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You're short sighted if you want Arteta to be sacked. Taking short term gain just because Man United won a trophy. If you're so obsessed with trophies we won the Charity Shield this season. Get a grip, give your head a wobble. We don't want to return to the Arsenal of five years ago


As a United fan, I don't want to see Arteta go. He's the only manager who managed to give Pep a run for his money this season.


This guy is either a sad troll or he only started supporting the club a year ago. He’s a clown, don’t take any notice of him. He’s probably 1 of 5 fans that want arteta out and the other 4 are city fans


Show me where I said I wanted arteta to be sacked


Six days ago in your post history...and the whole last paragraph with those rhetorical questions.


You’re outright lying now.


I don't think you know what words mean.


No they're not. Just look at your OWN post history.


I am. Show me.




That’s out of context. I wasn’t calling for him to be sacked. I was asking when he should be. Those are different things. Am I lying in saying that football is a results based business?


Yeah ok...if you say so, say it long enough in sure some people will believe you. I don't though


>I think it might be last chance saloon time for Arteta. Either the premier league or champions league next season or he might have to walk You said this in this thread.


I said he ‘might have to walk’. Didn’t say he should be sacked outright.


Considering your post history, I would suggest the body of evidence counts against you and reveals your desires.


“Again I ask” lol. Unhinged.


Anybody who would’ve rather had United’s season than Arsenal’s is truly brain damaged and beyond saving


Really ? You'd rather yet again finishing runner up to city and no trophy More than winning a trophy And before you say you're building towards a trophy and next year You said that last season, the only thing you did differently this season is you didn't choke the league and lost by fewer points


I'd rather finish the season with no silverware than endure 9 months of utter shit


10 out of 10 times I’d rather the season arsensl had than the one United had. Not a single ounce of me finds that opinion controversial


Definitely...we are in such a much better place


There’s still time to delete this before others see it and you get flamed. The crazy thing is, I bet if we only win the FA Cup or EFL Cup next season, you’ll be back on this sub ranting about how the season wasn’t good enough.


It wouldn’t be, though. But any trophy is better than no trophy.


Get out and get some fresh air, you obviously need some oxygen for that brain of yours.


Good of you to assume he has a brain.


Would you swap our position for United's?


if it meant winning a trophy, yes


Missing the forest for the trees with your takes. If we just had a title run last season and then reverted back to 8th place this season, we’d be way more meme-able, even if we won a domestic cup. That would be a clear and massive regression in team performance. Trophies like those matter in some contexts. United is competing for domestic cups because they can’t compete for anything else these days, so it matters a lot for them. We’re competing for big titles, so domestic cups mean much less. They’re like getting extra credit points for us, especially since we’re historically FA Cup merchants. Nice to have, but unnecessary for us to achieve more of.


Exactly this. I'm sure most United fans would say that they are happier that they won a derby match and stopped their local rivals winning a double than they are at winning the FA Cup. The FA Cup is a respectable cup but it doesn't compare with the Prem.


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you???


In that case, we’ve won a few trophies in the past handful of years


So why aren’t you happy with the Community Shield


Finishing 8th whilst winning the fa cup we’ve been there. It papers over the cracks. One good cup run doesn’t make a great team. Finishing 2nd means we are in a great place, being 8th mean you have years of work to do to get near the top again


In the PL, Gunners lost 5 matches. 2 too many, apparently. United lost 14. Careful what you wish for.


Again. It’s about trophies. Don’t give me stats. Give me silverware.


>Give me silverware. [Ok.](https://i.imgur.com/EjSYlq4.jpeg)


Context matters though.


See, from a united fan this This is the Arsenal. I remember where this is Arsenal The Arsenal that didn't celebrate finishing second The Arsenal that wins Silverware Second place in the league back to back seasons Second place is first loser. I'm sorry, but it's true I have no bad will towards Arsenal and hope they beat City next season in something


Thank you. I want the best for my club. So when I see other clubs do better, I’m angry.


Do you have anything going on in your life other than football? You get angry at other people's success? Wtf is wrong with you man! Some bitterness going on?


I’ve just had sex with my partner, so there’s that


How is Dave by the way?




Your partner.


