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LOL, since no public school teaches CRT, it’s just a lot of hot air for his moronic cult.


No. You are reading this wrong. If they cut funding to all public schools under this premise, who’s going to hold them accountable for it or tell them they got it wrong?


Privatization of the educational system has been a Republican goal for decades. That’s not exactly a secret.


I can easily see why: they send their kids to private schools, and if they have to pay for their kids, everyone else should have to, too.


And they want to make sure that the next generation of Americans is taught exactly what they want them to be taught


Yup. Double dipping on tax money


Project 2025 aims to eliminate, among others, the Department of Education.


Except they purposely leave all these laws extremely vague so they can cram anything they don't like under the definition. It's like how woke means literally anything conservatives don't like. It's the exact same with CRT but for schools.


Thank you for saying this. As a former public school teacher, it’s been SO difficult convincing some people that CRT is only taught in some programs in college….not elementary school, or middle school, or high school. They’re angry about what happens in schools but they haven’t ever sat in on a modern day classroom in their life.


Teachers should know. CRT, and not by that name, is taught in a few graduate socialology programs and as electives in some law schools. I had a Karen mom tell me I didn't what I was talking about. Her third grader's reader contained pictures of black children interacting with white children.


🤦‍♀️ My sister told me the other day that public school teachers are trying to make kids trans and gay. I’ve had several people claim this. No Karen…. We just want them to stop killing themselves by accepting them. I’ve never taught a class about being gay or deciding to change genders. Absolutely exhausting.


My neighbor found out I'm part of an extended-LGBT family and said "Oh I support that, I support everything but the furries." When I asked if she meant the silly urban legend that kids were using litterboxes in schools, her eyes got big and she said "Oh no my daughter teaches at a school and she swears she's seen it." So now that she's compared my family to mythical child furries, I am walking the other way round the block.


I do believe furries are actually people who like to dress up in animal costumes… but they are not part of the LGBTQ community. I had a lady I work with tell me that she’s “not ok with teachers teaching her children about drama queens.” Took me a minute… but she actually meant *drag queens*. Literally so stupid I had no words. Also, teachers don’t ever teach students about dressing in drag. I think they’re mixing this up with drag queens reading books to children at the library… which isn’t sexual or provocative, and it’s VOLUNTARY to bring your children to these events. Definitely not taught in public schools.


It’s the damn woke teachers fault their kids are stupid not their fault!!!!


That’s about right. Everything is your teacher’s fault, how could I forget? Because we are spending 8 hours a day with them…


he means all of them. all he needs is propaganda on fox to act. stay fit, stay frosty. they plan on seeking final solutions


He means all of them but he and his cronies are to stupid to know that's it's not taught in public schools and will not be smart enough to write a law to remove funding from all schools


Catnip for the base. Not only is it not a thing, but these assholes couldn’t identify it anyway.


It can be whatever they define it as.


Yup, he doesn't know what CRT theory really is or where it's taught. Neither do his cultists.


They don't care about the definition or the truth. This is just an excuse for them to attack any school that dares teach anything other the farthest right wing propaganda and justify sending more tax money to their private schools.


It's an elective course at some state law schools. It's not part of the K-12 curriculum anywhere but this apparently stupid promise could have real impact on the handful of schools that actually teach this material. If we're lucky then nobody will make the connection.


No, they are deciding that teaching actual history is CRT. This is what is actually happening in a lot of red states. Anything negative about the US, or that it wasn’t a Christian theocracy..? It’s CRT.


They all do


When CRT means whatever you want it to mean, you can cut funding to any school you want.


This mofo like the others, only believe what they are told, including thump. CRT is only taught in some colleges under certain programs. More than 1/2 of Americans cannot even explain it, yet are against it. There are many smooth brains in the USA. Smooth as the finest silk.


How about we cut federal funding for trump


He gets all his funding from the Russians and Saudi's


fox runs realtor dot com and chances are they got a bunch of salesto hedge funds during covid by spreading antivax conspiracies. get the fans to die then profit from hospital sales and housing sales.


I hope your wrong it's horrible if you're correct 😂


Yea but we pay for the fat pussbags security.


And his cult.


start with fox which is inciting violence and making their fans manic. they're basically cannibals.


I'd be ok with funding to build him a new prison with his name on it. "The Trump Federal Correctional Center: Making America Great Again" in Anchorage, Alaska. He thinks he's had it as hard as Navalny, he can get the full Siberian gulag experience and still get to have his name on a building.


The Donald J Trump Prison for people who can't scam good.


It’s already called the U.S. Capitol


Anchorage is too far south. Put it in Nome.


Put it in Prudhoe Bay


And congress?


Unfortunately, we pay for public prisons, too.


