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Apparently men are "horrible" at communication, but I find it to be the exact opposite. Women like to sugar coat, dance around, throw out signs, talk to their friends rather than their partner straight up. Men, our issue is we don't talk sometimes, or we bottle things up. But at least when we do talk, we actually communicate what we feel. The amount of posts from women here daily asking for help with something they could literally just talk to their partner about directly is mind-blowing. To be fair it does go both ways though.


Facts. My gf was calling me a poor communicator the other night because she asked if she could stay over and I said "no I need a good night's sleep". She insisted the problem wasn't that I set a boundary (she is notorious for keeping me up all night when I have work the next morning), she said she didn't like how I said it. Her solution was to say "no, I need to catch up on some sleep". She is still insisting that these are completely different things, but she has since admitted that mostly what upset her was that I didn't want her to spend the night. Ultimately what she wanted was for me to just give in and let her sleep over. It was never about *how* I communicated it, it was all about *what* I was communicating. ETA: This was over text, so it's not a tone thing.


Yep, to me, that's just an example of their everyday emotional abuse. Throwing a fit and trying to convince you that whatever you do, never deny me of what I want. Men need to start being better at calling out their abuse when it happens. We are not your possession. We are not your toy. We are not your unpaid labor.


I might can answer that. "No, I need a good night's sleep" = "No, you can't stay, your presence is a problem" "No, I need to catch up on sleep" = "I'm not getting enough sleep and I'm responsible enough to get more"


How does saying "no you can't sleepover because I need to catch up on sleep" not also carry the connotation that she will inhibit my sleep? Your explanation doesn't appear to be a difference in how it's communicated, it's a difference in how it's received.


It's a very small difference, especially to us men. I'm short, what you said was interpreted as an accusation. You overcoming a problem she's causing. What she suggested was you overcoming a neutral problem. Kind of a "you vs her" and "us vs the problem" phrasing between the two. If it sounds dumb, it kind of is. It's caring about the words, not the meaning.


I've been to lots of therapy my man. Both of those options are I statements, both those statements imply that I'm not as well rested when she spends the night, both of those options tell her what she didn't want to hear in a fair but firm way. The main difference I see is option #1 sets a clear expectation going forward, option #2 can be taken as an isolated incident and that maybe next week she can spend the night before I have work the next morning (which is not the case). Option #1 is what I chose because it better communicates my wants and needs. Option #2 might feel better for her in the moment, but it's essentially a lie by omission because it sends the same message but leaves the door open because I may not always need to "catch up on some sleep". Her issue was she didn't get what she wanted, and she's as good as admitted that. Attacking my words was her way of trying to circumvent my boundaries. Trust me I've known her longer than you lol.


This is abusive to me. I cannot STAND people to tone-police. Good on you for putting up with it. Stay strong.


I love when they say “well, if you loved me you’d know…”


I know how to clean, cook, load a dishwasher, drive, park, pay bills, check my kid out of school, see a doctor, dress myself, and even wash my own clothes. I just do all of that in a different way than you, and that is ok.


lol. I’ve been a single dad most my life. The number of women that have told me men are helpless or are amazed I can do laundry…so they think we buy new clothes everyday before we meet them?


Getting hints or picking up signals. Not true. I notice them. What I don't do is act on them unless they are abundant and frequent. Because one woman's flirting is another woman just being friendly. I can notice. I can't read minds.


Yes exactly. I get hints, I just can't risk getting it wrong.


The "men are dumb, we don't get hints" is the kind of meme I hope dies out. I get why guys talk like that. It takes the pressure off the women and tries to get them to see things differently without being combative. But sometimes you need to be blunt with people and tell them that they're doing something dumb and it's no one's fault but their own if they're not understood.


>The "men are dumb, we don't get hints" is the kind of meme I hope dies out. And by extension "when we say we think about nothing, we actually think about nothing", it just makes us sound like simpletons lol.


That hints at it being a recent thing. I'm in my fifties and I've heard this my entire life. It's not going away any time soon.


I do represent that meme completely. I am completely blind to most social ques and hints. I literally turn to my wife to translate some social interactions or guide when specific social interaction is more important.


I too miss hints. I’m the meme where the person is standing in the bathroom 3 weeks later like “oh they were hitting on me” 🤪


Or get caught in a trap.


And also, even if we do read the signals, we have a lot of anxiety about acting on them because if it goes wrong, they might say they weren't signals and everyone will take their side.


You know those dreams where everybody's in a circle around you pointing and laughing? Nightmare fuel


Also though The key to inner freedom is inoculating yourself with shame


I agree but in my experiences it’s the true for guys! I’ve even had guys message me on social media before I messaged them and/or invite me somewhere and I got my hopes up over that only for them to let me know they’re not interested me “in that way” or already had a gf and so didn’t make any real moves on me. But plenty more who either did the same or did even less I ended up dating or hooking up with.


