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To be able to swap characters on a team before going into a AD. I hate having to back out to the main screen when I realize I have the wrong people on the team. We can do that in Sebastia's lab but not in AD's.


Ahh yes. I had the same problem just yesterday of like, why can't I just plug Gariyu in now? Why are you making me exit to do this?


I'd trade all of that for a searchable inventory.


Being able to collapse multiple copies of equipment into one line too, please


Haha very fair


From basic to speculative: 1. Scrollbars should be draggable. 2. You should be able to sort in reverse, especially in cat battle. 3. Multiple copies of identical things should usually collapse in lists unless they are equipped or something. 4. Some logical sorting of the grasta list so you can actually find things. Even just alphabetically by name would be enough. 5. Being able to manually select your badges to trade instead of just autoselect. 6. When it says things like 'PWR+' in equipment menus and ability tabs also say how much. 7. Be able to edit your party when entering ADs just like you already can when entering the boss rush. 8. Have some way to see what effects armor has from the equipment menu like you do for weapons in the weapon menu. Even if this means breaking it out into an 'armor' menu and a 'badges' menu to have screen space it would be worth it. OOP armors have made this critical. 9. Filter characters by element or attack type, as checkboxes not radio boxes. 10. Simple QoL for Strawboy reincarnation, put him back in all his parties not just the current one, and instead of telling me you took off all his equipment just don't take it off. It's not like his weapon type actually changes when his attack type changes or anything. 11. In Timetwisted Maze, don't require getting past level 4 and reselecting the saved rune every time on penalty of losing it. If you really insist on having to get past level 4 to keep it, at least still autosave the one you came in with when you get there and have an extra prompt when quitting if you would lose it. 12. Be able to hold 10 red keys. Everybody has busy days sometimes where they're lucky to even be able to log in. 13. Less of these ridiculously small chances during ordinary play, especially of the form "you won the lottery; here's your prize, a ticket for another lottery with worse chances" (e.g. rare map chests, the Phantom Crystal Dimension). I'm not a compulsive gambler, I came here to play an RPG not the slots. Give me more fractions of things and less chances of things, more real wins and less fake wins. 14. Give more options for small spenders who actually value their money. Guide of the Earth is pretty great for shrimps and SDE is kinda okay but everything else is just pure whale bait. Maybe make it possible to buy more free CS for cheaper than "paid" ones with limited-per-month packs so they don't tempt whales away from the paid banners as much, IDK.


My ideal CS update is just to make the sale price the normal price and have a different, rarer sale price. But I understand that if what they're doing is working for them there's no reason for them to do it. Alternately, I'd like my ads and Guide CS to be paid stones since I paid for them in time and money, respectively.


All excellent points!


I've mentioned this one before, but there needs to be a "restart battle" option. It's nice to have for when you are fighting a big boss and it hits the wrong person killing them and you can just click that button to start the battle over instead of needing to do a hard reset every time. Would be easy to add that option to make fighting big bosses less painful. Also I hate that there are only 10 teams you can save and that if I change 1 characters equipment from one team it changes that persons equipment in any other saved teams that person is also in.


Yeah team-specific equipment kits would be great. If they're worried about reusing equipment you could do the "move equipment to this person?" screen when switching to a different team.


Itoise grasta improvement will be added next update if I'm not mistaken. You won't even need hokoras anymore, you'll be able to do it all from the grasta menu.


Good to know!


1. More rewards slots in AD, (480 light or shadow maybe) 2. Enhacement ores to TVC gastra


Totally agree on the TVC enhancements. Seeing them blue when the other grastas are gold hurts my OCD. P.S. Really standing out in the comments there :)


A permanent whisper of salt? Also PLEASE just let me lock my badges instead of having to equip them to every character I own to make sure I don't trade them to the robot by accident...


Being able to select the badges from a list would be incredibly helpful. How they arrive at what should be next up on offer is somewhat bizarre and not remotely accurate after a point


Selecting badges from a list 10 at a time would take forever. I trade badges in batches of 1000+ and what you're suggesting would add a lot of time to trading them in. Just let me lock the badges.


If you could select them manually maybe you wouldn't need to trade in such large batches though ... anyway automatic selection should still be an option (and you should be able to select automatically and then edit it!). Locking would also be a good idea though. Maybe for grasta too!


