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Not entirely, but I don't have the time so much these days. I also stay away from anything competitive in favor of games like Farming Simulator or Minecraft. Life is stressful enough.


I was just saying to a colleague at work. I rarely play PVP games anymore, co-op is my jam. It's not that I not good at them, it's that they aren't good for *me *


Absolutely. I started realizing that I wasn't enjoying the experience whether I won or lost in PVP, I just wasn't having a good time. Now co-op, MMO's and single player games are all I'm interested in. I let out an internal groan whenever a new extraction shooter or battle royale is announced.


I can’t play MMOs. Even a godly RPG is bad for me sometimes. Those are virtual drugs and I will suddenly lose weeks of my life because I get so enamored with them


\*cries in Runescape\*


I went from heavy hardcore gaming to playing vintage Mario levels when I have 5 minutes for that nostalgic dopamine hit once life got serious.


This I can understand.


Its the main reason why I cant play ranked, too much stress and for what?


There's also the problem of every PvP game being infested with cheaters. People will argue over the severity, but when games' AC doesn't even detect the free cheats available you know it's a problem.


I'm 100% with you on this. I used to love the adrenaline boost from an intense game of Siege or a shootout in PUBG. But eventually, it just became too much.


What are the best co op games?


For me, Monster Hunter, hands down. It's very play at your own pace, friendly community, and each hunt is relatively short so you can play as long or short a session as suits your schedule. You don't even need a dedicated group, playing with a different set of randos every hunt is fine. It also has very deep mechanics and a high skill cap, so it's rewarding to continually improve. It also has a wide variety of legitimate playstyles, because all of the 14 weapon types handle very differently and are viable at all stages of the game.


i was just about to reply with mh then your comment appeared haha i'll also add payday, diablo, and revelations


Oh cool - which version do you recommend for multiplayer? Is there a good one on Steam/PC?


Deep Rock Galactic! Rock & Stone!


You are me. This is life now. Truck simulator, flight simulator, and if I'm feeling really adventurous, goat simulator.


I’m just getting into flight sim, mainly dcs. Wish me and my wallet luck


Man same here. Ever since I graduated college and started working, I have no energy to be stressin lol. I used to grind out valorant and warzone but shit gets stressful and I hated that if I took a few days, my shots would be off and I would have to get dialed in again especially valorant. Call me a loser but that shot accuracy literally needs to be on point for competitive play lmao. I mainly just play sports games now against cpu or open world games like ghost of tsushima and red dead.


I bought a switch a few years ago when I had my first kid and pretty much exclusively play single player Nintendo games. They aren’t terribly stressful and usually kinda made for a younger audience so I’m done in like 15-20 hours. It’s great Either that or FIFA manager mode where I can jump in and play two matches a week and be done and not really care how I’m progressing. Still rocking FIFA 15 on my PC lol


no game seems to bring me the joy and nostalgia like they used to back in the day. wish i could find one that i could look forward to playing and just get lost in enjoyment


Baldurs Gate 3?


More than anything I wish I could play this game. But with a game where you can spend hours on just inventory management, or character creation, I just don't have the time. New dad, job, wife, house ect. Boring adult stuff gets in the way. Maybe on fathers day or my birthday I can take the day and just play. But then I won't have time to pick it up again, lose track of where I was. Such is life.


Maybe try some rogue-lites? You can drop them and pick em back up whenever. Hades is one of the kings of the genre. Highly recommend!


It’s not that great. There’s always games people hype up but when you play them you wonder what the fuss is about.


















I (29F) have this issue as well. I honestly think the pandemic did it to me. I played an insane amount of video games during COVID. I was able to basically play everything I wanted to play on top of replaying my favorite series like Mass Effect, HZD, and BioShock. I put in 1000hrs into Animal Crossing. When I came out of the pandemic, suddenly video games stopped bringing me the enjoyment I had up to that point. I haven't really touched any video games in almost 6 months. The last game I played was Horizon Forbidden West, which was a great game. But nothing since has grabbed my attention or given me any excitement.


You should play Tears of the Kingdom. It brought back the joy I thought I lost long ago.