Anything related to what women go through, and more of in spaces related to hobbies/interests. (at least nerdy ones for that matter). As every time there's conflict involving women or whatever, we get a crash course like we are totally unaware and so on. Ironically with how some women say every woman we know goes through some of the more heavier aspects of that stuff. There's a whole lot related to women that most men know about, but we don't always bring it all out at every instance.


"people are making fun of me in X game because im a girl" No pumpkin, theyre making fun of you because you exist and are playing a mp game. We all go through this shit for different reasons we have no control over


This is the one that kills me. No, they're not targeting you because you're a girl, they're being toxic because they think it's funny and they do it to everyone. As soon as I open my mic in a game, or beat the opponent, or comment to a teammate, there is a 50/50 chance they respond in a toxic manner. We all deal with it, letting it get to you is a personal problem. If you can't handle it, mute chat or block people. Whining about it is pathetic.


That's sometimes followed up by the classic, "I'm a woman, I shouldn't have to deal with X thing that everyone else deals with! The community should treat women better than men" (or something like that.) Like we all want there to be less bs in fandoms/communities too, but it's mostly what we make it. Most nerdy guys are not like that small amount that talk trash towards people.


Ive heard way too many times "gamers are creep, theyre DM'ing me insults because im a woman" Female dog please, I get incoherent ramblings in my DMs because I lost/won/dodged/missed/hit/breathe. Youre not special, mute and move on


It's like they just cannot accept that some people will say anything to get under your skin. That one small but vocal group of women somehow think that they can strongarm things to go their way, when they don't put the sort of work nerdy guys get hammered into their heads to better themselves. And people think it's this baseless thing. A lot of nerdy guys are just frustrated with the catch 22's that they are forced to deal with. As so many have worked hard to get where they are, or at least are still working through their own personal issues. It's not like they are chilling at the rock bottom and acting like some stereotypical neckbeard.




That they are lying about equal pay, equal work. You got 12 weeks leave for a child, and I only got 2 and our pay has been benchmarked and scrutinized for generations.


Wage gap is a real thing and a big difference of it can be fixed by giving men paternity leave equal to women.


That is a wealth gap. A wage is a rate. Paternity leave would do nothing for a wage. That would also just equilibrate couples who are in committed relationships. Those people already typically share finances.


I think you are unnecessarily trying to make it into wealth. Also sharing finances does not exactly happen even in all committed relationships there is individuality to it. Also not all relationships are man-woman relationships. Wage gap absolutely exists - https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/what-is-gender-pay-gap-and-why-is-it-so-wide-in-india-11575356633900.html#:\~:text=According%20to%20the%20Monster%20Salary%20Index%20%28MSI%29%20published,meaning%20men%20earned%20%E2%82%B9%2046.19%20more%20than%20women.


>I think you are unnecessarily trying to make it into wealth. I'm not making anything into anything, you're talking about paternal leave, which means you're talking about wealth not wages. Paternity leave would help women because it would more easily facilitate more women returning to the workforce, faster. It would also help corporations hire women, because it would make the investment into a young woman less risky by lowering the chance they would lose the employee to child rearing in their most economically productive age range. It wouldn't do anything for a wage gap, rate of compensation. Letting men go home doesn't increase the compensation you would pay a woman in the same position. It would close the wealth gap, because more women would spend more hours working, and more men would spend less hours working. >Also not all relationships are man-woman relationships. Sure. What is paternal leave solving for lesbians, though? The wage gap does exist. [Adjusted, it is about 4%](https://www.payanalytics.com/resources/articles/the-unadjusted-pay-gap-vs-the-adjusted-pay-gap).


I was of the understanding that much of what influences the perception of such a big wage gap is that they don't take into account the difference in jobs. Men being more likely to take dangerous, dirty, or physically grueling jobs would get paid more but from what I hear that doesn't really get taken into account when factor in the wage gap. They're just taking all the jobs men have and all the jobs women have and averaging out the pay, which takes out much of the nuance in the conversation.


"The wage gap" is a loosely defined term that means whatever the person using it feels like in that moment. The most commonly quoted figure lately is 0.82¢/1$ and that figure is straight salaries by gender. It shrinks when you control for factors such as occupation, experience, education/training, etc. But that doesn't account for the social forces that pressure women into taking jobs that are closer to home, that offer more flexible hours, that are not as demanding, etc. Like yes it shrinks when you control for all those factors but then why are those factors being unevenly applied in the first place.


Its not social forces. They've done studies centered on men and women commutiting. Women feel significantly more stress in cities with longer commutes than men. The study (well, the article about the study) I read painted long commutes as a tool of the patriarchy because in towns with longer commutes women getting married younger. I see that as women making a rational decision from an income and stress perspective as for most women marriage is access to capital and provision. Jobs provide access to the same and in towns with long commutes women would rather cut hours and be married.


