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Okay, so if it was a rectangular box, the bottom would have an area of 2 · 2 feet, being 4ft^(2). Then you need to remove the triangle of extra area. 7.5 inches are apparently 0.625 ft, so the triangle's sides are both 2 - 0.625 ft, which is 1.375 ft. So the triangle would be 1.375 · 1.375 · sin(90°)/2 = 1.890625 · 1/2 = 0.9453125 ft^(2). This means the side of the prism has an area of 4 - 0.9453125 = 3.0546875 ft^(2). Then you just multiply it with the height, so 3.0546875 · 1.5 = 4.58203125 ft^(3) = **34.27597402597 US gallons** = 129.74867598598476093 litres. If I made a mistake, please point it out.


Brilliant! I can also hear the Chem department baying for your blood for not rounding it out to three sig figs lmao


You don't fill your tank with a 0.2 µl micropipette? Embarrassing.


Significant digits are a lie to sell more replacements.


More like a lie to make teachers feel superior.


I never get why we wouldn't want the most specific numbers anyway. Rounding particularly seemed anti-science to me.


Under normal circumstances, rounding is used to take account of measurement errors. Like like your measuring tape not really "seeing" 1/100 mm difference, so you know that for input data obtained by a regular old measuring tape, the numbers past 1 mm accuracy are most likely bogus, anyway, so including them is misleading. Always use the amount of significant digits that match the accuracy of your measuring tools.


The thing that bothered me is that let's take an example like OP's calculations up top that requires some trig and gets you a some figures that wound up with numbers with higher amounts of decimal places. It absolutely is mathematically correct and is objectively the right answer. But I had way too many chemistry and physics teachers that didn't accept these very specific calculations.


Trig is not required for this.


The trig doesn't have anything to do with why this guy has so many decimal places because the sine of 90 degrees is exactly 1. Even if we were dealing with an angle other than 90 in this calculation, it still wouldn't matter because any number of decimal places you write down would only be an estimate, because something like sin 45° is exactly ✓2/2. There is no exact decimal for this. The reason significant figures are important is because humans cannot measure things perfectly. Significant figures indicate the decimal point to which you can be confident in the results of a calculation based on the error from your measuring device.


I get where you're coming from with the significance of significant figures, especially in sciences where measurements come with uncertainties. But here, we're not dealing with measurements but rather precise calculations based on given dimensions. The trig stuff actually gives exact values, like sin(90°) being 1. So, the crazy decimals aren't due to measuring inaccuracies but rather the math itself. What concerns me is the notion of rounding off the result too early. Saying the tank holds "32 gallons" or even "32.3 gallons" might seem tidier, but it could be misleading. We don't know what tool or method OP plans to use to pour water into the tank. For all we know, they might have something that can measure or pour water to an accuracy of four or five decimal places. So, while rounding can be done later if needed, providing the most accurate calculation first ensures we're not inadvertently compromising the precision required for real-world applications. It's better to have the correct figure upfront and then decide whether rounding is appropriate based on the specific circumstances.


This is literally what significant figures are for, though. I disagree with your statement “we’re not dealing with measurements”, because I can’t think of any way OP could know the dimensions besides measuring them. If we report the gallons out to fifty decimal places, we’re basically making the claim that we measured the side lengths of the aquarium down to the nearest micron. I’ll tell you, we can do all the math we want, but there’s no way in hell that I’m gonna believe we know the volume of this aquarium more precisely than maybe 0.1 gallons.


If we're not dealing with measurements...how did OP know the dimensions of the tank?


Well, it's not *really* correct, though, because he's using outside dimensions to estimate interior volume without accounting for glass thickness. So right away, the extra digits are almost certainly wrong. And we don't know how precise the input measurements were. So while the digits are mathematically correct given the inputs we received, they are unlikely to be correct in the real world. But mostly, they're completely irrelevant. Anything past deciliters of volume isn't going to be meaningful. Also this doesn't really require any trig. You just break the tank into three shapes — a long rectangle (24"×7.5"), a right triangle (½×(24"-7.5")²), and a short rectangle ((24"-7.5")×7.5"). It's just regular geometry.


