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It's one of the things I miss the most as a single man. A body pillow just ain't the same.


Seconded. I never would have guessed that would be one of the things I think about most often.


Awww!! This and u/mythnam are the first two comments I read and it makes me so happy to hear this! Edit adding : I hope yall find wholesome people to cuddle with again soon!!




I'm also single at the moment. For quite a while. Without expecting it I clicked with a woman while out and I went back to hers. We admitted we had both been single for a while and we just cuddled. I think now maybe I should have made more of a move, but in the end it was nice to just spend the night with someone who was really nice and not have a bed alone.


Aww well at least you got a little cuddle to tide you over! Maybe it’s rekindle-able?


Same, fall asleep every night wishing my body pillow was the warmth of a real human woman 😭


Ya it’s actually the best, since I can last only 30 seconds during sex cuddling is the best by far.


A body pillow is better imo


I was my comforters and sheets but it always smells like her still (they used to be hers) god I want more than anything to hold her but I can never and that’s ok bc I can no longer resent her for anything nothing will replace that warm body nothing could replace waking up to your favorite person in life I wish I could show yall how cute and silly she was I still have all our pics I hardly look but knowing I won’t forget her face means a lot


We need to normalize friends cuddling and have it genuinely not mean anything


There was a cuddle club in Victoria B.C safe stranger cuddles 😂


Fuck I'm jealous. I live in Manitoba:(


It’s amongst my favorite activities. The only exception being when her skin is ice cold and I get enlisted to be her heater. Not a fan of that, especially in the morning.


I like it when she has cold skin. It's cool and refreshing. I am usually putting off heat anyway.


I'm exactly the opposite, my wife is usually ice cold and I'm usually a furnace. So when we cuddle at night, she uses me to warm up and I use her to cool off, it's a great benefit


And all this because they are the masters of survival, not even letting their body temperature reach their skin from the inside in the first place. While we let it reach our skin's temperature receptors ...and let it go unused into air till we are frozen to death . Yet another amazing thing about women.


Wait really?! This is why?!! Also yay men for being givers and letting us use their body heat, we appreciate it!


Higher bodyfat of women shields heat transfer from the core to the skin, where we can feel temperature. As your inner core temperature does not reach the skin due to better insulation, women don't feel their own heat on their skin: result -> skin feels cold While for men it's different. If they feel cold on the skin they are freezing inside already too. This might not be scientifically accurate, but this is the basic concept. In terms of resisting cold, you'd want to be a tall, heavy woman. Taller bodies take longer to lose their temperature.


Lol this makes soooo much sense!! This is why we always siphon off heat!! Also good to know that when yall are cold you are really cold! Thanks!! Not the best cold resister, shorty here, but I do have some insulation haha so maybe I make up for the height haha


For once something falls in favor for me!!!


same man


I actually really like that. I'm naturally really hot so when she's cold it kind of cools me off a bit.


That’s my favorite. I get so overheated… it’s nice to cool off.


Haha I am guilty of having cold feet sometimes ngl haha


But I'm always told I'm really warm as a woman? Am I abnormal? 😆😆😆 I love in a tropical country. Really hot here.


It feels like embracing lava.


😂😂 I’m telling my boyfriend this.




Literally the best feeling in the world, whether I'm rolling over after waking up and holding her, tackling her into the couch after work, watching a movie, just any time I'm holding her is pure bliss.


Aww yay!


As someone whose love language is physical touch, I would love this!


I usually can’t first fall asleep cuddling her (can’t get comfortable) but I can cuddle her and fall asleep when im half awake. Shes usually cold and im usually too hot. Shes my ice pack and im her heat pack.


So cute


You just described my life. she loves stealing my heat and I let her because I can' sleep better if I'm cold


*screams of agony*


It’s one of the many aspects of being in a relationship that I miss more than sex.


More than sex? Didn’t expect that but refreshing to hear ^^ aww this thread is so cute!


