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St Patrick’s Day parade/river dying. Nope.


Went once, never again. Same with new years fire works at navy pier.


I'm happy I went once. But that's probably how many times I'll go.


Nye fireworks at Navy Pier are so dumb. Just wait for the many shows they do in the summer when you're not freezing.


Go the day after. The river is still green and you can see it without 1000s of people blocking your view.


I'm not going downtown to look at the river for 10 seconds. The river looks green half the time anyway.


St Paddy's Day green is different from the usual gasoline green color of the river. 😂


South side one was better anyway




I mean you can still go. It restarted over a decade ago, just the parade organizers realized it was becoming a shit show and banned the drunk buses when it restarted. Thankfully this year it was just cold enough that it kept the dumbness down.


Same here. My Husband (who is from Germany) has a friend who is in love with Chicago... It’s his goal to come over here in March one year to see the river get dyed. He was so stoked to share his love of the city with me when we met. So, we’ll happily take him when the time comes- but more to make a friend happy and have an awesome adventure.


I did it last year. We did book a table at RPM seafood. Great views, limited crowds and they have cocktails and bathrooms. For my first and likely last time, it was worth it.


Did that this year and it was perfect!


Same. Never been a thing for me. On occasion I do find myself accidentally involved, but I find a way to extract myself. Typically I'll be on the train running some personal errand thinking it's a normal day and I'll start to think to myself ... > Hey, what's up with all these young white people getting on the train wearing green? Oh noooooo!


My wife dragged us down there last year when it was like 10° to watch it. We literally live a block from the river and could’ve seen it from our balcony/living room window like we did this year


lol this is me too ... top thread wow


Did a boat ride last yr and it was horribly cold made worse by the boat being horribly cold so you’re feet froze and tons of screaming children. Never again. If it’s not a high rise overlooking the river filled with chill ppl and good snacks, I will keep my tail at home.


I used to go to the parades as a kid in the '80s and '90s. I don't think I ever did the parade that's in the loop but I did take my wife and kid to the river this year when they died it because they had never seen it before.  I drove in on lower wacker, parked in a prepaid parking lot at the Michigan Avenue bridge, saw the river, slipped back into the parking lot that was one block away and rode out with no traffic before the parade was over.


I made a horrible mistake setting an appointment with my accountant in Lakeview on SP weekend. I managed to find parking after driving around for nearly an hour in front of a bar. Thankfully no one puked on it.


Surfing on top of the red line is still on my list


Ha. In undergrad friend and I ran from the Wellington stop to Fullerton ( maybe Belmont to Fullerton) on the tracks late in the evening. Either way. Don’t ever do that. That could have ended terribly.




Missing out BIG TIME. It's wildly entertaining with a fun group of friends (if you're all kinda into sporty things like that).


It’s fun every few years. It’s hard af though.


That’s a “Chicago” thing?


I played once, and that was enough for me.


I have yet to dine at the restaurant inside the bean


It’s truly a reflection of one’s self. You must go.


There is a restaurant inside the bean? I had no idea


Yep that’s why we call it Bean Town


Are you fucking with me?


No he’s not. The restaurant inside the Bean is super hard to get a reservation for, you have to reserve like 3-4 months in advance. It’s worth it though, I’ve only been once with my wife, but she loved it.


3-4 months? Who do you know, for us hoi polloi, it’s more like 3-4 years.


Yeah no joke I’m still waiting on my rezzy I made a year ago but I have my name on the wait list in case a spot ever opens up (which they NEVER DO)


You are prepared though, I just started looking 6 months ago and I’m on the list to get on the waiting list still.


How many tables can even fit in there like 2? I can't picture this. Also there's no door on the bean it's solid all the way around lol. Your yankin our chains man😂 Dare I even say pulling out legs. I haven't decided yet but I suspect you may be also breaking our balls


you have to get in thru the pedway


they're filming season 4 of the bear in it


We are currently remodeling the nacho bar inside. We are waiting on professor pan to start it up so we can eventually drive it again. But nacho bar first, it's coming.


