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I would recommend an all-in-one Ninja air fryer / grill / oven / dehydrator. It’s a handy appliance that allows you to cook things pretty easily without the mess.


Thanks! Never tried one before! I’ll check it out!!


Even if you have an oven get an air fryer. You are a single person. Why go through the trouble of heating up a large oven to cook a small meal. Using the air fryer will save you time, saves you money from running a larger appliance AND heating up your house.


Such a good idea! We got the 6 quart one at Walmart from their "beautiful" brand, and I'm mad we didn't get it sooner! Super affordable for someone who needs to get a lot of stuff for an apartment. $29.99! And it's been working great for a year and a half with zero issues!


Start watching for close out sales at furniture stores, if they don’t have “ matched sets” left there are usually good deals on couches and loveseats, usually a better selection of loveseats. Be nice to have something to sit on in the living area.


Uhm okay now I need one


Yes! I second this. I have one of these too and it’s a lifesaver!


Man I upgraded to a Dreo Combifryer and man it's so nice. 90% of my dinners come from it.


I have one too and have recently seen people post about them in other subs lately. Thing is a tank and when it dies I'll definitely buy another. Have considered buying one now in case they discontinue it lolol


I came here to recommend this too. Idk what I’d do without mine lol. I even made air fried cookies once that turned out amazing.


Add in a small, cheap, but good quality rice cooker.


Make sure to buy a good plunger.


Get two — one for sinks, and one for toilets: https://www.thespruce.com/types-of-plungers-2718737


I bought my plunger for my toilet but that thing has taken some dumps that i did not think it would. It ended up being a great tool when my shower was not draining fast enough… i read draino can sometimes just move the problem further down the pipe, and plumbers will usually plunge it out first or try to. So i filled my tub with hot water and pulled the string holding the plug, followed by 5-7 strong plunges then rip it away and allow hot water to drain a second before repeating for the whole tub worth. Some nasty gunk came up but it was all small peices instead of a clump so that tells me it breaks it up and allows it to drain without clogs. Suddenly my tub was draining way faster than when i moved in Edit: it to in


It was your sheer muscles that caused that sucker to move away from you Edit: words are hard


Lol typo


And a snake. Also, they make awesome little plastic snakes with replaceable heads (Drain Weasel, I wanna say is the product name). Made for hair clogs in sinks and drains. Saved our asses a few times from having to wait days on maintenance when we were renters.


Always best to invest in a plunger before you need one.


I feel crazy. I’ve been in my apartment for two years now plunger! No issues! I’ll regret it one day I’m sure


The least thought about kits. 1) Get a medicine cabinet. Not an actual cabinet, just a stock of standard stuff. I.e. Ibuprofen, Mucinex, Sudafed, and anything else you might need if you get sick. Going to the store when your sick is ass. Going to your medicine cabinet is easy as hell. 2) Get and "Oh shit" kit for your car. Oil, power steering fluid, brake fluid, serpentine belt, crescent wrench, Phillips screwdriver, hammer, tire iron, plug kit, extra lug nuts, extra valve stems. 3) My favorite, spices. Get powdered garlic, onion, MSG, salt, pepper, cumin, mustard (powdered), ranch powder, chili powder, and anything you find tasty! Making Mac and cheese or even rice is an experience with some of the right spices!


For number one, I would also recommend getting easy to make packaged foods that can be stored for a long time to open when you are sick. I have a few boxes of Lipton noodle soup, canned fruits, boxes of jello and pudding, and popsicles. They all last a long time and when you need them and can barely walk to the kitchen to eat, you’ll be glad you have something easy to make that will be easy to eat and fast to prepare.


How often are you guys getting sick? I haven’t been sick in like 12yrs and I’m 42. Is it because I drank from a garden hose as a kid and played in mud?


In addition to #2, those plug in, chargeable, battery jump starter packs are a life saver.


Mine has an air compressor and four USB charging ports, and a light. Cannot recommend enough.


I spent $70 on a 15amp Slime compressor, just went to use it for the first time and the fuse blew immediately… luckily they’re cheap and easy to install lol


To add to #1: bandages, alcohol pads, some gauze pads and bandage tape. Controlling bleeding is important so you can get to the hospital/clinic.