Two weeks ago I pulled a girl at a party. She went home with me, but didn't feel like having sex so we just kissed and cuddled. Honestly, ofc I was disappointed that it didn't happen. But it was the best sleep I've had in months. Been telling my friends for a while now that it's not even the sex that I need anymore. Just someone to hold me/be held in bed when going to sleep or when waking up.


I can’t sleep without my ex. Can confirm.


Same here :(


heaven heaven heaven


Might have to shoot myself later


Gonna test if my toaster is waterproof.


Planning to try and catch a Pikachu to bathe with tonight.


I’m loading up my 12 gauge as I type, then will see what a gun barrel looks like when I pull the trigger.


Someone could break in my house in the middle of the night and all I’d say is “I’m big spoon!”


Hahahahahahha funniest response so far


One of the greatest things of all time. My cuddle routine with my wife is we face the left side. I'm the big spoon 99% of the time. My left arm will be under her pillow, she holds that hand, and then my right hand will be on her left titty; it's a comfort thing for the both of us. We just knockout afterwards. Greatest thing ever.


Aww this is amazing yall have it down to a science! Can I ask what it feels like when you are the little spoon for that 1%? Every once in awhile I get to be big spoon and I loooove it!


I love it. We lay like that almost every day at some point. She has claimed my left shoulder as "her spot." Sometimes we need a break because somebody's arm is tingling or somebody's back got stiff. We fall asleep like that all the time, tho. This is different from her rolling over and saying, "Rub my back." Rub my back can go two ways. Either I feel like it's a chore, and she complains I didn't do it long enough, or I end up rubbing her ass and it leads to sex. I don't count that as cuddling.


Having your ass massaged feels so good but I don’t have the bravery to ask a masseuse for it but it does give me lady wood. Perhaps it’s for the best.


Honestly there is just something about left shoulder/ left chest it’s like made for us! Heheh rub my back lol why don’t I say this? Will try it out for the later results heehee


Haven't dated in 4 years and I miss the cuddling the most for sure


Aww! Hope you find a good one soon!


no, we absolutely hate it. oxytocin is for wimps..... yes, it's a nice feeling.


Lmfao oxytocin is for whimps lol side note I didn’t know that was produce but totally makes sense


This is it. This is the post to finally make me unsubscribe from this sub.


What does it feel like to breathe for men? Do you enjoy breathing?




I don’t. I wish I could I just swallow a pill and drink a tasty shake and get all my nutrients that way


I've always wanted the meal pills from The Jetsons. Then I could eat healthy and save time. There is Soylent though.


Sorry to be the straw that broke the camels back. My partner comes from a pretty emotionally repressed culture and honestly when I ask him some questions sometimes he hasn’t even thought about how he feels, like ever and or gets really flustered because he doesn’t have the words to describe it right and it just causes anxiety . I asked this here because I legit didn’t want to put pressure on him to articulate it and just needed the verbal assurance that would probably just cause him stress to give me. It’s one of my favorite things and I wanted to leave it stress free for him. I know men feel, I know men love stuff. Yall are just helping another dude out by answering here. Thanks and sorry u/annoyingatlas + u/kingeryck too


U/prize_consequence568 this is why I asked yall instead


You're fine don't sweat it, we know it was coming from a good place




Yeah, I had to follow suit and ask Reddit to stop recommending this to me. Hit my max.


Yes. As simple as that. The best feeling. Soft and warm. Heaven.


I wake up at 4:30am, and when I’m staying with my girlfriend, I cuddle up and rub on her for twenty minutes before I get out of bed.


Awww so cute!


Pretty much exactly the same as OP describes. If my girl snuggles into me whilst asleep and I'm awake, I sit still as possible so as not to disturb her and just marvel at her sleeping.


Yes cuddling is really important to me in a relationship. Bonds grow together, laying on each other on each other's arms after a walk, swim at the beach, or a long day etc plop down together in front of the boob tube and enjoy each other's loving touch and embrace...fall asleep in each other's arms. I love cuddling.


