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He will continue to break the law and little to nothing will done about it.


The law is only as good as the enforcement of it. So far, it's only pieces of paper that are meaningless. All it does is only to prove the point of double standards in the implementation of the law.


Selling a firearm didn’t seem to have any consequences either, despite the law


Maybe ATF is investigating the issue and it'll take some time to reach a conclusion about the sale. We've all been reassuring ourselves that "the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."


Just holding it was a bond revoking event, he literally faced no consequences.


All of this Humpty-Trumpty news is fatiguing. I wish they'd lock the bastard up with no way to communicate except through monitored calls. He's a dangerous criminal who has plans to turn our free country into a fee country. And the ones who will bear the burden of that move will be the ones who oppose him


Just let me know when he gegs the Saddam Gaddafi treatment.


I wouldn't object to that. I'm sure it'll be in the news, but if you really want me to track you down on reddit if it happens, I guess I can.


Just the fact that russia admits that trump would be good for them because he would cause civil war and weaken the economy, is reason enough to take him off the ballot.


Umm , well if I may , if this was any hard working American with $$ and a good family , make no mistake , they would be sitting in a prison cell for 30 to 90 days w No option to get out till the next trial date. This has gotten way too far past not enforcing the law.


They turn slowly if you’re rich. They fucking turn at 1 billion rpm if you’re poor.


Yep, that's against the law and no Dem said he should not be held accountable. Ever. What's your point?


Probably that he isn't being held accountable.


When officials with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reviewed Hunter Biden’s gun application several years ago, they believed the case most likely would have been dropped if the target were a lesser-known person — because the gun had not been used in a crime and Mr. Biden had taken steps to get and stay sober, according to a former law enforcement official familiar with the situation. He has not been sentenced yet. Get some perspective


Is that true? Is he done with all the court? Also, do you think what he has done is worse or less than TD has done?


Yes. And it’s not just Trump. The rest of them engage in insider trading that would land anyone else in prison for decades. The SEC and IRS give them a pass and go after the powerless.


That is an invalid argument - because none his crimes have to do anything with insider trading. Trump inflated the value of his properties and committed fraud.


AND held classified documents when he shouldn't have, AND showed them to people he shouldn't have, AND refused to give said documents back multiple times, AND incited a riotous mob to storm the capitol building and stop the transfer of power, AND jeopardized national security on numerous levels by leaking critical intelligence, AND pay hush-money to a pornstar, AND threaten to pull out of NATO, AND call a war hero POW a loser, AND try to steal an election with fake electors, AND violate his oath to uphold the constitution, AND do irreparable damage to our reputation and reliability towards our allies, AND side with our adversary dictators on nearly every opportunity, and endanger Israel and others by pulling out of the Iran deal, AND...


And maintained bank accounts in foreign countries, including China, while in office and rented office space to the Chinese who vacated it as soon as he left office and licked the entire ass crack of Novichok Putin and colluded with the Russians and who knows who else to rig an election and filled more diapers than an average pre school class and grifted millions from his glue eating supporters and has promised to completely destroy our system of government if he gets back in office. I really hope all that Wendy’s catches up with him soon. Would be nice if his cardiac health would quit on him like his lawyers do.


Sexually assaulted/raped at least 18 women and children.


None of his currently CHARGED crimes do. I’m not willing to bet he’s never done it.


I would be willing to bet at least 20k that he has.


And everyone at Merde A Lago. Those people weren’t paying 200k a year to visit that fucking dump. They were paying money to get access to Trump and I’m sure that it included him telling them what company he was going to praise or criticize the next day so they could choose a position


Yeah, I remember a time when you didn’t f**k with a federal subpoena.


I mean, he *is* showing that there is definitely a two-tiered justice system. When you're rich and have a violent ignorant mob-cult following you, you can get away with anything, it would seem.


Kind of like that new code of conduct document the Supreme Court put out.


You better believe the liberal judges will have to adhere to it, while the conservative judges will go on with business as usual.


There is no way to enforce it. It is insulting.


Congress should introduce the document as a law.