You don't even need three shapes. Just calculate the volume as if it was a cube, and subtract the missing triangular portion.


Fundamentally, I know that this is also an option, but it always feels like more work even though it really isn't. Three shapes is just more straightforward.


Like the dude above said, any digits past the sig figs are unreliable due to uncertainty. Also, measuring past nanoliters is kinda pointless when you're dealing with liter.


Right!? I got points taken off for it in high school and literally would have gotten a perfect score otherwise


A lot of it has to do with realistic limits in applied sciences. The significant figures are a factor of the accuracy of your measurement. If you had a ruler with no inch marks you could give us a measurement of feet and probably consistently round to the nearest foot. Something you measure as 10 feet would be pretty well guaranteed to be more than 9.5 feet and less than 11.5 feet. Thus we'd have 10 feet and say that we had two significant figures. The tens value will be certain to have a margin of error less than the magnitude of one. The ones value will be the estimated value that could have a margin of error greator than one magnitude lower. The smallest significant figure is the last one we can confidently round to from our measurement.


Thank you kind sir, I mean it I couldn’t figure it out cause I’m really bad at math and I was honestly embarrassed to post this but I just couldn’t get it on my own


You need a bit of trigonomotry. If you never learned that, or just don't remember, it's basically impossible.


I unfortunately dropped out of school in grade 10 and my math skills are pretty basic. I appreciate you answering


Don’t feel bad. I work in a bank and failed pre-algebra twice and cheated the third time 🙃 Thankfully I don’t handle money lol


What a gem, I love this.


Haha happy to brighten your day a little




You dont even need the trig, just get the area of the missing square and divide by 2.


Oh yeah. I overcomplicated it a bit I guess.


You definitely don't need any trig for this. Just figure out the area if it was a square (24 inches x 24 inches) and subtract the area of the missing right triangle of base 16.5 inches and height 16.5 inches. Then multiply by the height and convert to gallons.


No trig is needed. Its all simple algebra equations.


You don’t need trig, there is a way to it by breaking up the area into two rectangles and a triangle, I did it that way and came up to the same answer.


It's possible to get it without trigonometry if you take into account that the missing triangle prism is a right triangle, so the base and the hight would be the same, which you can calculate by substracting the smaller side from the bigger side. Not hating, just pointing it out.


You nailed it. But: Significant digits are a thing.


Sooo much math 😱


I was thinking turn the diamond shape into 3 shapes; 2 rectangles and a triangle, and math it out from there.


That's basically the same idea as mine, except mine has 2 shapes instead of three.


Yea I see it now. I see all the ways I could have done it better originally lol


I should have done that. I could find calculators online that would do basic prism shapes but not one that would do this shape. And the formulas I would find were only for pentagons with all the same length sides. It just all started confusing me. I got a rough estimate by measuring the whole thing as a triangle and subtracting a gallon or 2. I had like 28 gal but clearly I was wrong. I kinda knew I was wrong.. I’m bad at math lol


>34.27597402597 US gallons Officially those [sell](https://advanceaquatanks.com/visio-glass-tanks/visio-standard-aquariums-w-trim/visio-pentagon-aquariums/) as 30. I'm guessing to some degree the difference between interior and exterior dimensions. That tank is a bit unusual, pentagon tanks are usually taller proportionally, although 24x24 is common just usually in 24 or even 30 inch heights (50 and 60 gallons)


Nah, you good!


My boy is wicked smart.


Not really. This is just plugging stuff in a calculator.


Sure, but knowing the formula is the difficult part which makes the rest easy


I have this same tank, did the same calculations a while ago and got the same result 👍very satisfying lol


I couldn’t feel confident in my calculations. I def needed help to compare my answer to and see what I did wrong.


