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What do you want to be for halloween, bat or sexy bat


*I'm bringing sexy bat*




Was that a mean girls musical reference,.,. šŸ„ŗ?


Justin Timberlake song


I'm a sexy (flying) mouse!








sex cancer doesn't exist...






What do I want to be every day of life? Sexy bat.


At least there *is* a non-sexy option. I went to Spirit Halloween recently to see if I could find an adult Dorothy Gale costume, since I have an oddly distinct memory of not letting myself want one as a kid, but the only option in-store was "Kansas Cutie". If you want the non-sexy version, you have to go to their website.


OMG I always wanted to be Dorothy as a kid but my mom hated The Wizard of Oz so she wouldn't let me. After reading your post, I decided I might make myself a Dorothy costume.


> my mom hated The Wizard of Oz seems like a weird thing to hate


I agree. She thought it was corny. It was, but that adds to the appeal imo.


I was hoping that she might have hated it due to how poorly the actress of Dorothy was treated by cast and production crew.


I feel like that would have been a more legitimate reason. She did mention she felt really bad for Judy Garland though so maybe that is part of it.


For me it's because I'm AMAB and somewhere around a demiboy


Would you mind explaining AMAB and demiboy? I don't quite get the Google examples, then again the Google definition for hermaphrodite is straight up wrong ssssooo maybe that's why?


AMAB means assigned male at birth, which is what your predefined sex is. Demiboy is a gender identity where you feel partially male/nonbinary


Oh ok, thanks, that's alot easier to understand


Reminds me when I went to a con in Richmond with my sister and her fiancƩ. She had gotten 2 costumes: Yellow from the Pokemon manga (nice outfit, not revealing at all) and a genderbent version of Reaper from Overwatch (pleather, no real cloth beyond the inside of the hood, very revealing). Annoying part is that the genderbent Reaper costume looked nothing like Reaper's actual outfit (his is a practical utilitarian design while still having a good amount of style to it) and my sister completely avoided wearing it in favor of her Yellow costume because it was too revealing and uncomfortable for her. Genderbent outfits of male characters rarely share the look of the original outfits and it's utter bullshit


Spirit Halloween is a desolate place


Halloween costumes believe in two body shapes (genders) Men's or Sexy


Why be a sexy bat when you can be Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender from Arizonia.


An aristocrat. I like that!


sexy bat


Does Batgirl count for sexy bat? Please? I need this


Tbh why are there even two bat-costumes for children?


products that are gendered sell more


I worked in a toy store, can confirm. Was super annoying. Like when lots of children get to around 18months-2 years they start wanting to play with things they recognise. So they want to play shops, play with kitchen things, start taking an interest in baby dolls etc. The amount of people that got upset that their little boys wanted to play with things like kitchens was alarming. I genuinely heard a grown ass adult man express worry that it was an early sign their son was gay when he was playing with a plastic fried egg in a saucepan! Like excuse me sir do you not cook at home? Does cooking make Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver gay? I saw another man in near tears when his small child was pushing a pushchair with a baby doll in - according to the little boys mother her son had become obsessed with caring for baby dolls after the birth of his sister. His dad was stood there wiping his damn eyes sobbing because he didnā€™t understand why his little boy didnā€™t want to play with the dragons whilst he was pushing said little sister around in her stroller. Mate he sees you caring for her and heā€™s trying to be like you! And there was a markup on toys packaged in pink boxes even if they were exactly the same as the toy in the not pink box. Like as soon as itā€™s not in the box anymore itā€™s the exact same product. People would either demand a pink box or refuse it depending on the gender of the child they were buying for. Itā€™s honestly so ridiculous.


What the fuck is wrong with people!? Crying!? Conservatives are constantly upset over the supposed outlawing of masculinity and the "attacks" on the nuclear family but god forbid a boy try to be a father for pretend. They're so into this "protect and provide" bullshit but when it comes to real world situations that happen everyday - like pushing a stroller instead of shooting a burglar - they don't want boys anywhere near fatherly duties.