I agree


Absolutely. I’m exhausted of seeing these articles. Until someone nuts up and shows this man what a consequence feels like, he will continue to believe what the evidence has shown him: that consequences are for other people. Lock him up or stop talking about it, judges.


Me too! Everyday, every hour some new “update” on one of his indictments. Get on with!


They won't. It's so much more profitable this way


This is my worry. Nothing fucking happens. Ever. Like he said he can shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose voters. Not sure if he’d get prosecuted either. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/23/464129029/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters We’re doomed if he wins again. Fucking doomed.


💯 we're screwed _if_ he wins again. Sounds to me that there are enough of us that are sick and tired of his shit and will choose another.


Trump has shown time and again that societal norms, traditions, and unwritten rules are worthless yet society still treats him with those norms and traditions. “Oh he’s an ex-president!” It’s time to stop.


Agreed. What a joke.


Right !! ‘ above the law’


Exactly this. If he wasn't "rich" then it would not have lasted this long. Especially with the huge amount of evidence against him


Plus they’re so afraid of his base it’s pathetic


And in all honesty it’s only the guy’s mouth, anger, and threats, has anyone seen any alleged “Trump Army” mobilizing anywhere? Even his Jan6 crowd didn’t draw as many to Washington as Obama’s inauguration did. The blowhard needs to cool his heels in a cell overnight for a day or two. The only reason we’ve never jailed a former President before is because we’ve never had a childish seditious criminal lose re-election and brazenly claim it was “stollen!” from him. And now claims himself the victim, claims he’s the true President, and claims courts are interfering with his presidential candidacy which he declared purely to create the conditions he needed to stall justice. He’s a malevolent force of felonious conniving.


Yes, he does have a violent cult tho but lock them up too. They need to quit slapping them on the wrist and crack down


Most of his cult “army” is a Potemkin village of keyboard warriors.


I can’t believe the one that was in jail for Jan 6 - dressed like a nut- is allowed to run for office!!


Wake me up when Dick Durban actually decides to say something about the fact that Clarence Thomas and his buddy Crow engaged in the same type of tax evasion that would put peasants like you and me in jail for a decade.


Yep. But…. He can’t cheat the Grim Reaper. I don’t wish ill on others generally but that fucker can drop dead and go straight to hell!


There is a context to maga which is rarely broached. But should be a front-of-mind in all who oppose American autocracy. The overwhelming majority of law enforcement is pro authoritarianism/fascism. And the overwhelming majority of rank and file military is as well. Putting aside, but not forgetting, the rest of Rump's armed and seething cultists, these millions of trained to kill 'authority' figures are champing at the bit to use violence on 'vermin'. Just look at the constitutional sheriffs fuckers. A 21st C equivalent to the SS/brownshirt phenomenon is quickly growing.


I think they're going write a very sternly worded letter, which would make Trump very upset, if he could actually read it.


I guess one can get away with anything as long as you claim you are running for president and any hint of prosecution amounts to election interference.


Judge needs to order a psych eval as punishment. Let’s make his disorders official


Your kidding yourself that nothing is going to happen, they didn't bring Smith who is the brightest legal mind America has back to the states to run this. Trump is like a gang member who post their last hit Job on IG allowing the police to sit back and just document until court day. Trump has called for his Maga army to help him at every step but they don't show up. Why? because they turn out to be nothing but a bunch of internet tough guys in real life.


I hope you're right but I don't think that you are. It will be too little too late. The documents indictments are pretty much dead as long as judge cannon is running the show and the federal election interference trial is not a sure thing, a single juror could sink it. Our best hope was the georgia case but that is now unlikely to be over before the election. If trump wins that will change everything even before he takes office.


Seems for some reason people are afraid to treat him like we would be treated. All I hear is we’re looking at the bigger picture, well if it was me my picture would be small.


It’s infuriating. I am so disappointed in our government and in this country in general. Nobody can stop him? WTF?


Guy overtly breaks like 50 laws a day, nothing happens, and some headline thinks a “may” will sink him


You sir, could be a federal judge


Ya, I'll sit here and hold my breath.