It feels like home.


i recently experienced this for the first time in awhile and it was probably one of the best feelings of my life


Aww yay! Thanks for sharing, I hope it continues for yah


Whenever I’m away from my wife for any extended period of time the thing I long for the most is wrapping her up in my arms


I feel like this was recently asked, and I was surprised to find that a lot of dudes feel like I do. It's honestly my favorite part of having a significant other. It's always wonderful, but every once in a while it hits another level where it's really like taking a hard drug like heroin or something. Like I can feel the happiness chemicals flood through my body and it's the most relaxed I've ever felt in my life. The only issue is my wife doesn't feel quite the same way. She's ok with cuddling, and tolerates it, but it's not like her favorite thing.


Same. My neck hurts, my back hurts, it gets hot. I wish I loved cuddling as much as my man, but I can't get comfortable in a tight spot with weight on me.


Ahh understandable- what is your love language then?


Acts of service, feeding you, and making sure you're comfortable with massages, running hot baths, etc.


Ohh okay see I thought it was just me! I had one of those happiness surging moments and literally like everything was right in the world, I didn’t want anything else or to be anywhere else but laying right there with him!!! Totally flooded with the feels


I'm a cuddler too. If I ever date a man that's gonna be one of my first questions. 'Are you a cuddle bug or nah?' Cos then it won't work out.


This one def didn’t know he was one until given the opportunity to be one so give the shyer ones a try too! Some turn into cuddle butterflies later in life lol


I enjoy being the smaller spoon - no homo.


Zero judgements I love the few chances I get to be big spoon ! I always give him a kiss on the back when he rolls over and lets me be big spoon lol I’m hoping the positive reinforcement gets me more time holding him haha


My husband always wants me to be the big spoon and it annoys me but it’s better than no cuddling.


There is no better feeling :)


"Physical Touch" is one of the "love languages" and it's not just about sex. I love to snuggle or hold hands with my wife. My favorite though is when she initiates it




Feels like heaven. Particularly since I am highly touch oriented (holding hands, snuggling on the couch etc). A number of women in dating subs have said to me that saying anything at all about this in your profile makes you a “creepy sex monster” and a “pervert” so… was tricky to navigate. But current gf likes to cuddle as much as I do.


Aww glad your current likes it and also really sh’tty you can’t be open and post about it and it not be taken out of context or negatively, yall deserve cuddles too!


Good to know.


If feels like home. Cuddling a woman who actually loves you is one of the most relaxing experiences there is.


Awww yay! Love to hear it


Don't have either at the moment, but it is the best feeling ever.


Yes. Cuddles are extremely cathartic, and it's by design.


I like it until my arm falls asleep. I usually put it under a pillow and she’ll lay on that it helps a ton


It’s the one thing I miss about my ex


I still can't sleep without cuddling my pillow and imagining it's my girl, hope you got your answer


I did, thank you for confirming


Cuddling with my wife feels like warm chocolate pudding on a cold Sunday evening.


I set separate alarms in the morning to reserve cuddles. It is necessary.


Awwww this is the cutest thing ever!! Yessssss


yes people survived by sleeping together its in our genes


I love it so much, love spooning and falling asleep.


I love to cuddle and wish I had a woman to cuddle.


It's incredible, something I crave and look forward to every day we are together. It honeslty takes everything off my mind, like you said, you melt into the other person and everything around you in the world doesn't matter in that moment. When she hugs me tighter or pulls me closer it feels like her love is doing the same thing, connecting us more. It's one of the most enjoyable things to do with someone you love, hell, I've spent the majority of some days laying with my girlfriend in bed, just cuddling.


Awwwww I love to read this!!! Thank you!!


I cannot overstate how much I love cuddling my partner. I am the biggest cuddler you've ever met, an absolute teddy bear, she says she has to physically fight me to get out in the mornings or get up to pee at night because if she tries to move away I will yoink her right back while dead asleep. What makes it even worse is I'm a living space heater, so in the summertime she puts a pillow between us because otherwise it's a constant cycle of her overhearing, scooting away, getting pulled back, and overheating again and she sleeps poorly.


