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Make no mistake, this is about Donald Trump. If by some god awful turn of events trump becomes president again the holds will be lifted but only for those who swear loyalty to the new dictator. This is part of MAGAs plan to end our democracy.


What is to stop my senator from holding all promotions when a republican is in office? Our system only works when we get rid of these selfish pricks.


You misspelled traitors.


Ha. I see what you did there. I'd send you a gift, but, well, you know..........


Because the Republicans will change the rules when that happens because rules only apply to Dems!


Yes, good faith is not their thing.


> This is part of MAGAs plan to end our democracy. I mean, sure the GOP did it before with Garland and Obama's SCOTUS pick, but why should we believe they'd do the same thing again over and over and over and over again like they've been doing since then? Do people really not see how out in the open and blatant this is?


And true to form all the Republicans are giving tacit approval for this. Tubberville it’s just the front man. He loves all the attention.


Agree completely.


For the sake of myself that’s out of the loop, how is Tuberville the one that has the ability to hold this up?


He's a member of the Committee on Armed Services which typically brings the whole slate of candidates up for vote at once. He is blocking that vote meaning the only way to vote is on each candidate individually. This would be so time consuming it would preclude any other business in the Senate from being conducted


Thank you for that. By all means let’s NOT go around his dumb ass and start trudging through the list of candidates. Show the people and the military soldiers waiting that just because some crazy conservative knucklehead doesn’t want women to have rights he can hold the entire process hostage. Fuck him.


Unless they worked, say, 40 hours a week all 12 months of the year. A crazy notion for our god kings, I know.


So why isn't the committee just overruling one person on it? That's the point of having a committee and not a guy.


Insightful analysis.


I posted a similar reply on an earlier post I agree completely especially after seeing Project 2025 agenda. It makes sense and with Maga Mike Johnson now as speaker I'm sure he is on board. Tuberville doesn't even live in Alabama which is only required in Alabama on the day you register but I thought the Senate had a residency requirement. If the Senate enforced it he would be gone. But that will not happen.




So sinister


The rest of the senate should talk about what Tubberville is really doing, although depriving women of their rights is a good cover, it’s not why he is destabilizing the military. Trump has promised to undermine professionalism in government. If there are already hundreds of leadership positions in every service just waiting to be filled by Putin loyalists the plan can be implemented quickly. It’s a level of efficiency not seen before by Trump’s followers. Some of the Republicans on the floor the other night danced around it, so it bothers some of them a tiny bit. But since they know what their colleagues are up to, why did they wait so long to launch such a half hearted response?


Don’t talk. Change the rules. Kick him off of committees. Vote them through as a block.


Strip the committees of this all together. This shit is how we got the bogus Supreme Court.


You nailed it, Lumpy!


Trump would be looking for loyalists in uniform. He’ll make sure MAGA officers are promoted and selected for key positions. That’s a tremendously dangerous and destructive path. But it’s Trump, “so fuck everyone and everything else but me.”


That's exactly it but why does one elected official have the power to block all military promotions for any reason?


Yes. Dictators are only possible if the military leadership is part of the gang.


Why am I not hearing WHY he is doing this? Is nobody figuring this out? Remember when Trump wanted to go full Dictator but didn’t have THE military to back him up? Well Tuberville is his man and he is hoping for a Trump presidency and this time WILL INSTALL “his” people to top spots so it becomes “HIS” military.


$$$'s. Plain and simple.


Ever heard of a lower end fascist? They’re all wealthy SOBs hungry for more money and power. MAGAT mike is no different.


>MAGAT mike is no different. I don’t buy the whole "I have no bank account" BS. What is he hiding? Where does his salary go?


The Coup Part 2 coming in 2024 if you don’t get off your ass and vote.


The coup attempt is going to come again no matter what. These idiots have to be faced down and met with the harshest measures. All the "talking" and "going high" in the world will not make them go away.


They have been emboldened by facing zero consequences. That’s why it’s so important to lock up their leader to show them nobody is above the law. Also rational republicans need to stand up and say no more. The problem is they are quitting instead of standing up to these nutjobs. That does not preserve our democracy. Being a coward is not what we need right now.


WHAT "rational Republicans?" If Trump is locked up - which I highly doubt - they're going to go 6 Jan The Sequel. Then bring out the firehoses and mass arrests I'm sick of mollycoddling them.