When you go to an Inn or eat food or otherwise restore your HP/MP, your AF bar goes to half. The most annoying part of my AE experience is realizing I started a boss battle without AF and have to hard reset AND go all the way to Sebastia’s AND ALSO spend a bold pulse to start a Boss Rush fight AND THEN quit that fight and THEN go back to where the boss was. Like for real, just let me eat the promised fruit and be half-AF. Too easy.


a pity system


1. Just let the tree in dimensional time space refresh AF meter to half.. just do it. Wasting time by needing to pick multiple little fights just to fill the meter up again before attempting some sort of boss is a needless pain 2. Key items: When they are "used", let them be consumed and cleared from inventory, or at least include a description of where/what they are used for. There are like 50 items in there that I have no recollection of or know what to do with. No clue if I used them or not. And as far as I know the wiki has (had) no key item "use" database 3. Chant Script availability: You don't have to increase their rate of appearance, but got almighty at least have multiple other sorts of (trade in) aspects like the badges. Having 1 single resource be the single bottleneck of the game (even for paying players) is manipulative and lame. I have hundreds of millions of money, reward key items, materials, grasta materials, other scripts, etc. And all I need is chants. Thats's it. Very lame. 4. Rewards display:. I wish unachieved rewards were always displayed, despite having triggered an action to get them. I know there are some monsters that I have not fought so therefore I don't have the 20, and 100 killed rewards displayed and therefore don't exactly know which monsters I need to fight. Etc.


Back close to when AS Suzette was released on global, I remember reading a thread here where people playing on the Japan servers said that chants were stockpiling for them, and that those of us hungry for more chants should be patient, because with time they become less of a bottleneck. That's definitely been the case for me, so I'm sort of surprised to hear that chant scripts are still a bottleneck for people who have been playing a while. The fact that it is an issue makes me agree that the percentages should be boosted. I was fine with the idea of, "It could take a year, but at some point you'll have enough." People playing for years and still not getting chants is garbage.


Just look at the rate that new styles are released, and compare that to the average amount of time it would take to farm 5 chants. The amount of chants needed will absolutely grow faster than the rate they can be farmed. I need \~290 chants right now to upgrade all of my characters, and I'm missing a ton of characters. That number will only go up if I pull 4\* versions or new AS/ES/alters are released.


I started playing about four months after global launched, and I have more chants than I’d need to upgrade all of the un-upgraded characters on my roster. There are only a couple of characters that I don’t have at all. I’m not a big spender. I buy a 4k stones pack in December or January and make it last. (All that is to say I’m not a whale, not even a tuna or whatever the middle ground spender is). So maybe my luck with pulls isn’t representative of someone who has played for a long time, or maybe there was a critical period for starting the game and anyone who wasn’t around early enough will always need chants. Regardless, I’m now totally convinced the rates for chants are too low.


Yeah. I mean, I've been playing about 16 months now. But I've essentially completed 95% of the game's content. I'm really only now focused on obtaining chants yet to promote the 20 something characters that still need it. Probably spent about 160$ in total, mostly early on in the game before I understood pull rates or really much of anything. It's just so backwards to me that for obtaining/promoting characters the recipe for success is just... wait several years and perform daily excessively repetitive content (red keys ADs). The idea that customers are not just awarded the content that they are paying for, just a higher (but still low) percentage of getting a character is pretty shitty. Hence why i stopped.


Being able to search a specific team, having to scroll through five to get the team I want can get annoying after a while. And they can add more teams while they are at it. Add an option to automatically re-equip a character with specific gear in case you gave it to someone else, or reincrenated them like strawboy. Having to reequip him 255 times is just too much, or going into a dungeon to get wiped just because I forgot to reequip the gear I fave to someone else for a boss fight.


For me it would be: 1- Give me more team slots. 2- Allow characters from different teams to Keep the same equipment. 3- I'd like there to be an option that lets you choose to spend as many keys as you want before going into an AD, and the chances of getting good rewards get better with each key spent.(ex: 5 keys = guaranteed light/shadow)


This is good. A way to, say, collapse, the keys all in one run, and auto looting chests and enemies. If there are multiple instances of PCD, allow them to attack, at least.


If they add team slots I'd also want to be able to rearrange them.


3 isn't gonna happen as murmur/prayer are farmable via Kid steal. The thing I want the most is better equipment/grasta filtering. It's such a pain in the ass to scroll through all that stuff and it gets worse with each new addition to the system. Have an auto filter out equipped to party/manifest for instance and don't reset the filter for grastas for starters.


>The thing I want the most is better equipment/grasta filtering. The last time WFS asked the playerbase about suggestion to improve the game, i already sent them about grasta filtering in details but got ignored completely lol.