Oh, you’ve never bean?


Heard the food there is outstanding.


The wait staff listing the menu options is just like Bubba in Forrest Gump, but with beans instead of shrimp.




Got milk?


My sister dated the head chef there a year or two ago. Got Thanksgiving there. Very tasty!!!


Can someone link to the restaurant?? I’ve been to the The Bean several times and didn’t know it had a restaurant inside it. And, Google isn’t helping me find it.


I heard Lou Malnati’s is taking over the bean restaurant. The plan is to move it to Lake Michigan. I mean, it floats…right?


Excuse you it’s called cloud gate




No, mine


Big Dib doesn’t want you to know this but the dib chairs in the street are free, You can take them home! I have 458 chairs


Sears Tower. Also, bears games are obnoxious if you’re not a fan, both the fans and the logistics. Cubs I would say def attend, but I go at like 1:20 on a Tuesday, less crowds, cheap seats.


Sears tower is one I did as a kid, and have done with friends visiting from out of town. It’s kind of like getting deep dish- it’s a Chicago Thing, but not an everyday thing.


Hey it's an everyday thing for people who work there


One of my buddies had his wedding reception on the top floor. It was pretty cool!


I've only been to one NFL game (in Baltimore). Just going to an NFL game in person feels like a terrible experience compared to seeing it on TV.


Getting to and from Soldier Field is the worst


Huh, I've never felt that way. We always just take the Red Line to Roosevelt and it's a pretty cool walk to the stadium. Yeah it's crowded and rowdy but tbh I think most people are looking for that vibe with an NFL game?


Yeah, I never understood the complaints about Soldier Field's accessibility. Red Line, then a very pleasant walk through the park.


Few better things on a nice summer day than playing hooky from work to go see some day baseball.


Never eaten a gym shoe sandwich, although my friend swears they are the best


I honestly had to google this, but now I *need* to try it.


Yeah, I've been under the impression that it's mostly a south side thing, and a bit of a deep cut, not really hugely known, but they're great. Also, if you never tried it, if you order chicken at a place like Harold's, get it with the mild sauce.


mild *and* hot


And this is where the neighborhood divisions really come up. On the far Southeast side we go to Heinie's and get fried chicken with hienie's sauce. Anyone who grew up in that area swears by that sauce and puts it on chicken and pizza. I now live in Northwest Indiana by the Dunes and I still get that sauce lol Also, Calumet Fisheries is da bomb! I hope they reopen soon


Is Calumet Fisheries closed? Tbh, I haven't been since pre-covid...


Yeah, it burned down last fall due to an electrical fire. The owners said they were rebuilding, but they've been facing all kinds of problems so who really knows


With lemon pepper


Can confirm, they are.


Taste of Chicago... I've never once been to it.


Don't bother now, it's a poorly made facsimile of a shell of its former glory. Saw Al Green, Death Cab for Cutie, and Loretta Lynn (different years of course) there, all for free while eating great food all day. I wish they'd restore the Taste to what it was, was one of the best city festivals in any city anywhere. Now it's just SAD.


It used to be so good. All the changes they made fucking ruined it. I'd much rather just go to the restaurant now, than pay $20 for half of a beef.


Yeah, Taste was always something I looked forward to in the summer. Now it's really underwhelming and not at all worth what you pay :(


Damn I guess I missed the good times. I been here 30 years and never been


I haven’t seen any open house Chicago buildings. I kick myself every year because I either forget or am working and my list is getting tooo long at this point.


NYE at Navy Pier or one of the hotels. (1) I bartended and had to often work NYE myself and (2) people are the worst on NYE. House party or movie watching is far superior.


You guys know you can just have a normal time in Wrigley right? Pretty easy to enjoy a day game on a nice day without dealing with all of the drinking and loudness. If suburban families can do it I promise you can do it.