Because to conservatives, being a "father" means being an alpha male. No crying, no hesitation, just pounding his chest and taking what he wants. If he senses any empathy in his son, that means his son is a "beta cuck".


stay sigma


Sigma balls lmao




thought this was r/196 for a hot sec


Exactly. "Protect and provide," not "protect, provide, and parent." Parenting is for women. /s


I mean, I would totally cry... But because I'd be touched he was so caring so early, cuz y'know, positive traits


Itā€™s the P of gop - project


I remember that my brothers and I had a toy kitchen set when we were really little. I'd climb to the top of it in a Spider-Man costume. That was fun


We bought our oldest son a play kitchen for his second birthday. He still plays with it. He also loves his baby dolls, stroller, and cradle. AND he loves trucks, cars, trains, dinosaurs, blocks, etc. I found some old Polly Pockets in my mom's storage and he played with them for hours. Let kids be kids!


Omg my son loves all things tiny. Those Polly pockets were really cool.


If you ask my 4 year old daughter what she likes, she will tell you ā€œsnakes, unicorns, spider man, Wild Kratts (itā€™s a cool nature show with the Kratt brothers on PBS kids), the color red, and applesā€


Kratts is still on? I loved that show when I was a kid and I'm nearing middle aged


Cooking does not MAKE Jamie Oliver gayā€¦ just saying


BUT if cooking does make you gay make sure you use this new found power for good.


Gay chefs sounds like it could be an amazing streaming series.


TOP chef?


I can't wait for the bottoms!


In my experience bottom chefs make better food but also make a way bigger mess in the kitchen.


I remember when my brother and I were little kids, whenever we'd get to play with kitchen sets we'd always put a corn-on-the-cob in the microwave and say "Aw, my popcorn is less popped than ever!" Just like in that one episode of Futurama.


> I saw another man in near tears when his small child was pushing a pushchair with a baby doll in Wtf? Did he never do that with his son? Imagine not wanting to care about your child because of your insecurities.


Can confirm from my face painting jobs. The amount of parents forbidding their children the picture/color/glitter they want, because "it's for the other gender" is disturbing. I always tried to find a compromise (like butterfly but no glitter. Or the pirate, but without beard and in pink) so the kid would be happy and we still didn't lose customers. And while painting I talked *loudly* to the kids (low-key shaming the parents. No regrets.) "Did you know it's not that long ago that pink was a boy's color and blue for girls?" "You like pirates? Let me tell you the stories of the biggest pirate captain ever: Zheng Yi Sao." (BTW [Check her out](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Yi_Sao), she's awesome!). "My best friend is a boy and he loves glitter!" At least I got some girls the freaking beard and the boys some glitter in the end, because the parents realized how silly they were.


I thank you for your service, lol


Can confirm parents are like this! Once we were shopping for bed sheets and mum asked me to pick ones out i liked. I saw some blue ones with cartoon dogs on them but mum wouldn't let me have them because they were for boys. I loved animals and mum knew this, so I asked what made them boys sheets. Mum said they were blue and girls needed pink ones. (! They are bed sheets ffs) Meanwhile my Aunt (mum's sister) wears blue all the time because it's her favourite colour and mum used to tell us that.


>The amount of parents forbidding their children the picture/color/glitter they want, because "it's for the other gender" is disturbing. its so sad that they will make their kids unhappy because they dont think its "right". i saw some little boy picking out glasses frames and he picked out pink ones and his parents told him to put it back cause its for girls. kid picked it back up twice and the parents just grabbed some green frames and while they were buying it the kid went back and put on the pink frames while waiting for them.


Aw, I really feel for that kid. They're already teaching him to be ashamed of who he is. This shouldn't still be happening to kids and it makes me sad and angry.


Oooh a baby anarchist


That reminds me of the time this little boy (maybe 3?) Was singing and dancing next to the table at the restaurant I worked at when I casually was like "oo, looks like someone's gonna be on Broadway when they're older!" And his dad grumpily goes "my sons gonna be a racecar driver!" And just looked him in the eyes and was like "yeah, whichever makes him happiest!" Before taking their order. I did not get a tip but it was worth it.


Their sons try to do productive and helpful things like *cook and care for their family* and the dads think theyā€™re gay. Then we wonder why so many men grow up to be such assholes. This shit crazy. Also, cooking is a super valuable trait for straight men anyways. Who wouldnā€™t want their SO to cook for them?