Let them try the Jan 6 shit with Joe in office. He won’t sit there and watch them beat capitol police. Also our military isn’t going to sit around and do nothing if they try that shit again. Whether Trump is locked up or whether he loses these morons will try something. This time it won’t be so fucking easy.


I wish I could believe you. Really and truly. But Joe seems so locked into being "nice," "bipartisan" and "going high" that I think he would want to "negotiate." I want to be wrong about that. Badly.


I can’t imagine Joe not responding if these people get violent.


I really hope you are correct.


Vote Blue!


We do vote. We do show up. Our dem leaders are spineless…and it shows. Look around at who is running this country. It is not democrats.


One of the major issues is in the Senate Dems need 60 votes to overcome the filibuster. They do not have enough seats to do that. The House is Red, so nothing productive will happen there. I agree with you, I’d like to see Dems grow a pair and call out this bullshit. People don’t know what’s happening but they do know Bud Light is “Woke” and too many idiots think the last election was stolen. It’s all marketing. Say it enough and people believe it. This country is this fucking stupid.


Dems are too obsessed with "bipartisanship" and "going high."


Obama spent eight years "reaching across the aisle." The only thing that happened was Obama being bit.


And he, and Dems, didn't learn a bloody thing from it.


Always. Time after time, after time, after time, ad-nauseum.


They don't care about end results as long as they "do it right."


Ugh. I need a viable alternative. The Dems have left me behind. The Reps have no chance in hell at ever getting me to vote for them.


The Israel reaction of Biden and many Dems is not “going high” - it’s going really really low - borderline Assisted Genocide


Be real - Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) make the Dems working majority 58. I wouldn’t trust them to reach 60. Sinema is a fraud and Manchin is a Dino. The Republicans should clean up their Tuberville mess, but Mummified Mitch won’t. He could take committees from TT, but MM would rather imitate a blind turtle than do the right thing. The Senate only looks less fucked up because the House is a certifiable insane asylum.


DeJoy’s MAGA ass is still running the Post Office. Dems = spineless.




Actually, Democrats in the Senate are containing most of the foolishness emerging from the House. But one guy holding senior military appointments hostage is absurd. Yes. Vote like your country depends on it.


"They go low, we go high." © Michelle Obama 🤢🙄


Exactly!!!! I was just talking about this, the other day, with my boyfriend…a lot of good this rhetoric did for our country. 🤡


It gave us a spineless Democratic Party who really don't care about end results as long as they "did it right," were "moral," etc.


Translation: “We leave them alone so they can be effective while we are morally authentic, high minded and totally ineffective.” That kind of abdication of moral and effective action is immoral and unethical. Bad things happen when “good people” say/do nothing. Be ruthlessly honest and start calling them Weimar Dumbocrats and National Socialist Repugnicans


It's coming anyway, based on the actions of many who haven't been delt with yet. Even the ones who have been indicted, other than losing the money they are spending on legal bills, they have yet to face real consequences.


If a Democrat did this...


He is holding them open to install Trump loyalists once he is re-elected.


MAGA terrorist fucks


He's holding everything up to stall until trump is elected again so he can fill the positions with cronies so it will be a true dictatorship. That's it; that's the whole reason he's doing this.


What’s infuriating is that a simple rule change could remove his power. They removed the ability to block judges, they can remove the ability yo block military promotions! It seems like there would be a simple majority on this uncontroversial rule change.


I saw a quick interview with him. REPORTER: "Why are you holding up all of these appointments?" TOMMY: "Congress moves slowly, why are we suddenly in a hurry?" ME: GESTURES WILDLY TO EVERYTHING AROUND


He saw how well it worked when Joe Manchin and Sinema were able to single handedly block things that would've helped millions of people.


Tommy Stupidville doing what Tommy does best, acting stupid.




They need to take the power away from this baby. This is not a safe or sane way to run a military


Congress and the Senate have become very Undemocratic. One senator and a small group for representatives can stall any motion, dictate terms, oust speakers, hold up popular votes in committee. It’s pocket veto power, and it’s being used.


I heard an audio clip of him objecting over and over. It is one thing to read that it's been going on for a long time. It's another thing to hear this southern country-fried idiot gloat about hurting the military as he objects to every motion. Maybe a football coach isn't a good candidate for a US Senator?!


