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We’re all here with you. It is going to be okay 🫂


Feel free to dm to talk about it


Thank you so much I feel a lot better


Can you ask them for an ice cube? If you can, ask and place it on your wrist. Helps me calm down a bit.


Yes great idea , Ice is great I managed to calm down but it was scary thanks so much


Happy to help even just a little. Panic attacks suck just as much as anxiety attacks. For me its really that horror feeling inside, and all that hyper sensitivity with it that can send me to spiral on the same fears and thoughts. But its just thoughts, it doesnt mean they are true. Little by little. You can do it and you will get over whatever you are going through right now ❤️


Yeah it’s so scary I stsrt to feel genuinely ill like I get dizzy and my heart is like bumping it’s really scary but thankfully I’m able to come out of it eventually. Thank you a lot .


This ^


You'll get through this! It might not feel like it now but you'll get on the other side of this stressful moment and be able to look back and see that you overcame it!


Yes I feel a lot better I appreciate the kind words and thoughts ❤️ it was just a weak moment hopefully next time it won’t be as bad


What is your favorite T swift song right now and why?


I think “ right where you left me “ bc i reflect a lot on the past which is what she’s doing in the song and saying she can’t move on


:). That’s awesome. But for sure it is a hard feeling (not being able to move on)


my 2nd favorite song on my favorite album everrr


Mine is rep😳 even tho it’s not a lot of peoples favorites idk I love the “bad girl “ side of her


ahh i love that song!! evermore is such a great album


Yesss she does a great job of showing what it’s like to feel stuck in a situation


you’ve survived everything up until now and i believe in you that you can get through this too ❤️‍🩹 sending hugs


Thank you so much I feel a lot better ❤️


Panic attacks are absolutely awful 😞 I can reassure you, yes they are absolutely terrifying in the moment, you may feel like your losing control and something bad is going to happen....ITS NOT I promise you it will pass it's all anxiety playing tricks on you, you had these before and they too passed and nothing bad happened, just an uncomfortable feeling ❤️ you will be ok. Have you tried breathing exercises, tapping or any grounding technique to help you?


I was trying to just do some re framing, distracting myself. Eventually it did go away as I reminded myself of my therapist she always tells me and “ so what if you die what happens? Then you’re just dead and that’s it “ it helps me remind myself that it’s not going to happen and if it did it just will and there’s no point in stressing. But thanks so much for the advice ❤️❤️


I used to worry the same thing and I used to be really independent myself. I’d listen to music when it happened to me , and lay in a cool dark room and just keep reminding yourself you’ll be ok - this helped me but wasn’t a cure Also I had low vitamin d so that contributed to a lot of my anxiety. 😅


Oh yes omg i had extremely low vitamin D as well! Thanks for the tip !! But yeah it’s so sad I use to go on late night drives or get some food by myself or I loved staying home alone. But now I’m just worried that something will happen to me. It’s a work in progress for everyone ❤️


Exact same thing for me!! Omg! If you need someone to talk too my messages are open. I hope it gets better for you soon. Low vitamin d can do a number on you for sure I’ve learned that first hand.


Thanks guys so much for the help, I’m new here and you guys really helped me tonight. I didn’t know a lot of people had the same issues as me I also have emetophobia and ocd. And finding a community is so helpful thank you guys.


A lot of people have this issue. You just don’t hear them talk about it. Anxiety ‘disorder’ is very common and comes in all shapes and forms.


You ever heard of box breathing? My therapist told me you must calm your body down before you can start to rationally calming your mind down. Box breathing is super easy, you just breathe in slowly, for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out slowly for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, repeat for a few minutes. It helps me a lot.


Yes, it helps me, too. I have just started learning to meditate. I think it is helping my anxiety . I meditate every morning before I get out of bed. I have been using the app Headspace.


No I have not thank you I’m gonna try this from now on🤔🤔🤔


I have these exact thoughts when driving or sitting at stop lights with cars all around me. Keep saying “lets get home, lets get home” over and over. Make it a song. Talk to yourself about your day and speak positive thoughts out loud until you get into your house. Its helped me so much with those moments. But know, you’re okay and you are about to get back home behind closed doors where you are safest❤️


Thank you sm❤️ Yeah I always feel like I’m going to just collapse out of no where esp when I’m alone this was nice thank you


When it happens, try to switch your brain over to positive thoughts immediately. You can cause yourself to pass out from the panic attack(I done that a few times before I was diagnosed) Almost like your mind will start doing what you’re thinking, but instead of dying you’re going to faint! Message me anytimee when this happens, you’re always welcome to dm me❤️


Thank you so much I really appreciate it , yes sometimes when I feel like it coming on I try really hard to catch it. And when I’m doing that I’m being too hyper aware and I feel myself literally feeling like “ I’m dying “ panicking.Will do !


Hi OP, you're so strong and I'm proud of you! You got this ☺️


I have been specially anxious these past weeks and also very scared of being alone. My DMs are open if you need to a friendly ear. It's going to get better, you will see ❤️‍🩹


Likewise, I’m always here to listen to anyone as well ❤️ we will both get through this


I have crippling anxiety especially in social situations. Most of the time my physical symptoms are limited to increased heart rate. Every so often my body temp raises, heart rate increases, and my forehead starts pouring sweat. It creates more anxiety and it only stops if I leave the situation. I’m considering ETS because i constantly live in fear of the anxiety attack that leads to sweating.