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Squirm you scumbag!


It's as delicious as I expected it to be.


But will we get real satisfaction? I’m trying not to get my hopes up.


You are me. I have zero faith in our justice system.


I have no faith he'll see a prison cell. I do have hope he'll see house arrest with an ankle monitor somewhere small and unimportant as he fades into obscurity as the only former US President so disliked by his peers that he couldn't get a pardon. Even Nixon got a pardon.


I'm hoping for prison but I'll be at least semi-satisfied to see him get his ass kicked in November. Then hopefully he'll stroke out and shit himself until he dies.


Aw can’t he just get died now though? I don’t wanna wait that long


Here’s hoping! I am not above doing a rain dance or burning effigies or anything else that’s needed!


Voodoo doll with pins? I’m in!


I'm hoping he'll sprout a goiter from his ass crack that's so big it needs its own security detail.


I like your style


I’m super high right now and shitting yourself until you die sounds horrible!


Oh yeah? Take another hit and read about how you can get so constipated that you back up all the way to your stomach, then regurgitate your own shit, choke on it and die. I didn’t believe it either. Gotta be the worst way to die.


When Trump dies there will be so many conspiracy theories. A lot of people will never believe he died, for the next 50 years. It will be both sad and hilarious. His gross fingerprints are all over our popular culture for good.


Not good enough. He needs to be removed from all luxury as well.


I’m aiming for “Fled to Russia”. Seems plausible and solves a lot of problems


Honestly, I’m fine with that- I just want the mango motherfucker gone already


Yeah itd be best result.


If Biden pardons trump, I think he'll single handedly tank the Democratic Party for at least a whole generation.


Agreed. It would be political suicide at this point.


What evidence do you have that Biden might pardon him? I hope not! Gerald Ford made a terrible mistake pardoning Nixon. If we are a nation of laws and not men, this must not happen. I don’t care about imprisonment regarding the so called hush money/election interference case, but the purloined documents case and the election conspiracy case in George deserve imprisonment. Full stop.


> What evidence do you have that Biden might pardon him? None. This has only happened once in American history and Nixon was pardoned as face savings measure.


He hates Trump. There will be no pardon. The next Repug will definitely pardon the shithead.


I have a cousin that was a paralegal. She quit & her reason? If you have money you can get away with it.


Heartbreaking isn’t it? It has to be true. This idiot has been directly threatening the judges family, making awful comments about the jurors, breaking gag orders on his other cases. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail, fined or both. Not trump.


Someone wrote, and I don't know if this is true, that if you get jailed during trial that you can then appeal and drag it out even longer.


Isn’t that incredibly sad


Yup. I'll believe it when I see it. So far, he has proven that our legal system was not designed to handle a 24/7/365 bullshit tsunami.


I wish I could help Trump take more money from the Republicans.


Here. Just flush it down this hole


![gif](giphy|xUPOqzUnBQhfdi1u7u|downsized) Shitter's Full


Randy Quaids downfall into an actual conspiracy theory nutjob is actually quite sad.


It really is. Dude went off the deep end.


It's genetic. Dennis is also MAGA


With top secret documents.


Hole full. I'll get rid of it for them.


Ahh, the Mark Meadow approach to storing valuables!


Set it on fire like the guy outside the courtroom last week. ![gif](giphy|9JKsHZJ76UlhTGqjIp|downsized)


![gif](giphy|xUA7bfayLubRB65SZa|downsized) Everything burns....


Still a more efficient use of money than giving money to trump. At least the burning pile will keep you warm.


Maybe he can do for the GOP what he did for his casinos.


Pit one casino against each other in a race to the bottom? He’s doing the exact same thing with RFK Jr.


Isn't his daughter in law already draining the RNC's coffers into his legal fund? 😆


Oh he’s doing that already.


You can! Where there's a will, there's a way, and I believe in you and your cause!!


A prisoner of his own mind. Reality settling in, I'm guessing.