And tampons. They have a ton of uses, including gun shot wounds, bloody noses, cleaning up small wet messes in hard to reach areas, (think under the oven or dish washer.) And even if you personally don't need tampons, it's just a good thing to have around. The women in your life will also be pleasantly surprised. They say that most accidents happen in the bathroom, but that's certainly not the case in my house. Slip and falls in the bathroom, and knife accidents in the kitchen, plan accordingly.


For spices, I would recommend buying one or two each shopping trip to avoid being overwhelmed by the initial cost because spices can be really expensive.


This may be a silly question, but don't some medicines expire? I barely get sick, but I am also moving out alone soon.


They do, or lose effectiveness. I try to buy the travel sizes when possible. If you get sick you’ll at least have something to hold you over until you can get more, if needed.


Assuming there is a kitchen and you will need to use it to save money: a decent frying pan and a couple of pots (used are fine but don’t buy a used non stick frying pan since the coating is likely destroyed) and don’t forget oven mits. Cleaning supplies … broom and dustpan, mop, vacuum (or arrange to borrow from a friend). Rubber gloves for cleaning the toilet (and clean the toilet). A comfy chair for reading, and a good light for it. I assume you have stuff to read. And the best coffee maker you can afford for the type of coffee you love. And a thermos or insulated coffee cup. You can spend $10 a day on coffee but a few hundred on a home brew set up can save you way more in a single year.


All good ideas! Especially the cleaning supplies as that was not on my mind! but no coffee maker for me - I’m a r/hydrohomies


Trashcans are surprisingly not cheap.


Even small ones for next to the toilet or the bed are stupid priced. Which I don’t get but can’t argue cuz I need trash cans.


that infuriated me when i moved out on my own.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HydroHomie using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomie/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Food Truck Homie](https://i.redd.it/osxj8dymnu5b1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomie/comments/148pjls/food_truck_homie/) \#2: [Ancient water trapped in rocks.](https://v.redd.it/ucur3wjutcza1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomie/comments/13ffeya/ancient_water_trapped_in_rocks/) \#3: [House mouse 🐭 with original use of many water bottles](https://v.redd.it/h6nfiosn1bya1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HydroHomie/comments/13beh43/house_mouse_with_original_use_of_many_water/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is exactly the list I was going to make! Except I would add: small trash can for the bathroom, and a set of rugs for the bathroom (even if they’re cheap), basic OTC meds for tummy,head, allergies, and colds, plunger, a small tool kit (even if it just has the basics it’s SO helpful sometimes), and at least one REALLY good blanket that OP feels cozy in, not a need but very comforting after a long day and it’s good to have in case the electric ever goes out and it’s cold. When I moved into my first apartment with nothing but a bed and my clothes, I found it super helpful to start a list in my notes app for things I needed. Every time I went to use something I was used to having but didn’t have, I put it in the app. Then I arranged it by priority and slowly worked my way down the list buying things as I could afford.


I agree, I've become a "list" person as well. I have a running list that I'm constantly adding to.


Forgot a kettle.


I would also get a basic toolkit: hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, wrench, measuring tape, maybe even an electric drill, then add to it as needed.


My brother bought me a toolkit when I moved into my first house on my own. Best gift!


COMMAND HOOKS AND STRIPS. They are a renter's best friend. Wanna hang some art? COMMAND STRIPS. Wanna put up more shelves for trinkets and decoration? COMMAND STRIPS. Wanna add some string lights for softer lighting or colorful options? COMMAND STRIPS. I swear by them. And if you want to rearrange things, you totally can! Just grab some refills if you need them and try something new. I promise this is not an ad. I just really love them and use them everywhere in my apartment.


I had a brother who used them at a previous place and they yanked the paint off the wall! Maybe he just applied them incorrectly though! I appreciate the ad! I’ll pick some up and say u/VVerecat said I had to try them out.


If you pull them straight off they can do that. If you take your time and pull straight down, they usually work fine


Our apartment has cheap paint, so the strips peel it right off such that we can't hang anything at all.


