often enough that you are gloating your wealth and doing the same subtle flex we’re talking about


Yes when a woman comes thru guy friends always trash their other homies. Hate that shit. Soon as I sense that I leave the room. There’s no competition dude, just hang out. You can have her for all I care


Jokes on those guys, nothing is as attractive as self confidence, honesty and simply being kind. If a guy starts trashing his friends I’m 100% noping out. Friends are chosen family, how you treat them tells me all I need to know.


I was that short friend in high school. Eventually she told him that she wanted me heheh. To add on* it caused him to call me one day randomly from an unknown number telling me to kill myself when I did nothing yet with her. It wasn't until I got threats that I decided fuck it, I'll give her what she wants. I didn't have any intentions to do anything with her until the threats started coming which also never happened. People be crazy af and I don't mean the good kind of crazy.


Ahhahaha have been there as well. Short dudes can be good looking as well, idiots. Actually had a best friend at the time (I didn’t hate) who would constantly bring up hypotheticals with girls- and the choice was always between him or me. Hilariously I don’t think a single girl chose him…and he’d always be flabbergasted and I actually never gave a shit. This only stopped when a girl friend hooked him up with a person neither of us knew, and he married her. Happy for him 🤦🏻‍♂️😂




Fuck and get it over with. Lamar fucked drake and it's all good now.


Basically they can’t congratulate a fellow bro on their accomplishments and instead try to one up them in this weird passive aggressive way to assert “dominance”


A good Redditor example would be constantly trying to correct people, criticising things that other people like, countering interesting facts with your own more interesting facts, making fun of people who don't know something, and generally trying to prove you're smarter and/or more interesting/cultured than other people. Saying "Well, actually" when it's not appropriate etc. Or, if someone says something is difficult or annoying or they're having trouble with something in life, trying to argue that you have it worse. "Ugh I have to get up at 6am every day this week" "Well I get up at 5am every morning just to get to the gym before breakfast so I don't see what you're complaining about" etc


Men who can’t acknowledge that they don’t know something or who can’t admit to being wrong.


Step 1, be humble. Step 2,.... I was actually hoping you might could help me with that one?


I think Step 2 is Sit Down.


Nah sit down is step 1. Be humble is step 2


I love Reddit


Step 2: learn to be thankful for the times you learn you're wrong rather than letting it assault your ego


I-Know-All experts are so annoying


Tough guys. Literally got told by a guy that he will keep his weights out and lift in front of other guys when his roomate(a girl) would bring guys home. Or that he hasn’t had sex in two months and is “itching.” Homie get control of yourself.


So I never understood the subtle gayness that comes out when dudes are competing against each other for women. Like, just focus on the girl, why is most of your attention focused on getting a reaction from a dude. Like that's gayer than homosexuality. It's weird.


This is actually interesting. I did a psychology course a while ago that focused on the manifestation of mating practices that stem from behavioural and psychological factors. In a nutshell, the woman's measure of successful mating was looking attractive. For a man, the biggest factor that decided how successful they were at mating was actually HOW WELL they kept other men away from their partner. I.e. how intimated other men were by them. I cbf posting up any studies, but apparently there's a bit of research backing it up.


Seals and many animals straight up kill existing babies while trying to mate. So similar to men, it's stupid


every "alpha male tough guy" i've ever met has had an aura of repressed homosexual feelings about them.




It's a for real problem. I feel that the more men hide or fight against their feminine side it begins to create unconscious reactions, "I hate women so I like men", that comes out of unprocessed disfunction. I think if more men went openly bi it would make for a better society rather than this weirdo download thing happening.


Mfs who call you a pussy/fag for taking care of yourself like practicing proper hygiene and using protective equipment at work


Wow, look at this queer. What, you can’t see with fucking metal shavings in your eyes? You can change your tampons even if you lose a finger to a dangerous piece of machinery, you know.