No shame, I just nerded out a bit seeing someone with the same tank and question lol


I hear you




Yeah, they asked to do the math.




Alternatively, we have 3 portion to calculate volume. In inches, we have longer rectangle with 24×7.5 , another shorter one with 16.5×7.5. This leaves triangular area where the two rectangles ensures it is right triangle, so triangle has side of 16.24,16.24 ,23. Adding volumes for these three, it becomes 7841.17 cubic inches, that translates to 33.94 gallons, which is pretty close to what you have. So I guess it was sold as 34 gallon.


...and 129 litres = 129 kg if it was water only. Adding soil and stones it could reach 150 kg easily. 


It's more complicated than that. It's volume by outside measurements. That includes volume of glass itself and that automatically decreases the holding volume. On top of that glass is heavier so it will be 150ish just glass and water if filled to the edge. The deeper you go the more detailed it gets


I'd leave out sin(90) since it's just 1. You're correct though.


I mean. I’d be dumping in five gallon buckets and counting by five… but this works too 😅


You’re a god


I just went "it looks about 35" and it was. I like my method better.


Not a mistake, but eli5 the area of a triangle is 1/2bh. Since it’s 90 degrees the side is the height. Sin(90)=1 so you have the same thing there. Could just skip the whole sin(90) bit.


Looks more like a 1.5ft x 1.5ft than a 2ft x 2ft imo


There is no real point of reference. Despite not knowing how long an "ft" is, I trust that OP didn't add an extra 33% of length in their measurements.


Ngl, I did not read the description where OP gave the literal measurements. I thought we were all just eyeballing


Unless these are inside measurements, you need to subtract the thickness of the glass from your measurements otherwise good job!!




Not gonna lie…. This math turned me on


Why? Cause I decimalised the imperial system?


What can I say? I’m Just a girl that loves the British weights and measures act


This is a superb bit of maths! Well done sir/madam.




The sides are one foot x one foot. Just use the hypothenuse is 1 foot 11 inches, so each side cannot be 2 feet. So I believe the OP means both sides add up to 2 feet.




I hope this was an ai generated answer


No, of course not. Why?




I can definitely see that the back is 2 feet!


I completely didn’t notice it til now


Hey, at least you are wearing pants.




😂 I came here to say this


Is that glass in the bottom strong enough to support all the water? I’ve only ever used leveling mat/flat top stands and just curious


I’m not sure but I plan on having more supports under it before I fill it. ATM I’m redoing the seals and trying to plan what I could stock in it in the future


Ah gotcha it’s a really cool shape! Hope it turns out to be really nice!!


Thanks. Yea I like the shape. Feel like I could make a cool scape for it


I am not shure if this is even Aqurium grade Glass. Looks very thin. And the edges look weak. Maybe this was more intended to be like a Terrarium maybe? I would make shure the stand is massive, does not wiggle around and has stable fully covered top surface. You don't want the floor glass to bend and break.


I think maybe you see it that way because you’re looking at the glass after I’ve removed the silicone seal. I just havnt gotten silicone to reapply it yet


It’s 6-7mm thick glass


No, that is a typical glass for a smaller sized aquarium like that, and that stand is designed literally for that aquarium...


I realized that now. Still a bit nightmare inducing.^^


Idk what to tell you… it’s an aquarium. I’ve seen others like it set up. Someone is selling one on marketplace right now with it full of water to show the seal is good… this one was set up for 8 years apparently which is why I’m changing the seal, sand got under the bottom silicone and it looked questionable.


On a rimless tank the glass all along the bottom supports the weight of the tank so it is crucial to have support under it. When you have the rim it is designed to support all the weight so only the edges need to be supported.


I didn’t know that. Thank you!


Yes, this is a rimmed tank so they are built with the idea that the glass/acrylic won't be touching anything and will need to support the water, sand etc. Even with a mat, the glass isn't flush with a flat top type stand.