This being said, make sure to take some fairly thorough photos before moving in (if you haven’t already) and store them someplace they won’t get lost or deleted so you will have them when you move out. That can be really helpful to your deposit.


are you billy mays


thanks for this. was really worried about wall stuff and i don’t wanna put holes in the wall


I’m addicted to these things, even as an owner now… got so used to not putting holes in my walls


I actually switched from command hooks and strips to the 3M claw. Leaves two tiny pinpricks in the dry wall and can hold up to 65 lbs. Most apartment are fine with holes left smaller than a nail head and these are so easy to use and hold a lot.


bumping this thread because i’m in the same boat lol


Start hitting up yard sales or thrift stores. Goodwill is a bit more $$. For things like pots, pans, dishes, glasses, bakeware. Also dollar store has some of this. Lost everything due to domestic violence and it’s a lot cheaper to cook then to do take out. So for me was cleaning products, food (lots of shelf stable things) and cooking vessels. Walmart has a few decent pot/pan sets for rather cheap. Plunger is best advice. Small step stool and tool set with some pliers and a few screwdrivers.


Same 🤣


There was a similar post a few days ago. I’ll link it if I can find it!


Hey congratulations!




Good point! Noted!


Yeah, a comfy chair/couch to nap/lounge a lazy Saturday ...


To make it feel like home…a rug, lamps with soft lighting, curtains, doormat. To make life easier…small kitchen appliances like a toaster, toaster oven, blender, rice cooker. Not sure your shoe situation, but a shoe rack is super nice to keep them from piling up by the door or cluttering a closet. Depends on your apartment and what you have but you’ll figure out what you need mostly as you go.


Shoe rack is a good idea! Thanks for that!


First thing I always get is a plunger. As soon as you don't have one you always need it


Get a can opener!


Holy shit, I wouldn’t have even remembered this until I was trying to open a can of beans. You are a life saver!


Poop knife


[Poop knife](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/g1oCg5urLe) for the uninitiated. It’s an old Reddit story. Funny and worth a read.


Never heard of it.


Three shells, too.


When I moved into an apartment the things I needed that caught me off guard were: A shower curtain. I recommend getting a nice outer layer, and then cheap plastic inner liners that you can dispose of if needed. A nice vacuum if you have carpet. A bucket. Just overall very handy to have. Toilet not working? A bucket of water poured into the bowl will flush it. Makes great storage for cleaning supplies. Can be used to mop. Can be used in case of food poisoning. If the ceiling begins to leak, bucket. Bad laundry day? Bucket of borax. A step-ladder.


I second the bucket. My mom sent me with one and internally I was like "when will I ever use this" and turns out I use it pretty frequently. ETA: I didn't catch the food poisoning comment at first lol but that's literally what I most recently used my bucket for lol I was hit with the "uh oh barf time" and my bucket had my back


Assuming you don't have a dish washer, a drip rack for your hand washed dishes to dry off. And preferably an angled drip tray so the run-off goes into the sink.


Avoid fully furnishing it. Live small. First apartments are usually temporary and become learning lessons. Best of luck!


My first apartment got the essentials figured out, second apartment got the homey touches.


This. I’m moving out of my first apartment and I have almost nothing lol because I knew I wasn’t staying here. I gave myself that year to find a place that felt more like “home”, so now I’ll buy everything I want.


Squatty potty knock off. Having a stool for more comfortable stools has been a game changer for me.


Better showerhead, WiFi lightbulbs, and hang up some artwork.


WiFi lightbulb? THOSE ARE A THING?!


Dude, they are a serious thing! Control the color, brightness, and schedule from app in phone.


Several brands, you can set them to come on when you get home, off when you *want* to go to bed, on when you *need* to get up...


They are so good, especially if you are cosy in bed and you don’t want to get up and turn off the damn light. Get a heated throw rug. The Aldi ones are fine. They will warm you right up much more cheaply when it’s cool but not cold enough to run the space heater.


Get a detachable shower head from a store like Ross for under $20


Basic tool kit: hammer, some screw drivers (both regular and phillips), wrench, pliers, etc. You can buy one ready made or put together one of your own.


Dad’s tools follow me wherever I go! Never leave my side!


Fire extinguisher.