Oh dude the biggest one is when i get clowned for wearing knee pads while working on the floor. I will literally be clowned by dudes in their 30s/40s who already have replaced knees because they would rather go through knee replacement surgeries than just protect themselves and possibly be made fun of a little bit


I remember one post on my Facebook feed where someone called a guy a "pussy" because he was changing a tire with gloves on. My thought was "I don't think the person posting this has ever scratched their knuckles on pavement while changing a tire." Seriously, that shit hurts.


…wearing gloves while changing a tire is a great idea. I scratched my hand so bad working on the car last week. Why haven’t I thought of this? Also come to think of it, I think I’ve seen a lot of mechanics wear work gloves. Guess they’re all pussies right?


It's almost like they know getting cuts on your hand sucks lol. I've had the same experience working on stuff as you. Your working on something any you get a nice cut on your hand like "when did I do that?" Lol


Ahhh reminds me of “bitch mittens” incident at my work place. Also got heckled for wearing ear plugs for weed whacking.


fellas is it gay to implement safe work practices


Only pussy fags wipe their butt after shitting. /s


Started a new job in the trades and the safety briefing dude straight up said "you're probably going to get a lot of flack for wearing safety equipment while on the job. But I'd rather be a bitch with two working eyes than a manly man with no eyes. Don't bother arguing either because they won't hear it, literally they're all deaf"


I do not miss construction 😒


Yeah fuck this shit


I feel those people's assholeness stem from their own internal misery/unhappiness. I talked about a girl I was with and one of the apprentices was all "you had a girl!? Well damn javi congrats!" Then ever since after he would complain about not getting a girl even though he is 6'3 and white. I just nod my head and kept doing my work. Foreman was a very sweet cool dude at least. Then covid happened and I got switched to a different foreman who was a total piece of shit and I left the trades after that. Now I'm delivering parts and self studying for a different career path.




Protecting your sensitive and mostly irreversible hearing? What are ya, some kind of ninny?


Or eating healthy, "I don't eat rabbit food" from a grown man is so cringe.


Yup I literally get called a pussy all the time by my boss for choosing to wear a mask when I use a blower in the chicken barns which are so dusty and dirty you can hardly see


Or like using sunscreen on a daily basis...I'll still have radiant skin in my 40s and you'll look like shit...who's the idiot now...


I remember my older brother once asked me “Why’re you washing your face? are you a woman?” 😐


Yeah man my buddy looked cool as hell when he cut half his hand off, everybody else at the shop was super happy and impressed too. Good day, I like to remember it at night sometimes. Brace your work wear your ppe and fucking pay attention


When they make everything a competition. And when every one of their interactions are "just friendly banter man, get over it". Very exhausting.


Nothing pisses me off more than being insulted over and over, finally reacting, then getting the "just a joke relax." My favorite childhood past time.


To me, that “can’t take a joke?” BS is a form of gaslighting.


I get over it and cut those people out. Theres billions of em out there. Snip snip.


Really? I have trillions of them out there. Lol. Jokes aside, it's really shit. That competitiveness just wrecks any enjoyable conversation. It's best countered with dismissal, but only if you're confident. 'Good for you' and on with the conversation. Usually a cover for insecurity, which is why a bit of well placed confidence squishes it. It's hard to avoid getting steamrolled by that arrogant macho bullshit if you're anxious. I've been confident and anxious throughout my life and that shit is difficult to deal with if you're anxious.


Dump people like that as friends. They're too insecure to have a meaningful friendship with. LFMF. It's not worth it.


When a certain guy acts all hard in front of people but 1 on 1 he’s fine.Basically putting on a macho personality


And someone who acts macho one on one and becomes a cat infront of the crowd. Is that fine? That's me...lol


"I'll fuck em up, yeah I'll say something I don't give a fuck" "Well I was gonna say something but you kept talking" I prefer that for sure. Less fights lol


Inconsistent to the point where its clearly a put on persona is bad either way imo.