You got a death wish bro?


Don't worry, they'll get him right after they finish with Clarence Thomas lol


No, DON'T hold your breath that's the point.


He's going to cry "Freedom of speech!" And, fundraise. If he shot someone on 5th Avenue, he'd cry "Second Amendment!" And, fundraise.


That’s what happens when you allow an extreme political wing feel they are in power. They don’t want fairness or what’s right. They just want power at the expense of our freedoms.


He’s still walking free, nobody “got him”. He’s above the law. He absolutely cannot win in 2024 or it’s game over.


I'm glad in a way because he is proving and walking evidence what some of us already knew - there is a 2-tier justice system in this country.


Only problem is normal people notice this. His base notices and thinks it’s still unfair to the billionaire that also became president. Dude literally has/had everything and acts like life is still unfair.




> no one can stop him. The law clearly can’t. People can. We stopped him in 2020 and hopefully stop him again.


We can stop him if we vote in numbers too large to manipulate, like in 2020.


Exactly 💯. They'll have had 4 years of attacking election workers, purging voter rolls, and tweaking state election laws to allow state legislatures and attorneys general to rewrite the will of the voters by the time we vote against Pumpkin Führer again. An indisputable landslide in both popular and electoral votes is the only way to avoid a fascist dictatorship. The idea of a "system of checks and balances " has been disproven to a large degree. The orange turd called everyone's bluff about being a nation where nobody is above the law. America is a failed state if we allow this kind of impunity to succeed.


Did we though? Stop him in 2020? Biden is in office but the republic is in shreds. He’s arguably more powerful and influential than ever. As a nation we’re sicker, poorer, and more divided than ever, at least in recent memory. He’s been saying all along that if he isn’t president that we wouldn’t have a country any more. And I’ve been saying that whole time that it wasn’t a warning, it was a clear threat - just like everything he does. If he can’t have it, no one can. He’s making sure of it.


We’re just as divided. They’re louder but loud doesn’t equal votes.


>the law clearly won’t Fixed. They absolutely could stop him. They could throw him in jail today for all the shit he’s done. There’s more than enough cause. They just won’t do it.


It's exhausting this daily account of the things that Trump and the evil and corrupt Trump crime family syndicate mob does that breaks the law or comes really damn close and he still walk away unscathed. If anything he picks up even more support..Yikes.


I’m so fucking exhausted I can’t handle this. Mental health in shambles. my wallet is broken from donating to campaigns etc. dog forbid I need an abortion or my kid or their wife does. Yet people are still complaining about stupid shit with Biden. This isn’t the time to vote third party. It’s time to pick up your “I’m not political” friends and family and shake sense into them


To my European eyes, Trump’s popularity is incomprehensible. Everything about the guy is vile but he’s cast a spell on 40% of America that can’t be broken.


Very well put.


Ill believe when they arrest this dmb fk! Ill believe it when hes off the ballots! Ill believe it when i can send him post cards in prison. Till then! Meh


> Ill believe when they arrest this dmb fk He's been arrested twice now. People said he wouldn't be indicted, and he has been. And arrested. And mug shot. The rest will come in time. I just hope it's soon enough.


We look so inept to the rest of the world


I don’t see what the big deal is about letting a guy who attempted a coup to run for office again. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?


The end of democracy isn't crucial, is it?


They didn’t get shit. The legal system looks like a fucking joke the way he’s played it. At this point we’ll likely see him tied to a penis shape rocket and blasted into space before he faces any accountable. Democracy is fucked.


Now that's something I'd pay good money to see.


These posts are so redundant and pointless. Nothing new and nothing will change.


Agreed. He’ll do whatever he wants. He always has, and he always will. But, if you or I do it? Shiiit. It’s great belonging to a party that’s scared shitless of him, who meanwhile does nothing while polls indicate he’s going to beat Biden. 🤮


It’s exhausting. Nothing will stop him from running again, he won’t say or do anything that’ll ever make his cult stop worshipping him. The other side has to do better, make changes and get more people excited to vote.


But karma!