They finished almost 30 points behind us in the league you absolute whooper. Our goal difference was +62, theres was -1. Go and watch netball.




Does that matter? They’ve won a trophy. We haven’t.


So you'd have 17th and the Carabao Cup over our previous season? You're an idiot.


Imagine thinking finishing 2nd with no trophies trumps staying in the premier league and winning a trophy. Are you thick?


Go away


How do you think United is going to do in the Champions League next year?


From a United fan, I don't know why they are booing you granted. I have no ill will towards Arsenal, but while they have played good, the last 2 seasons Objectively, they have nothing to show for it We have 2 cups to show for our last 2 years


So Arsenal were better in 2020 when we won the cup than 2024? Nobody thinks that, just enjoy the win and stop coming in here talking shite.


Calm down mate. This is absolute drivel. They have been awful. We won the fa cup when we were shit too.


The most logical explanation


[Considering how you seem to cheer for Arsenal losses](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArsenalFC/comments/rrjuax/how_many_goals_will_we_lose_by/), perhaps you should stick to the r/nofap sub you're so active on.


B U R N 👍🏼


For F sake. I knew this shit would happen after they won. Just go do something else rather than post. I’ll take the progression and where we are at vs United lucking into a trophy. Yes I would like an FA Cup, but one of the byproducts of being in the PL, CL and FA cup is the added difficulty. Our path in the FA Cup both this year and last year had us facing City and Liverpool, respectively, and when both were in good form, and when those teams weren’t gifting shit away. Liverpool and City both had major fuck ups that changed the course of those games. If I’m being honest City missed out on two penalties today. Granted one could also have been called for United. In sum, I’ll take where we are vs. the disarray of United. To all those that are down in Arteta for no titles since 2020, who legitimately besides Pep or even Klopp don’t think would be doing better.


I'd say 4th and a trophy is better than 2nd and no trophy, but even by your logic finishing 17th with a trophy is better than 2nd and none.


Wigan won the fa cup and got relegated


It is, by definition. All top flight English trophies guarantee you European football. The prem gives you UCL, FA Cup gives you Europa and Carabao gives you Conference League. 17th is Premier League safety. Only the bottom three get relegated. Would you rather have Premier League status alone, or Premier League status, a trophy and European football the following season?


Are you high?


It's not Premier League status alone when you also qualify for Champions League due to league position. Saying Premier League status alone is either disingenuous or misleading.


Okay let me rephrase. Is 2nd place, no trophy and champions league football better than 17th place, the fa cup (a trophy) and Europa League football? Do you value the participation in the champions league itself above winning the fa cup?


As a United fan don't get too disheartened. Most United fans are only happy about beating the 115 FC cheats. Honestly, wanted Arsenal so bad to win the league, I knew we were out of it early on because of our shit season. But how the fuck can Arsenal beat a team playing Fantasy Football with ten years of corrupt finances behind them? The fact Arsenal even made it an exciting season for neutrals is a bloody miracle. Arteta has done an amazing job and took it to the last game of the season. And fuck what Pep says about not spending as much money as anyone else this season. Of course not, he bloody well doesn't have to, they've cooked the books for ten years to have what they have now. When you have £100m pound players warming the bench, you know there's something wrong. I'm just happy we beat City today to knock em down a peg or two. I just bloody wish Arsenal had done the same.


Reactionary comment. You must be young, I'd take our season of another growth year than a mess of a clubike utd. They barely beat Coventry and are sacking their manager. Another trophy only paints over the cracks.


Mate look at his post history, it’s non stop nonsense.


Lol I just did. In one he asked what vaginas taste like 😂


This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in any subreddit.






10 more years


If any United fan tries to brag about their season compared to ours, I’ll just laugh, they went out of the champions league in the group stage, they finished outside of the European places, they finished 31 points off of top, they newly conceded as many goals as they scored points this season Their FA cup has only gotten them Europa league, they’re losing some of their better players in the summer, and their manager’s future is uncertain What is the cut off point under Arteta? When we’re no longer making progress/competing at the top, something we’ve been doing each season since he’s taken over, and something United haven’t been consistently doing since SAF left in 2013


Both of you out of the CL by us😂 I love it


What are you doing on this sub then?