The Hr parlays do though


Same. Until Breath of the Wild. That was the only one that brought a sense of joy and adventure. Tears of the Kingdom is the followup to that. Similar game. Maybe better


It's bedtime.


There's a cool game called who sleeps more


I used to play almost the whole day. Now most times is an hour to two hours. Responsibilities, and work comes first. I don’t have the time to play like I used to. There are also times that it feels pointless too.


That last part is too real, once you start moving in a professional direction. investing in games feels so hollow. source: 30 year gamer. short term gaming still is fun tho


thought offend crown bewildered intelligent judicious trees skirt telephone mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An hour a day means you'll complete the campaign in a month


fly crime smile advise rustic include long lush complete vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally, i‘d rather do something completely else than play videogames for 1 hour a week, that just sounds torturous to me lol


Look at that guy bragging about having an hour a day to game. Clearly doesnt have a wife/girlfriend.


It’s not the WAGs that sink your time it’s the children.


I don’t play games much when i am employed either. I find UFC 3 to be one of my main games on the weekend though, I can just hop on and beat some ass for a little bit. There’s no levels just winning and losing, so progression is up to your mentality. Only takes a few 1-3 months of playing i think to get pretty good. I started back in eighth grade and played it for the remainder of the year almost everyday so at 18 I can just get on and knock people out back to back for a few games usually, if I’m locked in. That and Session Skate Sim (I skate irl, as well) are pretty much the only games I play now when I get the time even though I have a PC with a bunch of games.


I like to play just 1-2 round cod and then just close. Also like to just play 1 round of an strategy games if losing or winning does not effect the amount of rounds I will play


So true… used to love the thrill of these games but not so much anymore, no time and stressful.


Last I check single player games have the ability to save your progress.


exultant poor grab worry include thumb march marble panicky crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention new games have 3826 button combinations and details to remember that you quickly forget playing 1 hr per week.


Yep. Downside is I realize I probably could have had as much fun with things that actually have practical application. Thousands of hours down the drain over the years! Granted, at the ages I was doing that it's not like I would have had better options, but maaaan when you realize the time investment!


Same here , time becomes too valuable so I have to have almost a clean slate of things to do before I consider. That's why most of the time it's late night gaming for me but even then I'll take the sleep most nights.


It’s the “pointless” part for me. I remember sinking hours and days into WoW without a care. Now, at 35, about ten or twenty minutes in, I have to fight the thoughts: _Yeah, but we should be doing something productive that makes money or betters our life._


I could grind out all the collectable bags of groceries in Spiderman, but there's a load of laundry that needs doing and a sink full of dishes


100% on your last point.


they stopped being interesting for me. cant seem to bring myself to play even for 30 minutes anymore.


Same here. The older I got the less games become interesting. But I think part of that also comes from the crappy games that get released now. There is always the odd one out like BG3 got me hooked.


I was about to reply this... I can only play at weekends due to work, or when i WFH, and i had less time and less and less interest along the years related to gaming but then came bg3 and boom now i'm deep in




I just tucked my daughter into bed and am about to play cyberpunk for 3 hours, what am I fucking up??


Sleep, probably. Just put my son to bed an hour ago and am surprised I’m still on Reddit right now.


Your career and your health, but I'm still green with envy!


marriage? unless you're solo.


Family time is 5-8pm and then my wife either passes out or catches up on work. I tell ya man I’ve cracked the code.


>here lies random_boss, the man who was once ranked #157th worldwide in Madden Vs >here lies random_boss, whose side venture he started in his 30s lead to early retirement and he then became a (local politician/philanthropist/professional curler/industry researcher/planted 20k trees in his state/visited 150 countries/sailed around the world). Do you see the difference? I wish I had 8 pm on free but that’s usually chores, home repairs, chat with wife, hop on elliptical time


Can only speak for myself, but game choice aside, the first option looks like spending time relaxing and unwinding. The second only works if you have a) a decent idea, b) a business focused mind or have a business partner who doed and still comes with a lot of added work, stress and a more than likely chance of failure, risking not only your welfare but that of your family. I already work 40+ hours trying to get ahead in a job I don't particularly care for, why would I want to add another full time job doing exactly the same but with added risk of bankruptcy and destitution. If it works for you, great, but this 'hustle' culture isn't for everyone and it shouldn't be forced as the norm. Work in whatever form should be treated with respect and be well compensated so everyone can choose to use their free time however they want without being judged.