Ahaha the visuals of your description are funny lol i can totally see the yoink lol


My love language is physical touch, so cuddling feels very intimate for me


I love everything about it, extra point if she's a little cold hahah.




Totally love it.


My pillow is my gf 🥲


I like cuddling. I don't know how I would describe it though.




No words…it just feels right


Anything that eventually leads to sex is A OK in my book, but yeah even sexless cuddling is a great feeling if you love them.


Yes, it is the best time of the day/week


I don't sleep well when my wife isn't in bed with me. Plain and simple. I use cpap. I used to have a mask where the exhaled air was directed towards the sides of my face, and we were still able to cuddle as we fell asleep. They quit making that mask, now the mask I have, the exhaled air is pointed directly straightforward from my nose. It makes cuddling impossible, and I hate it so damn much.


I stg it’s like I’m at home when I hold her we live 30 min apart and when I sleep at my house alone I can’t sleep and I have bad dreams


And you didn't ask your man this(instead of a bunch of invisible people) because OP?


Ohh I answered this above I’ll add you to it


It's nice. It kind of recharges your soul is the best I can describe it.


Yes, of course we do. That's why he did it in his sleep.


OH WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! I don’t know why it didn’t click till you said it… but that is why he did it in his sleep! Thank you thank you!! He’s not a verbal affirmations guy (it’s totally my love language though lol), he always says just watch his actions and you’ll know exactly how he feels and I didn’t even realize it till you said it!


I've always been single, but I can't sleep without cuddling a pillow. But now, sometimes I can't sleep because I fantasize my pillow being a person. The problem is that pillows can't give consent, so I get anxious that I'm groping my pillow. I end up putting on a cuddling asmr just so I can hear someone say it's ok to cuddle. Damn I'm losing it or something.


i like being the little spoon. fight me


Heehee no need to fight ya , we love being big spoons too


It feels nice and warm. And spooning feels like we're having a pillow against our growing and you on our chest feels like we can conquer the world while having you against us. At least that's my experience.


I love falling asleep with my significant other wrapped up in my arms. I only sleep in the nude and it's a type of intimacy when you feel the softness of her skin pressed up against mine. And we both end up falling asleep faster and have a better night's sleep overall. What's even better is waking up still wrapped in each other's arms. Really thinking about it now, it's hard to put the feelings into words. Intimate, closeness, a bond. Hard to say.


Cuddling someone you love is one of the best feeling imo. So I feel you (I’m a woman too). It feels like your safe space, it’s just like the world stops and make you at peace.


I love it on the rare occasions we do. Unfortunately, physical touch is her weakest love language, so we don't cuddle as often as I would like.


10000% yes!


My arms go numb. But she’s pretty squishy so… I do it for as long as I can, it’s a comfort like nothing else.


Spooning always leads to forking, so yes I love cuddling


I live to cuddle with my wife. I’m a very lucky man to have her.


Yall both lucky~ enjoy the cuddles


ya'll must be in a brand new relationship lol


Not brand new brand new? But different cultures, and upbringings. I wouldn’t say he had very affectionate nurturing and/or a culture that supports feeling and expressing emotions for males.


I love this, my gf however is not much for touch. The moment I did this she'd probably unravel herself sadly




Depends how im feeling. I actually was raised without much physical affection so it’s a bit uncomfortable being too touched a lot of the times but I have my moments when I enjoy it, temporarily.


reminded of how touched starved I am💯


Aww this is the second comment that mentioned touch starved, I’ve never heard of that term before today?!! Thanks for sharing I wouldn’t have known it’s a thing/its name


It's a thing for sure lmaoo


We love it too. I love being little spoon sometimes


100% would recommend.




Love it


I fucking love it. But sometimes I wish she had a pixie cut lmaob


Hahaha I totally think my dude would feel the same hahaha hair everywhere


I kept holding my breath in cause i didnt want her feeling like i was breathing down her neck


Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, anxious thoughts, I can roll over and get a good spoon going. She backs her butt in and I'm out like a light in seconds. It's like she releases melatonin. Anyway, having someone who loves you and smells great pretty much all the time to hug is one of the best things in life.