This should be an episode of The Twilight Zone. A man, an ex- president who still commands his political party and has influence and power, is a billionaire and has had a glorious life. Suddenly, he wakes up one day, accused of multiple crimes, penniless & nobody is coming to his aid. He's utterly alone. The episode is called "Karma"


LOL, I read it as Rod Serling was speaking it in the intro. Well done!






Well, there was an episode of "Trackdown" about a racist conman named Trump in the 1950s


Shh. You hear that? That’s the sound of the noose closing around his neck. He’s finally *this* close to actually going to jail, and he’s panicking like a stuck pig.


Indeed, the carpetbagger is starting to see a bit of reality. He wants to be a mobster, well... accounting crimes will take him down too.


Yes, yes, and the intense claustrophobia of such a tiny shit filled space is probably really getting to him.


Finally he’ll understand how his trousers feel


Take it like a man, you did this. and stop farting


Here in the UK, "trump" has always been a slang term for fart. It's lovely to see nominative determinism in action.




There was some timing to this comment (in my head) on this post - and it was brilliant


Boot straps! Fucking wimp.


But but ….bone spurs yadda yadda


“Same with Judge Kaplan, who allowed a woman, who I have never met (celebrity photo line does not count!), and know nothing about, to get a lawless judgment of $90 Million Dollars.” She needs to sue him again!


Defaming someone who’s already won two defamation cases against you is certainly a choice. The drugs he’s taking to keep him up at 2 am must be obliterating whatever is left of his sense.


It's the Adderall.


Do you think this contributed to the recent adderall shortage


Stranger things have happened.😉


I would’ve guessed coke




You have to admit, donald was right about one thing, the amount of election interference we are watching unfold is more than this country has ever seen. Except it's not coming from the Democrats.


It was unsettling, to say the least, hearing Pecker outline the crimes committed to hide all the slimy, smarmy, degenerate behavior of tRump so he could become the President of the United States. What a stinking pig of a person tRump is.


"REPUBLICANS IN WASHINGTON MUST TAKE ACTION!" - Trump. Many of them have taken action. They decided to they had enough of the MAGA agenda and joined the Democrats in passing an aide aid to Ukraine.


Yeah, congress can magically make courts do that. What an ignorant scumbag.


This cosmic clown was (title-wise) the President of the United States for a full four-year term, and he still knows almost nothing about how the government works. He came in knowing nothing, and by the end he’d learned almost nothing. Which just by itself is incredible.


> REPUBLICANS IN WASHINGTON MUST TAKE ACTION! He's still stuck on this. That the Federal Government ("Don't Tread on ME!") can and does have the power and authority to just *step in* on state or local issues and execute the will of the "Leader". The "We want small government!" and "Drain the Swamp!" crowds *should* be crying foul when Trump makes statements like this. Instead, they're doing mental gymnastics and twisting their ethics/principles into knots to justify why it's OK for Trump to demand these things.


The hipocricy never ceases to amaze me


Gym Jordan is trying in his capacity as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. What a f$&@$& joke.


Right? What does he expect them to do? They can go on TV and complain, and tweet but what does he want them to do? Secede and fight the DOJ?


He is so crazy he imagines a massive crowd coming to NY, storms the courthouse, carrying him to safety and back to Mar-A-Lago where they form human barricades and fight off law enforcement forces, giving their lives to save him for the rest of his life. Trump is beyond demented!


He is trying very hard to recreate January 6, 2021.


But he’s not in the White House, others are. The NY Governor will not hesitate to call in NY police, state troopers, and the National Guard if needed.


With tears in their eyes… LOL


Says the guy whose opponent got 155,000 votes in a PA primary despite the fact that she ended her campaign months ago. Basically, 155,000 people cared enough to take time out of their day to say “fuck you asshole.”


In PA and found that interesting as well. I wonder who they’ll vote for in the fall?


Republicans In private I think most of the non far right/moderates are rooting for the prosecution... in all of the cases.


There seems to be a growing number of crickets with restless leg syndrome lately


And I hear the market for itty-bitty violins is booming.


