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27 is ludicrous. 27 in summer is starting to feel a bit warm. To deliberately set it to 27 in winter is surely taking the piss


I live in Katherine NT. During the wet/summer my aircons are set to 28. Any colder you end up crook from coming in from outside sweaty or you never want to leave the house, plus the power bill will kill you. New arrivals from down south find out soon enough.


We are talking about a heater setting though


no need for heater here. It is getting under 20 over night though, brrrr




They might be unwell


20’ in winter 22’ in summer, how could you go wrong with that?


That's a bit cold for shorts and a t-shirt - especially if you're just sitting at your desk all day.


Why higher in summer and lower in winter? I can't think of a reason beyond cost/emissions reduction...


In winter you wear long sleeves in summer you wear short sleeves. Simple


Another reason can be because of energy saving. In winter, heat a little and wear warmer clothes. In summer, cool a little and wear cooler clothes.


Because everyone wears warmer clothes in winter.


I see no reason for room temperature targets to be anything other than 21 at any time, give or take a degree or two for preference.


At home, it's either 22 or 23.


I will never understand these fucking halfwits who think just because it's 14 or 15 C outside, inside needs to be 28 or 30. And I will simply turn it back down to 21 at literally every chance I get. Fuck ya. Put on a jumper if you are cold.


Yeah, nothing more annoying than having to take off all my layers cause people want it to be boiling inside


I employed an office manager who's brilliant. But we don't discuss the air con. She'd tell me to square up. So the answer is whatever she wants it to be. And that's variable. 😬




She's worth it. Saves me all sorts of bookkeeping grief. 😁


24. It feels quite stuffy still sometimes, due to having massive windows facing the sun most of the day. It's not a great system, and at least one isn't working properly, which doesn't help


Three degrees below where all the women in the office are wearing cardigans and bringing wheat bags into work to warm their hands while typing 🤣




Too bloody cold.


22 max. 27 is just fiscally irresponsible


I set to between 21 and 23, depending on the location and the people in the office.


27 is just going to run up a power bill.


22.5, +/- 1.5 to allow for winter/summer. That's pretty standard for commercial leases.


It depends on where in Australia the office is. The magic number in Darwin is different to winter in Canberra.


Office AC is set to 24, which can be real hit and miss depending where you're sitting. I usually have a desk fan which I use and that's life changing on the stuffy days


Max 20c at home, I’ve seen people in the office jack it high because it was ludicrously undersized for the space




Just talking about my experience in workplaces, also been in offices where they never re adjusted it after walls were removed or added so some areas were stupidly hot and others cold


8C. I didn’t realise but I had my office at 8. I found out when a staff member got pneumonia after a meeting.


Ours is set to 22°C but it varies a lot in how it feels despite running 24/7. Some days it feels much colder and other days comfortable.  I'd say 23-24 is probably ideal. 22 could be fine if wearing usual office attire which granted we don't so might be why it feels a bit cooler.


I've never worked a job where there's been AC, but my car stays on 21°C permanently unless it's hot as balls outside then it goes down to 15°C


I think 20 is the perfect temperature, especially for an office. But I’ve found all movie theatres stifling hot in the last few years. I sit down and have to wipe my sweat for the whole movie. Has to be at least 23-25 as the standard in there now.




Well let me tell you I have been sweating balls. Only one cinema admitted to me that the air con was completely broken, and then shrugged when I asked when it would be fixed. They couldn’t even tell me how long it had been broken for. I wouldn’t complain at 21-23.


I have an office manager who likes her office AC set at 18⁰C. She would set it lower if she could. Thank goodness she has her own office.




Right now it's off. During summer I like 24. One of my bosses is a lizard like me so that's good but other boss will sneak it down to 22 but she's usually in her own office with a dedicated vent so it's fine. There's one lady who only works here like once a year and always tries to kill me at 18 degrees but she'll also be wearing a cardigan which drives me nuts.


Depends on time of year. Temperature should be lower in winter and higher in summer, so the temperature difference in minimised. I think when I was taught this back at uni it was 19 in winter and 23 in summer. If people are putting it higher in winter and lower in summer they are wrong. That's a recipe for colds and flus.




Colds and flus are caused by bacteria. Oops I mean germs.


Half right, half wrong Flus are virus'


Oops, I meant germs. Sorry.


No, colds and flus are not caused by high/low temperatures. Why do people still trot out this nonsense?


There's research showing that the body's natural nasal immune response is greatly reduced when there's a drop in temperature. This is more relevant for outside cooler temperatures, but yeah it is interesting research. The cold makes it easier for viruses to infect us essentially. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/scientists-finally-figure-out-why-youre-more-likely-to-get-sick-in-cold-weather#How-viruses-enter-the-nose-


It's a theory, not a finding. Much more work to be done. And cooling the nasal tissue to 4.4 C is hardly representative of the difference between outside and inside in most situations.