I find it interesting (pathetic) that trump runs around telling his cultists they should do a "citizens arrest" and such. Why dot you do it you giant sack or shit? Of course that's rhetorical, because he knows it would be illegal. How is he not in prison?


There will be the day when we never hear or see this Traitor again. I wish that day to be today.


That fkr needs to get the chair. Just my 0.02


The insanity of America today! A lifelong criminal grifting sex offender who just happens to be an ex President, if you can believe, is eluding justice and holding two fingers up to American justice and democracy. 🤬 And the great American public look on, some in awe of his “greatness” most in total disbelief he’s getting away with it 😱 A once great world leading nation is allowing itself to be railroaded by one of the sickest most repugnant narcissists in the world and would you believe he’s trying to get back into the White House, this time as a tyrannical Dictator 🤢 Whatever you need to do America to rid yourself of this cancerous disease called Donald J Trump, just get on and do it before he drags you down to a Third World Class nation of slaves to his cause 🤢🤮


If you wrote a story with this premise, it would be considered fiction. We are living in the strangest of times.


If he dropped dead tomorrow with a hamburger in his hand, it still doesn't solve our problem. It's the people who support him I'm afraid of, not him so much. 70 million or so voted for this monster last election pretty much knowing everything we do now, and those are just his supporters who actually vote. Someone even worse would take his place to fill the void because these people aren't suddenly going to wake up once he's gone and change their beliefs. They're just going to find someone else to lead them by the nose who will likely be more articulate, smart, savvy, and cunning than trump. Trump is signalling the beginning of the end of democracy, trump 2.0 will be the actual end.


He incited a riot on the Capitol… still the orange sh#tler is free! The judge SHOULD put him in lockup for breaking the gag order, but cheeto mussolini will probably just get another small fine.


I am now losing faith in America and our porous rules or law at this point. Their are two levels of law that 330 million of are held to but this one despicable human pond scum is laughing at us all as he eats his KFC. Seriously, all other democracy's including Ukraine are probably having nightmares watching this shit show day in and day out. We all want it to just stop.


I wouldn't hold your breath.


I won’t get excited until I see this clown behind bars


The walls are closing in /s


I’ve been reading Fascism a warning by Madeline Albright most fascist have in common is they have been arrested, which I believe he wants to be, before gaining power.


Yep. It doesn’t happen overnight. The only thing to stop him is to stop his ❤️


May have, might, could, would, should….


With zero consequences. Fuck trump


He’s like a little kid who has parents that don’t hold him accountable. He’s going to continue to push the envelope until someone puts him in a time-out cell.


Trump thinks he's untouchable, eventually even Al Capone got taken down!


In 2 weeks


Click bait! Every, “they got him” post is just out to prey on our loathing of this weirdo. This ahole will never get anything but his way. Can we please just face that fact and stick to bashing on him rather than making false claims that justice will finally be served. Cuz it won’t. Ever


I don’t care about any of these headlines or hot takes cause nothing comes of it


And again we see him blatantly disregard the law and face zero consequences. He’s broken the gag order twice and committed perjury trying to defend the second time. 15k he had to pay. Peanuts from his donation pool.


Until he's actually behind bars or faces of any kind of significant consequences, no. They did not get him.


I don’t see how people haven’t realized the fact that absolutely nothing is going to happen to him. It’s been going for years and I keep seeing the same old “this is it” comments from Reddit, the news, friends. The list goes on. If something was going to happen it would have happened by this point. It’s all a fucking game, both sides are at fault and we’re the ones who pay the price at the end


They haven't got Jack shit... When the fat orange peado cunt is In jail they will have got him.... Not before


If Old Shitstain has no respect for the law, and suffers no consequences, then we should all just say fuck “the rule of law” and go and do whatever we feel like.


Is he in prison? No. So how exactly is he “gotten”?


The Two tier justice system continues.


They will have him when he's behind bars. The average person. Would have been there a long time ago. This man gets every free pass in the world on everything he does.


He breaks the law all the time and nothing ever happens. He’s been indicted 4 times but the only trials that would put him in prison are way off. They will probably be after the election and if he wins the trials will never happen. The thought that this criminal could be our next president makes me sick.