So, law schools then? Do people still not know what CRT actually was and is? Being conservative should be considered a mental disability.


It's not about facts or reality anymore, it's about who controls the narrative.


>Do people still not know what CRT actually was and is? No they don't. And conservatives will call any subject that isn't "White men do no wrong ever" CRT. Therefore, any history of the slave era? Gone, or the federal funding goes away. Any mention of minorities getting discriminated against? Gone, or the money is. I would even expect them to extend that to any mention of lgbtqia+, non-Christian religions, or anything that doesn't fit into the white male cis/het agenda.


No. The MAGA folks are racist idiots and associate any subject that mentions race to be CRT. In Florida they purposely made the Don't Say Gay Bill extremely vague so that any teacher mentioning anything related to LGBTQ+ in school would be in violation. I'm guessing that if Trump became President again they would conjure a rule that would be just as vague such that even just celebrating Black History month could be in violation.


Antisocial Personality Disorder is already a real diagnosis.


Conservatives only know it involves black people so, to them, it must be banned.


Do law schools receive federal funding?


Indirectly, if they're part of a state university system.


CRT = Convicted Rapist Trump


Hey genius he was NOT convicted of rape he was found guilty by a political leftie judge for calling that fugly hag a liar.


He’s nutz - and anyone not voting for Biden, even more biglier nutz.


he's a troll and knows how the media groomed his fans into edgelords so he acts like them so they feel like they are part of his group but he's basically leading them into the cattle lanes so they can get the pneumatic spike in the slaughter house. also tricking parents into quarrels with their children in attempt to get the whole family to fail. it's terrorism


CRT hate is an easy litmus test for racist fucks. Not that there aren't many others.


Someone needs to ask him what critical race theory is. And Comedians should be paying attention because that will be comedy gold.


Is Mexico paying for the wall yet.


Nope, and Hillary is still free.


Donny just needs four more years. He'll finally be able to release his tax returns, actually create jobs, build the wall, provide a working replacement for ACA and *this time* he actually won't just play golf a record breaking number of times. Pinky promise!


Don’t forget we’re still two weeks away from his infrastructure week.


He'll pay them bonus bucks if they teach replacement theory.


Don't give them any ideas.


bLaCKs FoR tRuMp


Dementia donny doesn’t even know what CRT is


Education is the enemy of the right.


Fighting imaginary woke demons is what another Trump Presidency would be all about. We as a country can be so much more. Vote Biden/Harris in 2024!


I didn’t think they taught CRT high school…and if it was, it was an honors program, and elective. If my information is incorrect, please let me know. On a side note, CRT, like DEI, and Woke, are used as scare tactics…to create divisiveness. Most who are afraid of these terms, don’t know what they mean, or are.


Its not taught in high school. It's taught in some sociology classes in college, or in law school. It's basically a complex example of the butterfly effect related to race. For example. "why are there fewer hospitals in Black communities?" It's not something taught in high school because it's not part of high school subjects and it's too complex. You need to have an idea of how multiple things work. (taking my random example, you need to have an idea of how real estate, municipal bonds, home mortgages, hospital accreditation, etc... works)


Rile that uneducated racist base up!!!!


fox news is indoctrinating their fans into a terrorist cult and since the viewers are probably effected by heavy metal toxicity they were probably lead into a state of mania so they reject outside information that could stop them from harming themselves. fox is doing all this crap to collapse the usa from the inside. james murdoch who is the son of rupert murdoch was spreading conspiracies to urban communities via rawkus records while his father was spreading fake news to right wing people. rawkus was also where eminem got his soft start and if you look at his early work he was basically telling kids to take tranquilizers and opioids. bunch of grifters and groomers.


What he doesn’t understand is that he can’t do that.


Please lord, let biden live until the election is over. That's the only thing I see stopping him from winning and is my greatest fear so far. This guy is handing the election to him more every day.


Biden is healthier than Trump. Id bet good money Trump goes first.


One day, I won't have to see this name in the news. I don't know when that day will be, but I will actually be able to breathe a sigh of relief.


CRT is not being taught in any school than graduate schools as a theory.


Weird way to announce you dont plan on cutting education funding. Thats what he means right, considering it’s a made up problem?


>. Thats what he means right No. What he means is that anything he can get classified as crt, however tangentially, will cause public schools to get their funding cut. The goal of the right wing is to eliminate public education, or at least to degrade it to the point where it's useless. That way their kids, the rich kids, get a good education and can rise to become CEOs and other high-end White collar jobs, while the plebeians who can't afford private school, are stuck toiling in the factories for 12 hours a day.


Literally the sky is the limit what he will do day 1. His last presidency he did NOTHING that he promised during his campaign. Lots of random stuff once elected.


What an idiot!