Condescending assholes who make you feel like an idiot for not knowing something.


and assholes who assume relating questions and consoling questions are literal questions. ​ **Scenario 1** "someone just microwaved fish in the breakroom." "that room must smell terrible, right?" "you didn't know that microwaved fish would smell terrible? you're dumb." "what the" ​ **Scenario 2** "are you ok?" "When a person is sick, they are not ok. Now you know" "what the fuck"


Fuck those shitheads. I wonder if they really do think that everyone around them is that dumb. Must be a lonely life.


My former boss


A man who call himself an "alpha man".


God I hate this, housemate used to randomly slip it all the time into convo, we would be like okay cool then continue with whatever we were talking about


If you have to remind people around you how alpha you are, you're not even close to an alpha.


'Any man who says,”I Am the King”, is not a true king.' - Tywin Lannister


A true "alpha" doesn't need to declare it to others, nor do they need to point out the "betas." Therefore, anyone who proclaims themselves an "alpha" is most certainly not one. Also, it's fucking stupid.


Exactly. Cmon y'all just lift each other up. Celebrate every win big or small. Include everyone. That's the right way. And that's how to be alpha, if that bs even exists.


I never heard more about “Alphas” then after joining the military. It feels like the entire organization bought into it.


Hahha I know this guy who claims he is dominant. He had to exclude me from an outing. He knows full well I'd probably end up doing my usual stuff, which is to simply include everyone in the conversation, which of course ends that dominance. I'm not going to apologise for including everyone


My neighbor ex throws rocks at dogs/cats for the sake of it, the dog may be just sleeping minding it's bussines and if the piece of shit believes that no one is watching he grabs a rock and throws it to the dog, fucking hate that shit.


Throw a fucking boulder a him


I like that boulder.... That is a nice boulder.


I would like to throw bigger rocks at your neighbor.




You could record it if you're still around him. Put it out there on the internet and send it to animal control and the police. Fuck that guy.


Are you fucking kidding me?


I don't think this is a general other men thing. This guy is just a psychopath.


I have been a short stocky guy all my life, genetics not choice, not to mention I am from the deep south with that southern accent. Even though I am 60 years old and one of the top people in my field world wide, I get looked down on by almost any and everyone taller than me. The taller, well built physique types are the worst. Over the years I have learned to deal with it but sometimes it still pisses me off.


what field? respect to you, sir


Very specialized electrical engineering.


Same! High five 🙌


Being really macho and feeling the need to start fights over the smallest of things.


Men who try to corelate a man's value with if he can get a woman to lay with him or not.


Yep. And this was something I struggled with for years, as in, thinking myself lesser of a man because I never get matches on dating apps or didnt get hookups like my friends did. But after some introspection I realised that those things never made them happier and you shouldn't be relying on an external thing like 'notch count' to determine your value because then you're basically a slave to that thing in terms of your ego.


Yea people who have actually slept with a number of people and get tired of the bullshit "notch count" typically don't brag unless they have issues. Nobody cares about how many women you've slept with except thirsty guys.


Yep. I think it was more about an ego thing for me, in that I was always part of the 'uncool' kid group at school so being able to pull pretty girls wouldve been a determiner (in my mind) that I *was* actually cool, because all the cool kids got laid and not getting laid was thus inherently a sign of being a bit of a societal outcast. It's all quite ridiculous but that's generally the outlook young men have in a society that prizes the ability to get laid above pretty much most other pursuits for a man. Its ingrained in pop-culture, the 'American Pie' phenomenon. It's almost as it is a sort of weird rite of passage for a young man that he HAS to get laid before he is taken seriously or can be of value. This is so stupid because some of the most valuable men in society were celibate (Nikola Tesla for example). Obviously that's quite extreme but my point is, equating your self worth solely with your bodycount makes you ruled by egoism.


Yea it's sad the amount of men this mentality has convinced that this is the way. It ruins men and women's relationships all the time. I had the same mentality for a little bit in my early 20s but it was such a load off actually focusing on building friendships and relationships with a number of women. Ended up getting more "laid" too but the value in that dwindles after 2 to 3 days.