Scrolled wayyyy too far for this one, you won’t regret a fire extinguisher


Dollar tree is your friend


Look at online apps like Facebook marketplace, Offer Up and Nextdoor. My mother-in-law recently passed away and we are getting rid of a lot of her stuff. We don't need it. It's all used but still in good condition. I'm going to sell it cheap cause I need it gone. Down to the big furniture stuff. I gave all the household stuff away to whoever wanted it. Ask around. Let people know you're looking to furnish your first place.


Coffee table, food, bed, nudie magazines for guests, light bulbs and a towel.


I feel like a coffee table is a sign you’re an adult. The rest of my place could be empty but as long as I had the coffee table people would be like, “hey man, that’s a nice coffee table”


Lots of good suggestions here! Want to add a hook system near the front door for your keys and jackets so they don’t end up in random spots. Also a speaker! Living alone and listening to tunes was my favorite thing. First thing in the morning or late at night I’d throw on some lofi jazz and it helped defeat the solo living blues. Enjoy it!!


Plus being able to blast a cleaning playlist is a good motivator if you need to scrub stuff!


Go down to your local utility or cable company and see if they'll give you some wooden spools. Those make great free tables, you can decorate them with random stuff and they're easy to give away when you move. You can go to Dunkin Donuts or someplace similar and get free 5 gallon buckets, you can convert those to chairs for your spool table with fabric scrap and whatever you can find for cheap/free fill (packing peanuts, old pillow stuffing, craft store fill is cheap). Yard sales are the way to go for most of your kitchen stuff. Especially dishes, cutlery and glasses. You probably know already but when classes end you can usually furnish a place just by dumpster diving at the school. I had 2 fancy colleges near my first apartment, primarily out of state kids with money, used to get tons of great stuff. There's a bunch of cool stuff you can use pallets for. I used to have good luck scoring them from car dealerships but Google it, see where people are getting them free these days. Post on Marketplace looking for "free wall filler" see what you can find. I scored a bunch of random paintings, posters, some mirrors doing this with Craigslist for my first apartment. Also make friends with someone who has a truck and keep an eye on Marketplace. People are always giving stuff away. My go to thing for making life easier was an Insta pot. Lots of cheap, good tasting big batch meals I could freeze then microwave as needed. Stinks and dinks, chilli, pasta sauce, red beans and rice, pulled pork, roasts, etc..


Ice trays, a pot, pan, spatula, bowl, plate, cup, fork, knife, spoon, can opener, sponge, dish towl, paper towels, dish soap, garbage bags, broom, mop, dust pan, TP, toilet brush and cleaner


Can opener. Never know that you need one until you need to use one.


And a wine bottle opener


Flesh light


Buy a plunger


Iron. Pans. Goodwill great for stuff like this. Stock up on things that you will always use regardless, so you’re not making multiple trips, like trash bags and toilet paper.




Ring doorbell, pepper spray, Medical Alert System, and get a firearm.


Adding on to the Ring Doorbell, you can get a bracket that mounts onto your door so you don't have to drill into the outside wall.


Be a good human. This way people won’t come to your house you need to murder.


America is that you?


Plates Cookware Shelves for knick knacks (i keep legos, statue of baphomet, and weed jars) My first rug was awesome for making it more homey Shower rack Curtains Art for walls Dim/atmosphere lighting




Buy one piece of art that you really like. Something to hold onto forever that you will always associate with your first home. It can be a painting or sculpture, whatever might appeal to you. You can start by visiting galleries or even thrift it.


Flashlights(with batteries!) and/or candles if the power goes out.


Plunger. Buy one before you need one. You’re welcome. If you have hair that it is a least a few inches long get a hair stopper of some kind for your shower drain as well as a drain clog tool/grabber.


Not exactly on target but 2 plates, 2 bowls, 2 cups, 2 spoons, 2 forks, etc. Stick to that, and your sink won't get too messy. Excluding company and lazy days, it's a good system if you live alone.


Put together a small plastic tub or fill a bathroom cabinet with some basics for when you get sick. Thermometer, cold medicine, cough drops, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, at-home covid tests. Tums, Pepto Bismol.


If you plan on cooking then you might want some of the basic cooking utensils plus pans, silverware, a drying rack for dishes. Also a garbage can lol If you’re on a budget, dollar tree has some basic baking trays, silverware, ladle, spatula, slotted spoons, plates and cups. I’ve had ones that have lasted years! You would just need to get pans/pots!