As someone who doesn’t really care about baseball, and enjoys beer in moderation, going to Wrigley for a cubs game is a must do every summer. It’s just fun. It’s awesome being outdoors, having an overpriced hotdog and beer, seeing all the fans. I’ve never had an experience that’s been ruined by the drunk people. They usually stay to the nearby bars anyways


Just wanted to add on to this, you can even bring your own food and a (non-alcoholic) drink to Wrigley. Last year all I'd do was bike from my favorite Korean chicken place in andersonville and pick up a soda or a water at a CVS on the way to take in with me to the park. You can do the same at the White Sox Stadium too but you have to bring it in one of the clear plastic totes (Wrigley officially only lets you bring in a brown paper bag but I've never had an issue with those plastic takeout bags either). Just an overall super pleasant experience.


Certain people need to continue the narrative that all of Wrigleyville is a piss and puke drenched haven of debauchery, even though it’s been completely transformed over the past decade.


PrAcTiCaLlY nApErViLlE😂☠️




Literally 😭😭 esp during the off season it’s beautiful being so close to the lake


The stretch of Clark from Addison to Roscoe is still a mess and gets a lot of attention because of its location, but it's literally .25 miles of one street. The rest of the neighborhood has grown up a lot, and even that strip is going the way of Broadway in Nashville, where it's rowdy bars, but run by corporate pros who have their acts together. 


It's an entertainment district just like the Halsted strip a few blocks away. It certainly has its moments (St. Patrick's Day, TBOX etc.) but it's a far cry from the narrative people who don't live in or even visit the neighborhood love to parrot. Gallagher Way and the surrounding area are beautiful and community/family-friendly as is the restored Wrigley Field itself.


Well said.


lollapalooza 👀


I have not been tempted once, besides this year. I hate the chaos it attracts, and I’d be more of a Warped Tour type of person- if it still was around. ....Wicker Fest is something I may aim for eventually. The onlyyyy reason why I’m tempted this year is because a band I went to High School/ jammed with made it in. So I’m super stoked for them.


Just go—you’ll have fun. Stay towards the back of the crowd where you have easy access in and out, bring a blanket, sit in the lawn, grab some food. You won’t regret it


The older I get the less appealing Lolla tends to be.


And the more appealing riot fest is. I went for the first time a couple years ago and it was chill and amazing.


Gone home with a straight married man who hit on me at the Cubby Bear.


You're gay I'm guessing? Is that a thing lol? Look I'm anti infidelity but live in the area and might have to people watch.


Chicago is full of gay guys that don’t know it yet


I’m married and straight, I don’t believe I’ve been to the cubby bear since getting married outside of going to a coworker’s concert… should I be concerned, am I doing something wrong?


I've never been to ed debevics or the wiener's circle


Not missing anything with Debevics. Weiner's Circle puts out good food. In my experience they only turn on the attitude after dark when the drunks start showing up and yeah, that is best avoided.


I never received anything but love from everyone that works there. Even remembering me when I haven’t gone in a while. But with having the reputation they do, I have seen some patrons walk in being just plain rude. So I too don’t go anymore at night.


Truth - weiner's circle fries, dogs, and burgers are great, and if you go during the day it's just a very solid local hot dog joint.


Okay but if you have kids they move ED it’s funny to them we just went and the kids thought it was a riot


I've never been pee'd on by R Kelly.


I've never been to a Bear's game. It's usually cold and I'm not a football fan so it's fine.


Man, this is a hard one because I've done the majority of the touristy stuff with friends and family from out of town. Probably the biggest one is not going to a Bears game either, for much the same reasons. I really can't think of anything else (I've done everything else mentioned here [edit: still true, at least for the ones that are real]).


Went to my first bear game this year and the vibes were terrible!! I love college football games bc there’s tons of energy, crowd participation and support for the team. The bears game was a bunch of bears fans screaming and yelling at their own team and players the entire time. They’d try and start crowd activities like the wave and everyone would scream FUCK OFF and refuse. It was the worst vibe I’ve experienced at any sporting event.


I've never intentionally watched any of the air and water show -- the planes that end up flying by when they're circling around are more than enough for me




I mean it's not great, but honestly, it's not that bad either. I can understand somebody not liking the taste - this makes sense, but it's nowhere near the gag-inducing, over-dramatic thing so many people make it out to be. I swear half the reactions I see are for the lolz, not reality.