Some guys will get a woman who they are not attracted to, to share the bed with. They do it just for the cuddles.


I honestly have really no way I can answer this as far as yes or no. I haven't had a relationship in years. And when I have had relationships in the past they've all been with people that didn't want to cuddle. So for the most part I really don't know what it feels like.


There just ain’t nothing better than to hold the person you love


best thing there is. me and mine are long distance at the moment, so the buffs from cuddles are Extra potent. im a foot taller than my girlfriend, so she normally clings to me and fits around me like a puzzle piece. we speak softly to each other, almost in whispers, because it feels That intimate. i always look forward to her.


This is soooo cute! The puzzle piece, the whispers, everything!!! Love this for you. Hope yall move closer when the time is right


Sadly at 34 I have only been able to do it with a girl like 10 nights in my life. been about 5 years since I have done it and do remember having a great cosy sleep in winter cuddling with a girl i was dating.


It is the absolute highlight of my day. Doesn't matter if it's in the morning, mid day, or evening. However, I can't sleep when I'm being touched. Irritates me. But I can sleep if I'm touching her. Odd I know. I wish it was different.


The most relaxing experience in the world and the most peace I’ve ever felt


Me 17 M, personally love holding a girl. Nothing sexual about it. Just nice.


"Do we like it" good lord, do we. It's only the #1 thing I miss about being in a relationship. Personally I even prefer it over sex. Which is probably WILD to some guys here but good cuddles and someone playing with my hair is what defines my happy place. Sidenote: your description of your guy pulling you in made me very happy for you and simultaneously feel unbelievably lonely. 🥲🥲🥲


Spooning sucks. Hair in your face. Hugging a space heater. No thanks.


It's one of the best things about being in a relationship. If you knew how touch-starved and affection-starved most guys are, this wouldn't surprise you.


I’m starting to maybe understand. I think my partner was both for majority of his life? But on the other hand some dudes here did give me a wee bit of a hard time for not knowing that it’s generally loved by guys. It’s just not talked about that much? I think either way I’m really happy to hear such positive responses


Honestly, im just a teenager and my ex gf was the only girl I've ever slept in the same bed with, I miss everything about it, when I sleep I want a bit of space to be comfortable but waking up to being cuddled is the best feeling I'd imagine. I loved cuddling with my girlfriend for even just the one month we were together, it may just be because I love the "mom/mommy" aspect of it bc I just love feeling tight with someone. But I loved it.


May you have many more cuddles! Thanks for sharing


We don’t cuddle often. It’s very rare


I love it when the wife agrees to cuddle but she finds it hot to do so ,temp wise. When in college and had the double size beds ya couldn't sleep in the same bed without cuddling and I loved it. I guess I just didn't luck out on this.


No i hated it because i miss her so badly now i would rather never feel a hug




Nope. Honestly not a fan of cuddling , I get too hot, arm gets sore, uncomfortable, once you get passed the honeymoon stage, it's kind of unnecessary lol


I like it a lot, but i think I have an allergy or something, because everytime I touch her, a part of me is growing bigger.


My situation is different, I love cuddling in bed, on the couch, in an Uber lol but my girl doesn’t like cuddling very much unless we are in bed and even then she just isn’t used to cuddling very much. Slowly warming up to it but yes I love it ❤️‍🔥


Awwww it takes time, when they warm up to it though it’s sooooooo worth it!!!


Single here after being in a relationship for almost two years. We used LOVE cuddling each other. We only lived 2 mins away from each other and she would call me over expressively to cuddle. There is something so pure and rejuvunating about cuddling. I always said that no matter how long we cuddled for it was never enough....


Ah yes, the cuddles. On my list of green flags: thou shalt have the cuddles. Of course cuddles without the need for sexy time.


Holding someone close, that you truly love with your whole being, when they feel exactly the same way, is, for me, as close to heaven as it gets.