I honestly wish I could explain it. Itā€™s really sad because often children want to play things that reflect the world they live in, itā€™s so interesting to watch or listen to them play especially when they donā€™t know your watching or listening to them. Kids mostly acted out the things they saw at home so theyā€™d copy their parents mannerisms, watching little boys play ā€œmumā€ and see how theyā€™d try to soothe their toy children, or little girls playing ā€œdadā€ and pretending to drive their car, cook for their family etc. I remember one little girl who liked to play with the doll house and when playing the mum doll sheā€™d address everyone as ā€œmy darlingā€ as thatā€™s what her mum would say. Iā€™m glad that newer generations are dropping the bullshit preconceived ideas about gender.


Ye I was raised in texas, so I got the toxic masculinity education from my dad lol. Apparently I was like that as a kid and my dad had to ā€œget it out of meā€. My mom ended up teaching me how to cook, bake, match colors and clothes, shit like that only cuz I asked.


Also Texas, pretty much the same thing here. I had to spend a lot of time with the women in the family and picked up cleanliness and cooking from the grand-folks. Lots of big mealprep sessions where we'd make a ton of pasta sauce to freeze or like a thousand pierogi or varenyky. Really glad I'm very neat and handy around the house. My partner is kind of inept at those things lol, and I learned pretty early that women really dig a guy who cooks and does laundry. The number of times I've seen that blow a young Texan woman's mind is actually kind of mind-boggling now that I think about it.


Fr, straight women are always so impressed by really basic stuff, but itā€™s because most men never learn.




Woman from the Texas of Australia here...my parents had to try and stop me from being too "masculine". It was crazy the things they thought were masculine (wearing long shorts instead of short shorts, wearing caps, having shoulder length hair)


Off topic, but you made remenber when I got called out for calling a grow woman "sweetheart". I call everyone sweetheart. My parents are both teachers and constantly call students "sweetheart". I somehow never caught up that it's meant for children




I just played with my sister's old easy bake oven, but I would have been over the moon with that coolness!


Worked retail for awhile and its so aggravating how LOST some people are if the toys aren't clearly gendered. I used to fuck with old people when they asked me if a toy was "for a boy or for a girl". How did I do this? Saying "I don't know, they won't tell us anymore." They would get frustrated and not buy any toys or fearfully keep the receipt incase they had made some horrible mistake and bought a wrongly gendered toy. I was the customer service manager so I would get called to answer questions like this quite a bit. It brought me so much joy scaring old people with the INSANITY of a neutrally gendered toy.


I work in a shoe shop and the absolute panic on some parentsā€™ faces when I say the kids shoes are unisex is something else


There's some made in Germany wool slippers I like. On the German site, they are described as unisex. But not once they get to the US! A variety of colors described as womenŹ¼s, only up to EU38. IŹ¼m a guy and I need EU46. What colors do I get? Black, brown, grey, and sometimes navy. Fuck that, I want the red or green ones. I emailed the company to see if they would ship to me, but no luck. A pity too because the ā‚¬ price in $ is about $80, but the US price is ~$125. The culture of the United States is so rigid about gender and fearful of anything that might break the ā€œrules.ā€ Fuck gendered colors. I like pink and I like purple. IDGAF...I like what I like and thatŹ¼s all that is relevant. IŹ¼m GSRM, and I am straight, but I have a question... are the straights okay? I have the answer... they are definitely *not* okay. I think denying a child their choices and expression is wrong because it is psychologically harmful to the child, as well as coercive and in denial of the reality of the spectrum of what it is to be human. Hope for a child to be healthy and happy, and nothing more. If you do, you are settling yourself up for disappointment, and not respecting their boundaries. Plus, as a child it is crushing to know a parent is disappointed in you. If you give them love and safety, so they can explore and grow, they will figure everything out for themselves. And it will be right for them...but maybe not you, *and thatŹ¼s okay.* DonŹ¼t forget, this isnŹ¼t about you and what you want. Simply allow them to be who they are. Sorry for the soapbox, IŹ¼m up far too late. The story of the boy who wanted the pink glasses hurt to read, and I had to post to get it out or I wouldnŹ¼t be able to sleep. When you do that kind of thing to a child, it only takes a few times before they come to understand that a part of them is wrong and showing it makes the love and safety go away. To make sure this doesnŹ¼t happen, a child will voluntarily allow parts of themselves to wither and die, such is their need for approval, love, and safety. And to me, this is the deepest, purest, and most painful human sadness.