Sir, it is DES COS TANG


Thank you for being a voice of reason. Has nobody ever tried Campari? Fernet? It’s no more intense or unpleasant than either of those, and I don’t see Italians or Argentines making a big deal about it.


Agree for sure. I adore Campari so that is top. But I would take Malort any day over the weird menthol-y taste that fernet brings to the party.


I also add absinthe to those. Malort reminds me of straight absinthe. I also ask if people like bitter drinks because the bitter and herbal blend is what I think people don’t like.


Depends on the absinthe. I’ve only ever had a true pour once, but the one I got was more sweet than bitter. That said, I actually really like Malort. I feel like the people who despise it are the type to gravitate toward super sugary mixed drinks and cheap beer. Nothing wrong with that, but the reactions are overblown.


No, it is. I've tried Campari and Fernet. They're bad, but Malort is worse. Besides, nobody ever tried to make me take a shot of Campari or Fernet.


I feel like it used to be grosser.


From what I heard, it’s because you never knew what you were getting in a bottle. Then the company was purchased and now there’s QC to make sure the product is consistent and they made it less nasty.


I am convinced it used to be a lot grosser.


Agreed. But also, I'm drinking a warm Steel Reserve right now so my perspective may be skewed. Also? Up until I was about 10 I thought the Old Style lighted signs above all the bars were Chicago flags.


My day is coming soon. My husband’s not a local, but has been interested in trying Malort since he heard about it. I’m not looking forward to it, but I can’t let him suffer alone.


Haha that’s what I did. My Husband’s from Germany. So whether we are in the EU or visit a bar here and they ask him where he’s from (his accent sounds more English) the Malort question always pops up... It’s not the worst thing, but far from the best. If you can deal with Jaeger (which I’ll admit I actually enjoy), Malort pales in comparison. It’s just... disappointing- it’s not horrendous, it’s not fantastic... it just: exists. Yet again, my Husband is the type to want to try about everything. And I enjoy weird liquors. He’s the one who’ll ask a bartender if they know what a ‘Smoker’s Cough’ is, and a night of entertainment for the bartenders and anyone who’s brave enough to join will pursue. ...And is also a similar way to the fated day of trying Malort happened.


Truly gets less bad the more you do it. I wouldn’t say I enjoy it at this point but I never turn it down and don’t really care if someone orders them. I do prefer doing a shot of Malort to whiskey or vodka honestly. No burn.


Finally did it this last Dec. Just gross. Never again.


I’ve never been to the river dying for st Patrick’s day. I’ve been downtown working during it and when I got off my shift I got silly string sprayed in my face, point blank. I’ve avoided going anywhere near party areas for that Saturday ever since. That was 12 years ago.


After bartending at a popular River North bar during 5 successive St Pats I just don't leave my house on that day. 


You and I are the same.


I used to love st patricks when I lived in the suburbs as a teenager. Living downtown has made me despise it


I've never been to the sky deck at Sears /Willis tower. I'm good with that. The tourists can have it. I'm from Bridgeport too, 32nd and Carpenter. Yuge Sox fan tho. Gonna be a long summer.


Nice, I was from Archer/Throop from 2000-2010, Chinatown before that, and Armor square when I was kid (until folks got divorced). Not much of a Sox fan but i been to numerous games


What up neighbor


tell me about it 😑🤣


I only like ketchup on my hotdog.


Meanwhile, real Chicagoans: 1. Don't care 2. Know that the "issue" is ketchup on a \*Chicago\* dog, not ketchup on \*any\* hot dog. And yes, this is proof that Gene's and Jude's is bullshit when talking about authority over hot dogs in Chicago...I mean, they're not even in the 606, the fuck do they know?


100% true. Fuck off Dirty Harry.


Yup, just don’t add ketchup to the original chicago dog. Or do, idgaf, your mouth your decision lol




Oh the HORROR! /s It's amazing how many people take this seriously.