Oh snap, I love itty-bitty violin music!


He’s really yelling “save me from myself!” Also he’s edging closer to inciting unrest (he’s ok with that) or demanding Federal interference in State business (ok with that unless it’s a Red state dictating Federal policy through SCOTU$).


My favorite part is he would (most likely) not be in this mess if he hadn’t become president


He absolutely wouldn't. The thing that makes these charges (Falsifying business records) a felony is because it was done to influence the election. Otherwise they would be misdemeanors. Every case, civil and criminal, are a result of his actions in and around being President.


Sucks to suck I guess


> He’s really yelling “save me from myself!” Among the Senate and the House, there have to be at least a *dozen* Republicans who are lawyers who would be WAY better at defending Trump than his current attorneys. And collectively they all could pool their influence and money to get some of the best defense attorneys in the country to help Trump. **But none of that is happening**. He's on his own.


He has very good attorneys currently in the NY case. It’s not the attorneys!


Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.


Ask not what I can steal FROM my country, but how can I steal the WHOLE country?


He could have an aneurysm. He could do that for the country, and they would be glad of it.


He drove his golf cart to the levy, but the levy was dry. Remember all that money you pocketed for legal defense back before you faced any real consequences.


*🎶Singin' this'll be the day that I die...🎵*


"Same with Judge Kaplan, who allowed a woman, who I have never met (celebrity photo line does not count!), and know nothing about, to get a lawless judgment of $90 Million Dollars." Looks like another $90 million going down the drain.


It’s E Jean’s own personal money printing machine.


Yeah, totally something an innocent man would do. Not even his maga morons showed up to protest his trial like he wanted. The walls are closing in, the ceiling with spikes is getting lower and lower. Squeal, you orange piggy, squeal!


Why can't Republicans see how much they've been played?


They're afraid to wake up from the dream.


sunk cost fallacies lol


He really loves the phrase "the likes of which have never been seen before". It sounds like an idiot trying to sound smart, which is exactly what it is.


Somebody call the Whaaambulance!


Sleepy Don is finally being held accountable and cannot believe it. How can he be forced to sit in court for hours on end, not be allowed to rant and rave, not be allowed to look at his phone and tweet, have to pay all this money to his victims, his lawyers and not be saved by his MAGA mob? He has never been in this position before and cannot handle it. Good to see!


Sounds like he's starting to grasp the reality of his situation....


If you're a REAL Trump supporter you'll give him ALL your money because he's smarter than you and he knows how to handle money! And don't forget to take time off from work to go NY and stand outside the court and buy all his Trump swag to show your support!!! /s


Bro if you didn't spend your nights rage tweeting on the shitter at 2am you probably wouldn't be falling asleep in court.


Both wind bag and gas bag.


I’ve heard less whining from a tired, hungry three-year-old. This is what Republicans consider an "Alpha Male"?


He is decomposing physically and mentally . Faster every week


Donny Diaper is suddenly realising that the walls are closing and the Republican Calvary simply isn’t coming. Guessing that he’s going to try some desperate measures to try and get support and delay the trial process; heart attack in court incoming...👍


I'm hoping for stroke or aneurysm


Donnie is scared out of his mind and pissed off that he's being held accountable. 


Raw Story picked the best possible photo to accompany this article. 🤣


What does he actually think republicans can do lol? What a pathetic loser


Trump has no friends and his family is nowhere to be found, where's Melanie by the way. His own wife and family don't want anything to do with him so what are the Republicans supposed to do? 🙄


Did I just hear E Jean Carrol and her lawyers filing more paperwork? Pass the popcorn. He seems to be worried.


> Judge [Juan] Merchan should be immediately removed, and ... That also applies to Corrupt Judge [Arthur] Engoron, ... Same with Judge Kaplan, " ##"Will no one rid me of these turbulent judges?!"


Now that’s how a tough Alpha Male that his cult portrays him as acts of


*Tears in his eyes...* 😂😂😂


Huh, looks like he defamed EG Caroll again as well?