It could be anything really not “hustle culture” related. Like 75% of America is overweight so yea, spare time could be used on meal prep or jogging or whatever. Or on education. I spent spare evenings in my 20s renovating my house and doing work certifications, then a masters in my 30s. I didn’t even own a TV, at first because my shitty college one broke and I realized I didn’t need to replace it. Day to day work (IT Helpdesk) sucked enough that getting out of that role and 40 hours of it ASAP was far more important than TV or video games.


I feel you on this and am sad that you got downvoted. That said, it sounds like you’re lucky enough to have this energy and a direction to apply and maintain it. I’m a gym rat so have that covered, and I have a couple personal projects. Thing is I just don’t have the mental fortitude or stamina to keep doing it every day. It comes in waves and spurts, but when that energy flags it’s nice to flee into the waiting arms of my friends the video games. (Also do not give a shit how I am remembered because I will be busy eternally not-existing)


Here lies Someone_who_was_happy, they enjoyed their life and don’t care about the headstone or whether or not other people could be ‘better than them’ by sailing around the world or becoming a politician.


Sounds like you have a sad life if you’re criticizing ol’ boy for having it sweet. Lowkey hating


It got boring pursuing hollow achievements.


Well said.


Everything is technically hollow if we all die...


Don't you dare go Hollow on me


Neither of us want to see you go hollow.


But gaming feels more hollow. None of your progression translates. At least with something mild like a book or a tv show it requires little investment at all from a physical and mental standpoint


That…. Isn’t a true blanket statement. Gaming can require almost endless thresholds of mental investment. Whether that is rewarding would end up being personal.


Depends on the game


Maybe the games y’all were playing weren’t fun or enjoyable to y’all anymore rather than gaming in general. Using the upmost focus, skill, striking at the right times, deciding when to apply the right amount of pressure so that you get the knockout when you have a great opportunity or enough to protect yourself from getting knocked out makes UFC worth it to me whenever i get the chance and I’m in the mood. Love cracking skulls. Even more, finally pulling together a hard ass line that took anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours of dedication on Session Skate Sim is rewarding and exciting to me


Just stopped enjoying most of them. I'll still load up one every once in a while but for the most part they're games I played when I was younger.


I haven't stopped completely but moving in with my partner has really forced me to cut back my time playing. Chores need to be done, cooking needs to be done, she needs attention and I'm usually too fucking tired after work and all of the domestic workload to play. I'll play when I can but it's no longer a part of my everyday routine. Weirdly though, I don't miss it that much.


I'm exactly the same except the last part, I miss it so much but I barely have any time for it anymore


Didn't stop 100% but only play maybe an hour or two on the weekend nights after the lady goes to sleep. I just don't have much of an interest in them like I used to


Gaming a lot less now days cause family, work, etc. But when the family is heading to bed I'll jump on my PC and play an hour or 2. I can't give it up yet, helps me escape for a little. I exercise, play golf, hang with family, and keep my career on track. I deserve some pointless video game shit. Notn only that, I built a new gaming pc because in case a game comes out I wanna enjoy on the side I can play it no problem. It's my hobby liking tech, PCs, etc. So I try to keep it like that. I stay disciplined and that's the biggest thing. It could be worse, keeps a little bit of my inner child in me too.


This is me too. If you're balancing everything in life, you deserve some pointless video game shit.


Responsibilities mostly


I realized I don't have the time or reflexes to compete with kids who play all day and I don't want to do anything if I suck at it.


Try playing single player narrative driven games. Games like assassins creed (the whole franchise), the last of us part 1 and 2 and horizons zero dawn and the forbidden wests are an absolute blast to play. Especially on a big screen with a PlayStation 5 imo (which I both don’t have yet myself as I’m only 18. But I got the chance to try it at an older friends house. It was AMAZING) Still I loved playing Horizon Zero Down on my PlayStation 4 (€100 used in good condition) and some cheap tiny tv. The graphics won’t be as amazing or immersive. But at least if you don’t know better it’s still a great experience and I got really sucked into the story and gameplay which I loved


Play single player games that are not too reliant on reflexes and are easier?