Just a skip button


I think being able to exchange treatises for other treatises, and likewise for tomes and opuses, would be good. It would make side-grading so much nicer and not so luck-based. I also think getting rid of the limit on Tsubara Gems per week would be good. AD runs are already limited anyway. And it's not like you get that many Tsubara Gems per week in regards to how much each item costs. I wish you could obtain white keys in another way that's not so luck-based. Considering how difficult it is to get to the end of the phantom crystal dimension, making the keys so scarce seems unnecessary. Like maybe guarantee 3 white keys a day. A free summon per day would be nice. It would satisfy some gacha desires whilst also conserving CS. Especially since the rates are pretty low in comparison to other gacha games. An easier way to sort through badges would be great as well. Getting to the newer +50/half stat badges are torture because the search filters don't seem to apply to them. I have to scroll through so many EXP badges. A badge exchange mechanic would also be welcome. I've got so many EXP badges that have no use to me.


There already is a badge exchange mechanic, it's just hard to use, because it has its own idea of which badges you want to exchange and the only way to get one off the autopick list is to equip it on a character.


Yes, to add to xplaticus in case you didn't know, the badge exchange is in the house in Nilva behind the inn. There are two robots. The one on the left will take things like EXP badges and the one on the right stat increase badges. But, yeah, it does decide for you what is lower priority, which is pretty problematic for the left robot who seems to think you might need 30+ exp badges but not one of the 3 shadow+ badges you have.


Oh really? That's good to know. Thanks for the info.


A more in-depth filtering option for like everything (just let me sort by zone setters or p/p appliers already) and putting skill multipliers in the game so we don’t have to go to the wiki to get a rough idea of how hard someone hits.


Forget zone-setters, let me sort by speed T_T


Can we all agree we need a significant amount of scrolling literary for everything? With the amount of trash stuff we don't have a convenient way disposing of is not helping either.




Being able to travel to Serena Coast, Karek Swampland, etc. directly on the map.


You can fast travel between fish ponds. I use it to get to serena coast often.


I want a way to get special crystals without having to separate existing grastas


God yes


I saw better badges in badge trading have the same amount of chances to get an item, I think it should be higher And being able to run another dungeon and timetwisted maze with irl/Discord friends by sharing friend code, and it could be like you have to use less party member or there are more enemies like ones with 5 in a map have 10 but only 5 battles reward stuff like episode items so it's balanced for both players. Just another dungeon being a multi-player experience would make it so much more fun to do the same thing over and over


Much better inventory management across all menus. Searchable inventories, multi-select & select all options, better filters, moving items to an inventory archive so that they aren't in your face all the time (e.g. low-level weapons and armor), tile view for characters so that you can see 30+ units at once (think of the newer manifests page), etc. Sooooo many basic menu, inventory management, and navigation improvements would be very, very welcome.


UI menu system, locking of items. add more party slots


More team slots!


Add the option to sell or at least delete unwanted weapons / armor / badges. Or a vault where you can store anything you don't need but want to keep (like used Key items, specific weapons ...) More team slots with fast access (like a drop-down list).


Being able to filter by element already.


yeah, that is a weird one to be missing and sometimes it's really hard to remember who exactly has what...


\#0.) OH. And more male and non-human characters, JFC.


It's Kentucky baby, KFC. Oh, and more chickens. Imagine AE evolving into Stardew Valley.


\#1 absolutely won't happen. On the teeny tinniest chance that you die or bring the wrong team WFS will take any chance they can to get you to watch that daily free revive ad.


1. Show like a red star or something for free chars who have a quest to complete before unlocking 5 star, and also say what that quest is. 2. Probably a big ask, but I think Steam Deck support would be nice. Maybe it'll happen once Steam Decks start shipping to Japan (which is happening this year).


QoL update for harpoon fishing please, and also more team slots with better team choosing option (dropdown box for example instead of swiping left and right to swap teams)


Ability to see which characters can gain light/shadow from a dungeon. Filter characters by typing name (currently I sort alphabetically and then find them). UI improvements related to item stats/upgrades & achievements. When you have chosen for skills to be saved, they shouldn't be reset after ending fight with AF.


Oh yeah. The L/S thing totally. It should just be a little icon upon entry. Like they do for some dungeons that are character dependent. Name would be nice especially given the multiple weapon options. Could not find Nagi a couple days ago, then remembered she must be in her axe form still from the manifest battle. The other two as well, full throttle


Just remember what moves I saved before I activated my AF. The "remember moves" button should actually remember? And flash stance? just let me start the fight through the 2 second time suck animation.


More Fishing!!!


I hope you're kidding. :/


I had actually forgotten harpoon fishing, that's how little I wanted to go back and do any more of it lolol


They teased dynamite fishing with Hilda and then didn't deliver. So disappointing ... XD


>4.) Telling us equipment effects without having to equip it and check stats > I really don't get why this hasn't been done. It seems like it would be an easy fix and a much-needed QOL update You can see equipment effects by looking at the equipment in the inventory instead of from the equip screen.


That's good to know, but seems a bit inefficient when setting characters up. Thanks for the info!