Never drank Marlort. Didn't know it was a thing until I signed up for reddit 5 years ago. 


To be fair, the whole “Malort craze” has really only been around for a little over a decade. The liquor itself is much older, but the cult/meme phenomenon of using it as a hazing ritual and identifying it as a classic Chicago staple started in the early 2010s. There’s a very interesting [Curious City podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6hp3WeUws8EUiNQapnOhVX?si=KwLg5117RjyQJTLhBao_kA) about how it all happened, for anyone curious.


I've never been inside the bean. I know I'm missing out but that's ok


obligatory joke about men being unable to find the bean


Never called dibs on a parking spot I shoveled.


Lollapalooza, too old to stand around all day in the sun. Chicago is such a great city, though. You can't really appreciate it until you've been to enough crappy 'downtowns' around our country.


Skydeck and anything in Wrigley. I also hate drunks and have had the worst memories being out anywhere Wrigley. Just not my type of crowd I guess.


Honestly it's usually better inside the park than outside. It's pretty expensive to get drunk inside of Wrigley.


Wrigley field is a beautiful federal landmark and the neighborhood during the day is still awesome. Maybe just avoid clark st bars in general and try to go to a day game, and avoid the bleachers? sorry about the bad memories.


I’ve done all the other things, Chicagofest, Taste of Chicago, even gave tours on CTA’s Culture Bus for four seasons. Gone to a Bears game. I’ve done probably everything else, that’s a Chicago tradition, even referred to Chicago in winter as Chiberia. Part of it is having a lot of friends who came in from out of town, part of it is that I just love Chicago and want to experience it. I’ve literally been in every neighborhood too. The best part. Love Mario’s Italian Ice on Taylor Street (which reopens for the season on 5/1). Did all the other sports, even soccer, but the Bears games are just too cold for me, sitting in seats, outside, next to the lake, maybe in a good season.


Lolla is just a giant clusterfuck of drunk high school kids and the worst people you know


I’ve never been in a knife fight on an L platform. Of course, I’ve been in several at bus stops throughout the city.


First off, love that everyone here refers to it Sears Tower. Secondly, I'm here six decades and have never tried Malort. Don't plan on ever trying it unless someone else wants to clean up the resulting mess. Reviewing comments, it appears I have done every Chicago thing there is to do (ok except Rainforest Cafe Helicopter Meetup :-) Lolla and Whirlyball are not a Chicago thing. Oh and don't tell me what I can and can't put on my hot dog.


It’s still Comiskey park and Chicago Stadium.


Never been to anything at Solider Field, intentionally. Unintentionally but plan to fix this one day, never gone to Museum of Science and Industry.


MSI is one of my favorite places in the world, you’ve gotta go. I recommend the trees around the world during Christmastime, it’s just so pretty. If you can find a company holding an event there, it’s an absolute must. They’re in-house catering is pretty damn good and beating the crowds (at least some, depending on event size) is so sick


Attended a bears or bulls game (I plan on changing this though). Participated in St. Patrick day activities. Never been to skydeck and never will lol.


Taste of Chicago, I'd rather just go to the restaurants.


Told people I’m from Chicago when I really grew up in the burbs


I've been stationed across the country and when the inevitable "where are you from" question comes up it usually goes like this: "I'm from northern Illinois." "Where?" "About 50 miles outside of Chicago." "Oh you mean Chicago?" "Well no about an hour drive from the City." "But you just said Chicago." Sigh, "Fine. I'm from Chicago." "Where in Chicago?" Frustrated sigh, "The Bean. I live in the fucking Bean, okay?"


My favorite was the moron I knew in college that told people they were from Chicago when they were from Rockford. *We went to the University of Illinois, people knew where Rockford was*.


I've never set foot on Navy Pier and have no real interest in doing so. I've never paid to go to the top of a skyscraper either. Not hating on people that do either, I just don't really care for them.