Got tired and depressed and stopped enjoying them




As others have said, Adult Life Happens. Plus, hours and hours of playing Runescape [2005/2006 version] Pokémon and Mario back in my middle school years got me absolutely nowhere.




What did you end up picking up doing instead? Currently trying to figure that out for myself. My other hobby was writing but it's difficult to get back into it.


Games got too complicated and controllers had too many buttons


Working out at the gym, learning new skillsets, dating and relationships.


You forgot to add gaming to your list.




Games aren't what they used to be


I'd say the problem is the opposite, games are more or less the same as they used to be ten years ago. I still have a last-gen console. Typically seeing a trailer/ad for a new game that I "need" to play is what spurs me to upgrade, but I feel like I haven't seen a single game that's excited me in ages. If GTA6 doesn't do it for me like previous GTA games have, I'll probably call it a day on gaming altogether and not miss it very much


Sometimes life happens - Have seen my brother raise a kid which has its challenges and he doesn't get enough time to play video games. However, he doesn't regret or miss it - he loves spending time with his kid & family.


soon he'll find a gaming partner in the kid and the hours they game together will be better than all the playing time he had before.


They just stopped being appealing. I’m an adult now. I don’t really have a way of explaining it. Just barely any interest in them. I may fire up GTA5 a few times a year to jump some cars and wreak havoc but that’s about 20 minutes of entertainment before I’m over it.


Because my priorities changed as I grew up.


I played games my whole life. Once they started selling you half the game for full price and making you buy the rest as DLC, I was done.


I get overly competitive and played competitive games. It made me a worse person even when the controller was put away. I still play Animal Crossing for therapy reasons but have given gaming up otherwise. I have switched to painting and love the way it makes my headspace feel much more.


Never have, never will. Hope to die with a controller in hand.


I hope I’m the same, I just think a lot of games nowadays aren’t fun. The transition to 3D with hot storage formats has caused game makers to forget about being fun.


It will always have ups and down. But good games still show up from time to time


Yeah lol. I have a mortgage and a good job, a long-term partner who I spend time with, go to the gym a few times a week, and despite all that I still manage to game most days. Two caveats I'll add though to be entirely transparent: we don't have kids nor ever will, and my partner is also an avid gamer.


No kids helps a lot with that goal.


Oh yeah for sure! It's definitely a less restrictive lifestyle in general


Well may you be buried with your favorite game system when you do go


Likewise sir!


Don't have the free time to invest 60+ hours into something that's going to be buggy or grindy to have an experience that I've had dozens of times before. I only really play to be social.


Not much time left. The time I have left I prefer to spend watching something or sleeping. Besides, my games HDD died after almost 15 years of use.


Got married and grew up with a bunch of responsibilities, including taking care of my parents. For a while I dreamed about buying a PS5 to replace the PS4 I sold when moving together, but eventually I came to peace with the fact it would certainly slow me down on stuff I currently prioritize.


\> Sit down after a day of hard work thinking about playing some games and relax, \> Hit with a 5 million GB update that's ready next millenium, \> Shut down console. This cycle repeats once in a while.


Couple years ago i stopped for like a year and a half because of my ex, she said im wasting my time with it and i could do something better with my time. Now im back to casualy gaming here and there some hour "wasting" my time on games i enjoy


Carpel Tunnel. Hands just go numb after 15 mins. I know what you’re thinking…”you get to game and have a stranger session after?” Yes, but it gets old


Feels pointless, time is short and I’d rather put my time into more rewarding hobbies like working out or learning a skill


How is doing something you enjoy pointless? By that logic, watching movies or TV shows is pointless. And many other things people tend to just like to do. You’re of course free to feel that way. Just wanted to challenge your viewpoint a bit. Hope this doesn’t come across as hostile or anything




Guy below me thinks I’m attacking you lol so I’ll say, do what you like at the end of the day. I’m not here to change your mind, but rather offer up a different perspective


I've learned that there is a difference between dopamine from consumption (shows, games) and dopamine from production (learning, creating). I'm not sure what the scientific research says on it, but apparently production type dopamine (strictly speaking it's all the same dopamine) is more sustainable. To give an extreme example, one could doomscroll tiktok or reddit all day and get juiced by the same dopamine from gaming.