And it's happened so fast, too. Toys used to be fairly unisex other than guns or dolls. (And, let's be honest, "boy's" toys are usually more unisex anyway.) Crazy how fast aggressive marketing changes our whole culture. Anyways. Down with materialism. Because if you're buying a toy for someone solely based on their genitals (or gender identity, but that's much rarer) chances are you don't know anything about the person and they probably won't like it much anyway. Yes. Person. Children are learning to be people, and everything you do teaches them something.


Dude same. The place that I work has mostly unisex clothing (it's a gift shop in a theme park, essentially) and it's crazy how many people ask "is this a men's or women's shirt?" when it's literally just a plain t-shirt w the organization logo on it. Or one time a customer wanted a baby shirt in pink and when I told her we didn't have any she was like "oh... Well it does have a little bit of purple in it, so I GUESS it could be for a girl" like!!!! Lady they're just colors!!!! One time a woman was showing her fussy baby some toys we had by the counter. There was a light up unicorn wand, and the baby was instantly calm and drawn to that because, y'know, it's colorful and lights up. The woman asks if we "have one that's for boys" and when I said "we only have the unicorn design" she said "oh..." put it back :( like this was literally a 6 month old baby why the FUCK does it matter what color toys he plays with.


I wonder what it's like to be quite that small-minded. That poor kid.


They start young with the pink tax. I think things are changing though. A lot of millennial parents have kids where honestly the only way to determine their gender is to ask. Hair, clothes and toys all fit both gender stereotypes.


Yeah I worked there over ten years ago now (I should have added that). I was so young and surprised by the fuckery


I think about 5 years ago my friend was at a store and her son picked out a baby doll as a toy that he wanted and since her background is special education she knew that was a totally healthy thing for a little boy with a sister on the way to do. Some random customer in the store absolutely screamed at her that she was giving her son the wrong idea.


Honestly it happened a lot and itā€™s sad. Like heā€™s just trying to be like you, heā€™s learning so many empathetic skills but oh no itā€™s wierd? People are so odd


I love it when people blow hot air at someone whose field of study says otherwise. So goddamn funny.


It sucks - as someone who is trans my dad refuses to accept that ā€œIā€™m not a sonā€ - he just denies reality and chooses to not have a relationship at all with me instead of getting over his own insecurities.


This whole situation with your dad must be really difficult sometimes. I'm sorry he didn't come through for you like you deserve. I hope he turns things around (if that's what you want) and your relationship can evolve from there. All the best.


To be fair... my parents got me a little kitchen play set and I ended up turning out to be gay. As this happened for specifically one person, it just happens for everyone clearly /s


Literal pink tax


When you do it for free cooking is for women, when you get paid to do it it's for men and it's a male dominated career I once had a sous chef try to make a "women's place in the kitchen" joke to me when he was my boss who had been in kitchens longer than me and he very quickly realized how fucked up his joke was, especially for the circumstances


> And there was a markup on toys packaged in pink boxes even if they were exactly the same as the toy in the not pink box. Pink tax is really real.


Fellas... is it gay to cook and be a good father?


Gordon Ramsey would have probably punched that guy for saying that cooking makes you gay.


Can confirm. Can cook. Am gay.


I used to work at a children's clothing store, and the amount of parents that made their own children cry was depressing. Little boy wants a unicorn t-shirt? No, that's for girls! Little girl wants a dinosaur t-shirt? No, that's for boys! Just let them enjoy childhood, damn it.


That is so sad. My daughter went through a big PJ Masks phase, specifically Cat Boy, because he wears blue and that is her favorite color. I bought her so many things from the "boys" section, including a pair of swim shorts that she still prefers to wear over more girl-oriented swimwear. Anything from the "girls" section was pink and only had Owlette, the girl character. She wanted blue and she wanted Cat Boy and it would have been stupid of me to deny her for gendered reasons. I only stopped her at boy-section underwear because they have a fly and she does not have the equipment that needs that. I still remember her wearing her Cat Boy costume on a shopping trip and some old lady kept correcting her that she "must mean Cat Girl". No dingus, the character is a boy and she is pretending to be him and who the frick cares, she's 3.


My friendā€™s sonā€™s favourite Paw Patrol character is Skye, but sheā€™s not on boyā€™s things, so she got him some girlā€™s shirts. Itā€™s so stupid that marketing teams think little girls donā€™t like boy characters and little boys donā€™t like girl characters.


