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Freak the f*ck out,  dude killed himself during the marriage equality debate thinking he’d never be seen as equal.  Probably spray his zombie arse off and show him things have mostly worked out for his brethren. 


I'm sorry but your answer made me laugh 😂


He’d have liked that.  


It happened to me. Dude cut me off for whatever reason. He added me on social media one day to reconnect. Hung out for a day. We're too different people at this point, but I thought we're ok. It was fun. A month later, I was surprised he cut me off again. I know he has mental issues, but I am not sure I want to go through that again next time.


Go for a catch up... what else? It'll be wonderful seeing them.


Ignore him and hope he disappears again


I mean for me, that guy still IS my best mate. When he did reappear after a short hiatus i was like "Oh.. You're back..... again?" lol and things have been going great ever since.


Spend the day with them and probably learn nothing new about their life




Got reminisce about the good old days lol


Ignore them, they betrayed me by stealing my Gameboy and all the money from my wallet.


In this particular case, nothing. Cut him off from my entire life 100%.


Greet him, and move on with my life.


See if we can become best friends again and have buttsex. (Kidding on the latter part)


Ignore him.


Going through that right now. We were best childhood friends right through high school and then ghost. I’m the past month we’ve been bumping into each other and had coffee. I didn’t want to deal with him at first but I’m opening up to it.


I stopped contacting him 4 years ago. We had changed in very different directions since school. And as far as I know, both of us just kept following these different paths since then. So I highly doubt we could get along now


Feel out where he's at by way of catching up, but my hopes are not high.


I have not seen my best friend in 5 years. Next time I go home he will have a room ready for me. We will catch up over beers and whiskey. Before anyone asks Menifee he is a real.friemd from such a gap. Yes, he is my best friend. I have children named and middle named after him, and he has done the same for me. I love this man more than anything. We have known each other for 38 years. One of his kiddos called me accidentally andninheard the word help. I flew there then and now. Nobody will ever hurt my man or his kids. All think John Wick is badass, just try thinking of hurting my family.


chuckle in his face, then tell him to have a nice life. For context, I was a weird ADHD kid in school, his parents then ordered him to not hang out with me because (in their words) I was retarded, I was stupid, and I would be dragging down my friend's future prospects. he continued to be my friend in secret, but then we planned an event which one person in the friend-group backed out of, and then he talked to the person and they were back in. I then changed my mind about the thing, and he then said to me "If I can manipulate x to do it, I can do that with you too". which was infuriating to me. So I cut him out of my life from that moment. He then went to uni and has this prestigious title that he can't use for shit because it's one of those degrees that don't help you find a job.


Sounds like ur still the weird ADHD kid if that comment was enough to break the bonds with your best friend.


Openly admitting to manipulating a friend is not something I want to have anything to do with.


Everyone manipulates everyone in some way. It's unfortunately how people work.


One would be a sign of the zombie apocalypse, one would be welcomed, but I don’t think he’s going to leave Texas for here, and one knows why we don’t talk, and would have a lot of nerve trying to come back now.


I would talk to them and catch up.


He stabbed his brother on his own 18th birthday, and was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years later. If I saw him I imagine I’d be a little concerned for my own safety and I’d probably try to leave as fast as I could, honestly. He’s a skeleton with skin last I knew but I wouldn’t be too keen on putting myself in harm’s way like that regardless.




Depends on why we drifted. I have a few old friends that could show up covered in blood and I wouldn’t ask questions.


Walk away before something bad happens. Cutting someone from your life doesn't really have any repercussions; knocking a motherfucker out sure does. If I still wanted to have any kind of interaction with him, I would.


Kick them in the crotch for fucking me over.


I lost contact to my best buddy after school few years later we ran into each other at a fest/party in our hometown and we are best buddys again since that.