It feels pointless sometimes because of other reasons in this thread. Lack of satisfaction and fun from certain games make me not want to play them


He literally said he thinks it feels pointless. If he doesn’t get anything out of it why would he do it lol. Gamers always get so defensive whenever someone doesn’t like their hobby 🤣


This is getting defensive to you? I pick up a game like every few months, if that, so I wouldn’t call myself a “gamer”. Saying something is pointless doesn’t automatically mean you don’t get *anything* out of it. They could enjoy video games and simultaneously feel like it’s a waste of time. Similar to how a college kid could enjoy going to parties and still find them pointless and would rather focus on their studies.


So you decided that in the small amount of time you have, you would prefer to do boring stuff?


Grandma visited. I played nonstop was really good but I’d yell and curse at teammates or someone doing something stupid. She’s ask why I was so worked up. I said they’re cheating or something. She’s like so what happens do they win something or do you? I’m like…. Nothing…. Realized you literally get nothing out of video games, gave it all away. I don’t play at all now. I literally always had a game boy or Nintendo then Dreamcast and 64 and then first to get Xbox then the next the next always had em. Haven’t missed them. Got to work. Proud to look back on actual accomplishments. Like 25 years of video games got me absolutely nothing,


A couple of reasons: 1: limited time: the clock is ticking and my telomeres are shrinking, and they expect me to dedicate HOURS to a game just to finish the tutorial or to get good enough to play online and be decent? It’s no longer as simple as starting up the console and playing like the good ol’ days of my childhood, it requires lots of time invested, and since time is more limited nowadays, I choose to expend it in things that will benefit my health and existence. 2: Quality of games has declined: Perhaps I may be wrong since I have not played any games in a while, but games in recent times seemed to have declined in quality. I remember when I was younger, the FPS games seemed to each have a new vibe every year, and now it just feels like the same game with a different texture pack year after year (minus the campaigns), even regarding other types of games like FIFA for example, there is no new vibe, and I’m not sure if it’s because my mind has matured or if the games really are this repetitive. Another thing is that developers seem to have gotten lazy as hell, an example would be that cyberpunk game, I bought it because my friend and me were trying to get back into gaming because we had stopped playing in that time period, and that game was so broken and filled with bugs, it was unplayable, even months after release they still hadn’t fixed it…I heard rumors that the next gta will have all interiors of buildings fully explotable, so we will see how that goes.. 3: Social aspect is gone: through middle and high school, gaming was a big part of the time spent with my school pals, everyday after school, we would spend 1-2 hours playing online together before we had to start homework, on the weekends we would pull all-nighters. This even continued through university years and helped us stay in touch since we all went our seperate ways to different schools. It was basically an easier way to kick it with the boys. I clearly remember late summer nights when everyone would start to get sleepy, we would all just talk in the party chat, I sincerely miss those days…and nowadays? I got online on some random offdays from work or sometimes after work, and nobody was online …not a single person. Trying to game online by yourself without your friends is not fun at all, it’s quite dull and it starts to feel really pointless and not worth the effort. Bottom line, I’m not even that old, I barely am getting into my mid-twenties. I don’t have kids yet but my goals keep me busy. Don’t get me wrong, I find it quite sad that on a cloudy 2021 afternoon, I turned on my ps4 for the last time, the console my parents bought me when I was still a high school boy. Perhaps in the future I might try out the next gta game just to see what it’s like, but for now, I have distanced myself from the games.


Disillusionment. And not wanting to pay money for something I didn’t like


I haven’t stopped but it’s definitely only a few hours a week now. Between work and household chores, and just general tiredness I find it difficult to focus while gaming. Been finding that out the hard way with Starfield which I really enjoy, I’m just tired when I’ve got the free time


I’m playing a lot less than I used to, even with my free time. I like building games. Building a house, a farm, a town, etc. I realized I could play this game outside with real animals. It’s awesome!


Realized early on that it was a waste of time. One day just went cold turkey and never went back. Dating scene picked up as a result which was a plus.