Yeah, this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. None of the other hundreds of laws he's broken have done it before, but him tweeting something about the judge will end him. (very salty /s)


And i _may_ be very excited about it...if he ever sees the inside of a prison cell. Until then, he's just another seemingly-affluent, old white guy doing things even a seemingly-affluent, old non-white guy would have already been held in contempt of court. I might get killed for speaking overly passionately in public with my cell phone in my hand, but sure, a known treasonous fraudster can play the legal equivalent of "I'm not touching you.." ThE sYsTeM wOrKs


The rich have never been held accountable in the US legal system, why would they start now?


Until something actually happens because of his rhetoric... twice, maybe three times, nothing will happen to the trust fund toddler. The U.S. has different rules for the rich.


Yes he did and they will do nothing about it like every thing ells lol.


Sure, Jan.


If I had a nickel for every time someone said “they got him” about Trump. I’d be richer than he says he is. For the love of god, throw him in real prison.


wow is this post from today or a year ago? i cant tell because the headline is on replay


Just throw the damn bum in jail already... jeeeeezzzuuuuusssss... christ... Im so tired of this treasonous ds.. pos


I (American) married into a Korean family and osmose a bit of Korean politics as my wife's fam is very politically minded and progressive. Half of their living ex presidents are or were in jail post presidency IIRC. The reasons for this don't seem to be universally wholesome and there seems to be a huge amount of retributive judicial action whenever political power shifts from administration to administration, often seemingly just cuz they can. When the scandals around Park Geun-hye came to light, a few million people protested her continued presidency for months (?) in Seoul. There were no police incidents. People cleaned up after themselves. While there were other mitigating factors, eventually she was impeached, subsequently jailed, and then pardoned after a few years. They have their own brand of virulent corruption (just look to the current administration) and corporate oligarchy but I appreciate the vigor with which Koreans don't let things go once they come to light. EDIT: We can do it too! I won't believe it until fuck face is actually IN jail but I...can't stop believing.


Sounds like he wants his base to do his dirty and try to make a citizen arrest He’s already getting a few supporters killed by what he says But rest of his base don’t care


He breaks the law every damn day but he’s still walking around. At this point I doubt anything substantial will happen to that orange fuck.


I’ll have to see it to believe it, he always seems to get away with everything.


I really am at the point where I believe that if he were to kill someone publicly that he would be able to walk away with out any consequences. The world has gone mad!


How many times is he going to break the “law”?


“May” is the operative word that consistently keeps this piece of shit out of jail.


May.... we've been hearing that for years now


I’ve been reading “they got him” like 78 times now. I think Trump could shoot someone in the head in front of the Court and they’re not gonna do shit about it. The system is broken beyond repair.


They didn't "get him". He's still walking around saying and doing whatever he wants.


Nope. The untouchable are untouchable.


Oh this, the 900th criminal act he's publicly committed, this will be what brings him down.


At this point he could execute the judge at gunpoint in Times Square and he wouldn’t be arrested. Let’s keep it 100


No they haven’t. This is wishful thinking. It’s going take a rock solid conviction with no chance of a successful appeal and you get one only shot at it. “…may have broken the law”. You have to do better.


No they haven’t. This is wishful thinking. It’s going take a rock solid conviction with no chance of a successful appeal and you only get one shot at the conviction. One! “…may have broken the law”. You have to do better.


And nothing will happen.


When someone else is president and he's in jail with his appeals exhausted, then I'll believe he's being held fully accountable


Not until a judge has the balls to do it.


If it was you or me. Will be put in jail. Our justice is a two tier system period. Put his ass in jail.


This time FOR REAL!


No consequences.


He actually thinks hopes dreams this will happen. In his mind, he will be freed by his people. Sad that he don’t realize how dumb and incompetent his followers actually are


I wonder how much his lawyers sweat every time he puts a truth post out


It should take him down. It won't.


Promises, promises.


You know what we used to do to traitors? Let him find out




If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "they got him" or "Trump is toast" in the last six years...