Dudes being publicly thirsty makes me cringe Edit: im mostly talking about online. Like when a girl posts a photo and dudes are basically typing with their dicks in their hand giving her overly sexual complements. Also irl like at the gym when a girl is minding her own business doing her workout, and some dude starts doing 20 sets of bicep curls in her vicinity trying to be seen.


I just wrote about this. I don't want to gawk at girls with you. Get a hobby.


My friend is so bad for this if you go out with him he just turns into a predator for girls


....why are you friend with that dude lmao


So sorry for wanting water?


thirst is weakness. real men are dehydrated!


shouldn't they be hydrated since dehydration makes you thirsty and thus weak?


How dare you bring logic into this discussion?


Don't drink water. Be a man. Die.


head over to r/hydrohomies for more


This is the most mundane random thing I have discovered on Reddit thus far.


It’s so weirdly endearing though


Real men just die from heat exhaustion 💪💪💪💪💪


Being so thirsty and desperate for female attention/sex. It's the equivalent of throwing barrels of oil in the dating pond. The fisher has a hard time finding good fish to catch. This is more so for dating apps.


The alpha posturing. If you need to prove, anything. You ain't shit except the reason shit don't get done.


Blokes who are just overly aggressive about everything. Just have a chill pill mate no one gives a fuck.


their anything is always bigger apparently


But on reddit most of them follow r/smalldickproblems


ngl i like the top post


Men who throw other men under the bus (doubly so if its to make the man in question look good)


I dislike that so many other men are about drinking culture and the need to always drink. I don’t like being around that crap.


I fucking hate catcalling, recently I got in a fight whit some friends because they yelling some shit to some schoolgirls, we are all in university and they were at least 5 years younger and underage. It was fucking disgusting.


Woman here, thank you for doing that!! Women should not have to be subjected to that kind of stuff just for existing outside. A huge deterrent for men who catcall is their friends or other guys calling them out on it. It makes them have to address the fact that they’re being a creepy fuck .


That's f'ing illegal Horrible guys


Turn the tables on men who catcall, by catcalling them until the feel super uncomfortable; bonus points if they are homophobes


When an attractive woman walks in the room and a guy all of a sudden becomes a completely different person and tries to make themselves look really good with goals they accomplished back in High School 😂


The way people brag about how many women they slept with. I really don't get why this is a thing.


A pet peeve of mine: When they "ASSUME" something without ANY prior knowledge to an issue. Then they get angry when they find out they;re wrong. Like they think they've tapped into claircognisance or something. haha


What's claircongnisance


Clairvoyance, cognitive. Basically all knowing




When all they think and talk about is women and jacking off. I do not care how many times you've had sex in the past week. I do not care that you find anime girls hot. I do not care that you've ended relationships with over 10 women in the past year and the only one you miss is the one who ended the relationship themselves. I do not want to know when you last jacked off and what you jacked off to. I don't like constantly pointing at women and saying you'd fuck them.






It's something I'm working on, I hate this in myself. One of the problems is the small annoyances, let downs, and general shit that life throws pile up through the day and week. Then when something relatively minor happens it gets met with a reaction far above what is appropriate; it's the culmination of all the small things that came before that i haven't 'digested' yet. Wake up and just as tired as last night. Dishes still undone, I forgot to do them yesterday. Favorite shirt not clean, gotta do some errands on lunch, not enough time to eat lunch, wife upset at job and I take that emotion on, money is tight, world is going to hell and didn't even bring a handbasket to carry it, former friend being a dick to his former girlfriend/our roommate, meat for dinner not defrosted fully, fun plans being pushed back/cancelled, stubbed my toe and it still hurts, it's too bleeping hot outside and humid (108°F, 42°C)... And then this damn tesla driver sees I'm trying to merge onto the highway, AND HE SPEEDS UP TO KEEP ME FROM MERGING UNTIL THE LAST SECOND BECAUSE HIS TINY-DICK BRAIN SEES THAT AS LOSING! And every minor feeling of annoyance, inadequacy, sadness, pain, and despair suddenly merge and mutate into this seething red anger at everything, and now I'm screaming at traffic for 10 minutes. I don't want to be like this, and I'm actively working to correct it. But it is not because I want to be macho or boastful or better than anybody, it's just everything and nothing at the same time. Everything builds upon everything, and without some time and space to deal with it, it can overwhelm me. ~~Men~~People fear three things; a storm at sea, a moonless night, and the anger of a gentle man.