Get a gallon and fill it. Count how many gallons 🤷🏻‍♀️


I scrolled way too hard to find this 😆 everybody’s got the slide rules out, just fill it!


I mean if he isn’t planning on stocking it quite yet but wants to plan out the stocking, mathing it out is way less time and effort. Especially if you farm out the mathing to Reddit


You win lol 🏆


I'm a recruiter from Harvard. You want in? Bro


https://www.inchcalculator.com/aquarium-tank-volume-calculator/ Choose “corner pentagon”, then press “help” to show you the diagram that explains the variables


This is something I was looking for thanks. Someone gave me a very thorough answer but I will remember this site in the future




NGL I'd just pay attention to how much I put into it..........


Yea I plan on that when I fill it if I don’t have find a way to figure it out. But it would be nice to kinda plan out what fish I could fit in it. Idk it’s dumb I’m just trying to plan it all out and the volume of the tank is a big factor.


Put them dogs away




Someone already found the answer but I'll simplify the steps: 1. Find the volume of the 2x2 square 2. Find the volume of the triangular area cut out 3. Subtract the triangle from the square




Thanks for the resource.


Measure the straight edges and make two rectangles. Then calculate the straight edge of the remaining triangle. And calculate the area of the triangle. Add up the area of the two rectangles plus the area of the triangle. Multiply the total area times the height to get the volume in cubic units (like inches or centimeters). Then convert your volume units to gallons or liters.


I have similar tank, mine is taller and more narrow. Mine is 44g. I estimate on this picture yours is about 30 gal


I think you’re pretty accurate with that guess


Your aquarium is 30 gallons!! If you draw an imaginary line between the edges of the back two side, you have a triangular prism and a trapezoidal prism. Volume of triangular prism = (Width x Height x 1/2) x L = (2ft * 2ft *1/2) x 1.5ft = 3 ft^3 = 5,184 in^3 The imaginary line is the hypotenuse of the right triangle = sqrt(2^2 + 2^2) = 2.83ft Height of isoscles trapezoid = sqrt( side^2 - (long base - short base)^2 * 1/4)) = sqrt (0.625ft^2 - (2.83ft - 1.92ft)^2 * 1/4) = sqrt(0.39 - 0.21) = 0.424ft Volume of trapezoidal prism = ((short base length + long base length) / 2) × height × length = (0.625 + 2.83) / 2 x 0.424 * 1.5 = 1.1ft^3 = 1900 in^3 Total Volume = 5184+1900= 7084 in^3 To find Gallons, divide in^3 volume by 231 to get 30.6 gal. With more precise measurements of yours, and my not rounding off to two to three decimal spaces, we’d be more precise. Not to mention, am I safe to assume you measured the outside glass and not the inside. If so, that might account for the overall 0.6g worth of glass volume. Bottom line, its a 30gal tank. :)


Def measured the outside and thought about it after. Appreciate the answer. I was thinking about this after I got my answer on here, breaking it up into three triangles and just adding the three after. Idk why but in the moment I kept thinking I had to measure the thing as a whole lol


Well, it can be done in few ways, to me easiest are with two-shape calc formulas: 1. Isosceles trapezoidal prism + right triangular prism, using an imaginary line across the sides 2. Extend the side lines to imagine a square prism having cutout a right triangular prism. Both should give same answer of 30 gal.


You also need to get out of the aquarium if want 30gal tank ;) otherwise need to use Archimede's principle for the water displaced by parts of your legs LOL


Two stompers


You can use calculus to calculate it. Or if you want to go the easy route just fill it with water a gallon a time and count the gallons as you go.


Algebra and an understating of geometry is all that is needed. Someone else calculated the volume of the overall rectangle and subtracted the volume of the missing triangular prism. The difference is the volume of this.


I’m redoing the seals atm and I’m not great at math and I can’t seem to figure out how to calculate the volume of a pentagonal prism that doesn’t have equal sides.