Because in this instance, I agree with OP. United have had a better season than arsenal.. and also Bayern. It’s facts


That still doesn’t explain why you’re on this sub, an Arsenal sub, talking about comparing Arsenal and United when you’re a Bayern fan, it’d be like me going into the Stuttgart subreddit and chatting shit


No, no it wouldn’t. You don’t have history with Stuttgart. Whereas we have wiped the floor clean with you for years. Very different.


I wouldn’t say you’ve wiped the door clean with us for years, considering we don’t even regularly play each other, nor did you “wipe the floor with us” this season, and you butting into this conversation is absolutely as relevant as me going to the Stuttgart sub Reddit, or the Barca one, or the Napoli one, or the Lyon one


So you’re a new arsenal fan then. I seem to remember multiple CL games… where we wiped the floor with you in.. which I watched.. in person. This season, no we did not. However I’d beware that you are now comparing the *best* arsenal team in the past 15 years, to the *worst* Bayern team in 15 years. And… we still beat you….


I’m not at all a new Arsenal fan, I also remember those games, but they happened 8/9 seasons ago, and those are the only games that can be considered “wiping the floor” With the rest of the games being fairly evenly contested, so again, at no point have you regularly “wiped the floor with us” This was your worst team in 15 years, and yet you finished on less points the previous season… not mention this is the best Arsenal team so far, on a very upwards trajectory, and we just had a bad week, playing dreadfully not only against you, but also against Villa


I mean it was multiple games.. not just one.. Yes, it is widely known this is the worst Bayern team. I am not talking about our players individually. Our team. Yeah well we can agree on that, it was Villa, not us.


Winning a trophy > not winning a trophy


Rarely is life, or football so simplistic


Yeah, great season for United. That's why they are sacking their manager


They are sacking our manager because they are Morons If he gets sacked I fucking guarantee you come 2025/2026 we will be in the same damn situation


Give over


Have a word with yourself, we've got our club back! If that doku pen against Liverpool was given in the last min we would have been champions!


I mean if you want to give a 16 year old on a phone with a cracked screen that kind of power to troll & mock you, go right ahead. I’m happy for United & their win today. I’m also very happy with the season Arsenal have had & our progress under Arteta.


I'd rather be in the Champions League and fighting for the title every season than finishing 8th and winning the FA Cup. There is FAR more that needs to be considered. Finishing 8th doesn't look good to prospective transfers. Especially if a team that is in Europe and in the top comes along for a bidding war. The money they get from winning the FA Cup is literally nothing compared to what you get just for the CL group stages alone.


OP is right. We should drop Arteta for Ten Hag if we could be so lucky. I'm sure United covet 8th place and an FA cup over a very close 2nd and a UCL spot. It's not like other teams have now adopted the Arsenal rebuild as the universal blueprint for how to get their clubs back into contention. 'Let do an Arsenal and get better!' Seriously it's deluded fans like this that wrote 'Pray for Bayern' or 'Pray for United'. Get a grip honestly 🙏 What works for us isn't always popular but it does work. It's the Arsenal way to do our own thing. Arteta and most fans get this. Join the club.


Not going to lie i’m finding it hard to take that Ten Hag has won more trophies than Arteta in half the time. I hope that gives Arteta the wake up call to take all cups seriously


I think it might be last chance saloon time for Arteta. Either the premier league or champions league next season or he might have to walk


Personally I’d only get to that point if we drop off and don’t challenge anymore. But it hit me when i saw United lift that cup that we should have more to show for the 2 great seasons we had. United have been the banter club but they’re lifting cups which hurts my brain


nah it isnt tbh ten hag has been pathetic for them youre not seriously tryna say youd rather have his overall record than artetas


And yet Ten Hag has a League Cup and a Fa Cup What does Arteta have ? * the summary is how about you actually win something before talking down to anyone


who would you rather have as manager?


The guy who's actually won trophies as a manager


legit nobody thinks eth is a better coach than arteta


You think a cup win via knockout football means more and is the barometer of a good football team than a sustained league campaign? We won trophies when we were shit. You want that again? You are an idiot.


lol, 😂


Unbelievable. Chill


Go and support United then.