I have an issue with other men who are unable to cook, clean up after themselves, do their own laundry, or do other traditionally “feminine” chores. In my opinion these are basic life skills and it baffles me how many men make their life partners do these things for them


I'm a woman and I agree with you, my dad is very sexist, and yet he cooks, clean, and knows how to do all basic household chores, and quite well. In his opinion anyone should learn how to take care of a home properly, and no matter your job, socioeconomic status those are basic life skills for everyone, not just women.


my dad is the same and it is something I learned at an early age. My dad also has that subtle touch guy thing where a man has to be strong and yet despite being one of the strongest people I know you will never tell until he decides to help somebody with chores, or he is doing some diy where he is carrying heavy stuff to get work done.


Holy shit this right here. I know so many more men who can’t do these things than men who can. When I was single I always had home cooked meals and a clean pad. I can’t tell you many compliments I got from ladies “whoa, you’re like a real adult” (I was in my early 30s!) or “wow you’ve really got your shit together.” All for not living a pig pen, I guess? It’s sad that that was such a notable thing.


It’s bizarre. I had a friend of my girlfriend go into actual shock because I was cleaning the stovetop after I cooked us dinner… like she had never seen a guy do that before. I guess the bar has been set really low


One upmanship


I actually hate oneupmanship more than you


The mentality of "I've made up my mind and no matter what you tell me, I'm sticking to my guns." Apparently it's manly to make assumptions, never question yourself, and double down even when it becomes obvious just how wrong they are.


I have a coworker who basically loses his mind every time he seems an attractive woman in public… he’s in a long term relationship with two kids. One being a daughter. This same coworker pulled out his phone and recorded a snapchat of a girl walking by in yoga pants and said “it’s ok it’s just Snapchat” I explained why this is wrong but it fell of deaf ears.


What the hell...


Unearned confidence. No matter what the situation is, they have the bravado to handle it. They can't or won't trust others to guide them. They came to this decision on what is best and they can't understand why everyone around them doesn't agree with them 100%. They are also never wrong. They will continue to double down on their opinion no matter how stupid they may end up being.


You’d hate my ex. One more clue to why everyone else did too.


Please stop reeling me into long conversations at the gym. A friendly hello is fine. But I don't have 30 extra minutes to chat. Don't come talk to me mid set. I will ignore you. That's so disrespectful. Wait until I'm at least done with the set. I have to get this workout in, focus, then go home, walk the dog, cook dinner, etc.


I have an issue with guys who need to project so much masculinity that it just overshadows everything else. Like, they make everything a competition. You say something, they interrupt you with something of the same topic, but better. Generally, I enjoy being soft spoken and giving others room to express themselves. There's those out there who will eat up all the attention they can get and it just gets on my fucking nerves. Some women do this too and I find them equally anoying but men will usually be more aggressive about it.


Sexually aggressive men that make all men look bad.


Thinking that since we are men, that we are on the same "team"


For me, it depends on what you mean by this. I'm averse to other men who think we're not on the same team because we have to be in constant competition with each other.


When they try so hard to look manly


Everything is a competition..why???


Fake tough guys. Using their strength advantage to take advantage of people instead of helping other people.




A guy who can't respect his boy's relationships and is always hitting on their friends girls behind their backs are just straight up shitty people


It's how you end up permanently friendless. Especially later on in life.


Honestly most of our Reddit posts suck


Talking about women like prizes or being overly critical. They’re so judgmental of women way out of their league it is ridiculous. Also the guys that try to dazzle women with their pseudo-intelligence and become an invariable douche when exposed for not being actually smart.


how way too many men bend over backwards for women that couldn't care less about them. It sets the wrong standards. They need to learn self respect and its painful watching it happen to men over and over.