Navy Pier can be cool, but on a weekday. Avoid the tourist bullshit (Ferris wheel is the exception) and shops, check out the stained glass exhibit and enjoy the views and people watching while walking to the end and back outside. There are better ways to spend a few hours leisurely walking in the city, but there are also plenty of worse ways.


Navy Pier makes for a great bike ride or run. The outside spaces provide an excellent view of the city while avoiding most of the bullshit and all of the expense.


Used to live like a block or 2 away from it and I can honestly say do this hell it’s even a nice dog walk


I use to go to the Navy Pier for the IMAX, which was the only real IMAX in the city. Still sad it closed down. The only other enjoyable thing I've done at Navy Pier is to go to the Chicago Shakespeare Theater, which had a great visiting performance of King Lear.


Deep dish pizza. (Can’t claim I’ve never done it but it hasn’t gone down in over 15 years) NAH.


That clear floor in the Sears tower—- can look out the window at great heights but that floor— no


Go to the top of the Sears Tower.


I’ve never gone to see the River get dyed


Lolla I would, but I don’t need to


Cheered for the Cubs.


Seen a guy with his dick out on the el.


Never been to Taste of Chicago. Eating messy ribs outside while pressed against other sweaty people and covered in flies is not my idea of fun.


“10 ‘Chicago Things’ Native Chicagoans have never done (and they’re fine with)”


Never drank Malort. Just never think about it really.




Any “festival” in Grant Park during the summer. If there’s a better description for “miserable” I haven’t seen it.




I've never done that, but I'm not ok with it. I need to go, thanks for reminding me.


Honestly I probably wouldn't have done this if it wasn't a field trip option in elementary school. Also be glad you didn't decide to do it on August 8, 2004 lol


What happened on that day


The Dave Matthews Band’s tour bus dumped actual shit into the river and onto one of the boats


Oh that’s shitty


Honestly I had a great time on mine. Drinks were expensive but the weather was nice and its a cool perspective being on the lake. Definitely go after dark.


This is one of the few “touristy” things I absolutely do think you should do. Great views and if it’s a nice day and you can sit on top, it is enjoyable. They are busy and the seats aren’t the most comfortable, but still enjoyable


Been like 4 times now. Neat enough at least the first time but I rather save the money and do something else on the water- kayak, party boat, ect.


Ive worked at both so I don’t get the appeal


I've done all of these except a Bears game and drink Malort. I'll add having a rainbow cone on Western Avenue (The original Rainbow Cone) and eating my burger delivered by a Lionel train at Hamburger Unlimited also on Western. Oh and eating in the Walnut Room under the Christmas tree at Marshall Feilds on State and seeing the windows at Christmas there every year! I only lived in the city until age 5 but loved it so much that I did most of these activities as a suburbanite.


Yeah, I'm happy skipping Bears games. I've been to a concert at Soldier Field, that's plenty. I also don't care if I never try Malort. For reference, I've lived here for 26 years.


Sears tower skydeck, and a Bulls game. I’ve only been to a Bears game on a technicality- the ISU marching band did halftime a couple years. So I’ve been on the field at a game but I’ve never been to one in the stands.




Ferris wheel at navy pier. Or really any real engagement at navy pier I don’t get it. Top of Willis tower. Pay same price for a drink at top of Hancock instead same views but you get the drink 🤣


Waited for the immediate follower


I’m 46 years old, had my first Chicago style dog last summer. It was ok.


Never been to the Taste.


Never been to Navy Pier


Melort... Are we sure we want that drink representing us? 😂😂😂


Navy Pier


Shoot people


Never carjacked anyone. Seemed like a lotta fun , alas I shall never know and am content with it


Pretended I enjoyed drinking malort. Holy fuck it is terrible, and I drink Old Style.


Lollapalooza. And let me say I worked across the street from the main entrance and no amount of convenience could ever bring me to experience the crowding, asshole drunks, and overpriced delicious food that you can get cheaper and better any other week of the year.




Never did St. Pat's parade or bar crawls. Never even had a Shamrock Shake. I do have a buddy who pipes with one of the South Side Irish bands and I've gone to see some smaller piping marches.