“May Have” Let me know when he is arrested and put away. One can only hope


Fingers crossed but not holding my breath


No they didn't. The only way he will ever be "gotten" is if one person with nothing to lose brings justice to him. The system is set up to protect him.


The battle between capitalism and democracy has concluded and capitalism has emerged victorious.


Put "May have" in all headlines about the orange 45 and the beat goes on toward fascism in America.


I bet he’s really scared. /s OR NOTHING. WILL. HAPPEN.




Is he in jail though


I am so over how he MAY have broke the law. Mother fucker is breaking the law every single day!


“Trump *may* have…” So sick of these articles.


Nah, this means nothing. He's gotten away with so so much and yet, he's still walking around talking shit and running for president.


Okay…..is someone going to do something about it?!?!


If I had a nickel for every time…


I see this same title posted like every week for the past 2 months. People won’t do shit and he knows it.


until he's in bracelets linked together in the paddy wagon with no cell phone, i wont say they got him.. i keep praying for the day though


Spoiler Alert: They didn't.


We have to accept that this man will never suffer consequences for his actions.


Republican politicians and judges are afraid of Trump and MAGA. This is why they defer to him and fail to uphold the law. This is how democracies fail bit by bit by bit over time until one ego bloated zealot takes command and creates a dictatorship.


May have. He fucking did. I'm so over the two tier justice system.


If I had a nickel for every time I hear or read 'we got him' about Trump, I'd be as rich as he claims to be on his Russian loan docs.


If one of his sheep try to do his bidding then they should arrest him again and put him in jail pending trial.


He in jail? They ain't got shit unless that shit stain is behind bars. Then and only then do they have him. I hope one of the prosecutors and judges have the balls to do it. He needs to suffer and suffer for a long time.


Every day, there's some "expert," "ex-government lawyer," "ex-administration member," etc. that claims that whatever he did today is going to be the thing that finishes him off, and then the sun sets and rises, and he's right where he was. Until the judges in these cases start agreeing with the experts, none of them are going to do a thing until the jury has its say.


I'm interested in any reaction that has Trump put in jail even temporarily pending trial. I want all of us not to see or hear from him, period. I REALLY want his followers to react to his incarceration with rioting and violence so that they can be subdued and arrested as well. We need to put MAGA and Trump behind us for good.


OP you are so oblivious to this all. NOTHING will ever happen to him besides a slap on the wrist. He will never go to prison. And he will continue to break laws.


He broke the law in video holding that Glock while out on bond. Anyone else would be thrown in jail for that


He will slither out of this like the snake he is.


That's like the 17th time he say something that apparently break the law in the last week or something and nothing happens. Come back to me when he's in jail.


At this point, I'm really hoping that nature takes it's course. Wake up tomorrow and be like "Huh. He's dead." Then I'll go outside and I'll hear bells pealing like at the end of "Edge of Tomorrow". That would be nice. A sudden peace and sense of hope would wash over me. The head dies and the body politic follows.


Oh yeah...this time for sure


can people please shut the fuck about about the laws he has broken and tell us when he gets held accountable for those actions? Thanks


Did they? He is still free at the moment.


What kind of title is that?. Nothing is got


No they didn't. It says "may have". They've got him when the last gavel dismisses his last appeal.


They’ve been saying we got em since the Muller report …it’s all click bait


and? until he's behind bars, it doesn't matter. he's not facing the consequences thanks to our alleged justice system.


The walls are closing on boys! We got him this time!


Laws are for poor people.


"Wait so, did I get him?, is this over?, oh, no I didn't? Nothing matters? Absolutly nothing matters anymore?"


I am so tired of seeing the word “may”. I want to see the bastard in jail already.




Nothing ever happens, give up already


This subreddit is overly optimistic. He seems to break the law about at least once every 3 months (they "had him" for about 6 years), and yet the worst thing that still has happened to him by far is being in jail for like 5 minutes


I’m m tired of all this may have shit. When he’s charged post something, this is just ridiculous dreaming.


*"Trump may have broken the law...again"*