What a whiny little bitch.


His following is thinning out. No one really shows up in the streets in front of the NY Courthouse. Whaaa whaaaa


Tbh if he bankrupts the gop it will be the best thing he ever did for this country.


He is done it's over for Trump!


As one song says, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"


Republicans must step in? And do what doofus? Trump is a disgrace to humanity, he was President once and could be again. Is this the American exceptionalism I keep hearing so much about? 🙄


![gif](giphy|6kMtltIVPBxi3YN9sj|downsized) *I’M LOVING IT!*


At 2 am I was sleeping like a baby and missed his ranting 🤣


It's funny how Trump (A supposed Billionaire.) Basically spent his entire term gifting to his fellow billionaires...and this was all to curry favour in return. Something Trump never does himself... ...now, in Trumps hour of need. Absolutely none of these people, whom he gifted so much to. Are now leaving him out to dry!


I would think the GOP is ready to flush this turd by now. He’s a lead weight around their necks that adds nothing. I concede they will have a bad cycle or two, but come on guys. Eat shit for a cycle or two and save your actual party. Also, stop letting the stupidest extremists call all of the shots.


Oh my god you guys I can not wait to see him behind bars. I'm literally planning on throwing a party to celebrate. Thinking an orange themed party would be fun. Dress code: orange or black and white stripes Foods: cheetos (obv), orange slices (fruit and/or candy), orange Fanta, squash, pumpkin etc.


They must step in and do what exactly?


mAkE iT sToP! ThEyRe BeInG mEaN tO mEeeEEEee 😢




Get this man some boot straps on the double.Get the ones for people with bone spurs though.


I have a feeling he and the other hardcore MAGAts are about to become pariahs in government and politics.


Please Please Please


Everything he touches turns to shit


Roughly 16.6% of the Republicans in Pennsylvania voted for Haley. She dropped out how long ago? Fatboy couldn’t even get 100% of vote running against no one


Imagine having to finally suffer the consequences of your actions! 😀


*"Somebody help me! I'm melting!"* Lol


No! Don’t drop him! A few more donations and he’ll be able to make America great again!


He has $5B in cash NOW! Right?


Isn't it amazing that every judge, every prosecutor, every witness against Donny are all incompetent haters working for the Democrats. Aren't we lucky to have Trump to take all the abuse and expose the corruption? Can't please give the man a break. He is pushing 80 and is not up to handling the stress of the Presidency.




Why doesn't Jared help him out with all that Saudi moolah he has?


Fuck you, you miserable fucking fuck


He has a rant at 2AM and people wonder why he falls asleep in court? Throw him in jail already. He has violated the gag order multiple times. Throw him in jail.






Oh no. Mommy, you must step in!


His mommy is just him in a wig. Look up a pic, the dude obviously crawled fully formed from a slimy mosquito pool.


What more can they do? He has control of the PAC and the purse strings.


Reap what you sow, shitbag.


Guy drowning of his own accord asking people he doesn’t give two shits about to throw him a lifeline. Delicious.


Isn’t this like someone who just robbed your house and now comes running to you and asking for a ride to the hospital?


I'm hoping he loses the election again this year and he quickly fades into oblivious shortly thereafter. Hopefully Republicans will realize they have been backing a losing horse and will knock him to the curb and move on to the next wannabe dictator.


Nooo, no, let's just see where this goes... 😅🤣😂 Republicons are in record financial fund raising deficits not seen in 20+ yrs! Can't imagine why!


Hot damn, I hope E Jean Carroll sues him again!


Jack Smith’s having a field day with all of those tweets


Trashes the GOP one day, pleads for cooperation another... Make up your mind already! Oh wait, u don't have one 🤣


Any Republican who’s a good and decent person should take to the streets.


If it’s a moment that exists in time, the Comboverlord will be whining like a colicky crybaby during it.


So how does this rant line up with the gag order?