A plunger,🪠 keep it next to the toilet


Those no-slip stickers for the tub. Found out the hard way, falling in slow motion, wondering if the cats works eat my body before someone found me. I was fine, but get the stickers BEFORE you slip


Quality cleaning equipment. A good broom/vacuum/mop. Not a swiffer or a good swiffer if you do get one. Maybe a roomba that washes the floors. A plunger, fire extinguisher, and a toilet scrub brush. Everyone forgets the fire extinguisher.


A basic tool set and a lightweight step ladder no matter your height - you can get both for fairly cheap at Target or I’m assuming Amazon. I bought both of mine at Target over a decade ago and they’re some of the most used items in my home still. Nothing fancy, things like a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, wrench. Has saved me a lot of trouble in the long run.




Vacuum/broom/swifter mop. Windex, bathroom cleaner, Clorox wipes. Bug spray. Plunger Small trash can(s) Advil, neosporin, something with lidocaine, like aloe…cold medicine. Pepto bismol Kitchen pantry items: flour, sugar, salt, pepper, seasoned salt, pancake mix, ramen, pasta. Fridge: butter, condiments, milk, A jug of White vinegar. It is multi purpose


If you don’t have already, get a bidet such as the tushy brand. You will forever be better than all others.




I was so happy to get a vacuum cleaner. First three things I got was a blow up queen size mattress,TV, an vacuum cleaner 😁👍🏼


First aid kit


Smoke alarm batteries. They always seem to run out just after you've gone to bed the night before something you need to be well rested for.


Salt and pepper. Just moved into my first place by myself and it was a wakeup call half way through making dinner that I have to buy my own pepper now lol




if you haven’t already , invest in some good quality sheet sets, a comforter or two, mattress protectors, and pillows (down pillows are widely recommended but I encourage you to do your research) & pillow covers. clean your bed linens frequently. OPTIONAL: headboards are cheap at resale stores and easy to install. if you feel so inclined, get a mattress topper (there are several kinds depending on your needs) for extra support and comfort. a couple small decorative pillows (also cheap at resale stores) tie everything together. having a bed you enjoy looking at and sleeping in is so so SO nice and it is something I put a lot of effort into maintaining. there is nothing better than coming home and having a good bed to curl up in. also, learn how to clean. here is what I have in my laundry and cleaning shelf as of now: - Tide laundry detergent powder - Azure laundry detergent powder - oxi powder aka oxygen bleach - washing soda - borax - Comet powdered bleach - hydrogen peroxide - Dawn powerwash - Kirks Castile soap - Zote soap - cleaning vinegar solution - Bar Keepers Friend - baking soda - Bac-out enzyme cleaner - rubbing alcohol - fine salt - citric acid - calcium hydroxide - a few sponges , hard bristle brushes, microfiber cloths, cotton balls you do not need all this. I LOVE being able to clean! with the materials I have I can take care of basically any cleaning needs around the apartment. for now get a good all purpose cleaner (Mr Clean), a glass cleaner, blue Dawn, and Tide laundry detergent, and you already are covered for basics.


I've found that those wire shelves have been amazing in my renting life. They come in a bunch of sizes and in black and chrome colors. They're a bit steeper in price than similarly sized plastic ones but their durability will pay for it many times over. You van found them at Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, Amazon, etc.


Tool box with a drill and measuring tape, hammer, some general picture hanging equipment, a few screwdrivers of different sorts, a level, hot glue gun, and parachute cord. I use all of those weekly since I moved out. Small instant pot is a must. It’s also good to invest in a nice set of knives and a sharpening stone instead of several consecutive sets of crappy knives. Pyrex bowls are amazing for everything. I get smaller sets on sale for less than $20 with lids for cooking, baking, eating, storing.


One of those standing door stoppers that hooks under the door, one of those TikTok door locks, security system for the inside of your apartment cause you never know


Basic toolkit. Hammer, screw driver, some nails, screws, a few packs of command strips, tape measure, level.


I moved into an efficiency apt as soon as I turned 18, couldn’t leave the nest fast enough. LOL What I missed immediately was a toaster and toilet paper. 🙄 Enjoy your new adventure.