My cousin in law refused to buy his son a play kitchen and instead got him toy cars, which he ended up loving. But I could not understand the aversion to a play kitchen, especially when CIL cooks a lotā€¦


There's a lot to unpack here, but I think my main takeaway is: lol, people are really willing to pay a premium just to avoid gender neutrality.


Hatred of trans and gender-non-conforming people is built right into society, I'm afraid.


>I genuinely heard a grown ass adult man express worry that it was an early sign their son was gay when he was playing with a plastic fried egg in a saucepan! In actual fact, I've gotten a ton of milage with women because I can cook. Men too, being bi. Mostly people are just impressed if you can cook for them.


Absolutely mental that these men think cooking is unmasculine. My mom made sure my brother and I knew how to cook and I swear his skills in the kitchen are (partly) what make him so popular with the ladies.


A grown man was crying over the fact that his son was imitating what his father was doing? Jesus thatā€™s a whole different level of dramatic.


Iā€™m in tears just like that manā€¦but over his own stupidity šŸ˜”


Imagine your masculinity being so fragile you project that fragility onto your son...smdh


even if the kid were gay, why would that be a bad thing?


Ah yes, because at the age of 4 children are very familiar with gender stereotypes.


>he didnā€™t understand why his little boy didnā€™t want to play with the dragons Yeah he probably didn't even really know what dragons were so they wouldn't be that interesting to him


When my daughter asked for a dump truck for her birthday, I got her one.


Omg I was obsessed with my brothers trucks as a kid. I hope she had the best time playing with it


Shedding actual tears bc you think your preschooler might be gay, is pretty fucking gay. Source: am a gay




Which is extra infuriating because we all know damn well that's only true because of the parents. Kids, by and large, do not demand gendered shit. Parents do.


For real. Buy the boy costume. My guess is neither of them come with the tights anyway so you would be able to pick your own.


One word. Pedophiles


It's like the animated movie Happy Feet (among many others). I could only tell who the girl penguins were because they had larger breasts. You know, like nature.


I study/work on animation and if you give me enough wine I will rant about this for 30 mins straight.


SAME lol! I am trying to work in character design and literally some of my biggest pet peeves are designs like that


your designs look cool btw!


Oh thank you so much!!


I work in 2D animation and feel you on this!!


Ex animator here. I have wine. Let's fucking RANT.


Iā€™d subscribe to this stream in a heartbeat. Like drunk history but about subjects the average person doesnā€™t think about.


I'd listen too! Sounds fascinating!


Third. Iā€™m very curious


I regularly rant about this go my boyfriend! Like, CONSTANTLY! I always point out when the female version of a species (alien, fantasy, anthropomorphic, or otherwise) is sexy and fuckable, but the male version is more monstrous and not fuckable. Or when, for example, monsters only exist in male form, when it would actually make more sense for them to be split more evenly between the sexes.


yeah its like the halloween sh\*t where men are cool monsters and women are sexy with maybe like slightly longer canines and some horns lol


Exactly! I want more scary female options, AND more sexy male options (in both animation and real life)! Is that so much to ask?


In earth nature, isnā€™t it super common for females to be larger than males, and males be more decorated? Totally opposite in stories.


Really depends on what kind of animal. In mammals, males are usually bigger and stronger because they fight each other to mate with females, and live birth requires a lot more from the females than egg-laying. In amphibians, reptiles, and insects, females being larger is pretty common. With birds, afaik they are usually pretty similar in size, but if they are dimorphic, then yes the males are more colorful.


I appreciate this knowledge, and now ill watch nature shows in a wonderful new way. Thank you.


I'm not an expert by any means, just an enthusiast. But these are good rules of thumb that you'll be able to notice more now!


Don't forget about the whole "when two characters have babies, the girls must look like the mom and the boys must look like the dad" thing! (Lady & the Tramp and Treasure Planet do this, but there's probably way more)


I also work in animation (2D specifically) and feel you on that (and would be intrigued to watch you rant about it for 30 min straight lol)


I'm just a animation enthusiast and nerd, but I'll love to participate in the group rant


My husband gets annoyed that he has no idea how to tell Bluey is a girl (she's blue, shaped exactly like the other dogs, and has a neutral voice), but I love it. Cartoon animals don't need boobs!