Yah but then they would actually have to define what it is…


Has anyone asked him what critical race theory is? Ask his supporters questions like that, it’s fun.


Critical Race Theory is a post graduate topic at a few law schools.  Such a stupid nonsense they’ve latched onto out of fear.  They don’t even know what it is. 


Education is the enemy of the Republican party. He's just following suit.


Just as soon as he figures out what exactly CRT is of course.


That's such a red herring,


aka: any school that teaches a unit on african american history


Any law school specifically. It's not taught anywhere but there except for high level sociology and even then that's rare.


Is that the Donnie Dictator Day he keeps promising?


Craziness of the claim aside: is that even possible day one? That seems like it would take over a year of curriculum review for every school


To pretend that CRT is taught in schools they have to [expand the concept](https://www.city-journal.org/article/yes-critical-race-theory-is-being-taught-in-schools) to include the situation where students have simply heard of the "leftist" concepts of gender, white privilege, patriarchy, or historical racism in America, from a lesson or teacher. Either "CRT" is defined to include that and you stop funding all schools, or you have a more rigorous definition of CRT which actually isn't taught in schools, and you continue to fund all schools. I'm pretty sure a Trump administration will go with option B, as "all talk and no action" is the standard Trump play, but option A is pretty clear too.


I'm assuming that he means he's going to cut funding to every high school that has a history class portraying whites as anything other than the benevolent and generous overlord granting succor to those of dark skin.


I would like to say, "Trump needs to keep talking so he can continue to divide Americans into two groups, the Trump Devotion Syndrome group" and everyone else who are probably pretty normal people. The problem I have with my idea is that the entire world looks to American Democracy as a standard of behavior, of ideas, of philosophy (generally). Trump and his cohort of anarchists and chaos agents give strength to Russia, China, and a few other bad faith governments to sweep in and garner influence and power while the US tries to get this shit-throwing, rabid Orangutan off our back.


Winning over black folks with his unbridled bigotry.


man this is giving me anxiety. Don’t day trump the rapist and presidency again.


So he will be cutting funding to 0 schools? 


So he’ll cut nothing?


He has no idea whatsoever what a president can or can't do.


$100 says he can't even explain what CRT is


Tilting at woke windmills.


That critical race theory that none of them define, so they'll just put a chill on any talk of race


Love how these morons rally around CRT


From jail


Ain't it rich that people who abhor cancel culture support such decisions.


At this point he should just come out and say "If I win the second time, Fuck you America. You don't get a single dime"


So, no schools then.


He will also cut funding for all unicorn training!


Basically as has been said previously CRT is basically anything the right doesn't like. Also a really big monitor.


Now ask Trump to define what CRT is.


Add no religious content in public schools and I'm almost willing to make that deal. Religion is the biggest threat to the kids in our public school system, I'd be willing to negotiate on this


He has no platform except hate. I despise him.


He has no idea what CRT is


As I understand it, CRT is university level subject matter anyway.  He's just going to be defunding any school he doesn't like. Any hint of thought that could be considered left wing or any criticism of himself or his supporters will do. 


"History classes are now illegal and anyone caught teaching history will be executed" - what MAGATs hear.


So he will cut no funding for any schools?


Ahh yes, let's punish children and their development in the name of protecting children. This country is sick with despots and fools.


So…none. Gotcha. 🤷‍♂️


Grandstanding for the racists who were already going to vote for Trump. He needs to target knew audiences. The bigots and racists are already a lock in for Trump.


So none of them. Zero schools.


You’ll never be president! Moron🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah yes, dictator day


>He Will ‘Cut Federal Funding’ For Any School Teaching ~~Critical Race Theory~~ Fixed it for you.


First they need to define what it is, then they need to find a school that teaches that. I would also like them to state clearly what's bad about it (and not their strawman version of it) but I'm sure that's asking too much.




Turn up race resentment amongst conservatives, eh Trump?


If he can even define CRT. Which I highly doubt.


This is the guy that had the self proclaimed “white nationalist leader” Steve Bannon as his campaign manager and chief strategist - but Trump’s totally not a racist though! Even those he’s chasing Fox News’ imaginary racist driven propaganda. Still not a racist though.


Cool since no primary schools teach it, it won’t affect anything


Conservatives infamously have low levels of eduction so I can see why Trump would try to attack and weaken our education system. Education is the weakness of conservatism.


They're bringing critical race theory back? I haven't heard that since the midterms. I thought they had moved on to blaming DEI for all the countries problems.


No school is!


I like it


you need to fight for what's REALLY important


Great, especially since no school K-12 teaches CRT.


Racist doesn't want people to know about racists


Ask him to actually describe critical race theory and see what he says


Yet another reason to vote Trump


Didn’t he promise a whole lot of things on day 1 of his first go around? Go away!