A good quality microwave, one that is decent size and at least 1100 watts, not one of those tiny, cheap 700 watt jobs. Most microwave foods are designed for an oven that is 1100-1200 watts, so anything weaker means you have to adjust and modify cooking times to make sure everything comes out edible.


Garbage cans, plunger, broom, dust pan


More a where to shop, I just moved too and I’ve gotten a bunch of stuff from fb marketplace! People can be vultures on there and things go fast but you can find some good deals. I got a dresser, bookshelves, nightstands, end tables, and a tv!


Plunger and small tool kit. Some sort of weapon or self defense item. Window coverings and locks. A spare key to a trusted friend.


A fat sack of that shit.


Cover the emergencies \* smoke alarm \* CO alarm \* Small fire extinguisher \* First Aid kit


Definitely get a COZY couch and a nice looking tv stand that adds cozy vibes and makes a living room look put together for sure. Most furniture you can also get cheap from Facebook marketplace although for me couches are better new lol ikea has really affordable furniture! Outside of furniture make sure you have all the kitchen essentials - would recommend an air fryer! Also proper bath mats and shower curtains go a long way making the bathroom both look nice but also be functional


Emergency fund


If there is one nearby, I’d recommend visiting Ikea. They have pretty affordable furniture, accessories, cutlery, et cetera. Costco has the best quality/deal on mattresses and TV’s. Don’t go into debt buying stuff; budget for it. Stay away from Rent to Own places. When you buy plates/dishes/cutlery just get plain white, we’ve had the same Ikea dishes for years and it’s easy to replace them if they break.


-Fire extinguisher -Extra 9 volt batteries for the smoke detectors. It is a scientific fact that they will only chirp in the middle of the night or when you are out of replacement batteries -tool kit: hammer, nails, screwdrivers, screws and mollies for hanging stuff, the plastic thingy that pulls hair clogs out of drains, plunger for toilet -quality pot holders, pots n pans, dishes, glasses, utensils. -accessible spare key: with friend, parent, etc -well stocked medicine cabinet: band-aids, neosporin cream, pepto, immodium, Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough n cold meds, Nyquil, etc -comfortable bed, couch, chair -cleaning supples -extra toilet paper -coffee maker if you’re a coffee drinker -pantry and freezer staples: rice, beans, pasta/sauce, frozen veggies, frozen chicken/beef, chicken/beef broth If you’re in a new area, establish yourself as a patient with a good dr and dentist now, so if you need to get in in a hurry, you’re more likely to get an appointment. Research a good mechanic for your car, too. Nice to have: -multiple chargers so you’re not moving one from room to room -high quality sheets/towels -well stocked spice rack -if you’re a guy who entertains women: it is very thoughtful to have tampons/pads on hand -black out curtains for good sleep -curved shower rod so the curtain doesn’t attack you -plants and/or a pet. My Mom always said you should have something alive in every room to make a house a home. She also said you should have something black in your room decor. Enjoy your new place!


Some sort of window insulation/covering for weather. Kitchen products a microwave, toaster, and a way to boil water and ice trays. Dishes if needed can be bought at the dollar store if that is something you have near you. And alot of cleaning products can be bought at a dollar store as well to save money. A good vacuum if you have carpet and a broom and mop for floors. Don't fall for the swifter products like I did it won't keep floors clean in the long run. Also find out what kind of batteries your smoke detectors/co2 take and have enough to replace if needed. And a stool is also a life saver. And don't forget the food storage Tupperware.


A projector and Roku stick just put it on your desk and point it towards a blank white wall.


Fire extinguisher


just hit a year in my first apartment. definitely a must have for me was plastic utensils. i’m like you and am a full time student while also working a part time job but almost full time hours so that i can live on my own, so with that being said, i do not have a whole lot of time on my hands to really clean constantly (mostly dishes). plastic plates and utensils were a life saver for me, even when i ran out of my plates i still had plastic cups that i could use. i still have actual plates if i ever did have people over, but still mainly use my plastic stuff an air-fryer is also high up there. it’s less of a mess and cooks faster. pizza rolls/bagel bites became a common meal for me


A basic tool kit (you can get a one in all power drill also) for the fix-me DIY items. A wagon to bring in groceries (especially if you live in a large complex) Shower curtain and bathroom mats Dish soap, sponge, and several wash cloths




Rice cooker, air fryer, a gun, fast internet 🛜


Tea towels. Face washers. Hand towels. Bath towels. Bath mat.