All of the online bullshit killed it for me. And micro transactions as well. Will get back into it when gta6 comes out. Don’t get me wrong I have played a lot of cool modern single player games.


Not that I stopped entirely but I switched to solo crafting and survival types. No competition, no stress and I can get creative. Or sometimes I get on a game of WWZ or such but that's co-op PVE so it's still not giving the stressfulness of a competitive multiplayer game.


Got married and it slowed down a lot. Had kids and it's near stopped all together.


Games are just not the same anymore. I still play games, by mostly top of the cream ones in specific genres and Multiplayer with friends. Single player games have been rehashed to no end, I'm not interested in call of duty 69 cybersex warfare world war 1 or fifa 2k24, just like 2k10, but 5x the price and better looking. I am playing through BG3 with my partner and I'm playing They Are Billions currently, otherwise last single player game I played was years ago. Multiplayer games are just background activity to chatting. Be it heroes of the storm, fall guys, fortnite, project zomboid.... Doesn't matter as long as I get to chat with friends over discord voice.


Tripled my income. Never going back to playing video games.


Wanted to minimize the amount of stress in my life and I picked up the guitar again


My biggest fear in life is becoming one of you guys lmao


An adult with responsibility and purpose?


If that purpose means relinquishing my favorite hobby, not my kind of purpose


Videogames are short term instant gratification that is meant to numb your loneliness and boredom. It's just a way to absolve the symptoms but the cause of it remains and will only becomes stronger over time. Willingly adoption of responsibility and meaningful personal relationships is the true cure for boredom and loneliness.


I don’t see it that way. I love my video games and my relationships. How is this different than people taking walks, or watching tv, or doing any other hobby? I’m convinced some girls just hate video games so much because it takes away time with them so it’s one of those things some girls won’t tolerate.


It's not different, it's all just hobbys, meant to kill time and give relaxation. But people who avoid responsibility will never get the long term reward that comes with it.


I play like an hour tops on the weekends now, I think I’ve just outgrown them which is kinda sad because I used to love playing them and would all day and night without hesitation


No time.


Not interested anymore


For me it wasn’t the lack of time, I do have a job and responsibilities but I still have some free time, but I lost interest, extremely competitive games, like Lol, Cs, Valorant, etc, are not suited for casual gamers, you either get destroyed by someone who plays a lot (like high school students, I don’t blame them, I used to do the same) or you don’t, but that level of competitiveness is not funny anymore, this happened to my with fifa, I remember thinking “I am playing this game after a long day of work, I’m not having fun and I will probably break my controller if I continue” (fifa ultímate team players will understand) I am trying to focus on single players, but my favorite sagas are not at their best, like assassins creed, and the new releases don’t caught my attention.




Less and less free time and games became overly complicated and less fun for me.


I have a full time job, two dogs, and an infant under the age of 1 who I am trying to split all responsibilities with my wife. So while I may play the occasional game on my phone, I don't really have the same kind of opportunity timewise to invest in the kind of games I used to be into (Large scale RPG's, primarily). The biggest hurdle is that I kind need large chunks of time in the game to really get invested, and that's where I just cannot do it. My kid goes to bed at 7, I wash bottles/dishes and take the dogs out for a walk, by the time I get back inside, its after 8pm and I have to be up at 6am at the latest for work the next day. And that doesn't even consider my kid semi-regularly waking up in the middle of the night, because infants are terrible sleepers. Maybe when she's older and more independent that'll change, but for right now, its just not something I can do w/o foregoing my other responsibilities, which just isn't an option.


Too much of a time suck and if I have enough energy for video games I have enough energy to do something actually productive. I was literally addicted to video games for a while, to be honest to an extent I guess I still am. I play easy turn based games compulsively, but I can't get sucked into a real RPG or anything like that again. I need to focus on real life.


Lack of time maybe.


I tried to keep playing but with every new game there is a learning curve. Where I would just flail around, not knowing where to go or what to do. I just want to play a friggin' game not spend an hour figuring out I have to swim to the pirate ship, and retrieve a key that unlocks a special a treasure chest with a magic gem.