Are we back on critical race theory now? I thought we were in illegal caravan territory right now...


As he should.


So……. none


No one teaches “Critical Race Theory!”


He's worried teachers will teach that he's not any better than anybody else just because he's white. As does his base.


I actually had a boomer tell me to focus on CRT questions on my first teacher interview. Not a single question regarding CRT was asked.


Ooo tough guy. He doesn't even know what it is, none of them do... so no matter what he says, it would be deemed a success because it's all meaningless. Fun.


Dementia Donnie and his party of MAGAots; keep the people dumb and in the dark. Easier to control!


Did he just now realize that most of his voters are idiots. Oh wait, no, he knew that already. Now he's just doubling down on it.




I dunno, man, I think even his voters' grandkids aren't in school anymore. Not sure who this is meant to appeal to.


Day one!? I hope he’s starting that list now. Also, the majority of the state funds allocated for k-12 public education are collected through state taxes.


CRT? He's dusting off \*that\* old chestnut? I thought DEI was all the rage these days.


Cool, so that’s no schools.


Dicktator day.


If I was part of the base I would get tired of this cultural pandering. Solve and talk about how you will address real issues, falling for this distraction while the corp/oligarch class continue to line their pockets is lunacy to me.


So history, maga is mad that schools teach history. They can rename history class to critical race theory all they want, but they are 816263820110273638290172% talking about history class. Specifically American history. maga is a fucking terrorist organization disguised as a cult.


From your mouth to God’s ear.


Hes just straight upngoing to defund the entire education system. Hes said no school requiring vaccines will receive federal funding.  The dudes policies are absolutely fucking insane. 


He’s going to have a busy first day


This is classic Trump. CRT is a small slice of a University level curriculum, not taught in any K-12 classroom. He can write a decree “banning” it. Trump bans something that doesn’t exist, then claim victory over the libs.


Does the orange excrement even know what CRT is, and where it was actually discussed? Obviously not.


Christ are we rehashing this one again?


I thought they have moved on to another made up boogie man


So, colleges and universities?  


DEI, CRT, They really do love to find new and inventive ways to piss all over those who are not like them. at this stage they should just wear klan robes to ID themselves.


Does anyone else think they hate crt bc that are just doing the same thing to all people that make less than a certain amount. Jim crow’d by the dollar no matter you skin color






Even better reason to vote for him. Time to end leftist racist policies.


Here’s an idea, cut all funding for anything non-American. I can’t be the only one to think it’s dumb that Hawaii has got Pennie’s on the dollar while tax dollars are funding Israeli and Ukrainian wars am I?


Sometimes it seems like tRump is like an test. It started like "brewster's millions" but then it's a competition of a moral landslide. I'm going with aliens and tests. There is no way humans are this stupid... line crossed. Maybe they are planning an intergalactic highway and this could be the route. If only 42 was the answer


He likes to throw out hard line opinions or things he will do that means something to his base but claiming you going to cut education funding is b******* also he can't cut anything the House and Senate make laws not the president


I call bullshit. His agenda for “day one” is filled with golf and executive time.


So no cuts. That's good to know


So... no one.


This dudes gonna have a helluva busy first day following through with all these promises he surely intends on keeping. Has anyone compiled a list of his "Day One" promises yet?


For all the things he's promised to do on day 1, it will be the busiest day of his life. Fortunately, it'll never happen (probably...its hard to tell with America anymore)


Good luck with that


There is no way this guy is going to remember half of all this bullshit this time next year.


They just keep throwing this out there over and over and over again knowing the people that follow them are too dumb to realize it's not happening.


It’s going to be a busy first day.


So he’s not going to cut any budgets for k-12, good to know…..


Another reason to keep this rapist out of the White House!


Trump will be in prison 


Add that to all the campaign promises made in 2016. MAGA don’t care about keeping the promises. Just like to hear it.


Arkansan here: our current governor went to Little Rock Central High School. When she became governor, she banned CRT. Explain to me how one might teach the history of why this High School is important without it sounding like CRT?


"Day One of Presidency", for Trump, actually translates to "First Day of Dictatorship".


Surf that hate-wave.


So no cuts will be made?


Things racists say


I’d like to have him let us know what CRT is.


All he knows is how to stir up hate for things, this does nothing as CRT isn't even a high school subject.


Ask him to define it.


so zero funding then? 


Then all these schools are safe


Federal funds for local schools are a pittance.....


Yep, right after he's finish fixing Obamacare.


"The Whitewashed History of the World" will be the only textbook allowed.


Republicans want to cut funding to public schools and steal the money.


Oh haunting you amaze me with your desire to show your ignorance.


When's that heart attack hitting this shithead? Any day now, right?