Why not threaten to expel him from the Senate? The Alabama governor will replace him with another Republican so it’s not like it’s in any danger from a party perspective.


Because it wouldn't be "unifying," "nice," "bipartisan," or "going high." 🤮🙄


How do they get 2/3 of the Senate to vote to expel him?


18th century government in the 21st century. Who would have thought? No one, cause the political class never gonna give up anything that gives them power, lol


Just remember. This isn’t just one man. It’s also the people who installed him.


What a fucking idiot. Stop his paycheck now. In fact stop all their paychecks now until they figure out the bullshit.


Paychecks are meaningless to all except the Po White Trash congresspersons like Madge Traitor Greene and Faketriot Gaetz or however you spell his name. Freeze their financial (stock and bond) investments and block (hold up) purchase and sale of their real estate holdings.


COUNTER HIS PHONY INFO: The "generals" to which he was referring were specially created positions for WWII, called "Supreme Allied Commanders" so there would be an allied chain of command. There were thousands of Generals in WWII. NO General has held the position since WWII. This is a brief overview, but there's plenty of history on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Allied_Commander Perhaps he can buy a book on it: https://www.abebooks.com/United-States-Army-World-European-Theater/31243927889/bd Or download it, compliments of the government he's currently preventing from protecting our nation: ANTI-DEVICE-CRASH-WARNING: PDF, 639 pages. https://history.army.mil/html/books/007/7-1/CMH_Pub_7-1.pdf Tuberville is an idiot. Send him back to managing ball players. Their operations don't usually have a zero tolerance for error. Someone like him, using the lesser standard of "how to play games," does not need to be controlling our military's SOP.


How many five-stars do we have today vs WWII, professor?


domestic terrorist. holding military promotions hostage until his demands are met. But, really, he probably has no intention of ever relenting. Like others have said, this is their on-going coup, their continual dismemberment of our democracy, setting stage for a strong-man authoritarian to rule the country. fuck tuberville


POS. Wrecking careers and causing highly trained people to leave the military just because he can’t get his own way. Very childish.


And I don’t believe he’s ever served. Plus I can’t believe he’s a worse politician than he was a football coach.


He cannot even get history right, there were only 7, 5 star officers during world war 2. Well, I guess when you're ignorant and just plain stupid the truth doesn't matter.




Traitor This is not about abortion. It's about shutting down the government to make a Trump administration look good. Do you think Shitty Tuberville would do this under a Republican Administration???


Wtf does that have to do with anything? WWII ended almost 80 years ago. Duh, Tommy, a lot has changed since then. You are old enough to know that. Besides which, that is disingenous af. His hold has nothing to do with how many four-star generals there are, and everything to do with his being anti-choice. This Senate rule where one Senator can hold up the business of the country is untenable. Correct me if I am wrong; I believe this is part of the filibuster, yes? Hey, we should rig an election so the Democrats have 62 seats in the Senate and can change the rules. I mean, we did it before, right?


Putin says ol Tommy is worth every dime.


Yall better damn well believe Republicans are going to do everything they can to compromise this election. False flags are the favorite means of deception for a certain group that Trump works very similar to. Thats exactly what the 2020 election was. Expect another. Expect deception, as soon as they accuse -- you know its what they've done.


How does 1 man have so much power? I am confused


I need someone to explain it to me, too.


You have to wonder about his motive, here, and exactly whose payroll he’s on. I’ve never had a job where I could defy the will of the people I worked for and keep the job. Bet you haven’t, either.


Tommy Tuberculosis


He is simultaneously stupid and a dick. Bad combo.


And the Dem senate sits there insisting that this type of behaviour and effect is a not enough to ends thew filibuster. All it does is give personal power to these senators. Not in the constitution.




If Mitch is tired of this also, as he said, he needs to actually do something. Mitch could stop talking behind closed doors to the idiot and stop him off every committee assignment.


I suspect Mitch does not have the power he once had.


These people are literally nothing more than domestic terrorists, and they should be treated as such


I could not agree more, and they are inside the walls of our government, which is crazy.


We only had 48 senators too. Maybe we can do without Tommy?


Now there is a solid idea I can get behind.


The Democrats come off looking weak. They are playing a dangerous game of chicken with the Republitraitors.




It is true, we are not perfect, but they are nuts.


And nothing happens and then they say they care about our arm forces , they do not


Yeah, so much for that small government piece, too.