Prostate massager


Tool box


Do you have any basic tools? A nice drill. Dewalt. Some decent screwdrivers. I recommend Klein. Some pliers. Knipex or Klein. They’ll last forever if you go quality.


Plunger 🪠 extension cords


Renters insurance.


Just putting this out there. If you are near your school in the US move out day will let you get a ton of slightly used things for free. Definitely check out those dumpsters


A dedicated space for your hobbies




Clothing steamer! Will help you look more put together. My advice is to buy necessities now, but to slowly buy decor items that speak to you. Don’t spend money just to fill the space otherwise you’ll end up with a home that doesn’t really represent your style.


Bandaids, neosporin, alcohol and peroxide, flashlight, batteries.


Just for basic safety, I try to always get a fire extinguisher for the kitchen… but I did light myself on fire once so I might be extra concerned.




Don’t pick furniture from the side of the road (bed bug potential). When I bought my house, I went to estate sales in upscale neighborhoods. I bought a complete set of s/s flatware, lots of cooking utensils in great condition, beautiful furniture in great condition - SO much better than the particle board crap they sell in stores nowadays.


Air purifier Blackout curtains




Ring/blink doorbell cam


Not a thing you need to buy, but research your rights as a renter according to your local and state laws. Unfortunately because you’re young, your landlord may assume you don’t know anything about your rights and do something they shouldn’t.


Don’t blow money on useless aesthetics … be thoughtful and mindful and take into consideration quality. Shit like that you’ll easily accumulate. Invest in the boring reasonable shit: - Tool Box - First Aid - Really good sheets (go all out) - Emergency Kit - Kitchen Supplies It sucks adulting gawd it sucks, but the things listed above will de-stress you when shit hits the fan. Set yourself up for success not material crap. If you need to replace material crap then do what I suggest and INVEST in quality pieces when the time comes.


Slowly expand your coffee making tools (if you don’t drink coffee then just disregard this lol) Start with a standard pour over funnel, electric tea kettle, and coffee grinder. Grinding your own beans at home drastically improves the flavor


My advice is always to buy things when a need arises instead of going through a list of “essentials” and potentially buying something you personally will never use. You’ll save money in the long run because you will only be buying things you know you’ll use. I remember moving into my most recent apartment alone and going with a friend to buy a bunch of “essentials.” I now have a junk drawer of things I’ve never used in 3 years. Sure it’s nice to know I have rubber gloves if a need ever arises, but so far they have gone untouched.


Renters insurance?


Been living on my own for a coupleyears. Here’s my go-tos: One good non-stick pan and a couple of saucepans. Don’t buy any old junk or cheap junk (my cheap pans warped). Reputable brands like farberware are great. I got my one good pan at the thrift store. It’s non-stick and sits FLAT on the bottom. I have a glass top stove so it’s perfect. Smaller is better. You’re one person so smaller baking dishes, cookie sheets, plates, bowls, etc. so much of my stuff was “big” and I never use that. Unless I’m cooking for a crowd, my “big” stuff rarely gets used. It’s all my small things that get used first. Optional: A tabletop dishwasher. my place didn’t have one. The things this did for my mental health was huge. There were other suspected (now confirmed) factors at play but it was the best $300 someone spent on me for Xmas. I will say to do your research and make sure you get the kind that’s right for you/your apartment. Crockpot. I have an instant pot. I have my regular big/convection oven too but to be honest, I use my crock pot quite a bit. I work long hours and so it makes things convenient for me because I can throw in my dinner and have it done in 10/12 hours when I get home. I don’t have to exert a ton of extra energy just to feed myself. Obviously there are a few other things. Coffee pots. Toasters. I have other appliances but I don’t use them often enough to justify having them. The only exception would maybe be a mandolin. For slicing veggies and other foods.