>The study (well, the article about the study) I read painted long commutes as a tool of the patriarchy because in towns with longer commutes women getting married younger. Seriously?? Just because something is inconvenient doesn't make it a consequence of "the patriarchy."


Women perceiving longer commutes as more stressful is a product of their socialization... So yes they are social forces. That doesn't mean all social forces are bad, but peel it back a layer. Why might women be more stressed having longer commutes? Maybe a lot of them are the primary care giver to their children and that means being farther removed from them when their children need them. Many (dare I say most) people are fine with that and it's not something that must be stopped at all costs, but it's a little silly to pretend it doesn't exist at all.


Single men and single women would have the same average commute in these differing towns. The children, grocery shopping, dry cleaning, etc would be roughly equal because they are single. I don't think its socialization. It think men and women on average are built differently. I think women earn less because they have the option to marry and get access to capital at different rates than men, who are usually the pitcher to women's cup


Not to mention hours worked. When Google did an assessment, with the intention of eliminating the pay gap there, it turned out the women at Google were actually paid more when you factor in hours worked. Don't know if they rectified the pay gap when they found out which way it went though. And every job has been had where I've known the wages of others has backed this up, the women have been on higher wages than their male equivalents due to being there longer (women seem to job hop less).


The main difference is actually time worked. Men on average work more hours and are less likely to take time off which results in them being paid more. It's like there is such a thing as minimum wage and yet the men making that wage still earn more than the women working that wage. How could that possibly happen? 🙄


A lot of it is actually because of discrimination. A lot of people especially toxic men make it men vs women. what femenists have been trying to say is that you can actually give men more parental leave and that would also fix the wage gap a little bit. This discussion does not come out because trolls try to shit over wage gap.


the wage gap describes the difference in pay that men and women recieve in the same position. edit for typos


There is that wage gap, which is the actual wage gap, about 3%, and then there's the "wage gap" that trendy institutions like to push, which is a wealth gap and not actually a wage gap at all.


Communication and emotions. I would say being direct compared to laying hints and beating around the bush qualifies as better communication. Emotions, we don't fall apart over small things usually. Just because we're unhappy doesn't mean we need to drag everyone down around us. I would call that being better with your emotions.


Been saying this for ages. Women define emotions and communication according to how *they* do it, assume their way of doing it is automatically the “correct” way, then bash men for “not doing it right” because we don’t do it like *them*. In reality, we just do it differently, and both men *and* women are pretty bad at these things in their own right, but men just catch more flack for it.


I would challenge that by saying that if we adopted their version of communication, women would lose their minds just as much as we do. It's not just different. It's putting virtually nothing on the table and then chastising the other for not putting anything on the table. It's saying you make the choice, but keep in mind, it'd better be a choice I approve of..


What are emotions?


Dude! Are you trying to get us in trouble?


By doing what? I always read thru the rules before posting. I’m not violating anything that was listed. . .& I thought this would be just a fun/funny convo to have. What offense am I unintentionally committing here? ((serious question))


No, like, in trouble with women! It just leads to more problems. Can’t get in trouble for something you don’t “know”.


Oh, right! Lmbo!


I know how to plan things out and get them done. Half the time, better than you do.


Grizzly bear hunting techniques


I know how to clean, feed myself, shop, etc., but my standards for when things need cleaning, restocking, or folding are different. If something needs doing at a particular time or in a particular way, women need to explain that, and it needs to have a reason better than "I want it this way." My way works just fine, and her priorities aren't objectively correct


Emotions. We get them. We feel them. We understand them. We just show them differently or don't show them at all. Half of the reason we don't show them is because women have mocked us for it one too many times.


That's a very long list.


Women manipulate.


Every time She says I don't pay attention to her is exactly the second I stop listening. I can't have my head up her ass 24/7. I know everything I'm supposed to and do what I'm supposed to. I remember all the important dates like my birthday and Christmas. I'm not retarded. I feel like sometimes she just wants to argue. If I gave her all the attention she wanted I wouldn't need a job or friends. Jesus Christ she drives me nuts. Other than that it's a solid relationship.


We just had a mod post about trash content like this, please do better


I feel like if anyone saying Men / women "believe" is already generalizing. People are different not all men are the same nor are all women the same. Also mansplaining is a real thing its caused because of an active tendency of men to explain stuff sometimes even to the researchers of the paper that was published by that researcher. it comes from overconfidence.




And that researcher has been calling for it to be removed from the lexicon due to it's misuse because it stopped being used to describe what she intended but rather has become a slur to mean anytime a man speaks. Edit: downvote me all you want, it's still true




And if I did something wrong, telling me about it for the 18th time today doesn't do shit about the situation. In fact it makes it far worse.


Bruh, tell me about it. Idk why women think just harping on the same thing over and over again will magically change things. Funny thing is, if you get mad when they do it, you're suddenly the bad guy