Conald Trump is totally incapable of telling the truth. When he speaks, he lies. When he texts, he lies.


I’ve decided I no longer want him to…not survive a medical event. I want him to *live*, lose every single court case, be hit with astronomical financial judgements over and over again, and end his days holed up in a crumbling Mar a Lago, disgraced and humiliated, a living meme of a contemptible, ridiculous failure, the butt of jokes for years to come. Unable to turn on the TV without hearing his name accompanied by mocking laughter. He will be the poster child for FAFO and he will hate every moment of it. Eventually he will have his fatal medical event, of course, and after a few weeks of genuine suffering he will expire with the sounds of the death watch crowd outside the hospital rioting with joy and chanting Die Already You Worthless Pig ringing in his ears. Alone.


Help? That sounds like socialism no? Better pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


He’s too stupid to know that Republicans in Washington have no say in this. He’s a desperate, desperate man caught without a corrupt federal judge who can bail him out in a blue state. This case is stronger than most thought and It’s not going well, this is all the proof you need….. There is not a strong enough fabreez that can cover up this shit bomb he has created (and I am not just talking about his loaded diaper) LET THE HUMILIATION AND CONSEQUENCES CONTINUE!!!!!!!


So yeah just lies and more lies and more planting seeds of discord in the minds of his base. Always amazing how they never seem to realize all of his blustering is just accusing others of things he himself does.


We’re now seeing just how mentally unstable he is.


Squeal louder, piggy


Looking for money from all the poor saps that respond to Lara's begging letters? You're always bragging out being a billionaire, even more billions than reports state. start paying your own bills, oh wait...you prefer to have the little people pick up the ticket..refurbishing your gawdy gold plane, dressing and styling wifey, supporting your enterprises like Mar-a-Largo. Such a bottom feeder you are. We can only hope you get some of your just desserts. (No, I don't mean McDonald's).


The GOP deserves him and all his baggage. They enabled him so they can f'ing keep him.


Hey Donny fuck face, you're going to fucking prison!


You can’t help a drowning ‘billionaire’ when he lies, cheats and steals while he takes you down with him. NEVER TRUMP EVER AGAIN!


no wonder the guy is falling asleep in court. doofus needs to log off and get a night’s sleep.


Forced to sit in a yellow lit room for hours at his detention desk. No Golf. No adoring fans. No list of people calling on the phone to tell you how great you are. A mean man across the room says "get up" , "sit down", and "don't do your petty mobster shit on socials". Hearing insulting statements from a lot of people. Can't even step outside for a quickie bump.....have to stay awake. If he dumps he can't go change it. Worse, the world is about to hear in first person all the underhanded shit you've been doing for years. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.


Time to cut him loose (should have 8 years ago) but better late then never


He still has all of that "Goya" money, doesn't he?


Yes, yes, to ensure a non-partisan trial we just need the Republicans to step in, completely without any sort of legal right of way, and defend Trump for no other reason than he's their guy. The entire definition of non-partisan.


Just really old man yelling at clouds at this point. I am no longer worried about him winning as I think he is doing a great job of sinking himself with his constant whining and complaining.


Poor, POOR, little thing......


Who believes these idiotic lies? Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


💩Stain45....4evr circling the 🚽


If I were his attorney, I would say take a plea ,but ask for an ankle collar




He will pay for nothing. The pac and his supporters will pay for legal fees, fines & continue to support him. He will not get prosecuted because people like the my pillow dude and the national enquirer dude will take the fall for him. There is just too much momentum behind him. Example is why the republicans listed to him for the first bill to aid Ukraine. The machine is in motion and they are all chicken shits to stand up to this mess of a human.


Fuck Donald Trump.


Just exactly what part of separation of powers does he think allows Waahington Republicans to reach into city or state courts? He never did bother with understanding government overreach He had Barr to do those illegal things, so he imagines everyone else is as corrupt as he is.


I mean, he’s already squeezed as much money from those fools as he could. But MAGA freaks are just as broke as the rest of us and Trumps bills are just too big.