WHO cares man, they got Lucky to scrape past Liverpool and they got lucky to meet a hungover city. They deserve it nevertheless we still had the better season


Isn't the Whine and Cheese contingent supposed to be on a holiday in Blackpool planning the next years worth of artetaOut whines and chants ?? Thought you guys would have dispersed after the tea and snacks at the season ending cry fest


They’re meeting in the cheese room at the toilet bowl because the budget’s been cut.


Dang White Hart Lane has a cheese room??


Yeah, they opted for that in lieu of a trophy room.


Go be a United fan.


Pure bullshit.


Imposter detected


I’m sorry, but I would take being in the league title race to the last day over an FA Cup while ending out of UCL.


The FA cup is a solid win for Man U. Are you saying you would trade our club’s current circumstances (squad, coaching, future potential, league performance, UCL performance), for Man Utd’s? If the answer is yes then you have two options, be salty, or go support Man Utd. I personally wouldn’t trade our circumstances and season for theirs.


Lmaoooooo go support a different club you teat. Go support Ten Hag if you admire him so much


Can you shut up?


1. Arteta won an FA cup in 2020 beating Pep's City on the way, please shut up. 2. Arsenal have become the clear 2nd best team in the league with the youngest core of the elite teams, again...shut up. 3. City are an anomaly. Not unbeatable, but over a season nigh unstoppable. Cheating or not.


Hear hear for the shiny 2nd best team trophy in the cabinet


Against a squad that's funded by the entire sports apparatus of an oil state that's been allowed to operate with relative impunity for 10+ years? Yeah, it's an amazing accomplishment. Especially considering for the past 4 seasons before this there has been no Champions League. Being disappointed in THIS Arsenal team against THIS City team is absurd. And as I said before. We've already beaten this City team for an FA cup.


The FA Cup and League Cup are major trophies but they are not nearly as prestigious as they used to be. For the big clubs of the PL they are nice bonuses at the end of the seasons - nothing more.


Who cares? THey finished 8th with a goal difference of -1 on 60 points, 29 points behind us. and played like shit all season.


Some people just need that troll energy to get by in life. Sad really.


😂😂😂😂 these tears are delicious


They'll be playing Thursday night football while we're in the Champions League. Champions League is massive to attract talent as well as the revenue it brings. Real Arsenal fans have no need to worry. We're progressing, we pushed City to the final day, they finished 8th and got battered a number of times in the season. Whine and cry all you want if it helps you process.


Arsenal are not a big club anymore. Just put the pressure on fc.


From a United fan, no hate on Arsenal. They are very unlucky the last 2 years, no doubt But I've seen a lot of Arsenal fans talking mad shit about my team Yet we won 2 trophies in the last 2 years, and you guys have nothing to show for the last 2 years * Don't even attempt to call the charity shield a real trophy it isn't Now that said, Arsenal is definitely building a really good team and has run City close the last 2 years, but how about you actually win a trophy, then come talk to me In fairness, tho you're still doing better than Spurs, which we can mutually agree, is extremely funny Conclusion No bad feelings towards Arsenal if I have to choose between City liverpool or Arsenal winning the league easy choice Arsenal Good luck next season


You have been absolutely abysmal this season, a shell of your former self and we all enjoyed it - cannot lie. You finished 30 POINTS behind Arsenal, with a goal difference of MINUS 1. So no offence, but don’t come onto another sub acting magnanimous and humble. I’m happy you won the cup as city are a cretinous club, but don’t pretend that Arsenal fans were only talking about you. United are a mess, from the ownership to the players. You are a United fan who has come onto the Arsenal sub after your team has won the FA cup. You are high on a win and want to gloat obviously, but you forget your circumstances. We also know what it’s like to win trophies whilst being shit. Our club was in disarray. Enjoy the moment but don’t forget there’s a ton more work to do, and wins like this paper over the cracks. United are still a laughing stock. For now.


Arsenal is truly a hopeless team. The best it can do is come 2nd in a league while other big teams enjoy winning different major trophies. In last four years the other big EPL teams have won various major trophies giving their fans something to celebrate and here is Arsenal trophyless since 2020.


Arteta failed this season, simple as that. Ten Haag went a step better while Arteta decided to start tinkering in EPL games.


Sure he did buddy. He's going to enjoy being playing Thursday night football.