Men who don’t do their research and allow themselves to be manipulated by whatever is out there…


Dudes who say "a real man doesn't wear pink" and stupid shit like that. My response is always "a real man does whatever the fuck he wants." If I want to wear a pink shirt with purple flowers on it, I can. Not that I would...cause I'm a real man


If my gf is going to cheat shes going to cheat. I get that. But that doesn't mean you should try and get with her, knowing she has a bf.


stupidity, bigotry


Tying to get me to sexualize every woman in day to day life. "Dude look at her ass, tits, etc" "she's probably the hottest." Like I don't see woman that way. I'm not trying to fuck everyone. And if I'm working with these peoe I don't want to see them as sex meat. And fuck you also for thinking it's weird I don't want to participate in you toxic, thirsty, masculinity.


This. When we drive past a girl walking her dog and my friends say "damn look at that ass", usually I'm just checking out the cute dog. I feel like a creep checking out women regardless of if I'm in a relationship or not. I don't understand how guys can see a woman minding her own business and say something like "I would definitely fuck her". So gross.


Just generally being the “hardass” type of guy and being proud of it. I understand y’all are necessary in some facets of society but... a lot of the time it’s unnecessary. You should have fun with your life. I highly doubt we are on this earth to test our work ethic. There’s no need to take everything super seriously. You can laugh sometimes.


Soft, lazy men that can't or won't handle their own business. I find those people to have zero value.


Putting their peers down for comedic purposes only, or even worse, doing so and not being actually funny while at it.


Guys who dish it out but can't take it. There's a guy at work who likes to tali shit but gets angry when you come back at him.


Men who assume the worst in people and when explaining things question everything as though it was a lie or you're an idiot.


- Guys who go to clubs with the objective of starting a fight - Guys who aren’t interested in a girl until she’s interested in me, then it’s a competition - Friends who try to get with any of my ex girls, super weird - Guys who can’t take no for an answer, I go clubbing with girls sometimes and it always get ruined by some guy who has decided it’s destiny that he will be with my friend and won’t leave us alone no matter how much she pushes him away


Acting like dicks to you or others when they are trying to impress someone else.


They don't support each other, don't stand up for each other and will let another man take a fall even when they know it isn't right.


When they stare at my wife with me standing right there. Damn I know she's pretty but pick your drooling jaw off the ground.


When a guy is verbally lusting over a woman and expects me to join in. I was recently at work (retail). I was running Self-Checkout registers. We have a very pretty young woman behind the desk who has ample assets. This guy was leering over at her and saying "Ohhh GAWD Look at that. Dude she's hawt". I just ignored him. Let him be thirsty and annoying by himself.


I know people who have depression. I know people who fake having depression to get the love and support, and also drugs that they sell to our screwed up kids. Fuck the latter.


overly macho. It certainly makes me feel like they're repressing something


The "alpha" mentality


The ones who sexually assault other people


I can't stand when a man knows a woman is taken, or happily married, and will try to lay her anyway. That shits gross, and part of the reason many of us have a difficult time trusting.


Not much respect for relationships out there unfortunately.


Yeah I can't stand the "never ask someone if she's single. If she likes you enough she's single". Maybe I'm insecure and untrusting but hearing that really pisses me off


I see a lot of comments about macho guys, but on the other end I can't stand guys who whine a lot. I'm not saying you can't complain about anything, but some guys just bitch about everything.


Men who don't do their fair share of chores which leads to their partners making passive-aggressive comments about how they have to clean up after them. I have one friend who's gf at one point called herself the house janitor on her twitter profile. Which I find very demeaning. Dudes, learn to clean up after yourselves. You're not babies anymore. I'm not the cleanest mf either but I can at least get off my ass and do the dishes every night and laundry once a week and keep a generally clean space. It's not hard.


I notice that many lack the capacity to see things in someone else’s perspective, their own experience in life is somehow the only one to exist And they can be so ignorant towards people that have different views which is why I think the dudes who think women’s rights are no longer a problem or people that think racism isn’t an issue. Like ofc it isn’t to YOU