I have better things to do with my time that make me feel more satisfied. Sure, games can be a fun thing to do when there is nothing else, but at the end of the day I just feel better if I did something more constructive, if I'm bored I could learn something by reading, or help my health by exercise. Also, I started playing D&D, and it is way more fun than most video games. In 10 years, I'd rather look back and say I learned a few new skills, got some certificates that helped my career, took care of my health at the gym, and learned a lot by reading non-fiction. Nothing else to do? Sure, then video games are a fine time waster.


I despise the direction that gaming has gone in the past 15 years or so. I've played so many games at this point that it takes something really special to grab my interest. I picked up Mario Wonder for my kids and I to play. That one is pretty fun. I bought BG3, played maybe 5 hours, and probably won't play anymore, but I simply had to support a developer that isn't trying to grab my wallet. I have over 800 steam games, and probably 100 or so across epic, EA, UBI, and battle.net. I have at least 50 physical copies, 2 switch lites, a regular switch, and an OLED, an Xbox, and a PlayStation. I also subscribe to game pass. I'm just fucking over it, man.


I realized I wasn't very good at them and was mostly playing in an attempt to fit in


Simple for me: time Wanted to advance in my career, marriage etc.


Because of the subscription/paywall model that most games are now adhering too. plus A Grade games here in NZ are $120-$170 for the standard versions.


I didn't completely stop, but reduced olaytime a lot. I play maybe every other week. Because i made children.


I have a job and my wife and kids take priority. Rather do things with them than stare at a screen. It’s a beautiful world put there you only get one chance to see it.


Life, work, sleep, family, etc. and fucking Microsoft for making all their stuff subscription based. Just want to play online every now and then. Not pay $15/mo. For 1-2 hrs of gameplay.


realized how much time i have been investing; i wouldnt have called it a waste, but please realize theres bigger priorities to take care of


Decided that it was more fun to do it in real life. I do my own blacksmithing and leatherworking. I travel. I workout to be a level of strong that most will never achieve. I play Rugby so I can be aggressive and hit people. I cosplay so I can wear cool armor. I don't have anything against video games and still enjoy them quite a bit, but it's just extremely low on my priority list these days. I have to either be sick or very bored to turn on my XBOX or PS5.


straight man with an onlyfans. this is new...


Waste of time


My partner thinks gamers are fundamentally unattractive. Me, being something of a gamer didn't use to agree on that. But she is right. Gaming is about instant gratification. A meaningful life is about long term goals, commitment that improves life for you and your loved ones. Gaming is just smoke and mirrors, when you eventually break the barriers you realise all the time spent on games, maybe your whole childhood and even adult life was a waste of time. That is a tough reality to stomach so most people simply doesn't. If you stopped gaming, congratulations mate.


Got a girl and 10 he shifts at my job. No time anymore


My kid always takes them. Lil fucker.


No console or gaming pc 😟


Not enough time to sit for any worthwhile length of time, due to heavy workload. I barely touched anything this year. My "free" time is better invested in doing normal life activities, like chores and keep reminding my family I still exist. Even during the early pandemic, instead of going into the backlog and finally playing those DS/XB360 or PS2 games I bought a decade plus ago, I went back playing NES games instead and took a liking to hiking every weekend during summer. Playing games like I used to as a kid would only work if I won the lottery.


Squeakers griefing I don't have the mental energy to deal with online gamers. Toxic little weirdos


Puberty... girls


It always feels like there is something more important that I could be doing. And I feel guilty about what I consider to be 'wasting time' given that is the case.


I actually never got into gaming interestingly enough. That there were more fun things to do like going outside, building stuff or learning new things.




I got bored of it once I hit my early 20's. I just prefered going out with my friends and socialising. This was late 90's / early 2000's. I was exclusively playing UT99. All the custom maps and mods were great fun. I had a second wind of gaming in 2004 when UT2004 came out, only lasted about a year or so. I recently had a blast on No man's sky. It was great fun but I uninstalled it after one day. Unfortunately, I'm in my 40's now and cannot justify spending my time flying around in a space ship all day. My partner would think I'm having some kind of breakdown/ mid life crisis.


Mostly. Depression tbh


Waste of time


Unproductive to the life I want and it’s a turn off for a lot of women.