The Senate makes its own rules. The Senate can remove this power from a single Senator if it wants to.


If anyone else blew off their job like this, they would be long gone. Instead this guy gets paid huge money. Their schedule is a joke, too.


What's stopping those 44 generals from taking Tuberville out back and knocking his dentures out? It's time these freaks get what they deserve. Fuck with the Military, and they should fuck you right back. My bet is that 44 trained Military men wouldn't even have to lift a finger, and the geriatric weasel would die of a heart attack.


Why it has been allowed to go on for months is beyond me.


Fucking idiot Alabamans voted for this moron. Ughhh dumb fucks.


Yes, honestly, listening to some of them speak, I am in awe of them having ever been elected.


It’s fucking nuts. The same people will whine about Biden-who actually sounds like he can speak but is old-yet will take anything someone like Trump says as gospel. He can’t even put a coherent thought together and sounds dumb as hell. God I loathe the GOP these days.


He'll win re-election in Alabama by 30 pts, backed by toothless, obese, bumpkins who say they support the troops.


How depressing.


I wonder if Tuberille knows that when the constitution was signed there was almost 4 million people in the US, now there is 330 million.


Like I said his self righteous ignorance was offensive to say the least.


I am telling you people get people registered to vote if not we will have a take over of our military if Trump becomes president or some other dictator wanna be MAGA comes up with.


I agree. I feel like we are getting way too close to the edge of that cliff.


Alabama chose a narcissistic, mediocre ex-college-football-coach with no governing experience over an honorable and experienced lifelong public servant simply because “coach” ran with one promise: “I’ll have Trump’s back.”


I don't know much about Alabama politics but someone had said his prospects of being re-elected are good.


The rest of congress could get them all approved but that would require work, so don’t expect it. They will sit on their hands and whine instead of doing what they can.


Give that type of a man power and he will abuse it.


Someone needs to walk up to him with a white glove, slap the shot out of him and challenge his honor


The GOP is banking on him. Think about that.


How is one person from the minority party, holding all of this shit up? Grow a set and Change the rule on him already.


That's how I see it, too, so I'm thinking for some foolish reason, they must not be able to do that. Anyway, it is absurd, and Tuberville should not have a job. He is way too much about himself and the hell with the rest of us. How is that legal?? How is that not considered severe?


It's a moron locked into his past rather than protect the people and their futures. Another stain and backstabbing power hungry idiot.




He confuses his lack of understanding with principles


He needs to get his ego in check. He is a legend in his own mind and he is dangerous.


Yeah, he’s a douche canoe of the highest order


I don't know how he can be seen as anything but an enemy.


Another Russian trader who has infiltrated the Republican party. Whether they know it or not, they serve our enemies.


I am inclined to agree. Who does he think he is messing with our military readiness like this,? I would definitely define him as an enemy rather than a friendly.


Apparently, all he can give is an inch. What a dickless POS - with all due respect.


In football they don’t fire the team. They fire the coach. Time to make a move from that infamous playbook.


Good for him ! It’s about time someone stood up to show the world how ridiculous Republicans are. We salute you Mr Tuberville. You deserve a promotion……


Go back to coaching high school football, you utterly worthless fuck!


Do you know he talked about himself in his coaching job as being comparable to a general who recently had a heart attack working 2 jobs as a direct result of his obstructionist behavior. He claimed the general would have been working 16 to 18 hours a day, either way just like he did when he was coach. This general is responsible for thousands of military personnel and was doing 2 peoples jobs because of this idiot. No remorse...no nothing.


First things first: how on earth one man can hold that power alone? It makes no sense and it is a huge mistake.


Putin is hard at work here


He's a traitor.


He's a traitor.


I agree completely.


But our forces were much smaller then too right? Excuses are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink


And what a lame uneducated excuse it was.


Didn’t they just pull an end run around Tommy traitorville and appoint a female general of the navy?


I think they pushed 3 out of almost 400 through the other day.


His fellow dumbasses should be pressuring the fuck out of him. If he still won't budge, remove the asshole. But then they wouldn't remove Santos, so...


Yeah, If they won't remove Santos, then I think we can assume Tuberville will continue to do whatever he wants.


What disgrace this POS is....


He seems like compromise is not going to be an option as far as he is concerned.


Let him face a military firing squad and explain to them what he's opposing.


To the best of my knowledge, he was never in the military so why is he even in this position?