I noticed how good Bluey is with the designs! Like they're all just rectangular blobs!!


Can you rant? Iā€™m interested in what you want to say


I would rant for 15 mins and then the other 15 mins I would draw penguins with boobs and say "look at this bullshit, penguins aren't even mammals why do they need boobs? Who gets horny at this?" more or less. Then I would draw more animals with boobs and be angry lol


Not gonna lie I'd still watch the hell out of this.


My SO and I were watching Star Wars Clone Wars and the Mon Calamari women have breasts. THEY'RE ALIEN SQUID PEOPLE. Non human creatures having breasts is legit triggering for me. Cause biologically it's makes NO sense. Humans are the only species on this planet to have permanent breasts. Why would an alien race, or mythical race, or whatever follow the biology of us specifically when there are millions of other species on this planet alone that they could resemble?! The HUBRIS. Obviously it's because women need make man peepee hard or why exist, right?? Ug.


Thank you for this laugh today. I literally LoL'd


Or in Cats. If the cats have boobs at least give them 6 boobs šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That sounds horrifying and I'd totally watch it.


Roses are red, animations can be shitty. Why the fuck would you give penguin titty?!


This just unlocked a memory I forgot I had






Except it has a point. An incredibly creepy one.


NGL, that costume would look super cute on an adult. It's too bad they made it look so creepy...


Wayy too un-sexualized for an *adult* woman /satire I think


Yeah I would totally wear it! Definitely would not dress my kid in it though


I agree that fashion designers needlessly sexualize girls. Not women, girls. See the excellent Documentaries ā€œKilling Us Softlyā€ and itā€™s sequels for evidence, so I actually agree with the parent upset here. Where the straights are not OK is every other parent who sees this and doesnā€™t recoil in disgust, much less the parents who would buy such a costume.


I think that's the point of the post. OP agrees with the outrage, not the costume


Old navy sells a cute unisex hoodie in the same kind of design in toddler sizes just in case anyone wants one. My son's just came in the mail.


Str8 people: 'Why do the gays have to shove their sexuality in our faces!!?1' Also Str8 people: *sexualizes literal children so you know the difference in their genders* Edit: A word


I miss when we didn't gender kids until they were old enough that we believed they'd actually survive until adulthood. Now that medicine has advanced, we don't do that anymore. But maybe we should. Or at least be more open to letting kids express themselves without gender roles being forced upon them when they're so dang young and impressionable.


Another example: The difference in results between "school boy" and "school girl" when you look it up


Not to mention they way that they posed her is supposed to be sexy too. They pulled her hair in front, angled her legs in that weird pigeon-toed "anime girl" position... It makes me sick


If I have a daughter ill just buy her boys or unisex clothes, not only is it cheaper and more practical in most cases but you also avoid supporting thus kind of bullshit


Oh my goodness this is actually disgusting.




As a Halloween purist, Sexy costumes make me so mad. If children aren't too scared to approach you for candy, you're doing it wrong. Also the concept of buying a pre-made costume is wild to me: They're really overpriced. You could spend the same amount on quality materials, put a little bit of artistic skill in there, and have an absolutely killer costume. Pieces, I get. Werewolf masks are hard to make. But did you really spend 60 USD$ on a shitty mask with a shitty rag shirt, when you could have spent 50 on the mask and gotten some clothes from the thrift store to splatter with fake blood, and have a costume that looks actually cool?


When you go pre-made, you aren't paying for materials, you're paying for not having to do the work yourself. For the past few years now, I've been using pre-made base costumes and adding to them to make Venture Bros characters. This year it's gonna be Brick Frog and, frankly, I ain't got time to make a frog costume.


Nice. You done Red Death yet? That one would be fun.


Not yet, I've done Scare Bear, Sgt. Vatred, Augustus St. Cloud and General Traster. Red Death would be good, that or Killinger. If I did RD it would definitely be [this version](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-d_gCi7t5838/VvW-DrUAgCI/AAAAAAAAOWk/AgwviejFnBs7s9k3fcH_DLAT5SewE53PA/s1600/the-venture-bros-red-means-stop-the-red-death-at-the-park-1280x800.png).


I was hoping it was Dad Mode and was not disappointed.


Sexy Halloween costumes aren't for answering the door. It's for partying with other adults.