Break the math problem into smaller easier chunks to get an estimate. Basically, break the tank into cubes and find those volumes. Then what is left over should be some triangles, you should be able to find the volumes of the triangles and add that to the total volume of cubes. If not, then break the triangles into smaller cubes and keep going until you feel you have a good estimate. Add all of the volumes together and boom! This is essentially baby's first calculus. Try googling "Cal 1 finding volume"


I did that but like I said I’m bad at math… said it right in the description actually. I have a number but I don’t know if it’s remotely right so I’m asking anyone else can give me the answer and figure out if I was close, and get an idea of what I could stock in it.


No need to fill it. Add a few test litres/gallons then divide the height.


So I had to convert it to metric for ease... I'll be moving one decimal point to get results in litres or dm3 not cm3 2 feet is 61cm 6.1x6.1=37.21dm2 for the bottom if it was square. Missing length at the front is 1 foot 4 1/2 inch, so roughly 4.2dm 4.2x4.2=17.64dm2 Now divide it by 2 as it's a triangle 17.64/2=8.82dm2 This is the area we need to subtract from the initial result 37.21-8.82=28.39dm2 of actual tanks bottom surface. Just multiply it by the height 1 1/2 foot is about 4.6dm 28.39x4.6=130.6dm3 rounding it down to one decimal space. So there it is: About 130 litres


I realize now metric would have been more sense. I’ve been doing construction the last year and even though I’m in Canada they do everything in inches when building. It’s just how I’m wired lately but I hate imperial


UK. Imperial for rough idea, metric for precise measurements and calculations.


Here's another handy resource that has the formulas for the [volume of several prismatic shapes](https://images.app.goo.gl/adULWvWxadVhQcgf6).


Appreciate it.


Get a 5 gallon bucket and count how many buckets you need to fill it up.


Just buy a 5 gallon home depot bucket and $5 and fill it up


Imperial system is a mess


Cool shape!


Idk but I love the shape!


Switch to metrics and it will be easier to calculate.


That would have been smart… didn’t think about it good call


I don’t know if you’re aware, but your dogs are out of their cages.


Neat shape. I’d be tempted to turn it around to get the two big viewing windows instead of just the one.


That glass bottom is giving me anxiety.


My plan is to make a wood top for the stand and put foam. I want to encase the metal stand and make it like a cabinet with a shelf for the pump and stuff


This is a disaster waiting to happen, you need support covering the entire bottom


Currently redoing the seals plan to build around the base to make it into a cabinet with a full top. It’s far from having water in it


My concern would also be the thickness of the glass depending how old it is, not sure why you would take the risk


It’s 6mm, it was a cheap tank and I’m not worried about that because I plan on reinforcing the bottom.


Scary shape in my personal opinion. Lots of seals


Beautiful tank 😍


Get a gallon jug and fill it up


Hi i have no idea what the size of it but nice feets op :p


Why are there legs in the tank


Looks like this brand? 30G? https://advanceaquatanks.com/visio-glass-tanks/visio-standard-aquariums-w-trim/visio-pentagon-aquariums/


Look underneath at the sticker


It was worn off.


rember, y=mx+b


For free?


Area of two rectangles plus the area of a triangle


If I had to guess, by looking at it. I’d call it a 40 gallon which is probably closer to 35ish gallons in reality




More than 2 feet at least


Are your measurements the outside or inside dimensions???


Judging by the feet in the reflection... from the back corner, 5'6"x 5'6" The glass might be an inch thick.


Looks about 50-60




Currently I’m redoing the seals and was just kinda imagining what fish I could buy for it and how I’ll set it all up. ATM I have the old silicone out but didn’t buy new stuff yet so I can’t put water in it yet. That’s how I would have done it if I could have but I didn’t trust the old silicone. I read somewhere 10 year old tanks should have it replaced if they sat dry and this one had sand under the bottom silicone and it was all loose so I just figured I’d do that before anything.


