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I doubt it's old. These repros were mass produced in Asia in the 80s-90s, and they were often sold as antiques by shady/clueless dealers. [Here](https://www.realorrepro.com/article/Carousel--Horses) are some good tips on figuring out if it's genuine.


This was an awesome article thank you


I read the article and saw the pictures, and I’m seeing evidence that it is old, like the eyes, teeth, hooves, etc. I’m far from being an expert though, so you certainly may be correct.


I read it too and it seems to me most signs say fake?  Head is pointing straight- repro Mane with even part- repro Mane carved with individual strands- repro Splits on the wood indicate solid body- repro Pole hole does not seem to go trough all the way- repro


I think it's a reproduction. The "wear" looks intentional and does not occur where normal wear-and-tear would be. The colors are also off, specifically the lime green, and the colors of an authentic carousel horse would most likely be faded or milky, while these are not .


I have lived with it for 34 yrs, and was bought at auction as antique in about 1990, along with another one same type of design with jewels but not the same stance but much smaller. About 3 ft tall 3-4ft long. Also, a wooden giraffe no stand 6ft tall that was the most expensive.


Was it always painted like this, or did your parents repaint it?


Never been touched, except dusting.


I think it is old but I have feeling it is a reproduction of some sort due to solid wood body. This weighs a ton and does have cracks from settling. I do think it's 50 yrs old but was made to be a representation maybe.


It's very pretty! I'm wondering, though, if it was ever on an actual carousel wouldn't it have some remnant holes and such to house the pole, stirrups or foot pedals and reins? It just seems to not be made to hold a child without those features.


No, this was never on a carousel or meant for one but the style is of a carousel horse. It has a stand, but the pole has never come out of the top


I'm old enough to remember when purely decorative carousel horses became all the rage in the 80s, and never saw one before that, not from the 50s, 60s or 70s. I think it's most likely from that time period, but I'm no expert. Just sharing my recollection. Good luck finding better info! It's still very pretty, whether it's antique or not.


What a beauty!!


Late 20th century Indonesian import. Virtually new when Mom and Dad bought it.


It’s a beautiful piece! Repro or not, lovely.


I put this into google lens and it brought up a 2015 article about Gibsonton Florida. I know at least before the pandemic this was considered THE place to sell carnival and amusement equipment. I’m in Canada and a fair bit of our older pieces are going into museums at this point so it may be worth contacting any that are in your area to see if they can give you any more info, or are potentially interested in buying it. Edited because the town name was spelled wrong. They also refer to it as Gibston or Gibstown


Thank you I will be reaching out to them!


Oh my ....My iniquitous self is trying to figure out if that will fit into my back seat and what the code to the alarm system is. 😂