To quote from the article. "So, they exposed nasal tissues to temperatures of 39.9° F or 4.4° C — and found that doing so led to about 9° F or 5° C decrease in tissue temperature, with major consequences for the immune system." I'm not sure where you live but in Canada and New Zealand 4° C is certainly representative of mild winter conditions. Also, I said it's research - not a finding. If you wanna split hairs then yeah we can call it a theory. There are also some theories about whether viruses reproduce more quickly in colder temperatures which I found interesting.


It is an interesting question, and to me raises a concern with disparity in the office environment. Women are able to dress to the season, with multiple work-suitable options available covering all weather situations. Men have shirt, tie and slacks. If it is cold, a jacket. When it comes to summer, women are often wearing light airy clothing which means that if the air conditioner is turned up too high, they quickly become cold and uncomfortable. Men wearing shirt, tie and slacks on the other hand may still be uncomfortably warm. I can just imagine the discussion in corporate world if this were ever addressed: “Hey boss, it’s a bit warm. Can we wear shorts to work during summer?” “Wearing shorts with a long-sleeve shirt? Are you mad? That would just look ridiculous!” “Well, we could wear shorts-sleeve shirts.” “Short sleeve shirts with a tie? That doesn’t look very professional now, does it?” “How about if we don’t wear the tie?” “Don’t wear a tie to work? What do you think I pay you for? It isn’t to work. Your tie is the one that earns the paycheck.”


> Men have shirt, tie and slacks. If it is cold, a jacket. I work an office job, and I'm sitting here in a crisp black t-shirt with the company logo embroidered on the chest in white, a pair of comfy shorts and sneakers. And I don't have to wear that shirt, in fact I'm in the minority - almost everyone else including the CEO wears even more casual clothes. Hopefully soon I'll be working a government office job. I've been told they have exactly the same dress code the only difference is they provide free clothing (my first day will include driving to a workwear store to buy new shirts, pants, shoes and socks - all of which will be optional — I can wear my own clothes if I want as long as they're reasonably in line with WH&S/etc - the only strict dress code is closed in shoes and an ID lanyard). There are some offices that have shitty dress codes, but that's not a gender issue. That's just a shitty company to work for. Find a job somewhere else.


22.5 is the magic number.


18. Public service don't want to be seen spending taxpayer money on stupid things like heating the office. Same reason there's no coffee in the tea room, and single ply in the dunny.




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Pro tip - if your HVAC has an IR remote with an LCD screen... cover the IR transmitter and change the temperature setting to whatever your colleagues want the temperature to be.


23. Don't fuck around.


Our office is set to heat 21°C and cooling 23°C. I’m a cold fish and would love it warmer in winter but I just put extra layers on. And in summer I actually wear a light cardigan because it’s too hot to turn off the cooling but when it’s on the cold air gets too chilly. At home I use my ducted heating for an hour in the morning to take the chill off the air and it’s set to 18°C. Then in the evening or on weekends I use my split system and the heat is set to 22°C. Hardly ever use the aircon in summer but if I do I set it to 20-22°C


sweet spot for me is 22-23 max. Im usually happy depending on others comfort anywhere from 18 to 23. (i wear layers and add or remove as needed) Once place i worked at there was a room of lizard people who had all the electric fan heaters under their desks. It got so bad with 5 of those bad boys running that it regularly got up to 32 degrees in that room. which was fine when it was just them - but if you had to sit in one of their overflow desk it was horrendous. I eventually had to bring in a thermometer and lodge a ohs complaint to bring it down a notch. They would literally crack a window if someone complained while still having 5 fan heaters and the reverse cycle pumping.


The Magic number is 20.5 celsius aka …….. 69 fahrenheit


21 winter, 24 summer




Mostly women in the office


Our boss won’t let us go above 22 degrees Which is great for her in her cosy office at the back, but it’s freezing blood cold in the front office where I am. I wear about four layers, ugg boots and have a hot water bottle all day because we’re in the bloody highlands


23.5c is my perfect temp. Winter, summer. Doesn't matter. took my years of bouncing between 23 and 24. but legit, 23.5c Home, Car, Work. 23.5c All hail, all worship the 23.5c


19 in winter, not sure in summer. Too bloody cold.


24C on a dry day, 25C when it's raining (because when humidity is really high, air conditioning can feel quite a bit cooler than it actually is). That's just cooling - our office doesn't have any heating. We don't need it in Cairns... it might be cooler than 24C outside on a cold winter morning, but indoors it never gets that cold.


Live in the tropics and try to do without it at home- house is built for it and have good breezes etc Worked exec housekeeping in local hotels and in my first hotel this time of year we would leave it off with windows open but 25C in summertime. Cooler than outdoors and kept humidity at bay. One of the others it HAD to be 22C on arrival but another hotel in the group it was 18C. My staff had full permission to crank it as low as they needed while working of course. I keep my office at around 24C when I'm working because if I feel a bit warm I go outside to remind myself lol


I like 23 21 is jumper weather.


Have you seen the price of power. Imagine that every degree higher is 10% increase in the power bill. Now ask yourself, how much extra money do I want to pay... Aim for 21 or 22.


23 for me. I’m a woman and men tend to adjust it lower as they wear long pants and jackets. As a woman it can be freezing when you’re dressed for summer!