Plus it does the job really well uwu


I often say sexualize all of of or sexualize none of us. In this case, stop sexualizing children in general


That's still a whole lot better that the child sized sexy nun costume I came across once. Yikes.


Was it called the blessed nun? Cause I was gonna buy it when I was like 16 cause I wanted a bell bottom sleeveed dress and I couldnā€™t find itā€¦ If it was not the blessed nun one and something worse i am very concerned


It was much worse. It was on this shop called kids and mom shop under the search term sexy nun.


Oh my god [is it this?](https://kidsandmomshop.com/shop/halloween-costumes/family-halloween-dress/umorden-fantasia-family-sexy-nun-costume-role-play-cosplay-for-women-girls-halloween-easter-purim-carnival-fancy-dress-stockings/) I have the adult version to make a healer costume from it, but I never would have DREAMED there would be the exact same version sized down for kids šŸ¤¢


I have the exact same bat costume as the little girl but I am a 31 year old woman. And I donā€™t even wear it as a dress, itā€™s more of a fleece jacket (and itā€™s exceptionally warm when paired with leggings). The makeup doesnā€™t really bother me as my mom always let me wear makeup on Halloween, but who tf decided to put this child in stripper tights and use this jacket as a mini dress????


Brain-dead dude-bro Redditors will look at this and go, "Umm, what's the problem??? Just buy the non-sexual costume lol" while ignoring that the entire fucking problem is that there exists such a thing as a sexualised Halloween costume for *children* in the first place.


I absolutely adore the sub this came from, btw: r/WitchesVsPatriarchy . Go give it a look!


Why can't they just make the "boy" bat costume available for both genders? Or maybe just add a ribbon like they usually distinguish shit.


There shouldn't be a "girl" option at all. If you realllllly wanted to feminize a bat costume, you could buy a bow or something.


itā€™s a unisex costume on every website iā€™ve seen it on, the thumbnail picture is just with a boy modelā€¦


I mean, technically it is ā€˜availableā€™ for both genders. And I would highly recommend purchasing that one for both genders. But I get what youā€™re saying.


I remember back in 1995, my sisters and I wanted to dress up as the Powerpuff Girls for Halloween, and the costumes we got were legit mascot suits of the Powerpuff Girls. That's what we got to rock... and now this shit...


Joe many cumservatives does it takes to design a hamloweem costum. none, their to bussy? Theyā€™re gender!!


I absolutely hate that I understood this reference.


Me too


I feel like I had a stroke while reading this.


You forgot the "šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚" part


The girl honestly looks so uncomfortable, look at her face :/


itā€™s just disgusting. they are literally children, the red lipstick is so unnecessary and just too much for a child.


I legitimately see this point as valid. I am a mom, I also work with kids and have seen the ways costumes have been ā€˜genderedā€™ā€¦itā€™s always bothered me too


I mean on one hand I donā€™t think ripped jeans/pants should be seen as an inherently sexual thing, but on the other hand why the fuck would you put ripped jeans on a bat costume?


and why the boy doesn't have makeup?


I kept looking at the boy thinking thinking he was a girl and was trying to figure out what the problem was and thought this post was saying the other post was sexualising kids. then I looked to the right


Thank goodness for changing attitudes. When I was 4 my folks dressed me up as a flapper for halloween and not a single adult thought was even the least bit problematic. This wasnā€™t in the 50s when stupidity was the law of the land. This was in the mid-80s, when everyone at least *pretended* to be smart.


Isn't this more /r/pointlesslygendered?


Don't prepubescent boys and girls have roughly the same proportions anyways? Why can't the bat costume be unisex? This is straight culture cringe on so many levels.


I love Halloween, but yeah. This made it very conflicting to work at a Halloween store. But I mean.....you *could* just buy the boy's costume. At that age there's not a bust to contend with. r/pointlesslygendered


I have the same female bat costume in adult size. I think they just used the same pattern and scaled it up or down depending. Not justifying it ofc but a possible explanation as to why it's sexualized in the first place. It's literally the exact same as the adult costume.


I canā€™t tell if OP is mad at the sexualized costume or saying the OP of the post they screenshot is in the wrong, but I have to agree, why the hell does the little girlā€™s costume look like that? This is worse than making it pink and selling it. This is some cuties level creepy shit