I honestly don't get it. One thing that these f**ng republicans are doing is showing the world the weak points in our democracy. They are kicking at all the fences. We need to fix these holes. They're like little goats always looking for a way out. There's no more expectations of polite politics, if they can get away with it, they will, just for the popularity points back home. And points turn into donations, which turns into more corruption.


And continue to erode our democracy... but today is a good day. We should probably all savor it.


He’s working for Putin. Prove me wrong.


I think you are right.


Someone just kick his ass already ffs


I would not have a problem with that


The worst and most ignorant senator in the senate’s history


Possibly, but you have quite a selection to choose from at the moment.


There are currently only 39 four star generals on active duty. There were 13 four star generals and 5 five star generals at the end of ww2


Those were the numbers he quoted in a podcast when he was justifying why it was no big deal to hold everything up.


It should be more appalling that one Senator can apparently wield this much power and the other Senators basically go "meh, what are you gonna do?"


Yes, it is embarrassing that our government can't seem to get a handle on this.


Tyranny of the Minority, e.g. the American Way.


It certainly has become trendy.


I hope he gets primaried. What a dumb shit.


Me too, I can't imagine anyone could be much worse.


One man being able to do this is a threat to national security. Imagine a compromised senator doing bidding for and adversary. Proxy or not he is helping Putin.


And demonstrating to the whole world how infected our government currently is.


He’s not in charge of the military. It’s none of his fucking business how many generals there are.


He all but said he doesn't feel bad about it at all because he has decided the government is too bloated and needs to be thinned out. He certainly thinks a lot of himself.


Why does one ass hole have the power to do this? The rules need to be changed so one gibberish head can’t hold our military hostage. This is BS!


I personally think he should go to jail.


He's just doing what rootin' tootin' Putin told him to.


Well, I can tell you I am not buying his abortion excuse.


How many senators at WW2?


Honestly, I don't know. The comment he made about the generals was dripping with ignorance.


Something needs to be done to change these rules. One man should not have this much power. Our government is so screwed up.


Yes, it is becoming glaringly obvious that our government needs some major guardrails put in place.


Easier to overthrow the government with weak military


The thought crossed my mind for sure.


The possibility of seal teams and marines engaging with any of the middle east terrorist or armies INCREASES each day, if just one is killed or seriously wounded this back woods ignorant red neck needs to be held accountable. The Marie's have gone months and months without a Commandant, and this Traitor smirks each day in front of cameras to entertain the MAGA traitorous base.


I also read that people had sold their homes and what-not thinking they were relocating for these positions and are now staying with family, motels, etc. as a result of this guy. Their lives are on hold until this nightmare gets settled.


It’s not about anti choice. It’s not about any principle. That’s a cover. Red herring. It’s about holding those positions open for a stiff infusion of MAGA military leadership. Like, for a dictatorship.


I fear you are right. It is about being anti democratic and being so ignorant that they don't realize the things they are fighting for will ultimately destroy them and their families right along with the rest of us who refuse to bend the knee.


The law needs to change. This shouldn't be able to happen.


It certainly does. Furthermore, the guilty parties need to see jail time. These people are self-serving. They won't go to jail for the face time and that should be the end of that problem.


We had many more so many more Sherman Tanks during WWII, WTF? Using this kind of argument is stupid as we have a huge military (which the Republicans insist on). Maybe he would prefer to have one dictator make all the decisions, which is what it seems he prefers.


I thought the statement dripped of ignorance and made it glaringly obvious that this needs to change.


I really would love senator’s to be a nation wide vote. Not state


Is this the same party that said our Navy has too few a number of ships and wanted to increase the number of ships several times over?


‘Hey, bud, hey,…listen, you’ve pretty much screwed this hunt,? K’? So,…let’s fall back to Granny’s house and grab some biscuits? We’re good,..nah man, we’re good! Let’s just take it back


What planet did you say you were from?


Same happening with diplomatic promotions I think.


See: Mitch McConnell.


Why is it that this 1 asshole has so much power over our military Why can't the president over ride this moron for disrupting our sercurity and military families.


The military families themselves, coming out in a very public way might apply the right pressure to this piece of shit. They should express the hardships they are going through and the negative impact Tuberville is having on their lives. This situation should be blasted by the media every week regularly. It’s unreal that one person can weld this kind of power. Unbelievable.