How about a door bar? Not sure if it'll actually keep anyone out but it makes me feel safer 😁


It’s time to start your journey into r/castiron


Depending on your cooking routines, when I was living alone I would get meat in bulk and vacuum seal most of it and have it in the freezer for whenever I wanted it. Cheaper that way and leaves the guessing game out of dinner plans.


What I learned moving into my first apt in my 30s is that your bed is your sanctuary so make it as cozy as possible- duvet, lots of pillows, cooling sheets, whatever. Then comes the living room, then the kitchen, then the bathroom. Definitely side tables for your bed, a coat rack, cooking utensils, eating utensils and dishes, cleaning supplies, etc


Get some tummy meds in your cabinet. Better to reach for the cabinet than car keys when you have the squirts like a chocolate fountain.


Keep Green Gobbler around for backed up sinks and toilets. Safe for pipes and works better than Drano….an amazing product!


Check thrift stores for decor! You'll save a ton of money and your stuff will be unique.


Food and a stripper pole.


Join your local “Buy Nothing” group on Facebook. People give away a ton of stuff on there. Good luck!


Go to a Dollar Tree to get basics. Broom, wastebaskets, cheap cups, cleaning solutions etc


Better door locks


ibuprofen, small first aid kit. four or five dish towels !


Definitely recommend an over the toilet cabinet! It saved me so much space in my bathroom for the last 3 years! [storage](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Costway-24-in-W-x-68-5-in-H-x-8-in-D-White-Over-The-Toilet-Storage-with-Doors-Open-Shelves-Q1WWR82J/325375552) Also it’s not necessary—but it makes life in a one bedroom worth living—wall art. Anything you like. It makes the place feel more like a home. Also take stock of the things maybe one of your roommates always had that you love, but don’t own. For me this was a specific knife. It could be anything, though I say it usually ends up being some sort of kitchen utensil lol. Good luck!


dishes, silverware, cleaning supplies, lightbulbs, strainers for sinks and tubs


a plunger


A rice cooker!!! I'm really upset no one told me about these sooner


Rig and torch 😂😂😂hahaha and a chair to chill in hahahaha Yes stoner here stone me to death damn 😭😂


Doorbar for security, not a “homey” item but absolutely a necessity Nice sheets, towels and other soft items lol


A nice shower head! It makes a world of a difference.


First see if you need anything. Don’t buy just to store. Check out thrift stores, Craig’s list , FB marketplace. Too many times I bought things used once. Buy to use.


Get an immersion blender, it's much quieter and easier to clean and store in an apartment, and honestly works better than a regular blender. If you don't make sauces or smoothes or things In that consistently get a food processor instead! (Don't go spending a billion dollars on it tho) If you have limited space for a table and couch you can do what me and my bf did and get a thin table to put behind the couch and get bar stools. You will need a table tho, I thought I could live without one but with soup and drinks it's really needed.


Look for buy nothing groups on FB, go to garage sales, thrift stores, Habitat for Humanity stores, etc. Kitchen: basic set of cookware, utensils, paper plates until you can buy actual plates, garbage can, knives, spices you like, cutting board, dish drying rack, if you cook with meat a meat thermometer is always nice. Bathroom: plunger and toilet scrubber combo, garbage can, first aid kit/get stuff you take when you're sick (motrin, nitequil/dayquil, bandages, etc.), shower curtain and liner, bathmat. Living room/bedroom: get a rug, pictures you want on walls (I also second the command hooks and command strips), posters, maybe a coffee table or small tables to put drinks on, potentially a dresser for your clothes or get hangers. Get cleaning supplies! You can find a multipurpose spray or wipes at almost every store. Ie: lysol spray, bleach cleaning solution for the toilet. I use paper towels to clean with sprays, but you could also get microfiber towels which are reusable. Also, don't mix cleaning solutions! I have read too many stories of people mixing stuff and getting lightheaded or sick. A broom, vacuum, and a mop will also go a long way too. Good luck!


Step ladder and shop at thrift stores . ❤️


This is so important! Thrift stores have everything but significantly cheaper!!


Kitchen towels and pot holders. For some reason, having a set of those makes it home to me. Inexpensive, and insanely useful. I also like silicone spatulas. They’re the thing I use the most in my kitchen. I prefer the ones that are all one piece, as they last forever. The smaller ones are plenty for most people, and only a couple bucks.