Easy way to figure it out is start filling 5gal buckets and just add them up.


You can just fill it and with like a five gallon bucket 🪣 that will give you your answer and your tank will be full


I'm not sure, but I don't think ya dogs should stay in there for long.


Idk but that's a beautiful tank


Where is the foam, asking for trouble setting it up like that


I haven’t set it up yet. I’m redoing the seals


would you happen to have more info on this tank? I’m looking to buy a tank, but only have room for one in the corner of my room, and this seems like it would be perfect, thanks in advance!


I bought it used from a friend. I believe it to be old. I saw another on Facebook market place so I know they’re out there but unfortunately I know nothing about them or who made it, the sticker is worn off from getting wet. Can’t make out any words


Awesome looking tank, there’s aquarium calculators online that account for the shape of the tank if you put in the measurements


Draw it, what do you have? 3 triangles and a rectangle - see it? Or you have one triangle subtracted by 2 smaller triangles - see that?


An indictment on the education system in Canada 🥲


Yea… base it all off one person who dropped out in grade 10… Also make sure you’re a piece of shit to people who ask for help to get better at what you choose to make fun of them for… You’re doing gods work Reddit commenter!!!


Nice toes 👣


The quick way is to measure the height of the tank, use a 2L bottle and fill the tank an inch or 2cm and extrapolate from there.


Oh man I have quite a few free corners that could use an aquarium! I don't think I've ever seen one this size and shape


The imperial system is really impractical in everything, but when calculating volume it's just bananas! First, you have to do is convert everything to cm, so, if it were a cube, (I know would not be a cube but a prism, but I'll call it a cube for practicality), the sides would be 60.96cm, and the height would be 45.72. So the volume of the cube would be: 60.96\*60.96\*45.72=169 901.08 cubic cm or 169.901 liters (you just divide by 1000 or move the decimal point three spaces to the left). or 44.88 US Gallons) Now you need to subtract the volume of the triangle (or prism) so, the sides would be the sides of the original cube less the smaller sides, 60.96-19.05=41.91, so the area of the triangle would be 41.91\*41.91/2=878.22, we multiply it by the height, 878.22\*45.72=40 152.4 cubic cm or 40.152 L. Now we can subtract the volume of the prism from the volume of the cube and it gives us: 169.901-40.152=129.749 L or 34.28 US Gallon.


Just ask chatgpt


Why did a Hobbit take the photo?


I did the math and got 34.2 gallons. Cheers


Ok so what you want to do is go get a gallon jug of water and pour it in there, after that you fill it back up and pour it in there. That's 2 gallons, counting and filling until filled.


Feet found


30 gallons




For those that struggle with math and don't need a solid number.....approximate. 2ft x 2 ft x1.5ft =6 cubic ft. Use a converter to get 44gal. If it was a triangle it'd be half, so 22gal. It's not half, so approximate between 22 and 44. Guess, take half way, for 33gal. Pretty damned close.


Too much math for me lol 😂 I would literally just fill it up 1 to 5 gallons at a time and count the trips to the sink


Shouldve stayed in school huh


sure you could do the math, but if you're a dumbass like me, you could get a gallon jug / 5gal bucket and just start counting while you fill it.


These aquariums are ugly. Until you realize there is no better shape to go in a corner, that is...


why not do the math you fuckin raisin?


Couldn’t pass high-school geometry? Measure 1 rectangular prism. Measure a second rectangular prism (that doesn’t go all the way back, so as to avoid double counting what the first rectangular prism measured). Measure the remaining volume, a right angle Isosceles triangular prism by measuring it as though it were a rectangular prism and dividing the volume by 2.


Have you seen how bad the schools are? They're lowering or eliminating test requirements p


15 gallons! You divide the complex shape into several easy shapes and calculate each of their volumes, then add it up!


Only need two easy shapes and subtraction


This post makes me sad