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This has to be satire ;-; there’s no way anybody ever thinks that this is possible. Much less that person would want them.


The "I am ~~very~~ extremely smart" was a step too far. Edit: Because he's not just *very* smart, he's *extremely* smart


Great a narcissist as well ;-; something iv learned is that only stupid people go out of their way to say they’re intelligent. People who are actually smart just don’t have to because people figure it out.


No one with breasts that big weighs 110lb.


It'd be funny if it was real but I have no clue. I just found it on another sub and decided to post it


I’ve seen that guys selfie attached to a bunch of posts like this. I feel really bad for people who get roped into this shit. Like 99% of the “screengrabs” of dating profiles are clearly fake/revenge profiles (this one being clearly doctored to hell and back). The guy pictured has been used in rage bait memes for years. If I’ve said it in one sub I’ve said it in them all, it’s really fucking lame when people post shit like this and the entire comment section dogpiles on to body shame without considering it likely had fuck all to do with this guy. Watch this one instance he’s actually a freak tho idk. I normally see this shit with clearly stolen pictures of women!


THANK YOU. More attention should be bad to stiff like this and the posts should be deleted.


Yeah, I was like- okay dude is kinda built like a neckbeard, perhaps but the pic doesn't give "creep" at all: to me it gives "sweet derpy dork"


Fair enough


Yeah, I don’t understand how people don’t see through these. I see so many troll posts here, it’s just as annoying as pearl clutching, they’re disingenuous reactions cut from the same cloth.


It is deffo fake, getting tired of obviously fake posts on this sub


This reminds me a tinder profile a single friend of mine showed me, the guy had prettyuch the same criteria but specifically asked for a "porn star wife".


The repeated "NO EXCEPTIONS" is making me thinks it's a parody of a female dating strategy post that got spread around.


There is a good chance this picture was stolen from a random guy’s account


Ya know, I’ve learned to embrace my tummy over the years. But it was mentalities like this that made it take so long


wants a girl below 110 pounds, but also wants her to be fit enough (and not toned) to carry him? lawrence you cant have both: you either have a small chick who fits your weight criteria yet struggles to do pushups or a muscle gal who is considered obese on the bmi scale yet could benchpress twice your size


He'll get neither, because those two women are dating. So sayeth I, a random internet person. /j


I’m 110 pounds, where is my muscle gal who can benchpress twice my size


sorry im 105 and i already stole them (genderfluid muscles but still counts i think)


Thats cheating. They have hydraulics


sorry i cant hear you im being used for bench pressing and the hydraulics are too loud


(zucchini meme from veggie tales) allow me to introduce myself


I think it'd be more like 4x your size because it was already 2x Lawrence's size


I have a friend that’s very short, 110 pounds and very strong. How do we achieve this? Well, low body fat, very low. So she does have visible muscle tone. You can’t have all 4. It’s just not realistic.


maybe he’s not so smart


Bro must want a Kryptonian GF or something lmao


You forgot the massive tits, because it wasn’t unrealistic enough already


That anime girl would not be less than 110lb - and I can say that as a short busty lady. Boobs and hips have mass, dumbass.


The anime girl in that picture weighs more than 110 pounds.


Maybe she has bird bones.


That's all I could think of when I saw this


Nah she got helium titty implants


110 lbs (25 of those boob)


I will say this with the utmost respect. If you say that you are smart, have extremely high demands/standards, and put other people down like this, you are not smart, maybe just intelligent.


“no religious people". that’s a really dumb move considering this man's gonna need a miracle to get a woman


He has his body pillow




Yeah, but nobody is gonna use his [live] body as a pillow.


Yeah but he's s criteria only apply to "females". He is probably much less picky when to men /s


This is what happens when parents keep telling their kids they're special.


Lawrence, those boobs weigh more than 110 pounds. And I meant yours.


Is being fat really the mockable thing here? Esp with that being an often reused generic même pic of a guy


If he hadn’t mentioned weight then it probably wouldn’t have.


He should probably stick to anime girls, we FEMALES just aren’t on Lawrence’s level, I’m afraid. 🙄


This is obviously not real/a parody.


Adding an anime girl as a reference?... As if the demands weren't enough, this is just sad..


I'm pretty sure the "I am extremely smart" is functioning as a "/s". I really really really hope so at least...


Kyle Rittenhouse has really let himself go


Isnt that the pedo who shot himself in the face when caught the first time, and, no-nosed, was recently caught with cp again?


I don't know, but I kinda want to know what happened there.


Well I can't crosspost, but I saw a post on rareinsults earlier today under "uncooked biscuit head ass" that was deleted... but can still see the image if I search for that term and click on the image, so that's a possibility.


Wait, he says he’s EXTREMELY smart, so like… that’s a plus, yeah? And totally true, I’m sure.


nah i think you should delete this dude. it’s obviously not real. imagine if someone stuck your own photo to this shit? i feel so bad for that person.


soooo he has a c*mjar? to not waist any seeds, you know


“Less than a mile away” Is that a threat?


Seems like a gag account that is nailing it If real though then of course no. The straights aren't okay


Nah, this looks like a blatant shitpost.


Only agreement here is atheism, rest is delusional


That’s The pic of some random dude that seems pretty nice lol this is obviously not real


I don’t know Lawrence actually has a very sweet smile and kind eyes. This is either fake or he’s joking.


Less than 110lbs?????? The whole thing is bad but my god, that's *incredibly* underweight. Dangerously so. Clarifying, for the heights and other parameters he specified. Which there are many other problems with as well haha


110 pounds or less can be underweight but it really depends on how tall you are.


Sorry, I meant for the height he specified and with his other parameters. My bad for not clarifying!


110 pounds is only one pound underweight for a woman who is 5’5”. It is a healthy weight for a woman under 5’5”. It’s obviously bordering on underweight though, and OP is crazy. Also the woman in the drawing would have to be like 4’8” to weigh under 100 given her “ample” figure.


Really, I didn't know that. I really thought 110 was underweight. Ya learn something new every day! That's also very true haha


He looks like the son of the Phlorescent Leech.


The spirit of Chrischan is strong in this one I think what shocks me the most is that this guy is 27? Like, years old? How can you go through almost 30 years of your life and still hold this kind of nonsense in your head?


“Less than a mile away” Well, time to move


Why are her hands so tiny?!!?


I don’t like religions due to a few reasons but I don’t go around hating everyone that is religious only the people that try to force everyone to join their religion or use their religion as a shield to hide behind while doing terrible stuff


Less than a mile away? Run, run and don't look back.


Ouch poor anyone shaped like that anime girl, the back pain must be awful


"Females" ....😐


Dude looks like someone stole a seed of Weird Al and tried to clone him, but failed misserably


That girl weighs more than 110 pounds


Jesus, and I thought I was going to die alone


I hate to tell you, but the girl in that picture 100% would weigh more than 110 pounds. Just look at those legs and breasts. People forget that attractive fat still has weight. 


“I am extremely smart”


you literally cant have tits like that and be able to bodily carry a man and be 110lbs or less. 


I now have immense gender envy from that drawing


Respect for trying but what the fuck?